Category Archives: Self-Development

Farm Business Can Give You a Safer Entry into Retirement (Part 1 of 2)

It’s a fact of life. One day you’ll retire from paid employment. Do you have a plan laid out for what you’ll do post-retirement? This article discusses one proven vocation you can adopt, even before that day arrives, to ease yourself into safe retirement.

Some Career Persons Try to Wish Retirement Day Away, By Refusing to Think About It

A big mistake. That attitude sets some of them up for the shock of being asked to leave – before they are due to retire.

We’ve all heard the stories before. Sometimes it happens due to misconduct. At other times the company may wish to restructure manpower, and decide to pay off people in certain roles or positions.

It’s happened to many people in the past.

The funny thing about humans is how we always think it won’t or can’t happen to us…until it does!

By then, the individual arrives in the real world (that’s what the environment outside paid employment is, by the way).

S/he will often be scared and confused about what to do, with the bulk benefits and “pension” paid to him/her.

In that state of mind, many become willing prey for scam artists who come to them with half-baked proposals.

If They’d Put a Plan In Motion Before Leaving Paid Employment, Things Would Have Been Different

And that’s the truth.

When you don’t have a clear cut picture in you remind about what you will do, and how, things can get quite difficult.

I’ve noticed that people who have never been outside paid employment, often don’t understand the importance of doing the above.

I say this from personal experience. I’ve been in and out of paid employment. And I’ve interacted with others who’ve done the same – both while I was in, and after |I go out.

One massive insight I’ve gained is as follows…

The comfort and security of being in a good job, that literally takes care of all your needs, can be VERY, VERY intoxicating.

Especially when you’re a big man or woman, with official driver and living quarters, club subscriptions. And even special provisions for medical and educational needs for you and your family members!

Ah, the good life…each time the salary drops into your account, you know what you aim to do with it, and you go right ahead and do it :-)

But rarely is what many do with it, related to preparations for the day AFTER their salary will stop dropping that way.

Yet that day’s arrival is inevitable.

Sadly, many wait for it to come, and only after it has, do they start thinking of what they want to do next.

A few are lucky to embark on ventures/vocations that turn out okay.

But I have seen many who paid the price for leaving it too late. They basically lacked the real world relevant wisdom, exposure and awareness, to navigate the “minefields” buried in business idea “proposals” made to them.

As a result, they got duped – sometimes by close relatives too!

Adopting a Farm Business Can Give You a Safer, and Profitable, Entry into Retirement

It’s possible – even likely – you did not study agriculture. In other words, I’m saying this is not about what you studied.

Come to think of it, I believe over 80% of the farm business related clients I have, do not have any formal training in farming or agriculture.

The most recent one, for whom I developed a custom Poultry Layer Farm Management software, studied Business Administration. And he worked in the civil service for over 3 decades, on a job that – at a point in his career – led to his travelling all over the world.

Instead, this is about choosing to run a business based on what you have a passion for. And that’s where what I propose in this article requires you to stop and think for a moment.

If you do not (or cannot learn to) enjoy running farm business – especially a livestock-based one – the ideas I offer here may not be for you.

But if you can do that, then what I’m saying is start – today – making enquiries about what it would take to start a farm business of your own.

Do NOT WAIT. You may not have as much time as you think you do!

Aim to start using your current reliable salaried income, to carefully acquire everything necessary to start a farm business venture you will carefully choose.

Some questions for you to consider include…

1. Where would you like it to be located?

This should ideally be where you wish to retire once you leave paid employment.

As much as possible, you want to live physically close to the farm – to ensure easy access and monitoring.

2. How much would it cost to acquire land there?

…and if you already have land…

3. What kind of farm businesses would you like to run on it?

Think of which one you can start with, at the lowest possible cost. And which can yield the best possible returns in the shortest possible time.

Here’s Why I Suggest You Start SMALL, While You’re Still In Paid Employment:

…part 2 of 2 of this article (Farm Business Can Give You a Safer Entry into Retirement) was published on this blog tomorrow (10th October 2013) by 09:00.

Four (4) Qualities That Can Make You Successful

Success always happens in phases for every person. Few people just zoom up to success over night. And it’s always a unique personal journey for each one of us. So don’t look at the other person and imagine succeeding at his/her level. Focus on starting where YOU are, with what you have, and inch upwards at your own pace. The four(4) attributes discussed below, if you have them, can make you succeed – regardless of adversity you encounter.

1. You Know Where You’re Going

Anyone who knows what s/he wants to achieve in life is better positioned to achieve it. Without knowing your destination, how will you know what to do, where to turn, or who to ask, in order to get there?

Do you know your goal in life? Have you done some deep and hard soul searching to identify what your life purpose should be – or IS? If no, start working on it today.

I have written in the past on the importance of having a “Magnificent Obsession”. It’s another way of describing “Life Purpose”. To become successful, you’ll need to decide what yours is.

Read this article to learn more about how to find your own Magnificent Obsession.

2. You Understand You May Not Get There Quickly – and are Ready to Keep Going as Long as Needed

I continue to refer to the “quickie” or “fast-food” mentality that’s killing society today. We’ve been sold on the need to get everything instantly, and even without effort.

Well, truly successful people will tell you nothing that lasts comes that easily or quickly. You’ll often have to make a major investment of effort and time, to achieve anything worthwhile in life.

This understanding will help you deal with inevitable delays, disappointments, setbacks or any other forms of adversity you encounter. And if you do not cut corners you’re bound to run into them.

Read this article to learn how to defeat any form of adversity, using “omnipotent” persistence!

3. You Know When to Say No…and How

People who succeed always know they need to maintain a focus on their priorities. And they also understand that such focus may sometimes have to be the ruthless kind.

Want to pass an important exam, while working a 9 to 5 job?

Then it’s likely you’ll need to cut down the number of hours you spend, after work, with your buddies at the club. Your “partner” may even need to give you more space/time to yourself at weekends.

If people close to you fail to honour your need to prioritize your use of time, you will have to take some hard decisions.

Fail to do that, and you effectively plan to fail. And you – not them – will be to blame.

The above applies to any one at any age or position in life. Be you a business owner, corporate executive/employee/career person, or student.

One Tip on How to Say NO:

What if loved ones ask you to come out to party and you’re yet to finish that client’s design, with the deadline around the corner?

Tell them NO, nicely, and with a smile on your face, or in your voice.

Explain why as pleasantly as you can.

If they keep insisting, and won’t let up, do what I do: tell them you’re on your way, and then move your work to a place you know they’ll never find you. Then focus and get your work done!

If/when you later run into them, simply apologize and tell them you could not make it.

If they love you, they won’t make a big deal of it. If they do, you may have to accept that you need to avoid them to get your work done. If not, you may find it hard achieving your magnificent obsession.

4. You Are Firm In Your Conviction that You Will Achieve Your Magnificent Obsession

If you correctly follow the guidelines to discovering your magnificent obsession, what you settle on is very likely to be your true calling.

You’ll know, because a quiet confidence will come over you: an “absolute and unquestioning faith” that you can achieve it.

And that will happen, because discovery of your calling involves connecting successfully with YOUR creator. In other words there is a spiritual dimension to the above process.

But I’m not talking religion here. Spirituality differs greatly from religion.

You see, every human being is born “spiritual”. And with proper nurturing of our spirituality, each one of us can successfully connect with his/her creator, to find his/her God-given purpose in life.

On the other hand, we learn to be religious from being in society!

Sadly, many do not understand this not-so-subtle distinction.

Yet “getting it” can determine how much authentic success you achieve in life.

Final Words: Develop/Nurture These Attributes, and You’ll Achieve Your True Calling

If you lack any of the four (4) attributes mentioned above, start working to develop them from today, if you desire authentic success.

Why should you believe me?

These insights are based on my personal experiences and achievements, over the past 20 years.

The articles I publish – daily – on this blog offer lots of details about my achievements, as one who has succeeded in various endeavours using mostly self-taught skills.

But you can also read my detailed resume (click here), to get a better feel for where I’ve been, and what I’ve done.

I do what I do, not to attract praise, but to fulfil my true purpose in life.

It took me a while to “get it”, but I now know my calling is to help others make the most of themselves in life. That includes what they do at work, in their private businesses, within their families, and/or their personal lives.

In other words, my role is to be a catalyst for “Performance Improvement” in the lives of others.

Whatever I need to “transform” myself into, to achieve my goals will therefore be done.

That is why I work as a Multipreneur.

I simply cannot help but be one. It enables me to successfully be many – useful – things to different people at the same time. That way, I can go on without putting some groups that need my help, on a permanent “waiting list”.

I can effectively kill many birds, with one stone, by serving a large number of people in my different target audiences, simultaneously.

For example: Providing freelance writing (and Web Marketing Systems) for website owners; custom Excel-VB driven software for farm and non-farm businesses; learning events for career persons, entrepreneurs and organisations, and also information products on self-development, farm business, and other topics.

Right from my school days, through my time in paid employment, and up till today as an entrepreneur. I’ve always been a high flying, thought leading, positive change agent in many different areas of endeavour.

What I’ve said about myself, is not bragging. It is simply a statement of fact, that many others have acknowledged over the years.

Some have told me they cannot understand how I do many different things – ALL at the same time.

I’ve told them theirs (indeed yours!) is not to worry about how many things I do.

Especially since I always deliver (and often exceed) my clients’ requested standards and expectations!

Instead, simply take that which you think can HELP YOU, from all of what I offer.

Then go out and use it to become the best you can be.

Start with this article…and begin succeeding in phases, till you fulfil your true calling :-)

No. 110: Why You Need to Think With Your Whole Body (and How)!

What if you had something that could help you “sense” potential problems in relationships with new acquaintances, as well as established contacts? What if it could also give you useful hints towards achieving your valued goals?

AND, what if I told you that YOU ALREADY have IT in you?


Click now to view the latest issue of Tayo Solagbade's Public Speaking IDEAS page

View Tayos video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsConnect with Tayo on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google Plus

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Publication: Tayo Solagbade’s Weekly Public Speaking IDEAS Page (PSIP) Newsletter

Date: Monday 7th October 2013


Title: Why You Need to Think With Your Whole Body(and How)!

Author & Publisher: Tayo K. Solagbade [Tel: +234-803-302-1263 (in Nigeria) or +229-66-122-136 (in Benin Republic) ]

Blog URL:

Archive (For E-mail only version started 14th May 2012): Click here to view

Archive (For Blog version started 24th September 2011): Click here


Please find below the latest issue of my Speaking IDEAS newsletter.

On Being a Master (PDF)...A Gift from Burt Dubin - Click now!


No. 110: Why You Need to Think With Your Whole Body (and How)!

**** **********

NB: If you ever find yourself wondering what else I’ve written, some days after you’ve read THIS Speaking Ideas newsletter I send out on a Monday, here’s what you can do to find out: Point your browser to to read at least ONE new post added to my SD Nuggets blog on a different category from Tuesday till Saturday (sometimes even Sundays) in line with this publishing schedule :-)


What if you had something that could help you “sense” potential problems in relationships with new acquaintances, as well as established contacts? What if it could also give you useful hints towards achieving your valued goals?

AND, what if I told you that YOU ALREADY have IT in you?

I Ignored It for Almost 2 Years, & Paid a Painful Price

Most times that I’ve listened to, and/or acted on it, I’ve ended up much better off.

That’s why I always pay serious attention to it.

Whenever I’ve failed to do that, I’ve often experienced some stagnation – or even setbacks.

Example 1:

When I’m with people – new acquaintances or otherwise – it often subtly alerts me to insincerity, and even malice, that may be directed at me.

The uninitiated, who relate with me, may not know it.

But EVERYTHING that ANYONE says, thinks, feels or does (including writing) in relating with me, (most times) gets passed through that “filter” to get to me.

Many times that “feeling” (which actually permeates my entire being!) guides me to know what to believe, who to trust, when to say YES or NO etc.

And that has worked wonders for me in life.

Indeed, I continually succeed today, despite countless setbacks (and periodic attempts by detractors to pull me down over the past 10 years), because of it!

Example 2:

For almost 2 years – up till February 2013 – it kept telling me to relocate from Nigeria, to Benin Republic.

I kept “getting that feeling”, and yet I kept refusing to yield to it.

Guess what?

That roughly 20 month period was one of the most frustrating I ever had.

It was not that I did not do good work. But many things just never went right – often with the clients.

Over time, I began to avoid taking on new offline clients, and began focusing on online delivery of freelance writing and Excel-VB software development services, as well as products (e.g my books, and software).

But erratic power supply in Nigeria made working that way a punishing experience. It was so hard to carry on!

All this while, the subtle “hints” never stopped. It kept quietly telling me. At a point, I realized I had to “listen”, and do what “it” was telling me to do.

I eventually moved here in Benin Republic on 1st April 2013.

The first 3 months were tough.

My self-belief was pit to the test many times. But I held out, and eventually broke through.

Today, about 6 months on, the results I’m getting are much better than anything I got in the over 10 years I spent working from Nigeria.

That’s no exaggeration.

I enjoy much higher productivity. And I undergo less stress/strain. Mainly because I get more done with less effort, at less cost, in an environment devoid of perpetual annoyances!

And it’s mainly because I listened – and continue to listen – to IT.

What Is This “Thing” That’s Been Telling Me “Things”?

It’s called “Intuition”.

It can also be referred to as the “Sixth sense”.

I’d been haphazardly following its guidance for over 2 decades, without knowing it was often why I periodically excelled.

Then I began reading books that explained how making more conscious use of it facilitates better pursuit of one’s goals.

And I began doing it more deliberately.

Here’s a warning for those with “fast-food” mental attitudes:

This does not work instant wonders.

One must do it with persistence and diligence, over time to get the results.

There is a learning process.

So keep that in mind, and don’t expect overnight miracles.

To Use Your Intuition, You Must “Think With Your Whole Body”

Renowned mentor of some of the world’s highest paid International Speakers, Burt Dubin – in a Speaker Match Radio show with Brian Kaplovitch – once spoke in elaborate detail about how to use your intuition.

NB: I represent Burt Dubin as sole agent across the African continent, for sales of his speaker mentoring products and services.

That show’s edition was titled “Conquer Your Demons (What They Don’t Teach You At Speaking Business School)”.

Below is a verbatim transcript I made, of excerpts from the audio recording.

Read it, and apply the wisdom Burt shares in there.

NB: If you do so, YOU will NEVER be the same again. If the foregoing makes me sound like a preacher, take it as a sign that you should BELIEVE me :-)

====Start of Text Transcript of Burt Dubin’s Speaker Match Radio Message=====

“What most of us do not know is that your body – this is every person – not just you, everyone.

Everyone’s body is a sensitive receiver. Did you ever deal with someone and then say to yourself, “Oh that guy’s a pain in the butt”? Or a pain in the neck?

Your body is telling you there’s something wrong…what’s wrong with this picture?

Albert Einstein, the great Einstein said (when asked about the source of his cognitive skill), he said: “Well most people just think with their brain. I think with my whole body. I think with my whole body. “

I have learned that…now this is me speaking not Einstein, though I have his picture in my office, my grandmother gave me, an etching of Albert Einstein that she got way back…waaay way back 1932 when he spoke for her at Dorso Jephard (?) in Philadelphia.

That’s another great story, but we’ll set that one aside.

He said I think with my whole body.

Let me tell you what Emerson said. Ralph Waldo Emerson.

He said “What lies before you, and what lies behind you, are as nothing compared with what lies within you.”

Emerson was a brilliant, brilliant man.

And Dr Willis Harman, now alive and then the president of the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology, way way back before I was a member of NSA, I was a member of the Association for Transpersonal Psychology.

And I’d listen to him say these words, oh my lord late ’70’s – 1979 or 80 perhaps, into 82 to 83 and ah. And he gave a whole program on intuition.

And he said “Listen to no other voice”.

Now for whatever it may be worth, throughout my speaking career, as well as before my speaking career, this has been what guided every decision that I made.

Listening to my inner voice.

When 18 years ago Brian,  almost 19 years ago now, I was then a very successful speaker doing oh maybe 75 gigs a year for 3,500 to 5 o 6 sometimes 8.

And I got this intuition, saying I should no longer be doing this. I should abandon my speaking career and become a mentor for speakers. That was back in 1989…89!

I listened to the inner voice, I became a mentor for speakers and I may well be the best one in the world.

I’m not burdened with modesty. You know what Napoleon said? He said:

 “Modesty is for people who have something to be modest about.”

So listen to your inner voice, and I’m saying this to everyone on the call.

Listen to your inner voice. Do what your inner voice tells you to do regarding your career, regarding your life, regarding your topic, regarding your market, regarding the speaking practice that you involve yourself in – all of that.

Listen to your inner voice – you will not be wrong.

====End of Text Transcript of Burt Dubin’s Speaker Match Radio Message=====

Related Reading: 3 Past Write-ups On Intuition…Sixth Sense…etc

I’ve written in the past on the above theme. Three of them appear below.

Interestingly, the second article listed, was written following a request by someone who read the first one on Facebook, and took part in the discussion that followed.

1. How to Establish Truth, and Experience Less Doubt

2. Sometimes You Need to Act Without Your Intuition (6 Tips)

3. To Succeed You Need Your Sixth Sense to Unmask Insincerity

You may wish to read these 3 pieces, for more insights on how to use your intuition.

Remember though, that no one can realistically aim to achieve perfection at this. But you can – indeed should – become proficient. And that will make you succeed more.

Good luck!

Need More Details of How to Make The Above Ideas Work for YOU?

If you need more specific details of how to make use of the ideas I’ve shared in this newsletter, send me a message using this request form – with “Re: No. 110: Why You Need to Think With Your Whole Body (and How)!” in the subject line.

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Have a lovely week!

Tayo K. Solagbade*

Self-Development/Performance Improvement Specialist

*Sole Agent For Burt Dubin’s Speaker Mentoring Service In Africa

Mobile: +234-803-302-1263 (in Nigeria) or +229-66-122-136 (in Benin Republic)

Self-Development/Performance Enhancement SpecialistTayo Solagbade – works as a multipreneurial freelance writer providing  zero risk article and report writing support for website owners, while travelling slowly across West Africa as a Location Independent Entrepreneur.

He’s presently based in Benin Republic, where he’s preparing an English-French Language Guide, City Travel Guides, and a Commercial Rabbit Farming Guide.

In a previous life, before leaving to become self-employed, Tayo served for seven years as a high performing manager in Guinness Nigeria. He rose from Shift Brewer, to Training & Technical Development Manager, then later acted in senior management roles as Production Manager and Technical Manager.

When he’s not amazing clients with his superhuman skills (wink), Tayo works as the creative force behind his Self-Development Nuggets™ blog, and Public Speaking IDEAS newsletter (which he publishes to promote Burt Dubin’s Public Speaking Mentoring service to experts working across the African continent).

For a limited time, Tayo is available to speak to your group or organization for a moderate fee. Send e-mail to tayo at tksola dot com. You can also visit to learn more.

Connect with him on Twitter and Facebook.


Have you been undecided about whether or not to become a paid speaker? Or have you been trying to get your speaking career off the ground with little success?

Here’s a tip: Burt Dubin works with people who want to be speakers, and with speakers who want to be masters. Click here to visit his website NOW and submit a contact form message telling him what challenges you’re facing, and how you’d like him to help you. Tell him I sent you, and you’ll get a pleasant surprise offer from him.


What do you think of the above message? Do you have any personal experience to share on this subject? Are there some other points you feel can be added, to help persons looking for answers? Please share your thoughts!

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View Tayos video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsConnect with Tayo on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google Plus

What fears or doubts are keeping you from (a) taking up Burt Dubin’s monthly speaker mentoring, or (b) buying his products?

You can choose to purchase Burt’s mentoring at any of the three (3) levels listed below:

1. Top Shelf [Click here] | 2. Mid Range [Click here] | 3. Budget Delight [Click here]

Burt’s three mentoring packages can be likened to the seating options offered by airlines: Budget Delight (Economy); Mid Range (Business); and Top Shelf (First Class).

At least that’s how I like to think of them!

All three will get you to your desired destination of “speaking success-ville” – so long as you meet the requirements/play your part well (your fare, abide by the set guidelines etc). During the “flight”, the seat you have will determine how much personal service attention and preference the provider will accord you. It’s that simple :-)

So, make your choice:1. Top Shelf [Click here] | 2. Mid Range [Click here] | 3. Budget Delight [Click here]

Send me an e-mail with your questions via tayo at tksola dot com. In the meantime, why not get started by subscribing here to get his 7-Part Course (How To Succeed And Get Paid As A Professional Speaker) .  . . and receive his monthly newsletter (Speaking Biz Strategies Letter) at no cost.

Get mentored by Burt Dubin - coach of some of the world's highest paid public speakers

For over 25 years, Burt Dubin has provided a variety of speaker mentoring products and services to clients worldwide.

Download this flyer as PDF:

Burt Dubin now offers his speaker mentoring service to experts based in Africa. Click now to download this flyer as PDF



10 Year Old Uses Dead Laptop Battery, to Build Home-Made Rechargeable Lamp

This article is a tribute to my kids. Especially my 10 year old boy, who recently championed the use of my “dead” laptop battery to make a rechargeable lamp – which uses NO external power source for charging! This true story proves that coaching others to be super achievers at work , applies just as well, to parenting of our kids at home. Perhaps even more!

Are you a parent? If yes, know that to succeed, you MUST do all in your power, to coach your child to actualize his/her full potential. To do otherwise, would be to fail.

Don’t ask me how I know. I just do. And ever since I began to act in line with that insight, I have known a kind of peace that truly beats the imagination. I often feel so sure about how to parent my kids to achieve self-discovery.

I also intuitively know what to expect. So much so, that I am very rarely surprised by the results I get.

Let me share the following true story, to make this example more real.

My 10 year Old Boy – and his 12 year old brother – are Infected With the “Hands-On” Creativity Bug!

Yesterday, I returned from another trip to Nigeria. This time to install the completed Poultry Farm Manager application I built for a client’s farm in Ekiti state. While there, I trained two farm managers to use it.

On my way back, I spent Independence Day with my family in Lagos.

And what a truly fulfilling experience it turned out to be!

I cannot share everything now, as we’re planning to publish an online video presentation. There will also be a PDF publication, with full details of what they’ve discovered and developed.

But I Will Narrate the Story Below, to Give You an Idea of What These Creative Kids Did

The 10 year old has always been keen on taking things apart, and fiddling with them, to learn how they work. This includes electronic devices of all kinds.

Back when I was a young graduate trainee in Guinness, I used to carry around a fibre glass briefcase. At some point I stopped using it – but each time we moved house, I took it with me.

By the time we moved to Lagos, my 10 year old took it over and began filling it with pieces and parts he picked up from stuff I (or neighbours) threw out. After a while, he began trying to couple things back, after taking them apart. We laughed at him at first. But over time everyone in the house has come to trust his abilities.

Today, he actually does fix things. When the plug for a device fails to work, his mother calls on him. And he confidently takes a look and often gets it working. No exaggeration.

On return from school, he does his assignments, and then turns his full attention to his box of gizmos. This young man will link wires of all kinds together, and begin explaining – to an imaginary audience! – how the linked devices work!!

We Initially Laughed at His efforts – But His Unshakeable Passion Has Made Us “Believers”!

Now he’s buildings things that actually work – mostly by trial and error, with a problem solving focus.

Not long ago, he got broken sections of a rechargeable lamp – the part where the LEDs bulbs are mounted. He then linked AA batteries together in series in a wooden rack,built from pieces of wood.

This was then connected to the terminals of the LEDs from the damaged lamp.

And they came on!

Let me explain why the above was significant, for him, his siblings, and even for us their parents.

You see, our home is in Nigeria – where steady power supply remains a problem.

Hence when it’s dark, it’s either you use a kerosene lantern, candles or a generator, to light up your home. All three options require spending money. No matter how small the amount, it all adds up.

Sometimes, we have to share available light sources, if the generator is not used – or if a bulb in one room is bad.

That drove my son to explore alternative sources of lighting up the room he and his siblings use.

He knew if he could “make light” without having to ask his parents for money, no one would bother him.

I’ve seen him literally sit for hours, fiddling with jumbles of wires, and electronic parts/components. Most times he does this while completely unaware of his surroundings.

From the first time I saw him do this (at the age of 7), I knew instantly, that he was born to do it.

I’ve always studied ALL my kids, to carefully determine each one’s true interests and passion. And I always do my best to encourage or guide them.

That’s why, in the case of the 10 year old, my damaged electronic or computer devices always get passed to him. Not once has he ever turned them back. Instead he instantly start “working” on them!

He’s Now Used My Dead Laptop Battery to Build a Home-Made Rechargeable Lamp!

My Toshiba latop’s battery recently “died”. It could no longer keep my laptop on. If you removed the power cord, the laptop would simply go off. A computer village engineer sold me a new one, and I told my wife to give my son the “bad” one that was taken out.

To be honest, I never thought anything could come of it at the time.

But when I got home on the night of Monday 30th September 2013, I witnessed a demonstration that left me stunned.

My 10 year old (who has now co-opted his equally intuitive/creative 12 year old bother), put on a show that made me so proud!

He showed me a box made of carton in which he’d placed batteries taken from inside the laptop battery I’d given him. They look like much larger sized versions of AA batteries.

Now, I would never have imagined the batteries looked like that. It has never occurred to me to open up the black, rectangular “thing” we all call “laptop battery” to see what was inside.

Below is a picture of the kind of laptop battery I purchased

My 10 yeard old Boy Used My Dead Laptop Battery to Build a Home-Made Rechargeable Lamp - Without ANY External Power Source (Not Even Solar!)

This is just to give you an idea of what the one I gave him looked like. Notice the shape. Ever thought to open one up to see what was inside? I never did. But my 10 year old not only thought it. He did it, and then used the batteries to make a rechargeable lamp!

Here’s What He Told Me…Including How He Actually Recharges The Batteries Without ANY External Power Source (Not Even Solar!)

He linked the ends of the batteries (which were connected in series), to the terminals for the LEDs from the bad rechargeable lamp.

The light that was produced was extremely bright – almost blinding me at first (Below are some pictures I took as they demonstrated it. Note that they were showing me all this at past 11p.m on Monday 30th September 2013. The next day, Tuesday, was Independence Day, and a public holiday).

The light that was produced was extremely bright - almost blinding me at to view larger image

Below: Another view of the lighted lamp, as they set it up for me to see.

Another view of the lighted lamp, as they set it up for me to to view larger image

The first question that came to my mind (and probably yours!) was:

“How did he get a “laptop battery” I thought had “died” up to work like that? How did he charge them?”

The 10 year old explained that since there was no electricity, he began experimenting with alternative ways to charge the batteries.

NB: Being a child, “realistic” thinking that a “dead” battery could not be charged, did not occur to him!

One day, he found that rubbing certain objects together with the batteries, made them retain a charge.

When that happened, he did more rubbing together. They soon got so well charged, that he was able to use his new “light source” in his room at night – even when power went off.

In fact, the night I arrived, it was his “lamp” that was used in the kitchen, because the generator had a fault (the normal lamp was in their mother’s room).

The 12 year old holds the home made lamp up for me to to view larger image

Coming Soon: A Video Interview and Presentation With My 10 Year Old Son – and His Siblings

The above story is just about ONE of three impressive demonstrations my kids put up for me that day.

We’ve decided we’ll be putting up a proper online presentation in PDF and video. In it, they will be interviewed (by me) in detail, on how they recorded those achievements.

This is not to be an ego trip of sorts. There is serious useful purpose to it. Among other things, I want them to have the experience of teaching others to do what they do. Beyond that, I intend to help them “refine” the finishing of their “lamp”, to make it more presentable. And also explore ways to make the “battery charging by rubbing” happen more efficiently.

a. I do all this, to make them realise what they’ve done is commendable, and therefore inspire them to do more.

b. I also want to do it, so serve as an example to other parents and their kids of what is possible.

Therefore consider this article to be a “written trailer preview” of what is to come, regarding the above.

A Question for YOU: Are Your Kids Studying the Right Subject, Topics or “Things”?

Do you know your kids?

Are you interested in what they do?

Do you know what their talents, interests and capabilities are?

If not, I urge you to develop interest in learning all of that now, to help them reach their full potentials.

The earlier they find their calling, the better.

Don’t let your child waste years studying “medicine”, only to graduate and turn to Fashion Design!

Make smart use of your money, and your child’s early years.

Let her study where her passion lies – so she can truly excel in life!

Final Words: In Case You Didn’t Know, Spontaneous Coaching™ Can Help You Do The Above

By way of interest, my kids did not arrive at doing the above by accident.

You see, I make a habit of constantly observing them. Working at home really helps me do this effectively. As a result, I am able to identify the “instinctive tendencies” of each child.

Over time, I carefully guide them to do more, using what I refer to as Spontaneous Coaching for Self-Development™.

I’ve done this mainly with my 3 boys, who are now 14, 12 and 10 years old respectively, from the age of 5 (I’m now exploring ways to do same for their sisters – who are 7 and 4 years old respectively).

So you see, my passion for writing parenting articles is not by accident…and it’s certainly not forced!

By the time I relocated to Benin Republic, the 12 and 10 year old had “caught the bug”, and become self-driven.

And that’s why each time I go home, they often have something new to show me.

I’m however still working to get the 14 year old to tune in properly, to his passion.

[Update added Oct. 4 12.59: I feel a need to add this. The 14 year old is actually likely to mature into a thinker/writer kind. That’s why I sent him on a 6 month (weekends only) manual type writing coaching course over a year ago.

Since then, I’ve pushed him to try writing short stories – on the PC – based on the reading he does. He’s quite good at recalling stuff he’s interested in (e.g facts about wildlife such as sharks).

Like I’m doing here for his siblings, I put up his first “completed” short story on my blog, some months back. Click here to read it. Getting him to stay focussed and do more has however been the problem.]

He’s struggling right now, but I know we’ll get there – eventually. No one said it would be easy 😉

You too can learn to use Spontaneous Coaching, to help others – your kids especially – excel in life.

Start by reading my article on it here.

Then get in touch if you want to learn or know more.

Good luck!

PS: Note that I deliberately did not show my kids’ full photos, with their faces in this article, unlike past ones. They will of course appear in the video soon to be put up on this subject.

Searching for Farm Business Opportunities? (5 Tips, Based on a Real Life International Phone Conversation)

I recently took an international call, from a Nigerian based abroad, on my mobile line. I was then on a farm in South West Nigeria, where I was coaching users to use a Poultry Farm Management application the CEO hired me to build.

The caller and a partner were trying to decide on investment opportunities to pursue in Nigeria. They yearned to come home after decades of working in foreign countries. But they also worried – rightly too – based on news they kept getting  – that it could be quite risky.

Perhaps too risky.

He shared the story of a colleague who traveled home with his entire family to “retire”, only to return saying he NEVER return there till death!

It Was Not However All Doom and Gloom

Apparently, another friend had returned to Nigeria more recently, and told them he’s doing well in the farming business.

Specifically, fish farming.

That’s probably what led my caller and his friend to begin thinking to themselves:

“Maybe this is possible after all. If our friend is really doing as well as he says he is doing, maybe we can too.”

But they decided to do more due diligent investigations into what the farm industry, and the Nigerian economy as a whole offers.

One of many Google searches led them to my Cost-Saving Farm Business Article(s), and eventually they called me.

NB: He did make it clear they were looking at a variety of other options in terms of business opportunities – which I considered a wise move.

Our Conversation Roused a Desire to Help, In Me

He told me their concerns. How they truly wanted to feel safe coming home to start something they could live on in retirement.

How it could get tough working to pay the bills – and as one got older, even tougher.

At that point, I honestly felt his pain.

I have family also in the UK. My sister and her husband live and work there, with their kids. I therefore had a fair idea of what he meant.

So I loosened up, and spoke from my heart about what I’ve seen in the past 10 years.

I’ve interacted closely/rubbed minds with, and served farm business owners based in various locations across Nigeria – and some parts of Africa.

I’ve done this face to face, via email and on phone.

Today, my website mailing list of farm business owners, and enthusiasts (some past buyers of my products/services), continues to grow.

First he asked questions, to establish if indeed I was who I said I was.

And more importantly, if I truly did what I claimed I did…and if I was competent.

We ended up spending over an hour conversing. He called back even when we got cut off .

Judging from the foregoing, and the thank you email he later sent me, I guess I “passed” :-))

When Our Conversation Ended, I Promised to Email Him Suggestions I Felt He Could Use

I asked him to send me an email from his inbox, so I could write him. He did that the same day. Below, are excerpts of the email I sent him 2 days later. I feel some of the information provided may benefit others with similar interests.

1. Check With a Recognized Regulatory Body in Your Preferred Location

He told me they owned land in Lagos, on which they hoped to base their operation.  I mentioned Lagos state’s “SCADO”, when we spoke, and how an officer from there once reached out to me.

The article I subsequently published last year (titled “A Permanent Solution to Africa’s Low Per Capita Protein Consumption“) contains information you may find useful in that regard.

Click here to read it

It contains – front and back images of a flyer she gave to me, which has details of funding (grant) being disbursed to farmers in collaboration with an foreign sponsor organization.

2. Find a Competent Resource Person to Guide You

I know Gbolahan Saba from my days as a student in the University of Ibadan. In my first year, I lived in the same room with his older brother, Debo.

Gbolahan Saba is an Agric. Officer working with the Lagos State government.

His Linked In profile is at

And on facebook at

Last time I met him in person was over a year ago. Google his name, and you should see some recent news reports relating to him playing the above mentioned role.

3. Seriously Consider Adopting Integrated Farming: Get Guidance from the World Famous Songhai

Instead of running one farm enterprise, it’s been proven smarter to operate a mix of self-complementing ones.

I highly recommend you get across to, and possibly physically visit Songhai in Porto Novo. Maybe you could attend their training programme. They teach farming and also coach those they teach farming, on entrepreneurship: a valuable combination!

You can also (or alternatively) get them to provide you with guidance towards choosing the right mix of enterprises to run.

Visit – to learn how they run their Zero Waste Integrated Farming Centre, in which virtually everything is recycled. I have met (twice in the recent past) “Leonce Sessou”, a key member of the Songhai management team.

Googling his name could turn up leads you can follow to contact him. He handles most of the online marketing efforts – and should be able to link you up.

TIP – One Possible Way to Get Leonce Sessou’s Songhai Email Address:

a. Go to Then type the following filename with quotation marks around it: telecentres.pdf.

b. In other words type “telecentres.pdf”. Unless it has been removed from the location I found it online, Google should return a result with a direct download link to it. Click the link, to download and read it.

c. On page 6, you’ll see Leonce Sessou’s name and email address boldly printed, with short notes added.

NB: That PDF (i.e. “telecentres.pdf) is a document authored to promote a collaborative online project of which Leonce, from his base at Songhai, is a part of. When you read it, you’ll learn more about the project. But I offer the foregoing information, to tell you how to get access to his email.

Lagos state is one of many Nigerian states that have gotten Songhai to replicate the system for their use.

Maybe you can also ask Gbolahan about that: They have poultry, piggery, fishery etc.

4. Get a Feasibility Study Done By a Competent Expert

During my conversation with the caller, he asked for prices and other finer details about starting up a fish farming business.

I told him Nigeria’s environment is subject to so many variables, which makes many things change frequently – often unexpectedly.

Smart thing to do is to get a formal study done.

And AFTER that, keep an eye on those sensitive factors that could introduce significant changes to deductions you make from the study report. Like I noted earlier, in Nigeria, they tend to be many – and can be difficult to anticipate or keep track of.

A feasibility study or business plan may, as a result, have a limited shelf-life of usefulness “as is”.

Having said the above, you can ask Gbolahan Saba, or Leonce Sessou (both mentioned above) about getting a feasibility study done. They are on ground and would be better equipped to guide you.

I no longer offer to do feasibility studies. So this recommendation has no personal motivation.


Well, on 1st April 2013, I relocated from Nigeria, to Benin Republic. And I’ve worked from there since. Right now, I’m trying this article ahead of Wednesday (tomorrow) in Lagos. I’ll set it to auto publish tomorrow. By the time you read it, it’s likely I’ll already be back in Cotonou.

So, I’m less available in Nigeria these days – limiting my ability to move around in that market, like I used to.

5. If You Decide to Start, Do Try to Follow Best Practices

Lastly, and by way of interest, you may wish to click the link below to:

A. Watch a mind map based video presentation that explains why I always strongly recommend results focused farm business owners adopt what I call a Best Operating Process Management System.

B. Watch the demonstration video for the Excel Visual Basic driven Poultry Layers Farm Operations Management software that I developed for a client’s farm PC in South West Nigeria.

The client had me brought in from my base in Cotonou, for about 5 days, to install it, and train his two top farm managers to use it.

You can see the videos at

You’ll also find links to many of cost-saving farm business ideas articles that may provide you useful info.

Final Words

To all who are looking to make the transition from abroad to return home and start a farm business, I with you all the best!

Disclaimer: Please do your own DUE DILIGENCE in using any information supplied above. You take full responsibility for whatever results you get.

One Zero Start-up Cost Lucrative Business YOU Can Do

You should read this article if:

(a). You have formal training and/or experience in Accounting/Finance and wish to acquire a new skill to double your income.

(b). You (or someone you know) lack a job and need to earn income. \

(c). You (or someone you know) is retired or preparing to retire or resign or have been laid off.

You can learn to do what I do (and do better than I am doing) – earning good income by developing useful custom MS Excel Visual Basic driven software for those who need them.

I have no formal IT training or certifications. Yet my work continues to attract newer and higher profile clients.

At the risk of sounding like I am bragging, the truth is I have also come across many people with all the formal IT qualifications.

Many hold on tightly to salary jobs. They often cannot demonstrate practical problem-solving competence that comes close to mine.

That proves you do NOT need any formal qualifications to learn to do what I do.

Just be interested enough to diligently apply what you learn.

I Make This Offer Especially to Persons Who Think Lack of Money or Capital is a Problem

I assure you it is not. I wasted all the money I left Guinness with, after I resigned to start my business in 2002.

It was subsequently, IN SPITE of my…

  1. lack of capital
  2. lack of an office (up till this day)
  3. lack of financial backing
  4. …and lack of people who believed I could make money providing spreadsheet solutions…

… that I built this brand which is now gaining wider recognition in the market place.

A Warning: This is Not a "Fast-Food" Income Earning Opportunity

The natural human instinct makes us lean towards business opportunities that offer the great rewards FAST, with minimal effort.

Lots of online offers one sees today make such promises.

Most are scams.

The opportunity I describe here does NOT fall into that category however.

It requires those interested, to expend generous amounts of intellectual and physical glucose.

They will have to:

(a) learn and become competent and…

(b) deliver results to clients/customers…

…so that they are PROFITABLY rewarded with money and other benefits.

One Thing I Can Tell You: If You Put in The Required Effort, you WILL Get The Rewards

I have ample evidence to back up ALL the claims I make here about this vocation.

And I would welcome any invitation to furnish details at any venue, and before any audience.

This is a business that I have been personally engaged in as a service provider since 2002 – over 10 years ago.

I started it from Lagos, Nigeria. But I’ve been based in Benin Republic since April 1, 2013.

Yet, this business is responsible for my being here in Nigeria for my 4th day running.

Right now, I’m in the farm house of a client farm business owner at 3.42a.m, typing this article.

My transportation, feeding and accommodation are being taken care of by him (AFTER my fees have been paid).

This business is called "Preprogrammed and Custom Spreadsheet based solutions Development"…or "Built-In Excel Solutions Development"

But prior to my starting-it-up, it did not exist in any tangible form here in Nigeria.

Today, I’m still yet to run into anyone offering this unique service, formally, as a service provider our here.

You can quote me on that. I have had to create a market for this service single handed.

In the past I used to get laughed at by friends, relatives and prospects.

But I adopted variants of intelligent business marketing techniques like Power Positioning and Top Of Mind Awareness, as well as Public Speaking for Business Marketing, combined with smart Web Marketing Systems implementation.

Today, prospects seek me out and engage my services AFTER discovering me via what I did for others, or through the Internet.

Just How Profitable is This Line of Business?

Let me answer this way:

Clients have also paid me as much N250, 000 (divide by N162 to get dollar equivalent) to purchase my existing customisable applications, or have me build one from scratch in 30 working days.

If you have lived/worked in Nigeria a while, you will know that getting paid that kind of money to develop custom software of this kind – without "connections" – means the clients believe you offer true value.

If You Have Formal Training and/or Experience in Accounting/Finance, Pay Attention!

You can dramatically boost your income earning potential as a consultant, if you develop proficiency in spreadsheet solutions development.

Around 2008, the Lagos state Government intensified its tax collection drive, requiring companies to fulfill their obligations in this regard.

New and old clients have sought out and paid me handsomely to build/modify my applications to compute their taxes, as a result.

One example was a project in which I built custom Excel-VB driven software to automatically compute Monthly Profit & Loss Report (i.e. Manufacturing Account, Trading Account etc) for a Lagos based small scale factory with a N5million monthly turnover.

I worked closely with a seasoned financial consultant to finish that project. Imagine what YOU can do!

But It Goes Beyond Financial Data Management – You Should Build Enterprise Information Systems (EIS)

Before you start thinking this is about building software equivalent to off-the-shelf accounting software, let me add this.

Most of the work I do today has to do with developing application to generate Key Performance Indicators for managing the "operations" and "processes" in businesses.

Non-financial data handling (e.g. medical records, client records, farm production records) are the major areas I’ve had to develop solutions for. To give you a good idea of how the applications I build help day to day business decision making, click here to watch two videos:

1. A video demonstration of a Poultry Layer Farm Management software I built this month (September 2013), for a farm business in South West Nigeria

2. A video presentation of a mind-map describing the benefits of adopting a Best-Operating Process Management System (BOPMS) – based on a custom EIS.

Get in Touch to Learn How I Can Help YOU Acquire This Competence.

You can start earning income EVEN…

a. without quitting your day job

b. without having capital

c. and without owning a PC of your own

When I first started there was a 12 month period when, I did not own my own PC. I got clients to provide everything, including power supply!

Visit my Excel Heaven mini-site at :  to learn more about what I do – including the coaching service I offer.

Make It Impossible for Anyone to Badmouth You Successfully

What I am going to say in this article may rub some people the wrong way. But it needs to be said. It’s funny.  Sometimes people periodically resent others for no justifiable reason. They may even subtly engage in acts aimed at bringing those they resent down, by discrediting them.

No one – regardless of age – can escape having this kind of experience.

The only way you can avoid it is probably if you choose not to live in society.

Some people actually begin having such experiences before adulthood. It happens in schools, and other environments.

There’s a good chance you have already had one – or more – of such experiences.

For some strange reason, one or more persons may decide to see you as a threat to be eliminated.

A threat to recognition they desire, or a position they wish to occupy.

Ironically, you may even be unaware that they see you as a threat

Or you would probably have no interest in whatever they think you’ll take from them.

But even if you told them so, people like this are often very insecure. They would never believe you. Your “potential” will often be what scares them. What they see/know you would be capable of accomplishing, if you were to set your mind to it.

They would ONLY feel at ease when convinced they have destroyed any chance of your beating them to it!

And that is why they would make it a prime objective to discredit you.

To them, that would ensure they can go up where they want to be.  Many times you may not even know who feels this way about you.

But, if you’re lucky, the rumours they spread could provide useful signs of their ill will. Also, the reactions of others to you would provide further proof.

People giving you funny stares as you walk by. Some bold enough would walk up to you and say "Shame on you Tayo! How could you do such a terrible thing?"

And you would ask "But what did I do?" in honest surprise. To which another would sneer "Oh come on, who do you think you’re still going to fool with your good guy act. It’s all out in the open now. We know you’re not better than the others. Don’t pull any innocent acts here!

If You’ve Never Experienced This Problem, KNOW That It’s Real – and Prepare Yourself

I realise not everyone can relate to what I’m saying here. Maybe you were raised in society where this does not happen – or you’ve never seen it happen.

But there are places where it’s almost a way of life.

You never know where you’ll find yourself in future. Or who you’ll have to relate with.

People are products of their environments and experiences. And they carry the habits formed from exposure to their society and culture with them.

Not many will be able to avoid acting based on their formed habits. Character, as my people (the Yorubas) say, is like smoke.

No matter how hard you try to keep it hidden, it always finds a way to reveal itself.

That’s why I suggest you use what you learn from this article to prepare yourself. That way, if/when you do have such an experience; you’ll know how to handle it.

What You Can Do

Refuse to let them get you down or stop you from being who you are.

Instead, every day go out with courage, faith and determination to excel regardless on what anyone says about you.

Rest assured in the firm knowledge that falsehood can never overcome truth. And you will succeed.

It’s really simple, and easy to understand.

But I’ve discovered that it can be notoriously hard to remember and diligently apply.

However, if you are to arrive, you MUST learn to do it.

If it’s already happening to you, understand that it’s very likely a sign that you’re headed for great things.

So many quotes by people who achieved greatness warn that on the way to that TOP, lots of negativity may be channelled in your direction.

It’s actually nature’s way of making you qualify for the reward of success and greatness!


1. Do You Know How to Deal With People Who Mock and Ridicule You

2. How To DEFEAT Haters – Permanently!

Are Businesses Faking Online Results?

Yes they are. Apart from my experience-based opinion, this article features real life evidence in form of a Channel 4 TV Dispatches investigative video report exposing how businesses manipulate social media statistics.

It’s a sad reality. But I doubt that any conscious adult would really be surprised to learn this is happening. It’s however the scale on which it’s occurring – given the capability of the web – that’s mind boggling.

They Say One Thing & Do Another

When I first started using the web as an entrepreneur in 2002, I saw everything through rose coloured glasses. It was a perfect world, where everything worked as people said it did.

Over the years one scale after another has fallen from my eyes. Steps prescribed by many (but of course NOT ALL!) experts yield nothing like they promise or claim to get.

A lot happens behind the scenes that the average person cannot detect or unravel.

If no one is buying back links, why do people still keep sending so many emails offering them? And if no one is buying Facebook likes, Youtube views etc, how come I still get such offers?

They’re obviously getting patronage – else they would have gone out of business long ago!

In light of the above, how do I know that expert did not BUY his own thousands of LIKES and VIEWS?

Yet he may offer to “teach” me how to get similar results by writing articles and publishing a newsletter!

A Real Life TV Report That Confirms What I’m Saying

So you can have someone using doing naughty things Google says not to e.g. buying links. They go to great lengths to cover their tracks.

The idea is often the same. To do everything possible (legal or not) to get themselves in front of as many eyeballs as possible online.

Click here to watch this shocking investigative TV report video trailer. In it, film-maker Chris Atkins uncovers how some businesses purchase fake Facebook ‘likes’, Twitter followers and YouTube views to promote themselves.

Click here to watch this shocking investigative TV report video trailer. In it, film-maker Chris Atkins uncovers how some businesses purchase fake Facebook 'likes', Twitter followers and YouTube views to promote themselves.
Click here to watch this shocking investigative TV report video trailer. In it, film-maker Chris Atkins uncovers how some businesses purchase fake Facebook ‘likes’, Twitter followers and YouTube views to promote themselves.

See what I mean??

For me, what’s important here is that we will probably NEVER know those who have used the services of the crooked guy  in the video. Even worse, many of us may have taken serious business decisions based on the results people like that have shown us!

When I took care to begin studying these groups of people, I noticed they had a few things in common.

They often employed hype in their copy and offers, targeting large numbers of people promising to turn your fortunes around overnight.

 And you rarely needed to do anything, know anything or how to do anything!

Just jump on by paying a little cash and you’d be made for life.

Now, in my candid opinion, only greedy and/or lazy people take up such offers. And I’m neither. Which explains why I’ve never been “had” by them.

Of course what they offer rarely works as promised. But these guys are good at “selling” their stuff :-))

They always have a follow up that explains what steps you need to take to improve your luck. At some point they’ll also bring in another “expert” who’s decided to do YOU a favour, by sharing some new “secret” formula with you.

You’re asked to jump on to his/her list to learn the new XYZ formula. Eventually, you may have to pay a little cash to LEARN…and LEARN…and LEARN….!!!

Right now, in my honest opinion, there’s a webinar and teleconference pandemic on the web. Everybody is teaching something someone else needs to learn.

For the bad guys amongst those offering these events, it seems to me that their key strategy is building of mailing lists. Then they relentlessly “work” those lists.

Someone’s bound to buy something eventually – especially when they keep sending tempting offers that will be potentially appealing to the more lazy/greedy of their subscribers.

NB: Keep in mind that some of these guys have mailing lists running into hundreds of thousands of subscribers. You can therefore imagine how lucrative this whole arrangement can get!

Google’s Algorithm Updates Confirmed My Suspicions

Yep. Must give thanks to the good guys at Google. They sometimes set-up things in ways that punish innocent website owners too. But very often that ends up being only a temporary side effect of any new measure they take, to sanitize the results they give their users.

In time, if the good guys who are affected keep doing the right things, they eventually get plenty of love from Google. I know this because that’s what I’m getting today.

About a year ago, I certainly could not say that!

So What (and/Or Who) Do YOU Believe Now?

Sorry, but I can’t help you there. You will have to do your own thinking

A good first step will however likely be to purge yourself of any laziness or greed. That way, when they come with their offers, your thinking will be much smarter!

However, having watched the above mentioned video, my worst fears have been confirmed. I no longer know what to believe about certain aspects of using the web.

If one man with 1,000 facebook IDs can work overnight to add LIKES to a client’s page, imagine how many people MUST be using his services!!

That’s why I never let the number of Facebook likes or Youtube views anyone waves in my face, sway me.

But that’s not the only thing I NOW question: Maybe it’s just me. Maybe I’m just too daft to get it right…or some “dark forces” are against me :-)

You see, after taking time and great pains to test/develop something that works for me online, I sometimes deliberately announce it in an article. Just to see what will happen.

On more than one occasion, I’ve noticed some strange occurrences.

One example:

Up till 20th August 2013, my Excel-Heaven Custom Spreadsheet Software Development Service facebook page had been getting steady trickle of LIKES weekly. This began mainly after I began linking to it, and the related website, more often in my blog posts and email newsletter issues.

But since the day I wrote an article criticizing buying of Facebook LIKEs, and also highlighting the new results I’d been getting without buying LIKEs , NOT ONE SINGLE new LIKE has been added to that page.

“Strange” does not even begin describe it. Scary is more like it. I mean, what kind of coincidence is that???

Note that the day Iwrote the article, it already had 39 LIKES. On the day I published the post, the page had gotten 42 LIKES. Just within a 48 hour interval.

But from that day I published thepost discussing those results, NOTHING…

Hmm…make what you will of that.

As for me…”I know what I saw“(like the guy in the horror movie told his disbelieveing friends!)

So, What About Me. How Can You Be Sure I’ve Not Been Lying (or I’m Not Doing So Now)?

It’s only fair that anyone ask me the above question. I may be screaming foul play and still be a part of the whole mess.

People do that in real life – that’s what “duplicity” entails.

The simple answer in my case is however “No”.

I do not, have not, and will not lie about what I do online – or the results I’m getting.

I have no need to.

You see, I’m based in Africa. Over here, Internet use remains a fairly expensive venture for most people. And connectivity can be often quite erratic – making it even more costly.

This means I need to ensure I make the most productive use of my time online.

I’ve kept my website – – constantly updated, via relentless web marketing, since July 2005. Over 8 years!

If I was not getting decent rewards for my web marketing efforts (by way of sales of my products and services), I would have shut it down long ago.

I would not be so committed to publishing articles Mondays to Saturdays (sometimes Sundays) here.

But that’s not all.

My clients would NOT pay MORE money for me to write (or re-write) their website content. Or to ghost-write articles/special PDF reports on their behalf, for web marketing systems I setup for them.

That’s mainly because they KNOW that MY web marketing was what led them to find me – often via search engines.

In other words they know it works… and that makes them willing to PAY me to do it for them!

Final Words: In the End Though, You’ll Have to Take My Word for It…Or Move On :-)

Of course, like I said earlier, you’ll probably have no choice but to take what I say as the truth.

Those who have the skills, or means, to do relevant checks should be able to verify some claims or assertions I make. Some people send in enquiries via my contact forms just to “see”.

I do my best to respond to their enquiries.

Sometimes, to avoid having my time wasted, however, I “ask” certain email enquirers to call me.

I should mention that my website’s terms of service allow me to mention names, reproduce emails, and discuss details, relating to transactions I engage in (up to a point), with enquirers.

Most of the names I mention in my articles are for real people – subscribers, some clients or both (e.g Oladipo Mann stayed a subscriber to my newsletter for over 3 years, before finally buying my Feed Formulation Handbook, and software).

Sometimes I include photographs.

And I also know that some of my past clients/buyers would gladly take a call from ANY interested person(s), to speak on the details of their interactions with me.

If you’re an enquirer, email me via tayo at tksola dot com if you want to do that.

That’s the best I can do.

If it’s not enough, just ignore ME, my articles, websites, and of course any products and services I offer.

That should keep you safe :-)))

You Do NOT Have To Be Expensive To Make Profits

No you don’t. And I explain why in this article, which was originally published – on Monday 6th December 2010 – as an issue of my static html based Self-Development Digest Newsletter here.

Myth: To Make Good Profits, Your Product Or Service Price/Fee Must Be High.

Fact: The above statement is NOT true.

It is important to avoid falling into the trap of thinking you need to charge a lot to make a lot of profits.

Companies like Richard Branson’s Virgin, have shown again and again, that substantial profits can be made from sales of affordably priced products and services.

The logic that makes this possible is simple. Just follow the tips outlined below, and you’ll soon be reaping VERY decent profits, while offering prices/fees LOWER than your rivals can afford to!

1. Aim to maintain low operational overheads: 

How much does it cost to deliver your product or service to customers? Are you certain that you have captured all contributors to the cost of your operation? If YES, then whatever figure you end up with will be what you will mark up by some profit margin to arrive at your selling price.

Now, if others offer higher prices compared to yours, it would NOT mean they make more profits than you do.

This is because they are likely to have a different operating cost profile compared to yours. If you can get access to such details, you could compare to ascertain for sure what the case is.

However, a more practical option would be for you to ensure your costing has been done right. Then explore possible avenues to LOWER your operating costs over time.

This way, without increasing your prices further, you would increase your profit margins, and still delight your customers by offering stable, friendly pricing.

2. Work hard to build high volume, sustainable, long term patronage:

Many times, businesses do not do as much marketing as they should.

As a result the incoming volume of customer patronage tends not to be adequate or sustained.

This can force the company to employ give-away promos, or discount incentives to encourage more sales.

The reality is however that sales/marketing efforts can be intensified. This, combined with intelligent initiatives to generate valuable sales leads would make conversion rates up, resulting in increased sales.

Most importantly, effective after sales service and customer relations would attract repeat purchases and referrals (depending on the type of product or service).

3. Constantly employ creativity to re-invent your offering: 

Think up new and better products/services to delight your customers. Explore creative ways to serve them. This will make them happy to stay with you.

And those extras – some of which could be designed to come at no additional charge – would give them something to brag about to their friends, associates etc.

The latter could in turn indicate interest in what you offer over time. Even if they do not, at least your name/brand would be impressed on their consciousness. In future, this could work in your favour.

Think about it. What are the factors that determine your price?

One would be the prevailing prices in the market place.

But sometimes checks reveal others are exploiting customers via exorbitant pricing. You stand to gain by offering more reasonable prices.

Branson hinted at this when he said he looked for places where companies were “taking the Mickey out of the customer“.

This made him aim to enter such markets with value adding, affordably priced alternatives, to compete with such companies.

Going by how long he has remained in business in most markets he has entered; it is obvious that what he advocates actually works.

You can benefit by adopting a similar philosophy.

Final Words: To Make Profits As Explained Above, You Are to Be Affordable – NOT CHEAP!

I cannot end this without pointing out that my experiences in serving some narrow minded clients. You are likely to meet them too.

The kind who demand the lowest (or if possible NO) price, in exchange for your product or service. Most times, they simply want to exploit you.

I have had such prospects/clients say all sorts of (honestly silly) things to me, just to have their way:

a. They said: “We don’t have money. Don’t worry, do it free for us and God will bless you”.

I responded: “Sorry, but I cannot afford to do that. Indeed, every time you pay to have me do it, it is actually God who is blessing me!”

b. They said: “Why not sell to us at a loss, since you are just starting, so that we can recommend (the product/service) to others, who will then buy from you”.

I responded: “I have already done that in the past for others, and by so doing proved that the value I offer is worth paying for. If I had continued that way, I would not have stayed in business long enough for you to discover me.”

Resist the Temptation to Give In – You’ll Only Hurt Your Brand!

Napoleon Hill once wrote that human beings rarely appreciate – and often discredit – anything they get for free or without effort.

My experiences confirm this to be a very accurate statement.

I urge you to be guided by it, especially if you operate in a society like mine – otherwise you could end up being used and dumped!

Remember: You do not have to be expensive to be profitable. BUT offering your products/services CHEAPLY – or worse at NO cost – is not likely to win you healthy profits that can sustain your business for the long term either.

You have been warned!

Use Your Job Loss Experience to Achieve Greater Success

If you’ve lost your job, you’ll want to read this piece. But even if you’ve not, it’s possible you (now, or in the future) will know one or more persons who have. If they are having a hard time dealing with it, or getting their lives back on track, you might want to send them the URL to this article :-)

No Matter How Good You Are, Your Salaried Job Won’t Last Forever

Some people love being in paid employment being in paid employment. But in life, nothing lasts forever.

Even if you’re the most competent person in your company, you could lose your job.


Well, the company could run into some bad fortune, and have to close shop.

The owner could sell it to a bigger company who may decide to do a manpower shuffle. That process could make them ask anyone who does not fit into their plans to leave.

The problem is that seldom do people who get asked to leave see it coming. Especially those who love salaried employment.

That’s why when it happens, it typically throws them into panic and confusion.

They can be at a loss about what to do. Sometimes, this leads to depression, especially they are unable to get another job, or find something else to do, to earn income.

Implications of Jobs Loss Will Differ for Every Individual

From unmarried young persons, to aging career persons with spouses and kids.

In each situation, the pressures -0 social and financial – will differ. Those who have dependants are likely to experience more challenges dealing with the sudden loos of income, than those who are single, and living alone.

Having said that, most times a job loss has more than financial implications for those affected.

There are psychological implications as well. Most responsible adults like to feel they are being productive or useful.

For instance, it can be frustrating to find yourself with nothing to do, and nowhere to go on a Monday morning. Especially if for months or years you’ve been going out to a 9 to 5 or even shift job.

Not everyone is Self-directed and Can Easily Switch to Entrepreneurial Mode: Yet, Doing So Can Turn the Disappointment of Job Loss into the Blessing of a Lifetime!

I know not everyone would prefer to start a business when they lose their jobs.

However during the phase when you’re searching for another job, you might want to consider doing something entrepreneurial, to get some cash in, and to fund your new job search.

When you get the job, you may then choose to stop.

Or you could keep doing it on the side – so you can have something to fall back on when you retire. And it would contribute an additional income stream even while you’re employed.

Success in life is often about using bad experiences as stepping stones to good experiences you want.

Or turning unpleasant circumstances to your advantage.

Successful people do that habitually. And that’s why they succeed!

I’ve read true stories about successful persons, whose journeys to achievement were triggered by a job loss experience.

In other words, the job loss served as a wake up call for them. But they only succeeded because they chose to respond to that call.

Those who fail do so because they choose to sit down and moan about life being unfair to them.

Take my advice: Don’t be like them, and waste a valuable opportunity to GROW, and succeed!

Most People Squander the Opportunity to Use a Job Loss Experience to Move Higher In Life

They immediately adopt a negative view of it, refusing to see any useful outcome it might bring.

One reason I believe this happens is that today’s humans have lost their inner sight. By this I mean the ability to see beyond to immediate and obvious.

To competently use their sixth sense to make accurately interpret experiences they have.

As I’ve said in a past article, our increasing dependence on the comforts of technology, is responsible for creating that weakness in us.

That’s why some of us easily panic and experience frustration when things go wrong. They are unable to sense the hidden or underlying benefit to be had from it.

YOU Can Be One of the Rare Exceptions!

You can make your story different. Not just for yourself, but for the sake others who will be inspired by your consequent achievements.

If you’re reading this article because of someone you know/care for, that’s what you need to tell him/her when you send the URL across.

There’s no magic formula. And it’s not likely to be easy either.

But if you choose not to let the loss you’ve experienced get you down, it won’t.

Simply resolve to see it as what it is: a potential opportunity for you to improve your fortunes in life.

Don’t stop at just “seeing” it that way however.

Also think and act about it in a manner consistent with the positive view you’ve adopted.

For instance, every single day explore new employment opportunities, business start up ideas or other avenues to success.

Intelligently seek guidance from competent others to making productive use of your time and efforts.

As time goes on, the results you get will help you decide what areas to focus on more.

And eventually, you’ll discover what specific one to narrow down to, till you succeed.

No one can tell you exactly how the future will unfold for you.

But diligently apply yourself. And believe that your creator will guide you to take the right decisions, and meet the right persons.

Do that with determination and persistence, and you will eventually succeed.