[Tayo Solagbade’s note to reader: Every week I search the web for potentially useful articles on farm business management. This write up by HobbyFarms.com offers practical wisdom that any poultry farmer looking to boost farm performance profitably will appreciate. By “TLC” the author of this article means “Tender Loving Care”]
Treating your layer hens to a little TLC will mean delicious, golden-yolked eggs for your morning breakfast.
Back in the days before my layer flock came to enliven life on our farm, I would have picked the egg for sure—or maybe the egg carton. After all, the runny, pale-yolked eggs I cooked came from cartons sold at the grocery store, not from any chickens that I could see. My perspective changed, however, when I brought home our first fuzzy chicks, watched them grow into gawky pullets and waited—and waited—with bated breath for our first farm-fresh eggs to magically appear.
I eventually learned that not only did you first need chickens to have eggs (obviously), but to start getting eggs, you also needed your pullets to reach about 20 weeks of age. And to get an ongoing supply of good eggs, your chickens needed the right food, clean nest boxes, sufficient daylight and more. In other words, because an egg’s quality reflects the care and management the hen receives, getting good eggs takes some work—and not just on the chicken’s part. Take it from anyone who has ever kept a layer flock, the delicious results are well worth the effort.