Category Archives: My DN Travel News

Trying to Use Others Can Cost YOU Success (Advice you need to give your child)

Sigh. It keeps happening. Despite the many valuable opportunities it denies those who do it, they keep doing it. I refer to the tendency some have, for wanting to prove they are better than others. And the sometimes shocking contempt they display for those they (try to) “unfeelingly use” to achieve their selfish ends. Read this article to learn why your child must think and act differently, to make the most of herself in life!

Insecure Persons Abound In Society: Learn to Identify, and Protect Yourself from Them

Once you seem to be equally (or more) competent than they are in a specific area of endeavor, they feel threatened. Next thing you know, they’ll start speaking and acting funny. They’ll begin “competing” with you. But most times you’ll be unaware they nuirse such feelings towards you!

Beware of people like this.Learn to identify them, so they don’t hurt you. They display tell tale habits.

For example: When you buy a new car, they immediately decide to change theirs. If they see you with a new smartphone, they quickly whip theirs out, and ask “Can yours do this?” (In the latter case, there may be exceptions who are just out to have good fun with you).

If they witness you speaking French to a foreigner who’s lost his way, they want you to know they speak Spanish or some other language. Or they’ll tell you they have a relative or friend who does.

And if they don’t do that, they’ll claim “You know, if I wasn’t so busy, I’d learn to be fluent in XYZ language too. But there’s just no free time to spare!“. They’ll say that, most times forgetting that YOU managed to become fluent, despite being just as busy as they are, if not more!

No matter how trivial the issue is, they always read an “I’m better than you” meaning into anything their perceived rival does. And they constantly seek ways to correct the psychological imbalance they feel.

You Don’t Need to Prove You’re Better Than Anyone: It’s an Unhealthy Way to Live!

I’ve written about it in the past. And today, I still tell my kids it’s unwise to go around with that kind of unproductive mental attitude.

This need some people feel to compete with others who harbor no such feelings towards them. It is a serious problem and has been since the dawn of mankind. It is the reason why jealousy and envy continue to destroy relationship between/among different groups of people…including relatives.

This attitude prevents those who have it from taking advantage of help extended to them by those they needlessly resent.

What they need is to act – daily! – in line with an Emancipated Thinking Habit™ (see image below)…

"An Emancipated Thinker™ is someone who understands that his/her ability to achieve any set goal does not depend on another person's progress or lack of it. Someone who believes that what is meant to be his/hers will always come to him/her if s/he thinks in the right way and takes appropriate action to bring it to reality." - Tayo K. Solagbade

A True Story That Illustrates How Trying to Use Others, &/Or Prove You’re Better, Can Cost YOU!

A few years back, I had a discussion with a long time associate, who shared the following true – and very instructive – story with me.

Tim, an independent consultant, made contact with Ike – a business promotion service provider – whose work he encountered while with a client. (Note: Names used are not real).

Ike possessed an unusual combination of skills that apparently enabled him achieve considerable marketing reach and impact at low cost. Not just for himself, but also his clients.

This enabled him spend considerably less time, money and effort to get marketing exposure he wanted.

In contrast, Tim enjoyed recognition from existing clients – and they gave him referrals. But he was less proficient in his business promotion for generating new sales leads outside established contacts.

He knew it, and sincerely wanted to improve on that aspect of his marketing. At least he told Ike so.

It Soon Became Obvious That Tim Only Sought to “Exploit” Ike

Tim began enquiring about services Ike offered.

Over a period of weeks however, Ike noticed Tim’s “conversations” suggested he had ulterior motives.

For one thing, each time Ike replied to the enquiries (by email or phone), nothing ever came of it.

Tim always found an excuse to not take a decision.

Instead he would come up with a new twist to the request. For instance, Tim intermittently asked – subtly – that Ike introduce/recommend him (i.e. Tim) to his (Ike’s clients), so he could offer his consulting service to them.

Ike considered the request strange given the fact that he did not have any clients with such a need.

What was more, he knew such a move could back fire in many ways against him if was not careful.

He had yet to really get to know Tim – and had not even had any business dealings with him.

Yet, Tim repeatedly made propositions along those lines, rather than take up the main issue he claimed to have sought Ike out for!

But That Was Not All!

Tim also repeatedly suggested they do joint ventures of various kinds. That was not a bad thing.

But 9 times out of 10, what he proposed strongly indicated he wanted to use Ike’s skills to look good!

For instance, he kept asking Ike come up with learning material they could use/sell at a learning event. Knowing that Ike was skilled in this area, he would then ask if he had any already written.

Ike would often suggest they both prepare material specifically for the event, to add useful value to attendees. Tim would counter that he was too busy, and that Ike would be better off doing that, then letting him see!

Final Words

These one-sided “me, myself and I” requests from Tim were obvious signs of dis-honest intentions.

Luckily, Ike saw through them.

So, he protected himself, by avoiding committing himself to anything.

And he also gradually withdrew from Tim, knowing their relationship would never be win-win.

People who behave like Tim will always lose more than they get.

Let your child know s/he must think and act differently (click here), IF s/he wants to make the most of herself in life!

Use Your Job Loss Experience to Achieve Greater Success

If you’ve lost your job, you’ll want to read this piece. But even if you’ve not, it’s possible you (now, or in the future) will know one or more persons who have. If they are having a hard time dealing with it, or getting their lives back on track, you might want to send them the URL to this article :-)

No Matter How Good You Are, Your Salaried Job Won’t Last Forever

Some people love being in paid employment being in paid employment. But in life, nothing lasts forever.

Even if you’re the most competent person in your company, you could lose your job.


Well, the company could run into some bad fortune, and have to close shop.

The owner could sell it to a bigger company who may decide to do a manpower shuffle. That process could make them ask anyone who does not fit into their plans to leave.

The problem is that seldom do people who get asked to leave see it coming. Especially those who love salaried employment.

That’s why when it happens, it typically throws them into panic and confusion.

They can be at a loss about what to do. Sometimes, this leads to depression, especially they are unable to get another job, or find something else to do, to earn income.

Implications of Jobs Loss Will Differ for Every Individual

From unmarried young persons, to aging career persons with spouses and kids.

In each situation, the pressures -0 social and financial – will differ. Those who have dependants are likely to experience more challenges dealing with the sudden loos of income, than those who are single, and living alone.

Having said that, most times a job loss has more than financial implications for those affected.

There are psychological implications as well. Most responsible adults like to feel they are being productive or useful.

For instance, it can be frustrating to find yourself with nothing to do, and nowhere to go on a Monday morning. Especially if for months or years you’ve been going out to a 9 to 5 or even shift job.

Not everyone is Self-directed and Can Easily Switch to Entrepreneurial Mode: Yet, Doing So Can Turn the Disappointment of Job Loss into the Blessing of a Lifetime!

I know not everyone would prefer to start a business when they lose their jobs.

However during the phase when you’re searching for another job, you might want to consider doing something entrepreneurial, to get some cash in, and to fund your new job search.

When you get the job, you may then choose to stop.

Or you could keep doing it on the side – so you can have something to fall back on when you retire. And it would contribute an additional income stream even while you’re employed.

Success in life is often about using bad experiences as stepping stones to good experiences you want.

Or turning unpleasant circumstances to your advantage.

Successful people do that habitually. And that’s why they succeed!

I’ve read true stories about successful persons, whose journeys to achievement were triggered by a job loss experience.

In other words, the job loss served as a wake up call for them. But they only succeeded because they chose to respond to that call.

Those who fail do so because they choose to sit down and moan about life being unfair to them.

Take my advice: Don’t be like them, and waste a valuable opportunity to GROW, and succeed!

Most People Squander the Opportunity to Use a Job Loss Experience to Move Higher In Life

They immediately adopt a negative view of it, refusing to see any useful outcome it might bring.

One reason I believe this happens is that today’s humans have lost their inner sight. By this I mean the ability to see beyond to immediate and obvious.

To competently use their sixth sense to make accurately interpret experiences they have.

As I’ve said in a past article, our increasing dependence on the comforts of technology, is responsible for creating that weakness in us.

That’s why some of us easily panic and experience frustration when things go wrong. They are unable to sense the hidden or underlying benefit to be had from it.

YOU Can Be One of the Rare Exceptions!

You can make your story different. Not just for yourself, but for the sake others who will be inspired by your consequent achievements.

If you’re reading this article because of someone you know/care for, that’s what you need to tell him/her when you send the URL across.

There’s no magic formula. And it’s not likely to be easy either.

But if you choose not to let the loss you’ve experienced get you down, it won’t.

Simply resolve to see it as what it is: a potential opportunity for you to improve your fortunes in life.

Don’t stop at just “seeing” it that way however.

Also think and act about it in a manner consistent with the positive view you’ve adopted.

For instance, every single day explore new employment opportunities, business start up ideas or other avenues to success.

Intelligently seek guidance from competent others to making productive use of your time and efforts.

As time goes on, the results you get will help you decide what areas to focus on more.

And eventually, you’ll discover what specific one to narrow down to, till you succeed.

No one can tell you exactly how the future will unfold for you.

But diligently apply yourself. And believe that your creator will guide you to take the right decisions, and meet the right persons.

Do that with determination and persistence, and you will eventually succeed.

To Change Your Circumstances You Need To Change Your Mindset!

How far two people go in life (in terms of their pursuit of success and achievement) will most often depend on their individual mind sets. When something unpleasant happens to you, your mind set determines how you see it.

You’ve Probably Read or Heard About the Analogy of the Glass Cup Filled to the Middle with Water

A pessimist regards it as half-empty. The optimist regards it as half-full.

Neither would be wrong in his/her assessment of the fill level in the glass cup.

However, each person’s adopted view often determines how s/he feels about a situation or an issue. And that will influence what s/he will subsequently be prepared to do to change it.

As Human Beings Our Natural Instinct is to View Anything We Dislike as Bad for Us

When something we value is running out, we feel like we’re losing. That’s negative, and not pleasant.

But when it’s growing or increasing, we feel like we’re progressing. That’s positive, and pleasant.

However, the truth is there will be times when what we find unpleasant may actually be a blessing in disguise!

For instance, exposure to lack (of money etc) could teach us prudence in spending. Or even train us to endure hardship.

The creator has unique ways of passing lessons to us.

We must therefore learn to be more perceptive in evaluating every experience we have, each day.

Sometimes What We Dis-like May Be What We Need to Get What We DO LIKE!

For instance, when we fall ill, we may have to take medication – or at least stay in bed to get well. The drug may come in form of bitter tablets which we do not like swallowing.

Yet they could be the only available option to get us well.

Some people are so outdoor loving/active that a doctor’s order to stay in bed would feel like a death sentence to them. Yet, if they fail to do it, a worsening of their diagnosed health condition could result.

You can choose to see any bad experience you have the same way e.g. a job loss.

See it as a challenge for you to make a better change in your life e.g. to choose a new career path, explore a different vocation or start a business.

It could be unpleasant, and even difficult/painful for a while, but eventually, it would yield positive benefits for you.

A person who lacks the ability to endure hardship, will not be useful to his/her children if/when life throws a challenge of adversity at his family.

The creator knows this, and that’s why he sometimes lets seemingly bad stuff happen to us. Rather than hurt us, they are meant to – proactively – toughen us up, for a future need, we may not yet see. Take it from me. I HAVE been there more times than I can count!

That’s Why I Stopped Believing in Coincidences

Over the past ten years, my experiences have taught me that there are no coincidences. Your experiences arise from choices you make, against the background of guidance quietly offered by your creator.

Unfortunately, most of us have not learned to listen carefully enough, to make choices in line with the creator’s promptings.

This is the reason why we sometimes take a while to turn our circumstances around.

Do you see what I mean now? It really so simple!

I say this from over a decade of personal experience, learning to listen and act properly myself.

What I’ve learnt now enables me more consistently achieve changes I want in my circumstances.

Give what I’m saying here serious thought. Doing so could reveal truths you need to make progress!

Get Started By Learning about Others Who Changed Their Circumstances

A good way to begin is to read about others who overcame adversity, and/or setbacks to succeed.

Many repeatedly dug deep into themselves to find new inspiration, and change their situations.

All it took was a mind set shift. Specifically, a refusal to view what happened to them negatively.

So many such stories can be found online. Google will throw up enough to get you started.

You can also speak with any persons you know – or discover – to have achieved authentic success in a similar manner. (NB: Emphasis on authentic success here, is very deliberate. Today, we have more phony people telling fake success stories. Beware!)

Now, even if you cannot find such persons to talk to, stories available on and off the web (in autobiographies) can do wonders for you. They were all I had to accompany me during many lonely years of struggles and persistence.

And they proved to be worthy companions!

Reading them taught me the patience and endurance I needed to overcome delays, disappointments and setbacks that came my way.

Today, I’m better equipped to confront and defeat adversity, than I ever was when I started out in 2002, as an entrepreneur.

That’s why I truly believe YOU can also change your circumstances, by changing your mind set – and acting based on it, to achieve your goals.

Your Business Should Free You, Not Restrict You

If you own a business – with employees – that won’t make money/do well unless you’re there, what you have is NOT a business, but a job! This article offers guidance to help you get maximum value from your business – even when you’re not physically present. Indeed if you do it right, you’ll develop a system that actually lets you stay away from your business, and return to find it doing just as well as (if not better than) you left it.

As an extension professional, my aim is to provide farm business owners with useful information and education, to guide them in daily running of their farms. Especially in the routine planning and decision making they have to do. In certain cases, I develop resources to enhance their ability to do what they do better.

Examples include my custom Excel-VB driven Farm Operations Management software, or my increasingly in-demand Practical Livestock Feed Formulation handbook, and the Ration Formulator software that goes with it.

I’m Using Farm Businesses as a Basis for Discussion – But This Applies to ANY Business

I provide Farm Business Problem Solving and Performance Improvement services. Doing so brings me in regular contact (online and off the web) with people running all kinds of farm enterprises.

But I also serve clients who own other kinds of businesses (with my web marketing systems development, software development, and other services).

A common limitation many farmers have, keeps them from truly enjoying the benefits of owning their own businesses.

It’s not just those who run farms that face this challenge. Many business owners experience it as well.

I refer to the inability to setup self-sustaining systems that ensure their businesses can run profitably, without need for constant intervention from them.

They literally have to physically supervise all key stages of their farm production processes to get results. Anytime they fail to do this, the chances of things going wrong dramatically increase.

What a terrible way to live as a business owner. To not be able to take time off and be confident that things will happen as you need them to!

But it does not have to be that way. And I explain how you can avoid living like that, using a real life example below.

Building a Best Practice Farm Management Software, to Free the Owner from Routine Monitoring Tasks & Decision Making Headaches (True Story)

I’ve been back in Nigeria since last week, this time travelling with my client to his Integrated Farm in South West Nigeria. We have spent time briefing his staff, and managers on the new paper based recording formats I’ve developed for use by the farm hands.

Daily entries into those one-sheet forms will capture operations data for the layers section. From eggs laid, to mortalities recorded, total feed used, and so on. At the end of each day, the forms will be signed off by each operative, and vetted by the supervisor/farm manager. Then they will be forwarded the administrative team, who will post the data into the software.

The application will then – via a series of dynamic drop down menus – be used to automatically generate Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) like Hen Day Percentage. Feeding Rates etc.

The KPIs are also charted for trending purposes over time. That enables farm planning and decision making happen more intelligently.

For instance, when you see a sudden spike or trough in the plotted lines, you’ll instantly know something’s changed. And that knowledge will guide you to identify what you – and/or your staff – did right (so you can do more of it) or what you – and/or your staff – did wrong (so you can stop doing it).

By the time you get used to managing your farm operation in this manner, you will find it’s become much easier than when you started.

You’ll actually discover you know what to expect from your farm operation at any point in time.

When You Know What to Expect, You’ll Be Better Prepared to Deal With Whatever It Is

In other words you’ll encounter few, if at all any, surprises in the daily running of your business.

That realization will give you confidence. And the confidence will empower you to free yourself from the need to ALWAYS be at work on your business.

It would simply not be necessary!

The ability to accurately and regularly monitor your farm KPIs would equip you to know how things are going.

And they would also forewarn you of unhealthy trends that the ordinary eyes would not see.

Uninitiated farm hands will be amazed at your ability to deduce when they do things they should not.


Well, if they keep doing wrong, it will show up in your KPIs – unless you did not set up your standards properly!

Final Words

Think about it for a moment.

Would it not be a heavenly experience to NOT have to run around chasing your farm hands to do the right things daily?

Would you not be glad to have access to a system that x-rays what’s happening on your farm for you?

A system that clearly points to areas you are likely to encounter problems BEFORE they happen?

One that routinely serves you information that equips you to correct anything that’s going wrong, before major damage or setbacks result?

I think it would be great to have such a resource. And so do my farm business owner clients!

That is why they readily adopt the use of a Best Operating Process Management System (BOPMS)™.

A key component of the BOPMS™ is the use of custom Farm Management Software which generate KPIs like those mentioned above.

To enjoy FREEDOM and peace of mind, in running your business – even one that’s not farm based – adopt best practice principles, as described in this article.

You’ll be glad you did.

No. 106: Are You Ready to Be Helped?

A person who needs help may not always be ready (or willing) to make effective use of it when it comes.

Strange, but true. Not many people realise this. Yet it is often what keeps some from succeeding, despite getting lots of help from various quarters!

I know it’s debatable. And like everything else in life, there will be exceptions. But my careful study of this particular issue for years, has revealed a distinct trend.



Click now to view the latest issue of Tayo Solagbade's Public Speaking IDEAS page

View Tayos video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsConnect with Tayo on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google Plus

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Publication: Tayo Solagbade’s Weekly Public Speaking IDEAS Page (PSIP) Newsletter

Date: Monday 9th August 2013


Title: Are You Ready to Be Helped?

Author & Publisher: Tayo K. Solagbade [Tel: +234-803-302-1263 (in Nigeria) or +229-66-122-136 (in Benin Republic) ]

Blog URL:

Archive (For E-mail only version started 14th May 2012): Click here to view

Archive (For Blog version started 24th September 2011): Click here


Please find below the latest issue of my Speaking IDEAS newsletter.

On Being a Master (PDF)...A Gift from Burt Dubin - Click now!


No. 106: Are You Ready to Be Helped?

**** **********

NB: If you ever find yourself wondering what else I’ve written, some days after you’ve read THIS Speaking Ideas newsletter I send out on a Monday, here’s what you can do to find out: Point your browser to to read at least ONE new post added to my SD Nuggets blog on a different category from Tuesday till Saturday (sometimes even Sundays) in line with this publishing schedule :-)


A person who needs help may not always be ready (or willing) to make effective use of it when it comes. Strange, but true. Not many people realise this. Yet it is often what keeps some from succeeding, despite getting lots of help from various quarters!

I know it’s debatable. And like everything else in life, there will be exceptions. But my careful study of this particular issue for years, has revealed a distinct trend.

When people get given, without exerting serious effort to get, they are likely to become laid back.

This is why so many organisations which give monetary “AID” rarely record situations in which recipients wean themselves off such programs.

Instead, majority of beneficiaries simply wait for it to come. They know the AID givers will always return with new/more aid!

There are also others with access to well connected, and influential people, who open all sorts of doors for them. Yet they never record authentic achievements.

But Some People Lack Helpers, Yet Still Manage to Achieve Authentic Success

In contrast to the above, we have unknown, unconnected persons from unprivileged backgrounds, who lack any form of support.

They know no one important or influential. Yet, despite these multiple limitations, they go on to record phenomenal successes – wherever they go.

It always seems so unlikely. Yet it has happened countless times. History has many examples on record.

Those who misuse help they get, sometimes resent such disadvantaged persons who succeed with little or no help.

They find it hard to understand how a person can achieve so much, despite having so little.

Funny isn’t it?

One would think they would consider it a wake up call. But people differ, I guess.

Success Is Not a Function of Who You Know, or What You Have

What they fail to understand is that success is no respecter or status, position, or influence.

It comes more readily to those who desire it most strongly. People most willing to take practical steps to get it. People who are prepared to stretch themselves, to achieve their dreams.

Such people will keep chasing their desired goals, even if no help comes to them.

Those are the kinds of people who are ready to be helped!

Their mental attitude of perpetual readiness equips them to make effective use of any help they get.

Because they hunger deeply for success, they will often seize opportunities that come their way with both hands.

If anyone gives them an appointment, they make a point of being on time.

If told to send in a speaker one-sheet to organisers of a special event for instance, they can stay up all night – if necessary – to get it in before the deadline.

In other words, they simply do not fool around!

For them, procrastination is abomination. And action taking towards achieving their desires is a way of life.

Anything that does not move them closer to their goals is considered a distraction, and dispensed with.

The above attitude – and attributes – make them succeed, even if/when no help comes their way.

Interestingly, that is what tends to convince even total strangers, to become their devoted helpers!

That demonstrated commitment to succeeding no-matter-what, wins the confidence of others, who consequently become convinced any help they give will not go to waste.

Challenge Yourself to Make the Best Possible Use of Help You Get

People may offer you support (in cash or other forms), towards achieving your goal.

But that, on its own, may not guarantee your success.

As a results-focussed expert, actively seek ways to make any support you get count for something.

Remember: Not everyone will get offers of help. What’s more, we will not all know influential/powerful persons, who can open doors for us. In addition, we must remember that we are not all equally gifted.

The above are reasons why it pays, to be ready to take good advantage of ANY help that comes our way!

Need More Details of How to Make The Above Ideas Work for YOU?

If you need more specific details of how to make use of the ideas I’ve shared in this newsletter, send me a message using this request form – with “Re: No. 106: Are You Ready to Be Helped?” in the subject line.

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Have a lovely week!

Tayo K. Solagbade*

Self-Development/Performance Improvement Specialist

*Sole Agent For Burt Dubin’s Speaker Mentoring Service In Africa

Mobile: +234-803-302-1263 (in Nigeria) or +229-66-122-136 (in Benin Republic)

Self-Development/Performance Enhancement SpecialistTayo Solagbade – works as a multipreneurial freelance writer providing  zero risk article and report writing support for website owners, while travelling slowly across West Africa as a Location Independent Entrepreneur.

He’s presently based in Benin Republic, where he’s preparing an English-French Language Guide, City Travel Guides, and a Commercial Rabbit Farming Guide.

In a previous life, before leaving to become self-employed, Tayo served for seven years as a high performing manager in Guinness Nigeria. He rose from Shift Brewer, to Training & Technical Development Manager, then later acted in senior management roles as Production Manager and Technical Manager.

When he’s not amazing clients with his superhuman skills (wink), Tayo works as the creative force behind his Self-Development Nuggets™ blog, and Public Speaking IDEAS newsletter (which he publishes to promote Burt Dubin’s Public Speaking Mentoring service to experts working across the African continent).

For a limited time, Tayo is available to speak to your group or organization for a moderate fee. Send e-mail to tayo at tksola dot com. You can also visit to learn more.

Connect with him on Twitter and Facebook.


Have you been undecided about whether or not to become a paid speaker? Or have you been trying to get your speaking career off the ground with little success?

Here’s a tip: Burt Dubin works with people who want to be speakers, and with speakers who want to be masters. Click here to visit his website NOW and submit a contact form message telling him what challenges you’re facing, and how you’d like him to help you. Tell him I sent you, and you’ll get a pleasant surprise offer from him.


What do you think of the above message? Do you have any personal experience to share on this subject? Are there some other points you feel can be added, to help persons looking for answers? Please share your thoughts!

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View Tayos video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsConnect with Tayo on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google Plus

What fears or doubts are keeping you from (a) taking up Burt Dubin’s monthly speaker mentoring, or (b) buying his products?

You can choose to purchase Burt’s mentoring at any of the three (3) levels listed below:

1. Top Shelf [Click here] | 2. Mid Range [Click here] | 3. Budget Delight [Click here]

Burt’s three mentoring packages can be likened to the seating options offered by airlines: Budget Delight (Economy); Mid Range (Business); and Top Shelf (First Class).

At least that’s how I like to think of them!

All three will get you to your desired destination of “speaking success-ville” – so long as you meet the requirements/play your part well (your fare, abide by the set guidelines etc). During the “flight”, the seat you have will determine how much personal service attention and preference the provider will accord you. It’s that simple :-)

So, make your choice:1. Top Shelf [Click here] | 2. Mid Range [Click here] | 3. Budget Delight [Click here]

Send me an e-mail with your questions via tayo at tksola dot com. In the meantime, why not get started by subscribing here to get his 7-Part Course (How To Succeed And Get Paid As A Professional Speaker) .  . . and receive his monthly newsletter (Speaking Biz Strategies Letter) at no cost.

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For over 25 years, Burt Dubin has provided a variety of speaker mentoring products and services to clients worldwide.

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Burt Dubin now offers his speaker mentoring service to experts based in Africa. Click now to download this flyer as PDF

Up-sell to Offline Clients Using Your Online Writing (True Stories)

I read online articles written by different freelance writing experts about how to get clients. I’m however a bit of an unusual kind of freelance writer.

[NB: I’d planned to auto schedule this post to appear on Saturday, in line with the normal schedule, but I’m getting an error message. Since I’m travelling, I’ve decided to publish now, as connectivity is not too reliable where I’m headed.]

For one thing, I have a multidisciplinary bias. In addition, I actively use my online writing to sell different products and services both on and off the web. I’ve been doing this for many years now. And it often works quite well – profitably I mean – for me.

Here’s One Recent Example...

I was introduced to the owner of an Integrated Farm some time ago. Within an hour of discussing my Pineapple peel based drink, we’d hit it off in terms of a mutual area of interest. He gave me some tips about how to progress my Pineapple peels based drinks idea – including possible strategic partners.

Then he took me up on a side comment I made about how he could save money e.g. by using earthworm farming to generate quality protein meat for fish reared on his farm.

I told him I’d also written articles on rearing of Daphnia in glass cultures to feed catfish fingerlings. This would eliminate the need to spend money on the expensive packaged Artemia.

At a point, we went online to review a few websites of companies rearing earthworms. He saw, and believed.

Then he showed me his website – the one put up for the farm by a young relative. It was static html based. The content was all text, and sparse.

It did not in any way do justice to the advanced farming setup he’d shown me in pictures and videos on his I-pad.

I had to tell him the website design and content needed overhaul.

I did so because I cared, and felt the website would better generate sales leads for him, if he corrected that defect.

To explain, I showed him a “Jooma!” website I’d built for a new client here in Cotonou. I noted the fact that the content was written – and setup – to be response generating.

Then I added that his needed to be so treated, if he was to get optimal value from his online presence.

I also showed him pages on my Farm Business Website where I’d used slideshow galleries to present information in a visually engaging manner to visitors. Then we looked at the embedded You tube videos, and descriptions weaved around them on my website.

24 hours later, he’d given me an advance payment cheque to do something similar for him

That project was completed over 2 weeks ago.

Just yesterday, after days of discussion, I showed his a draft for an Information Product I proposed to author in his name, for sale on his farm – and website.

That discussion ended with him saying he would like to have me complete the product. To sell the idea successfully, I simply pointed out that his farm already did what was to be documented in the book.

And he, as an expert, was already competent.

In effect, by letting me create the Information Product, it could be used to attract buyers, and others interested in being trained or accessing consultation with him.

That would create passive income generation opportunities, to complement what the farm already generates.

And to prove that this idea would work, I simply showed him how my popular Feed Formulation Handbook, and its accompanying software page.

I explained that despite NOT having a farm of my own, the products continue to generate income for me.

My relentless web marketing gets my sales pages found via Google and other search engines.

Prospects send in email requests for payment details. Then they deposit/transfer between N8, 000 to N20, 500 depending on what they want.

After that, I customize the products and email to them. A simple and straight forward process!

He liked the sound of that, saw that it was a viable idea, and told me he wanted it.

All I’ve described above was mainly due to my online writing – which I use for marketing.

I do not contribute to offline magazines, newspapers or journals (yet).

Everything I do is online. But I’ve learnt to use what I have online to build credibility and win sales offline.

If I can do it, you can too.

Your Teenager Giving You Problems? Hurray!

I’m playing devil’s advocate here. But with good reason. You see I gave my father and mother parenting nightmares as a teenager. In fact, I started from when I was ten.

Then I went right on till I clocked sixteen – when I committed my most sensationally bad act in school, as a school prefect! All to the unending embarrassment of my sibling, who was in the same school with me, and my frustrated parents.

[NB:I’d planned to auto schedule this post to appear on Friday, in line with the normal schedule, but I’m getting an error message. Since I’m travelling, I’ve decided to publish now as connectivity is not too reliable where I’m headed.]

Thankfully, you should be able to gather, from reading this article and others here on my blog, that I found a way to redeem myself :-)

Today, I live a very purpose driven life, which simply has no room for trivialities. I am on a mission to be the best I can be, in a way that will benefit all that come into direct or indirect contact with me.

If I Had Not Been Naughty in My Teenage Years, I’m Not Sure I Would Be This Strong Today

I gained admission to the university at the age of 17, and by then I’d taken a personal vow to stop giving my family grief. Up till that period I kept having all sorts of flashbacks over my short past life. I’d done many silly things, gotten caught and punished, then done more, gotten caught…in a continuous cycle!

At no time did my getting into trouble ever feel good. But most times when I was running around with my bad friends, secretly doing things, I knew I ought not to be doing, I felt wonderful!

It’s like those who take drugs to get on a high.

Some of us simply need something to get us high. And if no one provides us a legitimate outlet, we create one or more for ourselves. Teenagers need excitement – something to challenge them. And that’s why they sometimes get into trouble.

Looking back, I realise my teenage experiences – especially the mistakes I made, have served as useful instructors in my adult life.

If I had not had them, it’s likely I would not have arrived adulthood as prepared as I was, to deal with “temptations” I’ve overcome over the years.

In other words, I am strong today, because I used to be weak, and fell often as a result. But I got back up, each time and learnt my lessons.

Do NOT Lose Hope In Your “Naughty Teenager

The above is why I personally would be worried about a child that never gets into trouble. S/he would give me less insight into what s/he’s capable of. At least that’s my opinion :-)

For me, a teenager acting naughty (at least a little bit, every now and then) is a sign of a healthy child. One who has energies that s/he can be coached to channel to productive ends.

That’s what happened to me – but only because my parents did not give up on, or condemn me.

And that’s why I’m writing this article. You as a parent must never let your child feel you’ve lost hope in him/her. Even if s/he acts like s/he does not care.

The teen years are a transition period. Boys and girls go through unfamiliar (sometimes scary) physical and psychological transformations. Sometimes they may not have access to much help to understand what they’re passing through.

Make Yourself Available to Play That Role, If You Want Your Teenager to Turn Out Well.

Start early, BEFORE the teen years, to build a relationship with the child towards playing that role if/when the need arises.

For instance, teach him/her to NOT place too much value on material possessions. To avoid seeking to impress others with “things”. To appreciate that what s/he has in him/her is enough. To be self-reliant, and believe strongly in getting guidance from the creator.

Simply put, help him/her develop strength of character. Even when a person falls, that will help him/her recover. I say this based on personal experiences and observations: Think Tiger Woods for instance!

Your child’s naughty actions can give you insights into his/her natural interests, passions and possibly talents. Provide legitimate outlets for such needs you detect, at home or in a positive environment.

The idea here is to coach and influence her to turn such energies into something useful.

Dealing With My Own Teenage Son Who’s Acting Naughty

My first son has been a rock of support to my wife in the home since he was 8. He has always helped manage household chores – including cooking for his sibling when necessary. I’m convinced he’ll be a wonderfully domesticated husband to a lucky woman some day :-)

Since turning 14 however, he’s been giving my wife and I some cause for concern. To be fair, he’s not done anything even remotely close to the stuff I did in my time (thank God!). At least not yet (ha ha!).

But he’s showing signs of the teenage restlessness that I’m all too familiar with.

The mother tells me he often goes out without telling her, to stay with friends for hours on end. When confronted, he refuses to own up. Sometimes he tells blatant lies about where he’s been.

Recently, he’s managed to influence his immediate younger brother to join him!

Since I relocated to Benin, I periodically call to speak with him and his siblings on phone.

Here’s an Example of a Phone Conversation I Once Had with Him

Me: So, how was school today?

Him: Fine.

Me: What did you do?

Him: I attended classes and read my books.

Me: What subjects did you attend classes on?

Him: I can’t remember.

Me: What do you mean – you can’t remember the subject you attended classes for today?

….and so on…

You get the drift: General indifference. Typical teenager attitude!

Final Words: Invest The Time/Effort to Help Your Child Now, So You’ll Have No Regrets Later

The signs differ from child to child. In my son’s case, my own experiences have guided me (from way back) to sense his attitude in this regard.

I’ve long since adopted a proactive approach to dealing with it. That’s why when he was 13; I got him to attend a 6 month manual typing course, which he has since completed.

Next thing I did was to make him think up and write stories (like this one) on subjects that interest him, using the computer.

Indeed for all my kids (I have five of them – 3 boys, aged 14, 12, and 10 plus 2 girls, aged 7 and 3) I’ve chosen to introduce a vocational dimension to their learning experiences. (NB: My other parenting articles explain why I do not follow traditional schooling methods.)

It is based on the interests they tell me they have. My hope is that through what interests them, I can help them overcome any indifference that may arise, to other things that matter e.g. their studies.

For me, what is important is guiding each child to:

(1) develop an independent personality and

(2) acquire competence to use self-study to acquire needed knowledge to achieve valued goals.

I know it won’t be easy, but I’m determined to do my best. With support from my wife, and also my mother – whose 3 decades experience as a teacher has come in handy so far – I’m sure we’ll win.

Create Learning Resources to Boost Employee Performance

I got my very first paid job as a Trainee Sales Coordinator in early 1994. It was with an indigenous wine manufacturing company that used ripe paw paw fruits as raw materials for making its range of products.

The owner had retired from decades of working in a large brewing multinational.

I believe his exposure to organizational procedures taught him the importance of proper training for employees. This is because he made sure I was put through the entire production process, even as I went on with my sales training. And that experience proved valuable, to me, in doing my job – and also contributing to the team’s efforts.

Results-Focused Organizations Make Their Solutions Easy to Understand – and Use

Smart organizations today develop solutions that their target audiences can easily learn to use, by offering DIY (Do-It-Yourself) learning resources.

Think about anything you’ve ever learnt to use. Your new car, computer, smart phone etc. Most people find the user manual or guide that accompanies those items useful.

In many cases, the maker of an item ensures enough information is provided in an easy to understand manner. As a result, we find that today the DIY mentality has caught on in many parts.

And why not? The cost of paying for the provider to come down and give you a one-on-one induction on use of his/her product or service would be high.

In addition, s/he would be limited by the number of people who need such attention. Costs of operation would rise, and by the time that is transferred into the product or service fee, the item could become less affordable.

Learning Resources Work Best When Based on Standard Operating Procedures

But it’s not just for their buyers companies need to do this. Indeed, to turn out solutions that consistently meet market needs, companies also have to create similar conditions internally.

It does not matter if you deliver products or services to your market.

As long as you employ human beings, it is important to give them instructions on how to do it right, from the very beginning.

What steps do you take to get your product or service RIGHT FIRST TIME, EVERY TIME (like an old advert I recall used to say)?

Whatever they are, they will make up what is called your SOP or Standard Operating Procedure.

To ensure your company consistently gets it right, you need to ensure ALL members of your team understand – and conform to – your SOP.

Job based training and learning resources should therefore feature well in your internal operations. They are the vehicles through which the necessary “message” and knowledge will be transmitted to your employees – new or old –so they can master their jobs.

Also provide friendly learning resources/reference materials (e.g. workplace work instructions documents, training manuals etc) they can consult, if doubts arise, or unexpected situations develop.

All of these will make them more familiar with what they need to do over time.

From familiarity, confidence develops. And the confident state of mind drives away uncertainty – meaning the employee will act at work with minimal doubt. Consequently, fewer errors on the job will occur, and mastery will be achieved.

Improved volume and quality of work output by him/her, and others, will ultimately occur routinely!

To Summarize, the Above Described Process Will Result In The Sequence of Benefits Listed Below:

1. Elevated employee job-based confidence level, because they’ll often know exactly what to do, and how.

2. That will result in a significant reduction in unforced errors they commit while at work.

3. Which will make their workplace output (and the company’s) more predictable.

4. And all of the above will enable the company’s planning and decision making to be more profitable.

You’re Not Crazy to Follow Your Inner Voice

Have you ever had a thought cross your mind, that made you stop and think “I can’t do that; people will think I’m crazy!” If YES (as long as it’s nothing negative/bad) know that some of the world’s most celebrated people had similar experiences. And they became great because they refused to let that concern stop them from doing what their inner voice told them.

We Are All Spiritual Beings

Never mind all the religious “noise” that dominates society today. The bottom line is that every single human being is spiritually endowed. Most times however, especially in these modern times, when technology has provided so much comfort that dulls our senses, many of us “forget”.

This is why today, the few people who manage to uncover their own spiritual abilities a bit, become the “men and women of God” the rest of us follow. We make ourselves believe they have a more reliable direct line to the creator, and that we have to pass through them.

Nothing could however be further from the truth. What I say here is based on over 20 years of trial and error testing, done with my personal life.

Time and time again, from when I was nineteen, in my third year in the university, I have put everything I’ve been told about religion – any religion – to the test.

Everyone Hears from the Creator – Most Just Don’t Know It’s Him!

What I have found out is that 99.95% of what we get told everyday about God, and what he wants, was made up by those who said it, or those they heard it from.

In reality, every one of us hears directly from the creator. The problem is we have been told it’s not normal to hear things – especially voices on the inside of us. We have been warned about mental sicknesses that show up via symptoms of voices in one’s head.

As a result, many of us would rather have someone else tell us what the creator is saying – by listening to the voices in his/her own head! Unfortunately, putting people in such positions of power and influence over others can get intoxicating.

This is why even when they hear no voices; those we depend on in this manner sometimes decide to “manufacture” messages from voices they make up by themselves!

And eventually, the daring ones start a religious movement of some sort, and recruit gullible followers.

Be Your Own Oracle, and Make The World A Better Place

Don’t be afraid to be ahead of your time. Today, history acknowledges those who, in the past chose not to be afraid, as having made the world a better place by doing so.

A voice in your head may be telling you to follow a passion you know you have, wherever it may take you. Like any normal human being, you may worry that you’ll look bad to others, especially when if it takes a while for you to succeed at it.

But guess what?

So did Marconi, the father of wireless communication.

From the age of twenty he endured ridicule, criticism and even opposition (from others – including his own father, who destroyed his contraptions, believing they were wasteful) – until he was proved right.

Many called him crazy. As they did Robert Goddard, who today has the American Space Centre named after him, following pioneering work in rocket science that made today’s space travel possible.

So many examples exist in history that you can read up online, to inspire yourself.

I urge you to do that, if you still lack the confidence to follow your heart…and the quiet voice that’s telling you what to do, where to go, and even how.

That’s What I Did to Build and Maintain My Self-Belief Till I Matured

In 2005, I wrote an article titled “When I Quit My Job, They Called Me "Mad" – And I Felt So, So Sorry, For Them”. It was based on the true story about when I left Guinness Nigeria to start my own business.

I took that decision despite being at a point in my career, where great senior management career advancement opportunities were beckoning.

A former senior colleague who I met told me some others said I’d lost my senses to give up such a promising career, for the uncertainties of starting a business.

I, on the other hand, told him that each passing day convinced me I’d taken the smartest decision of my life.

It’s been years since I wrote that piece, and my achievements prove I was right.

Today I’m making useful impact in my chosen areas of focus and interest – both online and offline – in the lives of my target audiences.

And I get great fulfillment from doing what I now do every single day.

This is why I never seem to tire or get weary. It is also why people marvel that I am able to do so many different things competently, that they can (or will?) not..

That’s proof that I have connected successfully to a source of higher knowledge about myself. And it guided (still guides!) me to discover my passion, and strengths, towards excelling as a human being.

I Succeed By Listening to My Inner Voice – Continually

Yes, you cannot listen once, and hear everything.

The voice tells you what to do in phases. As you mature enough, it tells you what next to do, and sets you up to take action.

Coincidences of all sorts happen.

Sometimes you’ll find yourself repeatedly running into resistance when pushing in a particular direction.

The unitiated typically accuse the "devil" (poor guy!} – when in reality, it’s the creator trying to SAVE them from going the WRONG way!

When such a situation persists, just STOP and take some minutes, hours, days or even months to LISTEN to your inner voice.

If you do so carefully and patiently, the instructions will come, in form of deep insights, on what you need to do.

And when you take action based on those insights, you’ll find that progress becomes easy.

Here’s A True Story to Illustrate the Above Point

For years (before 2013) I fought myself about relocating from Nigeria, to another country where I could make better progress with my work.

The thought kept coming to me, that I needed to make the move.

When I leaned towards moving towards Ghana, the voice said something like "You speak French – go to Benin, it will be better there."

At a point, I told Burt Dubin about this dilemma. He wisely told me to follow my instincts…and that whatever I did he would be in my corner..:-)

Yet I procrastinated…

Until I discovered my work circumstances in Nigeria began to get worse.

Power supply grew more erratic. Clients became naughty regarding payments. And so on.

The voice came back again …quietly but persistently. I tried telling those close to me – but not ONE person agreed with the idea.

They all basically said "You know no one in that country. At least you’ve been in Ghana before. But Benin …where most people are animists? The economy is nothing compared to ours. Most people there cannot even afford to hire you!".

I replied that I did not need citizens of that country to hire me, as my work was mostly online. That made it possible for me to continue delivering products and services from any location to interested clients.

Instead, what I needed, I clarified, was a more conducive, less disruptive, and less expensive working evironment.

Still they disagreed.

At this point, I knew I had to take my own decision. So I got my passport/other papers, and traveled across the border.

Since 1st April 2013, when I moved here in Benin Republic, my productivity has gone through the roof.

It was not easy at the start, but I persisted (with support from loved ones who stayed in touch).

Today, less than 6 months on, I’m winning buyers for my products and services, at a faster rate than I ever did in Nigeria.

In fact, I even have clients who are based here, but have businesses they’ve hired me to help them with back home!

One recently had his driver transport me to his farm in Ekiti state to do a situation analysis, towards building a farm management software for him.

Looks like "someone up there" knew something I did not :-)

Those Who Call You Crazy Will Rarely Understand – But Do It All The Same!

Yes, don’t let their mockery or criticism stop you from doing what your inner voice tells you – which you know is truth.

Follow the prompting of your inner voice, and people around you will notice your increasingly rapid rate of success achievement.

By then those who doubt you will be forced to acknowledge – even celebrate you!

This will happen because what you accomplish is bound to benefit not just you, but also them…and possibly the world at large.

Like I said earlier, you (or your ideas) may be ahead of your time. That will not matter.

Think about most people who were called crazy, before their works proved to be invaluable contributions to mankind, and you’ll see this is true.

Therefore follow the example of those who came ahead of you…

Do the world a favor by following your inner voice, and sharing future possibilities with us today!

Why Won’t LinkedIn Stop Sending Me Email Invitations, Months After They Agreed To?

When – on August 16, 2013 – Alison Doyle, Guide wrote her article titled “Don’t Waste Your Time On LinkedIn”, she got more than she bargained for: her readers’ summarily bashed LinkedIn in the comments section!

About 21 of the 32 comments on her article described LinkedIn using expressions like “a complete and utter waste of time“…“a waste of Internet space”…and one “Suchi” even said “If you’re on LinkedIn, you’re a fool”…!

Wow, that’s a lot of LinkedIn “Haterade”…to echo “Jennifer”, one of the dissenters, who – correctly I might add – noted that LinkedIn is primarily for networking. According to her, she’d successfully used it to get noticed by recruiters, and ultimately hired. Which is true for many others.

Contrary to what the title may suggest, Alison’s article actually advises readers’ on ways to make proper use of LinkedIn, to reap optimal benefits.

In truth, like “Jennifer”, I also do not think LinkedIn is useless…

But it can – and does – get abused…and used to abuse others!

If you’re a regular reader of this blog, you may have come across my two articles relating to my “disagreement” with LinkedIn:

It began because they wrongly locked up my profile, then when I asked why, they claimed they saw “suspicious activity”.

Yet, despite my repeat requests they refused to give details or proof of that.

Instead they asked for my scanned passport, to verify my identity. I emailed it to them, but they never acknowledged receiving, it, and asked for it again.

Eventually, I got tired of being given the run around, and decided I’d rather NOT be there, than be made to look like a crook online.

So I told them to delete my profile with them, and made it clear I no longer wished to make use of their website. I also asked them to stop sending me email updates via the web mail address I used to open my account with them i.e. tayo at spontaneousdevelopment dot com.

They responded and confirmed that my request had been carried out, and that my email address had been removed from notifications.

I’ve Since Enjoyed Peaceful Absence of LinkedIn Invitations…Until Thursday 22nd August 2013 When They Came Back!

You and I know technology and computers can develop faults or produce errors. So I guess it’s not surprising.

But the problem I have is that it seems that LinkedIn produces a rather high volume of errors relating to me.

And that’s even now that I’m supposedly no longer listed on their website as a member or user!

Today, I received the 3rd LinkedIn invitation sent directly via to me via tayo at spontaneousdevelopment dot com – the address I specifically requested LinkedIn to STOP sending notifications to.

I received the 3rd LinkedIn invitation sent directly via to me via tayo at tayosolagbade dot com – the address I specifically requested LinkedIn to STOP sending notifications to

When the first one came in from one “Atirek Gautam” on the 22nd August @ 16.45, I ignored it. Then the very next day (Friday 23rd August @ 16.08), one “Patrick LIVE” sent me an invitation. And just 30 minutes ago, today, Tuesday 3rd September 2013, one “Eliana Meireless” sent me an invitation to connect.

And just 30 minutes ago, today, Tuesday 3rd September 2013, one “Eliana Meireless” sent me an invitation to connect.

Once again I checked the source, and it was from By this time I’d become quite upset, and scrolled down to read the footnotes.

Then I Got The Shock of My Life!

The screenshot below says it all. I don’t know how she, he (or they?) managed it, but it states as follows…

1. “you are receiving invitation emails

…and then it offers an unsubscribe link!

I ask, how could I need to unsubscribe from a list the OWNERS ( had confirmed removing me MONTHS ago??!!

2. The next line states…

…. “This email was intended for Lindsay Nelson (Student at Pensacota State College).”

How is it possible for someone with another name to use the same email address I used with LinkedIn, to create a profile that LinkedIn accepts??!!!


How is it possible for someone with another name to use the same email address I used with LinkedIn, to create a profile that LinkedIn accepts??!!!

They once locked up my profile which was linked to that email address. I would have using it again on their site would have thrown up red flags for the security team??!!

Once again, I find myself wondering if there isn’t more to this, than meets the eye…

Could it be an attempt – as I have suggested the last time – to give a dog a bad name and hang it?

After all, I am a full blooded Nigerian…and I’ve come to the painful realisation that some people simply refuse to accept that not every Nigerian is engaged in email scam and the like. In fact, I’m convinced there are those who deliberately refuse to acknowledge exceptions like me for their own ulterior motives!!

I’m displeased by this. And I have every right to be. My reputation matters to me.

This appears to be another attempt to attack my website credibility. I’ve shared past updates in which even Google offered elaborate details of such attempts via email.

CONSIDER THIS: Anyone who sees these invites coming to ME, via a fake name with my email address, can easily conclude it’s a strategy I’ve developed to stay on LinkedIn and do naughty things!

See how this can play out?

Anyway, I’ve made up my mind I will NOT talk to LinkedIn about this. (But I will email them a link to this post).

They will have to sort it out from their end. If they don’t, that would suggest those who bashed them on Alison’s article mentioned at the start of this piece may have a point!

As for me, the fact that this can happen at all, convinces me I took a smart decision choosing to jump off the LinkedIn boat!


1. If you can’t find me on here’s why.

2. Why I’ve told LinkedIn to delete my profile (Talk about trying to give a dog a bad name to hang it!)

3. Don’t Waste Your Time On LinkedIn