Category Archives: Farm Biz

How to Help Your Employees Produce Better Results – Part 2 of 2

This is Part 2 of 2 of this Career Development article. Click here to read Part 1 of 2.

6. Endorse ‘Leading” And Make “Bossing” Unfashionable:

Make it obvious that “No bosses” are wanted in your workplace, and that only leaders are welcome. The difference between these two types of people is that the former seek to dominate others, in a bid to get them to deliver results, while the latter aim to inspire others to perform.

7. Advocate Intelligent Mistake Making:

I’ve said this in a past article. Discard the “Shoot the messenger” mentality – if it exists in any form.

Aim to m ake it safe for people to make mistakes. If you allow a blame culture to take root in your workplace, people will hide their mistakes, and rarely own up – causing major problems. Mistakes that do not get stopped via corrective feedback to those responsible, will get repeated and lead to customer complaints, losses/wastes etc.

If you want people to develop on the job, you must be willing to accept that they will make mistakes on the job – because they are human!

Your role will be to help them learn from those mistakes and work hard to avoid repeating them. Anytime a person fails or makes a mistake, s/he must be made to identity and understand the cause. S/he must learn to use failure as a learning platform.

It’s simple common sense. For some strange reason, people keep repeating this mistake. That’s why I consider it worth repeating periodically!

8. Create Micro-Businesses:

Get individual departments to see themselves as mini businesses within the larger company.

Department heads can choose to regard the different units within their departments as micro businesses within each departmental mini business.

Each micro business will have a mission, which would basically be to achieve a result or complete a task that is required for other micro business(es), and the mini business to achieve their own goals…which are all linked to the organisation’s overall purpose.

At each level (Macro, Mini and Micro), the relevant team members would decide on their individual mission statements. They could draw from what they have to do within the bigger departmental unit.

This will give members a more tangible indication of what is required of them, making them better able to understand what they need to do and why.

9. When Introducing Change(s), Ensure Those Affected UNDERSTAND Why:

How do you go about introducing/implementing change that you deem necessary?

When people do not understand why the way they work – for instance – is being changed, they can resist it in subtle ways, that can hurt the company.

Take pains to explain to team members – especially those affected (positively or negatively) by it – why the change is being made. They will ‘feel” involved and understand the thinking behind the decision. Over time, their appreciation of management’s expectations from them (and its “thinking”) in relation to their jobs will improve.

10. Make Open & Honest Communication A Well Advertised Policy:

In many organisations – especially those with large workforces – sometimes the majority of employees tend to hold the (mistaken?) belief that the company’s profits are exorbitant, and that management is unjust and unfair.

This is what causes the typical situation where employees unions maintain a confrontational posture towards the company’s leadership – viewing decisions/policies with suspicion etc.

It would help if you – and others in senior/leadership positions – make a conscious effort to formally (and informally) communicate management’s positive sides.

More importantly, your actions should inspire trust and confidence amongst the workforce. Employees should for instance not (or no longer?) have to contend with what someone once described as closed doors and tense, guarded statements.

As one poster I came across on a factory wall once put it : Limited Information or No Information = NEGATIVE information.

When the employees speak with one member of the senior management team about “what’s going on”, the information s/he gives must be reasonably consistent with what another “senior” person would supply at any other time on the same subject.

Final Words

Central to all that I have said above is the need to create an atmosphere of mutual trust, respect and appreciation between and among everyone in the company.

Make your people feel recognised – and reward them when possible – for the effort they make every day to do their jobs well.

Doing this, in addition to applying other ideas like those outlined above, is very likely to make your employees deliver more value on their jobs, everyday they come in – without need for threats, or financial incentives of any sort.

How to Help Your Employees Produce Better Results

Do you want your employees to always put in their best efforts at work? This article offers ideas you can use to “subtly” make them do that. Your company’s success depends on applying them correctly.

Hint: You Need to Establish a Workplace Performance Improvement Philosophy

Now the above is just a phrase, but a lot goes into doing it. Yet, if you do it right, your employees will surprise you by willingly – and enthusiastically – doing their jobs daily. Indeed, some will readily take up more work (!) as the need to do so becomes obvious. And they would do so without being asked.

I say this from years of successfully getting people (in and out of paid employment) to unconsciously do what I want,using the ideas discussed below!

What follows are ten (10) steps you can take to achieve similar results in your company.

NB: The original article on which this new version is based, was published on this static html page on 18th September 2007.

1. Promote Creativity: 

Setup a workplace atmosphere that stimulate creativity. One way is to actively engage employees’s minds by involving them in crucial decision making about issues concerning the way they do their jobs.

Additionally, requesting their contributions towards solving problems affecting their jobs – and recognizing/rewarding them accordingly – would stimulate creativity.

Invite them to make and/or send in ideas/suggestions. Be receptive to them as they do so. Apply tact in rejecting “bad ideas” to avoid withdrawal.

2. Discourage “Blame”:

Tell them what you want without hurting their feelings. Make sure to discourage blame. Encourage everyone to focus on problem analysis/solving for improved productivity. For instance challenge them to ask WHAT went wrong and WHY – and not “WHO DID IT?”

Those who make mistakes will consequently not fear admitting it. As a result, those mistakes will rarely be repeated – at least not by the same person!

What’s more where people readily own up when they get things wrong, problem solving progresses faster, and often ends successfully.

3. Entrench Informal On-The-Job Coaching:

What is your mental attitude about each employee’s ability? Do you believe they can be coached to improve? Or have you given up on them as “hopeless”?

I suggest you adopt the former attitude because NO one human being can come to you as a perfect employee.

You must guide those who work with you to work better in a manner that benefits the company. Provide (and encourage) spontaneous job-based coaching to complement whatever formal training they are exposed to.

Latch on to any opportunity to carryout informal coaching of your subordinates and other employees. Do this with regard to helping them understand how management utilizes the information they document, and why it is so important for documentation to be accurate and complete.

4. Employ Multi-dimensional Peer Pressure To Enhance Best Practices: 

You could tactfully/subtly use peer pressure to inspire positive attitudinal changes amongst the workforce.

For instance, it is normal in most workplaces, to have “star” workers and average workers. Find a way to make the “star” worker share (or “infect” others with) his/her expertise, knowledge and positive work ethics.

With proper encouragement, you will find that such individuals readily develop the instinct to help others perform better on the job.

The other average workers are likely to already “recognize/respect” the “star” worker. They would consequently appreciate his/her efforts to help them. Properly done, this strategy can greatly reduce the amount of direct effort you and other “leaders” expend to get improved on-the-job performances.

5. Insist That Everyone See The Big Picture: 

Demand that employees always remember to view their jobs from a broader perspective and not narrow into their micro activities.

Task each individual in a specific unit for instance to study what goes on in their units – even though s/he does not have to work there (yet). They should make it their business to know/understand what the next man’s job involves.

This is important because many times they have to interface with the person on the other side of the fence in doing their own jobs. If they understand what his/her job entails they will more readily appreciate how their actions (or inactions) can affect the person.

Getting them to do this will break down the mental barriers that many people build, because they work in physically separate divisions or sections. Communication will happens more effectively, making workplace activities proceed more successfully…to the company’s benefit.

The second and concluding part of this post (which discusses the 5 remaining steps you can take), will appear on this blog tomorrow.

Always Be a Dignified Professional (Especially When a Client Is In a Hurry and/or Demands Lower Fees!)

A South African poultry broiler farm business owner contacted me via my website last week. And he was in a BIG hurry:

Hi, Could you please send me the Excel trial Version of Broiler Chicken management software. Let me know also the price of the system please. I need this urgently. Regards, Molefe (surname removed for privacy)”.

First he sent a web contact form message from the video page for my EXCEL-VB POULTRY FARM MANAGER and BOPMS™ EXPLANATION.

First he sent a web contact form message from the video page for my EXCEL-VB POULTRY FARM MANAGER and BOPMS™ EXPLANATION.

Then he sent another from my Excel Heaven custom software development website.

Then he sent another from my Excel Heaven custom software development website.

First, I Called Him on Phone to Make Sure He Was REAL

And I always to do that at my own expense. In the past, I got a lot of phony requests. That taught me to avoid wasting energy responding to email requests from “ghosts” :-))

Recent buyers of my Excel-VB Ration Formulator™ and/or Feed Formulation handbook, got called by me (e.g. in Nigeria and Tanzania). I wanted to speak with them to ensure they understood what I was selling, and to also understand what their needs were.

Anytime I do this, and get the impression my product will not solve that person’s problem, I do not hesitate in advising him/her accordingly.

Sure it may mean no sale for me. But I prefer that to having an angry or resentful buyer afterwards.

This is why today I enjoy cordial relations with most of my past buyers. And many of them gladly helped me complete the questionnaire survey for my recently concluded agribusiness research paper.

Speaking With the South African Broiler Farm Owner

I told him my application in the video was built for a layer’s farm, and that did not have an app ready for use with a broiler farm.

If he wanted that, I would need to “have a formal question/answer session” with him. This would help me get a proper feel for his unique farm situation, to accurately determine his needs.

Only then would I be able to determine what the required investment will be.

You see, he kept hammering on the cost saying “send me the price!” That bothered me. As did his repeated insistence that he wanted the app “urgently”.

I don’t do “rush jobs” as a rule, in this area of my work i.e. farm business custom software development.

The only exception is when I already have an app built, which can be easily customized to suit the client’s need (e.g my Ration Formulator, the Poultry Layer Farm Manager or the Payslip Generator).

I told him I would do him an email once our conversation ended.

Here’s an Excerpt from the Email I Sent Him

Here’s an Excerpt from the Email I Sent Him

===Email Excerpt continues===

“…My service involves developing custom applications to help smallholder farmers manage their farms more intelligently.

The video you watched is of an app I built for a large poultry layer farm in Ekiti state, South West Nigeria. In 2009, I built a similar one for a 12,000 layer farm in Ogun State, also in South West Nigeria.

The one you saw is quite sophisticated, and at a cost of N250, 000 (Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Naira). A scaled down and therefore less pricey version (missing some features) of it will probably be best for smaller farms.

Please note that it is NOT an accounting application.

Yes, it does income and expense recording and reports weekly, monthly and annually.

However it’s main purpose is to record daily operations data so as to auto-generate Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for determining how well the animals are doing on a DAILY basis. Automated charts are plotted for KPIs like feeding rates, Hen Day Percentage, Mortality Rate; Feed to Egg conversion ration.

The trend of the charted data quickly tells you if there’s anything to worry about. And you can then take corrective action.

I call my applications of this kind “Enterprise Information Systems (EIS).

For a broiler operation, feeding rate, feed to flesh conversion ratio, mortality rate, growth rate would be the KPIs to measure.

However we still have to get a good idea of how your farm operates so we know how you’ll compile data to post into the app.

There is a paper based recording form that often gets modified for use on each different farm.

If I may offer some advice: avoid focussing on how much just yet. Slow down and think of what exactly you want software to do for you.

There’s so much you can do that can help you manage your farm with LESS EFFORT, and at less cost. That’s what I help farm owners achieve.

Here’s what I propose: I’ll send you a short questionnaire tomorrow, which you can fill and return to me. Then using your responses, I’ll give you more specific answers, including a recommendation on the kind of solution, and the required investment.

If the above agrees with you, just do me a reply saying so, and I’ll send you the questionnaire.

Thanks for your interest in my work.

===Email Excerpt Ends===

And Here’s the Response He Sent

And Here’s the Response He Sent...

24 hours Later, I Sent Him This Email(Below)…and an MS Excel Workbook (Linked Below)…

24 hours Later, I Sent Him This Email…and an MS Excel Workbook, Linked Below

Click here to download a duplicate version of the Excel based Functional Requirements Specification (FRS) and Questionnaire Workbook I sent to him.

Click here to download a duplicate version of the Excel based Functional Requirements Specification (FRS) and Questionnaire Workbook I sent to him

Note (below) how I stated my delivery duration towards the bottom of the FRS.

Note how I stated my delivery duration towards the bottom of the FRS

Without getting his responses to my FRS and questionnaire, I could not know if I could deliver in less than my standard “30 working days“.

So, it was up to him to respond with the answers I requested.

I’ve not heard from him since then.

Final Words: My Main Reason for Sharing this Story

Take it from me: Letting a client or prospect hurry you in doing your work, will rarely be a smart move.

What’s more, when a prospect does not want to “pay a heck of money”, AND at the same time wants the solution delivered “urgently“, YOUR best interests, as the provider, will be in danger if you accept!

My advice: NEVER change your pricing or delivery schedule, until you have enough information from the prospective buyer to guide you. And when you do get the information, make sure you request a reward (and working conditions) consistent with the value you know you will deliver.

Otherwise, not only will you look unprofessional, but you could also shoot yourself in the foot in terms of overall profitability.

Do not let any prospect or client make you jump through hoops.

Act like a dignified professional, and you’ll always be treated with respect. PLUS, you’ll protect yourself from exploitation.

PS: I should add that the above bit of advice originated, NOT from me, but from Herman Holtz, who was widely regarded as the Consultant’s Consultant.

In his book “How to Succeed as an Independent Consultant“, he stated “Be a Dignified Professional – Always” as Rule Number 2 in “The Initial Meeting with the New Client or Prospect“.

I urge you to abide by it!

When You’re Not Working, Create a Bigger Dream (Hint: New Product – My Pineapple Peels Based Cakes…Made Without an Oven!)

When I’m not hammering away at my laptop keyboard, writing articles, reports and books…or building custom Excel-VB software, I’m likely to be found sleeping, or working to progress further towards my ultimate dream.

That dream is to own what I call a Home-Based Farm-Products-Brew-Pub.

And I’ve nursed it since 1999, when I still worked in Guinness Nigeria.

If you’ve been reading my blog, you know about my Pineapple peel based drink(see photos, and a free talk offer) . Read more about it here(i.e. a presentation).

The drinks you see in the photo below, have been pasteurized using a home-based method I learnt online.

[NB: These are 2 different views of the fermented version of my drink – based on a new recipe.]

The drinks you see in this photo, have been pasteurized using a home-based method I learnt online.

You see, I believe PATIENCE is key, in developing food based products.

It’s taken me about 3 months of searching. But I’ve found what I consider the perfect bottle for my Pineapple based drink (see above photo).

Apart from enabling me deliver the kind of product volume I want, it also has a cap that allows me pasteurize the drink inside.

It was important for me to ensure I could do that, so bottles don’t go exploding in people’s faces.

That was why I patiently kept searching for a cost-effective way, that would enable me keep the product affordable for most people.

My New Product: Pineapple Peels Based Cakes…These Ones Baked Without an Oven!

I’ve never baked anything in my life. Not cake or bread. Nothing.

My New Product: Pineapple Peels Based Cakes...These Ones Baked Without an Oven!

But the idea of my brew-pub having its own unique food product, to go with the drink had tickled my fancy for months.

A few days ago, I decided to play around with cake and bread baking. I went online and did lots of reading, and watched many videos.

Then yesterday, I purchased baking materials from Tokpa market, and stayed indoors ALL day, using my beloved Pineapple peels, to bake home-made cakes (I’ll get around to bread baking later).

BUT, I did it all, without using an oven!

Yes. No oven. Don’t believe me? Just wait. I’ll be writing a special PDF report on that before the year runs out.

I know the cakes don’t look so aestetically pleasing, but you must understand that this was my very first try. And believe me when I say I improvised A LOT!

The most important point to note is that what I’ve done, shows I can operate this business even from a village, using locally available materials!

In the meantime, now that my trials with different processes have succeeded (the cakes taste delicious, and are almost 50% cheaper to make!), I intend to use proper equipment to offer the drinks and cakes for sale from my brew-pub.

Virtually 100% of the pineapple peels I use do NOT go to waste!

That’s true. They end up in the drinks and cake – implying massive cost-saving production potential!

But I don’t just put the peels into the products.

To get the right flavour and appearance, I have found certain processing steps need to be taken. And all are cost-effective.

I was in Calavi this afternoon, to drop off a drink bottle, with 2 cup cakes, for my friend Moumouni Toure.

He was not in, so I left them with his brother. And I also gave out some to my neighbours where I live.

But I made it clear that I will not be selling them for now.

Nope. Responding to individual orders at this stage would not be worth my time/effort and I would be unable to cope. Even worse, it would definitely affect my ability to do my other work.

When the pub opens, anyone who wants them can come over. For now, that’s what’s likely to work best for me.

With time, I’ll decide what flavours, packaging and operating procedure will be most profitable to adopt.

NB: One probable exception would be people willing to place bulk orders. I could possibly make out time to fulfill such.

For now, the next step is to get the laboratory analysis of the drinks – and cakes – done

This is so I can tell people – with confidence – what exactly they’re eating or drinking.

I’m an internationally certified brewer, with 7 years of experience working in a globally recognised brewing multinational.

Everything I do, no matter how small my plan for this project is, must reflect that.

Suffice to say, for now, that pineapple peels being the base ingredient, contains considerable amounts of useful nutrients.

Some are described in my report titled “10 Fruits You Eat That Leave Useful Peels/Skins Behind” (Click to download it).

In the next few weeks, I intend to secure bigger living quarters, with the front end functioning as the brew-pub, here in Benin Republic.

I should add that this will be a FULL family business.

Like I noted in yesterday’s article on my blog my kids already make a version of this drink, that they sell in their school in Lagos.

So when they join me here, they’ll fit in instantly.

That’s why I told my friend Moumouni, in an SMS today, that with improvements I’ve now made, this business is DESTINED TO MAKE MY KIDS RICH!

And when (NOT IF) that happens, I – along with my wonderful wife Nkechi – will be the PROUDEST parents in the world!!

Achieve Superior Success by Letting Your Work Speak for You

Henry Kaiser once said: “When your work speaks for itself, don’t interrupt“. Many people achieve their website (sales and other) goals very quietly – everyday. They let their diligent work convince buyers, and sometimes use “success stories” to re-inforce their impact. This article discusses requirements for succeeding that way.

Many Whose Websites Succeed Noiselessly Are Not Interested In Coaching Others

It’s not that they’re selfish. They’re just not interested in coaching and training. They prefer to focus on running their businesses.

But there are some willing to make themselves available to guide others.

One example is Terry Dean, who has been around for quite a while, and is a guru of sorts in this area.

I also offer support – specifically by developing Web Marketing Systems for website owners.

But my primary targets are website owners across Africa, because I believe my approach is best suited to the unique peculiarities of that market.

Through my writing, I share ideas others can use e.g. by telling hard truths about marketing one’s products and services online, that I’ve learned over the past decade.

Here are 4 Examples of Such Important Truths About Marketing Online That Good Coaches Will Tell You:

1. It is not easy – and rarely quick to yield results.

Indeed, no marketing is easy. You have to put in the work, and rarely, if at all ever, will the results you seek come overnight. But they will come, if you keep doing the right things.

Good coaches tell you what those right things are. Of course some point, you pay to learn more or buy something that tells more. Which inspires more confidence in the mind of the prospect, since s/he realizes that is proof that they practice what they preach!

2. Many so called experts online are selling unsuspecting (and/or lazy minded) people fluff.

Those are the guys who announce a new strategy that requires little or no work, to generate tons of cash for you while you sleep. That kind of nonsensical stuff. They warn you not to take such offers seriously. And they give practical reasons that will help anyone see through such scams.

3. You need to constantly research and define your target audience profile.

Who are those likely to be interested in what you offer? Where can they be found in the largest numbers? What is their likely capacity to buy at the price you sell?

If you do not know you target audience, you will be unable to communicate effectively with them. Knowing them implies knowing what they “want”, and how they want it delivered to them. This will mean doing plenty of thinking, reading, and researching.

4. Once you identify what they want, you MUST diligently generate useful and original website content to provide it.

Your target audience will discover, and devour it. They will tell others like themselves, and make repeat visits.

This is where YOU must not rest on your oars!

Whenever they return, make sure there’s something new or different, and useful, for them to read or see.

Never let your website get stale, or give them an impression they’ve seen all you have to offer.

Convey the impression of increase to them every time, by coming up with new bits of information and education to serve as articles, reports etc.

And where appropriate, in all of that, link to the products and services you sell.

Acting Based On The Above Truths Will Make Your Website Succeed – NOISELESSLY!

Websites that attract profitable buyers are those I call smartly successful websites. They often make high volume/profit margin sales.

In addition, such websites enjoy devoted attention from serious minded people, who appreciate your work, but prefer not to draw public attention to say it.

That’s why they will often send you private messages (via your web form or email) to say so, rather than post a public blog comment.

First he wrote saying...

On the same day he wrote AGAIN saying...

Does that make them any less important to your success? No!

In fact, experience has taught me that such quiet feedback
often become your fiercest advocates (recommending your website to others).

And many times they evolve into your most enthusiastic buyers too :-)

NEW PDF - 10 Frequently Asked Questions About Feed Formulation

The truth is, noise is rarely positively correlated to results!

Click to read 'Writing Is Serious Business. Not Doing It Can Cost You Money'

Smart Exercising Will Keep You Fit, Healthy, and Alive

Yes, that’s the key to good health, looking young, and LIVING LONG.

Sweating enables your body expel many “bad things” that can weaken it!

I took the photo below, this a.m (Friday 22nd Nov. 2013 at 10.00a.m):

Sweating enables you body expel many "bad things" that can weaken it!!
Sweating enables you body expel many “bad things” that can weaken it!!
Above: Photo taken in 2013 – I was 43 at the time
Below: Photo taken in March 2017 – I was 46+  (will be 48 in 6 months from today i.e. July 2018)


I was doing my usual 20 to 30 minute walk, from my place at Barrière here in Cotonou, to a cyber cafe I frequent at the Etoile Rouge area.

As I approached Agontikon, next to the crossroad, a shop owner friend called out to me.

During our chat he kept asking “Ca va un peu?” (It’s a way of asking: “Everything okay?“) in apparent reference to (and concern about) my sweating.

I kept saying “Oui” (i.e. “Yes”) without adding any details …until it dawned on me to explain…

You see, every day (including Sundays), just before breakfast, I do seventy (70) push-ups – sometimes 100.

That’s followed by some yoga-style exercises for 10 to 15 minutes

After that, I eat and then WALK to the cyber cafe as part of a deliberate strategy to “exercise” my lower body.

When I get to my destination, I wipe myself clean of sweat using a towel I keep in my bag.

And my “exercising mission” for the day would have been accomplished!

I ended my explanation, by making the following statement to my friend:

“Si tu veux rester fort, et tu ne veux pas devenir vieux trop vite, il faut perspirer. C’est très important pour la santé!”

(Translation:If you want to stay strong, and you don’t want to grow old too quickly, you need to sweat. It’s very important for the health!“)

For effect, I added:

“J’ai 43 ans” (Translation: I’m 43 years old”).

His jaw dropped, as he looked me over repeatedly…then he exclaimed:

“Ce n’est pas vrai” (Translation: Not true!).

As I walked away, I laughingly told him:

“C’est la verité (Translation: “It’s the truth”)

And he kept staring at me in what seemed a mixture of surprise and wonder.

If he’s smart, he’ll adopt a similar simple exercise regimen

And so will you, if you do not already do it.

It will keep your body in good form to withstand the daily wear and tear, from the activities and foods you expose it to!

In case you’re wondering, this strategy makes me super-productive. And I do not exaggerate.

One Example:

Last Saturday (16th Nov. 2013), I worked 13 straight hours from 9a.m till about 10.30p.m (without getting up, NOT even to drink water), to finish my 4,000 word agri-business case study paper – for entry into an international research paper writing contest. The paper is about the use of Excel-VB driven spreadsheet automation for Feed Formulation.

That same night, I sent it to my co-author Professor friend in North West University, South Africa.

From 7.30a.m Sunday morning, we spent about 2 hours on phone agreeing modifications. Then he sent the final version to the organisers in the Netherlands via email.

So now, we wait till Tuesday, when the judges will notify us about whether or not it’s been accepted.

[UPDATE (12th Sept. 2015): Should have done this way back in Dec. 2013, when the payment happened. But it kept slipping my mind. The paper did get approved, and I did get paid for it. Read this article: PDF Agribusiness Research Paper] Adoption of PC-Based Feed Formulation Methods by Farmers, Feed Manufacturers and Extension Professionals, in South West Nigeria – Complete my Questionnaire Survey & Download FREE PDF Copy]

The point I’m making is my diligent exercising enables me near-effortlessly get work done – to meet tight deadlines – even if I have to continue for long stretches of time. And I mean physical, as well as mental work.

You see, I believe that without my disciplined dedication to fitness, I could not have gotten that paper done, in combination with other work I had to do. And that included traveling to Nigeria to administer a questionnaire survey to farm business CEOs, and then returning to Cotonou to collate the data for use in the paper!

In truth, many much younger people often find it hard to keep up with me. As do my peers and older persons.

For instance, I’ve had clients and staff go round farm premises with me, after which we returned to the “farm office/house” for our meals.

Subsequently however, they struggled to keep their eyes open, as I tried to explain how the software I built for them worked :-)

The reason this happened was that they often lacked both physical and mental stamina, aka STAYING POWER.

People who succeed usually have STAMINA. If you want to succeed, YOU WILL NEED IT!

And to have it, you must commit to diligent exercising on a regular basis.

As a writer (or expert in any other field), it will boost your productivity tremendously. And your quality of work will also improve!

By the way, nothing I’ve said here is meant to be bragging.

I simply feel it’s important that I share with you a strategy that’s worked quite well for me, over the past 20 years now.

Yes, I’ve been doing it this way for over 2 decades – with great results to show for it!

You don’t need to become some physical fitness guru or anything.

And you’re not necessarily going to be aiming to win any competition against others here. What I refer to is the adoption of a disciplined habit of daily exercising.

In a past issue of my newsletter, I wrote on this same theme. It was titled: No. 94: Use Physical Fitness to Boost Your Productivity (4 Tips).

You should read it.

One last thing…

It might interest you to know, that ever since quitting competitive handball in 1992 (when I left the university), I’ve used this strategy to maintain my fitness right through paid employment, up till today.

Many who know me will confirm this.

And that’s why I’m this confident, that it works. So do use it :-)

Every Farm Business, No Matter How Small, Needs PC-Based Record Keeping & Accounts Automation

An essential requirement for success of any farm that wishes to adopt best practice/continuous improvement techniques to achieve optimal performance, is the integration of software automation into its operations – especially farm records keeping and accounting. In this short article, I provide graphic illustrations based on real-life occurrences to show that simple computer-based automation is quite inexpensive when done intelligently – with “common sense”.

Click here to read full article. 

10 Frequently Asked Questions About Feed Formulation

===Email excerpt starts====

From: “Bello Hassan” <email deleted, for privacy>

Sent date: 06/09/2011 08:55:34 PM

To: “Tayo K. Solagbade”

Hi Tayo,

I have seen that attachments and will go through. I have browsed the book and my iniital impression is that you have succeeded in demistifying poultry feed formulation. I intend to post my full review of the book later through the link you gave.

However, I have the following questions:

===Email excerpt ends====

(Note : my answers – sent to him on Wed, June 8, 2011 10:53:46 AM – begin with>>>> inserted under each question)

IMPORTANT! The disclaimer contained in my Feed Formulation Handbook fully applies here:

Responsibility for use of any and all information supplied below is strictly and solely that of the reader. The contents of this page are provided as information only. Your own judgment is required and encouraged.

Click here to download the PDF now…(no password needed).

NB: 2 URLs in the above linked PDF are defunct (a) “” is now “” (b) “” is now “”

Customizable Excel-VB Driven Poultry Layer Farm Manager Software (Video Demonstration)

Watch screen shot demonstration video of the Excel-Visual Basic Driven Poultry Farm Manager I build from scratch, or customize/scale down to suit the needs of different farm business sizes.

It allows users make daily entries of farm production/operating data.


Click here to watch on Youtube

And it instantly generates Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), like Mortality Rates, Feeding rate, Feed to egg conversion ratios, Hen Day Production Percentage (HDP) %, and other parameters.

The user is able to use drop down menus to dynamically generate the KPIs on a daily, weekly, monthly and annual basis.

Summary “Farm Operations” report, and “KPI” reports are auto-generated, and they come with summary tables and charts.

Click the link below to learn more about Tayo Solagbade’s Farm Support Excel-VB Software, and Best Operating Process Management System (BOPMS)

Click here now.

Tayo K. Solagbade works as a multipreneur, with a bias for Farm Research & Extension Advisory/Best Practice Services provision.

Apart from a growing library of popular farm business articles, Tayo’s Feed Formulation Handbook, and his customisable Excel-VB driven Ration Formulator (Click here), bring him in constant contact with farm business owners, feed manufacturers, policy makers and extension professionals in and out of Africa.

Among other services, he develops custom Excel-VB driven software used in measuring Farm Key Performance Indicators for timely/accurate farm planning and decision making. See mind map based video explanation of BOPMS for farm businesses at:
Click here)


Self-Development Academy’s Excel Heaven™ – Click here) is the FIRST provider of Pre-programmed and Custom Spreadsheet based solutions in Nigeria.

We offer Workbook Auditing/Optimisation and VBA Automation; Custom Spreadsheet Software Development; Sales; Job-Based Spreadsheet Coaching; and Consulting/Advisory Services on effective application of spreadsheets for business use.

See more video demos of our apps with modeless data entry forms here.

Visit our Excel Heaven Facebook page here.


SDAc’s Cost-Saving Farm Business Ideas mini site offers custom best practice farm management systems (and software) development at affordable rates to farm owners in Nigeria/Africa.

Ours is a new, unconventional, but practical approach to provision of Modern Extension Services for farm businesses in this part of the world.

We work with crop and/or livestock farmers to develop and implement intelligent decision making systems that help their farm businesses become more efficient and profitable, through low cost adaptation of technology, while building on indigenous knowledge systems.

Visit our website.

Connect with us on our Facebook page

Get in touch via tayo at tksola dot com or +229-122-136 (in Benin Republic) or 234-803-302-1263 (in Nigeria)

10 Farm Business Best Practice Ideas Articles

Some of the articles below touch on various aspects of what I call a Best Operating Process Management System (BOPMS)™ for Farm Business Management – or at least mentioned the need for it, towards achieving consistently profitable farm business performance.

If you’re interested, click the link below to request a copy of my questionnaire survey workbook (for the international research paper I’m writing on using ICT for Feed Formulation) that allows clicking of the article links right from inside the downloaded spreadsheet.

[NB: By way of interest, the deadline for delivery of completed research papers, to the organising body was revised to Sunday 17th Nov. 2013. I forgot to reflect that in the last batch of questionnaires I sent out. So, if any of you still have yours, do send them in, as I still have a week to go. Thanks in advance!]


1. Your Business Should Free You, Not Restrict You

2. Adopt Standard Operating Procedures to Succeed More With Less Effort (This Works for Solopreneurs and Large Organisations)

3. Five Essential Poultry Layer Farm Production Records

4. Practical Poultry Farm Business Performance Calculations

5. Five Powerful Tools for Accurately Measuring Your (Farm) Business’ Health

6. Five Proven Ways to Boost Farm Profits without Raising Prices

7. Producing Good Catfish is Important, But Finding Good Buyers is Imperative!,-But-Finding-Good-Buyers-is-Imperative!&id=3209812

8. Reducing Catfish Feeding Costs (A Secret Weapon) – Part 1 of 2

9. Reducing Catfish Feeding Costs (A Secret Weapon) – Part 2 of 2

10. Top 10 Ingredients Used in Livestock Feed

Visit Tayo’s New Self-Development Nuggets Blog at:

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Enjoy your weekend!
