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Always Stand Up and Speak Truth on Behalf of Those Who Need It!

I spontaneously help others I identify to need it, without waiting to be asked. And I never expect to get thanked for it. I do not need it.

The only way anyone can thank me is by helping others in the same way!

I never let what anyone wants to do (or is doing) for me, influence my self-esteem.

You see, I fear no one, and am never intimidated by anyone’s success, influence or wealth.

That’s why those who know me accept that I will always speak my mind on ANY issue regardless of whose Ox is gored – even if it’s someone who just did me a favour.

I say this especially with reference to instances I’ve seen unfair treatment being meted out to another person by someone I knew.

You see, I believe every living being deserves to be treated with respect and consideration.

But what I have found out about this strange world we’re in is that too many people pay lip service to preserving values like those mentioned above.

It does not matter if a person is handsome/pretty, ugly, rich, poor or lives on the streets – treat him/her right!

I choose to relate with – and acknowledge – people based on who they are, and not some notion of their status.

For instance, back when I still lived in Nigeria, I often went out of my way – sometimes till well after 12 midnight – to help total strangers.

One time, an innocent Okada (commercial motorcycle rider) got wrongfully picked up by Police, just outside their command.

I followed them into the station, and insisted he be released, because I witnessed what happened and he was not at fault.

For over 3 hours, close to 11.30p.m, I left my car parked outside the police station, and engaged the officers in a debate, over the matter, until they agreed to let him go.

Acts like the above eventually earned me amazingly loyal friendships with some of those I helped.

They would later seek me out, and do things for me that others had to pay for.

Even when I tried to decline, they would insist.

This is what I teach to my kids to do as well…to stand up and speak truth on behalf of those they identify to need it!

Some people dislike me for it, but that’s the way life is.

Everyone cannot like you. But that does not mean we should fail to treat people right – or stand up for them, when we see them being treated wrongly.

My question to you is this…

Those who flock around you, who “like” you…how many are you sure will really stand by you when the chips are down?

I mean in bad times, when associating with you may be perceived as unwise by others, will they STILL stand by you?

What I have learnt is that many people can be amazingly good at hiding their true feelings.

Especially if they feel there is a useful benefit to be had by being on your good side.

So, even when they see you have qualities or faults they detest, they will stick around, and keep telling you they like you.

But that does not mean they will not stab you in the back if they find someone they feel they will benefit more from. Or that they will not look the other way, if they see you getting treated badly.

And what about YOU? Would you stand up for others you identify to be in need of your support?

I certainly hope you do. Like I tell anyone who cares to listen. Every time you do so for someone, you effectively make it possible for someone, at some time in the future, to also do the same thing for you – or for someone you care about!

Know what they about Karma? Well, it’s true. I know, because I have experienced it countless times.

Which is why I’m writing this article and recommending you do what I propose in it.

I’m hopeful that you’ll adopt a positive view of all that I’ve said here, and see if there is any truth in it, that you can act on for the future.

Final Words: This was NOT at attempt to judge or “lecture” anyone.

My purpose was simply to challenge the reader to RESOLVE to be more REAL in his/her interpersonal interactions.

Too many phonies seem to be around in society these days. As a result too few people are speaking and acting truthfully. The result is that we have a lot of dishonesty, deception, happening across society – and especially even within families.

Only those who take the conscious decision to be different, and to remain that way, will emerge unscathed in the end.

The rest, who indulge themselves in these naughty tendencies, will end up wondering why they never achieve sustainable progress at what they do.

This is because whether they like it or not, there are rules, set by the creator, to govern our conduct here on earth. And every person who flouts those rules will attract what could be considered “hidden penalties”.

That will happen because when they begin to manifest, time may have passed so much that we forget the wrong we did, that triggered it.

You don’t want that to happen to you, because it rarely ends well for those who do things that attract such penalties from the creator!


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