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PII 119: Shine Your Light: Succeed Without Apology [Verbatim Video Transcript of “Shine Your Light” – Powerful Speech by World-Renowned Motivational Speaker and Bestselling Author, Lisa Nichols]

In this week’s issue (28th May 2018) of my newsletter, I share the verbatim transcript I’ve typed from a 3.5 minute video clip of World-renowned motivational speaker and bestselling author, Lisa Nichols delivering her powerful speech on how to keep shining and blinding those who cannot handle your light.

Notice that I’ve DELIBERATELY retitled it “Shine Your Light: Succeed Without Apology” 

Reason: To better drive home the message from her speech.

This is a message so MANY adults need to hear today.

I meet too many as I move around, who have been sooooo psychologically battered by society to believe they need to act “humble” and not “show so much of what they can do”.

This makes them go through life UNDER-ACHIEVING.

Very wrong.

The Creator is NEVER pleased with that kind of lifestyle, because it does NOT glorify Him!!!

I’ve explained why this is so, in past articles on this blog – including a popular one (click here to read it in a new window) about how Muhammad Ali achieve legendary status while alive by shining his light brightly and blowing his trumpet loudly!


Tayo Solagbade's Performance Improvement IDEAS(PI Squared) Newsletter

Tayo Solagbade’s
Performance Improvement 
(PI Squared) Newsletter

Monday 28th May 2018

Logo - Tayo Solagbade's Self-Development Academy

NB: This PI Squared newsletter will be published weekly, on Mondays, in place of the Speaking/Web Marketing IDEAS newsletter, starting from today – 15th February 2016.
 I’m reinventing my Monday newsletter content and theme, to accommodate my vision of serving the growing audience of serious minded individuals and organizations reaching out to me, with information, education. news and research findings designed to help them do what they do better.


View Tayo Solagbade's video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsJoin the SD Nuggets community on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google PlusConnect with Tayo on LinkedIn.com

PII 119: Shine Your Light: Succeed Without Apology [Verbatim Video Transcript of “Shine Your Light” – Powerful Speech by World-Renowned Motivational Speaker and Bestselling Author, Lisa Nichols]

In this week’s issue (28th May 2018) of my newsletter, I share the verbatim transcript I’ve typed from a 3.5 minute video clip of World-renowned motivational speaker and bestselling author, Lisa Nichols delivering her powerful speech on how to keep shining and blinding those who cannot handle your light.

Notice that I’ve DELIBERATELY retitled it “Shine Your Light: Succeed Without Apology” 

Reason: To better drive home the message from her speech.

This is a message so MANY adults need to hear today.

I meet too many as I move around, who have been sooooo psychologically battered by society to believe they need to act “humble” and not “show so much of what they can do”.

This makes them go through life UNDER-ACHIEVING.

Very wrong.

The Creator is NEVER pleased with that kind of lifestyle, because it does NOT glorify Him!!!

I’ve explained why this is so, in past articles on this blog – including a popular one – viewed over 35,000 times (click here to read it in a new window) – about how Muhammad Ali achieve legendary status while alive by shining his light brightly and blowing his trumpet loudly!


Below: The “Shine Your Light – by Lisa Nichols Video” – Click to Watch (or Scroll Further Down to Read the Text Transcript I’ve Prepared)

Lisa Nichols: Keep Shining


BELOW: Shine Your Light: Succeed Without Apology [Verbatim Video Transcript by Tayo K. Solagbade, www.tayosolagbade.com of “Shine Your Light” – Powerful Speech by World-Renowned Motivational Speaker and Bestselling Author, Lisa Nichols]

=Start of Transcript=

“It’s a life of hustle and survival.

I remember when my 9th grade teacher asked me:

‘Lisa what do you want to be when you grow up?’
You see I had to fight the Harlem Crip 30’s every day to get home from school, so I looked at her and said “Alive.”

I took an English class, and I got a FAIL in English.

And my English teacher said, in front of the entire class:

‘Lisa, you have to be the weakest writer I have ever met in my entire life.’

Don’t worry, my story ends good.

Don’t feel sorry for me.

I got seven under my belt.

And then the same year, my speech teacher said – after giving me a “D minus’

I knew I had an A in speech, like, come on…

He obviously didn’t agree with me. He gave me a D minus and said:

‘Ms. Nichols, I recommend that you never speak in public. That you get a desk job.

So here’s the beauty of that story:

Other people’s perception of you, ain’t none of your business.

Everything you’ve ever been through, set through, rose through, cried through, prayed through…everything is a setup for your next best season.

In the way you forgive the perceivably unforgivable; the way you love the perceivably unlovable; the way you accept what seems to be unacceptable; the way you embrace after you’ve been betrayed; the way you do that, is the way you will lead us.

Your light belongs to everyone who’ll be illuminated because you were bold enough and obedient enough to let your light shine.

Yes, Yes. Yes, Yes.

And every time you cross someone’s path and they can’t handle your light…

You know those people. They try to give you reasons why you should tone it down a bit…

That they will tell Sheryl not to sing so loud.

Right, right, right.

They would tell me to shut up in class.

They tell you, ‘You kind of strange’

You know those people.

Dream snatchers. Vision busters.

Don’t be mad at them. They can only love you to the capacity to which they are able to love themselves.

Don’t be mad at them.

Don’t be mad at them.

Pray for them. Love them.

Because they’re dealing with themselves, like we’re dealing with us.

But, I want you to remember that your 70 watts…your 70 watts had to be turned way up.

Because you got way more to give us.

It ain’t over yet.

Don’t put a period, where God put a comma.

And when you turn it up to 159 watts, you know you keep turning it up.

You like you stop dimming your light. You say ‘Today is the first day of the rest of my life’ and you turn it up…

You’re going to find people that can’t handle your light.

And before today you might have dimmed your life. You might have shrunk a little bit.

You might have tempered it down a little bit.

But after today, I want you to see this.

After today, turn the lights up.

After today you don’t dare dim your light.

As your light gets brighter…As your light gets brighter…you’re going to disrupt some people, and they’re going to tell you:

‘Your light’s too bright.’

‘Your light’s too bright.’

‘Your light’s too bright.’

Then you just look at them and say:

‘Well I’m not dimming my light.’

‘I’m just going to hand you some (sun) shades.’

I’m just saying…

Why don’t you start carrying around an extra pair of shades!


=End of Transcript=


Stop Being Shy About Manifesting Your God-Given Potential.

Lisa’s message simply put is that…

The world needs you to be yourself – YOUR FULL unadulterated self. You have so much to TEACH others, based on your God-given Genius and Talents.

And like someone once said: You do NOT need anyone’s permission to succeed.

If you’re still in doubt, here’s a famous quote that communicates the same truths: 

“You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure about you. We were born to manifest the glory of God that is within us.” Marianne Williamson

[OFFER] Attract High Quality Buyers At Zero Cost: Become a member of my Web Marketing for CEOs club

Click here to learn how you can join my Web Marketing for CEOs club, and get my 1 year Web Marketing Support Service

Excel-VB Driven Ration Formulator

Click to view larger screenshot

1. Click here to learn more about this app – watch demo videos etc

2.Click here to watch a 4 part video in which I demonstrate how to use this app to formulate rations using real life data sent to me by an Algerian PhD student.

Click here to contact me about purchasing this product.


Click here to download a detailed PDF user guide and watch 15 screen shot user guide tutorials of the Monthly Poultry Farm Manager that I now offer Farm CEOs.

Click here to watch a screenshot demonstration of the Excel-VB Driven Poultry Farm Manager I built for a client farm business in Ekiti state, South West Nigeria.

Click here to contact me about purchasing this product.

SDN Blog™

New posts from last week*













Tayo K. Solagbade*

Self-Development/Performance Improvement Specialist and Multipreneur

*Best Practice Farm Business Support Specialist & Founder of the MS Excel Heaven Visual Basic Automation Club and Competition

Mobile: +234-803-302-1263 (in Nigeria) or +229-66-122-136 (in Benin Republic)


Tayo K. Solagbade is a Location Independent Performance Improvement Specialist and Multipreneur (i.e. a highly versatile/multi-skilled entrepreneur), with a bias for delivering Best Practice solutions to Farm Businesses and others.

Since 2002, he has earned multiple streams of income providing individuals and organizations with personal development training and coaching, custom MS Excel-VB solutionsweb marketing systems/ web hosting, freelance writing services, and best practice extension support services (for farm business owners).

Tayo is the author of the Self-Development (SD) Bible™ and the popular Livestock Feed Formulation Handbook. He is also the developer of its accompanying Excel-VB driven Ration Formulator™ and the Poultry Farm Manager™ software.

He has delivered talks/papers to audiences in various groups and organizations, including the Centre for Management Development, University of Lagos, Christ Baptist Church, Volunteer Corps, Tantalisers Fast Foods and others.

In May 2012 he was the Guest Speaker at the Centre for Entrepreneurship Development’s Annual Semester Entrepreneurial Lecture at Yaba College of Technology in Lagos.

On 1st April 2013, Tayo (who reads, write and speaks the French language) relocated to Cotonou, Benin Republic to begin slowly traveling across the West African region.

His key purpose is to deliver talks, seminars and workshops on his key areas of focus and interest to interested audiences (Email tayo at tksola dot com for details).

In a previous life, before leaving to become self-employed, Tayo served for seven years (October 1994 to December 2001) as a high performing manager in Guinness Nigeria. He rose from Shift Brewer to Training & Technical Development Manager, and later acted in senior roles as Production Manager and Technical Manager.

In addition to constantly challenging the status quo and influencing positive work changes, he built a reputation for using self-taught spreadsheet programming skills (starting with Lotus 1-2-3, and later moving to Excel Visual Basic) – in his spare time – to develop Automated Spreadsheet Applications to computerize manual report generation processes in the departments he worked. Over four(4) of his applications were adopted for brewery level reporting.

Tayo holds a B.Sc degree in Agricultural Extension Services from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria, having graduated top of his class – with Second Class Upper Division honors – in 1992. He is an Associate Member of the UK Institute & Guild of Brewing, a 1997 National Finalist of the Nigerian Institute of Management’s(NIM) Young Managers’ competition, a Certified Psychometric Test Administrator for Psytech UK, innovator of Spontaneous Coaching for Self-Development™ (SCfS-D™), and Founder of the Self-Development Academy (SDAc).

When he’s not amazing clients with his superhuman skills (wink), Tayo works as the creative force behind his Daily Self-Development Nuggets blog – on which he also publishes The Farm CEO Weekly Newspaper (sent via email to paid subscribers) and his Weekly Performance Improvement IDEAS newsletter.

You can connect with him on Twitter @tksola.com and Facebook.

Visit Tayo Solagbade Dot Com, to download over over 10 performance improvement resources to boost your personal and work related productivity.


On 4th May 2014, Tayo’s 9 year old domain (Spontaneousdevelopment dot com), which hosted his website, was taken over by Aplus.net.

Within a few days however, Tayo used his advanced self-taught web development skills to build a SUPERIOR “reincarnation” of it the website http://www.tayosolagbade.com.

But updates are still ongoing to URLs bearing the old domain name in most of the over 1,000 web pages, and blog posts he’s published.

If you experience any difficulties finding a page or document, email Tayo at tksola dot com.

Click “Tayo, What Happened to SpontaneousDevelopmentDotCom ?” to read a detailed narrative about how the above event occurred :-))

Here’s an article Tayo wrote, to inspire others to defy adversity, and bounce back to even greater reckoning at what they do EVERY time:

Succeed by Emerging from Adversity Like a Phoenix

(TayoSolagbade.com launches extra Hosting plan with FREE Web Marketing!)

And he wrote the one below, to explain why losing a domain name, no matter how old, NO LONGER determines your online success or otherwise:

A Proven Strategy to Find Profitable Buyers Regardless of Your Domain Name

View Tayo Solagbade's video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsJoin the SD Nuggets community on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google PlusConnect with Tayo on LinkedIn.com

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audience profile. I can help to research and investigate the market there, to get firmer details of what it will take to get started etc.

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