Category Archives: Self-Development

Generate Ideas to Solve YOUR Country’s Problems (Hint: Time for a female president in Nigeria?)

Quick Take-Away: Come up with practical, ready-to-use ideas to help make YOUR country better. I practice what I preach – so this post announces the maiden issue of a PDF series I’ve decided to periodically publish, regarding making MY country of origin better.

I am passionate about influencing positive change in Nigeria.

And I have lots of practical ideas I believe can help transform her. That’s why I often write what some have called “epistles” in most online discussions.

But I recently realized that adding such voluminous content (sometimes 2000 words long!) to another person’s thread can be impolite.

Plus, Facebook makes it difficult to track, archive and retrieve ideas people post, for future reference. Much of it is buried under latest “status” updates!

And I even worry:

“What if Facebook shuts down, or loses all its data?

The above made me decide to put most of my serious musings in PDF form.

This way I can now simply post much shorter comments, and invite interested persons to simply click on a direct download link to read more of my thoughts in a more detailed PDF version if they wish.

I’m starting this maiden issue with the post made by my friend Abel Segun Folaranmi on Facebook on 22nd October 2013, at 4.50 p.m.

He wrote: “Time to have a female president and vice-president in Nigeria.”

Click here to download and read the full PDF…

I’m starting this maiden issue with the post made by my friend Abel Segun Folaranmi on Facebook on 22nd October 2013, at 4.50 p.m.  He wrote: “Time to have a female president and vice-president in Nigeria.”

NB: I’ve created a new category on this blog called “My Ideas for Making Nigeria Better”.

Under it, will appear my detailed musings, on various themes I discuss with others, in PDF form, with direct download links.

Information published in this new category will always be linked to the parenting articles category on this blog.

This is because virtually all the ideas I have, require Nigerian adults to “better parent” their kids, so as to BUILD up a new generation, based on the new ideas being advocated.

If you’re a Nigerian, I hope you find this series useful.

If you’re not, I suggest you challenge yourself, to become more ACTIVE in coming up with useful solutions to move YOUR country forward.

It’s never really wise to leave it all to the guys in government.

Even when they’re willing to do all the right things, they can often do with a little helping hand.

In each of our own indivudual and group corners we can act as CATALYSTS, to bring about positive change, faster and more effectively!

Is Your Job Straining You?

Quick Tip: This article ends with a download link to the MS Excel template for my 10  item Employee Morale Guage Quiz, which you can customize for your use.

People who don’t love their jobs are likely to feel this way (i.e strained) more often. But I’ve also met others who love their jobs, but are being worn out by the work load.

If You’re Not Sure, Here Are a Few Symptoms That Could Suggest You Have This Problem

[NB: By the way, if you’ve been reading my blog a while, you likely already know it’s in your best interest to do work that you love – be it as an employee, or as entrepreneur. Life’s simply too short to live any other way.]

1. You’re Unable to Finish Tasks – They Keep Coming!

Do you feel that way? Like just as you breathe a sigh of relief that you’ve cleared outstanding tasks, new ones seem to arrive?

Maybe the requests come from your boss, your partner etc.

If that’s happening to you, then you’ll feel the strain…and the drain…mentally, as well as physically.

2. You Feel a Need to Escape

Even when you’re officially on break, do some people find something to bring your attention to?

If your phone’s not ringing, an email with an urgent headline beckons to you. And of course your office door. It never seems to stay shut!

Just when one person leaves and you try to get back to that paper/memo/brief you’re trying to finish, another person breezes in.

Even during your break time…it’s the same thing :-)

Your loving wife thoughtfully packs your meals for you to eat in the office. But you’ve found it a smarter move to go away – far from the office – to do that.

But you eventually return. And as you approach the office, that – now familiar – feeling of dread washes over you. “Argh…here we go again!” you say to yourself.

Again…if that’s happening to you, then you’ll feel the strain…and the drain…mentally, as well as physically.

3. Sometimes You’re Unable to Find Leisure Hours – Even on Weekends

Leisure is so important to the well being of every human being.

Yet, when you’re free to do what you want with your time (i.e. after close of work hours) not much seems to change!

It’s either you find yourself staying back late into the night, or taking work home. Some people do this right through the weekend!

4. You Need to Take “Something” to Keep You Going

When 1 to 3 happen to you often, you’re bound to get to the limit of your natural ability to cope.

Some people start taking a” little something” to keep mind (and head) clear enough to continue.

Thick, black coffee, plus a few nice vitamin pills, and some others…

Just a little help to enable them cope with the pressure.

Not everyone gets that close to the edge…but some do.

The worst part is that most people rarely see themselves going through these phases. Indeed many talk about it, but rarely stop to wonder if they can have it better.

My argument is that YOU CAN have it better.

You don’t have to strain and drain yourself so much to earn a living.

You don’t have to go to work and emerge looking “worn out” 90% of the time…shaking your head, complaining about how hard  it is to keep up at work.

If it’s that bad, something is likely NOT RIGHT!

What You Can Do

This kind of situation can make you dread coming to work – even if it’s a job you love.

And it’s suggestive of ONE major problem:

A poor organisation of the way work is done in your establishment. It’s either too few people are being asked to do too much work. Or certain trivial tasks are being put on the plate of people who already have plenty assigned to them…like you.

Either way, YOU need to speak up – to your boss, your partner or whoever else is in charge.

Demand a review of the way the workload is currently assigned. Also suggest a careful analysis of the need for tasks you identify can be passed to lower ranked or less busy persons.

Take action to free yourself up from excess tasks that ultimately limit your productivity, while killing your job enjoyment.

Fail to do this, and you could end up with a serious health issue – which, ironically, could even lead to a job loss!

Here’s Why You Should Take My Advice

I’ve been a multipreneur for over 2 decades.

In 24 hours, I get more work done that most people do in 1 week.

For instance, I’ve been writing at least ONE new article (500 to 2000 words average) every day – sometimes Sundays too – on this blog since 1st October 2013.

Many times I write them ahead – and simply schedule them to auto-publish on a future date.

Apart from that, I write for clients, and also develop custom spreadsheet software for clients in different industries.

I also provide support services – training users and/or client staff. This sometimes requires visiting client premises to conduct training.

And I do lots more – in my spare time e.g. writing information products; creating language guides, travel guides, giving talks, even researching and developing my own natural range of drinks, using Pineapple peels.

Yet I have NEVER needed to take ANY “little something” to keep going.

Not coffee. Not vitamins. No pills of any sort.

All I do is some smart physical exercising on a VERY regular basis. I also eat VERY well, and drink lots of water.

Plus (and this is important), I listen attentively to my body.

When it says “You NEED to rest”, I listen to it!!

Regarding my work, I apply ruthless focus in deciding tasks to give my serious attention. Everything else is weeded out, without sentiment.

I was like that as a high performing employee, and I’ve been that way for over 10 years now, as a multiprenerial business owner.

That’s why when you come across me – you’re very unlikely to see me looking drained, or worn out.

And you certainly will NOT find me complaining about work overload!

Read my bio below (and my resume here), to get a feel for the range of activities I’ve been – and am currently – engaged in, for some proof that back up my claims.

Follow my advice, and you WILL still be productive without wearing yourself.

AND…you will still reap daily enjoyment from doing your work. Like I do!


Are Your Employees Happy & Satisfied With Their Jobs?(A Ten Item Quiz That Can Help You Find Out)


What Video Interviews Don’t Reveal About What It Takes to Succeed

I have a deep passion for analyzing success stories, and extracting useful learning points from them. My most recent obsession has been ESPN’s video about how a guy, born without arms, rose to world class success as a vehicle engineer.

The video however lasts only 7 – short – minutes.

But It Actually Took That Guy 22 LONG Years to “Make It” That Far

That’s how long Richie Parker, and his wonderful parents, worked hard to get where they are today.

And I dare say that those must have been very lonely years too.

T-w-e-n-t-y T-w-o LONG years.

The video makers could naturally not capture full details of what really transpired during those 2 decades.

Yet, for those who wants to know how the Parkers really did it…THAT LONG PERIOD IS what we need to examine!

See screenshot below – which I took from the video.

Sreenshot which I took from the ESPN video about Richie Parker. My kid would have used her hands to caress the dog. Richie, as a little child, had to settle for using his legs!

Above: My kid would have used her hands to caress the dog. Richie, as a little child, had to settle for using his legs!

The video does not say it. But this guy had to contend –right from the day he was born – with the reality of what should have been a crippling disability.

Most people don’t want to endure LONG – and sometimes LONELY – periods of hard work to succeed.

Oh…they love to hear stories of those who did it, and will heartily applaud, even idolize them. But they’d rather NOT have to go the same route to their success!

Which is why quick and easy “formulas” for success sell so well in our world!

Unfortunately, success that is had “quickly and easily”, often departs just as “quickly and easily” :-)

Richie’s kind is however an excellent example of authentic success – the one that lasts, and is reproducible.

But whoever wants it, MUST be willing to pay the price of working hard, and long…most times at least.

Other Victories Richie Has Won DAILY (for Decades), Which the Video Did Not Show Us

It’s possible most people have NOT considered it. But there are other realities Richie has successfully dealt with for 30 long years.

Get this: The ESPN video does NOT tell us, how Richie Parker ALSO successfully does these UN-AVOIDABLE tasks – daily – without arms…

1. Brushing his teeth…applying toothpaste takes two hands for most of us…how does he do his?

2. Taking his bath…how does he turn the tap or shower on…and off?

3. Putting on his shirts, trousers, shoes etc…every day…?

4. Unbuttoning or taking off his trousers to use the toilet…?

I could go on, but so can you. Just think how he does ALL the stuff YOU do without even thinking about it.

For him, it must take him great effort to do each of those things.

And yet, he still does them (otherwise he would not be where he is today).

And in addition to doing them, he does his work just as well as others who HAVE arms, in a field as demanding as vehicle engineering.

Watch the Video and Listen to Richie speak. He is so self-assured!

Watch the Video and Listen to Richie speak. He is so self-assured! He learnt (with the help of his parents) to believe he could do anything he wanted to do.

Listening to Richie Parker, one is left in no doubt that he is supremely aware of his capabilities.

Yet, I’ve lost count of many able bodied persons I’ve ment who are insecure about themselves!

Why is this so?

It’s partly – often mostly – the result of how they were brought up by their parents.

What Mr. and Mrs. Parker did for Richie is what all parents should do for their kids from DAY 1 – to paraphrase Richie.

Make your kids develop and independent and confident mindset.

Let them know they can go through life not .looking to continually lean on, or need others to do stuff for them!

But We Must Not Fail to Give Rex Stump Credit for Making Richie’s Success Story Happen

You see Rex was smart enough to LOOK BEYOND Richie’s (seeming) disability, to see the potential he had, to ADD VALUE to Hendrick.

That’s the way a competent decision maker acts. S/he will always take decisions in the best interests of the organisation, and those he manages!

No room for bias or discrimination here.

Richie’s parents are, to me, the greatest heroes ever!

They coached him to believe in himself and achieve. And they painstakingly documented EVERY way he overcame his disabilities to do just that.

I happen to LIVE for my kids – and I mean that literally.

And when I see other people’s kids, I FEEL towards them, what I feel for mine: a strong desire to help them BE THE BEST THEY CAN BE…and to refuse to live below one’s full potential.

And Richie’s life, to me, presents us all a massive challenge to DO MORE With Our God-given Potential!

And I’ve chosen to respond to that challenge, by LEARNING from his story, and telling others to do the same.

For myself, my kids, and any others who may be interested, I’ve created a FREE, Printable Power Point Slideshow(see cover below).

I created this PowerPoint slideshow (and published it on, to give people with poor (or zero!) connectivity, an alternative means of “learning” about Richie Parker.

In particular, I have considered many in my part of the world, whose circumstances probably make it impossible, or difficult to use the web.

They may never see the video unless someone takes an offline version to them. I plan to do what I can with the offline version I’ve recorded.

But I believe printing out, and sharing this Power Point version I’ve created, will go an even longer way.

Even those of us who’ve watched the video will find it useful to read through the transcript version.

I published it on since last Saturday 19th Octover 2013 – click here to view it.

The download link appears in this blog post (click here).

Download, print out, and share it FREELY with people OFF the web, who may probably never “encounter” this story otherwise!


No. 112: Change Your Environment to Succeed – If Necessary

“America’s environment is what makes achievements like Richie Parker’s possible”. 

That’s a paraphrased version of the comment made on Facebook, by someone who watched the ESPN profile video (on this facebook profile) of the armless 30 year old vehicle engineer’s life.

I believe that statement to be quite right.

No society is perfect, and America (and Americans!) certainly has its shortcomings.

However America (and Americans!) have a long history of giving ANYONE a chance to prove his/her worth.

They were not always like that.


Click now to view the latest issue of Tayo Solagbade's Public Speaking IDEAS page

View Tayos video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsConnect with Tayo on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google Plus

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Publication: Tayo Solagbade’s Weekly Public Speaking IDEAS Page (PSIP) Newsletter

Date: Monday 21st October 2013


Title: Change Your Environment to Succeed – If Necessary

Author & Publisher: Tayo K. Solagbade [Tel: +234-803-302-1263 (in Nigeria) or +229-66-122-136 (in Benin Republic) ]

Blog URL:

Archive (For E-mail only version started 14th May 2012): Click here to view

Archive (For Blog version started 24th September 2011): Click here


Please find below the latest issue of my Speaking IDEAS newsletter.

I created this PowerPoint slideshow (and published it on, to give people with poor (or zero!) connectivity, an alternative means of “learning” about Richie Parker.

I created this PowerPoint slideshow (and published it on, to give people with poor (or zero!) connectivity, an alternative means of “learning” about Richie Parker.

I’ll soon upload the actual Power Point file for FREE download from my website. The download link will appear in this blog post (click)once it’s up.

When you download it, PLEASE print and share it FREELY with people who may not have ready Internet access to “discover it”!



No. 112: Change Your Environment to Succeed – If Necessary

**** **********

NB: If you ever find yourself wondering what else I’ve written, some days after you’ve read THIS Speaking Ideas newsletter I send out on a Monday, here’s what you can do to find out: Point your browser to to read at least ONE new post added to my SD Nuggets blog on a different category from Tuesday till Saturday (sometimes even Sundays) in line with this publishing schedule :-)


“America’s environment is what makes achievements like Richie Parker’s possible”.

That’s a paraphrased version of the comment made on Facebook, by someone who watched the ESPN profile video (on this facebook profile) of the armless 30 year old vehicle engineer’s life.

I believe that statement to be quite right.

No society is perfect, and America (and Americans!) certainly has its shortcomings.

However America (and Americans!) have a long history of giving ANYONE a chance to prove his/her worth.

They were not always like that.

It took them time to “evolve” to this level (more on “evolving”, later on).

But today, in America, probably more than anywhere else on earth, anyone can aspire to succeed authentically.

And it will rarely matter who you are or what you look like.

If Richie had been a Nigerian living in Nigeria, it’s very unlikely he would have “made it”. If anything, he would probably have had to “travel out” of Nigeria, to succeed at anything close to this level!

That’s a statement of FACT. And I make it – without apology – as a full blooded Nigerian.

It’s why I relocated from Nigeria to Benin Republic in April 2013.

The environment of erratic power supply, and some other issues made it difficult for me to function optimally in Nigeria.

Since arriving here in Benin, I’ve been much – MUCH!! – better off. And it shows in both the quality and volume of work I’m getting done daily. And in the results I’m reaping as well!!

Like Nana Arnaud Franklin rightly noted in a facebook discussion we had, Rex Stump, the Hendrick Engineering Manager who employed Richie gave him a chance.

In many other cultures, it’s possible this may not have happened. Many people get denied “fair and impartial” opportunities to succeed in my part of the world every day.

And those are people who come complete with the right numbers of body parts.

Imagine therefore a person coming without arms – like Richie? His/her problems really get compounded!

If Richie Had Been UNPREPARED, When Given That Chance, He Would Have Failed!

“Luck is when preparation meets opportunity” – Unknown

One could argue that Richie got a lucky break, but here’s one more thought to ponder.

Rex Stump said he picked out Richie’s resume, from amongst about 20 others.

Rex Stump said he picked out Richie's resume, from amongst about 20 others.

That means Richie’s resume featured some attractive qualities that interested the Engineering Manager in the first place.

In other words, Richie had credentials that matched – even exceeded – those of others. Considering that he has no arms, that must have taken him lots of effort to do.

Keep in mind that “car racing” is a delicate business, with people’s lives sometimes at stake. So the “vehicle designer” position would not be one to take lightly!

Richie obviously did NOT wait for the day to come, when he would meet “a Rex Stump” to give him a chance.

What he did instead, was to take daily intelligent and focussed action to make things happen for himself.

ESPN showed video clips from his teenage years, in which he demonstrated how he rode a bike specially built by him and his parents. And another showing how he kept a rope around a fridge’s door handle, to open it with his armless shoulder!

He learnt (with the help of his parents) to believe he could do anything he wanted to do.

That mental attitude got him to/through college, and helped him win the job at Hendrick.

Richie learnt (with the help of his parents) to believe he could do anything he wanted to do.

But here’s another perspective to consider on this matter of being “given a chance” to prove yourself:

Back in their time, people like Mahatma Ghandi, Nelson Mandela, and Martin Luther King Jr. were not really given a “chance”, to prove themselves.

They basically fought to get what they did, in most cases.

And only afterwards did useful “opportunities” open up for them – or their people.

Life’s not always fair. Each one of us will have to deal with what we’re given.

That’s why we must constantly strive to IMPROVE, and never be SATISFIED with where we are.

That’s what Richie Parkers says drives him. And look where it got him. Wow!

Many of Us Are Living Below Our Full Potentials

It’s so simple that we keep doing it daily. Just look – possibly even at yourself.

I’ve found areas of my life where I’m just as guilty. So, no one’s trying to look superior here :-)

When you avoid “striving” to do MORE than you’re currently able, you’d be living below your full potential.

I believe adults should live exemplary lives, to act as good role models for the impressionable minds of children – who CAN change this world (like Richie’s parents are helping him do).

One way to do that would be to constantly strive to make the most of ourselves.

As Abel Folaranmi pointed out in our discussion on Facebook, we need to EVOLVE as human beings.

The process of evolving requires that we become better than we are, or were.

To do that, we must refuse to recognise ANY limitations in our abilities…because in truth, there are NONE.

Final Words: Your Abilities Have NO Limits, But The Wrong Environment Can Limit You…So Don’t Hesitate to Change It!

Let me end by pointing out, that even as we recognise no limitations in ourselves, we must intelligently seek environments most conducive to achieving our goals.

I had to do that, to make better progress towards my goals  – by relocating to Benin Republic.

In other words, if making the most of ourselves requires relocating to another environment – even another country – we owe ourselves a duty to do so!

Need More Ideas on How to Use The Above Information?

If you need more specific details of how to make use of the ideas I’ve shared in this newsletter, send me a message using this request form – with “Re: No. 112: Change Your Environment to Succeed – If Necessary” in the subject line.

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Have a lovely week!

Tayo K. Solagbade*

Self-Development/Performance Improvement Specialist

*Sole Agent For Burt Dubin’s Speaker Mentoring Service In Africa

Mobile: +234-803-302-1263 (in Nigeria) or +229-66-122-136 (in Benin Republic)

Self-Development/Performance Enhancement SpecialistTayo Solagbade – works as a multipreneurial freelance writer providing  zero risk article and report writing support for website owners, while travelling slowly across West Africa as a Location Independent Entrepreneur.

He’s presently based in Benin Republic, where he’s preparing an English-French Language Guide, City Travel Guides, and a Commercial Rabbit Farming Guide.

In a previous life, before leaving to become self-employed, Tayo served for seven years as a high performing manager in Guinness Nigeria. He rose from Shift Brewer, to Training & Technical Development Manager, then later acted in senior management roles as Production Manager and Technical Manager.

When he’s not amazing clients with his superhuman skills (wink), Tayo works as the creative force behind his Self-Development Nuggets™ blog, and Public Speaking IDEAS newsletter (which he publishes to promote Burt Dubin’s Public Speaking Mentoring service to experts working across the African continent).

For a limited time, Tayo is available to speak to your group or organization for a moderate fee. Send e-mail to tayo at tksola dot com. You can also visit to learn more.

Connect with him on Twitter and Facebook.


Have you been undecided about whether or not to become a paid speaker? Or have you been trying to get your speaking career off the ground with little success?

Here’s a tip: Burt Dubin works with people who want to be speakers, and with speakers who want to be masters. Click here to visit his website NOW and submit a contact form message telling him what challenges you’re facing, and how you’d like him to help you. Tell him I sent you, and you’ll get a pleasant surprise offer from him.


What do you think of the above message? Do you have any personal experience to share on this subject? Are there some other points you feel can be added, to help persons looking for answers? Please share your thoughts!

Share this issue!

Do you know anyone who might benefit from reading this newsletter issue? Why not hit the forward button now, and send it to him/her with a short recommendation. You can also use share it via your social media channels. Thanks in advance.

View Tayos video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsConnect with Tayo on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google Plus

What fears or doubts are keeping you from (a) taking up Burt Dubin’s monthly speaker mentoring, or (b) buying his products?

You can choose to purchase Burt’s mentoring at any of the three (3) levels listed below:

1. Top Shelf [Click here] | 2. Mid Range [Click here] | 3. Budget Delight [Click here]

Burt’s three mentoring packages can be likened to the seating options offered by airlines: Budget Delight (Economy); Mid Range (Business); and Top Shelf (First Class).

At least that’s how I like to think of them!

All three will get you to your desired destination of “speaking success-ville” – so long as you meet the requirements/play your part well (your fare, abide by the set guidelines etc). During the “flight”, the seat you have will determine how much personal service attention and preference the provider will accord you. It’s that simple :-)

So, make your choice:1. Top Shelf [Click here] | 2. Mid Range [Click here] | 3. Budget Delight [Click here]

Send me an e-mail with your questions via tayo at tksola dot com. In the meantime, why not get started by subscribing here to get his 7-Part Course (How To Succeed And Get Paid As A Professional Speaker) .  . . and receive his monthly newsletter (Speaking Biz Strategies Letter) at no cost.

Get mentored by Burt Dubin - coach of some of the world's highest paid public speakers

For over 25 years, Burt Dubin has provided a variety of speaker mentoring products and services to clients worldwide.

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Burt Dubin now offers his speaker mentoring service to experts based in Africa. Click now to download this flyer as PDF



NEVER Let Anyone Tell You What YOU Cannot Do! (Transcript Slideshow Version of ESPN’s July 21 “SportsCenter” Profile video about Richie Parker)

I created this PowerPoint slideshow (and published it on, to give people with poor (or zero!) connectivity, an alternative means of “learning” about Richie Parker.

NB: To get the Power Point file version, CLICK HERE NOW to download it in a zipped folder (3MB approximately).


Read the article I wrote about Richie: It’s titled “All You Really Need Is Ingenuity…aka Creative Thinking (True Story: Man Born Without Arms Designs Championship Winning Race Cars)


Richie was born in 1983, without arms.

Today, he has a college degree, lives on his own, drives his own custom car, and has worked over 8 years as a world class vehicle engineer (with NASCAR’s Hendrick Motor Sport)…designing chassis and body components for championship winning race cars…Using His FEET!


Watch the ESPN video about Richie Parker at this link:

…and, don’t forget to Google “Richie Parker” – there’s lots to read about him on many websites!

Download and Read Other Useful Video/Audio Transcripts/E-books:

I have created transcripts in the past, of other videos/audios (or put up book previews) I felt had powerful messages that would add value to the lives of others.

Below is a list of links for you to explore:

1. 10 Valuable Lessons I Learnt About Blogging for Passive Income, from Yaro Starak’s 60 Minute Podcast Interview with Patrick Meninga”

Download FREE PDF Transcript: (instructions for downloading a 30 page PDF transcript of the 1 hour video are provided in this blog post that I published Mar 9, 2013 @ 18:58)

2. Breakthrough to Purpose – Andy Brine Interviews Efe Ohwofasa (Verbatim Text Transcript)

3. On Being a Master (Preview of Burt Dubin’s Forthcoming NEW Book)

READ: Why I Manually Transcribe Video/Audio Presentations (Especially Interviews) – CLICK HERE


Read the article I wrote about Richie: It’s titled “All You Really Need Is Ingenuity…aka Creative Thinking (True Story: Man Born Without Arms Designs Championship Winning Race Cars)


Announce Your Goals, and You’ll Be Forced to Achieve Them

Just today, I replied to an enquiry by a facebook friend, about progress I’d made with my Pineapple Peel based drinks production project. He’s not the only one who has been asking me this question. Clients, friends and relatives have intermittently requested to know how far I’ve gone.

Thankfully, I’ve always had significant progress to report(update post coming up on Tuesday, next week). And one reason for this – apart from the natural interest I have in this – is that I announced it on Facebook, and my website some months back. With pictures and even a web page dedicated to it.

So you see, by announcing my plan to the world, I effectively enrolled others in “pushing me” to implement it!

But wouldn’t that amount to either being perceived to be a “show-off” or exposing your plans to your “rival(s)”?

As is the case in all aspects of life, there is possibility that either or both of the earlier mentioned problems could arise if you adopt this approach.

However, having used this technique successfully on numerous occasions to “force” myself to actualize objectives I set for myself, I can tell you with certainty that the benefits far outweigh whatever costs it may attract.

One example: Years ago, while typing the e-book on which this article is based, my wife sat beside me watching. She got me to start writing the book back then because I had once told her I intended to write it.

By telling her my intention I unwittingly enlisted her to “remind” me about the target I set for myself, thereby helping to motivate me to do it.

When you tell people what you intend to do, you are no longer the only one who knows you intend to do it. So it becomes more difficult for you to one day decide to push that target or goal under the carpet and forget about it.

Those you tell will ask you about it. Since you know they will ask you about it, you will want to avoid looking unfocussed by making sure you have a positive progress update to give them!

Simple, yet not-so-obvious – is it?

Maybe just one more example – this time from outside the language-learning arena.

I finished writing a 45 – page management research paper titled “Self-Development As A Tool For Achieving Career Advancement (A Practical Guide Based on Experience)” in December 2001.

Now, that was the same month in which I resigned my appointment as Training and Technical Development Manager of Guinness Nigeria Plc (Benin).

It was a period when I had to combine preparing handover notes, and doing my job with finishing up the paper for which I had to produce/circulate 100 questionnaires across Lagos/Benin.

Out of the 100 questionnaires, over 40 completed ones were recovered and used in deriving my findings. Now, not only did I do the questionnaire design/data analysis myself, but I also typed the entire paper myself in the little free time I could find – which was not much I assure you!

The whole process began in September 2001, and by 31st December 2001, I had a paper that was ready for entry, into the 2002 edition of the Nigerian Institute of Management’s Young Manager’s competition.

That was just as I had planned, and told as many of my friends, colleagues and relatives who would listen!

I’d told them I intended to write a paper with which I hoped to win the national finals of the competition in 2002 (I was placed 5th in 1997 in my debut).

They had, over the months, variously enquired about what progress I had made toward achieving it. This, more than anything else, helped me stay focused on finishing the paper!

In addition, on the questionnaire’s cover letter, I had promised to send an electronic copy of the final paper produced as a reward to each respondent.

Since many of them had indicated interest in getting a copy, it became even more imperative for me to finish the paper.

That offer was made as an incentive to get them to help complete my questionnaire. I therefore had to fulfil my promise or risk looking “bad” in their eyes.

As you can see, announcing your plans can be a great way to avoid taking the easy (or lazy?) way out, when you set bold or “stretching” targets for yourself!

Final Words: Adopt this Strategy, and Coach Your Kids to Use It As Well

This post is based on excerpts from my Proven 5-Step Formula for Learning ANY Language in 3 Months or less ebook.

I strongly recommend applying the ideas descried above, and also coaching your kids to use them.

Over 2 decades of using this strategy to consistently achieve exceptional outcomes, in various endeavours, convince me they will work for you.

All You Really Need Is Ingenuity…aka Creative Thinking (True Story: Man Born Without Arms Designs Championship Winning Race Cars)

How much effort do you put into doing your JOB each day? And how many times have you told your employer (or boss) you could do MUCH more…IF ONLY s/he would send you on some training, or buy some latest gadget for you to use?

Well, I’m here to tell you (using the amazing achievements of a man born without arms!) that 9.5 times out of 10, you probably already have all you need, to deliver superlative workplace performances.

The Problem Is, You May Not Know You Already Have ALL You Need…

…Until You Meet Someone Who LACKS What You Have, But Is Doing MORE Than You’re Doing!

Indeed, many of us do not know we already have so much going for us, that we need not look for more.

At least, not until we’ve made the best possible use of what we already have!

Yes. And that includes YOU: Mr “I’ve not been promoted since I joined the company”.

And YOU: Ms. “You send me on that new sales negotiation training course, and see if I don’t top the charts this year”.

Who says, madam, that you need anything more than what your creator already gave you?

At the most, you probably need to read a good book on proven sales techniques by Jeffery Gitomer or Brian Tracy. And that’s not likely to set you back more than a few dollars.

In reality, most of the change needs to happen INSIDE you – in terms of how you THINK, basically.

You see, some people started this journey of life with very little compared to us.

And every single day of their lives, things that we do without thought (e.g. opening a door, typing on a PC); require much more effort from them.

Yet they go on doing them, and actually excel in the process, often beyond those of us with MORE!

Many times, they achieve such feats simply through a mental attitude that refuses to recognise ANY limitations. They simply refuse to believe there is anything they cannot do.

And they never listen to anyone who tells them something they wish to do is impossible.

One Such Person is Richie Parker, the Young Man Featured In a Video I Watched Today (Wednesday 16th October 2013)

NB: You’re reading this article on Thursday 17th October 2013, or later. I wrote, and scheduled it to auto-publish on Wednesday 16th October 2013.

Richie was born in 1983, without ARMS.

But today, he works as a vehicle design engineer at Hendrick Engineering/Motor Sports: a company that has won more NASCAR championships than any other.

He designs chassis and body components for ALL their 4 racing teams – USING HIS FEET, to handle the mouse, and type on the keyboard of his PC!

Richer Parker designs chassis and body components for ALL Hendrick Motor Sports' 4 racing teams - USING HIS FEET, to handle the mouse, and type on the keyboard of his PC!

And he’s been doing that job for 8 years – during which time they’ve won 5 championships.

It would also interest you to know, that he drives his own car. It has wonderful modifications, made to the pedals, that let him use his feet to manoeuvre the vehicle, the way we who have arms do ours!

Thanks to Segun Ogunlana – My Amazing Brother-in-Law – for Sharing This Video on Facebook

Since when he sent the link on September 8th, 2013, poor connectivity had prevented me from watching it (it never even loaded), each time I tried.

Until today.

I kept trying to watch it whenever I remembered the link (I’d bookmarked it).

The photo of the armless young man sitting on a car bumper stirred my curiosity. Another reason I kept trying were the comments those who’d watched it made on facebook.

And when I finally watched it, I KNEW others deserved to see it too.

This young man’s creative achievements COMPLETELY invalidate any excuses the rest of us can possibly come up with, for not actualizing our full potentials in life.

Few, if at all any, challenges we face in life can measure up to most of those this guy has found ways to overcome in his short time on earth!

PLEASE watch the video, and START LIVING WITHOUT MAKING EXCUSES from today.

True Story: Man Born Without Arms Designs Championship Winning Race Car

I’ve recorded the video using software I have, for offline viewing, and I intend to play it for my kids to watch, OVER and OVER again.

In addition to that, I have plans to MASSIVELY publicize it, by presenting it in different formats. Those who’ve seen what I’ve done with other videos/audios online, may have an idea of what’s coming…soon!

I may even arrange to visit schools, churches, mosques, and other social organisations.

I BEG YOU – Watch This Video, And Share It!

I never thought I’d ever get to a point in my life when I’d actually BEG anyone to do anything.

But I’m making an exception with Richie Parker’s amazing video.

Believe me, this is probably the closest we’ll ever get to an ENDLESS source of inspiration, AFTER God!

That’s why I’m begging you to – right NOW (don’t wait till you have time…do it NOW) – PLEASE watch the video, then share it with as many people as possible.

…and START LIVING WITHOUT MAKING EXCUSES from today, on your job, and in your personal lives.

Meeting Buyers’ Needs is About Competence, NOT Religion

If you don’t start attending Church we cannot work together“! Yes. A REAL client recently told me that :-) And it was not my first experience. It’s unfortunate that I have to say this. But since 2002, when I became self-employed, ONLY clients who claimed to be “Pentecostal Christians” have ever ever made my religion an issue in this manner.

NB: Everything I describe in this article, is with specific reference to my personal experiences in Nigeria/Benin Republic. Yours may be different.

And That’s Why I Feel Obligated to Write About This Problem

Of all the possible challenges that can arise in interpersonal relationships, I have found the one relating to religion, the most potentially destructive.

First of all, let me state here that I have met and enjoyed wonderful relationships with clients who profess Christianity (some Islam), and live exemplary lives. None of them ever made my religious disposition a condition, for relating with me on a business or personal level.

However, I have also come across phonies/zealots, who made a big issue of religion in their relationships.

No matter how hard you try to avoid it in your business conversations, they eventually have to ask you:

“So where do you worship?”

The minute you say you’re not a Christian, or you do not attend church, or you’re not born-again, your problems with them begin!

The typical zealot will consider it his/her duty to “convert” you at all costs.

Now, this should normally be an act of love i.e. to want to help another person get closer to God, the way THEY know how.

However, it must be with consent of that person: If after hearing you out, s/he chooses to stay where s/he is, you must respect his/her decision.

That’s where these zealots fail to get it:

If you, as the person they speak to, do NOT agree to convert, they may go as far as not hiring (or buying from) you.

And they may not even care if you are the most qualified to handle the project (or your products are th best)!

And if they’d already hired you, like in my case with the client mentioned above, they may proceed to threaten you with NOT awarding future jobs to you.

My Ability to Construct a Bridge, Fly a Plane, or Build Software, Has LITTLE to do with My Religion – and EVERYTHING to Do With My Proven Competence!

If these people had their way, they’d go checking to see if the pilot of the plane they are to fly in, is born-again or not.

In fact, make the mistake of putting them in ministerial positions, and they’ll probably announce that the most plane mishaps occur when an “unbeliever” is flying the plane!

By the way, the foregoing may not be far fetched…

Recent reports have it that (following the latest air disaster last week), Nigerian legislators plan a prayer session, to ward off future plane crashes. A shocking example of people blinded by religion, chasing shadows, and leaving the substance unattended!

People Who Give Conditions Based on Religion, Often Aim to Exploit

They frequently have ulterior motives. Typically, they would say “God will bless you” or “Do it for the lord” or “I’m your brother or sister”.

All in a bid to get your products/services at lower rates that will often be unprofitable to you. But they would NOT care how badly your business could get hurt – no matter how much you appeal to them.

That’s why they’ll work hard to “convert” you. So you’ll find it hard to say NO.

If you’re especially gifted in areas they have needs, expect this to happen.

My versatility makes me encounter this often…but I’ve learnt how to deal effectively with them.

What You Can (Indeed SHOULD) Do…Anytime a Client Gives Religion as a Condition

Quote by Tayo K. Solagbade in article titled "Meeting Buyers' Needs is About Competence, NOT Religion"

If you ever come across a client who says If you don’t attend Church I won’t hire (or buy from) you”…or something similar, do NOT give in.

Unless you truly believe that to be the way for you…

I connect with my creator in a way that works for me. That’s why my response to such threats has therefore ALWAYS been the same:

“Do whatever you feel will best serve your interests, Mr/Ms/Mrs. (name).”

(NB: Like I’ve told many people, I depend 100% on my creator to open doors of business or personal advancement opportunities for me. So, nothing ANYONE says or does can stop me getting what is mine!)

Guess what?

In most cases, the same clients assign me additional projects – or even extend my mandates!

Sometimes the individual would later say to me:

“I assure you Mr. Tayo. You’re going to be a pastor one day”.

To which I would respond (with a big smile plastered across my face) with something like this:

“I guess only God himself will decide that. So far though, he’s not told me any such thing”.

And that’s what a true believer in God should do:

After “telling” the (supposed) unbeliever, leave the rest up to God. Don’t demand s/he join your religion (supposedly on behalf of God) as a condition for buying his/her products/services!

To Create The Future You Want, Become An ANT™!

Anyone who wants to achieve authentic, and lasting success in any venture s/he embarks upon, will find my 10 chapter Self-Development Bible™, a reliable guide.

If you nurse high aspirations or ambitions, accept – now – that you WILL be “sorely tested” – with heart breaking bouts of adversity, before you “arrive” (as James R. Cook – author of New York Times Bestselling “Startup Entrepreneur” noted).

To Create The Future You Want, Become An ANT™!

And this is why I believe the MOST important chapter in my book, for anyone who wishes to actualise his/her full potential, is Chapter 3: Become An Ant™.

What follows below, is an excerpt from that chapter of my book about how to develop mental stamina. This (i.e. mental stamina) is what you need to overcome, the routine delays, setbacks and disappointments, likely to come your way, as you pursue your desired goal.

The third way you can use Self-Development to create the future you want, is for you to BECOME AN ANT™ (figuratively speaking of course!).

ANTS Exhibit Focus, Determination and Perseverance

FOCUS, DETERMINATION AND PERSEVERANCE are three (3) key qualities considered essential for success in any area of endeavour.

1. A person with focus knows what he wants, and has his mind set on getting it.

2. One who is determined will not be put off by discouragements or temporary setbacks.

3. The person who can persevere will not give up trying until s/he has achieved a set objective.

Perseverance – according to great achievers like Thomas Edison is the most crucial.

Edison actually called it: “stick-to-it-iveness“.

Considering that he chose to continue his work despite many thousand failures, one can appreciate how he can be so sure about this.

If you have ever tried to stop an ant without killing it, you will know that it exhibits these qualities quite well in the way it responds to obstacles in its path.

No matter what you do (except you kill it), you cannot stop an ant from trying again and again to get around, go over or under whatever obstacle you put in it’s path.

Put the ant in a sealed jar and it will keep moving everywhere, searching for a way out, till it eventually drops dead.

Ants provide a perfect example of focus, determination and perseverance at work.

“Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence; Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful individuals with talent. Genius will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent” – Ray Kroc (Founder of McDonalds)

Just imagine if you were to adopt the “ant” ATTITUDE, to challenges and setbacks or disappointments you encounter, in trying achieve your goals.

You would become virtually unstoppable!

This “ant” mentality is one major reason why Michael Jordan has become a living legend of American – even world – basketball.

During matches, when the last seconds were ticking away for the buzzer to sound and his team was trailing, Jordan would never give up!

He would continue fighting to score additional points to help his team win!

This fighting spirit saw him pulling his team out of defeat many times – when it mattered most – to win major championships.

So, when next your plan fails to work out or things seem to be going badly wrong, don’t fall apart.

Take a step back and THINK about what you possibly did wrong or need to do better, then make necessary corrections and TRY AGAIN.

Like Napoleon Hill said, you must take failure(temporary defeat) as a sign that your plan still needs some work. In other words, it is not yet good enough.

So go back and re-do the plan, then come right back and try again.

Remember : “Quitters never win and winners never quit”.

True, it’s easier said than done, but it can be done:

Just be an (intelligent) ANT™!

He Called Me “Voleur” (Thief)!

[PDF] He Called Me Voleur! - Click to download PDF version of this article and read offline

In this article, I discuss one big mistake some non-Nigerian Africans seem to be making in thinking about Nigeria. To do this, I share a true story about a Francophone African undergraduate in his 20’s, who called me a thief – and meant it. Why? Because he daily saw me typing away on an Internet connected laptop, and I never seemed to go out to “work”…LOL!

According to him, working that way (i.e. selling information products, custom Excel-VB driven software, web marketing systems development, and writing services online) was only possible in developed countries.

To him, that meant that I had to be engaged in 419 i.e. Internet scam business.

And since he already knew I was a Nigerian, that made perfect sense…LOL!

It did not matter what I showed him on my website, or where I told him I’d been (as detailed in my 11 page resume).

Indeed, the little effort I made, to educate him about potential opportunities awaiting him online, simply put him off. He repeated – angrily:

“Vous êtes voleur!”

Why Did He Say This? (Here’s What Led to Our Exchange)

Since I’d met him in April, he would once in a while ask me for money – and I’d give him. He was a student. Over 20 years before, I’d been on campus like him. I knew things could be tough for students, away from home.

That day however, I refused to give him money he asked for. This was because I’d noticed he never did anything useful with whatever one gave him. He spent recklessly, and also kept bringing a girl friend to sleep with, in a room he shared with the rest of us.

He left, and we never talked about it. But he kept behaving the same way. I tried to ignore his excesses, but I felt I had a duty, as an older person, to set him right.

So, one day I called him, and told him what I saw. Then I warned about the uncertain future, in terms of a post-university job search – which he needed to prepare for.

He assured me countless jobs awaited him in the labour market of his country:

“It’s not like Nigeria, where you don’t have jobs. Isn’t that why you moved here?”

(NB: In saying the above, he failed to recall what I’d told him in the past: That my clients were either foreigners based in his country, or who connected with me online. I relocated to take advantage of the stable power supply and polity. In reality, most people in his society could not afford my services!).

I told him about a personal friend, who’d graduated for years, and – like many others – had been unable to secure a decent job, despite his qualifications.

(NB: This friend, today, manages a mobile phone shop for an expatriate owner…with a”university degree”. But he’s actually better off than most others!)

My young friend countered that God would not let him have such an experience…!

I asked him if he thought that he alone knew “God”. In addition, I asked him, if all other graduates walking the streets, years after graduating, did not also pray to “God”, like he did (I actually meant to say “IF” he did pray – given his apparent lifestyle!).

That was where I hit a nerve.

He asked “What do you know about God? Do you even have a university degree?

He went on:

“Look, you’ve always questioned the usefulness of traditional formal education. Maybe you feel bitter because you did not attend university.”

He said the above, in apparent reference to what I’d told him, and his colleagues, about “schools killing creativity” – and why self-education must be embraced, even as one goes through school.

I’d never imagined I would have to show proof of my university level education to anyone!

(In my mind I said “Yepa. Chineke! This guy is challenging me to prove that I have a university degree? Mo baje!”)…LOL!

I was speechless for a few seconds, as I tried to think of how to express myself to get through to him.

You must understand that we were conversing in French, and I still struggled in some areas.

“How could he not know I had a degree, from all the time we’d spent together?” I wondered.

Then I remembered he was Francophone, and could barely read/speak/understand a word of English!

As a result, he would not have comprehended most of my website’s content, all the times he’d watched me updating it on my laptop. (I’ve been reluctant to use an online language translation service on my website, because of the absence of contextual interpretation – which can change intended meaning).

Then it also struck me that, he’d actually never even visited the website once, despite my telling him to!

As far as he was concerned therefore, I could be no different from Nigerians who came across the border to sell things in their country.

In fact, he said we were all the same, and that:

“Ghanaians speak proper English, while you Nigerians only speak Pidgin English!”

Proudly turning to his friend, he added:

“Yes. I was in their country. They don’t know how to speak good English. What they speak is Pidgin!”

“Where did he get that impression from?” I wondered.

A university level student thinking everyone in a country like Nigeria cannot speak “good” English?

“Incroyable!” I said to myself :-)

Then I remembered the story he told me of his one time visit to Nigeria, few years back.

During a long holiday period, he’d visited a distant relative in a remote part of South West Nigeria. They’d passed through Lagos on their way to and fro. And while there, they’d worked with locals and some farm hands.

You can imagine the calibre of people he must have spent his time with under such circumstances. The poor guy never got a chance to move around enough to “hear” anything but Pidgin English!

But drawing conclusions based on that, is NOT smart thinking expected of a “university undergraduate”!

I asked if he realised some of the most competent users of English, in Africa, were from Nigeria. I mentioned Chinua Achebe, Wole Soyinka and others.

He had no clue who they were. And he bluntly told me:

“Forget it. You people can’t speak good English, In fact I speak better than most of you!”.

All this from a guy who needed my help to translate a 300 word message from French to English? That day, because (again) he had no money, I had to use my personal bulk SMS mailing account, to send it to his relative’s mobile number in Nigeria. The latter called him within seconds of receiving the message.

That happened less than a week earlier. So it was not that he’d attended some crash course in English, to justify claiming he could speak English. He was simply deluded (for want of a better word)!

And that was when I knew I was wasting my time with him.

The Entire Exhange Pointed Me to One SAD Realisation

Many young Africans (even some adults) in Francophone Africa, have no inkling of what the web can do for them. They are all so closed up in their ordered, and stable societies. So much so, that they do not know using their creativity online, can have a direct impact on their income earning capabilities.

What’s more, they fail to realise they can START NOW, and need not wait to finish from school!

NB: I said “many” have this wrong orientation. I did NOT say “all”. That means I accept that there are exceptions. And I’ve met a number :-)

This is Why I’m Glad, and Proud, That I Was Born & Raised in Nigeria!

I do not mean to claim superiority over any other nationals. I repeat: my purpose here is NOT to put down people from other nations. Doing so, would serve no intelligent or useful purpose.

However, I believe the propensity of Nigerians to adopt – and make productive, income generating use of PC and Internet technology, is unparalled in Africa.

This is my considered opinion, based on years of experience, and careful observation.

The average Nigerian’s level of Internet awareness, outstrips that of most other Africans – especially in West Africa.

Do I have any specific statistics to back up my claims? Not any that I personally compiled.

But I’ve travelled quite a bit over the years, and actively interacted with people from different parts of Africa, and the world.

In addition, through my web marketing, over the past 10 years, I have related actively with people from various parts of Africa, and beyond.

The truth is that the rate of adoption of PC and Internet technology, for personal and business use, is phenomenally high in Nigeria.

Many surveys published about technology, social media, mobile phone usage etc in Africa, also attest the truth of what I’m saying here.

The only thing holding Nigeria back from using the above strengths, to realise its full potential as a true giant, is its shaky leadership.

BUT…and this is a big BUT…

…The mistake I see some other Africans making, is that they seem to think that Nigeria’s problem will never be solved. And as a result, they believe their economies will keep enjoying influx of EXTRA income, resulting from Nigerian/foreign owned solo-entrepreneurs and “companies” based in Nigeria, relocating to their countries.

Some even seem to take delight in using the “poor reputation” of Nigeria/Nigerians, to discredit honest Nigerians making productive use of the web, to earn a living – LIKE ME.

Well, for anyone guilty of the above, here’s some friendly advice: STOP doing that, and start thinking what you’ll do when things change!

I say this because WHEN (NOT if), Nigeria sorts out its leadership problem, its people will turn its fortunes around in the twinkle of an eye, making it a global leader.

That’s how self-empowered and ready Nigerians are. (NB: The Keyword is: “Self-empowered”!)

By then, Nigeria WILL become a safer and more cost-effective destination for investors. More Nigerians will also stay back and/or return home to do business. AND, as a result, Nigeria will start keeping more of the money generated by its businesses within its borders.

Remember: Nigeria is the largest market in Africa. So that’s a lot of money we’re talking about here!

I doubt the same can be said for many African countries – especially in West Africa – whose manpower remain grossly un-empowered. They’ve remained like that, despite the relative peace, orderliness and stability of leadership, and infrastructure they enjoy in their mostly smaller economies – compared to Nigeria.

Can someone please tell them to wake up, and do MORE, with what they have currently going for them! PLEASE!!!!


I know. It’s true that many Nigerians seem currently more disposed to doing wrong, to get what they want.

But that’s just a phase.

With the growing number of “honest” positive change agents fighting to set Nigeria right, such Nigerians will eventually adopt positive avenues that will be created, to achieve their goals.