Category Archives: Recommended Websites & Articles

Advertise Your Products and Services on Tayo Solagbade’s Buyers-Meet-Sellers Platform for Agro based businesses – and others!

I’m pleased to finally be able to announce that my buyers-meet-sellers platform is LIVE.

Right now, I’m using the contact details and information from businesses belonging to both groups, that I have so far obtained via the market surveys I’ve been doing on behalf of clients in Benin Republic and Nigeria.

The platform is still evolving, but already fully functional – and automated

See below, three 200 x 200 pixel size rotating image banners that I’ve created for 3 different real life clients (2 are farm businesses and one is a private university).

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The platform will be open for use by all my clients (in and out of Africa) as well as other businesses who indicate interest and meet the required terms of access.

This is because I intend to employ strict quality controls in running it to ensure integrity.

If you seek clients, buyers or distributors within our outside the African continent for any products, services or solutions you offer, get in touch with me using this form (click here) for details of how to get started.



This is information passed to me by those who choose to advertise. Those who are my clients get FREE access to this platform.

However, you must take the due diligence action of checking and verifying whatever information you read in the ads or the linked pages I setup, especially if you choose to use it, or to make contact directly with the supplier. I do NOT play the role of a middle man.


How Studying a Great African Achiever is Leading Me to Self-Actualization

“Va vers les gens, vit avec eux. Apprend d’eux. Aime-les. Commence avec ce qu’ils connaissent. Planifie avec eux. Construit sur ce qu’ils ont. Enseigne en montrant. Apprend en pratiquant. Ne te conforme pas, mais transforme. Ne soulage pas mais libère. Et quand avec les meilleurs leaders, le travail est fait, la tâche accomplie, les gens diront nous l’avons fait nous-mêmes”. Lao Tsu, Fondateur de la philosophie Tao, 600 av J.C.

English Translation:

“Go to the people. Live with them. Learn from them. Love them. Start with what they know. Build with what they have. But with the best leaders, when the work is done, the task accomplished, the people will say ‘We have done this ourselves.” – Lao Tzu, founder of the Tao philosophy, 600 B.C

I discovered the above wise quote through reading a publication by a great African man here in Benin Republic, whose works have inspired me since I read about an award he received way back in 1987.

That was during my first undergraduate year as a student of Agricultural Extension Services in Nigeria’s University Of Ibadan.

I was 17 years old at the time. In another 2 months from today I will clock 46.

How time has flown – almost 30 years have passed – yet this man has continued to be a leading light and inspiration to many across the world, for his works.

I constantly drew inspiration from following his progress, and often visualised myself doing something similar in my chosen area of interest.

Over the past 10 years I’ve taken concrete steps closer to achieving my dream. And I resolved that I would find a way to meet and thank him for doing what he’s been doing.

Relocating to Benin Republic in 2013 made the possibility of that happening just a matter of time.

And now it has…

About 2 weeks ago I met and spoke with him for the first time ever. The next day I ran into him again and we had a short exchange.

In between those 2 meetings I had a good opportunity to observe him from a distance as he moved around and interacted with the people. It was obvious, to me, that there was deliberate purpose in his actipns and utterances.

Later that day I got handed a document published by his organization in which I read the quote reproduced above, and had my inner eyes opened to the secret of his success.

Click here to read the page on his organisation’s website, where the quote is reproduced.

Click below to view a page with the english version of the quote, along with several other quotes by the same Chinese philosopher.

This man does not know it, but he’s been mentoring me remotely as I followed his progress, over the past 2 and a half decades.

As soon as I read this quote, I instantly knew it was what I needed to adopt to achieve the new plans I’ve been working on.

Before now, I periodically sensed a need to do what it advised but resisted the impulse each time mainly because I was not sure how to proceed.

Luckily for me, this great man chose not to be miserly in sharing the sources of his own inspiration. As a result, the rest of us benefit.

How I wish there was a way I could add value to him the way he has done to me and many thousand others who continue to benefit from the enduring solutions provided by his organisation.

For now, one way I know I can thank him is by succeeding in using this quote’s wisdom to implement my own evolving plans to start a centre that help others with solutions I offer.

PS: By the way, in case you’ve not discovered it yet, from clicking the above mentioned link to his website, this man that I have spoken so highly of in this article, is Father Godfrey Nzamujo – the Founder of the world renowned Songhai Integrated Farming centre, headquarted here in Benin Republic’s Porto Novo. He makes me proud to be African!

[Recommended Article/Website] Librarians Love It, and Everybody (Including You!) Needs It: The Secret You Need to Know About Ebooks – and ONE website that spills it!

[I am constantly on the lookout for useful articles/websites I can recommend to my readers. This is one!]

Here are excerpts with the clickable link to learn more:

Earlier this year, the price on the blockbuster book, The Girl on the Train, was slashed from $11.99 to $1.99 for one day only.

Previously, Gone Girl was discounted from $9.99 to $2.99, and The Da Vinci Code was given away for free for one week. In all three cases, the discounts were only available for the ebook version.
Most people were completely unaware of these huge deals.

A select group of readers, however, had the inside scoop on all these deals and more. They were using BookBub, a daily email that alerts readers to free and deeply discounted ebooks that are available for a limited time.

Over 5 million people have signed up for BookBub’s free service. Readers sign up with just an email address, and then select their favorite genres. Each day, BookBub sends an email with free and discounted bestselling ebooks in the selected genres.

Just click, download, and read on any device: Kindle, Nook, iPad, iPhone, Droid,

Continue reading

Protected: THE FARM CEO (Issue 43): Agribusiness Data Survey in Benin (Rabbits, Grasscutters, Snail etc; buying Maize, Soyabeans in tonnes, buying a tractor), Snail Farming Online Learning Resources List/Links, Do Not Use Book Values of Ingredient Nutrient Composition for YOUR Livestock Feed Formulation

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[Special Feature] Website Introduction to the World Famous Songhai Integrated Farming Centre

I write this at 1.55a.m Sunday 17th April 2016, from Porto-Novo in Benin Republic.


I’m here to gather information about various agribusiness issues based on plans I have, as well as requests I’ve received from several Farm CEO clients back in Nigeria.


One popular landmark here is the headquarters of the world famous Songhai Integrated Farming Centre.


Songhai Integrated Farming Centre


Below are excerpts from home page previews of what they do, with links to learn more:

At its core, Songhai is a development process that is in continuing Evolution, it is a laboratory for Africa and the world, a prime mover for the creation of a better tomorrow.


Songhai’s farming methods emphasize protecting the natural resources and the environment.

To do this, we integrate producing agricultural crops, raising livestock and fish, and producing energy. This demonstrates our commitment to helping human beings eat healthier foods and live better lives.

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Combining plant and animal by-products to create mulch takes advantage of and enhances the rich environmental capital of Africa. It also can be used to produce an additional desirable by-product: Bio-Energy.

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Healthy people are a valuable resource for Africa. Songhai’s food products have added value because they are made from local organically-grown products and are locally processed using the highest standards in our Songhai facilities.

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The Academy is built on a framework for training future leaders who are equipped to lead the Songhai movement and support the development of Songhai centers throughout the world.

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At Songhai, we promote African development by providing a one-stop market and by offering communication, restaurant, and hotel services. This reduces the flight of capital out of Africa, (capital being exported from Africa hinders development).

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Songhai’s multimedia library contains materials that describe what we have SEEN and HEARD and LEARNED on our journey of discovery. Read beyond words and believe it for yourself.


Protected: THE FARM CEO (Issue 42): Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation: Agricultural Development: Strategy Overview, Smallholder Farming in Africa: 5 Major NGOs, Five Innovative NGOs in Agriculture

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How You Can Create Income Generating Assets Without Having a Job or ANY Money! (True Story)

The gentleman posted as follows:

“…so how can young people in South Africa create Assets with out having jobs?…”

This article is based on a comment I recently posted in response to the above question posed by a South African follower of Robert Kiyosaki(RK)’s Facebook business page, in response to a post announcing a new series of Rich Dad Financial Education Seminars.


Details indicated the events were planned for certain locations in South Africa – but it was clearly stated that they would be conducted by RK’s team, and that he would NOT be attending.

Something about the comment posted by that South African, and the way he ended it, alerted me to the fact that the insights I’d gained over the past decade, about how to use RK’s ideas to make money using non-physical zero cost “Assets”

So, I decided to post a response to his comment.


By the time I was done, I realized others with similar need for insights would find it useful if I published it on this blog.

What follows below is the verbatim reproduction of my original comment…

If you mean physical assets like rental properties that RK often describes, persons without jobs would certainly struggle as your question implies..,

Such persons – indeed anyone – can however get started and grow his/her wealth using an alternative strategy of creating what I’ve named Digital Cash Flow Generating Assets (DCFGAs)

I’ve been reading RK’s books since 2000, and quit paid employment in Dec. 2001 to start my own business.

It took me years to find a way to successfully adapt his ideas to work for me, in my harsh socioeconomic environment of Nigeria. But my passion forced me think creatively in using his definition of assets as “anything that puts money in my pockets”.

I looked more closely at what he did and realized his real estate formula would not work so well in my society, for someone lacking ready access to tangible funds/risk capital, and reliable connection/networks etc

But I noticed he had quite a lot of passive income coming to him from his prolific authorship of information products. Apart from royalties from book sales, he also earned lots of money via licensing of publishing rights for his books and creation/sales of ebook, video, audio etc versions.

I realized I could focus on doing the same thing too I.e Monetizing my Expertise. The best part was that I built Excel VB software products for niche markets, but had previously focused on marketing them via pavement pounding/door to door selling and cold calling.

I realized I could get better results by building a digital marketing system and delivering my products online to buyers in complete packages.

It’s taken me time to perfect it, and I still continue to tweak, refine and reinvent it. But I can tell you that today I live my dream earning over 80% of my income passively.

If I could have done it, others can do it as well.

Below are links to 2 pages on which I share details of what I do and how I do it, with regard to using the above strategy.

1. The Best Way to Make Money (True Story)

2. Spontaneous Coaching™ Program: Monetize Your Expertise to Make EXTRA Money With LESS Effort by Creating Cash Flow Generating Assets (CFGA)™

I refer you to them simply to offer a real world example of what I’ve described here, and NOT in an attempt to recruit you or any other reader(s). I have no need to use such “tricks” because my marketing system drives pre qualified motivated prospects to me even while I sleep.

Hope this helps :-)


PS: Hmm…I think I’ll publish this later today as a blog on my website, so others with similar concerns can read it.

Developing Positive Income Earning Competence In Nigeria Is The Key to Eliminating Corruption Amongst Nigerians [Case Study: Aljazeera “Africa Investigates” video report titled “Nigeria’s Baby Farmers”]

If you have not yet watched the Aljazeera “Africa Investigates” video report titled “Nigeria’s Baby Farmers”, starring Ghana’s famous under cover journalist – Anas – and Rosemary an investigative journalist from Nigeria, then click here to watch it now. The revelations of the sickening yet vibrant trade in babies, actively engaged in by hospitals and clinics, in connivance with the country’s infamous baby factories, are simply heart breaking.

However, for me, this video report further reinforces my belief that equipping as many members of society as possible with competent income earning capabilities, is a critical requirement, if they are to stand a chance of resisting financial pressures in their lives.

And that is the problem we face in Nigeria today.

What we see today – represented in the above mentioned video – is the irrefutable evidence of the fact that:

1. Many Nigerians lack the income earning competence to stay away from crooked ways of making money.

2. And for some who possess skills adequate to earn income for themselves, they engage in naughty corner cutting due a lack self-confidence!

They do not believe enough in the abilities they possess, to focus on using them to earn a living. This is often coupled with wrong – even warped – values they grow up having, from observing others who are misbehaving in society, without getting punished for it.

3. On top of all that, there is the reckless greed and need to own and spend, which drives many in Nigeria, due to the showy culture we have.

(Almost) everybody wants to keep up with the others who seem to be doing well. So, people live desperate lives going out of their way to get more money to outdo one another – even if they have to do dishonest and criminal things!

That’s why when someone proposes a dishonest or criminal/illegal way to earn extra income almost without having to lift a finger, they readily go for it!

The above are just a few of the reasons I vowed LONG ago, to invest all of myself in PREPARING my own kids to arrive adulthood VERY differently from me, and most others I’ve seen.

This was especially after I found myself enduring serious hardships – despite my demonstrable competence – at the hands of those who chose to be crooked, as I went about my affairs as a young adult.

I saw and experienced it in paid employment. But that was mild, compared to what I later saw and experienced at the hands of MANY, after I quit my job to become self-employed.

The sad thing is that it has progressively worsened, with seemingly no sign of improvement in sight – at least not in the near future.

So, I’ve been practicing what I preached in an article I first e-published on 31st July 2003 via titled “Pre-Marital Sex Amongst Teenagers – A PROPOSED SOLUTION

But contrary to what the title suggests, the ideas I shared in that article actually apply to everyone.

If every member of society is helped to develop the needed competencies to overcome the socio-pyschological pressures mentioned above, they will be less willing to engage in naughty acts.

The foundation that needs to be laid is that of income earning competence.

Without it, nothing else can work. I’ve been practicing what I preach with my own kids and in my own circle of influence with other adults and youths.

It is why I have been helping EACH of my kids develop his/her passion into a micro business that generates income. I’ve shared many stories of the progress they are making in past articles on this blog.

But that’s been mainly with regard my 3 boys, supported by their 2 younger sisters.

In the last month or so, I’ve been especially excited to be working directly, and closely, with my 10 and 7 year old daughters to launch their Cookies baking project using our family’s trademark No-Oven Charcoal Stove baking system.

Two weeks ago, they made their first batch of cookies and sold N110’s worth at an event they attended with cousins and friends. Then last week, they made Chin-Chin as well as Cookies – and made another sale, with the buyer asking for a pack of 10 chin chin sachets.

Just this morning, I joined them, along with their brothers, to bake home made bread – using a French chef’s recipe we saw on Youtube – and it tasted great.

Then they went out to give taste samples to their grand parents and customers. When they returned, my 10 year old daughter came up to me and asked when I would be printing the labels for the packs, as I promised. I assured her I would.

On one night we’d gone out, she’d asked if we could market her products to people working in offices and I’d told her “Of course”. I could see from the look in her eyes that she had tasted blood. And her questions showed that she was hungry to do more.

Their Facebook page (Temi and Oluoma’s No-Oven Charcoal Stove Cookies) tells their story in photos and words, and at some point, videos will appear.

Indeed, we’re already creating home study demonstration videos that interested persons can buy to learn how to make the same products on their own, using our low cost techniques.

Once a person discovers a passion that makes him/her willing to do what it takes to get the results s/he wants, in a way that is adequately financially rewarding , s/he becomes self-driven and MUCH more difficult to distract.

This is my purpose with my kids.

And I believe it is the kind of purpose other parents should have for raising theirs as well.

As for the government, they need to create programmes that encourage and encourage people to become micro-entrepreneurs – even as they hold on to day jobs.

That way, they will be sure of augmenting whatever salaried income they earn, in a way that prepares them to deal with unexpected financial challenges, as well as the inevitability of retirement, or forced exit from paid employment.

It is my considered opinion that the above is the most viable way to get most people to stop looking for short-cuts in life.


Spontaneous Coaching™ Program: Monetize Your Expertise to Make EXTRA Money With LESS Effort by Creating Cash Flow Generating Assets (CFGA)™

Learn How to Create Cash Flow Generating Assets (CFGA)™ to earn you income [Below: Downloadable Flyer Image]…

(1) even on public holidays

(2) even when you have no client projects in hand

(3) even when you’re on annual leave

(4) AND…even when you’re ASLEEP!

Just Like I’ve done for YEARS!


In July 2015, I came down from Cotonou, to deliver the first of several 1 hour talks (which ALL lasted over 2 hours due to attendee interest) on Passive Income Generation to entrepreneurs and career persons in Lagos.

Most bought my 2 hour Autorun Audio DVD  – in which I narrate powerful practical examples of ways to monetize your expertise to generating passive income at low to zero cost, even if all you have is a primary school certificate!

The DVD is now available as a bonus for persons who signup for my “One Year Web Marketing Support Service” in addition to enrolling for THIS Coaching Program.

In this program, I will share experience based information and education about how to review, analyse and compile what you know about your field of proven knowledge and expertise, into marketable digital and/or physical products to EARN PASSIVE INCOME in 3 proven ways I have used for YEARS.

If you follow my guidance diligently, you WILL end up able to generate multiple Streams of Passive (or Residual) Income even when you do NO work, and also while you sleep.

I’ve been doing EXACTLY that since 2006, selling my custom Excel-Visual Basic software (via and multidisciplinary Infromation products (via to buyers within and outside Africa – while traveling as a Location Independent Multipreneur!


Coaching Option1:

Learn to Do-It-Yourself from Me. I tell/show you ALL I know, and
then support you via email, phone/Skype, online chat to get it done by yourself.

Program Duration: 4 Weeks

Fee: N50k

Coaching Option2:

Learn to Do-It-Yourself from Me While I DO IT FOR YOU:

I still tell/ show you ALL I know, but you end up with a product ALREADY on sale in both digital and print formats, in YOUR OWN online store.

Program Duration: 12 Weeks

Fee: N150k

*Call Tayo on +234-803-302-1263 (in Nigeria) or +229-66-122-136 (in Benin Republic)

[*If you can’t reach me on one line, I may have moved to the other country. Try that number or email tayo at tksola dot com]

*Spontaneous Coaching™ is a trademark of Tayo Solagbade’s Self-Development Academy.