Category Archives: My DN Travel News

Be Easy to Identify Online

Success in business (or life in general) requires getting others to trust you. Today, people will readily Google your name to find out more about you. Do you have your first name and surname registered as a domain name i.e. This article explains why your success may depend in-part, on doing that – as well as a few other things.

People contemplating connecting with us, can make up their minds in seconds. Some may be so fickle minded that one small hint of inconsistency in your online profile or presence can make them flee – literally speaking.

That’s Why You Need to “Protect and Nurture Your Google/Online Identity”

A few years ago, I wrote an article on the above theme – based on my observations and experiences.

Googl’ing a person’s name can sometimes throw up links leading to profiles or pages of persons bearing the same first and last names as him/her. Maybe it happens with yours?

If you’ve never Google’d your name – try it now. If other people show up with the same name as yours, it may not be a good thing…for YOU.

I have met a number of people who faced this dilemma, in their business.

I’ve been lucky with my own name though. I have never encountered anyone online bearing the same first and surname combination with me.

Since 2006 I’ve done a lot of heavy content publishing that’s helped me gain reasonable name recognition. But even then, whenever I checked – even way beyond page 10 of Google’s results, I never came across a namesake.

That notwithstanding, a few weeks ago, I decided to register to cover that loose end.

And that’s why I’m now writing this piece – especially for persons in business who find they have at least one or more online name sakes.

Persons in Paid Employment Can Also Benefit From Doing This

At first, there is a tendency to think that this may be a non-issue for those who are not in business e.g. employees.

I would however argue that you should consider making it an issue.

It is in your best interest, to ensure your employer (current or prospective) has no difficulty picking you out from amongst your namesakes online.

Ambitious career persons in today’s world, actually purchase their own names as domains.

They then point the URL to profiles on free hosting accounts. Some even purchase cheap hosting and build their resume websites on it.

For Business Persons, It Is Especially Imperative

For instance, I strongly believe that as a person in business, you must aim to dominate (at least) page 1 of Google’s results for your name. At least 80% should be all about YOU.

In my considered opinion, that reduces chances of people mistaking a namesake for me.

Publishing good quality content regularly, via an intelligent web marketing system, can help you gradually achieve that.

One quick and reliable way to boost your claim to your name on the web (and search engines take this into serious consideration), is to register your name as a domain.

That way, you alone get to ultimately use that URL. No one else.

Imagine what would happen if a namesake beat you to it, and registered the domain?

People who meet (or hear/read about) you may Google you (this happens a lot!), and click on the URL for your name, only to discover a different person!

How confused do you think they would be?

It could be worse. For instance, some may not even realise the person they’ve found is NOT you.

If that happens, you’d better hope what they see pleases them. Otherwise, you’re done!

The above could happen to a potential client/buyer who remembers your name but is unable to recall the URL for your company correctly.

If Your Namesake Does Something Bad, It Could Cost You Greatly!

Be you entrepreneur or employee, you can be negatively affected if your name sake has a bad reputation online.

Some namesakes may do naughty things, linking negative reports to their names.

In 2010, I actually interacted with a prospective client who had this problem. A namesake of his showed up on page 1 of Google, with screaming news headlines (from BBC and other websites) describing the namesake as a criminal. Same name. Exact same spelling!

Like I told him “Few people will even bother trying to investigate to verify if it’s really you the news story is about!”…that includes potential clients/employees!

Think about it. When BBC reports a thing, most people accept it as God’s truth.

Yes they do! And that’s why it’s best to consolidate your name recognition online via regular quality content publishing in YOUR NAME.

It’s your best form of defence against inadvertent or deliberate negativity.

Final Words: Protect Yourself!

I’ll therefore end by saying, if you do nothing else, register your name as a domain (preferably top level e.g. dot com) ASAP.

But if you really want to be in control of what happens when people do an online search in your name, adopt a custom Web Marketing System. (Email me via tayo at tksola dot com for details of what it entails – or use this contact form).

You will NOT regret doing it.

Why Company Retirement Courses Rarely Work

This is a sequel to yesterday’s issue of my Speaking IDEAS newsletter, titled “Speaking to Retirees & Aspiring Entrepreneurs“. If you have to organise training courses for (prospective) retirees, start-ups and/or aspiring entrepreneurs, THIS is one article you want to read. Otherwise you may get it ALL wrong. Believe me!

Before leaving in December 2001, to start my own business, I was Training & Technical Development Manager (TTDM) in Guinness Nigeria’s Benin Brewery. (In 2008, I’d acted on two seperate occasions – for one month, and later for 3 months, as TTDM). Among other roles, I arranged for prospective retirees, to attend pre-retirment courses, by liasing with external training provider firms.

Before leaving, I was also opportuned to act in senior management roles, as Production Manager and Technical Manager.

However, my entire 7 year stay in that company, often had me working closely with the Training Department. .

I have a habit of reflecting deeply on happenings around me. That habit has helped me discover ways to make a useful difference in various areas of endeavour.

Among other things, I noticed that many companies simply send employees on generic training courses. Little effort seems to be made to research the course contents. As a result, there is often not much relevance and tangible impact, with regard to the real world the attendees will return to.

Training Providers Need to Go Beyond What Others Are Doing

What is needed, is an experiential learning event that involves a facilitator who brings real world expertise to share with the audience.

It’s the best way to serve retirees or aspiring start-ups. That is, deliberately investing time, effort and energy, to RESEARCH, and highlight, ALL real issues likely to be faced by start-ups. And offering solutions based on what works in the real world, for them to use.

Burt Dubin stresses the importance of doing this, a lot, in his newsletter, and many speaking success articles.

It’s not just about getting attendees competent, in the ABC’s of the business area(s) being taught in the course.

Attendees need to be told the importance of developing “street wisdom”, to interact with suppliers, and especially buyers/clients.

Otherwise they could end up frequently struggling to get paid for their products and services – despite being competent!

I’ve seen a lot of this happen first hand.

For instance, I once had a client whose manufacturing operation sold an excellent consumable item across many states.

But his distributors routinely held him to ransom, by failing to remit money for sales of items he sent them on credit  via hired trucks.

Yet they still called and asked for more. He told me he could not say no to their (blatantly selfish and inconsiderate) demands, because they made a lot of sales for him.

I told him that was only because he was not actively recruiting new distributors who could perform.

These are not things we learn easily. It can be a painful process!

To show how bad this can get, that client ended up taking a bank overdraft facility that nearly ruined him. All in a bid to cope with cash flow demands, when he could not redeem over N2million in receivables from his distributors!! Among other things, he needed to pay salaries!

This is why coaching/mentoring of people who attend pre-retirement or business start-up courses, even AFTER the events, can be quite useful.

Along with books that help attendees get better prepared to handle such issues, coaching/mentoring can boost their ability to succeed with any business idea.

Attendees Also Need Exposure to Guiding Philosophies for Success

I have had considerable contact with many training providers. Most simply use conventional approaches to conduct learning events for retirees or start-ups.

When the attendees are told all the routine, recycled stuff, one major ingredient is often missed out.

Yet, that’s the stuff that helps majority of entrepreneurs who break through keep going till they do so!

Some found it by reading Anthony Robin’s book. I found it by reading books by Napoleon Hill and James R. Cook (Start-up Entrepreneur).

That ingredient is the “mental attitude” needed for success – an aspect that’s grossly neglected.

Quite often, failures are recorded not because the business idea is bad, or the entrepreneur is incompetent.

Often times it’s the mental attitude resulting from a lack of access to, or adherence to a guiding philosophy.

This is not something that most people can fully grasp at one sitting or in one learning event.

It often needs to be drummed into their heads, until they internalise it.

This is why I believe a practical coaching element, comprising this guiding philosophy, mixed with business practice tips, must be combined to help him/her.

That’s how training provided can make a real difference in people’s lives. Otherwise, it would just be the same old stuff.

Most successful entrepreneurs got that way by persisting despite huge visitations of adversity.

It’s rarely the number of academic or professional certifications one has that leads to success.

Instead, it’s often your ability to persist and stay focused, that gets you where you want to go in business – or indeed in life.

First time start-ups, or prospctive retireess contemplating business start-up, must imbibe a similar philosophy, after they’ve settled on a viable business idea.

Without it, the challenges they face will stump them.

And those of them who cannot cope will cut corners to survive (by doing naughty things), or simply pack it in.

Final Words

In summary, providers of learning solutions for prospective start-ups, need to focus on developing learning events – and resources – with the above factors in mind.

Maybe the approach I use could appeal to such training content providers…

For years, I’ve actively offered myself as a Contract Resource Person to event organisers. One time it got me invited to deliver a one-hour pep talk to 14 management trainees at Tantalizers headquaters in Festac. I was invited by a training consultant, who was hired to conduct a one-week induction program.

We’d met after my talk at Center for Management Development. I mention this only to give additional insight.

Basically, interested event organisers can have me research and prepare custom learning materials, and information products etc – branded in their name.

They would then use and/or sell those items as theirs, without reference to me, or as otherwise agreed.

That is one option.

In the event that the idea appeals to both parties, we could go further to collaborate in delivering that program to the target audience. Agreements would be reached on what to do, how, and where etc.

I would prepare any relevant information products for use – branded in the training provider’s name (or company name).

We could then also go on to collaborate to deliver the program etc.

You can adopt a similar approach (or contact me to help you).

No. 95: Speaking to Retirees & Aspiring Entrepreneurs

If you ever have to organise a training program or course for retirees or aspiring start-ups, aim to deliver “content” that make attendees your fervent advocates, because what they learn REALLY helps them succeed.

This article offers a lot of ideas for generating useful practical content to delight your attendees.

Big thanks to E.O, a business coach based in the UK, for initiating a discussion with me on this theme!


Click now to view the latest issue of Tayo Solagbade's Public Speaking IDEAS page

View Tayos video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsConnect with Tayo on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google Plus

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Publication: Tayo Solagbade’s Weekly Public Speaking IDEAS Page (PSIP) Newsletter

Date: Monday 24th June 2013


Title: Speaking to Retirees & Aspiring Entrepreneurs

Author & Publisher: Tayo K. Solagbade [234-803-302-1263]

Blog URL:

Archive (For E-mail only version started 14th May 2012): Click here to view

Archive (For Blog version started 24th September 2011): Click here


Please find below the latest issue of my Speaking IDEAS newsletter.

10 Fruits You Eat That Leave Useful Peels/Skins Behind (FREE PDF DOWNLOAD)

E-mail your name, country, mobile number, occupation, & facebook/twitter URLs (if any) to tayo at tksola dot com, and I’ll send you a FREE copy of my detailed PDF report titled “10 Fruits You Eat That Leave Useful Peels/Skins Behind.

Screenshot of PDF report titled “10 Fruits You Eat That Leave Useful Peels/Skins Behind."


How to Make Drinks You CAN SELL, from Peels of Pineapples & Nine (9) Other Fruits!


No. 95: Speaking to Retirees & Aspiring Entrepreneurs

**** **********

NB: If you ever find yourself wondering what else I’ve written, some days after you’ve read THIS Speaking Ideas newsletter I send out on a Monday, here’s what you can do to find out: Point your browser to to read at least ONE new post added to my SD Nuggets blog on a different category from Tuesday till Saturday (sometimes even Sundays) in line with this publishing schedule :-)


If you ever have to organise a training program or course for retirees or aspiring start-ups, aim to deliver “content” that make attendees your fervent advocates, because what they learn REALLY helps them succeed.This article offers a lot of ideas for generating useful practical content to delight your attendees. Big thanks to E.O, a business coach based in the UK, for initiating a discussion with me on this theme!

1. Offer Information Products Describing Viable Business Ideas They Can Launch

Do the needed ground work/research. Generate a compilation of tried and tested business ideas/concepts. Produce information products, possibly with previews – or even greater details – of what it would take, or where to get help to learn what it would take.

I personally conduct interviews with established individuals in key fields (farm business owners in particular) and publish for sale.

My popular Feed Formulation Handbook and Ration Formulator software came into being partly as a result of the above process. With each such product, I offer a workshop or seminar.

Example: A New Information Product I’m Developing for a Learning Event

Title: How to Make Drinks You CAN SELL from Peels of Pineapple and Nine (9) Other Fruits (You can get a 15 page promotional PDF announcing this by following the instructions below).

I’m already compiling detailed step-by-step information (with photos of basic tools and equipment for even a home based kitchen table operation).

The idea is to enable attendees explore ways to start-up with minimal funds. It’s often best to test the waters of entrepreneurship, with low capital overheads business ideas, to retain worthwhile profits.

Your attendees will be grateful to have this kind of useful resource – because It will save the money!

2. Offer Information Products Describing Guiding Philosophies They Need for Entrepreneurial Success

Most retirees or first time start-ups RARELY know many non-technical requirements for business success. Very few trainers talk about it. Attendees just learn the technicalities of the business. And then they launch out.

But they often lack the mental attitude to make it – especially when things get tough (which is often)!

Providing your attendees a reliable reference document they can consult to draw inspiration, and ideas, to cope with INEVITABLE adversity in business can help them keep going till they succeed.

Example: My “Entrepreneur’s Survival Reference Manual” – Written in 2004

See the cover image below…

Cover page for Tayo Solagbade's Entrepreneur’s Survival Reference Manual

I wrote this “manual” originally for myself. I used to read and re-read it to remind myself to retain the right mental attitude in spite of great setbacks.

Later, I began offering it for sale (spiral bound and photocopied). A FREE 4 hour workshop is announced on the cover. So that’s the link with my learning event.

It’s 80 pages long. I’m now revising it, to include Location Independent Entrepreneuring that I now do from here in Benin Republic. Once it’s ready, I intend to publish it via my online store, as a physical book I can give out to individual or at learning events.

3. Provide a Business Start-Up Support Service for Your Attendees Post-Event

a. You can prepare and sell feasibility study packs to intending start-ups or prospective retirees. Offer to help them work through it to implementation.

b. Your Training/Talks/CDs/DVDs/Podcasts/Webinars/ can be prepared to highlight key factors that can prevent start-ups from succeeding in their local environment. You will actually investigate their real life socio-economic environment, to verify what’s worked. Offered for sale or via access to paid membership.

c. Setup an Entrepreneur Support Network for Start-Ups

This goes beyond the learning event proper. I am convinced it’s a crucially important requirement.

Setup a coaching support network for attendees who (after attending your event) decide to start their own enterprises.

You would have an emotional investment in your attendees, so it makes sense to do this.Work out a pocket-friendly fee structure.

My pineapple based drinks PDF report has already been requested by some farm business CEOs in Nigeria who subscribe to my newsletter (and even a few I’ve met here in Benin Republic). It announces my paid support service for those who may wish to start a drinks production unit.

I’ve NEVER met most of them in the flesh for over 5 years. But we relate as if were childhood friends! My only link with them is my Cost-Saving Farm Business Ideas website (, and the newsletter.

Yet, many of them trust me so much, that they often take up my offers/buy my new products. This is because each time, my work adds value. And I’ve always stayed in touch, even at my own expense.

This recent email (screenshot below) from a subscriber of many years – Screenshot of emal from a long time subscriber – Azi Bulus – proves it pays to nurture relationships:

Screenshot of email from a long time subscriber - Azi Bulus

I send my active subscribers bulk SMS messages, and even make LONG distance phone calls to give them useful information etc.

This is what shows them that I care. And I really do.

I strongly believe pre-retirement learning events MUST offer attendees an opportunity to get long term support and coaching, from competent experts.

The journey to success is rarely a short one.

You can make a massive difference in people’s lives, by being accessible post-event, for the long term. Even if only via phone or email, for a fee.

Help attendees through the start-up phase, till they can stand on their own.

Apart from those you help this way, YOUR creator will be pleased with your conduct!

I’ve seen enough over the past 10 yeas, to know this is so important.  

ANYONE who offers this kind of support will stand out from other learning solution providers.

Tomorrow, in the Entrepreneurship category on my SD Nuggets blog – I’ll discuss “Why (Pre-)Retirement Courses by Companies Often Fail to Help Retirees”.

Need More Details of How to Make The Above Ideas Work for YOU?

If you need more specific details of how to make use of the ideas I’ve shared in this newsletter, send me a message using this request form – with “Re: Speaking to Retirees & Aspiring Entrepreneurs” in the subject line.

SD Nuggets Blog

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Have a lovely week!

Tayo K. Solagbade*

Self-Development/Performance Improvement Specialist

*Sole Agent For Burt Dubin’s Speaker Mentoring Service In Africa

Mobile: 234-803-302-1263

Self-Development/Performance Enhancement SpecialistTayo Solagbade – works as a multipreneurial freelance writer providing  zero risk article and report writing support for website owners, while travelling slowly across West Africa as a Location Independent Entrepreneur.

He’s presently based in Benin Republic, where he’s preparing an English-French Language Guide, City Travel Guides, and a Commercial Rabbit Farming Guide.

In a previous life, before leaving to become self-employed, Tayo served for seven years as a high performing manager in Guinness Nigeria. He rose from Shift Brewer, to Training & Technical Development Manager, then later acted in senior management roles as Production Manager and Technical Manager.

When he’s not amazing clients with his superhuman skills (wink), Tayo works as the creative force behind his Self-Development Nuggets™ blog, and Public Speaking IDEAS newsletter (which he publishes to promote Burt Dubin’s Public Speaking Mentoring service to experts working across the African continent).

For a limited time, Tayo is available to speak to your group or organization for a moderate fee. Send e-mail to tayo at tksola dot com. You can also visit to learn more.

Connect with him on Twitter and Facebook.


Have you been undecided about whether or not to become a paid speaker? Or have you been trying to get your speaking career off the ground with little success?

Here’s a tip: Burt Dubin works with people who want to be speakers, and with speakers who want to be masters. Click here to visit his website NOW and submit a contact form message telling him what challenges you’re facing, and how you’d like him to help you. Tell him I sent you, and you’ll get a pleasant surprise offer from him.


What do you think of the above message? Do you have any personal experience to share on this subject? Are there some other points you feel can be added, to help persons looking for answers? Please share your thoughts!

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View Tayos video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsConnect with Tayo on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google Plus

What fears or doubts are keeping you from (a) taking up Burt Dubin’s monthly speaker mentoring, or (b) buying his products?

You can choose to purchase Burt’s mentoring at any of the three (3) levels listed below:

1. Top Shelf [Click here] | 2. Mid Range [Click here] | 3. Budget Delight [Click here]

Burt’s three mentoring packages can be likened to the seating options offered by airlines: Budget Delight (Economy); Mid Range (Business); and Top Shelf (First Class).

At least that’s how I like to think of them!

All three will get you to your desired destination of “speaking success-ville” – so long as you meet the requirements/play your part well (your fare, abide by the set guidelines etc). During the “flight”, the seat you have will determine how much personal service attention and preference the provider will accord you. It’s that simple :-)

So, make your choice:1. Top Shelf [Click here] | 2. Mid Range [Click here] | 3. Budget Delight [Click here]

Send me an e-mail with your questions via tayo at tksola dot com. In the meantime, why not get started by subscribing here to get his 7-Part Course (How To Succeed And Get Paid As A Professional Speaker) .  . . and receive his monthly newsletter (Speaking Biz Strategies Letter) at no cost.

Get mentored by Burt Dubin - coach of some of the world's highest paid public speakersFor over 25 years, Burt Dubin has provided a variety of speaker mentoring products and services to clients worldwide.
Download this flyer as PDF:

Burt Dubin now offers his speaker mentoring service to experts based in Africa. Click now to download this flyer as PDF



A Writer Who Does Not Read Is…NOT a Writer!

A writer who does not read is not one to be taken seriously. My experiences convince me s/he would be boring to “read” …or converse with. Just like most people who don’t read.

As a result, unless s/he is gifted with talent never before seen on this plane, s/he is highly unlikely to make noteworthy impact anywhere.

This article reviews experience based advice from accomplished writers, on the importance of reading.

For the writer seeking notable success, it is an activity that simply cannot be neglected!

Successful Writers Strongly Recommend Reading, for Writers with Ambition

1. Chimamanda Adichie:

I once read a newspaper interview granted by this award winning Nigerian author of Purple Hibiscus and other internationally celebrated works.

She narrated that an aspiring author once asked her for tips on how to become a better writer.

When she asked what books he had read, he replied that he did not have time to read.

That he was too busy writing to do any reading!

She of course pointed out how wrong that mindset was…

How do you expect to be a good writer, if you do not read good writers to LEARN HOW to write better!

2. Zadie Smith:

I never knew her name, until I read on that she was asked by Guardian in 2010 as one of today’s most celebrated authors, to share her 10 rules on writing.

The first rule on her list challenges the aspiring writer, to “read a lot”, right from childhood. And she advises investing more time in doing that, “than anything else”.

3. Other Great Writers Recommend The Same Thing…Read!

Ernest Hemmingway, David Ogilvy, and many other accomplished writers have also pointed out the need to read in order to write better.

And it’s not reading YOUR own writing…

Instead, read those acknowledged to be competent. Those celebrated as being exceptional.

In other words, just like in any other field or vocation, study the masters.

Those are writers who have reached the peak of achievement in the art of writing.

Emulate their style – varying it where necessary, and adopt what you end up with, to develop what may become your unique style. Something recognizable as yours by your audience.

Two (2) Useful Benefits You Stand to Reap from Reading

1. Wisdom & Insights

Experience-based wisdom and insights from writers who felt they knew enough to write a book(s).

As writers, reading allows us access to insights that would probably elude us otherwise.

Using those insights, we are able to create new volumes of written works that build on what we have read, to deliver even greater insights.

Good writers that we read, often offer tried and tested ideas to get things done, sometimes with less trial and error.  What we learn from such writers, can also help us deal better – for example, psychologically speaking – with challenges we face in life…such as tough times.

Someone once wrote that “Reading strengthens the mind” (James R. Cook – Author of the New York Times Bestseller – The Startup Entrepreneur).

I agree with him.

2. New Knowledge & Education

Some people originate new knowledge and ideas for the rest of us to feed on. They help us take quantum leaps in our thinking, and about what we know.

In reality however, especially today, many who innovate and create, often use what they read (written by others) as “raw materials” for inspiration.

Today, most of us create new works (including our writing) by reflecting on what has been written (in books, on the web etc).

But we do this from new or different perspectives. What we learn in the process then equips us to proceed more intelligently in further exploring a subject or area of interest.

I believe the above is why Dr. Samuel Johnson once wrote as follows:

“A man will turn over half a library in order to make one book” – Samuel Johnson, as in “Boswell’s ‘Life of Johnson’”.

Final Words

Without a healthy reading habit, a writer will gradually find that writing becomes drudgery. As humans, our minds need fodder that can be harvested by reading, to fuel our efforts to write.

So, to write better, read more…and often.

And do as much of it as possible. Otherwise, writing success will elude you.

The following two quotes further underscore the point I’ve made in this article:

“Reading usually precedes writing and the impulse to write is almost always fired by reading. Reading, the love of reading, is what makes you dream of becoming a writer.” – Susan Sontag

“Reading is to the mind, what exercise is to the body” – Sir Richard Steele in “The Tatter”


Always Saying YES to Your Child’s Demands Can Hurt Her (2 Tips…and a True Story)

We love our children, and always want the best for them. That’s why many parents readily give their kids things they did not have when they were young.

It’s not bad. However, sometimes we tend to go overboard. Especially on the material side, as compared to giving them support for emotional and intellectual – indeed personal – development to succeed in life.

1. To Give Kids Things, Or to Teach Them How to Get Them?

Which is better?

If you frequently give a child whatever s/he asks for – especially money or purchased items- you deny her useful opportunities to learn what it takes to get such things for him/herself.

The question then arises. What happens when she has to enter the real world as an independent adult?

How much experience will s/he have had in getting things like that for – and by – herself?

Giving kids anything they ask is easier. But it offers less useful and certainly short lived benefits to the child, than challenging them to learn how to get those items by themselves.

That’s the truth I’ve discovered from experience.

2. Making Kids “Work” to Get “Stuff” They Want, Can Boost Their Chances of Succeeding In Life

The more s/he’s challenged to put in some effort to get whatever s/he says asks for, the more likely it is that s/he’ll be able to tackle similar life challenge successfully.

Whenever something comes to us without effort, we rarely feel a need to take pains to study and understand it in-depth.

Only things that prove difficult to get – or keep – typically get our attention and stir up our curiosity. We feel a need to investigate what can be done to unravel them.

If something that used to come into our possession easily in the past suddenly becomes harder to find, our attitude of taking it for granted also changes.

A good example is money.

Undisciplined kids typically spend money with the mental attitude that if it runs out, they can always get more. This is common with kids from rich homes. Except those trained by smart parents to have a healthy respect for money.

In contrast, kids from average homes, whose parents employ frugality and prudence to provide for them, often act differently.

They strive to hold on to as much money as possible, because they realize that getting more may be difficult, if they run out prematurely.

That attitude often helps them succeed later in life.

A True Story That Perfectly Illustrates The Point Being Made

I once worked with someone who benefited from not having as a child. Within 3 years in the same company I worked, he saved up money and purchased a piece of land in his home state.

By our fifth year, he told me the house he was building on that land was almost completed.

It never ceased to amaze me how he managed it, because at the time, he earned LESS than I did, being on a lower management grade. In addition, he was married with three kids, while I had, at the time, just had my first child.

And if you asked me back then, I felt I had used my money as prudently as I possibly could!

My friend apparently knew some things I did not. And he shared a few with me – most being linked to frugality and financial prudence.

For example, he and his wife NEVER purchased disposable nappies (which were a bit expensive) for their kids. They considered doing so wasteful, especially given their high rate of usage.

Instead they used cloth nappies, which they diligently washed and sterilized to prevent the babies from developing rashes.

When he told me this, I recalled a couple living close to us. They spent thousands buying large bundles of disposable nappies – delivered in pickup trucks – monthly – to their home.

The savings my friend achieved from using cheaper alternatives in spending money in many areas, enabled him save the money he needed to implement his projects.

That mental attitude came, according to him, from years of not having.

He literally sent himself to school because his parents were poor, and had many kids to cater for. This meant he had to work and attend school at the same time.

That discipline helped him get a good job. And he also applied it to achieve his goal of building his own house.

Reflecting on my friend’s achievements, I realized that I had not done anything close to what he had achieved. And it struck me, that that was partly because I’d had most of what he’d lacked given to me!

Final Words

A child who always gets anything he asks for, is unlikely to be willing to change his expectations as an adult.

This can severely limit his ability to live within his means.

In the event of a change in fortunes (e.g. a job loss), he could suffer emotional trauma as a result. And loved ones, including even his parents, would experience the negative consequences.

This is why, as parents, it will often be wiser to coach our kids to develop competence in managing their need for money and material possessions.

A good way to do this is to moderate how often you give your child anything s/he asks for.

Employ creative ways to make him/her earn access to such things instead.

I suggest reading Robert Kiyosaki’s books (e.g. Rich Kid, Smart Kid). They offer proven ideas parents can use.

How to Use Your Job to Prepare for Retirement (6 Tips)

Every employee will eventually leave the company s/he works for e.g. via retirement. Sometimes companies can also “leave employees” e.g. via retrenchment. Either way, it pays to be ready.

In one of his books, Robert Kiyosaki, recommended proactively acquiring skills that would help one in self-employment, while still in paid employment.

It’s an unusual – but effective – strategy. Below, I suggest tips you can use, based on my personal experiences and observation:

How to Acquire Self-Employment Skills While Still In Paid Employment (6 Tips)

1. Ask yourself what area of business you wish to go into. Then find out what skills and knowledge you need to have to be effective in that line of business.

2. Study the job opportunities or positions available in your current employer. Identify those positions that can equip you with skills and know-how you need as an entrepreneur.

For instance, every entrepreneur needs marketing, sales, and book keeping knowledge to function effectively. Startups often have to multi-task a lot in those areas.

Therefore having your employer give you roles that enable you work in sales, sales management, marketing, finance and HR can be valuable.

This is not being dishonest. Your long term purpose will remain. But in the short term, you’ll still ensure you deliver justifiable work quality to your employer while doing such jobs.

3. If you can deal with the additional work load, MOONLIGHTING (running a business on the side, while employed) could be a viable approach. But do not shortchange your employer.

4. Sometimes your current employer may not have job positions that offer exposure you need. Depending on how determined you are, you may explore taking up such jobs elsewhere.

5. Accepting a pay cut to move to another company to take up the job you need to learn, may be appealing, if you feel convinced better options do not exist. It would be risky. But probably no riskier than hoping you won’t be asked to retire early…or worse get laid off!

6. Then again you may not need to switch employers at all. Consider talking to a friend(s)  competent in the areas that interest you. Maybe s/he is employed in such a job. Make out time to undergo private coaching with him/her – even if you have to pay. It will be money well spent.

Your Knowledge & Skills REMAIN Yours When You Leave – You Have Nothing to Lose!

More opportunities and incentives exist today, to pursue self-employment, than was the case a few years ago.

But experience in certain areas of business can be quite essential. Without it, things can get tougher, messier – and costlier – than they should be, for you.

I know this from working closely with CEOs of small to medium sized companies, in different industries, over the past 10 years.

Here’s the trend I noticed…a very distinct trend:

Those who had never worked (or who had spent little time) in paid employment, often struggled with daily running of their businesses. They frequently employed a lot of trial and error in managing employees, organizing sales teams, planning marketing etc.

Most noteworthy however, was their inability to ensure reliable and accurate business data recording and report generation – by themselves or their workers.

This caused trouble when financial reports for tax purposes had to be prepared, for instance. I sometimes had to facilitate the process of helping them setup systems to address the problems.

Integral to the best practice solutions I developed was often a custom spreadsheet application that performed multiple functions. Some adopted it, and made it work. Others never got it going.

In contrast, those with relevant work exposure, prior to starting their businesses, rarely had such issues. They readily brought their experiences to bear in setting up in-house. It was that simple.

Final Words

I know this is supposed to be a career development article. A first look at what I’ve written above may suggest it is not. That it’s more of a pre-retirement primer :-)

But it is still a career development focused article. It just offers an unusual perspective :-)

The truth is long term jobs are much harder to find, than they were in the past. Indeed, many employers no longer offer such jobs.

By implication therefore, most people now have to take up contract jobs, and temporary employment of all sorts.

In between jobs, many have learnt to be MORE entrepreneurial, to keep their income levels up while searching for new employment.

That’s why the strategy I’ve proposed above, is so relevant today. There’s no point being needlessly sentimental about it. As you move around, deliberately acquire NEW knowledge and/or skill. Over time, you’ll be better prepared to run your own business as the need arises.

And the need will arise…eventually…unless you win the lottery, and never have to work for money again… :-)

THE FOOL WHO THOUGHT HE WAS WISE (A 14 Year Old’s Useful Short Story On HIV-AIDS Prevention)

This insightful piece was written by a 14 year old boy – Amaechi O.S – 6 months ago. It was typed by him in MS Word format. The story delivers a powerful message regarding a dangerous misconception some people – especially kids or “uneducated” adults – may have about “how to wear” condoms to prevent HIV infection.

I’ve edited it for spelling, comprehension and grammar but added NOTHING to it, and published it here ( A PDF version is available via a download link at the bottom of this post. Please share it freely – and do let Amaechi have your feedback – if any – in the comments section or via email (see below)

Oh yes, one more thing: Consider this the VERY first guest post I’m publishing on my blog…LOL! And who knows…Amaechi may end up becoming another teenage writing genius – like Bamidele Onibalusi!!

======STORY BEGINS====

There was once a family. They had lived through many generations, and were rich, strong, God fearing people.

But one day, one of their offspring brought disgrace to the family.

His name was Leinad.

Leinad thought he was clever, but often did things that showed he was not very smart.

On that fateful day, armed robbers broke into the house where he lived with his family, and demanded for two million naira.

But they were fair with him, and gave him two options.

They told him to choose between being injected with a syringe containing HIV infected blood, or giving them the two million naira.

“We will be back in five days time”, said the men of the underworld.

After five days they came back asking him if he had made his decision.

He said, “Yes. I want to give you the money”.

“Where is it”, said the men of the under world.

“It is in my room”, he replied.

“Then bring it out now!” they said.

Leinad went to his room, but instead of getting the money, he wore a condom on his manhood, then went back downstairs, and said:

“I want the syringe, I want the syringe man!”

So, they tried to inject him in the buttocks with the syringe.

“No, on my hand” he said.

They injected him and left saying “You did this to yourself!”

But Leinad laughed saying: “Those fools they don’t know that I am wearing a condom”.

Two years later he died of HIV.

======THE END====

Send feedback to: amaechiOS at tksola dot com OR add your comments below…


This insightful piece was written by a 14 year old boy – Amaechi O.S - 6 months ago. It was typed by him in MS Word format. The story delivers a powerful message regarding a dangerous misconception some people – especially kids or “uneducated” adults - may have about “how to wear” condoms to prevent HIV infection.

Attract Success by Leaving Others Better Off Than When They Met You (2 Tips)

FACT: In business, and life in general, doing what this title proposes is sure to lead you to attract long term recognition and success to yourself. I employ it in dealing with every person I encounter – both online, and off the web. I strive to do it no matter how brief our interaction is. And I continually reap useful progress as a result.

This article offers 2 ways you can do the same thing and reap similar or better rewards.

1. In Business – Give Potential Clients Value Even When They Have NOT Hired YOU

This can be hard to remember, and do. I say this from experience. But I urge you to invest time and effort in doing it. Believe me, it works!

When searching for buyers for your products and services, do NOT focus on what you want (You’ve heard – or read – that before I’m sure!).

Instead, actively explore ways to immediately add value to prospective clients – using what you know, or can do.

Specific example: I always give practical ready-to-use ideas on web marketing to potential clients during discussions or meetings we have. I even create marketing resources (e.g. downloadable PDF they can give away to capture subscribers, or generate leads).

There is magic in this. Psychological magic.

It makes you look bigger in their eyes, because you come across as having so much that you confidently and readily give free samples without fear of loss.

They’ll often be impressed by your willingness to give of yourself in that manner. And that can actually attract or influence them to buy your products or services, or tell other about you.

But even if no apparent benefits seem forthcoming, do it anyway.

It will pay off eventually.

2. In General Life – Add Tangible Value to Others Even If You Have NOTHING to Gain

If you’re like me, with a passion for what you do, your personal and work life are probably difficult to separate :-)

But all the same, distinctions exist. Sometimes you’ll have to relate with people you do not consider potential buyers of whatever you sell.

Always realize that everything you do still links back to building credibility for yourself. So, explore non-manipulative strategies to turn others into your raving fans and advocates.

We all know that people generally prefer to buy from persons they know – and trust.

By aiming to leave everyone you meet better off than when you found them, you effectively build a reliable store of goodwill for yourself.

Sooner or later, you will harvest the rewards – sometimes including positive gains in your business.

One Specific Example (A True Story)

Years ago, while working in a large multinational, I used my spreadsheet programming skills to create an automated MS-Excel-VB driven application, for use by a senior colleague in the engineering function.

It enabled him produce his complex graph based engineering reports within minutes, instead of the hours it normally took him.

I did it without his asking, while off duty from shift brewing.

Some years later, I quit the company to become self-employed. Among other services, I offered spreadsheet programming services to potential company clients.

One day I got a lengthy email from this former colleague. He had moved to a well known multinational oil service company in a top position.

He wrote asking me how much it would cost to build, for him, a similar application to the one I’d built back when we worked together.

In that email, he wrote something as follows (not exact words):

“Tayo…I know you can help me with this because I’ve seen your Midas touches from when we were together in (company name)”.

NB: If I had not used my skills to add value to him years before, it’s unlikely he would have developed this deep level of trust and confidence in my capabilities.

We eventually had two meetings and followed up with emails and phone calls. Although he was eventually unable to get funding to pay the fee I quoted, it was still a useful experience for me.

This was because our discussions had given me an insider view, of areas in which I could add value to companies in the market place.

I went on to use that knowledge in winning projects from 2 medium sized hospitals later on.

Final Words (Watch Out for Wolves!)

What I’m recommending in this piece is simple.

Aim to get even people who DO NOT buy from you, to be grateful or glad that they met you. You can do this using abilities (or knowledge) you have, that can be of use to them.

Make doing this a habit, and many good people will love having you around. They will sometimes even go out of their way to help you, should the opportunity to do so arise.

Be careful however. Don’t let yourself get exploited while doing this. There are always wolves out there!

It may take some work, but for best results, you MUST learn to use your gut level instinct to identify WHO to offer yourself to in this way.

Not all those you meet will be sincere. Some insincere people will try to exploit your “generosity” to get you to work for them without (decent) pay.

The truth is however that such people will rarely be hard to detect – especially if YOU are sincere.

Just pay attention to your sixth sense. Listen carefully to YOUR FEELINGS, and you’ll know!

No. 94: Use Physical Fitness to Boost Your Productivity (4 Tips)

Professional public speaking can be hard work, being both physically and psychologically demanding. The financial rewards are however attractive enough to make many willing to do it.

But when we do it without ensuring we remain in the best state of health, BAD things can happen. And we may be forced to resolve those “bad things”, by spending, even when not earning. That’s in addition to the pain, and loss of other income earning opportunities, we may also suffer.

This truth applies in any vocation.


Click now to view the latest issue of Tayo Solagbade's Public Speaking IDEAS page

View Tayos video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsConnect with Tayo on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google Plus

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Publication: Tayo Solagbade’s Weekly Public Speaking IDEAS Page (PSIP) Newsletter

Date: Monday 17th June 2013


Title: Use Physical Fitness to Boost Your Productivity (4 Tips)

Author & Publisher: Tayo K. Solagbade [234-803-302-1263]

Blog URL:

Archive (For E-mail only version started 14th May 2012): Click here to view

Archive (For Blog version started 24th September 2011): Click here


Please find below the latest issue of my Speaking IDEAS newsletter.

10 Fruits You Eat That Leave Useful Peels/Skins Behind (FREE PDF DOWNLOAD)

E-mail your name, country, mobile number, occupation, & facebook/twitter URLs (if any) to tayo at tksola dot com, and I’ll send you a FREE copy of my detailed PDF report titled “10 Fruits You Eat That Leave Useful Peels/Skins Behind.

Screenshot of PDF report titled “10 Fruits You Eat That Leave Useful Peels/Skins Behind."


How to Make Drinks You CAN SELL, from Peels of Pineapples & Nine (9) Other Fruits!


No. 94: Use Physical Fitness to Boost Your Productivity (4 Tips)

**** **********

NB: If you ever find yourself wondering what else I’ve written, some days after you’ve read THIS Speaking Ideas newsletter I send out on a Monday, here’s what you can do to find out: Point your browser to to read at least ONE new post added to my SD Nuggets blog on a different category from Tuesday till Saturday (sometimes even Sundays) in line with this publishing schedule :-)


Professional public speaking can be hard work, being both physically and psychologically demanding. The financial rewards are however attractive enough to make many willing to do it.

But when we do it without ensuring we remain in the best state of health, BAD things can happen. And we may be forced to resolve those “bad things”, by spending, even when not earning. That’s in addition to the pain, and loss of other income earning opportunities, we may also suffer.

This truth applies in any vocation.

Let me illustrate by sharing a true story. Names have been changed for privacy reasons.

Ednut, a talented engineering project manager (in his mid-thirties), with a large multinational, was managing a team of engineers to implement a high capital project on a remote location.

Due to unexpected delays, they were behind schedule. So he worked longer hours to oversee the day and night shifts. This meant going home as late as 3.00a.m., and returning by 9.00a.m.

Each day, he had to work on the PC to collate figures of costs and materials used, for dispatch to his boss in the company headquarters. He was young, and used to pushing himself hard.

One day, he was driving home after midnight on the deserted road. At a point, he fell asleep behind the wheel, and ran his car right into a tree at over 100km per hour.

The car was a wreck. But in what many called a miracle, he survived with minor injuries.

Speaking to colleagues later in his home (where the doctor had identified he suffered from exhaustion), he said “You know, one minute I was awake, the next I simply knocked off!

But he was lucky. It had cost him little. The company paid his medical bill, and replaced his official car. Now imagine if he’d been self-employed? Hopefully, you see what I’m getting at.

Investing time and effort in being physically fit can do wonders for your health. It can also help you avoid costly accidents, or mistakes (e.g. typing in the wrong figures into an important financial analysis spreadsheet!)- by increasing your strength and endurance.

By implication, doing what you do as an expert in your field will become easier for you.

I offer 4 tips you can use.

1. You Need Good Health to Work Productively Physical Fitness Will Help You

Poor health can make progress more difficult than it should be. To do productive work, you need strength and stamina. Physical fitness gives you both.

For instance, your important organs (the heart, lungs etc) are kept in good shape when you engage in regular physical exercise. Your muscles gain strength, and you develop physical and mental stamina. You also burn off extra calories and avoid building up harmful fat deposits that could predispose you to heart related problems.

These and many other benefits mean you’ll have less need to see the doctor or take medication.

Most of us know the above benefits. But in chasing success, we can get really busy and forget. The irony is that poor fitness can prevent you from being your best – physically, mentally, even emotionally.

When that happens, we become less capable of competently implementing tasks that can help us achieve our goals. Ever tried making sense of spreadsheet data with a throbbing headache?

What about standing for many long hours over 3 or more days, speaking to audiences, and taking questions?

Would you be able to deliver the same level of “speaking performance” ALL day, and each day?

Or would your performance fall (e.g. due to “fatigue”) as the days, or hours go by?

The truth is people rarely talk about this aspect. And yet it can play a major role in how well you perform.

Hmm…I would say those questions make good food for thought :-)

If you lack them stamina to cope with the physical/intellectual demands of doing your work, your passion may NOT be enough to save you!

Keep in mind that attendees may have an opportunity to rate you alongside other presenters during a week long event, for instance. If you run out of steam before the end, they’ll notice it, and it would affect their rating of you.

With a good level of physical fitness, your chances of giving a good account of yourself in any area of endeavour greatly increase. That is the truth.

What You Can Do To Get Fit

Engage more actively in physical exercise – as often as possible.

By this I refer to nothing the average person cannot do. See examples below.


Almost anyone can do these, regardless of age.

I walk a lot when practical/possible. I’ve found it useful for getting to know more new people, and places, than if I drove around in a car.

If the work you do often makes you stay in one place for long periods, try going out without your car whenever possible.

Seize every opportunity you can find to take a stroll. Reports indicate that 30 minutes of walking everyday can give enough health boosting exercise to keep you going for life.

Consider adopting biking instead of driving. Swimming is also an excellent way to exercise the whole body and relax at the same time.


Adopt a workout routine that works. Since leaving competitive sports (over 18 years ago), I’ve used more or less the same 15 minute regimen.

It basically involves doing a series of pushups, sit-ups, and finishing with certain yoga based exercises. That simple regimen keeps me going for well over 24 hours (more on that later).

Among other benefits, you’ll bounce back faster after working long hours or late. When you tire less quickly, you’ll get more work done. That will boost efforts you make to improve your finances.

Find something that works for you. Talk to a fitness expert if you need help.


Interestingly, you don’t need to push yourself over the edge to get physically fit. So don’t go overboard. There’s no need to do much exercising at one go. Take it one step at a time, especially if you’ve not done this before – or for a while.

What the body really needs is for the exercise to be regular and consistent. It does not have to be exhausting. Like I said, talk to a fitness expert (or a friend who knows) for guidance.

2. When Fit, You’ll be Able to Work Late/Go the Extra Mile Without “Help”

Your body talks to you. And you’ll hear it if you listen carefully. When you choose to work longer hours to finish a project with a looming deadline, it may speak even louder.

You may feel sleepy, and decide to take coffee. That works for some people. But I have never liked the idea of using something outside of myself to stay awake :-)

Luckily, I discovered that staying fit gave me the needed endurance to go the extra mile(s).

I suggest you engage in regular exercise to build your energy reserve. You’ll develop both physical and mental stamina, which will help you go many extra miles literally at will.

Since my time in paid employment, I’ve worked between 10 to 20 hours almost every day. Some would say I’m a workaholic. But I say when you enjoy your work, it’s the same as having fun :-)

When necessary I work all night. I’ve never needed coffee to keep going. No exaggeration. I’ll be 43 this July (2013). And I still work that way.

It’s amazing how being fit can enable you stay wide eyed and alert to do serious work, when you really need to (adrenaline plays an important role of stimulation here).

The late great Zig Ziglar indulged in physical exercise a lot, and he said it helped him achieve improved productivity.

In fact, in his book “Over the Top”(1994), he revealed that at 67 he was in “marvelous physical condition” and that he believed his “best and most productive years” to be in front of him.

When you consider how well Zig finished his run on earth, you have to agree with him!

3. Invest In Periodic Medical Checkups

This goes without saying. But I’ll say it anyway.

Physical exercise is not a cure all. Certain health issues will not be addressed by the most intense of workouts. And very often, the earlier you detect them the better your chances of saving yourself money, time – and possibly pain – in resolving them.

So consider talking to your doctor about having routine checkups done, just to be sure everything is working right in there :-)

4. Poor Fitness Can Shut You Down, Making You Lose Your Good Health – and More!

It’s so easy to get carried away working to make the next million that you forget to take care of yourself. But your body does not forget. It adds it all up over time, till it’s forced to quit on you.

Don’t wait till that happens. Some who made the mistake never recovered fully from it.

Even if you don’t make any extra money, at least keep what you’ve made – and possibly grow it. One of the worst things that can happen to anyone is to spend the bulk of your finances managing a bad health problem(s)!

Getting – and staying – physically fit can help you maintain good health for the long term. That would boost your ability to achieve your goals in life – as an expert in your field and/or via public speaking as well..

Neglecting to do so could make you prone to developing expensive health problems. And that would negatively impact your finances: Expenses on medical consultation – and therapy – could grow, while income generation activities drop e.g. pursuing or taking up speaking opportunities gets difficult when you’re ill!

Incidentally – and on a final note – having investments in passive income generation channels could minimise your losses in the event of health problems.

But it would not eliminate potential health threats: For instance, when you make extra money without moving around physically, there’s a danger that you may overlook the need to pursue physical fitness.


Otherwise you set yourself up for health problems that could deplete (and/or exhaust) what you should pass on to your offspring.

Need More Details of How to Make The Above Ideas Work for YOU?

If you need more specific details of how to make use of the ideas I’ve shared in this newsletter, send me a message using this request form (with “Re: Use Physical Fitness to Boost Your Productivity (4 Tips)” in the subject line).

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Have a lovely week!

Tayo K. Solagbade*

Self-Development/Performance Improvement Specialist

*Sole Agent For Burt Dubin’s Speaker Mentoring Service In Africa

Mobile: 234-803-302-1263

Self-Development/Performance Enhancement SpecialistTayo Solagbade – works as a multipreneurial freelance writer providing  zero risk article and report writing support for website owners, while travelling slowly across West Africa as a Location Independent Entrepreneur.

He’s presently based in Benin Republic, where he’s preparing an English-French Language Guide, City Travel Guides, and a Commercial Rabbit Farming Guide.

In a previous life, before leaving to become self-employed, Tayo served for seven years as a high performing manager in Guinness Nigeria. He rose from Shift Brewer, to Training & Technical Development Manager, then later acted in senior management roles as Production Manager and Technical Manager.

When he’s not amazing clients with his superhuman skills (wink), Tayo works as the creative force behind his Self-Development Nuggets™ blog, and Public Speaking IDEAS newsletter (which he publishes to promote Burt Dubin’s Public Speaking Mentoring service to experts working across the African continent).

For a limited time, Tayo is available to speak to your group or organization for a moderate fee. Send e-mail to tayo at tksola dot com. You can also visit to learn more.

Connect with him on Twitter and Facebook.


Have you been undecided about whether or not to become a paid speaker? Or have you been trying to get your speaking career off the ground with little success?

Here’s a tip: Burt Dubin works with people who want to be speakers, and with speakers who want to be masters. Click here to visit his website NOW and submit a contact form message telling him what challenges you’re facing, and how you’d like him to help you. Tell him I sent you, and you’ll get a pleasant surprise offer from him.


What do you think of the above message? Do you have any personal experience to share on this subject? Are there some other points you feel can be added, to help persons looking for answers? Please share your thoughts!

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View Tayos video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsConnect with Tayo on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google Plus

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Burt’s three mentoring packages can be likened to the seating options offered by airlines: Budget Delight (Economy); Mid Range (Business); and Top Shelf (First Class).

At least that’s how I like to think of them!

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Write Faster – and Better – Using Regular Physical Exercise

NB: This article is based on excerpts from my ebook titledWHY YOU KEEP FAILING TO ACHIEVE  YOUR WRITING GOALS! (10 Habits That Are Holding You Back…And How To Change Them For Good!)

“The brain is exactly like any other part of the body: it can be strengthened by proper exercise, by proper use. Put your arm in a sling and keep it there for a considerable length of time, and when you take it out, you find that you can’t use it. In the same way, the brain that isn’t used suffers atrophy.” – Thomas Edison

In the above quote, Edison was referring to the need to make regular use of one’s brain for deep creative and analytical thinking. People who form the habit of thinking about things – especially if they also take the time to read as well – will find that over time they become more intellectually productive.

This is true for writers.

In order to write, you have to think about what you want to write e.g. the title to use, the opening, the core message and so on.

It’s this constant requirement for thought and reflection, that trains a writer’s brain to deliver at an increased level of productivity over time.

In other words, regular writing is actually an excellent form of exercise for your brain. And the more often you write, the easier it gets.

And by the way, don’t let anyone mislead you – there is NO best time to write. You can WILL yourself to do it anytime you want.

I am living proof of it.

How regularly do you write? If it’s not often, that could be a reason why you struggle to do it. In order to make progress, write as frequently as possible.

Physical Exercise Boosts Mental Stamina, for Intellectually Demanding Tasks – Like Writing!

But exercising your brain is just one half of the solution you may need. For a mentally tasking vocation like writing, regular physical exercise can boost your productivity many times over.

If you didn’t know, take it from me: Mental exercise can only get you so far. To achieve superior levels of writing productivity, you need physical exercise.

The human body is interesting. Without regular exercise, it tends to settle into a rut – even up “there”. Interestingly however, you may not need more than 10 minutes every day to wake the body up.

Doing more can of course get you greater returns, but 10 minutes of smart non-stressful (daily) exercising alone can do wonders for your brain – and ultimately, your writing.

Can you recall how you felt right after being exposed to some kind of tense encounter or danger e.g. escaping from a stalker, a burning building, or a dangerous dog?

Notice how alert your body, and brain “felt”? How your thoughts and reflexes miraculously became razor sharp?

I have seen a fat person, with seemingly no athletic ability – while under the influence of fear generated adrenaline – scale a height that he would never have consciously attempted, in order to escape from what he considered a dangerous situation.

I left competitive sports about 18 years ago (I played state level handball from the age of 12 till I graduated from the university at 22). Since then, I have tried to do at least 70 push-ups (sometimes adding 50 sit-ups) every day, and rounding up with “Yoga style” stretching exercises.

It usually takes me about 15 minutes. These days, I’m joined by my kids – including their 3 year old sister.

My exercise regimen always leaves me feeling alert and ready to tackle the day’s tasks. I’ve had colleagues and clients comment, many times, on my work related stamina.

And although I no longer work on site, there was a time when I would arrive a hotel client’s premises at 6a.m, to work on a custom MS Excel-VB software development project, and leave at 1.00a.m the next day. I now work mostly from home, but still do such marathon “runs” – when necessary – to meet deadlines.

Regular exercise primes your body with adrenaline and other hormones that enable you deliver optimal performance when necessary.

You develop physical/mental stamina. I’m not a doctor, but I’ve used the above experience based analogies to help you understand how regular exercise, even if done for only a few minutes, can boost your productivity.

I suggest you adopt an exercise regimen that suits you.

If you’re new to it, or it’s been a while since you last did it, start small…and slow.

You’re not competing with anyone. We just need to get more movement going on in your body. So, take it easy!

For those who never used to exercise, this may be a little hard to understand. But once you start doing it, you’ll wonder how you ever got along without it.


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