I tried posting a contribution to a friend’s recent post, in which one person asked him to quit his job to do something about the problems he was complaining about regarding Nigeria. It’s however morphed from a comment into this 5th issue of “My Ideas for Making Nigeria Better” PDF series :-)) Click here to download and read the PDF
Category Archives: Parenting
Show Others How to Succeed!
In 2002, I worked as a volunteer maths tutor in an NGO’s weekend(secondary school students) tutoring project.. Having overcome a severe math-phobia (with the help of a private tutor) to get a distinction on my second exam attempt, I had a passion for demystifying maths for students.
I Dreaded Maths in Secondary School…
You see in my family, everybody knew I always struggled with Mathematics. When the results of my first school leaving certificate exams came, I scored a P8 (pass) in maths, but got decent grades in the remaining subjects. It was not much of a surprise to me or others…
That P8 was naturally not up to the required credit, for entry into university. So, I had to prepare for the November/December 1986 General Certificate of Education (G.C.E) exams.
My parents Registered me in Mr. Tony’s Translat Training Centre
Mr. Tony, the maths tutor, was an extremely gifted, and mild mannered Igbo gentleman (who ran Translat Training Centre, a Lagos-Akoka based remedial studies outfit for pre-university students, with his partner. It was quite close to University of Lagos.).
Mr. Tony helped me discover the secret for beating Maths hands down – anytime.
I did not have to learn new skills or read new textbooks. What he taught me was the “strategy” for answering questions. He also outlined guiding principles for coming up with comprehensive “study plans” based on the current West African Examinations Council (WAEC) syllabus.
Anyone who abided by what Mr. Tony said passed. Indeed, most of us scored distinctions!
By the time I took the G.C.E exams, I knew I was going to do quite well in all 5 subjects I’d sat. But I was especially sure of my performance in Maths.
Mr Tony has so drilled me on the preparation strategies that when I took the exam, I actually felt like I’d seen all the questions before!
I recall how my mother smiled indulgently, when I told her I would get the highest grade possible (A1) in maths. She said, “Hmm…just get a credit. That’ll be enough.” I said “Oh you don’t believe me? Well, you wait and see then!” When the results came out I scored A1 in maths, C4 ion English and A3s in Physics, Chemistry and Biology.
None of the other subjects mattered though. I’d already gotten passing grades in the May/June exam.
My mother was pleasantly surprised!
In my case, I gained a whole new level of self-confidence. You see, I realised Mr. Tony had been right. He had told me to “forget my fears”, and stay focussed on doing what he taught me. I would go through the rest of my formal schooling life applying this same strategy, with repeated success. And each time I cannot help being grateful for having met Mr. Tony’ who shared his know-how in Mathematics with me.
I can still hear him saying “Tayo, maths is a simple subject.”
When I coached the students at the NGO tutoring project, I told them the same thing!
“To Mr. Tayo Solagbade.
I appreciate all your effort. It is through you I knew the difference between Schooling and Education and its also through you that I knew that mathematics as a subject can be answered in many ways. I am very grateful.” – Ifeanyi Okeke, SS3 Student, Volunteer Corps (VC) Tutoring Project: Handwritten Comment in memoirs section of VC Year Book published in 2003.
My experience with Mr. Tony, is why I have a passion for demystifying my successes in any field. It is why I write articles – daily – on this blog on my different areas of interest and expertise.
I want others to learn how I do what I do!
We All Need to Strive to Demystify Success
“The world would be a better place to live in if each person would leave, as an inheritance to posterity, the philosophy, and know-how that brought him happiness, physical, mental and spiritual health and wealth, as did Andrew Carnegie” – Napoleon Hill, in “Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude”
This above quote communicates such a potent truth.
Robert Kiyosaki had already made his millions before deciding to write his best sellers. Today, he makes more money from his investments than he does from selling his books…and with less effort too.
So why does he STILL write and teach? Indeed, why do so many AUTHENTICALLY SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE (emphasis deliberate!) keep sharing what they know with us?
It’s because they know the above truth. Carnegie’s example is worth emulating. Those who “hide” their know-how and philosophies do themselves a disservice.
People Who Mystify Success Often Have Something to Hide…
Here’s one thing I’ve noticed: Some celebrities in my part of the world, when asked how they made it. One answer they give REALLY annoys me:
They say “Na God O!” (i.e. “it’s God’s work etc”)
For me, that makes no sense whatsoever. Is that supposed to imply God loves only them, and so rewards them with unexplainable success?
Why do they mystify success in that manner?
To me, ANY person who answers the question about his/her success philosophy that way is either hiding something naughty s/he did to succeed, or is a flash in the pan who just stumbled into success.
Such people when posed the same question asked of Henry Ford would most likely NOT have an answer.
Ford was asked what he would do if he lost his entire financial empire…
He replied without hesitating: “I’d have it all back in 5 years!”
How could be so sure?
Because he had achieved authentic success. He knew what he did to get where he was. There was nothing crooked in there!
His was the kind that is repeatable, and reproducible. It’s the kind that you can teach others and if they follow it exactly, they are bound to succeed the way you did if not better.
Another Person Who Demystifies Success Is Burt Dubin
His Speaking Success System in recognised worldwide for helping aspiring speakers go on to become some of the world highest paid/most recognised international speakers.
This is not a sales pitch.
That’s why there’s no URL to click.
But I felt it would help if I added that contemporary example.
Final Words
However, if you have even the slightest interest in improving your speaking expertise in 2014, I strongly suggest you Google Burt Dubin’s name – now, while you’re still thinking about it. Click the Google results page link that appears to visit his website (speakingsuccess.com and/or burtdubin.com) and send him a message.
Tell him I sent you, and you’ll get a surprise FREE gift offer from him 😉
You’ll probably thank me for suggesting you do this!
SMART Acronym for People Who Succeed (Incl. Infographic)
[NB: Post updated – see bottom – on Wed 18th Dec 2013 @2:04pm – causing reset of views counter.] You probably know the popular SMART acronym – a mnemonic – for setting goals and objectives (“S” for Specific, “M” for Measurable etc). I’m not referring to that. Over the past 10 years, I’ve conceived a different SMART acronym, this time in relation to people. Here is my SMART Acronym for People Who Succeed (complete with an infographic)
[Hint: Remember now, we’re NOT talking about SMART project “objectives” here. Its people I’m referring to!]
1. “S” is for “Serious Minded”
How can you tell if a person is serious minded? A simple way is to observe what s/he has interest in doing, as opposed to what s/he is committed to doing.
Consider a business owner who tells you s/he wants more sales in his/her business. Her attitude towards learning what will be needed to make that happen will indicate how serious s/he is.
Many times people express interest in something, but are not prepared to commit the required time, effort and sometimes money, to doing it. That’s why people attend the same business marketing workshop and 6 months later, some have succeeded in growing more business, and others have not!
People who are committed to achieving their set goals never let anything interfere with doing what is necessary to make that happen. Not friends, relatives, habits, hobbies or pleasures of any sort!
People I consider SMART are serious minded about pursuing their valued personal goals.
2. “M” is for “Motivated”
Serious minded people will usually find it easy to be motivated. This is because their commitment to achieving their goal drives them.
A motivated person is one who has found a reason to go out and do something. I often talk about having a Magnificent Obsession – an expression I got from a book I read – about having a major life purpose.
People I consider to be SMART in terms of my definition are men and women who have found their purpose. They wake up KNOWING exactly what they want to do, and where they need to go.
Usually, they would have worked the day before to a point, then upon stopping thought ahead (and even dreamt about) steps they would take from the next day!
Such people “hit the ground running” each morning. SMART people are motivated in that way!
3. “A” is for “Action Oriented”
Jim Rohn wisely noted that “Motivation alone is not enough. Motivate an idiot then you have a motivated idiot”.
Understand the context in which Mr. Rohn made that statement by checking the dictionary meaning of an “idiot”. What I’d call a contemporary definition of an “idiot” is provided at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Idiot
So, Mr. Rohn was right. An idiot can indeed be motivated and still be unproductive.
But such persons generally occur in the minority in larger society.
So, here we’re looking at normal people who fail to take action despite being motivated. Why? I say it’s because they let their motivation wear off. And how do they do that? It’s by failing to find an anchor for it in their daily lives.
For instance, lots of successful people reveal that they build a vision of their dream on paper and hang where they’ll see it everyday. Then they create a tasks list which they check off at the end of each day, to help them get the feeling of moving closer to achieving their dream.
Anyone who claims to be motivated, and can still find a reason not to follow the above example is definitely NOT action oriented!
4. “R” is for “Results Focused”
Now, someone can be serious minded, and not be motivated to get results that matter.
Don’t believe me? I’ll give you a good example.
I see them everyday. People who are always busy (doing little or nothing worthwhile that is!). You will struggle to get them to give you a few minutes of their time. Always in a hurry they are. Rushing off to meetings, to keep appointments etc. But at the end of each day, or the week, few of the truly important things ever get done!
I used to work with such people. You could agree at this week’s brewery meeting to have Work Instruction drafts written for use in training a new set of operatives coming in. They’d always assure you it’d be done. All week you would chase them via phone, and even visit their offices.
Yet, at the end of the day, nothing…or very little happens. And you may have to do it all yourself, to meet the deadline!
People I call SMART are not like that. They produce results. When they tell you I’ll send you the finished paper in 24 hours, better be ready, because that finished paper WILL arrive by then, if not before!
5. “T” is for “Tenacious”
I use tenacity interchangeably with persistence. And I love the following quote, which, to me, perfectly captures the full meaning:
“Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence; Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful individuals with talent. Genius will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent” – Ray Kroc (Founder of McDonalds)
Believe me, dear reader. Even with all the moral and financial support in the world, people still fail due to lack of tenacity.
A guy who has money bags backing him, and family root for him to run swim a world record breaking distance can choose to quit before getting to the finish line. And it will often not be that s/he could not finish. Instead, in his/her head the desire to keep going, to refuse to fail, would have died.
When I quit paid employment with Guinness Nigeria, Andy R. Jones, the expatriate brewery head of Guinness Benin in Edo state (apart from what he wrote in Xmas cards sent to me) said – repeatedly – during a departmental send-forth part organised in my honour: “Tayo simply refuses to fail”. And he told stories from the times I worked in the brewery reporting to him.
Basically, I never sat back and let things go wrong. Until the very last second I would come up with new ideas and action steps that could be used co-opt others and try to save things or get more done. Many times I succeeded.
I did not know Andy Jones was taking note of my actions!
So you see, people I call SMART, never give up.
They are tenacious with a vengeance.
They don’t know when they are beaten.
Nor do they accept to back down.
In fact, I would say they have what Burt Dubin calls bulldog blood.
And guess what? You get the transfusion(of bulldog blood that is) simply by reading the words and believing, then taking ACTION, until you get what you want!
Final Words
These above described 5 key qualities must be consistently demonstrated by an individual, if s/he is to qualify to be called SMART by me.
Err…but who exactly am I, to go around changing definitions up on people, and dictating whether or not they can be called SMART?
Indeed, why should anyone take this my new application of a well known acronym seriously?
My answer: I have no idea!
Except of course you consider the fact that I happen to consistently achieve exceptional performance levels in virtually every area of endeavour I venture. And I have done so, consistently, for more than the last 2 decades of my life!
I achieved that level of reckoning by being SMART in paid employment – as described above. That was about 12 years ago.
Today, I’ve already recorded similar superlative levels of performance, as an entrepreneur. And it’s attracting the same kinds of feedback and commentary that I got while earning a salary.
Once again, the common element that runs through it all is my diligent commitment to being SMART in line with my definition.
To top it off, those who have been coached by me get infected with this virus of mine too
As a result, they subsequently go on to record success levels that surprise those who know them and even themselves. I have many testimonials, hand written to me, from teenagers, to young people in their early twenties, who just had to let me know!
They became SMART, as per my above definition, and their lives were changed for the better.
You can achieve similar results for yourself, if you feel you need such. Simply read and re-read the 5 different description of the SMART acronym’s components.
And then put what you learn to use.
It’s simple to understand, but may not be easy to do.
Yet if you see it through, you’ll never look back again. And those who know you will regard you with amazement!
UPDATE (Wednesday 18th December 2013 @2:04pm Cotonou): My SMART Acronym Does Not Aim to (& Cannot) Replace or Contradict The Original SMART Acronym!
I touched on the above fact at the start of THIS article, when I first published it yesterday p.m. But experience has taught me it pays to CLARIFY properly. Some people are experts at jumping to VERY wrong conclusions!
My “SMART” acronym is not meant to invalidate the standard, original acronym we all know and use in setting goals and objectives. That original SMART acronym is powerfully useful, and I LOVE using it.
What I have done is to conceive of one to be applied to PEOPLE. That’s all. Just a little change in perspective, based on something people already use.
So, just like you would check for each of the 5 components (S, M, A, R, and T) in a goal or objective, I would check for each of the 5 qualities I’ve described for my SMART acronym in people.
Guess what?
9.9 times out of 10 I have found that people who have those qualities tend to succeed more often. And that is what this is all about. A “gauge” of sorts that anyone can apply to check him/herself for “success readiness”!
But I’ve presented my idea DELIBERATELY in this manner, seemingly contradicting what people know, just to raise eyebrows – and in the process get their attention…hee hee hee :-))
Hopefully, I’ve gotten some people thinking and talking.
If any person(s) have been “upset” by this article (which would be surprising, since the “SMART” acronym is not anyone’s relative or private property!), I’d suggest taking a chilled bottle of Coke, and letting off steam please. It’s Xmas season! Thank YOU :-))
=======WHAT PEOPLE WROTE=========
“(Tayo Solagbade) is amazing and I think he is going to produce some impressive results online…” – click here to read full comment by Patrick Meninga (US based 6 figure income blogger who gained fame for building a $2,000 per month adsense website and selling it for $200,000).
“Tayo, I honestly believe you are one of those who will succeed at anything he does. Your commitment and effort has been outstanding….Thanks for all your hard work since I’ve been here – you will be sorely missed. I don’t need to wish you good luck, you have the ability to make your own luck. – Andy”(R. Jones)*
*Operations Manager, Guinness Nigeria Plc Benin Brewery, December 2001 (Handwritten comments in farewell/xmas cards sent to Tayo Solagbade following his resignation to start his own business).
“From:”Obadiaru, Osawemwenze” <email address deleted >
To:”Tayo Solagbade” <email address deleted >
Subject: Greetings from Benin!!!!
Date: Mon, 8 Apr 2002 14:27:30 +0100
Uncle (Tayo),
Greetings to you from your boy. How are you doing?…All
is well here in Benin and everybody is really been bugged again by this ISO audit thing.
All the same you have set a standard, that nobody will dare to go below. I really miss
you sir, your words of encouragement, your pressures, your drive, your humor and
every thing about you. But in consolation, I try so hard to follow your footsteps, which
I have been doing little by little, and I am sometimes amazed at the things I do.
…I look
up to you, and really desire to someday dedicate a major success in my life to you, for
the little while I spent with you has been a turning point in my life. I will always be
grateful to you.
Keep the flag flying sir. Regards
“To Mr. Tayo Solagbade.
I appreciate all your effort. It is through you I knew the difference between Schooling and Education and its also through you that I knew that mathematics as a subject can be answered in many ways. I am very grateful.” – Ifeanyi Okeke, SS3 Student, Volunteer Corps (VC) Tutoring Project: Handwritten Comment in memoirs section of VC Year Book published in 2003.
“To Mr Tayo Solagbade…you made me understand what the world speaks.” – Adepoju Samson, SS3 Student, Volunteer Corps (VC) Tutoring Project: Handwritten Comment in memoirs section of VC Year Book published in 2003.
“Mr Tayo Solagbade…he has educated me so that he had touched that thing in me that motivates me.” – , SS3 Student, Volunteer Corps (VC) Tutoring Project: Handwritten Comment in memoirs section of VC Year Book published in 2003.
“The speaker, Mr Solagbade, is an authority in his field. (He is) an achiever who is able to carry his audience along with him in his message/speech” – Baker A.T, Confidential Secretary, Centre for Management Development(CMD), Management Village,Shangisha, Lagos.
“There’s a lot more to learn (experience wise) from the speaker(Tayo Solagbade)…Honestly, he gave so much within a short time. I learnt a lot without writing much. It’s amazing!” – Management Trainee, Tantalisers (Fast Foods Restaurant), Festac Headquarters, Lagos.
“Your (talk) encourages people not to depend on sycophancy to achieve their aims. People are also encouraged to leave the level of mediocrity. One needs to look inwards and make use of one’s potentials to reach the greatest heights. I hope this
is not the last session we will be having with you” – Ezemba C.I (Miss), Teacher, Corona Schools
“The (talk) is very (useful for) those who want to up-grade themselves. The older generation who think they have come to the end of their career would find it very very useful to rejuvenate their attitude, interest and empower themselves to greater goals.” – E.C. Sarsal, Corona Schools
“The Ten Ways for Self-Development would go a long way (in) improving teaching/learning situation(s).” – Cynthia Nwosu (Mrs.), Corona Schools
“It was an interesting (talk), and the speaker spoke well, with a lot of experiences that (were) so educative.” – Emmanuel (Mrs.), Corona Primary School Victoria Island
“Mr Tayo Solagbade is a very good motivator. I really appreciated him but the time was short.” – S.E. Atkins, Corona Schools
“(The talk was) ‘very useful’ (and the speaker was) ‘excellent’…Good insight for the much needed Human Revolution to drive creativity in this nation.” – Oma Williams, Director, Centre for Management Development(CMD), Management Village,Shangisha, Lagos.
“A very worthwhile exercise. The package can however be improved by making it organisation specific.” – C. I. Okeke, AD/Research Consulting, Centre for Management Development(CMD), Management Village,Shangisha, Lagos.
“The speaker, to me, is quite an inspiration to the young generation” – Nwaokokoh Eddy Azuka, Confidential Secretary, Centre for Management Development(CMD), Management Village,Shangisha, Lagos.
“This is a celebration of Change Management, quite an appropriate and timely presentation at CMD to Stimulate Change.” – Binuyo, Francis A. (Mr.), MDO I, Centre for Management Development(CMD), Management Village, Shangisha, Lagos.
“Well this is my first seminar and I think I have gained a lot…I am on NAPEP attachment to the centre for a while, but generally speaking I think you are good and can go even above the sky. I wish I could get in touch with you for more lectures (on) Self-Development, as regards Career Development or probably Personal Development.” – Sanwo Pamela A., Unemployed Graduate, Centre for Management Development(CMD), Management Village,Shangisha, Lagos.
“The presentation content and style was nice.” – Adjekophori Peter, Management Trainee, Tantalisers (Fast Foods Restaurant), Festac Headquarters, Lagos.
“The training course and approach used was a good and kind of unique one, – talking about the mind map.” – Odunlami Olaitan. O. Management Trainee, Tantalisers (Fast Foods Restaurant), Festac Headquarters, Lagos.
“The practical real life experiences (made) the seminar more realistic…The seminar fuels my heart to develop myself the more.” – Kemi, Management Trainee, Tantalisers (Fast Foods Restaurant), Festac Headquarters, Lagos.
“The training was a new dimension to the act of personal effectiveness, was less of theory but of tested and proven principles. Keep it up!“- Oluwakemi, Management Trainee, Tantalisers (Fast Foods Restaurant), Festac Headquarters, Lagos.
“This is an academy that will go a long way in helping to develop the youths of this country. Keep up the good work.” – Alake Oluwayemisi, Management Trainee, Tantalisers (Fast Foods Restaurant), Festac Headquarters, Lagos.
“(Tayo Solagbade) is a very good speaker who was able to communicate his (ideas) effectively without boring me and wasting no time. Within the short time he spent, he gave loaded and relevant information/(ideas) which were superb.” – Management Trainee, Tantalisers (Fast Foods Restaurant), Festac Headquarters, Lagos.
“The presenter was superb. He dealt with the topic extensively, citing real life experiences that (were) personal to him.” – Management Trainee, Tantalisers (Fast Foods Restaurant), Festac Headquarters, Lagos.
“The facilitator (Tayo Solagbade) has done so well, and he has made me to feel that the sky is not my limit but the start, if I can apply all the personal effectiveness principles appropriately.” – Onifade Olajide, – Management Trainee, Tantalisers (Fast Foods Restaurant), Festac Headquarters, Lagos.
“I was very impressed with the speaker (Tayo Solagbade), his integrity, method of delivery and what he had to say. This should not stop here. I personally need access to those books and if pointed in that direction will be happy. Also, I will be happy if (I can be shown) ways to apply oneself to the concept of Self Development as regards my job as a teacher, that will help me to be a better time manager.” – Teacher, Corona Primary School, Ikoyi, Lagos.
“I am really impressed and I think I have to wake up.” – Teacher, Corona School Branch
“It has been a very useful session which can make people or employees wake up from lethargy. It is a wake-up call for continual hope and rejuvenation for speed to higher ground to life aspiration.” – Teacher, Corona School Branch
“I observed that you are a real model of a saying that when a child washes his/her hands well he/she will eat on the same table with a king.” – School Nurse, Corona School Branch
“I have observed that you are sacrificing your time to help mankind explore new grounds and live a happier life. More grease to your elbows.” – Eke N. (Mrs), Corona School Branch
“This talk/seminar is very good and realistic. Someone who wants to be an achiever should adopt and practice these ten ways.” – M. O. Ihonor – Head Teacher, Corona School Branch
“…The Ten Ways on Self-Development inspire me to the marrow, and henceforth are going to be (the) guiding ideologies, principles and work concepts in my life.” – Oduye Olumuyiwa, Corona School
“(The talk) is an eye opener and very important tool that can be used to become great. I think I buy your ideas too. Thanks a lot.” – Mrs. Atere F.O. – Secretary, Corona School
“The general comment I will like to make is that I can call this seminar a vision seminar. So my comment is that you can make this vision a wider vision by having a complete textbook on it.” – Assistant Teacher, Corona School
Involve Your Kids in Your Dream, and They’ll Succeed Too
When I graduated from university, I found myself wondering why a lot of stuff I was learning to function in the real world, were not taught to me earlier. Experience with other kids, and mine convince me I would have had no problems grasping most of it. For instance, it was not until I went on my one year of compulsory national youth service (NYSC), that I learnt how to open and operate a bank account for the first time. After that, strange job aptitude tests confronted me!
The Exact Experience(s) May Vary Across Individuals and Societies.
Many people will at least agree that some things they learned to do after “finishing school” (what ever that means!), could have been introduced to them earlier.
When students go on internships (called “Industrial Attachment” in Nigeria ), the idea is usually to give them a taste of the real world – in the students’ chosen fields.
However that objective is not always achieved. For instance, students – with the support and cooperation of their parents – may arrange for the child to spend that period in an environment unrelated to his/her formal studies. Typically, it would be a prestigious organisation that pays attractive sums for such temporary assignees.
When such students graduate, the parents may again “arrange” a good job for him/her.
But When Parents Help A Child Too Much, a Dependency May Result When S/he Grows Up
The adult child could become unable to make things happen in life by him/herself!
And that would – in my opinion – be Parenting failure! e.g like a former Lion cub now grown up, seeking the mother’s company to go hunting!
Parents need to expose their kids as early as possible to the realities of the environment they are destined to operate in. Helping them understand what’s happening will equip them to make better sense of the real world. They will use what they learn to take intelligent decisions, towards achieving their own goals.
The benefits they experience will make them do the same thing for their own kids too.
Any parent who thinks his/her job ends with putting food on the table, and paying school fees, needs to think again!
Your most important job as a parent is to prepare that “green-horned” version of YOU to function successfully in society as an adult.
One of the best ways to do that is to involve our kids in a real world dream building exercises directed by us, as parents. Share your dream with them. Let them know relevant plans you have, and find a way to add something they are passionate about into the mix.
Then, as often as possible, take definite action to progress the implementation of that dream.
Each time you do, let the kids know what you’ve done. Then assign tasks you know are likely to excite them, so they can contribute their bit. As time goes on you’ll find they’ll begin coming up with their own initiatives, to take things forward, and will call your attention to it.
Apart from bringing you closer to your kids, this will help your kids learn a lot from you e.g. about planning for and achieving goals in the real world.
And they’ll also learn how you keep the family going e.g paying the bills; planning how to save to buy an important household appliance etc.
By the time they have to do something similar on their own, it won’t be an altogether new experience for them. Even better, when they converse with their peers, they’ll be better informed, and offer useful input – earning respect, and prestige.
That’s one of the strategies I’ve used with my kids for years now. And the benefits have been worth it.
Here’s One Dream We’re Currently Working: My Home Based Brew-Pub Farm Products Products Development (12 photos)
My kids recently informed me they now sell the pineapple PEEL drinks I taught them to make, in the school they attend.
In another week from now, I’ll join them in Nigeria, and will be teaching tem how to make my pineapple peel cakes – without an oven.
When my Home Based Farm Products Brew-Pub opens in a few weeks (if my plans go well), I’ll be using more standard equipment.
But I’m keen to show my kids how to do it using such crude tools because I know it will nurture their creative instincts, and they’ll try many other things.
That’s the key to coaching kids to be creative!
The funds I need to rent the larger property I need for the home based pub have been secured (via successful completion of an international agribusiness research paper, for which I’m being paid).
Once I fix up the place (which will also be home for me and family, when they join me), I’ll launch the brew-pub,
The 12 Photos Below, Show How I’ve progressed With My Pineapple Peels Based Products concept.
I’ve had this dream since 1998!
With time, I’ll be adding products from my intended Rabbit farming micro-business to it.
The roasted rabbit meats that will be sold with drinks at the pub are just one aspect. Another will be the useful handicrafts, that I and my kids will be making using the by-products e.g. rabbits pelt
Read this recent article I wrote about my dream (and how I plan to involve my kids even further).
When You’re Not Working, Create a Bigger Dream (Hint: New Product – My Pineapple Peels Based Cakes…Made Without an Oven!)
When I’m not hammering away at my laptop keyboard, writing articles, reports and books…or building custom Excel-VB software, I’m likely to be found sleeping, or working to progress further towards my ultimate dream.
That dream is to own what I call a Home-Based Farm-Products-Brew-Pub.
And I’ve nursed it since 1999, when I still worked in Guinness Nigeria.
If you’ve been reading my blog, you know about my Pineapple peel based drink(see photos, and a free talk offer) . Read more about it here(i.e. a presentation).
The drinks you see in the photo below, have been pasteurized using a home-based method I learnt online.
[NB: These are 2 different views of the fermented version of my drink – based on a new recipe.]
You see, I believe PATIENCE is key, in developing food based products.
It’s taken me about 3 months of searching. But I’ve found what I consider the perfect bottle for my Pineapple based drink (see above photo).
Apart from enabling me deliver the kind of product volume I want, it also has a cap that allows me pasteurize the drink inside.
It was important for me to ensure I could do that, so bottles don’t go exploding in people’s faces.
That was why I patiently kept searching for a cost-effective way, that would enable me keep the product affordable for most people.
My New Product: Pineapple Peels Based Cakes…These Ones Baked Without an Oven!
I’ve never baked anything in my life. Not cake or bread. Nothing.
But the idea of my brew-pub having its own unique food product, to go with the drink had tickled my fancy for months.
A few days ago, I decided to play around with cake and bread baking. I went online and did lots of reading, and watched many videos.
Then yesterday, I purchased baking materials from Tokpa market, and stayed indoors ALL day, using my beloved Pineapple peels, to bake home-made cakes (I’ll get around to bread baking later).
BUT, I did it all, without using an oven!
Yes. No oven. Don’t believe me? Just wait. I’ll be writing a special PDF report on that before the year runs out.
I know the cakes don’t look so aestetically pleasing, but you must understand that this was my very first try. And believe me when I say I improvised A LOT!
The most important point to note is that what I’ve done, shows I can operate this business even from a village, using locally available materials!
In the meantime, now that my trials with different processes have succeeded (the cakes taste delicious, and are almost 50% cheaper to make!), I intend to use proper equipment to offer the drinks and cakes for sale from my brew-pub.
Virtually 100% of the pineapple peels I use do NOT go to waste!
That’s true. They end up in the drinks and cake – implying massive cost-saving production potential!
But I don’t just put the peels into the products.
To get the right flavour and appearance, I have found certain processing steps need to be taken. And all are cost-effective.
I was in Calavi this afternoon, to drop off a drink bottle, with 2 cup cakes, for my friend Moumouni Toure.
He was not in, so I left them with his brother. And I also gave out some to my neighbours where I live.
But I made it clear that I will not be selling them for now.
Nope. Responding to individual orders at this stage would not be worth my time/effort and I would be unable to cope. Even worse, it would definitely affect my ability to do my other work.
When the pub opens, anyone who wants them can come over. For now, that’s what’s likely to work best for me.
With time, I’ll decide what flavours, packaging and operating procedure will be most profitable to adopt.
NB: One probable exception would be people willing to place bulk orders. I could possibly make out time to fulfill such.
For now, the next step is to get the laboratory analysis of the drinks – and cakes – done
This is so I can tell people – with confidence – what exactly they’re eating or drinking.
I’m an internationally certified brewer, with 7 years of experience working in a globally recognised brewing multinational.
Everything I do, no matter how small my plan for this project is, must reflect that.
Suffice to say, for now, that pineapple peels being the base ingredient, contains considerable amounts of useful nutrients.
Some are described in my report titled “10 Fruits You Eat That Leave Useful Peels/Skins Behind” (Click to download it).
In the next few weeks, I intend to secure bigger living quarters, with the front end functioning as the brew-pub, here in Benin Republic.
I should add that this will be a FULL family business.
Like I noted in yesterday’s article on my blog my kids already make a version of this drink, that they sell in their school in Lagos.
So when they join me here, they’ll fit in instantly.
That’s why I told my friend Moumouni, in an SMS today, that with improvements I’ve now made, this business is DESTINED TO MAKE MY KIDS RICH!
And when (NOT IF) that happens, I – along with my wonderful wife Nkechi – will be the PROUDEST parents in the world!!
Are Your Kids Ready to Succeed in Your World?
A few days ago I spoke with my wife and kids in Lagos, on phone. While speaking with my 10 year old boy, he suddenly exclaimed “Tayo, we’ve started selling the pineapple peels drink in our school”! “Really? How much?” I asked. He replied “N50” (fifty naira).
By the time I hung up, I was on cloud nine: Coaching my kids was yielding more wonderful results!
It was not the money that pleased me. It was the fact that on their own, they developed a plan and acted on it, to do something productive – by themselves. That’s a sign of true empowerment!
Painful post-school experiences convinced me to nurture the creative and entrepreneurial instincts of my kids from a very early age.
If you’ve been reading my parenting articles for a while, you know I’m not a fan of the traditional schooling system. Learners get told things, and are rarely challenged to learn by discovery (i.e. by thinking for themselves).
Many parents passed through that system. That’s why most see nothing wrong with it. Those who do see its severe shortcomings are few, and many lack courage to speak out against it.
I’m an exception. That’s why I write about it.
Not surprisingly, many relatives, friends and associates fail to see it like I do.
I’m focussed on “immunizing” my kids against the damaging impact of the school system.
Tip: Watch this video of a high school student who gives his teacher a lesson on the right way to teach.
To do this, I demonstrate through my achievements, that what I’m saying is right. This is why I have a habit of letting them know about the positive and negative real world experiences I have in running my business. I share the painful stories with them and end with relevant warnings or tips.
That continually alerts them – mentally – to the realities of the outside world, while still in school.
I also involve them in creative pursuits. For instance, my 3 boys have been coached to think up original short stories by themselves.
The purpose is to encourage them to engage in imagination and creative thinking. Rather than simply attend school and read story books written by others, I challenge them to create theirs, and let me see.
So, now and then I come home and get bombarded with sheets scribbled with ramblings of all kinds. Funny enough, two years on, and one of their stories – edited for spelling, grammar and clarity, by me – is now live on this blog!
I’ve also tried to push each child in the direction of his/her natural talent that I identified.
The 10 year old has been especially forthcoming. Some weeks back, I wrote about how he used my dead laptop battery, to devise a home-made rechargeable lamp.
It was in September, that I visited home, and taught them the technique I developed, to make drinks from pineapple peels (obtained free from pineapple vendors).
They took to it instantly.
But when I tried to get them to sell it, they came back discouraged. Some people had apparently laughed at them saying the drink looked like sand mixed with water!
I told them rejection was a necessary ingredient for success. That it did not mean no one would buy. They apparently took what I said to heart, and have now found willing buyers in their school. Wow!
Interestingly, these crafty boys of mine later connived to hide the money they made from their mother!
Imagine that? They got her to buy kerosene to fuel the stove for making their drink, but hid their sales from her!
When I told her that they told me they’d been making sales, she could not believe it. “No they can’t be”! How can I buy fuel and sugar they use, and they then hide away the money made?” she exclaimed.
I promised her I would talk to the boys about it.
Pssst: The boys actually let on that they knew their mom would take the money from them, and insist on saving it for them…which they did not fancy :-))
They meant no harm, and just wanted to enjoy spending what they’d earned.
It goes without saying, of course, that they must now learn how to account for theirs costs, and also how to give back, and save.
It’s a process. They are young. They will learn.
Final Words: Your kids will enter YOUR world when they become adults – Will they be ready?
In summary, our kids need us to provide them real-world relevant guidance to succeed in adulthood.
Let’s avoid making the serious mistake of thinking formal schooling can do that adequately for them.
Another thing…
Your children will need you – more than the money or toys you can give them.
No matter how busy you get, you have a duty to help them develop the competence to function in YOUR world, just as well as you do, if not better!
Otherwise, what would be the point of the many years of experience you already have under your belt?
If you truly love them, you will make yourself available to them, as a real-life success coach!
The Key to Identifying People Worthy of Support
“I have long taught: if you can’t make money without money, you won’t make money with money either. And if you’re going to back somebody, pick an entrepreneur who has proven that he can survive without adequate capital” – Dan Kennedy (Millionaire Entrepreneur/Author of “How to succeed in Business by breaking all the rules”)
Do you have a passion for helping others? This is always a commendable thing to do. And it feels great when those we help go on to succeed. For that to happen, you must choose to support those most willing to use what you give them. (Hint: This article offers ideas you can teach your kids, so they KNOW how to attract unsolicited support, to achieve their valued goals in life!)
Helping People Unwilling to Take Personal Action Rarely Works
“It had long since come to my attention that people of accomplishment rarely sat back and let things happen to them. They went out and happened to things.” – Eleanor Smith
Make the best use of what you have. Give committed and competent people your priority attention.
Why? Because when they are likely to make the most productive use of what you give them. And that is likely to benefit not just them, but others as well!
Consider this analogy:
a. John finished the same year, from the same university as Tayo, your nephew.
After a year of fruitless job searching, he started a car wash business alone, and 2 years on, has one employee.
He proposes having a strategic partnership with your company. The offer is to wash your fleet for a discount in exchange for putting his promotional stickers on your cars.
But he needs N50k to get better equipment, and more hands to cope with demand he expects to get.
b. Tayo – is your nephew – and lives with you.
He complains you’re too hard on him whenever you challenge him to start something of his own, since he’s also been unable to get a job.
A day before John came to see you, Tayo had asked you to give him N50k to start a business centre. He even had a business plan written out.
You were relieved that he seemed to be making an effort.
However, you recall that when you’ve given him money in the past, nothing came of it. Many times he even told you stories that did not add up. You wonder if this time will be different.
Question: Which of these 2 young men would you help, if all you had was N30k?
My answer: John would get my vote, even if my relatives scream to high heavens.
That’s not to say I’ll write off my nephew. No.
I’ll challenge him to convince me he’s serious, using John’s example to show what I mean.
But even John won’t get the money easily.
I’ll make him jump a few hurdles, to ascertain he knows what he’s doing, and will be committed.
Below, I share a real life example of how I introduce hurdles to assure myself a person is worth “helping”.
Identifying a Person Worthy of Support: A Real-Life Example
I offer a support service for authors (in Africa especially) who want to use Print On Demand publishing the way I do.
Many naturally get interested, when they learn their new book can be put online for purchase in physical form by buyers worldwide at zero cost.
So they contact me.
Most times, I simply supply links to articles I’ve written for them to read.
Sometimes I even give a FREE copy of my PDF report, on “Marketing Your Book at Zero Cost” to them. (Need it? E-mail me via tayo at tksola dot com)
Many return to ask for more information that’s ALREADY in the articles and report I asked them to read!
Why they find it so hard to read beats me. How can you be a competent writer if reading is such a chore for you??
Anyway, I’ve learnt to overlook that and instead make a conditional offer…
I Offer a Free 15 Minute Phone Consultation
But I deliberately introduce a hurdle, to help me decide if that individual is serious enough to get access to the offer.
So I send him/her an email message like the one below:
Hi (name),
During our phone chat, I will ask you certain questions and give you certain steps to follow.
You have some things to learn – and you are unlikely to get good results if you rush the process.
When (name of a past client), the CEO of an engineering company in Warri spoke with me for 1 hour on how to use web marketing, he paid N10K in advance to get my commitment to speak with him.
I’m offering you the opportunity to get some of what I said to him at no cost.
Just load credit on your phone and call me on +229-66-122-136.
Plan to be on for at least 15 minutes so we can cover the key areas.
After that you can decide how to progress.
===E-mail ends====
If s/he does what I ask in the email, I take it as a sign that s/he is worthy of further support.
Otherwise, I simply let the interaction end there.
Guess what?
99% of the time, they never make that 15 minute call!
What small thinking some people have. If your dreams really matter to you, borrow money to make that call!
If you can’t do that, why should I believe in YOU?
Final Words: And That’s How to Identify People Worthy of Your Support
It’s by testing them to see if they will go out on a limb, to achieve the goal they claim to want.
People worthy of support will readily make the personal sacrifice of time, effort, and money, to progress towards their goal.
Over the past 10 years, I have gotten others to GLADLY support me in achieving my goals, by proving myself worthy, in the manner I describe above.
That’s why I know it works!
Smart Exercising Will Keep You Fit, Healthy, and Alive
Yes, that’s the key to good health, looking young, and LIVING LONG.
Sweating enables your body expel many “bad things” that can weaken it!
I took the photo below, this a.m (Friday 22nd Nov. 2013 at 10.00a.m):

I was doing my usual 20 to 30 minute walk, from my place at Barrière here in Cotonou, to a cyber cafe I frequent at the Etoile Rouge area.
As I approached Agontikon, next to the crossroad, a shop owner friend called out to me.
During our chat he kept asking “Ca va un peu?” (It’s a way of asking: “Everything okay?“) in apparent reference to (and concern about) my sweating.
I kept saying “Oui” (i.e. “Yes”) without adding any details …until it dawned on me to explain…
You see, every day (including Sundays), just before breakfast, I do seventy (70) push-ups – sometimes 100.
That’s followed by some yoga-style exercises for 10 to 15 minutes
After that, I eat and then WALK to the cyber cafe as part of a deliberate strategy to “exercise” my lower body.
When I get to my destination, I wipe myself clean of sweat using a towel I keep in my bag.
And my “exercising mission” for the day would have been accomplished!
I ended my explanation, by making the following statement to my friend:
“Si tu veux rester fort, et tu ne veux pas devenir vieux trop vite, il faut perspirer. C’est très important pour la santé!”
(Translation: “If you want to stay strong, and you don’t want to grow old too quickly, you need to sweat. It’s very important for the health!“)
For effect, I added:
“J’ai 43 ans” (Translation: I’m 43 years old”).
His jaw dropped, as he looked me over repeatedly…then he exclaimed:
“Ce n’est pas vrai” (Translation: Not true!).
As I walked away, I laughingly told him:
“C’est la verité (Translation: “It’s the truth”)
And he kept staring at me in what seemed a mixture of surprise and wonder.
If he’s smart, he’ll adopt a similar simple exercise regimen
And so will you, if you do not already do it.
It will keep your body in good form to withstand the daily wear and tear, from the activities and foods you expose it to!
In case you’re wondering, this strategy makes me super-productive. And I do not exaggerate.
One Example:
Last Saturday (16th Nov. 2013), I worked 13 straight hours from 9a.m till about 10.30p.m (without getting up, NOT even to drink water), to finish my 4,000 word agri-business case study paper – for entry into an international research paper writing contest. The paper is about the use of Excel-VB driven spreadsheet automation for Feed Formulation.
That same night, I sent it to my co-author Professor friend in North West University, South Africa.
From 7.30a.m Sunday morning, we spent about 2 hours on phone agreeing modifications. Then he sent the final version to the organisers in the Netherlands via email.
So now, we wait till Tuesday, when the judges will notify us about whether or not it’s been accepted.
[UPDATE (12th Sept. 2015): Should have done this way back in Dec. 2013, when the payment happened. But it kept slipping my mind. The paper did get approved, and I did get paid for it. Read this article: PDF Agribusiness Research Paper] Adoption of PC-Based Feed Formulation Methods by Farmers, Feed Manufacturers and Extension Professionals, in South West Nigeria – Complete my Questionnaire Survey & Download FREE PDF Copy]
The point I’m making is my diligent exercising enables me near-effortlessly get work done – to meet tight deadlines – even if I have to continue for long stretches of time. And I mean physical, as well as mental work.
You see, I believe that without my disciplined dedication to fitness, I could not have gotten that paper done, in combination with other work I had to do. And that included traveling to Nigeria to administer a questionnaire survey to farm business CEOs, and then returning to Cotonou to collate the data for use in the paper!
In truth, many much younger people often find it hard to keep up with me. As do my peers and older persons.
For instance, I’ve had clients and staff go round farm premises with me, after which we returned to the “farm office/house” for our meals.
Subsequently however, they struggled to keep their eyes open, as I tried to explain how the software I built for them worked
The reason this happened was that they often lacked both physical and mental stamina, aka STAYING POWER.
People who succeed usually have STAMINA. If you want to succeed, YOU WILL NEED IT!
And to have it, you must commit to diligent exercising on a regular basis.
As a writer (or expert in any other field), it will boost your productivity tremendously. And your quality of work will also improve!
By the way, nothing I’ve said here is meant to be bragging.
I simply feel it’s important that I share with you a strategy that’s worked quite well for me, over the past 20 years now.
Yes, I’ve been doing it this way for over 2 decades – with great results to show for it!
You don’t need to become some physical fitness guru or anything.
And you’re not necessarily going to be aiming to win any competition against others here. What I refer to is the adoption of a disciplined habit of daily exercising.
In a past issue of my newsletter, I wrote on this same theme. It was titled: No. 94: Use Physical Fitness to Boost Your Productivity (4 Tips).
You should read it.
One last thing…
It might interest you to know, that ever since quitting competitive handball in 1992 (when I left the university), I’ve used this strategy to maintain my fitness right through paid employment, up till today.
Many who know me will confirm this.
And that’s why I’m this confident, that it works. So do use it
Are Those Who Do Bad Things, From Outer Space…Or From Amongst Us?
[Update 22nd Nov. 2013 @ 11.28: PDF download link to FULL write-up now added!] Everyday I read comments and posts on social media by smart thinking, well educated Nigerians who live in the country, and elsewhere. 99% of the time they seem to be lamenting another gory news item served to them by their trust sources.
Very often, it’s about some naughty act committed by a politician or two.
But probably just as frequently, there’s news about a sadistic act committed by one citizen against another e.g. abduction of aged persons, or children by kidnappers; use of human beings for money making sacrifices; a teenage child smashing an object on his fathers head’ inadvertently killing him, a pastor sleeping with his girl-child.
And so on.
These smart people ask “Why? They also ask “When is it all going to end?”
This PDF report is my contribution to that discourse. I tried posting a contribution to a friend’s recent post on the above theme – and soon saw I had almost 960 words! So, in light of my resolve stated above, it’s morphed from a Facebook comment into this PDF paper!
Why You May Want To Rejoice When Others Mock You!
I’ve relocated this piece from its static html page on my website, to the parenting category on my blog, because I believe every parent needs to tell his/her child this story.
It’s about a visionary scientist who despite widespread mockery and ridicule, courageouly continued his pioneering work in the field of rocket science, that eventually made space travel possible.
It then provides explanations about what made the achievements possible, with reference to proven success principles and philosophies that can be freely adopted for use by any willing persons. The reader will learn – among other things – why when people make fun of you/your ideas, it could be a good sign that you are on the right path!
It does not matter how successful, respected, authoritative, wealthy or famous they are.
For as long as they do not have the passion for, insight into and knowedege about an issue that YOU do, they are unlikely to see what you see – at first. The problem is that because such people tend to feel they already “know”(and many others tend to believe that these people actually do know!), they will not be aware that “they do not know” as much as you do.
Robert Goddard today has America’s Space Center named after him.
But during his lifetime, he enjoyed little in the way of recognition for the work that would win him the honor of immortality. In 1920, The New York Times (and reporters who followed him around, taunting him after each failed test-launch of his first “Nell” rockets) in a stinging editorial played a leading role in mocking Goddard’s scientific publication.
He consequently, developed an aversion for publicity/the press, continuing his work in “near” secrecy, often refusing to supply details of breakthroughs recorded even when asked. Among other things, he wondered why they would not “mind their business”.
Ironically, while his countrymen ridiculed him, the Germans periodically contacted him about his work.
Evidence that he knew what he was talking about later emerged when Germany launched over 1,100 V-2 rockets at London, badly damaging the city. The missiles later examined(and a captured German scientist interviewed) revealed they were modelled after those developed by Goddard – only his were not meant for use as war instruments.
Forty-Nine(49) years later, in 1969, after the US’ Apollo 11 rocket(built based on Goddard’s work) took off for the moon, a retrospective New York Times editorial admitted that further research evidence and experimentation had confirmed Goddard’s theories(that rockets can fly in a vacuum – such as space – as well as in an atmosphere) to be correct. The editorial ended thus : “The Times regrets the error.” A great lesson, taught by a great man.
The scientist (who had died of throat cancer 24 years earlier) did not get to see the rocket launch or read the apology.
But the FACT that both happened (see Time Magazine March 29, 1999, Vol. 153 No. 12 ) confirms that sometimes people who mock another for his/her ideas do so out of a lack of insight or knowledge that the latter has. The originator of a new or untested idea must therefore follow his/her convictions unflinchingly, till s/he is proved right.
James Cook in his book “The Startup Entrepreneur”, expressed a similar sentiment when he wrote that an entrepreneur should consider him/herself in “good company” whenever his/her ideas attract “doubt or scorn” from others.
To give anyone who faces this kind of challenge further reason to stay resolved towards achieving his/her set goal, the insight offered by Napoleon Hill in the book “Think and Grow Rich” is also quite instructive.
In explaining the fact that defeat is a “temporary condition”, Hill pointed out that we all daily see people who encounter obstacles in their pursuit of a set goal and readily give up, just as we see others who trudge on, again an again, remaining undaunted by repeated setbacks they encounter.
One thing, according to Hill, that most of us do not however notice, is what he called the “silent but irresistible power” that inevitably “rescues” those who refuse to give up in their pursuit of success in a chosen endeavour – adding that if we acknowledge it at all, we call it “persistence”.
He then ends by saying that one fact we all do acknowledge, is that anyone who lacks the quality of persistence CANNOT achieve significant success in any thing s/he does.
Moral: When people mock you, rejoice(!), because it is most likely a good sign that you are on the right path. Keep going, and you’ll succeed!
“Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing. Security does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than exposure.” – Helen Adams Keller (1880-1968)
“Some people make the mistake of equating consensus with truth. That you, and others who think like you, agree among yourselves that a centipede is a millipede wearing a metal coat, will not make the centipede become a millipede.” – Tayo Solagbade
“Even if 50 million people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing” – Anatole France