Category Archives: Recommended Websites & Articles

[PDF Agribusiness Research Paper] Adoption of PC-Based Feed Formulation Methods by Farmers, Feed Manufacturers and Extension Professionals, in South West Nigeria – Complete my Questionnaire Survey & Download FREE PDF Copy

Image: [Annotated] Cover of Agribusiness Research Paper I got paid to write in December 2013 by a European Union funded NGO based in Holland. It’s titled “Adoption of PC-Based Feed Formulation Methods by Farmers, Feed Manufacturers and Extension Professionals, in South West Nigeria.”

Image: [Annotated] Cover of Agribusiness Research Paper I got paid to write in December 2013 by a European Union funded NGO based in Holland. It's titled 'Adoption of PC-Based Feed Formulation Methods by Farmers, Feed Manufacturers and Extension Professionals, in South West Nigeria.'

In this article, I explain how you can get a FREE personalized copy emailed to you.

Since sending the promised copies to subscribers/clients who helped complete my questionnaire survey for the 2013 paper, I have periodically given out personalized copies of the FREE (PC screen viewing ONLY) version of it to Farm CEOs who contact me.

I do this to share my findings with them – and also to BUILD relationships that enable me stay connected with real practicing farm CEOs.

I began doing the above, following the experience had in the course of preparing the paper…

I recall being asked to supply detailed information about the farm owner data I used (including their contact details).

Luckily for me, I had elaborate details on EACH of my Farm CEO clients because they had all used my website contact form to reach out to me before buying…and I had downloaded their submitted data for preparing their PDF invoices.

But the fact that those details were requested, woke me up to the realization that the credibility of my paper depended on how REAL those I claimed to have sold my app to turned out to be.

As you may have guessed, since I got paid, that did NOT turn out to be a problem.

However, that experience made me setup a system to verify the status of every enquirer or buyer I take on…

It is for this reason that today, when a new prospect reaches out to me online, asking about buying any of my solutions, the first thing I do is request that s/he give me a date and time I (and mobile phone number if s/he sends a direct email, and does NOT use the contact form).

This is so that I can call him/her to ask a few questions. I make it clear that ONLY after I have asked my questions, and gotten the answers I need, will I be willing to respond to his/her enquiries about my product price, payment options etc.

I do this even with international enquirers.

As you can imagine, this approach is rather counter intuitive, since my business purpose is to make sales…!

However, the experience I had with above mentioned NGO made me realize it was important to establish the identity, and other key details about each person that reaches out to me.

That way, I will be able to speak more intelligently, and accurately, about the results I am getting.

Interestingly, I estimated that 7 times out of 10, the enquiries have gone on to buy from me, AFTER we’re done talking – and I’ve emailed them my responses to their enquiries.

In fact, what I have noticed is that my insistence on calling them, even when I know it will cost me, and I’m not sure they will buy,. actually inspires more confidence about doing business with me in their minds.

One of the things I make clear to them is that my calling at my own expense is NOT designed to put them under pressure to buy.

Instead I tell them I do it to be sure who I’m talking to, what s/he does by way of farming (or what s/he plans to do etc), how long s/he has been doing it, what size of operation etc.

Apart from getting those details, the way s/he responds to those questions also gives me a good idea of how familiar s/he is with the business. And that helps me in responding to the enquiry, especially in giving suggestions and advice on what to buy etc.

For instance, when I ask if s/he asked for the price for my Ration Formulator software, I would ask during my call, if s/he has a sound understanding of the science of feed formulation and practical compounding.

If s/he says NO, or does not come across as sure, I go on to recommend that s/he consider buying the Feed Formulation Handbook to go with the software – so that s/he can LEARN the needed theoretical principles that guide formulation of performance boosting rations for his/her animals.

Today, I have Farm CEO buyers of my apps who I called at my own expense in places like the Philippines, Tanzania, Uganda, Mexico, London and many MANY states across Nigeria.

It is for this reason that I have now decided to routinely request ANY willing Farm CEOs (whether or not you are a buyer), to help complete the same questionnaire survey I used for the research study.

This is so I can continue reviewing the data, to gain deeper and more potentially useful insights into the trends.

For every Farm CEO who is able to send me a completed questionnaire, I will send him/her a personalized copy of the Agribusiness paper as a thank you gift.

If the above offer interests you, click here to let me know, and I will send you the questionnaire.

PS: Click the links below, to read articles I wrote in which I mentioned commencing and progressing work on this research paper assignment – including announcing when I finished it and got paid.

1. [Written after I completed the project and just got paid]

2. [Written after the article above]

3. [Written when I was still working on the project]


THE FARM CEO (Issue 06) – 13th July 2015: Reducing Catfish Feeding Costs (A Secret Weapon) – Parts 1 & 2, Cutting Costs by Feeding Chicken Intestine to Your Catfish (Native catfish culture), How to Reduce Your Feeding Costs by Rearing/Feeding Maggots to Your Catfish, How to Rear Daphnia (Water Fleas) to Feed Your Catfish at Lower Cost, FAO Information Programme (Production Cycle etc) on Catfish – Clarias Gariepinus

This sixth (6th) issue of THE FARM CEO newspaper is devoted entirely to Reduction of Feeding Costs in Catfish Farming. You get my reviews of, and links to:

1. [URL] Reducing Catfish Feeding Costs (A Secret Weapon) – Parts 1 & 2 P.1

2. [URL] Cutting Costs by Feeding Chicken Intestine to Your Catfish (Native catfish culture) P.2

3. [URL] How to Reduce Your Feeding Costs by Rearing/Feeding Maggots to Your Catfish P.2

4. [URL] How to Rear Daphnia (Water Fleas) to Feed Your Catfish at Lower Cost P.3

5. [URL] FAO Information Programme (Production Cycle etc) on Catfish – Clarias Gariepinus P.3

Below: Screenshot of the cover for Issue No. 06 of THE FARM CEO (Monday 13th July 2015)

Screenshot of the cover for Issue No. 06 of THE FARM CEO (Monday 13th July 2015)

Subscribe to THE FARM CEO, and get this new issue 06, as well as ALL back issues, in addition to your full subscription of 48 weekly issues.

1) Useful feed formulation/other findings from trusted sources

2) Cost-saving ideas from farm visits as I travel across West Africa.

3) Ads by farm providers/suppliers of all genres.

4). Special promo price offers of my Software and Book products

Full details at

1 year’s subscription = 48 issues.

Subscription Fee = $36 USD (approx) N6.8k [You get my $82 USD Feed Formulation Handbook FREE, as well as FREE Bi-weekly ads for YOUR biz]

PS: Your Own Money Making Product Built by Me [Offer Expires MNT Thur 16th July 2015]*

Would you like to build your own Digital Passive Income Generating Information Product in YOUR area of proven knowledge/competence/expertise, BUT worry that you may lack time/training to START, and FINISH it?

If you said YES to the Above, This Offer May Interest You

Let me do all the work for you as a Ghost-Writer (research, writing, recording, book cover design, book publishing, audio/video DVD Information Products creation etc).

We can do it face to face or remotely. It won’t matter.

I will interview you (and record/transcribe what you say) on the topic, to get what you know in written form. Then I’ll use my wealth of experience to research the subject to add more to what you give me. I will then combine it all, creatively, to make a ready-to-sell Information Product in PDF format, with front and back book cover designs for a PRINT version – both will be put up for sale in an online store I will setup for you.

NB:* This offer expires at Midnight Wed 15th July 2015. ONLY 4 slots are available.

However, IF YOU are a subscriber to THE FARM CEO™, I’m extending the deadline till MNT Thursday 16th July 2015.

For payment details text (or call) me on +234-803-302-1263 or +229-66-122-136. Or email tayo at tksola dot com.

Learn more at:


THE FARM CEO (Issue 05) – 6th July 2015: A Mobile Phone App for Poultry Feed Formulation?, Choosing The RIGHT Feed Formulation App, Kenyan Farmers (Belatedly?) Creating Own Feed Due to Rising Costs, Using Inaccurate Amino Acid Digestibility Databases Can Increase Your Feeding Costs, A Useful Introduction to Feed Formulation

In this fifth issue of THE FARM CEO newspaper , I ask: Would you like me to offer you a mobile phone app version of my Excel-VB Ration Formulator software? (even as I review one such app by a 3rd party!) You also get my reviews of, and links to:

[PDF] Choosing The RIGHT Feed Formulation App P.1

[URL] Using Inaccurate Amino Acid Digestibility Databases Can Increase Your Feeding Costs P.2

[URl] Kenyan Farmers (Belatedly?) Creating Own Feed Due to Rising Costs P.2

[URL] A Useful Introduction to Feed Formulation P.3

[PDF] A Mobile Phone App for Poultry Feed Formulation? P.3

Below: Screenshot of the cover for Issue No. 05 of THE FARM CEO (Monday 6th July 2015)

Screenshot of the cover for Issue No. 05 of THE FARM CEO (Monday 15th June 2015)

Subscribe to THE FARM CEO, and get this new issue 05, as well as ALL back issues, in addition to your full subscription of 48 weekly issues.

1) Useful feed formulation/other findings from trusted sources

2) Cost-saving ideas from farm visits as I travel across West Africa.

3) Ads by farm providers/suppliers of all genres.

4). Special promo price offers of my Software and Book products

Full details at

1 year’s subscription = 48 issues.

Subscription Fee = $36 USD (approx) N6.8k [You get my $82 USD Feed Formulation Handbook FREE, as well as FREE Bi-weekly ads for YOUR biz]

PS: Here’s A Question from Page 3 of Issue No. 05 of THE FARM CEO: Would you like me to offer you a mobile phone app version of my Excel-VB Ration Formulator software? Send me your response using this form(click).

My 45th Birthday Anniversary GIFT Offer to YOU [Get my Passive Income Generation Audio DVD at N2,500 instead of N5,000]


From midnight today, I clock 45 years old, and I’ve prepared THIS special 24 hour offer to last all through 6th July 2015.

I created this Audio DVD (see autorun DVD menu below) to mark this occasion, by formally commencing implementation of my decision to give back by sharing lessons that have helped me turn my failures to success in spite of myriad adversities.

My 45th Birthday Anniversary GIFT Offer to YOU [Get my Passive Income Generation Audio DVD at N2,500 instead of N5,000]

Today, I delivered my 1 hour talk on Passive Income Generation at Sherryville Arcade. However, it actually lasted from 5p.m till 8p.m – and I SOLD this DVD there!

For those unable to attend, the DVD is also available. It is the latest addition to my passive income generating information products library, and contains powerful information and education you can use to begin generating passive income at low to zero cost even if all you have is a primary school certificate!

When you buy it, you get access to my direct support and guidances to get started EARNING PASSIVE INCOME in 3 possible areas I recommend. If you follow my guidance diligently, you WILL end up able to generate multiple Streams of Passive (or Residual) Income even when you do NO work, and also while you sleep, JUST LIKE I DO!

From now, until midnight of tomorrow 6th July 2015, ANY person who wants a copy of this DVD can order it at N2,500.00 instead N5,000.00. Price reverts to N5,000.00 from 7th July 2015. For payment details, call/text +234-803-302-1263 or Email tayo at tksola dot com

5 Practical Solutions You Need for Your Personal Success Achievement

Most people today seek solutions that can help them achieve dreams that relate directly or indirectly to having financial security i.e. being able to earn useful income on a reliable basis, for the long term.

If you’ve been following my work, you most likely know that I’m a student and practitioner of Passive Income Generation.

But I employ fairly less conventional approaches due to the realities of the African market I’ve had to practise in, compared to the developed economies in which this concept originated.

For instance, I’ve found that building INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY ASSETS (using technology/the Internet), that generate potentially life long passive income streams for me (e.g. my software and book earnings) is a smarter way to use Robert Kiyosaki’s ideas in this part of the world.

All of that I offer to share with persons who – after reviewing my materials – feel convinced enough to signup to learn from me:

Click the links below to see if ANY of the following interest you:

1. Passive Income Generation via Print On Demand publishing

Few weeks ago, in Cotonou, a client of mine took receipt of his first book (10 copies I ordered for him) which I ghost-wrote using audio interviews and research via UPS courier in a box delivered to his office at Wologuede.

See photos of him holding the book at

He gave me an autographed copy which I intend to take for a meeting in Ghana with the Pan African Writers Association.

As shown on the above linked page, I’ve been earning royalties from sales of my physical as well as digital books for years.

Now I’m helping CEO clients do same as I travel.

The publication can be any type on any topic.

For those who have the time and training to do it themselves, I simply mention what is possible and supply the URL:

2. Career Opportunities in Spreadsheet Solutions Development (My MS Excel Heaven™ Visual Basic Club & Competition)

Click here to learn more about the virtually untapped career opportunities, open even to Primary School students, in the area of MS Excel Visual Basic solutions development.

3. This week I sent out the latest edition of THE FARM CEO™ digital and print newspaper [ISSUE 04] I distribute to PAID subscribers.

The website is at

View the free preview at:

Print copies are offered in form of a 4 issue magazine version that can be purchased by a global audience via a new print on demand service I found.

I believe ANYONE can earn income by using today’s smart technology to publish a newspaper or magazine. And I offer to help interested persons conceive and implement such publishing dreams/visions by coaching them to use the tools I use, or DOING it for them as a support service.

4. Pineapple peels (and other) Fruits Based Drinks Production Facility Start-up in Cotonou

On Wednesday night, I spoke to the MD of the Wine Manufacturing company (where I worked as trainee Sales Coordinator for 6 months in 1994 before joining Guinness).

We agreed I should meet him at the factory on from 9a.m today – Friday 3rd July 2015. He’s helping me prepare the capacity projections for the 40 Hectolitre drinks production facility I plan to launch in Benin.

Back in 2013, I developed a drink using Pineapple Peels as the raw material. And it got me noticed by the Nigerian Embassy officials in Cotonou.

Today, my kids produce and sell that drink, and cakes made using the same raw material (as the opportunity presents itself).


My vision is to operate the Cotonou based entreprise as a home based FAMILY business with my kids, and also run workshops to teach others how to make drinks on their kitchen table with very small capital, like I first did in 2013.

5. Lastly, I have also devoted some quality time to exploring other viable ways to generate passive/residual income offline as well – in fact, I’ve identified specific models that work out here, if one knows how to go about it.

Details are available to persons who signup for my coaching support: The requirement for enrolment is simply to JOIN MY INNER CIRCLE for $500 USD (payable 70% advance and 30% a month later).

That’s it!

The above message is to give you an idea of practical ways I offer to help any interested persons.

If you find any of them to be of potential interest, click here to let me know.


THE FARM CEO (Issue 04) – Economics of Aquaculture Production, Become My 50% Affiliate Partner!, Video- Why You CAN Succeed In Your Livestock Farm Business (Feed Formulation Series), Manual on Catfish Hatchery & Production, Why Agriculturists Need to Be Agro-Entrepreneurs, If They Want to Prosper, Starting a Biz While Working Full Time,

Here’s a preview of Issue No. 04 of THE FARM CEO Weekly Newspaper…

[PDF] Economics of Aquaculture Production P.1

[PROMO] Become My 50% Affiliate Partner! P.2

[VIDEO] Why You CAN Succeed In Your Livestock Farm Business (Feed Formulation Series) P.2

[PDF] Manual on Catfish Hatchery & Production P.2

[URL] Why Agriculturists Need to Be Agro-Entrepreneurs, If They Want to Prosper P.3

[PDF] Starting a Biz While Working Full Time P.3

Your Questions Answered P.3

Your FREE Ad Space P.4

tfc04-cover - Here's a preview of Issue No. 04 of THE FARM CEO Weekly Newspaper...

EXCERPT No. 1: Economics of Aquaculture Production

This PDF is my featured publication for this week’s issue of THE FARM CEO™ – because it offers truly useful volume and depth of practical tips and insights on monitoring/analyzing the performance of a fish farming enterprises, which interestingly can be easily adapted for use in virtually any other farm based business!

I can state categorically, based on my personal review of this document that it truly offers valuable insights for aquaculture practitioners to accurately analyze the economics of enterprises, for profitability. The reader, if s/he applies what s/he learns, correctly, will be better equipped to take timely and more accurate decisions regarding his/her business.

See examples of tabulated content….

> Daily Records of a Typical Fish Farm

> Labour Input Record for a Typical Fish Farm

> Fixed Assets Record of a Fish Farm

> Cost and Return of Tilapia-Clarias combination in a Poly-culture System

> Illustration of Payback Periods for different stocking combinations

> Net Present Value (NPV) of three aquaculture systems & The IRR for the Tilapia-Clarias Project

From the perspective of a prospective investor or finance service provider, the information provided in this bulletin will prove valuable in preparing feasibility studies/business plans. Also, NGOs engaged in supporting farmers will find its contents useful.

Most importantly however, fish farmers themselves, will be able to use the tabulated details published in this bulletin as a guide for production and financial records they need to record/measure and monitor towards making their enterprises profitable and sustainable.

Excerpt No. 2 : Manual on Catfish Hatchery & Production

I discovered this excellent resource quite by accident in a recent online search. It offers a massive wealth of ready-to-use and very practical information and education on Catfish hatchery management and grow-out production. A wonderful piece of work.

Content Highlights:

> Techniques of Catfish Hatchery Management …

>. Requirements for a Successful African Catfish Hatchery

> Hatchery Facilities and Equipment

> Hatchery Techniques for Spawning

> Feeding Fry

> Rearing of Fry to Fingerlings

> Fish Diseases

Get FULL access to the above and more in YOUR COPY of this week’s full issue 04 of THE FARM CEO newspaper (see your email box)

Not a paid subcriber yet? No Problem!

To make subscription payment to receive email me via info at the farm ceo dot net or use this form:


Expires on Midnight Sunday 5th July 2015

So, I’ve decided that if I truly want to help Farm CEOs and those aspiring earn PASSIVE INCOME, I can start by using MY OWN PASSIVE INCOME GENERATING PRODUCTS to PAY YOU useful extra PASSIVE INCOME…

How does this work?

Simply tell others about my Ration Formulator software, Feed Formulation Handbook, Poultry Farm Manager etc and if ANY decide to buy, just KEEP 50% of the money they pay to you, as YOUR commission, and send me the rest, with buyer details, so I can send them their products!

So, here’s an offer to YOU as a paid subscriber to this paper:  Pay N5k before MNT Wednesday 1st July 2015….and you instantly become my 50% Affiliate Partner so that when anyone buys ANY of my products through you, you KEEP 50%, and send me the rest of the fee for the product(s).

Bonus: You get 85% discount to buy my Ration Formulator OR 50% discount to have me develop YOUR OWN Passive Income Generating Product for you!

NB: from Thur 2nd July 2015, the N5k promo fee reverts to N10k.

See payment and other details in the newspaper.



A Proven Solution That Enables Any African Write And Publish An International Quality Physical Book At Zero Cost!

This article is based on a letter dated 31st October 2005 written by Tayo K. Solagbade following a 2 week exploratory business visit to Accra-Ghana, during which time he met with the President of Pan African Writers Association(PAWA).

Tayo emailed the letter to Media Houses in Ghana (e.g. Graphic Ghana), Egypt, Kenya, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, South Africa etc challenging them to do a story on how POD Publishing could enable African writers publish and sell international quality print books at ZERO COST.

I am writing to suggest a story about How Print-On-Demand (POD) publishing companies based on the Internet have made it possible for anyone, living anywhere in the world – including Africa, to:

Click here to continue reading

Download My Feed Formulation Handbook FREE (it sells for over N8k at…

Download My Feed Formulation Handbook FREE (it sells for over N8k at…when you subscribe to THE FARM CEO, my new WEEKLY PDF/PRINT newspaper. Also get FREE Bi-weekly ad for YOUR business!

Continue reading…



Coming on 13th & 14th April 2015: (1) The NEW Speaking/Web Marketing IDEAS Newsletter & (2) The Cost-Saving Farm Business Best Practice Ideas Newsletter

Yesterday (Mon 6th April 2015), I DELIBERATELY did NOT publish what would have been Issue No. 188 of my Speaking IDEAS newsletter (view last week’s issue here) …because I decided to RE-INVENT myself in celebration of 2 years since I  relocated to Benin Republic on 1st April 2013.

Photo(click to view larger version): This is a screenshot of a Facebook post I made on April 2 at 8:48pm regarding the 2nd year anniversary of my relocation to Benin Republic

As a Performance Improvement Specialist, I believe in actively pursuing Continuous Improvement in EVERY area of endeavour I am engaged in.

The result of that exercise is that I now have 2 newsletters, instead of one, with a major modification in the nature of content and offers I will be making to my readers.

Newsletter No. 1: The Speaking/Web Marketing IDEAS Newsletter

Next Monday, 13th April 2013 (AFTER Nigeria’s Governorship Elections are over), the original Speaking IDEAS newsletter will return with NAME – and CONTENT – CHANGES.

When I launched the Speaking IDEAS newsletter, in 2011, it was to promote speaker mentoring products and services offered by Burt Dubin, who I represent as Sole Agent across Africa.

Over the years, I have modified my approach and strategy based on what I observed to be the trends in subscriptions and feedback from readers.

In celebrating the 2nd year anniversary of my relocation to Benin Republic (31st March 2015), I did some objective thinking, analysis and review of the results I’ve gotten

Based on the above, I decided that to ATTRACT more of my target audience, I need to modify my content to better help them discover how my newsletter, and Burt’s products/services can help them.

It is for this reason that I’m adding the Web Marketing aspect to the content of my Speaking IDEAS newsletter.

But that’s not ALL.

All subscribers to this NEW version of my newsletter will be able to take advantage of a special support service I will begin offering to ALL who choose to signup for Burt’s speaker mentoring products/services through me.

This offer basically would involve my functioning as a silent, but powerful addition to the person’s Web Marketing arsenal. Details will be available to subscribers who request them.

HINT: To achieve sustainable long terms success, an expert-who-speaks needs to develop and implement a cost-effective and efficient marketing strategy that boosts his/her chances of winning speaking invitations.

When YOU choose to purchase a Burt Dubin Speaker Mentoring Product or Service, I WILL put at YOUR disposal a specially prepared Web Marketing System and Action Plan, to enable you get up and running with using EVERYTHING you learn from Burt, to achieve the Speaking Success you desire.

Watch out for full details in NEW Speaking/Web Marketing IDEAS Newsletter – coming on Monday 13th April 2015!

Newsletter No. 2: Cost-Saving Farm Business Best Practice Ideas Newsletter

A day after the New Speaking/Web Marketing IDEAS Newsletter goes LIVE, I will send out broadcasts of the MAIDEN issue of my Cost-Saving Farm Business Best Practice Ideas Newsletter

However, unlike the Speaking IDEAS Newsletter, which is open to subscription by any interested persons, this Cost-Saving Farm Business Best Practice IDEAS Newsletter, will ONLY be sent out to member of my Inner Circle. In other words, even though a preview will be published on my blog, opening the full issue will require having YOUR OWN Inner Circle Members Only Area Login Name and Password.

Just like I’ve done with the Speaking IDEAS newsletter, the Farm IDEAS Newsletter has been conceived based on what I’ve done with my Cost-Saving Farm Business Ideas website.

I’ve carefully tested various ideas using my content marketing for years, and during my 2nd year anniversary review of the results I’ve been getting, it occurred to me that I need to take what I offer to the next level, to reward those who have chosen to take the leap of faith to join my Inner Circle.

Full details will go out with the maiden issue that I will publish on Tuesday 14th April 2015.

Final Words

The above means that I have now separated my newsletter content for Farm CEOs from that for Experts-Who-Speak (who may not necessarily be farm CEOs).

However, if you are a Farm CEO, and you really want to make the most of yourself, to maximize your income earning potential, I URGE you to subscribe to the Speaking/Web Marketing IDEAS Newsletter.

See you next week!

SD Nuggets Blog

New posts from last week that may interest you! *
Public Speaking[Monday]:




Want me to write for you? Click here to send me a message



Special Anthem for a “New Nigeria” – Watch Video, Download MP3!

These words are from a GREAT video I watched (link below) aptly titled “New Nigeria”. Kudos to the authors!

“Arise o compatriots.

The time has come for us determine the destiny of our nation. To rewrite our history.

This is our time, this is our moment.

This is our opportunity to transit our nation from a country of potential, to fully realise the greatness in our nation.

To prove the world right that indeed Nigeria is a great nation. Not only for the richness of our land, but the ingenuity of our people.

The determination of a generation to change, from ordinary to extraordinary, usual to unusual, inferior to superior.

The time has come for us to think differently, and smartly, in the way we plan, develop and build our nation.

This is the time of the courageous generation, truly ready for the real change, change in general, general change, change in the way we run our country, change in the way we manage our resources, change in the way operate our institutions, change in the way we treat our laws and administer justice, change in the way we build, change in the way we see and treat ourselves, and how we position our country in the world.

We think not of today, not even tomorrow, but far into the future.

The change we all desire is here. People’s change, general change, a clean slate for a bright future.

Be ready for people’s choice, people’s change, general change.

Vote people’s General. Vote Muhammadu Buhari for president.”


The above words are from an EXCELLENT video (link below) I watched aptly titled “New Nigeria”. Kudos to the authors!

I got my kids to watch and write out verbatim, the words from the video and then to EACH memorize it, and recite before the family…just the same way they do the National Anthem and Pledge respectively. I believe ALL OUR KIDS need to imbibe the essence of the powerful vision painted with the words in this video.

This is why I created an MP3 version which I copied to a memory card for the player used by my kids, and we play it back many times daily as a reminder of where we want Nigeria to go. It is my considered opinion that every responsible parent should do this with his/her kids – it’s a powerful way to get them involved in the movement for change… regardless of whether they are of voting age.

My schedule shuttling more often between Nigeria and Benin Republic makes it so hard for me to make out time to do my extracurricular typing like I used to. So, I asked my 15 year old so to type out the words he transcribed from the video – which you NOW read.

By the time you see this, I will have published these words on my blog (see, with a download link to the MP3 version that I created, which people can playback on their mobile phones etc (just 2 MB approx) – click the link below to download the MP3.

NB: If you want me to send you the MP3 file, email me via tayo at tksola dot com.