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Achieve Greater Success by Being a Problem Solver

The Internet, if properly utilized to achieve what Michel Fortin describes as Power Positioning (click), can make people who fit your target audience profile, conclude YOU are the go to-expert for virtually anything they need as far as what you do is concerned.

In my case, I continue to marvel at how people from within and outside Africa continue to reach out to me, even when all they want is to gain access to some other resources outside of me.

They basically display a preference to have me TELL them where to go, who to speak with or email, and so on.

This has happened several times with Farm CEOs and those aspiring, who contacted me by phone, and email to ask how they could get in touch with – for instance – decision makers in the famous Songhai’s Integrated Agricultural Centre’s Benin Republic headquarters.

On other occasions, I have had some call to ask if I could give them the contact details or a name for anyone in charge of a Songhai-modeled facility in one of Nigeria’s states.

When we spoke, it was often obvious they assumed I would have the answers they needed.

Thankfully, many times I did have the answer, and on the few occasions I did not, I was able to send them to someone who did.

The above is why I remain diligently committed to staying up to date with as much relevant information as possible with regard to what I do as a Best Practice Farm Business Support Specialist.

My experiences from way back in paid employment have trained me to remember that people are naturally drawn towards persons they feel can SOLVE their problems or give them answers they seek.

So, I make a point of adding to myself with the above in mind, plus I SHARE what I know generously with them whenever they reach out to me.

The result is they go away feeling good about me, and often tell others.

Even better is the fact that those who go on to do business with me, often leave with WAY more value than they pay me for, and they say so.

Indeed, some return because of that to do repeat business with me.

Most importantly, we become and remain friends subsequently.

As a matter of fact, I am deliberately nurturing LONG term relationships with ALL who buy from me, so as to PROVE that my solutions not only work, but they remain relevant to the needs of those who invest in them.

In the past month, I’ve found myself having to email the information below, obtained from the Agra Innovate exhibition to 2 different Farm CEOs who in discussing with me on separate occasions eagerly asked that I send it to them.

They had plans that required connecting with some of the organizations. I gladly obliged, and then decided to publish it in a post to make it easier to send it to others who may request it in future. Also, this method makes it possible for those searching online to also find the information even without

Below, I share contact details and basic information about representatives of certain exhibiting organizations I had discussions with during my visit to the Agra Innovate Agricultural Exhibition on it’s last day in November 2015 at the Landmark Centre, in Lagos’ Victoria Island.

Like I said, I came in from Cotonou to attend the last day (Nov 28 or so) of this event at the Landmark Centre on Victoria Island.

I got the following contact details on promotional materials and call cards freely given out by the respective company representatives:

1. GIZ

Christian Widmann is Head of Programme, Pro-poor Growth & Promotion of Employment in Nigeria (SEDIN) by GIZ, the German NGO who make chin chin from Cassava flour.

Mobile: +234-704 436 9589. Email: sedin at giz dot de.

Sunday Idahosa is Value Chain Advisor for GIZ’s “Agro-Allied & Commercial Cassava Farmers Association” in Ogun state.

His number is +234-703 729 2509.

2. Dangote

Ms. Lillian Sadoh is Group Head ITMIS & Strategy of Dansa Holdings Ltd.

I spoke to her at the exhibition about using Pineapple peels to make drinks. They have:

A. Dansa pineapple farms.

B. Dansa Oil palm farm with crude palm oil refinery.

C.  1,200 metric tonnes tomato paste factory

Lillian’s mobile is +234-811-393-6816 or +234-805-933-2211 and her email is lillian dot sadoh at dansaholdings dot com


This Edo state based company I told you produced a unique range of specialized oils from different parts of the palm fruit alone!

They’ve been around for about 3 decades. I knew about them when I was based in Benin city.

Jalaj ARORA is Head – Sales & Marketing of PRESCO Plc. He is the one I called and spoke to after the Agra Innovate exhibition at Landmark centre, VI.

His mobile no is 0703 562 2750 and his email address is jalaj dot arora at siat-group dot com

PS: See photos and my notes in my report on the exhibition at www.tinyurl.com/tfc26ok


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