Category Archives: Recommended Websites & Articles

[VIDEO] 5 Proven Ways to Boost Farm Profits without Raising Prices [Best Practice Farm Business Management]

This video will interest you if you run a farm business (or are aspiring). With today’s tough economic conditions, any smart business person will be open to ideas that can help boost profits.

Consider the strategies discussed with an open mind. They are not based on unfounded assumptions or theoretical musings. Rather, they have been used to increase profits without raising prices, in real-life batch operations similar to farm businesses.

Adopt them today and begin to reap improved farm profits!


Strange Pawpaw Tree Shows Root Cause of Nigeria’s Domestic Violence (DV) is a “People Profiting from Victims’ Pains” Culture

Nigeria’s DV problem has become a pandemic. And the reason why it’s that way is that we have developed a culture of PROFITING from PAIN.

I call it P4P for short.

In this video, I use the analogy of a Pawpaw tree with a peculiar fruiting behaviour to illustrate my point.

TIP: In Nigeria if your “abuser” is able to get those you complain to, to accept “money” or “favours”, you’re VERY likely – except in rare cases – to lose out (& even suffer secondary abuse at THEIR hands!) no matter how much proof you have.

Watch this video to learn more, as I explain why this happens, why it is the root cause of what is now a pandemic of sorts today – and what can be done to stop it.


If Your University Degree or PhD Makes You FEEL Superior, Watch THIS!

This story illustrates why Schooling is NOT the same thing as Education. In my commentary, I also explain why you need a Custom Education System to Prepare Your Child Effectively for ADULT LIFE.

The video ends with a short eye opening clip of a successful entrepreneur explaining why today’s school system is dead and what you (and/or your child) need to do to achieve authentic success in life.


Osinachi Could Have Been Rescued From Abuse, Like This Girl Was by Pastor Enenche

2 Men Stole/Sexually Abused a Girl & Tried to Use her to Defraud Pastor Enenche: How He Discerned & Exposed Them

Click here to watch..

Save Time, Effort, Money & Resources Using Low Cost Spreadsheet Software [FREE PDF REPORT DOWNLOAD]


My products/services already fill a felt-need for many individuals and businesses in and out of Africa for recording, trending, analysing and interpreting their data towards taking intelligent decisions to improve the operational/financial output.


Individuals and organizations with peculiar data handling and report generation needs that are not cost-effectively addressed by available off-the-shelf commercial software applications.

A growing number express interest in learning to do what I do, or having their personnel coached to do it.

And some are now Affiliate Partners authorized to resell my apps and keep the money. Details inside

Download this PDF from

Adding Value to Garri by Fortifying It With Fruits & Other Nutrient Sources [Download VIDEO TRANSCRIPT]

*This educational article is based on transcript excerpts from Video Interview of a representative (see below) of Royal Siblings Ventures Limited at their display stand at the 2022 Alausa International Trade Fair. Watch full video at


  1. Download PDF Version – Click HERE
  2. Download PNG Version – Click ABOVE



[DVAM] Two Life Changing Stories of Domestic Violence You Need to Hear: Sharing My Story on “Relationship 360” – 99.3 FM Nigeria Info

On Sat 12/3/2022 I shared my story as a Male Survivor (& Mrs. Olaide Kayode-Omosebi as a Female Survivor) of Domestic Violence on the “Relationship 360” Show at 99.3 FM Nigeria Info Radio Studios Lagos/Nigeria.

Click to watch the 5 minute video trailer I created for this loaded episode of “Relationship 360” with Olumide Omosebi (CEO, Gnosis Help Initiative).

Wait till end for URL to the full recorded video version published by Olumide on Instagram.

Viral 19 Year Old Nigerian Blockchain Startup CEO Succeeded by Dropping Out to Focus on Coding: Says “University Was a Waste of Time”

Described as “one of the most sought-after young tech darlings in Africa” by, 19 year old Njoku Emmanuel’s rise to fame and fortune in Block chain engineering, did NOT happen overnight.