Category Archives: Recommended Websites & Articles

Experience Based Tips to a Web Marketing Client On Sending Large Video Files

Quick Take-Away: This article features excerpts from an email I sent to a client, offering experience-based tips about how to send large (video) files to me at zero cost (including how to save time/effort by FIRST of all compressing the large files by as much as 60%).

In developing custom Web Marketing Systems for clients, I sometimes encounter a need to offer tips and guidance to them about how to get samples of their original content across to me (or prospects/clients who contact them) via the web.

This need occurs fairly often due to the fact that I work 95% of the time remotely (and LOVE it). So I very rarely have to meet or work face to face with clients – even when we are in the same city as I am!

Why do I prefer to work this way (i.e. remotely or 100% online) you wonder?

Well, first of all, it enables me avoid dealing with traffic  of vehicles and humans, and exerting myself physically in a way that eventually eats into work related stamina I could make better use of.

Secondly, I have found that I am able to provide my services – efficiently and profitably – to a larger number of clients within the same period this way, than if I had to move around and meet each one.

Thirdly and most importantly, I work this way because it gives me the power to make use of my time they way I want, so that I am able to deliver to client’s satisfaction and feel fulfilled at the same time.

Smart business owners today are constantly on the lookout for ways to use PC and Internet technology to get more done with less effort, in less time, and at less cost.

Working the way I do makes that possible for me. I am convinced many others would find it works well for them too. But fear of the unknown holds many back!

But back to the point I want to make: Sometimes a client may need to get some files across to me via the web, but they could be a bit big.

S/he, if not familiar with ways to get that done, would typically ask me for support to get it done – and I would gladly respond by offering a variety of experience based suggestions for him/her to consider.

That happened recently with a client, whose work in providing vocational training in agro-based enterprise startup and management, struck me as being worthy of being showcased as a core offering in the flagship Web Marketing System I am developing for him.

After I’d sent him an email with pointers on possible ways to go, it occurred to me that other persons with similar challenges might find the tips I sent to him useful.

So, I decided to publish excerpts from that email on this blog (see below) – so I’ll be able to sent the URL to any other persons who request similar support in future.

I invite you to read through the ideas I offer below, on this theme, and if you find them useful, do not forget to share this piece with others you know may also need the information it offers!

Hi (name removed),

Regarding getting the big video files to me, I suggest using either option 1 or 2 outlined below.

But before you try to send it, I strongly recommend you try reducing the video file size – and if possible convert it to a popular format like MP4, if it’s not already in that format.

Below is a link to one video compression software that – based on its review by CNET – should work well for you:


Free Video Compressor – Free download and software reviews – CNET

Reducing the video’s filesize will make your job of uploading it easier.

So I recommend you try it.

Now, there is a way to kill 2 birds with 1 stone using that you may also wish to explore:.

My experiences indicate you can upload your big video file to your Youtube channel and then download the MP4 version created by Youtube to your PC.

I’ve done that several times with great results to show.

Over 60% file size reduction can be achieved this way, while preserving original video quality.

I’ll send you a Whatsapp audio to explain how to use Youtube as described above

Finally, once you have the video file size you want to send, you can then email the files using either 1 or 2 outlined below:

1. How to send large files to anyone for free – PC Advisor

NB: I recommend WeTransfer, MailBigFile – based on the descriptions given. Though I’ve bever used either.

One that I’ve used is – with great results. You can check their filesize limits

2. 3 Ways to Email Large Video Files – wikiHow

To email large video files, you can use Google Drive in Gmail, Skydrive in Windows mail, or Dropbox in Yahoo mail.

NB: If you choose this option, I suggest you use GoogleDrive, since we both use Gmail

Let me know if you have questions or require clarification.

Talk later,


Final Words: You can achieve superior marketing reach and impact, if you adopt a custom Web Marketing System in promoting your unique solution(s)

I created a mind map, years ago, that anyone can study and use to develop and implement a WMS for his/her own brand.

In other words, you can either DIY or have someone (like me) do it for you.

See it at:

You can read some of my past articles on web marketing using the links below:



If you’d like me to help you develop a custom WMS, send me a message (click to fill this form) so I can ask you a few questions and further explain to you, how using a WMS can help you better connect with, and win over potential buyers.

[DVAM] It’s Time to Acknowledge Male Victims of Domestic Violence – By Bari Zell Weinberger, Esq. –

[TIP: Yesterday, I formally launched my new Facebook page named “Domestic Violence Against Men – Ideas for Identifying & Stopping It“. The page is dedicated to empowering men who find themselves, by some accident of fate on the receiving end of abuse from an intimate female partner. Click here to visit it].

The Huffington Post article previewed and linked below, is yet another (like this one from yesterday) in a series that I’m compiling to SHOW clearly that DVAM is a major reality that is being ignored by most stakeholders, especially those tasked with duty of providing support and protection to abused persons.

This neglect of male victims of domestic abuse by females, is being exploited by a growing number of manipulative females to visit serious physical, emotional and psychological abuse on their partners, knowing prevailing stereotypes about domestic violence will make it easy to later claim to be the victims!

I have seen this happen MANY times over the past decade. So I speak from a position of personal knowledge and experience when I make these assertions. My mission is to influence a positive and permanent change in THIS unsatisfactory situation for the better.


It’s Time to Acknowledge Male Victims of Domestic Violence – By Bari Zell Weinberger, Esq. –

When we discuss domestic violence, it is often assumed that the victims are women. And the statistics are truly traumatic. The less-told story is that a striking number of men are victims, too, suffering physical, mental and sexual abuse in both heterosexual and same-sex relationships.

According to the CDC, one in four adult men in the U.S. will become a victim of domestic violence during his lifetime. That’s upwards of three million male domestic violence victims every year, or one man in America abused by an intimate or domestic partner every 37.8 seconds.

Highlighting these statistics is not meant to downplay in any way domestic violence among women. It is, however, intended to add to the growing conversation that anyone can be the victim of domestic abuse and everyone who needs protection deserves access to it.




[DVAM] Domestic Violence Against Men by Toyin Omoniyi (TyLegal) – &

[Starting yesterday Thursday 13th April 2017, I formally announced my public service initiative to research, investigate and publicize potentially useful information and education by competent expert authorities on Domestic Violence Against Men]

The article previewed below was published by a female Nigerian lawyer, I find its contents most accurate, and recommend it to members of both genders,

Domestic Violence Against Men by TyLegal: 2:22pm On Nov 19, 2015

Other forms of abuse are where a woman manipulates her man into granting her wishes or goes about spreading negative rumours about him to his friends or even on social media.

She might insinuate that her man beats her or does not provide for the family or that he is a ‘two-minute man’. She might also threaten to take the kids and disappear so that the man will not have any access to his kids. Women have also been known to drug their men or attack them in their sleep. If as a man, you are experiencing any of these, please get help fast.

Other forms of domestic violence against men are:
· Constant accusations of infidelity.

· Putting him down or insulting him.

· Seizing his medications as a form of threat.

· Trying to control what he wears, eats or how he spends his money.

· Verbally abusing him, be it in the presence of friends, colleagues or even within closed doors.

· Blaming the man for her violent actions or making him feel that he deserves such treatment.

Towards the end she writes:

This is not to give women ideas on how to abuse their men o. It is to create awareness that men also get abused and they also need to be protected. Men should be on the lookout to ensure that they are not in such a relationship otherwise it would shatter the man’s ego and leave him a shadow of himself.


What a wonderfully balanced mind this Nigerian Lady Lawyer has!

Read the full article at:

[RECOMMENDED] Domestic Violence against Men: The Nigerian Experience

Domestic violence can take many forms, including physical aggression or assault (hitting, kicking, biting, shoving, restraining, slapping, throwing objects, battery), or threats thereof; sexual abuse; emotional abuse; controlling or domineering; intimidation; stalking; passive / covert abuse and economic deprivation[1]. It is perpetrated by, and on both men and women.


The Nigeria society is a highly patriarchal one, in which men have bloated egos. Though there is a prevalence of domestic violence against women in Nigeria as many women have died, brutalised or maimed for life by their violent male counterparts[30], however, there is also a prevalence of domestic violence against men, which has largely remained under-reported. According to Watts and Zimmermann (2002), the under-reporting of domestic violence is almost universal and may be due to the sensitive nature of the subject. Husband punching, slapping, kicking, nail scratching, sex deprivation and killing are realities that occur in Nigeria[31].

The tragedy is that men who find themselves in this situation hide and do not talk openly about their experience, as talking about it will bruise their ego and expose them to ridicule in a patriarchal society. I was beaten by my wife is a misnomer! It is unheard of in a male egoistic society. Hence such men prefer to suffer in silence until it becomes critical to the point of likely death. An instance is that of Israel Obi, who was a victim of hot vegetable oil bath by his wife.

In His words;

Click below to continue reading…



1. Lawyer Stabs Husband To Death In #Ibadan, #Nigeria, Following Domestic Squabble Opening A Debate On Violence Against Men


3, Domestic Violence Against Men: Shocking Experiences of Male Victims in Nigeria

[RECOMMENDED] What Makes a Sow Eat Her Young? [Tested Ideas You Need to Eliminate the Problem]

Below are links to 2 different pages I found discussing this problem in a useful manner that others can learn from:

    This is an interesting article from the National Animal Disease Information Service in UK
I think this discussion forum has the best answer I’ve seen so far. I am a bit tired, so will have to stop here. But I think you can use the answer provided by one of the contributors – which I have reproduced below. It’s the most practical, and is given by an experienced and well known member:

What he said at the end is an example of the best practice requirement I told you about.

you can cull sows for twenty years and never eliminate this problem, understand it and it will go away for ever.

The above implies that you MUST aim to find a PERMANENT solution by UNDERSTANDING every aspect of your farm business operation!
============Below  is a preview of his full contribution – Starts===================
NB: This post is based on excerpts from a support email I sent to a Piggery Farm Business CEO/Financial Consultant who recently joined my Farm Business Ideas club. He has been experiencing this problem of sows eating their young on his farm, and had on several occasions expressed his frustrations to me about not being able to identify the root cause, and find a permanent solution to it.

[RECOMMENDED] Understanding Relative and Absolute Cell References in MS Excel

Last week I sent out (via email to club members) the promised 100MB step-by-step screenshot tutorial demonstration video showing how to create a dynamic formula that copies across ALL cells in a table of any size, using a mixture of absolute and relative cell references.Next week, I will do a step-by-step analysis of the various parts of that formula, explaining the components of the syntax, so you can fully understand how it works.

Before then, this week, I have compiled previews and links to 3 websites offering useful explanatory information about relative and absolute cell addressing as used in different Excel versions (see below).

I do this to ensure you have access to other useful online resources that you can learn from – outside of me.

I strongly recommend you read each of the articles, to boost your understanding of these powerful concepts.

If you need help making sense of any of it, do not hesitate to contact me.

1. Excel 2013:Relative and Absolute Cell References


Video: Cell References

There are two types of cell references: relative and absolute. Relative and absolute references behave differently when copied and filled to other cells. Relative references change when a formula is copied to another cell. Absolute references, on the other hand, remain constant, no matter where they are copied.

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You can use three types of cell references in Excel 2010 formulas: relative, absolute, and mixed. Using the correct type of cell reference in formulas ensures that they work as expected when you copy them to another location in the worksheet. Formulas and functions are at their most useful when using references, so you need to understand them.

Continue reading…

3. Relative vs. Absolute Cell References in Spreadsheets

In working with spreadsheets, you need to know about relative vs. absolute cell references.

Here is the issue: when you COPY A FORMULA that contains cell references, what happens to the cell references?

Usually the CELL REFERENCES will CHANGE! If you copy a formula 2 rows to the right, then the cell references in the formula will shift 2 cells to the right. If you copy a formula 3 rows down and 1 row left, then the cell references in the formula will shift 3 rows down and 1 row left. These are called “relative” cell references, since they change relative to where you copy the formula.

Continue reading…

[RECOMMENDED] My Lord, Tell Me Where To Keep Your Bribe? – By Niyi Osundare (Renowned Nigerian poet)

The good Professor Niyi Osundare wrote the poem below quite a while back about Nigeria’s Judiciary and Legal Profession.

Sadly, his words remain ever so relevant today.

This is one of many reasons I argue that most conventional “schools” offer limited real world relevant preparation – especially in a society like Nigeria.

We are supposed to be trained in learning and character, when we pass through school. Character is so important for long term success achievement in adult life.

What we see in today’s Nigeria indicates very little of character building happens in the schooling majority of our population gets.

If that was not the case, we would not have such a dominant majority eagerly engaging in and supporting blatant wrong doing for personal gain. Societies where schools work are not like that!

The Professor eloquently describes the sad state of affairs in our country today, in the following words:

My Lord, Tell Me Where To Keep Your Bribe? – By Niyi Osundare (Renowned Nigerian poet)

My Lord

Please tell me where to keep your bribe?

Do I drop it in your venerable chambers

Or carry the heavy booty to your immaculate mansion

Shall I bury it in the capacious water tank

In your well laundered backyard

Or will it breathe better in the septic tank

Since money can deodorize the smelliest crime

Shall I haul it up the attic

Between the ceiling and your lofty roof

Or shall I conjure the walls to open up

And swallow this sudden bounty from your honest labour

Shall I give a billion to each of your paramours

The black, the light, the Fanta-yellow

They will surely know how to keep the loot

In places too remote for the sniffing dog

Or shall I use the particulars

Of your anonymous maidservants and manservants

With their names on overflowing bank accounts

While they famish like ownerless dogs

Shall I haul it all to your village

In the valley behind seven mountains

Where potholes swallow up the hugest jeep

And Penury leaves a scar on every house

My Lord

It will take the fastest machine

Many, many days to count this booty; and lucky bank bosses

May help themselves to a fraction of the loot

My Lord

Tell me where to keep your bribe?

My Lord

Tell me where to keep your bribe?

The “last hope of the common man”

Has become the last bastion of the criminally rich

A terrible plague bestrides the land

Besieged by rapacious judges and venal lawyers

Behind the antiquated wig

And the slavish glove

The penguin gown and the obfuscating jargon

Is a rot and riot whose stench is choking the land

Behind the rituals and roted rigmaroles

Old antics connive with new tricks

Behind the prim-and-proper costumes of masquerades

Corruption stands, naked, in its insolent impunity

For sale to the highest bidder

Interlocutory and perpetual injunctions

Opulent criminals shop for pliant judges

Protect the criminal, enshrine the crime

And Election Petition Tribunals

Ah, bless those goldmines and bottomless booties!

Scoundrel vote-riggers romp to electoral victory

All hail our buyable Bench and conniving Bar

A million dollars in Their Lordship’s bedroom

A million euros in the parlor closet

Countless naira beneath the kitchen sink

Our courts are fast running out of Ghana-must-go’s*

The “Temple of Justice”

Is broken in every brick

The roof is roundly perforated

By termites of graft

My Lord

Tell me where to keep your bribe?

Judges doze in the courtroom

Having spent all night, counting money and various “gifts”

And the Chief Justice looks on with tired eyes

As Corruption usurps his gavel.

Crime pays in this country

Corruption has its handsome rewards

Just one judgement sold to the richest bidder

Will catapult Judge & Lawyer to the Billionaires’ Club

The Law, they say, is an ass

Sometimes fast, sometimes slow

But the Law in Nigeria is a vulture

Fat on the cash-and-carry carrion of murdered Conscience

Won gb’ebi f’alare

Won gb’are f’elebi**

They kill our trust in the common good

These Monsters of Mammon in their garish gowns

Unhappy the land

Where jobbers are judges

Where Impunity walks the streets

Like a large, invincible Demon

Come Sunday, they troop to the church

Friday, they mouth their mantra in pious mosques

But they pervert Justice all week long

And dig us deeper into the hellish hole

Nigeria is a huge corpse

With milling maggots on its wretched hulk

They prey every day, they prey every night

For the endless decomposition of our common soul

My Most Honourable Lord

Just tell me where to keep your bribe.

*   Large, extremely tough bags used for carrying heavy cash in Nigeria

** They declare the innocent guilty

They pronounce the guilty innocent

Prof. Niyi Osundare

PII 059: Read This And Understand Why Your Internet Access Is Sometimes Slow

Do you know what happens when you type a web address or URL (like into your Internet Explorer browser’s URL entry bar, and click “GO” or press “Enter”? Read this article to learn what happens, and how/why this process sometimes can become slow to the point that it frustrates users like yourself!

(TIP: This article is 10 years old this month. It was first published online via – now defunct – on 1st March 2007 | I republished it via on Jun 29, 2012 – and I’m re-purposing it here, as a public service via – my blog – today, 27th March 2017)


Tayo Solagbade's Performance Improvement IDEAS(PI Squared) Newsletter

Tayo Solagbade’s
Performance Improvement
(PI Squared) Newsletter

Monday 27th March 2017

Logo - Tayo Solagbade's Self-Development Academy

NB: This PI Squared newsletter will be published weekly, on Mondays, in place of the Speaking/Web Marketing IDEAS newsletter, starting from today – 15th February 2016.
I’m reinventing my Monday newsletter content and theme, to accommodate my vision of serving the growing audience of serious minded individuals and organizations reaching out to me, with information, education. news and research findings designed to help them do what they do better.


View Tayo Solagbade's video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsJoin the SD Nuggets community on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google PlusConnect with Tayo on

PII 059: Read This And Understand Why Your Internet Access Is Sometimes Slow

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PII 059: Read This And Understand Why Your Internet Access Is Sometimes Slow


[Coming Soon] New Version of my CB Solutions Mobile phone app for Android, Apple, Black Berry and Windows Operating Systems!

I’ve just published a new version of my CB Solutions Mobile phone app using a platform that makes the app work for ANY operating systems such as Android, Apple, Black Berry and Windows.

In a few days, it will go LIVE. For now, use the link below to check out the interactive features.


Create a Splashscreen for Your Custom Spreadsheet Application [Part 2 of 2] – Step by Step Video Demonstration

There are 2 videos to watch below, in this non-password-protected post for members of my Excel Heaven Visual Basic Automation Club:

Video 1: What a Splash Screen looks like – real life demonstration using Tayo Solagbade’s Poultry Farm Manager Excel-VB Spreadsheet app


Click here to watch the video

Video 2: Step-by-Step demonstration of how to build a Splash Screen for your Workbook application

Explanatory Overview

As your skills in Excel-VB programming improve, your confidence will grow, and you will begin to identify enhancements you can add to your workbook applications that go beyond conventional worksheet and coding needs.

A good example is the use of workbook splash screens.

They are typically used to offer some quick information (name of app etc) and sometimes brief entertainment or distraction to users – when an application is being launched.

Excel-VB coding can be used to create a splash screen – from simple to fairly sophisticated levels in terms of behavior and aesthetics.

The first video I share in this tutorial shows the custom designed splash screen I built into my Excel-VB Poultry Farm Manager to give it a fairly professional appearance/feel.

It took the use of enhanced graphic design with Photoshop, coupled with creative placement of various images using Active-X controls to achieve the visual design effect that the user of the PFM is presented with.


The step-by-step tutorial video I offer below it uses a more basic approach to the creation of a splash screen.

Below: Writing the code to define the time duration the Splash Screen will appear for, and then close


Below: The simple splash screen that results


Click here to watch the video

In a future tutorial I will show how to create something with a more refined Graphic User Interface (GUI).

For now, what matters is that you learn and understand how to write the needed bits of code to make your simply splash screen work as expected.

I explain in full detail just how to make that happen in this straight forward, easy to understand 8 minute tutorial.


What You Need to Create a Splashscreen for Your Custom Spreadsheet Application [Part 1 of 2]