Category Archives: Career Development

To Succeed, Make Working in Your (Farm) Business More Attractive to Employees

What impression will a new employee in your company get about available career advancement opportunities? Will s/he see that anyone who delivers good performance gets rewarded? Or will s/he discover no reliable rewards/recognition system exists?

Small Business (Including Farm) CEOs Must Pay Closer Attention to Employee Development…

My passionate desire to help career persons succeed in the workplace, derives from the 7 years of high level success I achieved in paid employment.

I want to help others find ways, get ideas, and learn about strategies they can use to make their way up the organisational ladder. Like I successfully, and repeatedly did, in a fast paced multinational corporation.

This is why I write my articles on Career Development.

It’s however important to avoid making the mistake of assuming that  what I offer is only relevant to corporate organisations.

Nothing could be further from the truth!

My articles in this category are actually relevant to every kind of business, no matter how small, or large.

And that includes farm businesses – my main target audience.

I have seen too many small businesses suffer major lack of growth, because they provide poor (or sometimes NO!) career development opportunities for employees.

In addition, the owners display poor managerial skills, with regard to employee development and supervision.

Quite often, the above problems arise because many such owners have never worked in a structured organisational workplace before. As a result, they have little knowledge of how to go about it.

You Need to Create a Workplace Environment That Makes Employees Want to Stay & Serve You Well

Small business  – as well as large organisational -decision makers need to understand this.

If you don’t not know how to empower people to give their best on the job, there will be direct negative implications for your company in terms of growth.

Your employees must be able to give their best when they come to work.  For them to do that, they have to feel  that doing so will not be a waste of time.

YOU must therefore show THEM, that their continued presence, and the efforts they put in, can lead to useful attractive benefits for them.

Very Often, Giving Money Will NOT Give Long Term Employee Satisfaction

That’s a fact that many research findings have proven. So keep that in mind.

This is why whatever benefit you offer, must be attractive not just to you (i.e. in your eyes), but also in the employees’ eyes.

They have to feel that it would be worth their while, to put in effort to do whatever it is they are supposed to do, as employees in the company. E.g: To earn a salary, and also to grow in knowledge/skills; to get promoted, to have opportunity to travel etc.

If you do not create such an environment, and you hire people to work with you…there will be problems.

Remember: You alone have the vision for your business. You alone have the passion. You have to make others buy into YOUR vision, and to develop/share YOUR passion for it with you.

If you don’t do that and you bring people in, what will happen is that they will continually think they’re giving more than they’re getting.

And they will, nine times out of ten, keep looking for ways, to either game the system: in other words, they will aim to get more for  what they’re doing, without telling you, because they feel they’re being cheated…

Or they will think of ways to just use your place as a stepping stone to go elsewhere.

They will never see themselves as long term partners in the growth of your organisation.

Now, for a farm business, that’s not a very healthy scenario. For any small business, that’s not good.

For any organisation of whatever size actually, that doesn’t work very well for growth in terms of long term success.

So you need to address that fundamental problem. And I offer ideas in my articles that can help you.

Think of this article you’re reading now as a re-introduction of my offering as a professional in the Workplace Performance Improvement field.

My career development articles are not just an extra addition to this blog, or to my work.

I believe every client with employees, that I work with, needs to develop his/her human resources or workforce members.

S/he will need to create career development opportunities to make employees feel that what they’re doing is actually worth doing well.

Only then can every other thing I do for you, and that you seek to achieve, work the way it should.

If you don’t do that, you’re really going to struggle to succeed.

So I’ll End This by CHALLENGING YOU, to Do Some Good Quality Thinking From Today…

Especially about what steps you need to take, to make working in your company a more attractive proposition for every single member of your team.

I offer some useful articles on this blog, and my profile.

But I do believe you will also need to do a Google search, to get other useful ones on how to give your employees the best possible experience while working with you.

Ideas about how to make them stay and commit to giving you the best of themselves – for example.

Start doing that today, and I assure you that in no time at all, you’ll suddenly find that you can actually walk away, or take a break, without worrying if your company is being run well or not.

This will happen because those who are members of your team, would treat it like they would treat their very own businesses.

NB: If you need help getting started, invite me to run a Workplace Performance Improvement workshop (click to request my 4 page PDF flyer) for you and your team members on your premises.
If you need help getting started, invite me to run a Workplace Performance Improvement workshop(click to request 4 page PDF flyer) for you and your team members on your premises.

Invitation to Practical Livestock Feed Formulation (& Compounding) Workshop – By Tayo K. Solagbade

This workshop reveals ALL The Secrets needed for ANYONE to become Proficient in Poultry (Even Livestock) Feed Formulation AND Compounding! Two farm business owners (from Warri, and Umuahia), have confirmed their interest. Both are past buyers of my Feed Formulation Handbook and Ration Formulator™ software.

DATE: Saturday 15th March 2014

Time: 11a.m to 5 p.m

Venue: Premises of a Feed Milling company in Oko Oba, Agege, Lagos, Nigeria.

Fee: N35,000 (Thirty Five Thousand Naira)…see item 1., under section B., below for discount option.

FLYER - Invitation to Practical Livestock Feed Formulation (& Compounding) Workshop - By Tayo K. Solagbade

A. Seven (7) Practical Benefits to Attendees

1. Manual demonstration of worked examples, practical tips, and illuminating insights into the science of feed formulation using an improved (weighted average based) version of the Pearson Square computation technique.

2. Demonstration of ration formulation using my Excel-VB driven Ration Formulator™ software.

3. Demonstration of practical feed compounding using the ration formulated above.

4.  In-depth exposition on critical considerations in selection and use of feedstuffs – including discussion of nutrients/energy values of local feedstuffs, anti-nutritional factors etc

5. Special focus on exploration of low cost alternative feed ingredients to cut feed compounding costs

6. Discussion of nutrient requirements of different poultry and other livestock types (pigs, rabbits etc)

7. Essential features of rations for different groups of livestock and review of Sample/Pre-formulated rations used for production in real-life settings

B. Six (6) Bonuses for Attendees

1. Past buyers of at least N8,000.00 worth of my products get a 40% discount to attend.

2. A CDROM containing a full video of workshop proceedings – you’ll be able to watch and re-watch to reinforce your learning..

3. A printed and bound physical copy of the feed formulation handbook.

4. A CDROM containing the new EXE version of my Ration Formulator™.

5. SPECIAL BONUS: Free Copy of my New Monthly Poultry Farm Manager Software (a N25,000 value)

The CDROM mentioned in 4 above will also contain a fully functional copy of my monthly Poultry Farm Manager.

See full details of the new Poultry Farm Manager’s features in this PDF preview/offer document (click now).

Here’s an article in which I explained why I chose to create the above mini version of the original Poultry Farm Manager app which handles ONE year of farm data (Price = N250K) and is described in THIS Youtube video.

I want to help farm business owners visualize how an Enterprise Information System like the Poultry Farm Manager, can increase their chances of farm business success.

That’s why I’m offering this new app free to attendees who run poultry farms.

To give you further insight of how this app can help you, I’ve published a short story article on my blog about an entrepreneurial couple.

It describes how they used their EIS software, in conjunction with best practice strategies to solve challenging problems in their layer farm.

Click here to read it or go to

For Further Details About the Workshop…

Email your name, mobile phone number and address to to tayo at tksola dot com

I look forward to meeting you!

Tayo K. Solagbade

Mobile: +229-66-122-136 (in Benin Republic) and +234-803-302-1263 (in Nigeria)


PS: Unable to make it for the workshop holding on Saturday the 15th March 2014?

If you’d like to know when next another run of the workshop will hold, get in touch using the contact information supplied above.

No. 131: To Succeed, Creatively Apply What You Learn

Albert Einstein went through formal schooling. Did any of his school/class mates also become geniuses?

What about the legendary Afro Beat inventor, Fela Anikulapo Kuti (who studied music in a UK college)? Or Bill Gates? Richard Branson? Steve Jobs?

Why didn’t their classmates succeed like them?


Click now to view the latest issue of Tayo Solagbade's Public Speaking IDEAS page

Publication: Weekly Public Speaking IDEAS Newsletter

Date: Monday 3rd March 2014


Title: To Succeed, Creatively Apply What You Learn

Author & Publisher: Tayo K. Solagbade [Tel: +234-803-302-1263 (in Nigeria) or +229-66-122-136 (in Benin Republic) ]

Blog URL:

Archive (E-mail version started 14th May 2012): Click here to view

Archive (Blog version started 24th September 2011): Click here

Have You Downloaded Your Gifts?

Ten Ways Self-Development Bible

As a subscriber to my mailing list, you get to access over 10 potentially useful books and reports.

Click here to view the download page:

Login using the username and password sent to you during signup.

Can’t find it? No problem. E-mail me via tayo at tksola dot com and I’ll send you another. Not yet a subscriber? Click here to signup.

**** **********

NB: This newsletter is published every Monday. Point your browser to to read at least ONE new post added to my SD Nuggets blog on a different category from Tuesday till Saturday (sometimes even Sundays) in line with this publishing schedule :-)


View Tayo Solagbade's video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsJoin the SD Nuggets community on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google Plus

No. 131: To Succeed, Creatively Apply What You Learn

Albert Einstein underwent formal schooling. Did any of his school/class mates also become geniuses?

What about the legendary Afro Beat inventor, Fela Anikulapo Kuti (who studied music in a UK college)? Or Bill Gates? Richard Branson? Steve Jobs?

Why didn’t their classmates succeed like them?

Don’t Know About You, But I Have Always Wondered Why That Happens…

They all presumably attended the same classes, and were taught by the same teachers. And it’s not like those who became geniuses got extra coaching.

Indeed, quite a number of geniuses actually dropped out before completing their formal schooling.

So one would have imagined they’d have ended up worse off.

Instead, history shows they often did much better than those who finished school!

Why does this happen?

The Answer: Individuals Differ In Their Ability to Creatively Apply What They Know, and Learn

Genes may play a small role here, but it will not be a defining or limiting one.

This is why in societies across the world, we often come across many examples of people who achieve great things despite having little or nothing, in comparison to others who had everything given to them.

E.g. Persons who rise from rags to riches.

Knowing that they do not have anyone to depend on, they learn to look inwards and dig deep.

Sometimes they are so poor they cannot afford to attend school!

So they focus on their goals, and actively explore ways to progress, no matter how bleak things look.

And they never accept that what they want is impossible to get. This is a basic instinct that drives them.

They do not know how to give up!

Based on the Above, I Believe “Attitude” Is What Makes People Who Attend the Same Training, Perform Differently Afterwards

In 1997, while employed in Guinness, I attended a 3 day MS Excel training course, along with about 11 co-workers from different departments.

It was facilitated by a Microsoft Certified Professional.

On the last day, the facilitator held up a copy of a Microsoft Excel 97/Visual Basic Step by Step  guide written by Reed Jacobson, and asked “Which one of you is Tayo Solagbade here?”

I raised my hand in surprise. I had deliberately stayed quiet since the course began, despite my considerable MS Excel passion. So I was surprised that he knew my name.

Looking at me he said “The IT guys in headquarters said you’re the only one who will understand what is in this book. That’s why I did not bother discussing macros. But we’re giving a copy to each person anyway.”

You may wonder where they got that impression about me from (?)

Well, I’d gained company wide reputation for using self-taught skills to develop automated spreadsheet applications, that had boosted my department’s data handling and report generation performance.

And I’d done all that without having access to ANY formal learning resources.

No training. No tutorials. Just self-tutoring with MS Excel Help.

The IT guys in my brewery came to be good friends with me as a result. And word eventually reached Lagos etc.

Within a Month, I’d Devoured the Entire Reed Jacobson Manual…

I also explored all the CDROM Excel workbook samples that came with it, and promptly began creating more sophisticated apps for use in my department.

In contrast, those with whom I attended the 3 day course (despite each getting a copy of the manual, which was for everyday users), did little or nothing.

In other words, I was the only one who went away, and actually did something with what I was GIVEN!

But I Had to Do So “Creatively”, In Order to Succeed

It’s important that I emphasize the word CREATIVELY.

For instance, the examples provided in Reed Jacobson’s macro programming manual were for financial reporting.

I was however working as a shift brewer in the production department.

So I had to develop applications for recording, and analyzing brewing production data, for report generation and decision making in BREWING, and not FINANCE.

Those were two very different scenarios.

As a result, I could not copy and DIRECTLY use what was in the manual or the sample MS Excel files on the CDROM.

I had to sit down, study my unique situation, and then adapt what I’d learnt to suit my needs.

It was far from being easy.

And it was not something that could be hurried.

But I had the passion and desire to influence change. I’d identified a need to move from tedious manual report preparation to time saving automated PC based report generation.

And I could see that MS Excel could help me achieve my goal.

The above state of mind set me apart from my “course mates”.

In Virtually Every Area of Life, the Same Process Occurs

I read Michel Fortin’s Ten Commandments of Power Positioning for the first time, as a start-up entrepreneur in January 2002.

And I immediately realized the ideas in it could help me achieve long term marketing reach and impact in my business.

So I re-read it REPEATEDLY, as he’d advised, until I internalized the key principles he advocated.

Then I diligently put them to use in everything I did, to promote my products and services.

The success I’m recording today is in part due to my successful use of Fortin’s Ten Commandments.

Another example: If you decide to hire a fitness coach to help you lose weight, you’ll need to DO what he tells you, and apply your creativity, where relevant, to keep going.

For instance, if you are married with kids, and your trainer is single, don’t sit down and grumble saying:

It’s easy for him to say. After all he does not have to worry about a spouse and kids. Why won’t he have time to do sit-ups and push ups!

The truth is some people will be in the same situation as you, and still get it done!

Take my example…

For years while still based in Lagos, Nigeria, I adapted in whatever ways I felt necessary, to ensure I NEVER missed my daily exercise routine.

And that included waking up BEFORE the kids did, and also WAITING till they all went to bed.

But when it was not possible to avoid them, I soon found it was best to simply ask the kids to join me!

Along with other distractions they created, my 3 year old was fond of climbing on my back as I did my push-ups.

Rather than get upset, I decided to use her as added weight – making my exercise regime tougher and at the same time fun-filled ;-)))

I’ve also used the same approach for getting my work done i.e. writing, and spreadsheet programming.

Don’t Expect Life to Present You the Same Challenges You Were Given in the Classroom (or Your Textbook)!

That would be naïve…and childish…and irresponsible :-))

Those who excel often refuse to let (what Burt Dubin calls) “sloth, indifference etc…” prevent them from creatively making the most of what they learn, to turn their circumstances around.

Read the life stories of Einstein, Brandson, Fela Kuti (who created, and used Afro Beat music to fight oppression) etc, and you’ll see what I mean.

They took what every other person already knew (or had access to), and used it differently (i.e. creatively), to achieve their goals.

In fact Fela’s legendary achievements – despite facing great adversity  for decades came mainly from doing that!

Successful coaches and mentors in all fields will confirm this to be true. Even in football.

Not every product of a football academy ends up being a Didier Drogba, Lionel Messi or Cristiano Ronaldo. Very often, those who get to the top of the pile add creativity and persistence to the mix!

I’ve devoted countless hours to learning about writing and public speaking (e.g. from experts like Burt Dubin), towards developing strategies for marketing what I do.

At a point, my unique experiences trying to apply what I learnt, led me to develop what I call my Public Speaking for Business Marketing System™ (which I’ve used to win high paying clients).

I also wrote:Proven Techniques (And Strategies) You Can Use To Start and Finish Writing ANYTHING”.

These, along with other creative efforts, helped me relentlessly build marketing reach and impact on, and off the web. The resulting name recognition has led to sales of my products and services.

Key point: Rather than simply transplant them, I found ways to ADAPT the ideas I learnt about, to suit my unique situation!

And It’s a Continuous Process: Your Subsequent Efforts BUILD on Past Ones

That way, nothing is wasted!

As an expert in your field, you want potential clients to choose you over competitors.

Start creatively applying what you know, and anything you learn, so you can perform at a superior level.

This includes adapting whatever you pick up from a (formal or informal) mentor or coach, to suit the unique circumstances you encounter, at any point in time.

Do it right, and sooner than later, success will be yours.



“Inside Speaking Business Success Secrets”

In this offer, Burt Dubin promises to show you how to generate PASSIVE incomes streams WHETHER YOU SPEAK OR NOT.

Plus, you learn a proven shortcut to top level speaking business success across corporate markets.

CLICK HERE to get full details of what it takes to make yourself a true speaking business champion in Burt's Boot Camp V: Inside Speaking Business Success Secrets

So, with with diligent persistent application of what you learn you’ll start (as Burt says)…”bringing home high speaking fees”…whether you speak or not…in a matter of weeks….

Sooner than later you’ll find you’re ready to go for Burt’s mentoring at Diamond or higher Inner Circle membership level.

The best part is: every cent of your fee to purchase this product counts toward your membership in Burt’s Inner Circle.

In other words, you effectively get to eat your cake and still have it!

CLICK HERE to get full details of what it takes to make yourself a true speaking business champion in Burt’s Boot Camp V: Inside Speaking Business Success Secrets


Have a great week :-))

Get Burt Dubin’s Public Speaking Mentoring
for Africa Based Experts

Tayo K. Solagbade*

Self-Development/Performance Improvement Specialist

*Sole Agent For Burt Dubin’s Speaker Mentoring Service In Africa

Mobile: +234-803-302-1263 (in Nigeria) or +229-66-122-136 (in Benin Republic)

Self-Development/Performance Enhancement SpecialistTayo Solagbade – works as a multipreneurial freelance writer providing  zero risk article and report writing support for website owners, while travelling slowly across West Africa as a Location Independent Multipreneur.

He’s presently based in Benin Republic, where he’s preparing an English-French Language Guide, City Travel Guides, and a Commercial Rabbit Farming Guide.

He earns multiple streams of income providing clients with performance improvement training/coaching, custom MS Excel-VB solutions, web marketing systems, freelance writing services, and best practice extension support services (for farm business owners).

In a previous life, before leaving to become self-employed, Tayo served for seven years as a high performing manager in Guinness Nigeria. He rose from Shift Brewer, to Training & Technical Development Manager, then later acted in senior management roles as Production Manager and Technical Manager.

When he’s not amazing clients with his superhuman skills (wink), Tayo works as the creative force behind his Self-Development Nuggets™ blog, and Public Speaking IDEAS newsletter (which he publishes to promote Burt Dubin’s Public Speaking Mentoring service to experts working across the African continent).

For a limited time, Tayo is available to speak to your group or organization for a moderate fee. Send e-mail to tayo at tksola dot com. You can also visit to learn more.

Connect with him on Twitter and Facebook.


View Tayo Solagbade's video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsJoin the SD Nuggets community on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google Plus


Useful Resources for Speakers

Burt Dubin works with people who want to be speakers, and with speakers who want to be masters.

Burt Dubin works with people who want to be speakers, and with speakers who want to be masters. Click here to visit his website NOW and submit a contact form message telling him what challenges you’re facing, and how you’d like him to help you. Tell him I sent you, and you’ll get a pleasant surprise offer from him.

Burt Dubin’s monthly Speaking Biz Strategies Letter [Signup & get a 7-Part Email Course on “How To Succeed And Get Paid As A Professional Speaker“]

Get Burt’s mentoring at any of the 3 levels below:

1. Top Shelf [Click here]

2. Mid Range [Click here]

3. Budget Delight [Click here]


On Being a Master (PDF)...A Gift from Burt Dubin - Click now!

Burt Dubin’s latest book: “On Being a Master

Download Chapter 1 Preview as PDF

Showmanship Strategems

177 Wow! Wow!

Showmanship Stratagems

Discover these secrets of making your programs more interesting and valuable to your clients and audiences now.

more information

Burt Dubin live

Burt’s Flagship Album

This is the product to own if you can own only one. Why? Because in it you discover principles of platform mastership available to you nowhere else at any price.

You hear performance strategies you can emulate. You shorten your learning curve. You see ways to engage and delight audiences with both content and stories . . . plus you experience a bit of fun.

With its Money back if not delighted Guarantee hardly any are returned.

Find out why

Presentation Magic - Speaking Business Success

Presentation Magic

A live example, including a complete audio recording of a program Burt created from scratch–on a topic he knew nothing about and never, ever presented before! See how you, guided by your personal Learning Guide, (Presentation Magic), can do this too and thrill audiences as often as you want.

Presentation Magic Manual with new pages added plus 3 audio CDs.

more information


How To Create a Great Program Manual

Discover how you can produce a precious memento of you and your program. Capture over 44 model pages you can easily adapt for your use. Engage proven principles that add value to the experience of sitting at your feet and learning from you.

This is a reprise of the historic presentation that launched the Speaking Success System.

No copy of this 2 CD program and 50 page Learning Guide has ever been returned.

more information


Smart Exercising Will Keep You Fit, Healthy and Alive - Click to read
Click to read article titled: 'Smart Exercising Will Keep You Fit, Healthy and Alive'...and ONE other. Self-Development/Performance Enhancement Specialist - Tayo Solagbade - works as a multipreneurial freelance writer providing zero risk article and report writing support for website owners, while travelling slowly across West Africa as a Location Independent Multipreneur. 


Using MS Excel® Solver for Least Cost Feed Formulation Can Be Easy - But Also Dangerous (How to Protect Yourself) - Click to downloadDownload above PDF

NEW PDF - 10 Frequently Asked Questions About Feed FormulationDownload above PDF


“(Tayo Solagbade) is amazing and I think he is going to produce some impressive results online…” – click here to read full comment by Patrick Meninga (US based 6 figure income blogger who gained fame for building a $2,000 per month adsense website and selling it for $200,000).


“Tayo, I honestly believe you are one of those who will succeed at anything he does. Your commitment and effort has been outstanding….Thanks for all your hard work since I’ve been here – you will be sorely missed. I don’t need to wish you good luck, you have the ability to make your own luck. – Andy”(R. Jones)*

*Operations Manager, Guinness Nigeria Plc Benin Brewery, December 2001 (Handwritten comments in farewell/xmas cards sent to Tayo Solagbade following his resignation to start his own business).


Click here to contact Tayo… 

SD Nuggets Blog

New posts from last week that may interest you! *
Public Speaking[Monday]:


Self-Development [Wednesday]:

Career Development [Thursday]:

Parenting [Friday]:


Want me to write for you? Click here…


Conversation between Entrepreneur Parent and His Kids’ Lesson Teacher

How well do you know your child’s teacher(s)? By “know” I mean meeting and engaging him/her in conversation about what s/he thinks education for success in life is about, and how to go about giving it.

I share excerpts from a conversation (online chat) with my kids’ lesson teacher, which reveals why connecting with your child’s teacher(s) in the above manner may be necessary.

If you don’t do it now, you may have to contend, in future, with mis-educated adult kids, failing in life!

==Conversation Begins===

Lesson Teacher: “ Sir, the kids are fond of selling iron rods and I don’t know why.

Me: “What is the problem: Are they doing it during lesson periods?”

Lesson Teacher: “It’s distracting their focus at home and school.”

Me: “I don’t understand. Are they doing it when they are supposed to be in lesson with you…or when they are supposed to be attending classes in school? Or are they failing to do assignments given them during school or lesson periods. Let me know…”

Lesson Teacher: “Ok I will let you know.”

Me: “What did you observe that made you say what you did? I have a reason for asking…Did their mother complain to you?”

Lesson Teacher: “I realised they look for iron rods on street and I’m not comfortable with it.”

Me: “Well, from a SAFETY and SECURITY point of view (with all the kidnapping going on in Nigeria), I do see how it may not be OK. However, I can tell you that I have STRONGLY encouraged them to do what you see them doing, since they told me about it.

But I have always told them to avoid straying away from the neighbourhood, and to ALWAYS move together. This, I’m sure applies mainly to <12 year old’s name> and <10 year old’s name>.”

Lesson Teacher: “Ok sir…You got it exactly.”

Lesson Teacher: “I will call them tonight to find out how they’ve been going about it, and remind them of the need to be careful. Other than that, I am determined to help my kids  develop their entrepreneurial instincts and talents.

Indeed, before they clock 15 years, I aim to ensure EACH of them has a micro business s/he is running on the side. Seriously.  That’s what our schools are NOT teaching us. And that’s why so many of us have our “certificates”, but can only look for jobs.

We don’t know how to create products and services we can sell if NO jobs are available. I don’t want my kids to end up like that.

Think about the matter you and I are discussing regarding my seeking audience with Mr. <name of my client> about your business idea.

It’s because you’re trying to do something for yourself, since jobs you got are not giving the JOY and satisfaction you want.

I’m trying to kill 2 birds with one stone for my kids.

They learn school work, but they also learn to be entrepreneurial in their thinking and actions. And they learn to value and respect money – by EARNING it, instead of asking their parents all the time, to give them money. See?”

Lesson Teacher: “I understand…But they need proper orientation”

Me: “I don’t understand? Proper orientation…please explain?”

Lesson Teacher: “I mean they should know the value of education alongside the entrepreneur upgrading.”

Me: “I’m glad you expressed this opinion. It’s now obvious you have yet to understand certain IMPORTANT things my friend.

Education must NEVER be considered separate from ENTREPRENEURSHIP TRAINING. The two go together.

My advice to you is this: Google “Sir Ken Robinson” and watch one or more of his videos (e.g. Schools Kill Creativity). There are articles I have written, and others (like Seth Godin, Robert Kiyosaki etc), which explain why what we learn in our schools today is mostly useless to us in life.

Ask yourself: Why are you talking to me about starting a business, and having such a hard time doing so? I would have thought the EDUCATION you got in school would have prepared you for that???

But apparently it did not!

Does that not tell you something is wrong with the education we get? What is education…should it not prepare one to succeed in the real world?

You have a lot to learn. And the first step will be to understand that you have been wrongly oriented about what education really means.

Here’s my advice. Start reading Robert Kiyosaki’s works online. I owned a copy of his book:

If You Want to Be Rich & Happy Don’t Go to School: Ensuring Lifetime Security for Yourself and Your Children.”

It was his first best seller if I recall correctly.

That man is a multi-millionaire. He was an OLODO*in school, while his father was a top educationist in USA!

[NB*: “Olodo” = “Yoruba” word for “dismal performer”]

Robert kept embarrassing the father by doing poorly in school. But today he’s super rich. His father was (often) broke, as a teacher!”

Lesson Teacher: “I understand everything and will Google what you said now.”

Me: This website (linked below) offers a review of Robert Kiyosaki’s book that I just mentioned above. Since you’re unlikely to be able to get the book to read without buying it, I suggest you read the review at

I am telling you all this because I have SUFFERED greatly for being too focussed on school success and ending up unprepared to succeed in the real world, outside a salary job.

There are fewer and fewer jobs out there today, for people finishing from school. Most people will have to start a small business of their own, no matter how well they perform in school.

And it is those who already know how to find what people will pay them GOOD MONEY for, that will succeed the best.

That’s what my kids are learning.

I challenged them to find a way to make money for themselves. One day they told me they discovered Mallams would pay them for iron**  they are able to find.

[NB**:  “Iron” here refers to scrap made of iron e.g damaged devices, mechanical parts from cars, and other machines etc]

I encouraged them to continue.

On a certain occasion, I was around when a Mallam came to buy, and I joined them in negotiating a better selling price.

My advice to you: read, and think about what I’ve said.

It’s the key to your success in the new venture you say you wish to start. I have to go offline now on my laptop. Will be on my Blackberry, if you still wish to continue.

(Few minutes later, his next message arrives via my Blackberry app interface)

 Lesson Teacher: “I really need you by my side to continue the chat and learn more from you. I am appreciating all (the) fact(s) you are telling me.”

Me: Click the links to the websites I posted above, and READ the information there. It is the key to your mental emancipation or freedom. You need that to truly succeed outside paid employment.

==Conversation Ends===

Final Words: Your Kid’s Teacher May Need YOUR Help…to Teach YOUR Child Better!

NB: I’m assuming here that YOU do not yourself need re-orientation. Otherwise, start with yourself!

This young man, in my estimation, is in his mid to late 30s.

Earlier in January, he came to me saying he was not happy with his employment in the tutoring agency handling my kids’ home coaching.

According to him, the pay was poor, despite the heavy workload.

So he wanted to know how he could pursue his dream of starting his own business.

But he was not sure what he could do to make money.

He just knew he did not want to continue working for an employer, because he felt he would earn better if self-employed.

I told him that since he’s not married and has no dependants, then he’s perfectly positioned to achieve his goal.

That’s a much better way to start. I had the opposite experience – VERY VERY TOUGH!

I explained that he just needs to identify the right business to start, and work hard.

With the  exchange we’ve now had above, I’m hopeful the first obstacle to his succeeding with his plans has been (or is in the process of being) removed.

By this I refer to the “employee” mentality or orientation, that conventional schools instil in people.

It makes them think no other way exists for succeeding in life, except to “go to school, study hard, get good grades, and get a good job”.

The realities in today’s world make it obvious jobs are no longer there. Even not-so-good ones!

And THAT is the dilemma that’s facing many young people today.

When they finish school, and discover this truth, they are left confused about what to do next.

If you fail to guide your kids to develop their entrepreneurial instincts AHEAD of time, you may end up doing extra parenting for them when they should already be independent of you.

And it may NOT be a pleasant experience.

I wish you well as you prepare your children with the right educational experiences.

Experiences which equip them with the ability to succeed, regardless of whether they are in paid employment, or out of it.

That – in my considered opinion – is what makes successful parenting.

And you may need to check and ensure your kid’s teacher(s) are on the same wavelength with you, if you want to succeed!

8 Practical Considerations You Need to Start a Fish Farm (One Page Practical Mind Map, for Aspiring Fish Farmers and Teachers of Fish Farming!)

Starting business part-time, before leaving paid employment is best (though it did NOT work for me). However, this safer approach has its own challenges. Your “employee duties” can deny you time to properly investigate the prospects of a venture you’re considering.

Sometimes, even if you can make out time, you may lack the training/skill and exposure to competently assess the feasibility of the venture.

Or even to decide how to get started. As a result you’re forced to depend heavily (or exclusively) on a consultant – for a professional fee.

Now, as long as the expert is not lazy, incompetent or even dishonest, depending on a consultant should yield useful returns.

However, in these days of elaborate get-rich-quick schemes, phoney-experts offering attractively packaged farm business training and start-up packages, promising heaven and earth, abound out here.

Many aspiring farm business owners have been duped, with some left with nothing to show!

Recent enquiries from my website have come from persons in paid employment looking to start smallholder farm businesses on the side.

A number of my clients actually work 9 to 5 jobs, and run their small (mainly livestock) farm businesses in their free time.

This is why I offer what I call “Cost-Saving Farm Business Ideas” for farm business enthusiasts.

As an extension professional, my priority is to provide information, education and advice, to give you a better chance of getting the results you want.

Since I cannot possibly offer hands-on expertise in every area of farm business, I make it a duty to actively explore alliances, and collaborations with farm industry stakeholders wherever possible.

From policy makers and extension professionals, to farm owners and feed manufacturers – I continue to build the relationships.

The idea is to have a network of authentic and competent experts to tap into, on behalf of those I serve.

That way, if/when anyone needs help that I am unable to sufficiently address, I can usually refer him/her to relevant others.

Ultimately, the purpose is to facilitate the establishment and long term profitable operation of as many farm businesses as possible – by playing the role of a catalyst.

Since January 2006, when I launched my Farm Business Best Practice Support Service Website, I’ve made slow but steady progress. And recognition for my work is growing.

My One Page Mind Map on Practical Considerations for Starting a Fish Farm

It is with regard to the above defined purpose that I created (back in 2008) the one page mind map below.

Click here to download and study, the one page mind map for Fish Farmers and Teachers of Fish Farming


It provides bullet-point descriptions of key issues you need to consider UPFRONT in setting up your fish pond, to ensure you get it right as cost-effectively and efficiently as possible.

I believe it can give you a practical idea of what to look out for, and even what to ask your consultant (!), as the project takes off.

Knowing them upfront gives you a better chance of making needed changes/actions to cater for them, so they do not later cause problems that affect the farm negatively.

Remember that effective farm planning is crucial to long-term success of the enterprise.

The Importance of Adopting Best Practices for Continuous Improvement in Your Farm Business

I created this Mind-Map as an educational commercial about an aspect of the Best Operating Process Management System (BOPMS™), which  I can help you setup for your farm business.

In the BOPMS™, major emphasis is placed on the need to streamline operations (via Best Practice Continuous Improvement Initiatives). This will allows easy integration of PC automation to reduce time, effort and resources needed to make the farm business becomes MORE profitable, for the long term.

Click here to watch a Mind Map based video explanation of the components of a BOPMS™.

Final Words: A Practical Tool for Fish Farmers and Teachers of Fish Farming!

It goes without saying different individuals will have different needs.

For instance, you may may have chosen to build concrete ponds – and not earthen ones featured in the mind map.

Indeed, today’s technology even allows use of mobile tanks for high output catfish farming…

Such differences notwithstanding, this mind map still offers potential benefits, as it highlights key aspects you may wish to consider in starting up your fish farming enterprise.

That’s why I believe it will not only prove handy for farm owners, but also be a valuable instrument for use by persons who teach in this area!

In the latter case, all that is required is a little creative thinking, to apply it in teaching situations (For instance, copies can be handed out and then the contents used as a basis for discussion etc).

Click here to download and study, the one page mind map for Fish Farmers and Teachers of Fish Farming.

PS: You Can Get the MS Excel Source File, and Customize for Your Use…

If you would live to make modifications to the mind map, to suit the situation you are in, shoot me an email via tayo at tksola dot com, to find out how you can get a copy of the MS Excel source file I used.

A Strategy to Overcome Adversity

It can be tough dealing with adversity in the workplace. Did you make a mistake that made your boss, superiors or colleagues look bad…and they now resent you(?) Or are you being harassed by negative minded co-workers jealous of your progress? This article offers you ideas you can use to move on to success!!

I recently posted the following quote by Jim Rohn, on my Facebook wall:

“Resolve says, ‘I will.’ The man says, ‘I will climb this mountain. They told me it is too high, too far, too steep, too rocky, and too difficult. But it’s my mountain. I will climb it. You will soon see me waving from the top or dead on the side from trying.'” — Jim Rohn

A friend – Efe Ohwofasa – came by and posted a question that I greatly appreciated, because answering it enabled me share insights into how I learnt to use adversity to succeed MORE!

Efe’s simple question was: “Tayo, how did you get to know about Jim Rohn?”

What Follows Below Is a Paraphrased – But More Elaborate – Version of the Answer I Gave Him

In 1997, I came across and began subscribing to the Success Digest Magazine. What attracted me to the publication was mainly the wealth of experience based articles by accomplished authors and experts from across the world.

In particular, I was really struck by the deep wealth of wisdom Jim Rohn offered in short article pieces he authored.

It was amazing.

He was always able to present any issue from a perspective that instantly helped the reader see the big and more important picture, to solve his/her problem.

But it was when I read his view about adversity, that I got hooked. And I’ve memorised a particular block of text taken from one of his books since then, that has helped me defeat EVERY mountain of difficulty.

In 1997, I memorised this particular quote on dealing with adversity from Jim Rohn's books and it has helped me defeat EVERY mountain of difficulty ever since!

When I first read those powerful words by that great man, I was still in paid employment, as a 27 year old trainee shift brewer, in a large manufacturing multinational.

I Was However an Unusual Kind of Trainee…

This was because right from my arrival in the brewery, I’d begun trying to change things, using my skills to introduce PC spreadsheet automation based changes.

This was especially with respect to routine data recording and report generation.

Unfortunately, not everyone liked my eager-beaver attempts to change things.

Some senior colleagues felt I was “moving too fast”. That I was a glory seeker etc.

One day, I was walking on the factory grounds, and as I went past a much older manager from another department, I greeted him.

He grunted a response, then suddenly called out to me saying: “Solagbade!”.

I stopped and replied: “Yes sir?

Then he said: “You want to do what some people did in 5 years in 2 years ehn?

That Day, I Realized My Actions Were Being Negatively Viewed By a Tiny Few…

But I did not know who was doing the talking, and why it seemed to be mostly negative.

Especially since my automated reporting applications were being used officially.

I started feel sorry for myself, and to complain to close friends and relatives outside work.

Then I Encountered Jim Rohn’s Words!

Luckily, I had my Success Digest magazine, and kept up the habit of reading it when back at home.

One day I read Jim Rohn’s above mentioned quote.

And it hit home!

I realized I could use the negativity to challenge myself to excel even more.

So I began to ignore snide remarks, and subtle attempts to put me down. Instead I focussed on looking for better ways to use my spreadsheet automation skills to improve the workplace.

One year later (1998), at least four of my applications were in use in my department(brewing). And the entire brewery was aware of it.

Not Long After, Other Departmental Heads Began Asking For My Help…

You must keep in mind that I was doing this “spreadsheet automation” business ALL in my spare time.

In other words, it was NOT part of my official role as per my job title/description. This was just a hobby/passion I willingly put to use at work, because I believe the changes would help the team.

I soon began to get rewards for my extra efforts to add value to the company.

For instance, in March 1998, I got nominated to act as Training and Technical Development  Manager (a senior role to that of brewers), ahead of senior colleagues who had never held the position.

I was only about 3 years old in the company.

I eventually got promoted to that position, and other great career advancement opportunities followed.

If I Had Not Learnt to Handle My Adversity, None of that Would Have Happened!

Jim Rohn’s writing opened my eyes to the hidden benefits of adversity.

I bought his books, and later joined his website mailing list, and I continue reading his writing till today!

In fact, about a year ago, I wrote a tribute to him and 4 others, who “made” me.

No matter what you’re going through at work (or in life), if you do what I did above – with intelligent persistence – you WILL turn your adversity into success!

Convert Your Excel Reporting Workbooks to Secure (& Even Money Making!) EXE Files

Below is a screenshot of the 2014 upgrade version of my popular Excel-VB driven Ration Formulator sofware. Do you notice it’s actually an EXE (executable) file, and NOT an Excel workbook…even though it’s in Excel?! Users need not enable macros. Plus, it works on any Excel version (for Windows or Mac). All past buyers get it FREE!

Screenshot of the 2014 upgrade version of my popular Excel-VB driven Ration Formulator sofware. Do you notice it’s actually an EXE (executable) file, and NOT an Excel workbook...even though it's in Excel?! Users need not enable macros. Plus, it works on any Excel version (for Windows or Mac). All past buyers get it FREE!

Not many MS Excel experts, talk less users, will know how I converted (actually “compiled” is the word) my Excel-VB driven workbook into an EXE file.

I’ve read on many forums that it’s even impossible. :-))

Some of those who said this are respected, knowledgeable experts in the use of the MS Excel application, for software development.

A few referred to the use of Visual Basic 6 COM tools. But that’s too much hard work…or manual labour.

I own a copy of the Professional Excel Programming manual, and know what using VB6 to create EXE apps involves. Right from the first day I read it, I knew it was not something I’d readily settle for.

So I kept searching. Especially online.

You see, I always knew I would need to be able to convert my automated workbook applications to EXE versions. Mainly to secure my code (knowledgeable developers will tell you VBA password security is a joke. It can be cracked within seconds), and also deploy my apps more professionally.

The only reason I waited was that I wanted to have enough user feedback to incorporate as many valuable features into my software as possible.

Since 2004, I’ve been doing that with my Ration Formulator. Today I have had buyers from across Nigeria, and outside Nigeria/Africa. Some have been so forthcoming with feedback that they have helped improve the app’s functionality greatly!

Last Friday, a prospective buyer of the Ration Formulator who’d called me on phone, sent an email asking:

“Does the software work with a Mac laptop?”

I responded as follows:

“As long as you have a fully functional installation of MS Excel on your PS, my Excel apps will work on it without problems.”

(NB: I sent this response with every sense of responsibility. I’d done my homework by reviewing the features of MS Excel 2011 for Macintosh.)

He promptly sent this response:

“Ok. I’ll let you know when I make payment.”

And he did that the next day.

24 hours later, I sent him the latest (2013) upgrade version of the app.

The next day he sent me a screenshot showing a compile error, that popped up when the app was opening in MS Excel on his laptop.

After thinking about it a while, I recalled that I’d introduced the use of API calls in the 2013 upgrade of the app, to enable use of modeless forms. It was the only change I’d made without considering the MS Excel 2011 for Mac, that I did to the application.

Here’s the reply I sent to him(with the above screenshot image of the new EXE version of the Ration Formulator):

Here's the reply I sent to him(with the above screenshot image of the new EXE version of the Ration Formulator):

He wrote back to say “thanks”. (And tonight, I’ll be sending him the promised modified version to see if it will run OK.)

Your (or Your Company’s) Important MS Excel Workbooks Can Be Converted to Secure, & Even Income Generating EXE Versions!

I’ve seen various ways companies put spreadsheets to use. From my time in paid employment (over 7 years), as well as the ten years I’ve been a spreadsheet solutions developer for client companies.

Many of those workbooks contain years of hard work from collaborative efforts of highly skilled persons.

They build complex formulas to generate valuable performance indicators for reliable decision making. Most times off-the-shelf apps that can offer similar customized reporting output are impossible to find.

And that’s why it makes great sense for such individuals/businesses to protect them as EXE files!

One example…

Back in 2009, I was contacted by the expatriate regional project manager for a well known petroleum exploration company.

He’d found my Excel-VB Solutions Development website, while “Googling” online for an Excel expert in Nigeria. I was still based in Lagos, Nigeria, at the time.

After a face to face meeting in Ikeja, he eventually invited me to their Freeman house office on Lagos Island, for a meeting with the head of the finance section, and his assistant.

They proceeded to show me a massive, and complex, tax computation workbook application.

It was about 45MB in size!

They wanted me to rebuild for easy comprehension by less Excel-competent users. The person who’d built it had left.

Long story short, I told them what needed to be done, and how I proposed we proceed. The next day they called to inform me they were pleased and wanted me to start work.

But I never did go on to do that project…because we could not agree on when my first payment would happen.

I wanted a one-third advance retainer. They wanted to pay me from the third week after I’d started work.

The point I’m however making is that if they had in-house Excel-VB programming expertise, they would have been better off.

Coupled with the know-how to convert the modified app to EXE version, they could even have made a product that could even be licensed to other companies. Especially considering it was a tax computation workbook!

But then again this is an oil service company we’re talking about. They probably did not need the money!

Having said that, I believe they would still have appreciated the extra security of having such a sensitive workbook in EXE form.

It would be impossible to illegally view the formulas or copy them or the code in it.

But they would still be able to post data, and save changes made to the data, in the EXE version!

If you’re a financial consultant, tax expert, or a professional who builds complex workbooks (E.g. quantity surveyor) for your work, this should interest you.

If you’d like to learn more about how to convert useful MS Excel workbooks you built, into such EXE versions that you can even sell…

Like REAL professional software, complete with installation routines, contact me for details….

I’ll send you details of the amazing features and functions you can get!

You probably already have a specially built workbook you use to quickly compute personal income taxes for client employees.

Or to generate payslips, or to compute company taxes, profit and loss reports etc.

The solution I refer to can help you convert your workbook into an EXE version you can sell to clients, or other consultants, and earn even more money!

Get in touch for details of how to begin today.

Do You Want a Comprehensive Guide to Private Universities in Benin Republic?

A recent email from one of my newsletter subscribers read (in part) as follows: “Tayo, pls can u guide me on university education in Benin Republic? Ranging from the standard ones to qualifications and range of tuition fee as well as accommodation.”

Sadly, I was only able to send her links to a list of approved universities published on the Nigerian Embassy website, and to the website of a client who is a top decision maker in one of the leading universities here.

In truth, what she wanted was a WHOLE lot of information that cannot be found in one place!

Here’s the detailed response I sent to her…

“I’m not sure what your understanding of my work is, and especially how I operate here in Benin Republic.

The truth is I do not have access to that kind – and volume(!) – of information on private universities here.

Even people who OWN or work in them would struggle to give you all you’ve asked for!

My Suggestions:

1. I have a client: who is a top decision maker in one of such private universities.

You may contact him via his site to see if he can help you.

Note that you take full responsibility for your subsequent actions in this regard.

2. Check with the Nigerian embassy.

The ambassador once published a list of accredited institutions and their approved courses at

You may wish to contact them for additional guidance.

3. I’m an entrepreneur based here.

My work in the area of web marketing/freelance writing brings me in periodic contact with stakeholders in the industry.

I can do a detailed survey of the accredited schools along the lines of your enquiry, and prepare a comprehensive table on which the different institutions can be compared, to aid your decision making.

But that would be a lot of work, and it would be for a professional fee.

Hope this helps :-)

===End of email reply===

After sending the above email, I realized I could have added a 4th suggestion:

4. Consider taking a trip down to Benin Republic for a few days to see things for yourself.

Plan to come in early in the week – say from Tuesday.

You would have possibly printed out the list of approved institutions and courses from the Embassy website. If possible you could visit the Ministry of Education in Nigeria to get the list.

Indeed it is likely they would also be able to give you a more comprehensive list that includes all approved courses offered by EACH institution.

Armed with that, you would then visit Benin Republic, and go to the equivalent ministry of education office here, to obtain get the full contact details of the institutions on your list.

Once you get that, the next step will be to call and/or visit each one to find out the details you want.

If any have website addresses, you could start by checking them out online.

But only START by doing that…do NOT stop there!

My experience however strongly indicates you would be VERY wise to STILL plan a physical visit to each school to establish what they really have to offer.

Or what would be the point of traveling ALL the way down to Benin in the first place, if you then did NOT visit their premises in what is such a small country?

What’s more moving around in Benin is generally not a problem. So you will rarely have to worry about traffic or any other annoyances.

Final Words: “My Comprehensive Guide to Private Universities in Benin Republic” – Coming Soon

I did not like the fact that I was unable to help that email enquirer on such an important matter. Considering that I’m based here, and engaged primarily in freelance writing online and off the web (of articles, reports and guides on different subjects), I believe I should help out in this area.

So, that email has now made me resolve to do the necessary detailed research and investigation to come up with a comprehensive guide to “Private Universities in Benin Republic”.

I’ll offer it as a new information product from my website.

This is because it’s obvious – from what I’ve seen over the past 10 months – that many people (parents and students) looking for reliable and unbiased resources to help them make their choices.

Hopefully, what I come up with will fill that need, to some extent.

If you’d like to be notified when the “Comprehensive Guide to Private Universities in Benin Republic” becomes available, fill and submit this form, to join my mailing list.

You Can Agree to Disagree and Still LOVE (Tribute to my father at 80!)

Photo: My father – Ezekiel Oluwajimi (E.O) Solagbade – cuts his 80th birthday anniversary cake on Tuesday 4th Feb. 2014, with my mom (his wife for 43 years now). Dad is a Civil and Structural Engineer by profession. I absolutely LOVED the cake, because it was beautifully decorated to depict technical drawing tools he uses!

Dad & Mom Cutting the 80th Birthday Anniversary “Structural Engineering Cake!”

Close Up Photo - The cake is beautifully decorated to depict technical drawing tools Dad uses!


A little history: Before starting his consulting outfit, Dad supervised the construction of some major roads across the country, while with the Ministry of Works – in the 60’s. This meant he had to travel a lot – with my mother.

It was during one of those periods “on the road” that I was born, on 6th July 1970 in a place called New Bussa.

New Bussa used to be in Kwara State, but following the redefinition of state boundaries some years ago, it now falls into Niger State.

(NB: I still have my ORIGINAL birth certificate issued back then. The paper is all brown now, but still very legible.)

Deciding to Visit my “Place of Birth” During my NYSC Service Year (1992/93)

As a student, I’d always filled “New Bussa” in forms while trying to imagine what the place looked like. So, when the time came to go for my one year of mandatory service as a member of the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC), I wrote a letter requesting the NYSC directorate to send me to Niger state.

This was in 1992/93 (I’d completed my degree course at the University of Ibadan, in Oyo state, in 1992)

They were glad to approve my request since the scheme had always been intended to promote regional integration. Here was this Tayo Solagbade, Yoruba guy, asking to be posted to Niger state in the middle belt area of the country.

It was perfect…for them…and for me (or so I thought…LOL).

So I Got Deployed to Spend My Service Year in Niger State…In a REAL VILLAGE!

But my place of primary assignment, much as I’d hoped it would be, was NOT New Bussa.

Instead it was a remote Vatsa village (Yes, “THE late”General Vatsa’s village), on the outskirts of the state.

At the time, they were NOT connected to the National Grid!

For a guy raised in the city, this would turn out to be a perfect introduction to REAL village life…and I fell in LOVE with it!

Newspapers typically arrived 3 days late. Yep. And they didn’t always come…LOL!.

Plus, if you were still there by 5 to 6p.m, you would most likely NOT find any commercial transportation to leave…till the next day!

Sitting Out The June 12 Presidential Election Riots

You may recall the June 12 crisis happened during that service year(?)

Well, 4 fellow NYSC members and I were stuck in that village all through that crisis period!

We only heard the little news that filtered in about the elections and the riots that followed.

Then, we began to see lorries carrying the belongings of Igbos who were fleeing from their Northern bases back to their homes in the East.

The Niger State NYSC director would later come around to visit us.

I recall him telling us we were safer where we were(in the village), than we would be if we tried making it back to our various homes in the south.

Well, back then, it turned out he was right.

None of us got harrassed or disturbed by anyone.

We lived amongst the people – who were mostly farm-loving Gwaris.

I made many great friends amongs them – teachers, and students alike. We made friends with Mohammed Vatsa…the late general’s son.

He was the ONLY person (if I recall correctly) who owned a generator (albeit small – the “I pass my neighbour” type) in the entire village at the time. So we used to spend time with him watching films…poor Corpers we were…LOL!

Demonstration of REAL LOVE from a father!

However, I tell this story to paint a picture of what life was like back then, for youth corpers.

Danger was certainly not something that bothered us.

Unlike today when serving outside your region can pose real dangers – for you…sadly.

During that June 12 crisis, my father kept sending messages through a cousin of ours who owned/ran his business in Abuja (Gwagwalada was just about one hour’s drive from the village).

His Experience of the Kano riots in his younger days, made him believe I was in danger. So he kept sending messages, refusing to accept my replies that I was safe and well, until I agreed to move into my cousin’s house in Abuja.

I stayed there for about 2 weeks.

My Dad scolded me when he finally got to speak with me on the phone.

He said “Look anything can happen. You need to take precautions and protect yourself from danger.”

We all (i.e. my siblings and I) enjoyed such protective gestures from him (and my mother).

Nothing compares to it!

Dad & Mom, flanked by me &my wife (of 14 years -Nkechi)...ehm & one more

Final Words: We (i.e. Dad and I) Do NOT, of Course, Get Along All The Time…

That’s a fact of life.

No two people ever do.

We’ll always have our differences!

Indeed there was a time when Dad and I argued – sometimes quarrelled(!)- quite a bit 😉

But even those interactions have made me better as a person.

I’ve learnt to appreciate that people will periodically hold divergent, uncompromising views from mine…and to be OKAY with it.

The truth is we CAN always agree to disagree!

Here’s wishing my SUPER DAD, many more prosperous years filled with joy, good health, happiness, and MORE grandchildren!!!!

Dad, Mom, and grandchildren (my kids)

PS: In next Friday’s post on parenting, I’ll share a story about how he found out I was secretly keeping a baby turtle in our home – and gave me a thorough thrashing…LOL!

Dad and Mom...with ‘Tomi - my sister and her husband, Ayo.


Dad & Mom.with Tutu , my sister who came in from the UK to represent her family. Her husband (Segun) & kids could not make it, due to work /school


Dad & Mom. + entire brothers Victor(beside Ngozi - wife) & Femi (behind Peju - wife)




Dad and Mom...with Victor - my brother, and his wife, Ngozi


Dad and Mom...with Femi - my brother, and his wife, Peju

Do We Really Become More Prone to “Forgetting” As We Grow Older?

In 2003, I wrote my popular research based article (titled “When You Grow Old, Your Brain Does Not”. It has since been republished via syndication on many websites. If you believe your mental abilities will diminish because you’re aging, think again.

Do We Really Become More Prone to “Forgetting” As We Grow Older?

In yesterday’s post, I narrated the events in which my Nokia phone got stolen in a taxi I took from the Seme border into Lagos.

I noted that recent instances of “forgetfulness” (e.g. 2 incidences in Cotonou, in which I left my Blackberry smart phone behind in public places, but was lucky to have it returned to me both times) made it possible for the eventual theft of my other phone – a Nokia double SIM handset for my two MTN business lines.

A friend who read that article via the link auto-shared on Facebook, however made an interesting contribution that got me thinking about an article I wrote 7 years earlier.

He expressed the opinion that aging, and not necessarily work pressure, was often more responsible for such seeming increase in forgetfulness, or absent mindedness.

According to him, from the age of 40 upwards, this diminishing ability to retain stuff in one’s memory becomes more obvious. Regardless of one’s brilliance, he said it would happen.

Then he offered suggestions/tips on how to cope with it.

I saw the point he was making…

However, I knew from my demonstrated abilities even alongside persons half my age, that my experience was different.

What I know about aging, and how it affects the brain, is something I have often used so effectively, that it’s gotten many clients to compliment me, and younger persons to marvel.

This is NOT an attempt to brag or exaggerate. Just a simple statement of facts.

People Need to Know The Truth About The Brain, and How Aging Affects It!

While working in paid employment, with a large corporate manufacturing multinational, I reported to an expatriate Senior Manager, who was about 65, if I recall correctly. One of the things he was well known and respected for, was his amazing ability to remember/recall anything and everything said in meetings, written in reports, emails or discussed verbally.

For an “old” man, he had an exceptionally sharp mind and brilliant memory. You could not say one thing to him this week about why your department failed to meet the brewery target, and get away with changing ANY fine detail next week, if the matter came up again.

But he was not the only one. During the seven (7) year period I spent in that company, I worked with a number of over 50 to 60 year olds, at various levels in the organisation. Some were colleagues in the brewing department; others were junior staff/process operatives who were assigned supervisory roles.

A few were highly skilled technicians with specialties in areas where the company struggled with manpower. This made it necessary for this last group to constantly be on demand on site – leading to near round the clock duty runs on some busy days when plant problems required their presence.

What struck me was that they often delivered performance at par with what the rest of us who were younger.

I was then LESS than 30 years old at the time...

You could rarely fault them for “forgetting” things. Indeed, many times, WE depended on them to remind us of what was to be done, how etc.

As evidence of their abilities despite aging, some of them, upon formal retirement, got formally engaged as external consultants or on contract basis to serve the company in the same role they played before leaving!

The company’s decision makers wisely assigned younger, less experienced hands to formally undergo coaching at the hands of these “veterans”. This equipped the former to step into competently step into the latter’s shoes.

The above observations led me to do some SERIOUS investigation about retirement, aging, and how it relates to work performance.

I read stories and dug up research findings.

What I discovered was shocking.

And it changed my thinking about aging, as it relates to the brains ability to perform it’s key functions – an important one being memory recall.

I could not keep what I learnt to myself.

The knowledge enabled me liberate myself psychologically, in terms of how I believe aging would affect my brain power.

And I felt others needed to know, that what we were being told about aging was mostly untrue.

That was why – in 2003 – I wrote my article titled “Your Company May Be Losing Money By Retiring Employees When They Clock 60 Years – And Above!

In 2007, I decided to publish it online as a PDF – downloadable from the members-only section of my website. That version – with the contents remaining basically the same – was re-titled “When You Grow Old, Your Brain Does Not“.

My article has since been republished on others websites, by owners – indicating its message resonated with readers.

I Now Invite YOU, to Read The Article Yourself: One of the things you’ll learn about is “Brain Training”, and how it helps to keep the brain “fit” no matter what age a person arrives at!

Read it, and have your eyes opened to the amazing power your brain will continue to possess even when you enter your late nineties!

Below: Screenshot image of the cover of the PDF version of the report. To get a copy, signup to join my mailing list. An auto response containing download link and instructions (for 10 reports, one of which is this PDF on Aging) will be dispatched to the email address you provide.
PDF Download - When You Grow Old, Your Brain Does Not!