Category Archives: My DN Travel News

Finishing My Commercial Rabbit Farming Guide: Between Samuel Agossou, & Benin’s Songhai Integrated Farming Centre

It’s been an interesting experience trying to implement my plan for finishing off this guide. So far I’ve only established working relationships with micro operators who have backyard rabbitries they run. (I’ll confess though, that other activities have eaten into time I could have put into following up more effectively).

I already have videos and photos following the ready access they’ve granted me to their facilities. I’m currently helping one look for restaurant and hotel operators interested in placing bulk orders from him.

For my purposes however, I need access to much larger operations, to make this guide more useful for those who will use it.

That’s why I’m keen to connect with Agossou and Songhai.

Click to view larger screenshot - Cover for Tayo Solagbade's Commercial Rabbit Farming Guide (work-in-progress)

1. Samuel Agossou

One aspect of my plans that’s not progressing well is my search for Samuel Agossou, a Beninese farmer who reportedly bred 700,000 rabbits in 7 years, bought a house for his family from profits, and pays each of his 12 employees $25 US Dollars monthly.

Watch this video about him:

I found out about him 4 months ago through some foreign NGO’s website.

I’ve read about the 2011 IFAD workshop held at Cotonou’s Palais Du Congress (Google it), where he was discovered.

And I’ve also read this PDF TerraViva report published by IFAD which proves (?) he’s based right here in Benin Republic.

In my article, I mentioned meeting with members of an NGO based in Cotonou (CINC), who were also featured in the above mentioned TerraViva report.

However, they also did not know Agossou.

Why I Want to Meet Agossou

My purpose is to request an interview with him to be published as a special feature in my Commercial Rabbit Farming Guide (see He gets a FREE complimentary PDF copy of the finished guide.

I also wish to offer him ideas (e.g. income generating uses of rabbit pelts and other by products), and support, to prepare learning resources to train interested others.

It is my considered opinion, that this amazing gentleman’s expertise can be used to boost agro entrepreneurship and related income, not just in Benin, but across the entire continent of Africa.

I’ve Written Emails to IFAD & Gotten No Responses

And after my last post in which I mentioned reading an IFAD TerraViva report about him, I’ve written emails to IFAD.

I requested their help in retrieving contact details he must have submitted as a participant in the 2011 workshop.

A. Ms Abelle Dossou Houessou – Consultant, Acting Country Programme Officer,


Below: Screenshot of e-mail I sent to her

Screenshot of email I sent to Ms Abelle Dossou Houessou - Consultant, Acting Country Programme Officer, IFAD

I basically requested possible data to contact him. No response came back to me.

b. I then decided to write directly to IFAD, using the details on their website.

Below: Screenshot of e-mail I sent to IFAD

Screenshot of e-mail I sent to IFAD

Again, I got no response to my email.

It’s All So Strange – This Silence In Spite of Volumes in Web Pages and PDF

This makes me wonder what exactly to think. Could it be that the people who told me Agossou does not exist are right?

If yes, does that not by implication make IFAD look bad, considering all the elaborate coverage they have given this guy on their website, and publications?

2. Songhai Integrated Farming Centre in Porto Novo

During my very first week here, on the 4th of April to be specific, I travelled from Cotonou to Porto Novo, to drop off my proposal to the director of the popular Songhai Integrated Farming Centre.

I’ve known Father Godfrey Nzamujo since 1987 or so, when I read about the Hunger Project Award given to him, in the monthly African Farmer magazine I subscribed to at the time.

Back then I was a student of Agriculture in the University of Ibadan.

People who know me well will easily attest to the fact that once I develop solid interest in anything, nothing – absolutely nothing – can make me drop it.

Right through my five year stay in the university, as well as during my 7 year sojourn in paid employment in Guinness Nigeria, I tracked progress made by Nzamujo. Word spread about his work. Newspapers did feature reports on him/the centre. At a point, transcripts of speeches he gave began turning up on some websites.

Songhai eventually put up a website.

However I remain quite dissatisfied with what they currently do with that website. This is not about web design or technology. It’s the USE to which they put it that I refer.

They can get more tangible value from it. In my letter, I offered NO FEE learning events to help them make their website generate reliable passive income streams for them.

There is so much they do they can monetize digitally – including their “information and expert know-how or expertise”!

Not everything has to be done physically and in person.

A well conceived Web Marketing Plan can help this wonderful organization serve many more people.

Some people cannot afford to travel to Benin, but they need access to the amazing wealth of information and education the Songhai centre offers.

Such people can be effectively served what they need via the website. And the centre can reap financially rewarding benefits in the process.

People do it every day on the web. Songhai has everything it takes to do the same. And their graduates can learn how to use the web in the same way to reap MORE rewards as experts in their fields.

I’ve been doing it since 2007 with my Cost-Saving Farm Business Support Website, where I offer my feed formulation handbook and sofware for sale. And I do not even have a farm business on ground yet!

I met with key officers at the centre, who advised me on how to drop off my proposal to the Director (who had travelled). They made it clear that he alone can review my offer.

Below: A screenshot of the letter I dropped off with the secretary in his office:

Screenshot of offer letter I dropped off with the secretary in Father Nzamujo's Songhai office at Porto Novo, on 4th April 2013

Since then, I’ve tried calling by phone, but each time I’ve been informed he travelled.

Under such circumstances, very little looks possible for the moment. So I’m thinking of a stunt I can pull to get the director’s serious attention 😉

Got any ideas I can use?

When You Have No Money, You’re No Good…Right?

Wrong! This dilemma confronts many people in their daily lives. And yet it’s such a simple thing to master. Just adopt the right mode of thinking – and your ability to achieve any goals you set your mind on, will be dramatically enhanced.

Aside from being ostracized for my clothes, the kids called me poor a lot. And to their thinking, if you were poor, you were no good.” – Ben Carson in “Gifted Hands”

Insights from the Life Story of Ben Carson (the Famous American Brain Surgeon)

As a child, Carson had to pass through school struggling with crippling poverty. He and his brother had only their mother to care for them.

And she, lacking formal education, was a bit limited in her ability to provide for all their needs. So, quite often, Carson had to attend classes in clothes that got him picked on by classmates. And they also called him poor.

Like he noted in his book (“Gifted Hands”), many of those who did the name calling were actually not better off, and therefore really had no basis on which to call someone else such names.

He however added that being a teenager at the time, that little bit of insight escaped him. What’s more, he also (wrongly) assumed that those kids were better than him because they had 2 parents and he had one.

The points made in the above paragraph, are worthy of note for parents.

What we take for granted may be life saving “education” we can give our kids. Mrs. Carson gave her sons a lot of pep talks about being self-confident and never feeling inferior. But they did not always apply it. Thankfully however, they put it to use often enough to achieve noteworthy success in life.

Carson’s story indicates that our kids needs to be constantly reminded that not having – or being poor – does not make them less than anyone.

Ironically, sometimes even we, as parents, need to remind ourselves of the same thing :-)

But What If You Lack Clothes & Suddenly Get Invited to Dinner With Rich Associates You Just Met?

This can – and does – happen. If it happens to you, take heart. Many have been there, and survived.

Some people may be lucky to have friends or relatives they can call to loan them clothes or shoes to wear. Or even to lend them money to go shopping.

But others may lack access to such helpers.

You probably believe attending that meeting could lead to the change of fortunes you desire. Yet presenting an appearance that creates a poor impression could derail everything.

What is one to do in such a situation?

I’ll tell you: Your ability to express yourself in an engaging manner (i.e. your conversational skills) CAN save you.

Learn to communicate in a manner, that commands the serious attention and interest of anyone in your company – no matter how sophisticated they may be.

You will not need special clothing to make an impact on people in this manner.

And compared to your dressing, and looks, your words have the power to leave a more lasting impression on those you relate with.

Here’s a true story that illustrates the above point quite effectively.

A “Tramp” Uses His Speaking Prowess to Befriend a Rich Businessman & Get a Job (True Story)

This story is taken from Dale Carnegie’s excellent book titled “How to Win Friends & Influence People by Public Speaking”.

One rainy day, a man (let’s call him John) dressed like a tramp knocked on the office door of a successful business owner (call him Jack).

When Jack first saw John standing in the rain, in his tattered clothes, he almost asked him to leave. But something in John’s manner – the way he carried himself, and looked at him – made Jack decide to speak to him.

John proceeded to express himself in impeccable English language, that instantly captured Jack’s attention and interest.

As they spoke, Jack’s impression of John completely changed. He no longer thought of him in terms of his outward appearance. John explained the circumstances that led to an unexpected change of fortunes for him. By the end of their conversation, Jack was so impressed that the next day, he arranged for John to be given a job!

Moral of the Story: Your Lack of Money or Material Possessions is NOT a Fatal Handicap

Never let anyone make you feel less than you are. It does not matter who they are, or what they have.

I know from personal experience however, that this can be quite difficult to believe – or remember. Especially when you have no money in your pockets. Or you’re wearing cheap (or deteriorating) attire, around people dressed exquisitely.

It’s even worse if they turn out to be snobs, who go out of their way to belittle you.

So yes it will be hard to do. But when you have no alternatives, put your persuasive speaking skill to use.

That’s what John did in the above story.

If you do not yet have it mastered, start today, to develop your ability to express yourself convincingly.

It is a competence that cannot be bought with money. Yet it can gain you access to money – and a whole lot more e.g. respect, recognition, admiration, fame, great friendships, leadership etc.

Dale Carnegie’s book offers a wealth of information that has helped many people reap such benefits. Read others as you go on.

Good luck.

The World Will Step Aside For YOU, If You Know Where You’re Going…But DO YOU?

“The world steps aside for the man who knows where he is going” – Abe Lincoln

Wise words, from a very great man, who survived serial failures for more than half of his life, to become president of the most powerful country on earth! Do you know where your life is headed? Have you found your purpose in life? Are you in the right business, or job? Are you studying the right course or learning the right skill(s)? This article describes detailed information – and a solution – that can help you.

2 Months Ago, I Became a Location Independent Entrepreneur

Saturday 1st June 2013 made it exactly 2 full months since I arrived in Benin Republic on my slow trip across West Africa.

It’s been interesting, and I’ve learnt a lot. Not just about this country, but also about the people, culture, the food, business life and even a little politics.

When I arrived here, I could already communicate in French, verbally and in writing.

However, it had been over 14 years since I last got exposed for a prolonged period of time, to people who could converse with me in that language.

So, I was naturally rusty. The last 2 months have seen me working hard to get back my fluency. And I’m succeeding tremendously.

In fact, my success has been so challenging to those I relate with here (very few speak any English where I’ve chosen to live), that some now insist they want to do what I’ve done.

So, now they try to speak to themselves in English, reminding each other playfully that if I can do it, they can as well. And I always tell them to go for it!

Are You Pursuing The Right Goals In YOUR Life?

This is one of the major messages I’m trying to pass to people through my work. YOU have within you the capacity to do anything you set your mind to.

Nothing can be worse than failing to achieve your God-given potential. Your creator himself would frown at you for it.

Each one of us has been gifted with certain unique abilities and talents, with which we are expected, indeed required, by our creator, to make the world a better place.

We are supposed to use our gifts to add value to others around us. And it is by so doing, that we will ultimately fulfill our purpose.

The vocation you settle on, should be one that enables you make the most of your God-given abilities to be of service to your fellow human beings.

Why Is It So Important To Choose The Right Goals?

Well, if the creator did not think it would make any difference, he would never have given you such unique abilities. We would instead ALL have the same abilities. But we don’t. So that’s a clue!

The problem is many of us grow up without being helped to identify what makes us special. And so with conditioning from our societies, we blend in with others, and lose our uniqueness.

Then when we later run into people who have discovered themselves, and are forging ahead in making an impact on the world, we marvel at their seeming awesomeness.

What we however fail to realize is that we possess a similar capacity to be awesome. Indeed, ALL of God’s creations have the SAME innate capacity to be awesome – EACH in a unique way!

When You Find Your Purpose, You Become Unstoppable!

The fact that your friend runs a restaurant business does not mean that what you should. You need to carefully evaluate the qualities you possess, to narrow down to what’s best for you!

That’s what I’ve done at every stage of my life. It helped me discover my purpose back in 1995, as a young Graduate Trainee in Guinness. As a result, I made myself a force to be reckoned with at the highest levels in that organization, within 5 years.

It’s the same process that I’ve followed since becoming an entrepreneur. You are reading this – ten years after I started – because I did find my purpose!

Once you discover your true purpose, everything changes. You develop a driving passion to progress it DAILY. And nothing that gets in your way daunts you. You literally become unstoppable!

My Coaching for Self-Discovery Service Can Help YOU

Sign-up for my “Situation Analysis” chat on Skype. The session lasts 30 minutes to one hour.

Apart from questions I’ll ask, and insights I’ll share with you, you’ll also get a 2 page PDF report from me 24 hours afterwards – specifically prepared for you, based on our chat.

It will contain a 4 week DAILY action plan. If diligently followed, that plan can help you make sense of where you are, and what you need to do to find your purpose, and gain fulfillment.

I offer no silver bullets. No one can.

However knowing practical steps to take, to discover your real purpose, can be a liberating experience.

You will no longer wonder if you’re doing the right stuff or not. You will be led to it.

And even if you’re already sure about your purpose, my report also includes real-world relevant tips about how to boost your capacity to fulfill your purpose.

Don’t let yourself waste away. Choose to unleash yourself on the world in a positive way today.

I can help you. Click here to sign-up for my Situation Analysis chat for starters.

No. 92: Caution – A Prospect With Money May Be Bad For YOU! (3 Tips)

People are not the same in the way they approach pursuit of set goals and objectives. You may be willing to be focused and committed. But your new client may not.

That’s why even when they have money, some people may not be good for you as clients. And if you take them on, things could end badly for you. You therefore need a reliable system to evaluate prospects, so as to choose clients who are a good fit for you.

This issue of my speaking IDEAS newsletter discusses 3 checks you can use to protect yourself.


Click now to view the latest issue of Tayo Solagbade's Public Speaking IDEAS page

View Tayos video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsConnect with Tayo on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google Plus

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Publication: Tayo Solagbade’s Weekly Public Speaking IDEAS Page (PSIP) Newsletter

Date: Monday 3rd June 2013


Title: Caution – A Prospect With Money May Be Bad For YOU! (3 Tips)

Author & Publisher: Tayo K. Solagbade [234-803-302-1263]

Blog URL:

Archive (For E-mail only version started 14th May 2012): Click here to view

Archive (For Blog version started 24th September 2011): Click here


Please find below the latest issue of my Speaking IDEAS newsletter.

Autorun CDROM for Part 1 (Greetings i.e. Salutation/Accueil) of the Quick & Dirty Guide to English Language for French Speakersand to French Language for English Speakers)

a). Video you can playback repeatedly from start to finish

b). Excel workbook you can open and click individual phrases to listen, or print out to read.

c). 26 individual audio files you can listen to on your PC or mobile

Price: N2,000 / 6,000 F CFA

(free delivery in Cotonou & Calavi in Benin Republic)

Screenshot of autorun CD ROM for Part 1 of the Quick and Dirty Guide for French and English Learners

Above: Screenshot of autorun CD ROM for Part 1 of the Quick and Dirty Guide for French and English Learners

(Click HERE to see screenshots & Watch video)

Find out how to get a copy here …


No. 92: Caution – A Prospect With Money May Be Bad For YOU! (3 Tips)

**** **********

NB: If you ever find yourself wondering what else I’ve written, some days after you’ve read THIS Speaking Ideas newsletter I send out on a Monday, here’s what you can do to find out: Point your browser to to read at least ONE new post added to my SD Nuggets blog on a different category from Tuesday till Saturday (sometimes even Sundays) in line with this publishing schedule :-)


People are not the same in the way they approach pursuit of set goals and objectives. You may be willing to be focused and committed. But your prospect may not.

That’s why even when they have money, some people may not be good for you as clients. And if you take them on, things could end badly for you. You therefore need a reliable system to evaluate prospects, so as to choose clients who are a good fit for you.

This issue of my speaking IDEAS newsletter discusses 3 checks you can use to protect yourself.

Human Beings Are Unpredictable

If you’ve been reading my speaking IDEAS newsletter, you know I advocate using public speaking as a business marketing strategy. So, in addition to pocketing a fee for speaking, it can get you hired to do what you do as an expert.

Delivering a speech requires you to be in control of yourself. That’s relatively easy.

However, working with people to achieve a preferred outcome can be more challenging.

And that’s because it involves the unpredictable human variable – outside of yourself.

Three (3) Checks You Can Use to Avoid Taking On a Wrong Client

First, I assume you’ve already established that the client has the means, and is willing, to pay you.

What follows are 3 useful checks you would be wise to do before saying yes to such a client – even if s/he offers loads of money.

If you want long term success, and would like to build on your successes, adopt them for use with clients.

1. Willingness to Commit Required Time & Effort?

You need the commitment of a client as the decision maker in her company, to get your work done. If she’s a solo entrepreneur, you’ll need her to be available to supply agreed data, finish tasks, review progress or take other decisions.

Get formal agreement on this. Else you may end up being accused of failing to deliver to the deadline, when in fact you lost time chasing her around to keep appointments with you.

This happened to me more than once. I’ve learned my lesson well!

2. Clearly Defined (and Realistic) Expectations?

What is the final outcome to look like? Does she know what she wants? If yes, is it something you can deliver? If no, let her know. Propose viable alternatives.

You’re the expert. Show that you know your stuff.

Don’t let the lure of money being offered trick you into saying YES, when you should say NO!

I use an MS Excel based Functional Requirements Specification (FRS). The client fills in the fields. We review the list together. In certain cases I point out something I do not think can be delivered (or measured) as specified. Or one not covered by the original scope of work.

Eventually we sign off the FRS. The client later uses it to check that I’ve delivered what s/he paid for.

If you cannot get a prospect to complete this process with you, it would be unwise to start work.

Indeed, this process can guide you to quote a better fee for your remuneration – and get her to accept!

3. Readiness to Take Ownership?

What about when you finish the job and hand it over?

Will she put your solution to use or implement the agreed actions as prescribed?

Let’s say you’re a physical fitness/weight loss expert for instance. And you’ve spent 12 weeks with an obese client – providing lessons on proper nutrition, and conducting physical fitness training sessions.

How can you be sure this client will CONTINUE to apply what s/he has learnt from you?

You could say it’s not your business. I however argue that if you indiscriminately take on clients who don’t follow through, you’ll end up shooting yourself in the foot.

Question: How?

Answer: They are likely to make you look like what you offer does not work.

You’ll consequently have fewer success stories to tell future prospects.

Consider also, the real possibility that such people may choose to deny they’re at fault, by claiming your methods did not work for them!

Final Words: Always Check to Be Sure You Can Help a Prospect Succeed Before You Say YES

Take Burt Dubin for instance.

He has helped many wannabes become highly paid international speakers over the past 25 years.

But to achieve this feat, he does not take on all comers. People actually have to apply for consideration!

Here’s what Burt said while speaking with Clarissa Burt on her show:

“You can’t just send me money. I have to feel I can help you succeed.”

It is this precaution he takes, that enables Burt guarantee success in the speaking business to clients. He KNOWS those he picks will diligently invest needed time and effort, to get results that will earn them MORE than they pay him!

I believe all service providers should emulate Mr. Dubin.

So, next time somebody comes waving money in your face for your services, don’t get so carried away.

Take your time to check that the person will be a good fit for YOU, as a client. Your success depends on this.

In the long run, you’ll be glad you did, because like Burt, you’re likely to have tonnes of testimonials and success stories for use in winning over more “good fit” clients.

Need More Details of How to Make The Above Ideas Work for YOU?

If you need more specific details of how to make use of the ideas I’ve shared in this newsletter, send me a message using this request form (with “Re: Caution – A Prospect With Money May Be Bad For YOU! (3 Tips)” in the subject line).

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Have a lovely week!

Tayo K. Solagbade*

Self-Development/Performance Improvement Specialist

*Sole Agent For Burt Dubin’s Speaker Mentoring Service In Africa

Mobile: 234-803-302-1263

Self-Development/Performance Enhancement SpecialistTayo Solagbade – works as a multipreneurial freelance writer providing  zero risk article and report writing support for website owners, while travelling slowly across West Africa as a Location Independent Entrepreneur.

He’s presently based in Benin Republic, where he’s preparing an English-French Language Guide, City Travel Guides, and a Commercial Rabbit Farming Guide.

In a previous life, before leaving to become self-employed, Tayo served for seven years as a high performing manager in Guinness Nigeria. He rose from Shift Brewer, to Training & Technical Development Manager, then later acted in senior management roles as Production Manager and Technical Manager.

When he’s not amazing clients with his superhuman skills (wink), Tayo works as the creative force behind his Self-Development Nuggets™ blog, and Public Speaking IDEAS newsletter (which he publishes to promote Burt Dubin’s Public Speaking Mentoring service to experts working across the African continent).

Connect with him on Twitter and Facebook.


Have you been undecided about whether or not to become a paid speaker? Or have you been trying to get your speaking career off the ground with little success?

Here’s a tip: Burt Dubin works with people who want to be speakers, and with speakers who want to be masters. Click here to visit his website NOW and submit a contact form message telling him what challenges you’re facing, and how you’d like him to help you. Tell him I sent you, and you’ll get a pleasant surprise offer from him.


What do you think of the above message? Do you have any personal experience to share on this subject? Are there some other points you feel can be added, to help persons looking for answers? Please share your thoughts!

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Do you know anyone who might benefit from reading this newsletter issue? Why not hit the forward button now, and send it to him/her with a short recommendation. You can also use share it via your social media channels. Thanks in advance.

View Tayos video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsConnect with Tayo on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google Plus

What fears or doubts are keeping you from (a) taking up Burt Dubin’s monthly speaker mentoring, or (b) buying his products?

You can choose to purchase Burt’s mentoring at any of the three (3) levels listed below:

1. Top Shelf [Click here] | 2. Mid Range [Click here] | 3. Budget Delight [Click here]

Burt’s three mentoring packages can be likened to the seating options offered by airlines: Budget Delight (Economy); Mid Range (Business); and Top Shelf (First Class).

At least that’s how I like to think of them!

All three will get you to your desired destination of “speaking success-ville” – so long as you meet the requirements/play your part well (your fare, abide by the set guidelines etc). During the “flight”, the seat you have will determine how much personal service attention and preference the provider will accord you. It’s that simple :-)

So, make your choice:1. Top Shelf [Click here] | 2. Mid Range [Click here] | 3. Budget Delight [Click here]

Send me an e-mail with your questions via tayo at tksola dot com. In the meantime, why not get started by subscribing here to get his 7-Part Course (How To Succeed And Get Paid As A Professional Speaker) .  . . and receive his monthly newsletter (Speaking Biz Strategies Letter) at no cost.

Get mentored by Burt Dubin - coach of some of the world's highest paid public speakers

For over 25 years, Burt Dubin has provided a variety of speaker mentoring products and services to clients worldwide.

Download this flyer as PDF:

Burt Dubin now offers his speaker mentoring service to experts based in Africa. Click now to download this flyer as PDF



What Do Quotable Quotes Have to Do With Your Writing Success?

Everyone knows how to use quotes. Some of us also come up with a few that others end up using.

But certain people are responsible for producing some very profound ones (e.g. Emerson, Edison, Socrates, Plato, Hemingway, and many other great minds).

And we all accept that they were truly inspired.

But do people credited with voicing such memorable quotes just come up with them at will? Or is there a process they undergo that leads them to uncover such deep truths?

I once heard a radio presenter use the following quote (credited to a famous American celebrity):

“Success is the result of good judgement. Good judgement is the result of experience. Experience is the result of bad judgement”.

This quote means failures we experience (as a result of bad judgements), actually teach us the lessons we need to learn, in order to make better judgements that will enable us succeed

Edison himself once said:

Success is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.”

Anyone who knows Edison’s story, will readily acknowledge that he uttered those words based on very personal experience.

Today, Many Are Unwilling to Acquire Necessary Experience to Achieve Success

Today however, it appears many people are unwilling to view failure as useful in any way. They look down on anyone who fails – or appears to be failing.

They even avoid failure (by refusing to take any risks), and will often hide all evidence of it when it does happen to them.

What’s more, fewer people are willing to invest time and effort to acquire real or practical experience in their chosen vocations or fields of expertise.

And yet, this is an essential requirement for becoming more capable of making good judgments – as is confirmed in the above quote.

So many people seem to be in a hurry to succeed.

They have no time or patience to learn or apprentice. They just want to jump in and get made INSTANTLY. If the opportunity comes up they’ll even cut corners. Such bad judgement eventually leads them to failure. But they refuse to learn, and so repeat the mistake, again and again.

Incidentally, this problem is quite widespread amongst many who engage in writing as a vocation online.

That’s why we have people who engage in spinning articles, stealing content, plagiarizing others and so on. They simply cannot convince themselves to do the required honest work to get the results they want.

Authentic Success Cannot Be Had By Cutting Corners

Thankfully, Google, other search engines, as well as discerning internet users increasingly ignore them.

Like the earlier mentioned radio presenter pointed out, many successful people we know actually started by recording a lot of failures, till they learnt enough to succeed.

It’s so easy to use quotes. But DOING what the quotes say is a totally different proposition.

Those we quote, often drew from their own experience based knowledge to utter such deeply inspiring and/or enlightening truths.

By following the same process of doing, we can also develop noteworthy expertise in our various fields of interest. And we’ll eventually begin to discover – and share – truths that others will want to put on marble as quotable quotes!

Final Words: Quotable Quotes Come from Paying the Price of “Experience”

It won’t matter how much – or for how long – a person engages in self-delusion. Without practical experience, s/he is unlikely to achieve sustainable and noteworthy success, in any vocation.

When we hear quotable quotes, they often readily make sense. Sometimes we even wonder why we never thought of them ourselves.

And that’s often why they become quotable!

Those who utter them have often been exposed to visual, physical, psychological or even emotional experiences that made them arrive at such powerful insights.

Just like Quotable Quotes, Authentic Writing Success will only come to people who pay the price of experience…by doing it right .

And that, is what “quotable quotes” and “writing success” have in common.

I’ll leave you with the following quote by Ernest Hemingway (taken from Maria Popova’s article on It offers insights relevant to the theme of this article:

“There are some things which cannot be learned quickly and time, which is all we have, must be paid heavily for their acquiring. They are the very simplest things and because it takes a man’s life to know them, the little new that each man gets from life is very costly and the only heritage he has to leave.” – Ernest Hemingway

Just like Edison, Hemingway’s life story reveals that he made the above assertion based on deep personal experience.

The rest of us would be wise to emulate them.

Should You Worry If Your Child NEVER Gets In Trouble? (4 Tips)

What I propose in this piece is likely to be a bit controversial. But you probably already know I have no problems voicing my opinion :-)

Read this article with an open mind and you will see the point I’m making.

I’ve explained in past articles that intelligent mistake making is an effective way to learn. It is also my experience based opinion, that the best time to learn is when your failures result in minimal damage.

And one such period is during childhood.

1. Succeeding In the Real World Requires Strength of Character

My failures (and they are MANY!!) as an entrepreneur, convince me I’m right about this.

These devastating failures came despite the fact that I’d excelled academically right through university…and also enjoyed rapid career advancement for 7 years as a well paid, high performing manager in a large multinational.

But one thing saved me during those periods of severe trials and tribulations.

It was the mental toughness/character I formed in my teens.

Without it, this daily Self-Development Nuggets blog or my weekly speaking IDEAS newsletter would not exist. Neither would my books, custom Excel-VB spreadsheet software, Web Marketing Systems development service, YouTube educational/demonstration videos, or Cost-Saving Farm Business Support Service.

My point is: I’m just one guy. But for over 2 decades, people have asked me how I manage to do many different things so well – and at the same time – with seemingly endless passion.

If truth be told, it has to do with a decision I took early in life, due to a crisis I suffered (See 2. below).

And that is why I’m convinced getting in trouble early in life can be VERY useful preparation, for succeeding – in spite of adversity – in adult life.

2. How Getting In Trouble Helped Me Develop Strength of Character (True Story)

I started getting into trouble very early – before I clocked 10 years e.g by stealing money from my mother’s purse, and pieces of meat from her pot. I eventually got caught and punished.

At the age of 10, in my first secondary school year, I stupidly let four older classmates copy my answer scripts (and they did so verbatim!) in the promotional exams. We got caught and asked to repeat the year.

My parents moved me to boarding school, in another state (six hours away), to start over.

I did well right into my final year – and even got appointed Health Prefect.

Then I got into trouble again….and was suspended for 2 weeks!

I (along with another prefect, and others) skipped classes. Then we caught, roasted and ate bush rats (and even chickens reared by teaching staff – including the principal’s) – in the dormitory!

We got suspended just a few months to the final certification exams.

Thankfully, I passed the exams, due in no small way to a threat by my Dad. He basically said that was the only way I could get his forgiveness.

Facing the consequences of my actions forced me to toughen up mentally.

Knowing others are whispering about what you’ve done can be painful. I loathed myself!

While serving my 2 week suspension, I resolved never to let myself feel that way again. That decision has since helped me overcome many great temptations in my adult life (no exaggeration).

3. A Child Who Never Gets In Trouble: Is That a Good or Bad Thing?

Real character is formed – and tested – through exposure to challenges.

It may be hard to accept, but getting in trouble is one of the most effective ways for kids to learn what not to do. And as long as they are repentant, kids who get into trouble often turn out okay.

Many even tend to mature into better rounded adults, than those who don’t get into trouble.

If you think back to your own childhood, you may probably recall it was the same for you.

A child who gets into trouble, give us an opportunity to peek into his/her true tendencies.

As a parent (and I always tell my kids this), I prefer a child who periodically gets into trouble, to one who never does.

Sounds crazy I know, but it’s not.

Reflecting on my personal experiences and studying others makes me believe this.

A child who NEVER gives problems can be a time-bomb waiting to explode in adulthood.

I’m not saying a child who does not get into trouble will end up badly. No. But s/he may end up lacking the capacity – and competence – to deal with adversity in adulthood.

It is also my considered opinion, that the parent of a child who does get into trouble, if attentive, can gain useful insights into what the child will or will not do.

And that can be useful.

4. How You React As a Parent Is Very Important

Smart parents will use the opportunity to mould their child’s evolving character.

That’s what my parents did for me, with the feedback they gave me each time I went wrong.

And that’s why I’m already doing the same thing for my kids – starting with my 14 year old son.

Do the same for your kids. Avoid excessively rebuking (or worse, condemning) them.

If you check properly, it’s likely that some people in living history have done similar (or worse) things, and still gone on to noteworthy achievements in life.

So, when your child gets into trouble, aim to help him/her do the same.

At the end of the day, that’s really what life is all about.

Voicing YOUR Opinion Can Make You More Successful: Stop Holding Back!

Being a Silent Workhorse May Not Always Work Well

You don’t have to be introverted to be guilty of making this mistake. Many extroverted personalities also find it hard to make their true opinions known. We rarely want to rock the boat. But that attitude may quietly backfire against your ambitions. E.g. by denying you reward and recognition you desire – and probably deserve.

It can be good to be a diligent – but silent – work horse. Your boss and/or team members will likely appreciate you. However, sometimes employers also want employees to stand out and think/act differently, especially if it can result in benefits to the company.

NB: This article is written with a focus on career development. The ideas shared in it can however be successfully applied by non-employees, who may find themselves in social groups, clubs or associations.

Two Possible Areas You Can Voice Your Opinion to Make Useful Impact

1. Mode of Dressing In The Company

Every time I’ve seen a photo of Steve Jobs, I’ve never seen him in a tie. It’s strange, considering how successful a business person he was. And also the fact that he related with many people who often wore them…and who probably considered doing so a basic requirement for taking anyone seriously.

In other words, they probably made an exception for Jobs, because he was already “made”. Another person who has an aversion for ties is Richard Branson. It’s unlikely that people who work(ed) for these two men were (are) ever be pressured to wear suits to work.

The resulting relaxed atmosphere probably makes (made) such employees bring their best selves to the job every time – to the benefit of their employers.

But not every company or employee can adopt an informal dress code. It depends on what they do. The question therefore is what about YOU, and YOUR company?

Is it possible an informal dress code can lead to an improvement in morale or performance in your workplace?

Maybe the company next door has done it, and staffs in your company are speaking (enviously) about it in hushed tones.

You do not have to be the CEO or a top manager to bring it up. My personal experience and achievements indicate that your position and years on the job, will not really matter either.

So, would you be willing to make a case to management for it, citing potential benefits to be had?

Big question :-)

NB: I’ve used mode of dressing as an example. You could apply this thinking to any other issues, such as telecommuting, or even work hours (for certain positions).

2. Mode of Operation In The Company

People can get used to a way of doing things, and simply stop thinking about coming up with possibly better ways to do them. Companies that adhere to Best Practice and Continuous Improvement principles are typically able to avoid this pitfall.

Sometimes you may find yourself in a group where the leader voices an opinion, or proposes a line of action, that others immediately accept as being valid.

Possibly they all instantly nod in agreement to it.

However, you, sitting right there amongst them, may actually hold a totally different view. But you may fear getting criticized or disapproved of, if you voice that difference of opinion.

Sometimes you may not even be the only one who feels this way in the group. It’s just that others may also prefer to keep quiet. Later on however, you may hear them whispering their reservations in hushed tones!

You can do better than that, and make a useful difference in the process :-)

Simply develop the habit of tactfully offering your differing views, and trying to get others to see where you’re coming from.

Sometimes it may turn out that you’re wrong. Those with a better understanding of the matter may tell you why and how. It won’t be the end of the world. And you would then not keep wondering about it.

This has happened to me many times.

I once voiced a difference of opinion in a company I worked for, because I had not fully gotten all the details pertaining to an issue. Others who were better informed promptly filled me in, and I stood corrected.

But there were also occasions when I voiced a divergent opinion, and it turned out to be a good thing for the entire group – indeed the company. On a number of occasions, it even led to considerable savings of time and money!

I’ve narrated real life stories in many past articles, of how (during my time in paid employment) voicing my opinion led to significant workplace improvements, and eventual career advancement for me. Here’s one of those articles.

Final Words: Voice Your Opinion, But Don’t Be Rude

This article is not a call for anyone to go around speaking or acting without regard for others.

All I’m saying is don’t let a fear of being different, or getting criticized, make you stifle the urge to suggest potential improvements.

You’re being paid to give your best to the company. Holding back effectively means doing the opposite.

Even if your idea is not accepted, it will be noted as a contribution you’ve made. Many forward thinking companies today get higher productivity, because they reward employees for number of suggestions they make.

If yours is not already doing that, that’s probably another potentially useful idea you should not hold back from voicing to decision makers!

3 Tips for Dealing with Your Fears (Lessons from Encounters with Spitting Cobras)

If you don’t feel fear, you’re either a cyborg or a ghost :-) It’s normal to feel fear. But not all fears deserve our recognition. Interestingly, surveys reveal that more than a fear of wild animals, the fear of speaking before an audience tops the list for many people.

This article narrates a young lady’s near fatal encounter with a spitting cobra in a Nigerian village. It then highlights insights from that experience, for dealing successfully with unfounded fears, so you can achieve your goals, and live a more fulfilled life!

1. Living With Spitting Cobras in a Village without Electricity (A True Story)

There are times when it is wise to feel fear. A good example is when you come across a poisonous snake or any wild animal. However, you’ll often fare better if you use that fear to carefully navigate away from danger, rather than allowing it to strike terror in your mind. The latter could cause you to panic, resulting in avoidable injury or worse.

The following true story provides a useful illustration.

In 1993, I spent about 9 months serving with 4 other youth corp. members, in Gulu-Vatsa village, in Lapai local government area of Nigeria’s middle belt situated Niger state.

Like the villagers, we periodically came across black spitting cobras of different ages and sizes, along footpaths. Whenever that happened we followed the tips we’d been given: keep calm, standstill, and let the reptile slitter away into the grass.

Sudden movements could startle them. And when they get upset, they can spit venom with amazing accuracy. Documentaries about them often make a note of this.

One night, an unmarried female teacher who’d been away for a few weeks to see her family in the East, returned home. Getting in, she made her way to the toilet holding a torchlight (the village was not connected to the national grid, so we had no electricity).

On opening the door, her light fell on an adult cobra coiled up on the water closet!

She panicked and screamed, dropping the metal torchlight to the floor. The nervous snake reacted by spitting in her direction – and (as I was told) it got into one of her eyes. Luckily, she was rushed to the clinic and got the antidote injection on time.

We later learnt she left her window open when she travelled. The snake had adopted the warm interior to escape the cold. That incident helped us understand why we’d always been warned to avoid leaving windows and doors open, whenever we left our rooms.

2. Fear Comes From a Lack of Familiarity (E.g. Your First Day at Work, or Your First Day of Driving Alone)

We all experience a little fear. What’s important is to ensure it does not hold us back from making useful progress in life.

Can you recall your first few days on your first ever job? Or the first few weeks you drove alone, after completing your driving lesson for instance? Most of us nursed silent fears during those phases in our lives.

A quick confession here: I never took lessons. I learnt to drive a car (or more correctly, “move it in the direction I wanted to go!”) by watching the feet and hands of Guinness drivers – when I worked as a young shift brewer. I memorized the sequence of clutch and gear changes, and then tried out what I learnt on my father’s car when I visited home (behind his back, of course!).

Later, during the first few weeks of driving my own newly acquired (imported second hand) Toyota Carina, I was constantly gripped by a fear of causing an accident. This fear grew into near terror whenever I sighted a car (or worse a truck or trailer) coming up behind me.

I doubt I’m the only one who felt this way. But by driving regularly – sometimes making mistakes and surviving them – we gained familiarity with the activity. Today, we fearlessly go through the motions of driving cars, having literally mastered the process.

The above proves that we lose fear, and gain confidence, from knowing we can do something.

3. The Key to Defeating Fear: Get Familiar with Whatever Scares You.

In certain societies, people live in harmony with snakes, and even worship them. In others, the mere sight of a baby snake will have everyone taking to their heels. Kids in Gulu-Vatsa village did not consider Cobras a big deal.

It all boils down to familiarity.

To free yourself from the burden of your fears, learn more about the cause(s). Then as appropriate, do more of (or expose yourself more often to) it. As noted above, new drivers lose their fears as they drive more often. Same applies to public speaking, and indeed any other activity.

Just go out and do it, then do more of it (e.g. read books, then give free talks), until your fears fade into insignificance.

People who engage in dangerous sports and stunts have perfected this art. They feel fear, but they’ve learnt to keep it under control, so as to achieve their valued goals.

The examples discussed in this article have been provided for purposes of illustration, and may not necessarily apply to your situation.

However, the basic principles highlighted are universally applicable.

Decide whether or not the costs you currently endure as a result of your fear(s), are worth working to eliminate. If your answer is yes, then the ideas offered in this may provide a useful starting point.

Here’s wishing you a life free from the influence of unfounded and unnecessary fears.

How to Insure Yourself for Success (A Time Tested Solution)

To achieve long term success, you must keep going when things get tough, and avoid losing focus when the going is good. That’s easier said than done though! Which is why you need a guiding philosophy. Without it, even highly skilled and talented people have failed.

When inevitable “tests” of qualities like endurance and integrity came, they had nothing to draw on e.g. successful people who fell to scandals. Those who (re) discover or use it, however recover e.g. Tiger Woods. This article describes a time tested philosophy that has helped millions across the world – which you can also use.

A Time Tested Philosophy That Yields Balanced Success

This philosophy is contained in a free e-book titled “Science of Getting Rich”(SOGR) – authored by Donald Wattles in the early 1900s.

Keep in mind that “riches” mentioned go beyond material possessions, to include good (physical, mental and emotional) health, relationships, spiritual well being etc. YOU are to achieve success in all those dimensions. Nature abhors imbalance.

It was in 2002 that I first got a copy of the SOGR PDF e-book.

I will confess that when I first read it, nothing happened. There was no mind blowing revelation.

This happened because – as Napoleon Hill said in “Think and Grow Rich” – I was not ready for the truth.

(This may also be your experience at first – but keep it with you, and one day you will be ready).

Fast forward one year after I started my business (i.e. 2003), and I was – ready that is.

I’d received my baptism of fire from the University of Hard Knocks as a start-up entrepreneur. And I was looking for help and answers – to many challenges I faced.

So I read everything: James Cook’s “Start-up Entrepreneur”, Hill’s “Think and Grow Rich”, and other books, including countless articles on the web.

Then one day I stumbled on the CDROM (given to me at a conference I attended the year before) containing the SOGR e-book.

This time around the words in the e-book came alive to me. By the time I devoured the first chapter on the PC, I knew I had to have it in print.

TIP: I suggest you do the same. Download and print out your copy of this free e-book. Then use a highlight pen to mark blocks of text you wish to recall.

I’ve since given the e-book to more people than I can remember.

NB: This is not a religious thing. And it does not require changing your religious preference in any way. If anything, it will complement it. When you read the book, you’ll see what I mean.

Here’s what I’ve (so far) learnt from applying the SOGR successfully in my life and business…and from sharing what I learnt with others so they can do the same:

1. There Is No Room for Doubts or Biases

The SOGR will work for you, IF you apply it with what the author called “ABSOLUTE and UNQUESTIONING FAITH“.

Wattles states the above as a fundamental requirement. It won’t work if you don’t do it!

So, dispense with any doubts or biases – and grab this with both hands.

2. Do It Right, and You’ll Experience Many Useful “Coincidences”

Something amazing will begin to happen when you diligently do it. The emphasis on “diligently” is deliberate.

Strange – but pleasant – coincidences (benefits you seek, when most needed!) will occur often.

Others who use the SOGR have reported similar experiences for decades. The uninitiated will marvel at your unusual ability to harvest “good fortune” in seemingly hopeless situations.

This true story proves some of us even unconsciously apply SOGR. The book will equip us to do it more deliberately, for more predictable results.

It takes some doing, but it works. You simply need to do it consistently.

This is no exaggeration. Over 10 years of applying this philosophy to better achieve my goals, makes me say this with conviction. Lord knows I would not have gotten this far, doing what I do, without the SOGR!

3. Continually Visualise What You Want, Even When the Opposite Is Your Current Reality

Years of re-reading this book, have led to certain blocks of text in it being imprinted in my memory.

Whenever I need an inspirational boost in the face of adversity (e.g. unforeseen challenges in a new country), I draw on this mental reserve. It enables me continue THINKING and ACTING in the CERTAIN WAY as prescribed in the book.

The following is a quote I took from that “reserve” in sharing on this subject with someone in a recent discussion:

“To think riches in the midst of the appearances of poverty requires power…But whoever acquires this power becomes a master mind…He can conquer fate, and have whatever he wants.”

The above excerpts will be found, if I recall correctly, in Chapter One.

Memorize them.

They will provide valuable inspiration when you most need it. Believe me. I’ve been there!

4. How to Get Started With the SOGR, & Make Useful Progress

Visit Rebecca Fine’s SOGR website to download your copy (join the forums too).

Read the book repeatedly. Aim to know most parts by heart. That way, anytime you need to drink from its deep well of wisdom, you will be able to do so literally at will.

You’re bound to make rapid progress in using the SOGR when you do this.

For even better results, make notes you can consult, and also build a CMI (i.e. “Clear Mental Image”) of your desired outcome.

Read Rebecca Fine’s “What the heck is a CMI ?” in the forums.

5. Signs That Will Confirm You’re Doing It Right

Please understand that the SOGR is not a promise of overnight success.

You will reap the benefits you seek if you follow the prescribed steps. How well you do that (and how ready your creator determines you are to move to the next stage), will determine your rate of progress.

a. The most important sign that you’re doing it right, will be the peace of mind you’ll suddenly discover to be yours.

This will be a direct outcome of you understanding the eternal truth that there is no scarcity. That only abundance exists for you.

In essence, you’ll know you need not compete, or hurry, to get what you want.

b. Another sign will be the earlier mentioned coincidences.

I stopped believing in coincidences when I began using the SOGR.

You will also discover that coincidences you experience are not normal. As the book promises – they will be solutions created and delivered to you from “your creator”, in response to your diligently thinking and acting in the certain way.

c. All the additional nice benefits you seek in life will ultimately make their way to you, as long as you continue to do it right.

I wish you well as you begin to use the SOGR.

PS: Go get the life changing PDF e-book now – it’s free.

PPS: And here’s an admonition from the author worth bearing in mind as you begin: “Do not…get into arguments upon the matter.” – Donald Wattles

PPPS: Lastly, I remind you that the SOGR is not a religious philosophy. And it does not require changing your religious preference in any way. If anything, it complements it. When you read it, you’ll see what I mean!

No. 91: How an Expert State of Mind Can Hurt YOU (5 Tips)

I know. They call you an expert at what you do. And you certainly consider yourself one. After all, you did not get to be this good by accident.

So how can having an expert state of mind possibly be bad for you?

Well, if truth be told, as experts-who-speak, this danger is even more REAL for us! This week’s issue of my Speaking IDEAS newsletter explains why that is so, and what you can do to protect yourself.


Click now to view the latest issue of Tayo Solagbade's Public Speaking IDEAS page

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Publication: Tayo Solagbade’s Weekly Public Speaking IDEAS Page (PSIP) Newsletter

Date: Monday 27th May 2013


Title: How an Expert State of Mind Can Hurt YOU (5 Tips)

Author & Publisher: Tayo K. Solagbade [234-803-302-1263]

Blog URL:

Archive (For Blog version started 24th September 2011): Click here


Please find below the latest issue of my Speaking IDEAS newsletter.

Autorun CDROM for Part 1 (Greetings i.e. Salutation/Accueil) of the Quick & Dirty Guide to English Language for French Speakersand to French Language for English Speakers)

a). Video you can playback repeatedly from start to finish

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Screenshot of autorun CD ROM for Part 1 of the Quick and Dirty Guide for French and English Learners

Above: Screenshot of autorun CD ROM for Part 1 of the Quick and Dirty Guide for French and English Learners

(Click HERE to see screenshots & Watch video)

Find out how to get a copy here …


No. 90: How an Expert State of Mind Can Hurt YOU (5 Tips)

**** **********

NB: If you ever find yourself wondering what else I’ve written, some days after you’ve read THIS Speaking Ideas newsletter I send out on a Monday, here’s what you can do to find out: Point your browser to to read at least ONE new post added to my SD Nuggets blog on a different category from Tuesday till Saturday (sometimes even Sundays) in line with this publishing schedule :-)


I know. They call you an expert at what you do. And you certainly consider yourself one. After all, you did  not get to be this good by accident.

So how can having an expert state of mind possibly be bad for you?

Well, if truth be told, as experts-who-speak, this danger is even more REAL for us! This week’s issue of my Speaking IDEAS newsletter explains why that is so, and what you can do to protect yourself.

1. You Are an Expert  – But You Will Not Always Have the Answers

It’s in all of us. Along with the self-assurance and confidence that comes from knowing you’re competent, there comes a potential tendency to forget we don’t really know it all.

Or let me put it this way: you can forget that you MAY not always know what will, or will not work, in your field of expertise.

As experts-who-speak, that can happen often if we’re not cautious.

What we know to be true today, may get overtaken by a newer discovery tomorrow.

So, you’ll probably want to avoid telling anyone something’s “impossible” now, because YOU can’t see it with YOUR experience based expert insight.

Why? Because someone else just might!

2. One Real Life Example of How Expert Mindsets Can Be Bad For Everyone

There was a time when everyone saw nothing wrong with feeding babies, with man made baby foods, without breastfeeding.

Decades afterwards, came the wonderful discovery (known to village dwellers for centuries!), about the advantages of feeding babies breast milk from nursing mothers.  It provides nutritional and health benefits that are hard to duplicate. So everyone switched back to breast feeding!

But certain medical “experts” led us down the earlier path, and kept us going that way for decades. What were they thinking then? And what were WE thinking by listening to them for so long?

How come no one thought to challenge their ideas and recommendations much earlier ?

The answer is that we all regarded them as experts. And societal conditioning makes us believe they know better than the rest of us.

They also knew that – which was probably why they relaxed, and never thought to challenge themselves either – through all those decades!

Do you now see how this “expert mindset” has a tendency to put everyone in trouble? Aha!

3. Authentic Experts Must Be Willing to Be Objective

As an expert-who-speaks, it is highly conceivable that you may find yourself taken up by an audience member, who during the “Q and A” session, challenges a line of thinking, or opinion you voiced.

Avoid getting defensive or taking it personal. Remember that s/he may not have your level of expert insight. Ironically, that may sometimes actually be an advantage – for him/her!

For instance,  a new person who joins an establishment, often bring “fresh eyes” to bear – and is likely to be less sentimentally attached to the existing state of affairs.  As a result, she would more readily identify aspects needing improvement that others have become blind to .

The above perspective could be one applicable to the question-asking audience member I mentioned earlier. S/he could be asking with the “fresh eyes/mind” of one who has not become too familiar with the subject.

Sometimes an expert voices an opinion, and people accept it.

Then when a contrary or competing school of thought comes up, the expert may feel defensive.

The smart thing would however be to maintain an objective mindset. Carefully assess the new line of thinking for its merits, and then offer an informed view based on that assessment.

This will put you back in the driver’s seat as an authority on your subject, because you would then be endorsing that new perspective using your expert insight!

4. Problems Arise When Experts Refuse to Acknowledge They Don’t Know Everything

It’s great to think of yourself as an expert, and to go about your work with that mental attitude.

However, never let it intoxicate you into believing you alone will always have the last say about issues relating to your field of expertise.

That would be a costly mistake – and you risk making yourself looking bad in the long run.

How? Well, if – and this has happened a  lot in history – the other person is eventually proved right, all your narrow minded arguments could make you look LESS than the expert you wanted to be seen as!

If you still don’t get it, let me elaborate further: a REAL expert can also demonstrate her expertise by being one of those who first recognises the next big idea, and endorses or recommend sit to others.

And that includes ideas that eclipse her own. You need not always be the originator of the next big thing, to be relevant!

(NB: It goes without saying that you should stand your ground, if you are honestly convinced the other argument or idea  does not hold water. Say it as you see it. You do NOT need phony humility!)

5. Resist The Urge to Adopt the Expert State of Mind

The moment one gets into the expert state of mind, a great number of things become impossible” – Henry Ford

Henry Ford reportedly distrusted experts, believing they were too familiar with the reasons that something could not be done.

For was (and is) NOT the only one who feels this way about experts…

For instance, James Cook (Millionaire Entrepreneur, and best selling author of “The Start-up Entrepreneur”) warned aspiring entrepreneurs, that people (e.g. experts) who offer advice will often give it based on how your (i.e. the entrepreneur’s) idea affects them.

In other words, they will give you answers that depend on whether they think your idea has negative or positive implications for them.

This a basic self-preservation tendency based on a natural instinct that all human beings have.

As an expert-who-speaks, DO NOT to let that instinct control you. Especially in relating to your audience members who will ask for your informed opinion, view, perspective, and advice – be it openly, or in private.

Instead, be authentic and objective – regardless of whether doing so will contradict a position you may have previously adopted on the issue.

That will actually cement – and certainly NOT erode – your credibility as an expert!


Need More Details of How to Make The Above Ideas Work for YOU?

If you need more specific details of how to make use of the ideas I’ve shared in this newsletter, send me a message using this request form (with “How an Expert State of Mind Can Hurt YOU (5 Tips)” in the subject line).

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Have a lovely week!

Tayo K. Solagbade*

Self-Development/Performance Improvement Specialist

*Sole Agent For Burt Dubin’s Speaker Mentoring Service In Africa

Mobile: 234-803-302-1263

Self-Development/Performance Enhancement SpecialistTayo Solagbade – works as a multipreneurial freelance writer providing  zero risk article and report writing support for website owners, while travelling slowly across West Africa as a Location Independent Entrepreneur.

He’s presently based in Benin Republic, where he’s preparing an English-French Language Guide, City Travel Guides, and a Commercial Rabbit Farming Guide.

In a previous life, before leaving to become self-employed, Tayo served for seven years as a high performing manager in Guinness Nigeria. He rose from Shift Brewer, to Training & Technical Development Manager, then later acted in senior management roles as Production Manager and Technical Manager.

When he’s not amazing clients with his superhuman skills (wink), Tayo works as the creative force behind his Self-Development Nuggets™ blog, and Public Speaking IDEAS newsletter (which he publishes to promote Burt Dubin’s Public Speaking Mentoring service to experts working across the African continent).

Connect with him on Twitter and Facebook.


Have you been undecided about whether or not to become a paid speaker? Or have you been trying to get your speaking career off the ground with little success?

Here’s a tip: Burt Dubin works with people who want to be speakers, and with speakers who want to be masters. Click here to visit his website NOW and submit a contact form message telling him what challenges you’re facing, and how you’d like him to help you. Tell him I sent you, and you’ll get a pleasant surprise offer from him.


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What fears or doubts are keeping you from (a) taking up Burt Dubin’s monthly speaker mentoring, or (b) buying his products?

You can choose to purchase Burt’s mentoring at any of the three (3) levels listed below:

1. Top Shelf [Click here] | 2. Mid Range [Click here] | 3. Budget Delight [Click here]

Burt’s three mentoring packages can be likened to the seating options offered by airlines: Budget Delight (Economy); Mid Range (Business); and Top Shelf (First Class).

At least that’s how I like to think of them!

All three will get you to your desired destination of “speaking success-ville” – so long as you meet the requirements/play your part well (your fare, abide by the set guidelines etc). During the “flight”, the seat you have will determine how much personal service attention and preference the provider will accord you. It’s that simple :-)

So, make your choice:1. Top Shelf [Click here] | 2. Mid Range [Click here] | 3. Budget Delight [Click here]

Send me an e-mail with your questions via tayo at tksola dot com. In the meantime, why not get started by subscribing here to get his 7-Part Course (How To Succeed And Get Paid As A Professional Speaker) .  . . and receive his monthly newsletter (Speaking Biz Strategies Letter) at no cost.

Get mentored by Burt Dubin - coach of some of the world's highest paid public speakersFor over 25 years, Burt Dubin has provided a variety of speaker mentoring products and services to clients worldwide.
Download this flyer as PDF:

Burt Dubin now offers his speaker mentoring service to experts based in Africa. Click now to download this flyer as PDF