Category Archives: My DN Travel News

Why 10 Years On Your Job May Not Mean YOU Have 10 Years Experience!

There are myriads of myths and assumptions that many of us allow to guide our thoughts and actions daily. This write-up highlights an unfounded myth that prevents many employees from actualizing their full potentials in the workplace.

What Is Your Answer to This Question?

(True or False?)

An employee who has spent 20 years on the job will be more competent than one who has spent only 5 years.

The above question is one of a number in a questionnaire I administered to respondents for a 45-page management research paper I wrote in 2001.

The Center for Management Development (CMD) later invited me to deliver a lecture on that paper, to their management and staff. It’s titled “Self-Development as a Tool for Achieving Career Advancement (A Practical Guide Based on Experience)”.

Over 80% of the respondents surveyed fell between the age ranges of 20 to 40 years (Table 3.1).

table3.1.jpg - Over 80% of the respondents surveyed fell between the age ranges of 20 to 40 years

About 72.5% of them held junior management/management support/middle level management positions. (Table 3.14)

About 72.5% of them held junior management/management support/middle level management positions. (Table 3.14)

Over 80% had managerial experience of 10 years or less.

Over 80% had managerial experience of 10 years or less.

And it was interesting to see that the respondents were more or less equally split in their responses (score was 2.9 on an attitudinal scale of 1 to 5, where 3 = neutral, 1 = Strongly Disagree and 5 = Strongly Agree).

The Truth Is However That Your Number of Years On The Job Matters LESS!

In other words, the realistic answer to that question is: FALSE…or Not necessarily.

Quite often it is really determined by the individual and how committed s/he is to diligently improving him/herself on the job via Self-Development.

My time in paid employment provides a good example.

Joining a fast paced multinational in later 1994, I rapidly developed myself to deliver high performance output on a consistent basis.

The company rewarded me with rapid career advancement opportunities. Within six years, I was in senior management capacity, leading others 7 to 15 years older than I was in the company.

What Did I Do Differently From Others?

Basically, I intelligently applied Self-Development techniques to give myself a competitive edge in the workplace. I got ideas from books I read, and also by applying my initiative

Among other things, I actively contributed to progress in different parts of the company – even outside my immediate areas of responsibility.

To do this effectively, I acquired skills (e.g. spreadsheet programming) that enabled me add tangible value to data handling and report preparation processes.

For instance, I developed over 4 automated spreadsheet applications that were formally adopted for management level reporting.

This got me noticed at the highest levels –even as far as the parent company in the UK, where some of my applications had to be sent for conversion from Lotus 1-2-3 macros format to Excel Visual Basic.

The above happened due to the insistence by users of my applications in the brewery when the company changed over from Lotus SmartSuite to MS Office platform.

What Do I Mean By Self-Development?

It’s never wise to assume everyone has the same view of what a concept means. I’ve used the expression “Self-Development” in this article. In my paper, I define it as follows:

“The process by which an individual continually uses her own efforts and resources (and others to which she has authorized access), to improve her ability to achieve personal and/or workplace advancement.”

Wise Words from Zig Ziglar: Don’t Have One Year’s Experience 10 Times!

In addition to what I’ve said above, I offer the following professional opinion for an accomplished developer of human capacity: Zig Ziglar (now late).

His words provide a fitting conclusion to this piece.

That is to say, you will only have 10 years of experience if you make sure EVERY year is diligently spent putting in your best efforts to improve your performance.

Wise Words from Zig Ziglar: Don’t Have One Year’s Experience 10 Times!

Final Words: Suggestion to Company Decision Makers and Recruiters

On a final note, it is my considered opinion, based on the points made above, that companies will be better off NOT asking for “X years of experience” in their adverts.

Instead, they should request for someone with “X Effective years of experience”. The criteria for determining what quantifies the required number of effective years could then be enumerated in terms of what a person vying for that position would be expected to know/be able to do, having spent those X years working elsewhere.

The above approach would enable recruiters accurately identify more suitable candidates for advertised positions, who would normally probably have been overlooked on the basis of the conventional “X years of experience” criteria.

How to Unmask & Defeat Blood-Sucking Vampires!

Ha…I love that title! It probably got you thinking strange thoughts: Like where on earth did he learn to do that? Okay, enough fooling around. The real title for this piece is “How (Deliberate) Naivety Can Help YOU Unmask People Who Secretly Want You to Fail”.

Image - Vampire related to article: How to Detect & Defeat Blood-Sucking Vampires!

Copyright (c) 123RF Stock Photos

Sorry to deny you a good dose of entertaining (?) blood curdling fiction :-) But when you really think about it, both titles mean the same thing essentially. Vampires never announce their bad intentions up front. What they do is feign goodwill, while plotting and scheming to “destroy”.

By way of interest, I first encountered that phrase (“Blood-Sucking Vampires”) in one of Chris Guillebeau’s ebooks. He credited a friend of his for coming up with the “label” for people like that.

You Need This i.e. The Ability to Skillfully Detect Those Who Harbor Ill Feelings Towards You. 

Developing this ability is the key to having peace of mind, good health, and longevity. I happen to cherish all three beneifts just mentioned. The ideas I offer in this article help me work towards having them daily.

A proverb in my language (Yoruba) says:

“Ifura ni ogun agba”.

Translated contextually, that means:

“A well developed sixth sense is what an old person uses to detect (and/or avert) danger/problems.’

It’s Possible to Do Too Much Good, & Hurt Yourself In the Process (My Story)

Talking about them may sound self-defeating. But I also realize there WILL be good people being attacked by “blood sucking vampires”. And some may need ideas about how to defend themselves. Consider my very recent experience: My account with a website – where I’ve already earned income as a writer, got shut down without my knowledge.

Screenshot - Articles no longer appear in plugin on my blog. My account with a website - where I’ve already earned income as a writer got shut down without my knowledge.

UPDATE(17th May 2013 at 9.14p.m): Just this evening, I got a response from the above mentioned website to my enquiry saying my account had been reactivated. (See screenshot below). So that’s ONE less to worry about(Update: Nope. About 2 weeks later, they “banned”/”expelled” me from using their website, in an email that said a new article I submitted was too poor quality. I do not even want to “think” about these guys anymore).

On to the big matter of the scam emails above…

Click now


Below: Screenshots of a payment I received from a sale of usage rights for my popular 10 Item Employee Morale Guage Quiz article on the website –

No. 1 - See screenshots below of a payment I receieved from a sale of usage rights my popular 10 Item Employee Morale Guage Quiz article on the website -

No. 2 - See screenshots below of a payment I receieved from a sale of usage rights my popular 10 Item Employee Morale Guage Quiz article on the website -

Below: Screenshot of an online store showing the above mentioned article – see item 14 on the contents list – published (with my permission) in a journal titled “Employee Morale: Concepts And Cases” by ICFAI university.

Click to visit online store showing the above mentioned article - see item 14 on the contents list - published (with my permission) in a journal titled "Employee Morale: Concepts And Cases" by ICFAI university.

Below: Screenshot of my one page PDF flyer for promoting the above article. See the new PDF flyer for a learning event based on it, that’s titled “Getting Employees to Consistently Deliver Results You Want! (What Every Executive, and Entrepreneur Should Know)“. View the FRENCH version of the PDF here.

My one page PDF flyer for promoting my On-Demand Learning Event based on the article. It's titled "Getting Employees to Consistently Deliver Results You Want! (What Every Executive, and Entrepreneur Should Know)".

I only found out yesterday (14th May), when I noticed the plugin that displays (here on this blog) my articles published for sale on that website, no longer listed them. Clicking my name, I arrived at a page that said I basically did not exist as an author on that website. Huh?

Yep. The Saga All Over Again. EVERY Time Anything Like That Happens, I Will Talk About It In a Blog Post.

But at least LinkedIn sent me an email. These guys said nothing (?) I’ve written them, since making this discovery yesterday, and certainly hope this time I won’t simply be told (like LinkedIn did) that they “noticed suspicious activity” in my account. 

This time around I was able to readily identify the likely cause. Less than 2 weeks ago, in a bid to be my usual helpful self, I’d shared a lot of information with certain young chaps I spent time with out here.

They’d asked about ways they could earn income writing online. I’d told them about what I did, and sent them links to my profile on the above mentioned website.

That was the first and so far the only time I’ever EVER given out that kind of information to ANYONE in over 3 months. Indeed, since arriving Benin Republic over a month ago, not once have I logged into my account on that site.

From the day that I sent them that email, I noticed ALL email updates from that website which often came daily simply stopped coming to my Gmail in box. I recall thinking it was strange, but told myself, “maybe they have things they’re doing “, and forgot about it.

Then yesterday I find out my account’s been closed. Make what you will of that. I don’t know what to think…yet.

Yes, It’s Possible to Do Too Much Good, & Hurt Yourself In the Process !

Lord knows I try to be so likeable. I really do. I can’t help wanting to share the little I know to help others who I go out of my way to offer ideas, information – even more than I should. Yet some, thinking I won’t find out, turn around and STAB me –viciously too – in the back.

So, it’s possible to do too much good, and hurt yourself in the process. Don’t be like me :-)

I thought I left all that (back-stabbing) behind in the corporate world. Well, all of this has been a reminder that human beings are the same everywhere. Good and bad, and few in between. And they come in all shapes, forms and colors too. No exceptions.

Acting “Naive” to Unmask “Silent Haters” – A Simple Strategy You (& Even a Child) Can Use Successfully

You can subtly, and accurately discover how those you relate with really feel about you. It involves doing a little acting, and carefully observing how they react. Especially when you’re succeeding or need help.

When you announce a major accomplishment to your “friend” how does s/he react? Does s/he really share your excitement? It’s hard to fake that.

What’s s/he like afterwards. Warm, and welcoming? Or subdued, even irritable? Does s/he mention your victories to others, like you do his/hers?

Listen to your instincts – your gut. Do NOT ignore any signals or red lights that come on.

What about when you need help?

Even if you don’t need help, periodically pretend you do – just to see. Make sure you come across as convincing as possible in your acting. S/he really has to believe you are in dire need. This is what will bring the real person to the fore!

You can request any kind of help. Just make sure it’s the kind that will take some doing. The kind that can test a person’s true committment to another.

Money is an obvious one (depending on how much). But there are others just as usable. You could request support of any sort. Even a simple extension of the hand to help you up when you fall. And I mean that both literally and figuratively speaking.

Be reasonable in your expectations though. What you ask must be consistent with the relationship you have. And it must, of course, be in line with what YOU can readily do for him/her as well!

A Useful Analogy: Picture in Your Mind, a “Friend”, “Buddy”, “Associate” or “Acquaintance”

Imagine you’re walking together and you suddenly find yourself in quick sand. What do you think your “buddy” or “pal” would do if as you begin sinking you turn and reach out to him for help to get out.

If you cannot confidently say s/he will do everything in her power (like s/she would for a loved one) to get you out, there’s a potential problem there.

You cannot hang around people you cannot count on!

Truth is, when you’re most vulnerable, and it is obvious to others around you, their innermost feelings towards you will often emerge unclothed. And many times you WILL be shocked by what you see.

Begin, from Today, to More Closely Observe Those You Relate With

I’ve found it’s quicker and easier to confirm who I can trust by simply acting naive as often as possible.

I do this especially with new people I’m not yet sure about.

This strategy helps me put them at ease.

The naughty ones basically conclude I’m one of those socially un-savvy, but otherwise intelligent individuals.

And sooner or later they begin trying to take advantage of my perceived naivety. I play along, and at different points I make innocent requests or enquiries to gauge their responses.

Very often I would already know what to expect if they were not being insincere. And 8 times out of 10, I’ve been able to unmask “silent haters” in this manner.

I don’t bother facing them with my findings. Instead I simply use it as a guide to dealing with them. It helps me know just how far I can go in doing stuff with them.

A True Story That Illustrates How to Do It

A guy introduces me to a potential investor in an idea I have. The latter pays to have me transported to his little town for a discussion with me. Four hours later, he’s talking excitedly about how he believes the two different proposals I made would work out.

And so we part, with him saying a meeting would be held with my friend who would get back to me.

Almost two weeks pass. I hear nothing. And I do not ask – even though I see my friend almost daily. Each time we meet, he repeatedly asks “So, how’s business? Everything okay?” At a point I get uncomfortable, as it feels like he’s checking for something.

Then one morning (about 10 a.m.) he calls me while I’m in the middle of an article and says “Hey Tayo, can you quickly stop over at my place for a discussion”. 

I reply that I’m busy and promise to see him in the evening. At 6p.m I arrive his place. I notice he’s rather fidgety, seeming to be in a hurry to get started.

Pulling up seats for both of us, he blurts out that the prospective investor asks if I can draw up all the process flow diagrams for the factory operation to be setup. I reply saying “Of course”  – smiling (even as I’m thinking “Hmm…here it comes!”).

Then I watch, as if in a movie, as he pushes a few sheets of paper across to me, with a pen and basically says “Here draw it all on there, so I can send it over to him. He’s waiting to get them.

At this point, I look directly at him, still smiling, and ask him how doing that will not hurt me, as a person who seeks to be compensated as a consultant offering his expertise for setting up a factory operation.

He turns away from me, unable to hold my gaze, and appears to think for a while. Few seconds later he picks up the phone, speaks in his local dialect which I do not understand, for about 15 seconds. I suspect it’s the “prospective investor”.

Ending the call, he turns to me and asks “How much will it cost for you to simply prepare all needed drawings and other information for him?

There and then I confirmed what I’d suspected. They had decided they did not want to have me implement the project, but thought they could get the information off me via trickery!

My point: That someone who called me his friend could readily accept to try that trick on me, spoke volumes about the thoughts/feeling he had towards me!

Note that he would never have tried it, if for one moment, he thought that I could see through his plans – or that I suspected anything.

The truth is that he felt I was so gullible that I would simply not think giving up that kind of information amounted to making myself useless to them!

Pity. That smacked of REAL naivety on his part :-)

Get Real: You May Never Be Perfect at This

From the first story I told, it’s apparent I’m not even close to being perfect. Otherwise I would not have given out so much information that others could use to hurt me, before I got to know them well enough.

But you can learn – with practice – to do it well enough to protect yourself.

Every now and then I totally fall flat on my face from failing to use this skill as and when due.

If/when it happens to you, dust yourself off, make a mental note of the new lesson learn, and move on.

“Silent Haters” Can Never Stop You, Unless You Let Them – or The Fear of Them – Stop You

No one can stop you from achieving your goals, or becoming who you want to b e -except your creator.

And guess what?

He will never do that, because every time you actualize your potential at new levels it gives him great pleasure. That is what he desires each one of his creations to do.

Read the little book written by Donald D. Wattles (Google “Science of Getting Rich pdf ”). It explains why every time you “feel” like doing something, it’s a sign that you can, and you should.

THAT, is your God-given instinct to grow, and become more, that’s seeking expression through you.

Do not stifle it, and never let any bunch of hating losers make you either. Start using the strategy of deliberate naivety to subtly discover who they are today. Then order your affairs with them accordingly.

Good luck!

Frugality & Prudence Can Help You Do More with Less Money

Overheads like rent, mortgage, salaries, are often fixed. However, most other things you spend money on depend mainly on how much you use.

To cut down on your electricity bill, a simple way is to check for points of waste in your insulation, and also your energy usage habits.

When a room (in your office, factory, or home) is not occupied, leaving the lights and/or heating on will lead to avoidable increases in your energy usage, and payments.

Why You Need to Explore Variable Costs Reduction (A True Story)

Seven years in the technical function of a large multinational manufacturer, taught me the importance of Variable Costs Reduction: a concept that can be applied to any area of life.

I saw how doing so can get a company struggling with cash flow, to a point where it has excess cash in the bank within a 3 year period.

Only then did the top decision makers carry out capital expenditure to buy new plants.

Before then they simply challenged us to employ World Class Manufacturing plant and process management principles to get the aged bottling plants to generate the target outputs.

Then they pushed the sales, marketing and distribution arms to exploit fast moving products outlets markets, to generate revenue faster. This smart strategy paid off, making the company spend less to get more output from each plant. And this led to massive increases in profits.

Try (as Often as Reasonable) To Get Things Done Without Spending

I’ve written in the past about the option of bartering your products and services in exchange for something you want from others.

But there are other ways.

Last week, I had two meetings regarding my Quick and Dirty Guide for English and French learners. What I learnt made me decide create an auto run CDROM based demo of the guide.

To prepare the auto run CDROM, I relentlessly searched the web for software that would meet my needs. In 2004, I’d created and distributed auto run business marketing CDs to prospects. The software I used then has since been discontinued. But I knew many others existed.

It took me a while, but I eventually found one – and it was FREE. It allows me create auto run CDs with customizable menus, and NO nag screens or advertisements in the finished products.

What’s more, it does not need to be installed in the PC it’s used. Also, the executable files it creates take up very little space on the CD – unlike many others.

Last Sunday I finished creating the auto run CD based version of my language guide. It’s has custom menus that instantly launch videos, web pages and the Excel workbook guide.

And it’s just like I imagined it!

I could have bought any of the other software for $25 or more. But it’s unlikely that for my purpose, the benefits of doing that would have been worthwhile – at least at this early stage.

And that’s my point. Sometimes you’ll simply have to think smarter, to discover better ways to achieve your goal at little or no extra cost.

Final Words: Look for Bargains & Concessions (A Lesson from the Truly Wealthy)

In 2001, I bought a copy of the little book titled “The Millionaire Next Door”. In it I found confirmation of ideas mentioned above.

The book discusses research based evidence from over 2 decades of close monitoring of wealthy individuals across America.

The authors found that frugality and financial prudence was a key strategy most of these wealthy people employed to amass wealth, and to stay rich.

What’s more these true millionaires shamelessly search for and request bargains. And they shop where they can get such concessions. Not where inflated prices cannot be negotiated.

In case you’re wondering, these wealthy people had very few celebrity type people listed amongst them by the authors. The indices used to measure their net worth put them way ahead of those who live high consumption lifestyles – buying latest gizmos, shopping loud etc.

Sadly, in some cultures people (who ironically are not wealthy) regard those who behave like the wealthy mentioned above as “lacking money”, or “poor”.

Like I always say, it’s better to let people think you do not have, than to go out of your way to show that you do, and then end up not having eventually!

The choice, of course, is yours to make.

No. 89: No Mentor Can Shield You from Mistakes

This is a universal truth. Any self-respecting mentor will acknowledge it. Whoever says s/he can help you avoid making mistakes is lying to you. A mentor can guide you to minimize mistakes you make.

But you WILL have to make some to gain full mastery or competence.

This week’s issue of my speaking IDEAS newsletter explains why and how you can use mistakes to intelligently discover what you need to know, to succeed.


Click now to view the latest issue of Tayo Solagbade's Public Speaking IDEAS page

View Tayos video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsConnect with Tayo on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google Plus

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Publication: Tayo Solagbade’s Weekly Public Speaking IDEAS Page (PSIP) Newsletter

Date: Monday 13th May 2013


Title: No Mentor Can Shield You from Mistakes

Author & Publisher: Tayo K. Solagbade [234-803-302-1263]

Blog URL:

Archive (For E-mail only version started 14th May 2012): Click here to view

Archive (For Blog version started 24th September 2011): Click here


Please find below the latest issue of my Speaking IDEAS newsletter.

Autorun CDROM for Part 1 (Greetings i.e. Salutation/Accueil) of the Quick & Dirty Guide to English Language for French Speakersand to French Language for English Speakers)

a). Video you can playback repeatedly from start to finish

b). Excel workbook you can open and click individual phrases to listen, or print out to read.

c). 26 individual audio files you can listen to on your PC or mobile

Price: N2,000 / 6,000 F CFA

(free delivery in Cotonou & Calavi in Benin Republic)

Screenshot of autorun CD ROM for Part 1 of the Quick and Dirty Guide for French and English Learners

Above: Screenshot of autorun CD ROM for Part 1 of the Quick and Dirty Guide for French and English Learners

(Click HERE to see screenshots & Watch video)

Find out how to get a copy here …


No. 89: No Mentor Can Shield You from Mistakes

**** **********

NB: If you ever find yourself wondering what else I’ve written, some days after you’ve read THIS Speaking Ideas newsletter I send out on a Monday, here’s what you can do to find out: Point your browser to to read at least ONE new post added to my SD Nuggets blog on a different category from Tuesday till Saturday (sometimes even Sundays) in line with this publishing schedule :-)


This is a universal truth. Any self-respecting mentor will acknowledge it. Whoever says s/he can help you avoid making mistakes is lying to you. A mentor can guide you to minimize mistakes you make. But you WILL have to make some to gain full mastery or competence. This week’s issue of my speaking IDEAS newsletter explains why and how you can use mistakes to intelligently discover what you need to know, to succeed.

1. Sometimes Re-Inventing the Wheel May Be Necessary

Man giving a lecture - related to quote: 'Teachers have it wrong. The right answer doesn’t mean anything. Learning comes from mistakes.'  - Robert Kiyosaki

Not everything your mentor or teacher/coach tells you will work as expected. And except s/he’s psychic, s/he may not tell you all you need to know.

That won’t make him/her incompetent. It would simply mean s/he’s not all knowing. So, there’s a chance you’ll encounter a challenge you’ll have to find your own solution to.

Under such circumstances, finding what works for you will become inevitable – and could even involve re-inventing the wheel.

I say this based on personal experience.

I’ve taken many (crazy) risks over the years, in relation to my academics, career, business and even personal safety. On a number of occasions, doing so led to massive blunders. And in each instance I had to endure the pain, embarrassment and humiliation to recover.

Today, being wrong or failing does not bother me. Why? Because every time I’ve made mistakes I’ve always emerged smarter, stronger and/or better skilled.

And it’s those qualities that make me effective in pursuing any goal I set my sights on. It may take a while to get there, depending on a variety of factors. But I often do.

So, for me, making mistakes is process – a journey – you undertake in order to narrow down a list of possible options to find what works – for you.

EXAMPLE: Learning from My Mistakes With Domain Names (,,, and

To learn from mistakes, we must accept that we’ve made them.

I practice what I preach.

Last year I almost did not renew any of the above 4 mentioned domain names. But I decided to keep them for an extra year and see what value I really got from each one.

This year (last week) I’ve chosen to renew only – the URL that forwards to my speaking service website. Between February and last week, I’ve let the others expire as they came due. My checks show they no longer add tangible value to me.

What I’ve learnt from doing these “tests” will help me in future. All my work is now consolidated on ( points to a sub-domain).

2. Minimize Trial & Error: But Go Out & Make Your Own Unique Mistakes!


“The reason I know so much is because I have made so many mistakes”

– R. Buckminster Fuller


No matter how much you learn from others in order to minimize trial and error, you must make YOUR OWN mistakes. Otherwise your development will be incomplete.

Don’t try to get to the finish line by avoiding mistakes.

Learning from a guru or mentor will not protect you from mistakes. If you think it will, you set yourself up for mediocre accomplishments.

For instance, the wisdom you share in your speaking events will lack unique flavor that resonates with audiences who hear, or read your messages – as their response will show.

There’ll always be something missing: and it will be your lack of authenticity.

Without making your own mistakes, you will find it literally impossible to develop authenticity. You will not really have a “message” that you truly own. Audiences will often tend to see you as one who “borrows” from those you learn(t) from, or refer to.

Some of the greatest speakers – in various areas of life – famously use (or used) stories to communicate their messages.

There are 2 kinds of stories you can tell your audiences: yours or other people’s.

Certain schools of thought argue that talking about yourself makes you appear boastful.

I recommend using your initiative to decide what approach to use at any point in time.

Don’t be over humble. When YOUR story will do a better job, tell it without apology!

Share anecdotes about how you fought your own battles in various phases of your life.  

Someone in your audience may be at a stage in her own life when the ideas, and lessons you share, may be what she needs for inspirationNOT stories about historical figures.

You will do this not just in formal settings, but even during informal interactions.

It’s a powerful way to build credibility and influence with others.

3. What Works Today, May Not Work Next Year: So Use Mistakes To Evolve Solutions for the Future

Woman conducting quality control checks - related to quote: “Avoiding mistakes makes us stupid, and having to be right all the time makes us obsolete. When I finally discovered that I learned more by making mistakes than by having the right answers all the time, I set out to perfect the art of making more mistakes faster”.

The way I see it, succeeding means you’ve reasonably mastered a level of competence. And that implies you now need to move to the next level – and NOT to rest on your oars.

Here’s why: Sometimes you’ll find that the strategy that works for you today, or this year, may not work so well next year.

That’s why doing new things, and actively learning from mistakes made in the process, is a valuable strategy.

Doing so implies stepping out – again – of your comfort zone.

Consider a high jumper. Each time she scales a new height, the bar is raised. It’s the same with a weight lifter. With each successful lift, new weights are added.

Mistakes will help you learn smarter ways to get the results you want, no matter how often things change. And that will effectively guarantee you long term success.

Need More Details of How to Make The Above Ideas Work for YOU?

If you need more specific details of how to make use of the ideas I’ve shared in this newsletter, send me a message using this request form (with “Re: No Mentor Can Shield You from Mistakes” in the subject line).

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Have a lovely week!

Tayo K. Solagbade*

Self-Development/Performance Improvement Specialist

*Sole Agent For Burt Dubin’s Speaker Mentoring Service In Africa

Mobile: 234-803-302-1263

Tayo Solagbade is a Performance Improvement Specialist & multipreneur. He works with individuals/businesses who want to achieve highly profitable outcomes, and also with parents who want to raise real-world competent children.

Tayo earns multiple streams of income providing clients with performance improvement training/coaching, custom MS Excel-VB solutions, web marketing systems, freelance writing services, and best practice extension support services (for farm business owners).

When he’s not amazing clients with his superhuman skills (wink), Tayo works as the creative force behind his Self-Development Nuggets™ blog, and Public Speaking IDEAS newsletter (which he publishes to promote Burt Dubin’s Public Speaking Mentoring service to experts working across the African continent).


Have you been undecided about whether or not to become a paid speaker? Or have you been trying to get your speaking career off the ground with little success?

Here’s a tip: Burt Dubin works with people who want to be speakers, and with speakers who want to be masters. Click here to visit his website NOW and submit a contact form message telling him what challenges you’re facing, and how you’d like him to help you. Tell him I sent you, and you’ll get a pleasant surprise offer from him.


What do you think of the above message? Do you have any personal experience to share on this subject? Are there some other points you feel can be added, to help persons looking for answers? Please share your thoughts!

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View Tayos video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsConnect with Tayo on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google Plus

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How to Produce Your Best Writing, Even When Upset (3 Steps)

Everyone gets upset. A quarrel with your spouse, a friend or even your teenage kid could be the cause. Sometimes it could be a mistake you made, that causes you to be angry with yourself. Maybe it cost you money you had plans for. The loss of a valuable client can also get you upset – for obvious reasons.

Except you belong to the tiny minority with exceptional self-management abilities, your state of mind can affect your performance of tasks – regardless of how competent you already are.

How You Handle Yourself AFTER You’ve Been Upset Is Important

Getting upset is inevitable.But if you do a bad job of managing yourself, more things could go wrong, and you’d get even more upset. And then even more bad things would happen. You get the message I’m sure.

The truth is that we all know this. It’s simple common sense. But it can be difficult to remember in real life.

You may have scheduled writings tasks you need to get done – for yourself, or possibly your boss or a client. If you’re someone who lets things that happen in one area of your life spill over into other areas, your writing will be prone to suffer – a lot.

And if you’re unlucky to be around rivals, or mischievous others who know that you’re vulnerable in that manner; they could deliberately upset you to give themselves an unfair advantage over you.

That’s why it can be useful to know useful steps you can follow to RECOVER if/when you get upset.

I Suggest 3 Steps You Can Adopt When The Need Arises

We all write at different rates, but to ensure we deliver quality writing output as and when required, it’s often best to leave enough time to proof-read and tweak our original draft, until it’s just right.

When you’re upset, you’re likely to need more time to do the above properly. The following steps can help you:

Step 1: Get Away (and/or Lock Yourself In) Till You Calm Down

It does not matter who or what upset you…or how. Once you identify you’re upset, and do not feel sticking around will make it easy to calm down, find a place to be alone.

You can plan to speak with that person later, if it’s something you need to resolve.

But right then when you’re both still upset, it’s best to go away and calm down.

If however you have a level of self-mastery that enables you consciously calm yourself down without going away, do so, and move to step 2 below.

Step 2: Blank Your Mind and Focus ONLY On Your Writing Goal

Forget everything that’s happened. Stop thinking about anyone who was directly or indirectly responsible.

Focus your mind exclusively on your goal of getting started with your writing.

Concentrate hard.

If you do this right, you should – within 1 to 2 minutes – find that you’ve freed your mind.

If it takes you longer those 3 minutes, I would say you’re not doing it right. I mean that: 3 minutes is actually a LONG period of time when you spend it doing focused thinking.

Try it and you’ll see I’m right. No matter what it is that’s upset you, it is important that you are willing to let go of it (if only temporarily) to get this step right.

Once you do that, you’ll be able to free your mind in 2 to 3 minutes tops.

Step 3: Start Writing No Matter How Unprepared You Feel

Once you’ve succeeded with step 2 above, this final step will be easy.

Anytime you don’t feel like writing; when nothing feels like it’s up there for you to write down – just get yourself seated behind your computer.

Crack your knuckles if you think that will help :-)

But just get behind the keyboard, and start typing.

Again, I mean that seriously.

You may not realize it, but your mind can rapidly regurgitate useful records it keeps of subconscious knowledge you pick up from your daily activities. All you have to do it ask (or search) it.

When you follow this procedure, and keep at it for up to 60 seconds, I assure you that ideas will start popping into your head.

Soon, everything else will recede into the background and you’ll start writing.

NB: I say the above on the assumption that you will be writing on a subject that you are already familiar with, and/or have done adequate research on previously. If that is not the case, simply apply the same principle to doing the needed research. You’ll be surprised how well you’ll fare.

The Un-initiated May Not Believe How Well This Works Until They’ve Tried It

I know this works because I’ve used it successfully countless times, to get my writing done – during periods when I’ve been seriously upset (to my pleasant surprise as you can imagine).

The best part is that you actually end up with a finished piece that’s unique and original.

Try this method and you’ll see how well it works. Your writing will never be the same again!


“Close the door. Write with no one looking over your shoulder. Don’t try to figure out what other people want to hear from you; figure out what you have to say. It’s the one and only thing you have to offer. – Barbara Kingsolver

When Is The Right Time to Start Having Kids? (3 Checks You Can Use)

Not everyone will agree with what I’m going to say here. But it’s the truth.  It is generally accepted that one needs to be financially capable of playing the role of a parent, before one begins to have them.

In certain cultures, this need to be financially capable makes some men especially wait till they are well past middle age, before they get married – talk less of having kids.

picture of parents with a little kid

Why? Because it sometimes takes them that long to build the kind of financial capacity they believe they need to keep a wife and kids.

That’s when you see a father at 65, whose first child is still in primary or secondary school. Or the 75 year old who still has a child yet to finish from school.

In other climes, these are age ranges in which many parents already have grown children who have left home and started their own families.

It’s Not a Matter of Age or Marriage

It is my considered opinion that age is not what determines whether or not a person can start having kids. Most of us likely know, or have heard, of rather young persons getting married e.g teenagers.

The world did not come to an end when it first happened. And it continues to happen even today. And some of them actually make a success of their marriages – raising great kids too!

But being married may not mean you’re ready to start having kids – not even if you have all the money you’ll possibly need. And I explain three considerations that justify this view later in this piece.

It’s Not a Matter of Money

Some argue that being financially well off makes it easier to venture into parenting.

Again I argue that this does not really follow.

Just as being old enough does not mean a person is ready or competent, being rich does not qualify a person to become a parent.

I’m sure you can think (or have heard) of people of different ages who do not have money problems (including religious leaders), but who have (or had) major parenting issues.

That’s proof that it’s not just about money. Once again, I say there’s more to it than that.

It’s a Matter of What You Can Give – and How Well You Can Give It, To Help Your Child Succeed In Life

The truth is that there are people who – in terms of age – are well qualified to be parents, but who are doing badly as parents. And these are sometimes people with the money and means to care for kids.

So, it’s not necessarily about age or money – even though these matter as well. There’s more to it than that.

I believe an intending or aspiring parent needs to be ready to give of him/herself to kids. Parenting in my experience and opnion is at least 80% self-sacrifice.

You have to be ready to give of yourself to succeed.

That is the most important realization you need to have. Parenting requires constantly giving of yourself to help a younger version of yourself learn the ropes to succeed in the real world.

a. You Must Be Ready to Give Time and Attention

You must be ready to give time and attention to your kids

No matter how busy you become, once you have kids – if you want to succeed as a parent – you must create time and attention for them. They may not always ask. Yet doing it will often make their day.

Sometimes they WILL demand for your time and attention. It could be to ask your help with school work, or a toy that won’t work right. Or they could have a series of questions they need answers to.

If you’re busy, you can (gently) defer attending to them. But you must consciously create time at some point to give them the attention they request.

That simple gesture will make them feel valued by you. And it might just prevent them from giving in to pressure from friends outside the home, to get attention from adults who may be bad influences.

If you don’t think you’re ready to deal with (repeated, sometimes relentless) demand for your time and attention, do NOT start having kids now.

b. You Must Be Ready to Provide Coaching

Children are in the formative periods of their lives. During this phase, they need to be given emotional and psychological nourishment. Children who do not get the right mix of the foregoing are often those who become insecure adults with poor self-knowledge.

Think back to your growing up years. You will remember that there were some many things you were unsure about, or simply did not know. And you wanted – indeed needed – answers to them.

Responsive parents who take time to have coaching conversations with their kids, will often produce mature and emotionally balanced adult offspring.

If you’re not ready to sit your child down and share your philosophies about life with them, don’t have kids now!

Anytime I listen to – or watch – Femi and Seun Kuti for instance, I often see the influence of Fela Anikulapo Kuti’s coaching. Some of that coaching by Fela was done via “remote control” by being a great example/role model.

By this I mean that his kids got to watch him do things they learnt from. He lived a life that challenged others – including his kids. And they responded by growing up to do the same.

Talking alone will not be enough for your child. S/he will learn even more from you when s/he sees you in action.

If you’re not prepared to step out and set real-world relevant examples (i.e. walking your talk), don’t have kids YET!

c. You Must Be Ready to Keep Your Promises

As a parent, issues concerning your child’s schooling and personal development will constantly require your attention.

An open day when your child will be performing before her class will not go right for her if you miss it. You may not be able to attend all her events. But you must let her see that you care enough by showing up often enough.

If you’re not ready to make the commitment of keeping promises to a little child, do NOT start having kids now!

Final Words

It goes without saying that the ideas I express here are my personal opinion.

They are based on deep reflection on my experiences as a parent, as well as my observation of others playing their parenting roles.

I hope you find use for some of them.

Unruly Employees – An Employer’s Worst Nightmare (3 Tips for Dealing With Them)

I’ve had many discussions with organizational decision makers, about employee behavior over the past 15 years. At first it was as a high performing employee, then later as a service provider.

What frustrates employers often is when some employees act as if the company owes them for doing nothing. Some employees seem to delight in doing things the employer has disapproved of. To make matters worse, they sometimes influence others to do the same.

They arrive late and leave earliest. While at work, they fool around at every opportunity. And they always have a perfect excuse for not coming through on assigned tasks. As a result, running the business becomes a daily nightmare for the employer. She can’t get consistent results from her employees!

Then at the end of the year, these same people turn up expecting to get rewarded equally along with others!

Ironically, certain employers, being the nice guys they are, never know how to say no. So the cycle of EMPLOYER abuse continues. The employer finds herself depending more and more on the diligent staff to pick up the slack introduced by the poor performers.

The diligent staff consequently get worn out over time, and may even quit – especially if they feel they are not being adequately compensated!

How Does An Employer End Up With Unruly Employees?

1. Recruitment Mistakes

It’s possible the employer failed to ask the right questions during recruitment and interview. Or maybe the wrong criteria were used to decide who to employ. Sometimes employers take on people out of pity, due to family pressures or out of a need to save on wages paid. In the process, some square pegs end up in round holes.

People who have no business being in the company get in. And having gotten in, the impression they get from the faulty recruitment process is that the employer wants people like them. So rather than modify their behavior, they simple act true to type.

Do you have a carefully thought out recruitment procedure mapped out? One that ensures only those who fit into your company’s unique culture get in? If NO, get started now – before you bring in wrong people. If they are already in, see steps 2 and 3 below.

2. Absence of Rules & Guidelines

Most people have a natural instinct to be naughty. It’s the presence of rules, regulations and guidelines that often make them keep their excesses in check. Remove those, and you’d be amazed at the transformation some of your employees would undergo! It’s the same in general society. Take out the police and traffic lights, chances are people will misbehave.

Does your company have clearly defined and easy to understand guidelines for employees to abide by? Do you have (or can you prepare) an employee code of ethics and conduct? Make sure it spells out your expectations of employees. Make consequences of wrong doing clear. Allow no ambiguities.

3. Lack of Enforcement

Most important probably, is the issue of enforcement of laid down rules and regulations. People can be mischievous – especially employees. When they learn there are dos and don’ts, the unruly ones may test you to see how willing you are to enforce them. The way you respond will determine how seriously they treat your rules.

If you take prompt action to enforce your rules, a silent message will be communicated to them and they’ll fall in line. It goes without saying that some will be more stubborn than others. So it will ultimately be a test of your resolve. If you stand firm, you’ll eventually get conformance from all of them.

You may have to fire anyone who behaves in a manner that merits such punishment. Be firm about this. It is non-enforcement of laid down rules that makes certain employees become difficult to handle – and a problem to the company.

Final Words: Set Your Company Up So Employees GET IT All The Time!

The most difficult resources to manage in any enterprise are human beings. We are such a complex and complicated mix of many variables. To get the most from your employees, put systems in place to guide their behavior.

That does not mean you have to stifle them. Allow them freedom to do their jobs with creativity, and initiative, but always make sure there are controls to prevent undue excesses.

It is also in your best interest to study your employees to discover what makes them tick, as individuals and as groups e.g. their interests, preferences etc.

This knowledge will guide you in managing them better over time. On a final note, if you let unruly employees get away with disruptive behavior, you set a bad precedent.

Good ones will over time conclude there’s no point being that way. And they’ll either join the club of bad guys, or move to another company that upholds the values they cherish.

In the long run your company will suffer major loss of productivity. Keep in mind that good employees are not easy to find these days. Many of the best people today are starting their own businesses. You therefore want to hold on to the good ones you have for as long as possible!

ON-DEMAND LEARNING EVENT: Getting Your Employees to Consistently Deliver the Results You Want

Flyer Download Option 1: Click here to view ENGLISH VERSION (PDF)

On-demand seminar - Getting Your Employees to Consistently Deliver the Results You Want

Flyer Download Option 2: Click here to view FRENCH VERSION (PDF)

Telechargér: Obtenir de vos employés qu’il délivre Constamment un résultat que vous voulez au travail!

Deliver to Deadlines, Even After a Setback, Using This Smartphone Based Productivity Hack for Writers

Imagine you have a write-up that needs to go online before a deadline expires, but your trusted Internet connection suddenly disappoints. Plus there’s no place you can go to use another. What do you do when that happens (other than running out in your underpants to bang on your neighbour’s door)?

This article describes a tried and tested solution you can adopt. It assumes you own a smartphone, with bluetooth functionality, and internet connectivity enabled. If you don’t, I strongly suggest you get one, to be at your productive best as a writer.

Like I explained in a previous post, apart from helping me write smarter and faster, my smartphone has saved my butt too many times to count. The true story I share below describes one such instance.

My Internet Connection Fails – Hours to a Midnight Deadline!

Since 1st November 2012, I’ve published a new post from Monday to Saturday, on 6 different topics according to my blog schedule – sometimes on Sundays too. And I have a strict rule I try to follow, of publishing each one before midnight – no matter how busy I get.

That night I did not expect anything could go wrong (which proves how naïve I was!). So I took my time tweaking the write-up. Then at 10.30p.m I logged on to the web from my laptop, to publish the article to my blog.

But it was not to be!

Thirty minutes later, I’d rebooted my laptop twice – thinking the problem was from my end. But I could not even load a Google search page. It was that bad. When I finally called the ISP, they explained they were having problems. The young man said “it could take a few hours”.

It was already past 11.30pm, so I knew I needed an alternative. I thought…fast and hard. “There has to be another way” I told myself.

NB: The series of events described below, happened at a fast pace – mostly within seconds.

I Try Using My Smartphone’s Data Cable – But Something Goes Wrong…AGAIN!

I’ve often used my Blackberry’s data cable to transfer new article content (or files) from my laptop to the smartphone, from where I’ve published posts, sent files as email attachments etc.

At a point I remembered I could do that. Heaving a sigh of relief, I took out my data cable, and connected the USB end to the laptop. But when I plugged the other end into the phone’s charging port, the unthinkable happened: the port broke and came loose! I was horrified.

“What on earth is going on here tonight?” I thought to myself.

More Hard Thinking Leads Me to Explore Using Bluetooth Technology

Checking the time on the laptop status bar, it was 11.45 pm. Time was running out. I did more hard thinking.

Suddenly, it occurred to me that I could use Bluetooth. A quick look at the time showed it was 11.47p.m. Two more minutes had passed. They felt like eons.

Here’s a point worth noting:

My latptop was a not-so-new Toshiba Satellite that did not have an in-built Bluetooth facilitiy. But a month earlier, I’d done an online search on how to use Bluetooth on a laptop that did not come pre-installed with it. Results returned showed that a USB driven adaptor could be purchased. I found one for less than $5 USD.

USB driven bluetooth adaptor I use with my laptop

That proactive investment paid off on this trouble-filled night, because the Bluetooth adaptor made it possible to get my smartphone to communicate with the laptop. Without it, this following alternative line of action would have been impossible to pursue :-)

10 Steps That Got My Write-Up Online Less Than 2 Minutes Before my Self-Impossed Blog Update Deadline

The steps described below are based on what I did using my Blackberry smartphone. Before this time, I had only ever sent files from my phone to my laptop using Bluetooth – never the other way round. However, each time I did so, I’d often noticed a second option to “Receive using Bluetooth” on the phone.

That night, I made use of that second option for the first time. Thankfully, it worked without a hitch.

Most Blackberry phones have similar interfaces – so if you own one, you should be able to duplicate these steps. Other smart phones also have Bluetooth and internet capabilities. If you don’t already know how, spend a little time learning to enable yours communicate with your PC via Bluetooth. It could be well worth the effort.

NB: As you can imagine, the screenshots provided below are NOT for the post I published that night. I’ve produced these simply for illustration.

1. I plugged in the Bluetooth adaptor to a USB port on the laptop.

2. The article was already formatted, so I simply switched to HTML code view, copied the contents into a Notepad file, and saved it to my desktop.

3. On the smartphone I turned on Bluetooth. Next, on the home screen of the smartphone, I selected Media. Then I pressed the Blackberry menu button again, to bring up the Media short cut menu. Scrolling down, I clicked “Receive using Bluetooth”.

A prompt was displayed indicating that the phone was waiting for the transfer from the PC. Note here that in my case they were paired, since I’d been using the bluetooth feature

NB: If doing this for the first time, navigate to “Manage Connections”, turn on Bluetooth, then click “Setup Bluetooth”and follow prompts that appear.

I pressed the Blackberry menu button again, to bring up the Media short cut menu. Scrolling down, I clicked “Receive using Bluetooth”.

4. On the laptop destktop, I right clicked on the notepad file containing the article in HTML code format, and clicked on “Send to Bluetooth device”.

I right clicked on the notepad file containing the article in HTML code format, and clicked on “Send to Bluetooth device”

This loaded a dialog box with my phone’s name displayed.

This loaded a dialog box with my phone's name displayed

5. I clicked the “Next” button on the dialog box (above): the phone received the file transfter signal from the PC and a prompt appeared asking me to click YES or NO (see below).

the phone received the file transfter signal from the PC and a prompt appeared asking me to click YES or NO

6. I clicked YES (above), and a new prompt came up asking me to choose the destination to save the file on the smartphone. I did that (see benin in screenshot below). Then I clicked SAVE.

New prompt came up asking me to choose the destination to save the file on the smartphone

On the laptop, the file transfer wizard confirms success bluetooth file transfer

On the laptop, the file transfer wizard confirms success bluetooth file transfer

7. Next, I launched the mini browser on my smartphone and logged into my blog’s WordPress administrative back end interface on the smartphone. Then I clicked “Add New” post.

I logged into my blog’s WordPress administrative back end interface on the smartphone and click ADD NEW" post

8. While that was happening, I quickly navigated via the Blackberry Home screen to the “Applications-Files” menu interface, and clicked on “File Folders”, drilling down till I arrived at the folder containing the file transferred from my laptop.

Navigating via the Home screen to the “Applications-Files menu” interface, and clicked on “File Folders”, drilling down till I arrived at the folder containing the file transferred from my laptop

Opening it, I copied the relevant contents in batches – the title first, then the body, then the “block of text” for the SEO preview/description.

The notepad file - I copied the relevant contents in batches – the title first, then the body, then the “block of text” for the SEO preview/description

9. Returning to the smartphone’s brower interface, I pasted the copied contents into the corresponding WordPress fields(below).

I pasted the copied contents into the corresponding WordPress fields

10. About 10 minutes later (11.58p.m approximately), I clicked the “Publish” button in my WordPress administration interface on my smartphone, and my post went live!

I clicked the “Publish” button in my WordPress administration interface on my smartphone, and my post went live!

Since then, I’ve used this same method many times – especially when poor connectivity posed a problem.

Conclusion: Treat Deadlines With Serious Respect – Develop Smart Alternatives To Get Client Projects Done!

Clients don’t appreciate excuses. They expect us to be equipped to deliver optimally at all times (e.g. meet deadlines as agreed). We must therefore actively explore alternative ways to get our work done, in spite of setbacks we may encounter. No stories.

I’m not the only one who thinks this is important: A valuable exhange of insights between Sue Campbell and Devon Ellington, in the comments section of her “How to Get Editors to Break Their Own Rules – and Be Glad They Did” post, highlights a need for writers to deliver on promises they make to meet client specifications and deadlines.

Screenshot - A valuable exhange of insights between Sue and Devon Ellington in the comments section of her post, highlights a need for writers to diligently commit to meeting agreed deadlines

This blog post has described a real life experience I had, in which my Smartphone enabled me overcome a major setback, to meet what was a personal (but could have been a client project) deadline.

Knowing smart alternatives (time and effort saving tips, tricks and/or hacks) for getting your work done, will boost your productivity many times over. That would help you keep your credibility intact before clients, even when things go badly wrong.

What about you? Do you have any personal experience to share on this subject? Are there some other points you feel can be added, to help persons looking for answers? Please share your thoughts!


What Do You Do When People Are Scared To Trust You?

Sometimes it happens with women who’ve had bad experiences with men. The men want to take the relationship to the next level, but they keep holding out. In business, this problem of damaged trust from past relationships between people can create major obstacles to successful selling.

I’ve tried hard to keep quiet about it since I arrived here in Benin, but I think it’s time I wrote about this not very pleasant aspect.

At 8.00a.m this morning, I had a meeting with an elderly Beninese gentleman I admire greatly. He’s a scholar, a seasoned academic and professional. He is the author of 6 books that I’ve personally seen (5 in French, one in English) and has traveled to many countries.

He has also appeared many times as a guest on TV shows in and out of Africa. On two occasions (today being the second time) I’ve met with him in his well furnished office.

During my first week here, I mentioned meeting Dr. Leunamme Nagedes (not his real name) to my friend Ninotna Nayinal (also not his real name) who works with a popular TV station here. He instantly confirmed he knew this gentleman.

So, this is someone with decades of real world relevant experience.

How Did I Get to Meet Such a Man of Accomplishment And Means, in My Very First Week?

Here’s how it happened. I share this story because I feel it illustrates how being spontaneous, acting on gut level instinct, and refusing to let fear of rejection stifle you, can yield useful long term benefits.

It was the evening of Wednesday 3rd April 2013. I was visiting hotels in Cotonou to discuss my proposal to produce a custom City/Travel Guide branded in the name of the hotel. This was to be done in exchange for some of their services in kind.

At one hotel reception, I was trying to convince the receptionist to let me speak with the manager, when I spotted some glossy covered copies of a book stacked on the counter.

The receptionist told me it was okay to take a look. What attracted me in particular was the excellent print quality. The book was written in French. Curious to know who the author was, I turned to the back and quickly read the blurb about him. I was pleased to discover at the very bottom two phone numbers and an email address to reach him.

Comme d’habitude (i.e. “as is my usual habit”), my marketing instincts took over. I dialed one of the numbers on my mobile. He picked it up after 3 rings saying “Oui?”. Within 30 seconds I’d told him where I was, and asked if I could meet with him to explain how I could help with web marketing of his book. He indicated interest and told me to meet him “8a.m sharp” the next morning at his office.

And that was it. The next day we met – and it went quite well. I learned quite a lot about where he’d been and what he’d done. Including watching a video of an interview he’d done with a former French president!

Eventually, he told me (regarding my proposal):

“I do not really know you yet. We’re just meeting for the first time. I always prefer to work with people I know well. So give me some time. We’ll see how it goes.”

That was good enough for me. And I told him so, promising to stay in touch as I left.

When I Finished the Part 1 of My English-French Language Guide, I Immediately Thought Of Him

I wanted his opinion on how to go about marketing it. So, I called him up last week, and despite the busy schedule I know he keeps, he gave me an appointment for 8a.m today. It was a most rewarding 15 minute session. I went away with not less than 5 practical tips of what to do, and where to go, to make a success of marketing my stuff out here.

But what really got to me was something he said right after I finished demonstrating the use of my language guide. He looked right at me – with a hint of sadness in his eyes – and said (and I’m trying to use his exact words as I recall them):

“I’ve traveled all over the world – even as far as Japan. Even Nigerians do not trust themselves. So how can you expect people here to trust you?”

I’m convinced people I’ve approached here also thought it, but did not say it.

You see, I’ve had to wonder many times since getting here. Many had serious discussions with me and kept saying YES. But most never got around to actually buying from me.

Dr. Leunamme helped me discover why, when he voiced the above sentiment.

His statement confirmed what had bothered me for weeks. And I told him so. Many people had told me about bad experiences with Nigerians. As a result, they avoided associating with anyone they found to be from Nigeria.

So many people I’ve met in my travels to Cameroon, Ghana, and here have had similar stories to tell me. And it’s always so embarrassing…and annoying…and frustrating!

(NB: Today, I even read a Vanguard Nigeria Newspaper article by this Beninese consultant also expressing concern about this trend. Along with other alarming details, he told a story about two young Nigerian female students he helped get out of a Cotonou police cell.)

In my case, I think my social skills (and demonstrated competence) helped me get people to like me so much, they did not mind associating with me.

However, whenever I discussed selling my products and services, it seems they simply tried to humor me by playing along. Most times, they were never really convinced enough to go as far as parting with money to do business with me. This made a lot of sense as I reflected on my experiences. It was consistent with a trend I’d observed.

He did not stop there however.

He Went Further to Narrate a Bad Experience He Had With a Nigerian

He explained that once wanted someone to produce branded promotional CDROMs for marketing one of his books. A friend introduced him to a Nigerian church member who he said could do the job.

Based on the trust he had in his friend, he paid the other man what he asked and proceeded to await delivery of the completed CDs. That never happened. This guy simply disappeared (as the good doctor put it).

Thankfully, they were able to use his links with the church to track him down. As can be imagined however, that experience has stuck in Dr. Leunamme’s memory ever since. How could someone he met in a place of worship have behaved that way?

That’s a question I have always asked even back in Nigeria. And each time people would simply tell me to get used to it. “This is Nigeria” they would say. “Stop acting as if you’re from America.

The problem is I simply cannot get used to it. I can NEVER stop being amazed at the audacity of people who do things like that. It’s something I cannot conceive of doing, talk less of living with the knowledge that I did it.

Sadly, Honesty – or Integrity – is Not Written On a Person’s Forehead For Others to See

Integrity is something that takes people time to verify that you have…or lack. And once they conclude that you lack it, getting them to trust you afterwards can be a tough call.

This is why to get people to trust and accept you, you’ll need great patience.

In my meeting with Dr. Leunamme today, he told me to work hard at getting myself known in wider social circles than I have so far done.

He commended my efforts at integrating with the academic community in Calavi, and also with some business owners in Cotonou. But he recommended that I get involved in social groups as well.

In addition, he advised that I visit international organizations to make myself known to them – pointing out that I needed to provide my credentials.

And most importantly, he strongly advised that I get at least a little office where people can find me.

I’m Already Doing Some of The Above As Work-In-Progress.

Last week (from 7pm) I was in a small town outside Calavi to meet with a business man who trades and also runs a computer school. He paid my transportation to and fro, to discuss my offer to help interested persons establish a low cost drinks production facility using pineapple peels as the major raw materials.

When he saw a demonstration of my English-French language guide, he took me to his  school premises (10 pm at night!), saying he would like to have the finished version for use in teaching adult learners.

Hopefully, he won’t develop cold feet at some point and withdraw, like some have done (or seem to be in the process of doing).

Not that I blame any of them though :-)

It Can Be Tough Being a Nigerian Under These Conditions: But I’m Not Complaining!

After all said and done, I can still say without exaggeration, that I’m better off today, than I was when I arrived on the 1st of April.

Among other things, I have a new product I’m sure of selling both here, and in other countries, including Nigeria. Also, my French continues to improve greatly. Plus, I have excellent working conditions here (enabling me get more done in 24 hours) i.e electricity, water, great friends, peace of mind etc!

So, I intend to dig in and work on improving my strategies, till I get what I want.

Sooner than later, MORE members of my target audience in Benin Republic will discover I’m a good guy, and take advantage of they useful value I offer. It’s just a matter of time really.

And that’s what you do to win people over, when they’re scared to trust you: keep at it, until they accept you!

Outsmart Competitors (& Earn More) Using Foreign Language Skills

This newsletter serves speakers, but service providers in general may periodically find some issues useful – like this one. Discover how developing ONE foreign language skill can help you (1) beat more competitors in your current market (2) win more business in new markets, and (3) make more money – despite harsh economic times.

This Will NOT Be Easy To Do!

I will not lie to you. What I propose in this piece will not be easy to do. But it can be done. I know, because I have done – and am still doing – it, even now. The long term benefits make it worthwhile.

So, you must purge yourself of any biases. Nothing in life that’s worth having is ever really easy – otherwise, everybody would succeed with little or no effort.

To outsmart your competitors (and earn more) using foreign language skills, I suggest 3 steps you can follow…


Click now to view the latest issue of Tayo Solagbade's Public Speaking IDEAS page

View Tayos video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsConnect with Tayo on LinkedIn.comConnect with Tayo on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google Plus

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Publication: Tayo Solagbade’s Weekly Public Speaking IDEAS Page (PSIP) Newsletter

Date: Monday 6th May 2013


Title: Outsmart Competitors (& Earn More) Using Foreign Language Skills

Author & Publisher: Tayo K. Solagbade [234-803-302-1263]

Blog URL:

Archive (For Blog version started 24th September 2011): Click here


Please find below the latest issue of my Speaking IDEAS newsletter.


Parts 1 AND 2 of the MS Excel-Based Quick & Dirty Guide to English Language for French Speakersand to French Language for English Speakers)

Soyez les bienvenus!

On m’appelle TAYO. Je suis avec mes amis, avec qui je prépare la prémière partie du guide pratique pour des gens qui aimeraient parler l’anglais comme français. Maintenannt, je vous présente les membres de mon équipe.

Above: Screen shot of the new version - an automated query form that makes learning EASIER. You click what you want on the menu, and it plays it in audio, and shows photos where appropriate

Above: A new version I’ve just created of the guide. It now comes with an automated query form that makes learning EASIER. You click what you want on the menu, and it plays it in audio, and shows photos where appropriate

(Click HERE to see screenshots & Watch video)

Learn more here…


No. 88: Outsmart Competitors (& Earn More) Using Foreign Language Skills

**** **********

NB: If you ever find yourself wondering what else I’ve written, some days after you’ve read THIS Speaking Ideas newsletter I send out on a Monday, here’s what you can do to find out: Point your browser to to read at least ONE new post added to my SD Nuggets blog on a different category from Tuesday till Saturday (sometimes even Sundays) in line with this publishing schedule :-)


This newsletter serves speakers, but service providers in general may periodically find some issues useful – like this one. Discover how developing ONE foreign language skill can help you (1) beat more competitors in your current market (2) win more business in new markets, and (3) make more money – despite harsh economic times.

This Will NOT Be Easy To Do!

I will not lie to you. What I propose in this piece will not be easy to do. But it can be done. I know, because I have done – and am still doing – it, even now. The long term benefits make it worthwhile.

So, you must purge yourself of any biases. Nothing in life that’s worth having is ever really easy – otherwise, everybody would succeed with little or no effort.

To outsmart your competitors (and earn more) using foreign language skills, I suggest 3 steps you can follow…

1. Become Bilingual: Learn a Foreign Language Your Target Audience Needs

If you’re really ambitious, become a polyglot by learning multiple languages. However, I’d say carefully choosing one language your target market(s) can reward you for is best i.e. aim to become bilingual, by developing ONE useful foreign language skill.

That will give you a unique competitive edge your rivals will find hard to beat. This applies to service providers in any field. Unlike other skills, many people (especially those who consider themselves busy) simply find it hard to commit needed time and effort towards developing reliable proficiency in a foreign language.

That unwillingness on their part creates a great opportunity for you. All you need to do is choose the right language, and work hard to learn it.

Hiring a bilingual employee could also work well. However I argue that having functional competence in reading, writing, and speaking that language, as the top decision maker is what will really do the magic.

I say this from closely observing self-employed professionals who operate in this manner in Nigeria, Benin Republic, and Cameroon.

2. Go into Markets Few Others Care To Visit

The global economic crisis has reduced opportunities available in immediate local environments.  Sometimes you’re in your home country and market, and have to compete for clients with an overwhelming number of people who do exactly what you do.

Finding profitable projects therefore tends to be quite difficult.

But just across the border, there could be a demand for what you offer – in a contrasting scenario. Sometimes even right in your market the demand could be there.

Potential clients could be desperate to find help in your area of specialty: The only problem is, these they speak a foreign language e.g. French, Chinese, Italian etc

One example: As a legal consultant your services could be useful to fresh immigrants arriving in your country, and also to intending investors with limited English proficiency. That is of course if you could communicate effectively in their own language.

No matter how good you are at what you do, they will likely prefer a rival with reasonable familiarity with, their language, and possibly their culture.

3. Offer Solutions Few Others Care To Provide

Here are a few ideas…

a. Reach out to foreign business owners, and organizations (e.g. multinationals) – existing, or just arriving in your country/market to start business – and offer your services.

Example: A French speaking partner to a bilingual legal consultant friend of mine (knowing he cannot wing it) often sends him documents in English for translation. As a result, my friend earns extra income from both colleague and clients by being bilingual!

b. Travel to countries where your learned foreign language is spoken, and offer your services as a bilingual service provider. You can win projects to be executed there – and also win projects to be done back in your own country.

Example: In a French speaking country, for instance, you’re bound to come across business persons and professionals looking to explore opportunities at your end of the planet, but have always been held back by a lack of English speaking competence.

They are likely to jump at the opportunity to achieve their goals with your guidance.

I’m sure you can come up with more ideas when you think about it.

How Can Any of these Help Experts-Who-Speak (or those Aspiring)?

Now if you’re (still) wondering about how any of this can help experts-who-speak, I offer some insights, as one who is currently doing it.

I’m already getting invitations to deliver my talks on entrepreneurship here in Benin. Most people in the first set of audiences I’ll be addressing, are English speakers with a desire to learn French (many being from Ghana and Nigeria).

I plan to deliver my messages to them in a mix of both English and French – sharing anecdotes about my experiences in learning French.

Interestingly, this same foreign language skill is what attracts French speaking career persons, professionals and entrepreneurs out here to me. Many have told me how they would love to make themselves understood in English, they way I do in French.

When I complain that my French is bad, and that I need to improve it, they counter “Mais tu parles deja!” (i.e. “But you speak already!”). So they insist I speak English to them.

This “imperfect” language skill of mine already gets me noticed, making my offers compelling (especially since I also market a product to help others develop similar competence). But I refuse to rest on my oars. Using ideas described here, I continue working hard to improve.

Simply put therefore, a bilingual speaker often gets set apart from the crowd. She can explore opportunities (or joint ventures for learning events) in markets where her preferred languages are spoken. Her rivals who lack similar skills would be locked out.

Final Words: To Get Better Results, Do Something Radically Different

More importantly, to stay ahead of rivals and copycats, choose something they cannot easily replicate. In my opinion a foreign language skill would be a perfect weapon.

As I earlier noted, I’m currently practicing what I’m preaching, by traveling slowly across West Africa, as a Location Independent Entrepreneur.

We have more French speaking countries in West Africa, than English speaking ones. To explore Francophone markets for business opportunities, it therefore goes without saying that a working knowledge of French will come in quite handy.

Having learnt to speak, read and write French back in 1999, I’ve found it easy to functionally integrate into business life here in Benin Republic. And my newly launched Quick & Dirty English-French language guide for career persons and business owners is helping me connect faster with my target audience, resulting in new alliances and clients.

TIP: Make yourself a helpful resource to clients and prospects with language needs. Indeed to anyone with such needs. Doing so has endeared me to many English loving French speakers since I arrived here in Benin Republic. And they’ve introduced me to their networks of friends and associates, earning me increased visibility and credibility.

Interestingly, I’m now looking to return to Nigeria intermittently to offer my new range or products and services with a twist, that competitors will find hard to match!

You can do the same thing in your country and continent – wherever you may be. Learn French, Italian, Spanish or Chinese etc – to achieve the outcomes described above.

Good luck!

Need More Details of How to Make The Above Ideas Work for YOU?

If you need more specific details of how to make use of the ideas I’ve shared in this newsletter, send me a message using this request form (with “Re: Outsmart Competitors (& Earn More) Using Foreign Language Skills” in the subject line).

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Have a lovely week!

Tayo K. Solagbade*

Self-Development/Performance Improvement Specialist

*Sole Agent For Burt Dubin’s Speaker Mentoring Service In Africa

Mobile: 234-803-302-1263

Tayo Solagbade is a Performance Improvement Specialist & multipreneur. He works with individuals/businesses who want to achieve highly profitable outcomes, and also with parents who want to raise real-world competent children.

Tayo earns multiple streams of income providing clients with performance improvement training/coaching, custom MS Excel-VB solutions, web marketing systems, freelance writing services, and best practice extension support services (for farm business owners).

When he’s not amazing clients with his superhuman skills (wink), Tayo works as the creative force behind his Self-Development Nuggets™ blog, and Public Speaking IDEAS newsletter (which he publishes to promote Burt Dubin’s Public Speaking Mentoring service to experts working across the African continent).


Have you been undecided about whether or not to become a paid speaker? Or have you been trying to get your speaking career off the ground with little success?

Here’s a tip: Burt Dubin works with people who want to be speakers, and with speakers who want to be masters. Click here to visit his website NOW and submit a contact form message telling him what challenges you’re facing, and how you’d like him to help you. Tell him I sent you, and you’ll get a pleasant surprise offer from him.


What do you think of the above message? Do you have any personal experience to share on this subject? Are there some other points you feel can be added, to help persons looking for answers? Please share your thoughts!

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View Tayos video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsConnect with Tayo on LinkedIn.comConnect with Tayo on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google Plus

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Burt’s three mentoring packages can be likened to the seating options offered by airlines: Budget Delight (Economy); Mid Range (Business); and Top Shelf (First Class).

At least that’s how I like to think of them!

All three will get you to your desired destination of “speaking success-ville” – so long as you meet the requirements/play your part well (your fare, abide by the set guidelines etc). During the “flight”, the seat you have will determine how much personal service attention and preference the provider will accord you. It’s that simple :-)

So, make your choice:1. Top Shelf [Click here] | 2. Mid Range [Click here] | 3. Budget Delight [Click here]

Send me an e-mail with your questions via tayo at tksola dot com. In the meantime, why not get started by subscribing here to get his 7-Part Course (How To Succeed And Get Paid As A Professional Speaker) .  . . and receive his monthly newsletter (Speaking Biz Strategies Letter) at no cost.

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Burt Dubin now offers his speaker mentoring service to experts based in Africa. Click now to download this flyer as PDF