Why You CAN Succeed In Your Livestock Farm Business [Feed Formulation Video Series]

Quick Take-Away : This is a verbatim transcript of Video No. 2 (out of 33) in my New Practical Feed Formulation (& Compounding) Home Study Video Series. I explain background details about my popular feed formulation handbook, which the video series is based on. Watch the full video below. Email tayo at tksola dot com, for a download link to the MP3 audio version.

Screenshot of Video No. 2 (out of 33) in my New Practical Feed Formulation (& Compounding) Home Study Video Series. Email tayo at tksola dot com, and I'll send you a download link to the full video and audio versions.


So I’ll start by talking a little bit about how I got to learn about Feed Formulation.

And I think it’s important that I do that because today I use that knowledge and my expertise in that area to help farmers

Some have facilities that run into millions of naira.

I (once) had a farm (client) that had over 12,000 layers in production.

And so these are adults.

Most of them are graduates. Some of them have been in business for years. But the knowledge I use to help them in ration formulation is actually something I gained when I was an undergraduate in the university.

And that’s why I feel it is important to mention the time I spent with the Students’ Farm Research Foundation (SFRF) in the University of Ibadan.

I was (a member) from my 3rd year in 1989 till my final year (1992). And that was for 3 years.

I was able to learn by participating in the daily activities of the foundation, which involved the rearing of animals like rabbits, poultry…when I say poultry I mean cockerels, layers, broilers…

We raised all sort of animals. We had eggs we were selling virtually every day.

We would sell of our layers and broilers in the right season.

And we were self funding.

In other words the money we made was what we ploughed back into the business, to keep the farm going.

We never had to borrow. We didn’t need patrons to donate money to us.

Like people would do today. They say they’re students and they want money.

We actually raised our own money.

We used to have an end of year party every year.

And we actually used to give ourselves lots of farm products e.g. eggs, chickens, and we would even give to our patrons, who didn’t have to give out their own money to us.

Instead… many of them were lecturers in Veterinary Medicine and Agriculture.

They were much older than we were, and more experienced.

So whenever we had issues we could go them for help.

But most of the time we ran the organisation ourselves.

We kept out own purse. I was the supplies coordinator in my final year, and we never ran out of money, because we always channelled the money and used it for what we meant.

I did some basic book keeping which I learnt from my uncle.

And so we kept track of what was coming in and was being spent. I would take the ration formulated by the Project Coordinator, who was like the President to the club.

And I would take that and go to the feed mill, and get the ration compounded along the lines of the formula he had prepared.

And every time we had a problem with the supply of a particular ingredient, we could quickly make changes because of our knowledge of feed formulation.

He was extremely good at it, and he later taught the rest of us.

And we could equally come up with a different ration using some other ingredients.

Sometimes we would run out of Palm Kernel Cake, or Groundnut Cake or Maize. And we could use something else like Sorghum to replace maize.

And we always had very good performances.

Sometimes we would have disease outbreaks like Gumboro, and we would have to manage it to still make the most of our production season.

The point I’m trying to make here is we didn’t sit in our classrooms expecting miracles to happen.

We got out and got our hands dirty.

So anybody who runs a farm business will have to have the same attitude, and understand that if we as students could have done it, and had a profitable enterprise that we handed over from group to group.

I mean some people would graduate and the next set would take off…

I don’t know if the club is still there today, but as of then it would run year in year out like that.

And the business was profitable!

If students could have done it in a university, I believe that any adult who is running a real life business can succeed at it as well.

The core focus you should have is on lowering your cost of production, and the area where you have the greatest expenses is in the area of feeding.

That’s why you need to understand the science of ration formulation.

And you should understand how to do the computation. Understand the principles behind it.

Understand the issues relating to anti-nutritional factors. Understand how you need to explore the use of alternative feed ingredients that are lower cost.

And also understand how to use my Ration Formulator, the software which you have bought.

Because there’s no way you’re going to get this video series/package without that.

It all comes as one package. That’s the plan I have.

So if you can do that, then you can succeed in farm business.

And like I said…again, I’m repeating it, if students could have done it, as undergraduates in the university, there’s no reason you as an adult, already a graduate running a real life business, cannot succeed.

So in the next clip, I start talking about the ration formulation process, and what it entails.


Get your copy of my new Feed Formulation Home Study Package. You can see photos of the Home Study Pack ready for dispatch to a buyer via courier in this article – click HERE.

It comes with 33 videos (totalling 4 hours of instruction) on DVD.

Also included are a FREE print (i.e. physical spiral bound) and digital copies of my popular Feed Formulation Handbook, its accompanying Ration Formulator software, video demonstrations for use of the software etc.

NEW: Practical Livestock Feed Formulation (& Compounding) Home Study Pack


No. 136: Stop Taking Failure Personally!

People who take failure personally, often fail to succeed. Some who succeed fail to continue succeeding, for the same reason!

Most people want things to work the way we want all the time. And when that doesn’t happen, they give up on themselves.

But people who succeed often do so, because they NEVER take failure personally!


Click now to view the latest issue of Tayo Solagbade's Public Speaking IDEAS page

Publication: Weekly Public Speaking IDEAS Newsletter

Date: Monday7th April 2014


Title: Stop Taking Failure Personally!

Author & Publisher: Tayo K. Solagbade [Tel: +234-803-302-1263 (in Nigeria) or +229-66-122-136 (in Benin Republic) ]

Blog URL: http://www.spontaneousdevelopment.com/blog

Archive (E-mail version started 14th May 2012): Click here to view

Archive (Blog version started 24th September 2011): Click here

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**** **********

NB: This newsletter is published every Monday. Point your browser to www.spontaneousdevelopment.com/sdnuggets to read at least ONE new post added to my SD Nuggets blog on a different category from Tuesday till Saturday (sometimes even Sundays) in line with this publishing schedule :-)


View Tayo Solagbade's video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsJoin the SD Nuggets community on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google Plus

No. 136: Stop Taking Failure Personally!

People who take failure personally, often fail to succeed. Some who succeed fail to continue succeeding, for the same reason!

Most people want things to work the way they want all the time. And when that doesn’t happen, they give up on themselves.

But people who succeed often do so, because they NEVER take failure personally!

Your mental attitude towards things that go wrong with your plans determines how each venture you embark upon in your life ends.

If you enrol for a professional exam and fail, it’s natural that you feel bad about it. However, it does you no good to use that experience, or any that may follow it, no matter how many times they occur, to imply that you are a failure.

Now, one of the things that tend to happen is that others could do things to make you feel like one.

I mean people around you who witness or hear/read about your unsuccessful attempt…or multiple unsuccessful attempts.

They could say things to your face or behind your back that suggest they consider you a failure.

Like any other human being, you are likely to find such feedback painful.

In some cases, such individuals may even go as far as putting you down, and even publicly mocking you. Indeed, those who do such things can often be loved ones e.g. relatives, close friends etc who have access to the details of your efforts and failures.

Typically, they are the ones who would have seen you fail more often than they have seen you succeed.

Many times such individuals will get to a point where they even consider themselves experts of some sort on you, and what you’re capable of achieving.

The irony is that virtually every one of us has a potential tendency to be guilty of doing the above. For instance, imagine you have a brother/sister, or son/daughter or friend who you know to be clumsy. Maybe s/he even stammers a lot as well.

Then one day s/he announces a plan to become a professional singer and dancer. How would you react? Especially when most of your memories of time with him/her are about his/her intermittent stammering, and also falling, or tipping things over?

The automatic response most of us would give is that we would never make fun of, or put anyone down.

But it’s our body language that gives us away to the person most times. The involuntary rolling of the eyes or raising of eyebrows, indulging smiles etc.

Those given such treatment will often not miss it, and it can do major negative damage to their sense of self-worth.

The truth is however that YOU alone can determine how you let others make you feel. And if you learn to believe in yourself, no matter what people say, or what happens to you, or what you do wrong, you’ll will ALWAYS end up better off.

When your plans go wrong in any areas of your life, understand that it NEVER means you’re bad or something is wrong with you.

Instead, know that it’s a sign that you need to go back and check what you need to do better or differently, and then try again.

I did not come up with the above piece of insight. It came from Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich. From the first day I read it and began to apply it in my life, I learnt to EXTERNALIZE failure.

By this I mean that I came to understand that nothing I failed at defined me. That it did not matter how others saw it.

What matters is, and will always be how I see it. And if I do not see what happens to me as the end of the world, then it will not be.

This mental attitude helped me successfully pass through years of prolonged hardship and suffering, as an entrepreneur, till I began to find success.

It equipped me to confidently pick myself back up each time I fell flat on my face in my efforts as an entrepreneur. It gave me to courage to start all over again, time after time, after I’d failed to succeed in taking my business to the next level.

When I found myself unable to fulfil my responsibilities to my wife and kids, to the point that I had to swallow my pride and ask for help from relatives, it helped me stay confident in my ability to bounce back.

Today, all who stood by me, and those who watched from a distance, while I struggled, acknowledge that I AM a success, and not a failure.

But I first had to FIRST think of myself as NOT being one, before they could see me that way, through the results I achieved.

You can succeed the same way too. Just stop taking your failures personally. They will happen, but they can never determine what you will become. They can never keep you from success.

Remember that always, and you’ll eventually have great success stories to tell…like I do on this website!



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So, with with diligent persistent application of what you learn you’ll start (as Burt says)…”bringing home high speaking fees”…whether you speak or not…in a matter of weeks….

Sooner than later you’ll find you’re ready to go for Burt’s mentoring at Diamond or higher Inner Circle membership level.

The best part is: every cent of your fee to purchase this product counts toward your membership in Burt’s Inner Circle.

In other words, you effectively get to eat your cake and still have it!

CLICK HERE to get full details of what it takes to make yourself a true speaking business champion in Burt’s Boot Camp V: Inside Speaking Business Success Secrets


Have a great week :-))

Get Burt Dubin’s Public Speaking Mentoring
for Africa Based Experts

Tayo K. Solagbade*

Self-Development/Performance Improvement Specialist

*Sole Agent For Burt Dubin’s Speaker Mentoring Service In Africa

Mobile: +234-803-302-1263 (in Nigeria) or +229-66-122-136 (in Benin Republic)


Self-Development/Performance Enhancement SpecialistTayo Solagbade – works as a multipreneurial freelance writer providing  zero risk article and report writing support for website owners, while travelling slowly across West Africa as a Location Independent Multipreneur.

He’s presently based in Benin Republic, where he’s preparing an English-French Language Guide, City Travel Guides, and a Commercial Rabbit Farming Guide.

He earns multiple streams of income providing clients with performance improvement training/coaching, custom MS Excel-VB solutions, web marketing systems, freelance writing services, and best practice extension support services (for farm business owners).

In a previous life, before leaving to become self-employed, Tayo served for seven years as a high performing manager in Guinness Nigeria. He rose from Shift Brewer, to Training & Technical Development Manager, then later acted in senior management roles as Production Manager and Technical Manager.

When he’s not amazing clients with his superhuman skills (wink), Tayo works as the creative force behind his Self-Development Nuggets™ blog, and Public Speaking IDEAS newsletter (which he publishes to promote Burt Dubin’s Public Speaking Mentoring service to experts working across the African continent).

For a limited time, Tayo is available to speak to your group or organization for a moderate fee. Send e-mail to tayo at tksola dot com. You can also visit www.tksola.com to learn more.

Connect with him on Twitter @tksola.com and Facebook.


View Tayo Solagbade's video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsJoin the SD Nuggets community on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google Plus

Useful Resources for Speakers

Burt Dubin works with people who want to be speakers, and with speakers who want to be masters.

Burt Dubin works with people who want to be speakers, and with speakers who want to be masters. Click here to visit his website NOW and submit a contact form message telling him what challenges you’re facing, and how you’d like him to help you. Tell him I sent you, and you’ll get a pleasant surprise offer from him.

Burt Dubin’s monthly Speaking Biz Strategies Letter [Signup & get a 7-Part Email Course on “How To Succeed And Get Paid As A Professional Speaker“]

Get Burt’s mentoring at any of the 3 levels below:

1. Top Shelf [Click here]

2. Mid Range [Click here]

3. Budget Delight [Click here]


On Being a Master (PDF)...A Gift from Burt Dubin - Click now!

Burt Dubin’s latest book: “On Being a Master

Download Chapter 1 Preview as PDF

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more information


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Discover how you can produce a precious memento of you and your program. Capture over 44 model pages you can easily adapt for your use. Engage proven principles that add value to the experience of sitting at your feet and learning from you.

This is a reprise of the historic presentation that launched the Speaking Success System.

No copy of this 2 CD program and 50 page Learning Guide has ever been returned.

more information


Smart Exercising Will Keep You Fit, Healthy and Alive - Click to read

Click to read article titled: 'Smart Exercising Will Keep You Fit, Healthy and Alive'...and ONE other. Self-Development/Performance Enhancement Specialist - Tayo Solagbade - works as a multipreneurial freelance writer providing zero risk article and report writing support for website owners, while travelling slowly across West Africa as a Location Independent Multipreneur. 


Using MS Excel® Solver for Least Cost Feed Formulation Can Be Easy - But Also Dangerous (How to Protect Yourself) - Click to downloadDownload above PDF

NEW PDF - 10 Frequently Asked Questions About Feed FormulationDownload above PDF


“(Tayo Solagbade) is amazing and I think he is going to produce some impressive results online…” – click here to read full comment by Patrick Meninga (US based 6 figure income blogger who gained fame for building a $2,000 per month adsense website and selling it for $200,000).


“Tayo, I honestly believe you are one of those who will succeed at anything he does. Your commitment and effort has been outstanding….Thanks for all your hard work since I’ve been here – you will be sorely missed. I don’t need to wish you good luck, you have the ability to make your own luck. – Andy”(R. Jones)*

*Operations Manager, Guinness Nigeria Plc Benin Brewery, December 2001 (Handwritten comments in farewell/xmas cards sent to Tayo Solagbade following his resignation to start his own business).


Click here to contact Tayo… 

SD Nuggets Blog

New posts from last week that may interest you! *
Public Speaking[Tuesday]:


Self-Development [Wednesday]:

Career Development [Thursday]:

Parenting/Travel [Friday]:

Writing/Bloggin [Saturday]:

Writing/Bloggin [Saturday]:

Want me to write for you? Click here…


Fulfilling Farm Business Best Practice Product Orders, Amidst Chaos (True Story)

[Lagos, 6:49a.m, 6th April 2014] Each time I visit Lagos, I see more reasons to justify not doing any aspect of my work from here.

I spent all of Friday 4th February 2014 – under stressful conditions – battling to prepare and send courier packs to 3 Farm CEOs who paid for my products.

One is based in Kano (Feed formulation Handbook and software), a second, in Jos (Poultry Farm Manager) and the third in Warri (Feed Formulation Home Study Pack).

Holding a Ready-to-Dispatch Print Copy of My Popular Practical Feed Formulation Handbook

Holding a Ready-to-Dispatch Print Copy of My Popular Practical Feed Formulation Handbook

I sent 2 of the packs off at 5.15p.m, from the Fedex branch along Ikeja’s Toyin street.

The 3rd goes out Monday a.m once I get additional handbook copies made.

My new Practical Feed Formulation (& Compounding) Home Study Video Series DVD

My new Practical Feed Formulation (& Compounding) Home Study Video Series DVD

Hint: My new Practical Feed Formulation & Compounding Home Study Video Series, comes on a DVD.

It is bundled with a copy of my Ration Formulation Software, video tutorials, pdf user guide, a physical copy of my Feed Formulation Handbook, and other products.

Delivery is via courier.

The link below leads to a detailed description:


Massive traffic jams all over the area made moving around to get that done soooo hard.

Near zero power supply has meant my having to force myself to do needed work with noise from multiple generators making my head ring – my work rate suffering badly as a result.


Only the knowledge that my new product offers are bringing in much more sales make it easier to bear.

My new Poultry Farm Manager app CD

My new Poultry Farm Manager app CD

Hint: See the preview PDF at:


Learn more at:


Click the link below to watch the demonstration video for the ExcelVB driven Poultry Farm Operations Management software.

You can see the demo video at:


Alternatively, the Youtube version can be viewed at:



I still have a past buyer from Tanzania asking for payment details too (for my home study video), while a Kenyan CEO is working to repeat the bank transfer (for my Poultry Manager app), using the corrected domicillary account details I got by visiting my bank on Tuesday.

This rapid increase in orders for physical versions of my products is something I’ll have to handle more from Cotonou.

Not only will it cost about 40% less to produce copies, there’s also a lot less stress involved in fulfilling orders from that end.

My Feed Formulation Handbook hard copy & Ration Formulator software DVD

My Feed Formulation Handbook hard copy & Ration Formulator software DVD

Hint: The page that has details of my Excel-VB driven Ration formulator software and handbook etc is at:


The handbook offers 60 pages of practical information, guidance and tips on feed formulation AND compounding.

Would you believe, I had to walk 2.5 hours from Ikeja to my home, when after waiting 4 hours from 4p.m till after 8p.m, the traffic jam along the routes failed to ease up?!

But in a way it was fun. I decided to make it fun, rather than let it affect my mood. And I’m always ready to push my fitness level higher :-)

However, the chaos, and extremes out here remind me of why I moved to Cotonou, and why once I find a willing property owner, I’ll move my family to join me.

As I began walking from the bus stop, 2 young chaps in their mid 20s to early thirties joined me. I’d told them while we waited that I would walk home if the traffic jam did not improve.

The traffic situation already bad for weeks before, due to elaborate road repairs being carried out, really peaked that day.

I would later learn it was due to the monthly exodus of thousands of Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG)’s members to their “camp” along the Lagos-Ibadan expressway.

I and my new young friends chatted about Nigeria, about corruption and eventually about our work.

This made our progress faster, as we walked. About 400m past the Grammar school bus stop, my friends found a bike rider willing to take them to Akute, their final destination.

We exchanged contacts, they left, and I continued walking another 15 minutes to my home.

The top of my Cotonou sewn native outfit was drenched in sweat.

My thick soled army regulation type leather shoes were completely covered in brown dirt from the long trek, making me shake my head in self pity.

I slept at 11.45p.m that Friday, after taking my meal and posting the blog article for the day.

Waking up Saturday morning at 7.30a.m, I watched movies with my kids all day (Jamie Foxx’s “The Whitehouse is down” is GREAT!).

At last I felt as relaxed as I’d wanted to be since coming down to see them!

A few days back they’d surprised me by baking and selling cakes without an oven like I taught them late last year.

I’d challenged them to do it as part of “celebrations” of the anniversary of my 1st year in Benin Republic.

I’ve been bragging to everyone about the zero oven charcoal stove cakes being made, and sold by them…and even wrote a blog article about it on Thursday:


Despite all that’s happened, I cannot deny that Nigeria’s peculiarly harsh atmosphere drives people to function at their best.

Apart from pushing me to explore smarter and more creative ways to get my work done, it’s helped me start my kids on the entrepreneurial path, towards achieving financial independence.

That’s a dream I’ve had since the first child was born, in 1999.

Having said that, I know it’s better to expose them to other societies, like Cotonou, Douala, Accra, so they can see that life does not have to be so hard, harsh and tough.

That 20 hour hustling need not be a way of life.

That corruption is not a pandemic there, like it is here.

That in those societies laws often work, social order exists, making it inevitable that wrong doers, small or big, get duly punished.

I realize I need to let them see all that, lest they conclude that the many negatives they see growing up in Nigeria, are “normal” and unavoidable.

And that’s why I’m eventually going to make them travel with me.

To Sell with Your Writing, Touch on Different Areas of Your Target Audience’s Life

Successful selling in any area of life requires gaining the trust of the prospective buyer. If you think about why YOU buy things, you’ll likely discover multiple factors often influence your final decision.

For instance, I have bought tutorial CDs and books on a variety of subjects, because I felt they would be useful for my kids’ education.

But not classroom education now.

I refer here to my plan to make them acquire real world relevant knowledge about vocations one can venture into. Examples include various aspect of cooking e.g. baking. And this is why today, they bake cakes without using an oven, which they sell during break time in their school.

So I buy products and services with my kids, their mother, or other loved ones in mind.

But I also look out for items that offer potentially useful value me, in my personal life, as well as for the work I do.

Many people who want to sell will benefit by adopting a similar holistic perspective in thinking about their potential buyers.

The truth is you can make your sales offers by carefully presenting them from a variety of angles that touch on the target audience’s potential interests.

I’ve been doing this for years. My realization of what makes me buy, led me to an epiphany of sorts about how to sell to others.

Nine times out of ten, selling involves explaining benefits to people.

And that requires talking, or writing, or doing both…as creatively as possible.

A look at how I do my multidisciplinary writing on this blog provides a good case in point.

Most of your prospects will have interests that cover different aspects of life. They cannot help it, as long as they are human.

Writing on different categories, however works better if one weaves in references, where relevant or possible, to solutions you offer.

It can be done. You just need to do some creative thinking.

If you’ve ever wondered why I write on seemingly unrelated multiple categories on my blog, the above is why I do it.

1. Business Owners Often Interested in Entrepreneurship…So I Write About It

Basically I share true stories and experiences about my life as an entrepreneur.

From my goof ups to my big wins, I creatively present information and education to help others.

Not only does this cement my credibility as a hands on entrepreneur in the minds of readers, it also moves those interested in solutions I offer, closer to connecting with me by making enquiries or buying.

2. Some of My Prospects Have Full Time Jobs…So I Write About Career Development

So many of my recent buyers have turned out to be people working full time in well paying jobs, who have chosen to start their businesses part time.

Most times they use what they earn from their jobs to finance their business start-up and expansion.

This implies that if they keep doing well, or better at work, they’ll have more money to channel into their part time ventures.

And possibly at some stage grow it big enough to go full time in it.

By sharing my experience based ideas about succeeding in paid employment, such individuals can discover me. And in the process, some also discover I offer products they need to run their part time businesses better.

Examples include my feed formulation handbook and/or software, my poultry farm manager, my payslip generator, Self-Development Bible etc.

3. Some of My Prospects Have Kids…So I Write About Parenting

An oil company engineer, whose wife just had a baby boy, may suddenly develop an interest in parenting. Before then, when he was a bachelor, he would have had little or no interest.

In other words, an effort to learn more by reading ideas on parenting, could make a visitor discover a solution s/he has been looking for, on the site offering the parenting ideas.

I’ve been writing parenting articles for over a decade, but not because I want to use it as a strategy for selling myself or my products and services.

Instead, it’s a passion I have, to help parents get the best out of their kids. So I demonstrate the power of my parenting ideas by exposing my kids to them, and sharing the results we get.

This way, readers gain insights they can apply in their own homes. They appreciate it so much that some email me to say thanks, while others signup to get more via my newsletter.

In the process, some may discover solutions I offer, and make contact. See examples in the screenshots of some emails I received below…

Screenshot of email request: In the process, some may discover solutions I offer, and make contact. See examples in the screenshots of some emails I received below...

Screenshot of email request: In the process, some may discover solutions I offer, and make contact. See examples in the screenshots of some emails I received below...

Final Words: Use Your Writing to Touch on Different Areas of Your Target Audience’s Life

The above examples are based on successes I’m achieving in my use of multidisciplinary writing, to attract potential buyers of my unique range of products and services.

The increasing rate of success proves that it pays to be less direct – subtle in fact – when marketing your solutions.

Years ago, I learnt – the hard way – that people resist being “sold”.

They prefer to feel they did the buying on their own, and not because it was forced down their throats.

Stealth is another word that describes this approach.

To succeed often, write about subjects that interest those who fit your target audience profile.

The truth is however that such subjects may not necessarily relate in any way to what you even sell.

Instead, make sure what you write is truly useful to those who read it.

That will make them like you, and take you seriously.

Over time, they’re more likely to trust you…

And when people trust you, they will often buy from you.

You’ll consequently be able to tell friends and associates, about your rapidly increasing sales conversions…like I did in exceprts below from an email I sent out today:

"Right till close of work Friday 4th April 2014, I was tidying video tutorials to go with courier packs for 3 Farm CEOs who sent payment from Kano (Feed formulation Handbook and software), Jos (Poultry Farm Manager) and Warri (Feed Formulation Home Study Pack)…

I sent 2 of the packs off via Fedex at 5.15p.m, at Ikeja’s Toyin street. The 3rd goes out Monday a.m once I get the handbook copy made.

My new product offers are bringing in much more sales…

I still have a past buyer from Tanzania asking for payment details too (for my home study video), while the Kenyan CEO is working to repeat the bank transfer (for my Poultry Manager app), using the corrected domicillary account details I got by visiting my bank on Tuesday."

But to reap such rewards, my experiences strongly indicate one must keep doing it for the long term.

Can you do that?

If yes, I assure you that phone calls and emails from eager prospective buyers of solutions you offer WILL come your way MUCH MORE frequently, than they currently do!


Pre-Marital Sex Amongst Teenagers – A PROPOSED SOLUTION

[NB: I first e-published this article on 31st July 2003 i.e a decade ago.] I greatly enjoyed watching the maiden edition of a network television show Today’s Woman hosted by Adesuwa on Wednesday 30th July 2003 from 8.30pm. She came across as one who truly desired to make a positive, meaningful and lasting impact in the lives of Nigerian women.

I shared this vision, and that’s why I wrote this proposal that same day (circulating it via e-mail the next morning), to suggest one way by which we can manage (it is not possible to eliminate it) the problem of Teenage/Pre-Marital Sex to the ultimate benefit of our society/nation.

What I Propose As A "Solution" Is Not Really New

First of all, let me say that I have a 14 year old teenage boy, who has a soon to be13 year old brother. So as a parent, I relate with teenage kids.

What I propose is being done in one form or the other by individuals and groups working with females groups. However, I advocate a different strategy in the implementation of this solution that will result in more sustainable returns and wider spread use of the solution, so that more of the intended target audience will receive the benefits in a shorter time.

I worked in a large corporate multinational for over 6 years in Benin City Edo state before voluntarily resigning to go into entrepreneuring. During that time, I had the opportunity to “witness” this problem at close quarters. It is of course also rampant in other parts of Nigeria. I believe that solving this problem requires first that we find practical/realistic answers to the following questions:

a. Do the teenagers have any adequately compelling reason to abstain from pre-marital sex?

(I have witnessed mothers encouraging their – teenage -daughters to date young male managers in blue-chip companies so as to get some extra money with which to supplement the family’s income). So there is a problem of economic hardships, and the need to survive.

b. Does the social environment in any way discourage teenagers from engaging in pre-marital sex? 

When adults who preach Christian/biblical tenets to their daughters engage in illicit affairs with the opposite sex, “thinking” their kids do not see them, what signals do they send to the kids?. Here, the habits of "lip-service" and hypocrisy – endemic in the Nigerian society – rear their heads. Ironically, our kids acquire these habits very quickly – by Osmosis(?) – too!

c. What alternative (diversionary?) activities can realistically be provided to engage the attention of teenagers in a way that minimizes their chances of engaging in pre-marital sex?

These must be activities that will be of sufficient interest to the girls(and boys) to make them willingly become so absorbed, as to have little time or patience to for "playing around" with male counterparts. Here I refer to vocations that will not only occupy, but also empower teenage girls – as happens in other societies.

Our Adopted Solution Must Defy The “Nigerian Factor

In trying to resolve this problem, the solution we settle for must of necessity be one that will complement – not invalidate – the educational and counselling efforts already being applied to address it.

Many female (not necessarily teenage) Nigerians who engage in high-risk behavior for instance, have repeatedly revealed they were forced into it, out of a need to survive. It is often men who go into it just for “fun”.

Fewer women/girls initially see it as such.

Now, before anyone says such girls could get jobs or start a business, let me make something clear.

As an entrepreneur, I have found, over the years, that many other considerations aside from merit/competence (especially for service providers) determine who gets patronage in Nigeria. Your willingness to give something in cash or kind, frequently determines whether or not you get that which you may ordinarily be qualified for.

Many females who seek jobs, roles in films, funding for their ventures etc, are often confronted with male overtures they are pressured to accommodate as a pre-condition for getting what should have come to them by merit. It’s either they give themselves or give something else – money etc. Some soon realize they can actually get almost anything using this means, so it becomes a habit!

This is one of the fallouts of the so-called Nigerian factor.

I had a conversation with an entrepreneur who attended a certain lecture on Entrepreneuring organized by an NGO. He recalled that one of the speakers, in response to a question about how to deal with the Nigerian factor said “It’s there, but we can’t bring it on the table for discussion”!

No wonder many young Nigerians who venture into business fail. No one tells them they need to do more than package/market their services excellently to get corporate patronage for instance.

Now that’s exactly the cause of all our woes in this country. We refuse to accept, and sometimes deny out rightly, the existence of practices we are aware of, and even partake in on a daily basis! We want to wish it (Nigerian factor) away, yet we know it won’t go unless we do something about it.

Simply put, Nigerians love to deceive themselves!

We Need To Be Honest With Ourselves

If we truly want to solve (or reduce) the problem of teenage/pre-marital sex in our society, we must be ready to put all the factors relevant to the problem on the table and discuss them openly. For teenagers, especially those from poor families, it won’t be just about peer pressure.

A promise of cash/gifts she would otherwise not be able to afford will frequently rapidly "erase" any memories of Christian teaching about abstinence.

This may sound ludicrous to some people, but it is a well known FACT!(Even Wale Adenuga’s Super Story on TV acknowledges it).

I have seen adults as startup entrepreneurs who have consented to giving kick-backs, “cuts”, over-invoicing etc to officers in the companies they offer their services/products, so as to get contracts they badly need.

If those adults could not "endure" the challenge of a lack of legitimate patronage, how do you think a frail minded teenager will fare against a worldly teenage (or older) boyfriend or suitor dangling all sorts of carrots?

Let’s tune in to the real world, and not make our efforts to solve this problem an academic exercise. So many factors come in to play here. It’s not as simple as just telling them “God says don’t do it”! Virtually everyone gets told what God does not want, and yet everyday we read, see and hear about adults who should know better falling flat on their faces by doing things they knew were wrong/bad.

Vocational Empowerment – The Solution

Vocational Empowerment of teenage girls needs to become OUR priority. It remains for parents and successful professional/career women to come together and think of the easiest and most realistic ways to help young girls achieve this empowerment.

“So in what way will Vocational Empowerment help?” you may ask.

It will make teenagers believe more in themselves, since they will acquire knowledge/skills that make them immediately relevant to the real world’s needs and interests. A woman who enjoys recognition/rewards for her skills and abilities in a specific vocation will have greater self-esteem, and therefore be, for instance, less easily pressured to give in by peers or cash/gift promises.

The earlier a young girl gets this kind of empowerment, the better she will be able to deal with the challenge of saying no to male peers and others.

It cannot be too early to start this. Think about it – many (teenage) girls already hawk wares on the streets anyway(and Vocational Empowerment will provide them an alternative that works)!

Of course, if after all the efforts have been made, a teenage girl still wants to do it, she will. But, she is likely to be better prepared to deal with the outcome.

Discussions could be held to determine the most appropriate vocations that would readily interest them/equally give them a purpose to pursue in their lives aside from academics. You would need to ask them to visualise what they wish to achieve in life – and I DO NOT mean "Doctor", “Lawyer”, “Engineer” etc.

At this early stage, one would want to help them discover where their true passions lie on an individual basis.

And this may not even require a career counsellor. Their natural talents/geniuses are likely to be better identified by themselves, with help from parents, friends/relatives.

From there, the relevant vocation could be suggested and the teenagers introduced to it.

The next paragraph contains the MAIN idea that makes what I propose different from most of what I already being done in this area.

The vocation a teenager settles for MUST be one that can be easily combined with normal academic studies etc. If it is done right, there will be little need to chase the girl around to show interest -she will simply get naturally engrossed in it.

The above point CANNOT be over-emphasised. 

Please note, that in trying to implement a solutions for teenagers, we must remember they are different from other female groups. Especially by virtue of the fact that they will have to adopt these vocations and STILL continue the pursuit of their education.

They would also be likely still be responsible to their parents and guardians, so income-generation would not be the main objective for having them adopt a particular vocation(though it would be a good incentive/outcome).

Once that passion and intensity are ignited, only periodic guidance from older persons – with support and exposure through efforts of parents etc will help them grow into (psychological) maturity.

The successes of the first set of girls this is done with, will automatically stir up interest amongst their peers. Soon, other teenage Nigerian girls will believe they have a chance as well as a choice(s)!

Do you need an example? Well, think about the Williams sisters, and the number of trophies/cash prizes they’ve won through their teenage years, till today!

Much of their youthful energies, which could have been predominantly expended with male peers/others, were channeled into perfecting their skills in tennis. Today it has paid off.

In addition, the self-discipline they learned from engaging in a physically/mentally demanding sport, enabled them successfully venture into other lucrative vocations like fashion design (Venus) and acting (Serena).

There are many other examples. And please let no one say it won’t work here.

One of Adesuwa’s guests said each of us could provide support in form of funding, networking opportunities, and – I add – exposure. That’s what happens in developed societies. People there don’t fold their arms and call on “The Government”. They take action as individuals, and groups, to make the desired change happen – and commit to sustaining it!

In developed societies, people do not wait for the wives of governors/presidents, or rich persons, to start something.

Everyone who truly cares about these teenagers, and really wants to help them live better lives, will commit by giving his/her time, efforts, resources/expertise and (if possible) money to make that change/difference.We need to follow the dictum: “Start Where You Are With What You Have”.

Out here, everyone talks about how bad it is, but few are prepared to commit on a long-term (“no rewards expected”) basis to solving it.

The problem here in Nigeria, is that we have very few adults with long-term vision and commitment to anything. Not many people are ready to work with (young) others for 5/10-year periods to build anything lasting/self-sustaining.

I come from a working background that has prepared me to do that. I have worked with people with that kind of training – mostly expatriates. I am honestly convinced that anyone who can just do that will achieve breakthroughs never before witnessed in this country – repeatedly!

What I have said above is not theory. It is based on the work I am now engaged in. I am a Self-Development /Performance Enhancement Specialist, and my work is aimed at helping people learn how to empower themselves to achieve their fullest potentials in life.

My organisation is a startup mobile creative training outfit, but not an NGO.

The above suggestions are part of the approach I have settled for as a basis for achieving my vision. In my case, the major vocations I have chosen is low startup capital Catfish farming, Custom IT Solutions Development and Internet Entrepreneuring(Netpreneuring). My background in (Agric.) Extension Services also equips me to function as a Social Change Agent – which is what this is all about: effecting positive Social Change.

Some Specific Vocations To Consider

I must acknowledge here that there are individuals/groups already doing something along these lines, and recording excellent successes. We however need more of it to happen – and more importantly we NEED them to be sustainable!! In going through the suggested vocations, keep in mind that teenagers will normally still have to pursue an education, so we need to engage them in vocations(as I said at the start of this proposal) that can be easily combined with normal academic studies etc

1. Fashion Design/Tailoring

Why can’t a 12 year-old girl start apprenticeship in tailoring/fashion design under a reasonably successful (preferably female) volunteer who is a fashion designer/tailor? The teenager’s apprenticeship would be FREE and she would be useful to her “trainer” by providing an extra pair of willing hands. Her schooling would not suffer in any way.

Before any objections are raised, remember that many young Nigerian girls of this age already have to do more demanding work than what is being proposed, due to the economic circumstances of the families they belong to.

Even if a girl’s family is comfortable, she has everything to gain, and virtually nothing to lose by spending a few hours every week learning a skill that will make her useful to herself/other much earlier on in life.

Those who have fashion designers/tailors as mothers, sisters, aunties, wives (or male versions) will testify to how comforting it is to know that attires for your next social outing will get the best attention etc – at good prices too!

Those who have fashion designers/tailors as mothers, sisters, aunties, wives (or male versions) will testify to how comforting it is to know that attires for your next social outing will get the best attention etc – at good prices too!

2. Sports – Lawn Tennis/Squash, Athletics etc.

Here I point out the irony of the chocolate beverage adverts that show an Aje-butter(rich) kid breasting the tape at the finish line in a race after having a Cocoa drink. This is to be contrasted with the real-life situation of Aje Paki(poor) kids who daily represent Nigeria in all major sporting competitions worldwide!

If you haven’t noticed, go out and do a survey. 99% of the people who represent Nigeria in serious sporting activities are from poor/humble backgrounds. Very few comfortable/rich Nigerian parents allow their kids spend time engaged in serious sports.

Instead they give them allowances to visit clubs, recreation centers, attend parties etc. That’s where(for those not under financial pressure) the pre-marital sex problems crop up. They are less driven to strive for personal successes/achievements than their poorer peers, with more time/energy to engage in such activities.

Lawn Tennis/Squash, Golf and Chess are fairly high-profile sports that some parents might want to get their kids interested in.

I say this because certain people worry that their kids may suffer injuries etc when engaged in rugged sports like Football, Handball etc.

Incidentally Tennis/Golf etc seem to attract sponsorships fairly readily, and since they are individual events, offer, more tangible rewards to the child who takes part and wins.

It is an added irony that despite the foregoing facts, many of the organized competitions in these events suffer due to low interest/participation. It’s almost never too early for kids to start playing these sports – from 3 years up!

3. Arts/Entertainment

I will not bother to say much here. Just look at what has happened to that industry in Nigeria today, especially since the entry of the Bruce family’s Silverbird International. Comedians, Singers, and Actors if willing to work hard, can enjoy successful and rewarding careers.

Teenagers, under good guidance, can also spend time learning the ropes of these naturally interesting and exciting vocations, with positive, lasting benefits.

4. Internet Entrepreneuring

Careers in custom software development, freelance writing, web design/copywriting and web marketing service provision – for an international credit card paying clientele – are not unachievable for Nigerian teenagers.

With good commitment, and vision, the negative impact of the activities of 419 email scam artists hampering the harvesting of limitless opportunities available on the net can be overcome.

I am heavily focussed towards making this happen through my work currently, and would welcome enquiries from persons genuinely interested in making it happen too.

Start by taking your kids to the Stadium near you – today! 

Final Words

I’ll end by saying that just like one of the guests on Today’s Woman said, the changes are not going to happen overnight. They are Social Changes. Anything relating to making human beings effect changes in the way they do things, hardly ever happens quickly.

The prospective Change Agent therefore needs to wear the "toga" of patience – and be persistent – if he/she is to achieve any lasting change.

To be able to do this and remain sane in a place like Nigeria, one MUST – of necessity -believe in, and truly LOVE the people he/she wishes to help. That’s why I could not help but get to my PC and begin typing this proposal immediately after watching that interesting TV show this evening.

There is so much I have to say about this issue, and related ones. I am extremely passionate about the challenge of helping Nigerians make the best of their lives as individuals, in a way that will benefit themselves, and the country.

We must start with the individual, and help him/her learn how to perform optimally in any area of endeavour she chooses if this country is to fully develop.

The government has enough problems to grapple with as it is. Let each of us begin to do something to bring about the change. I have chosen my path, so (it appears) has Adesuwa. I’m hoping others who watch will realise – as she has said – that they need to do likewise.

Here’s wishing Adesuwa continued success in her show, and even greater successes in future! 

—End of original article—

Update Added on 4th April 2014: I Practise What I Preach – My Kids Are Living Proof!

I first e-published this article on 31st July 2003 i.e a decade ago.

Today, I have many parenting articles on this blog, in which I share the progress I’m making in applying the above solution in my own home, with my own kids. The results I’m getting PROVE that it works. Click here to read one such article published just yesterday, in which I share the story (with photos) of how my kids make cakes (without using an oven) that they sell in their school.

And that’s just one of a number of vocational skills they possess. If my kids can do it, then so can yours – with YOUR help and support!

Sometimes You’ll Need to Keep It Within Your Family

“Tayo, let your wife and kids work with you to run the place. Do not employ people who will have easy access to the inner workings of your business. Out here, people can rarely be found who are that trustworthy. Give them an inch, and they’ll take a mile!”

That kind of advice came from some of my Beninese friends and associates, regarding recruiting hands for the brew pub I want to open here in Cotonou..

To be honest, it’s about the same kind of advice I would give a foreginer if I was in Nigeria.

No offense intended, but I’m saying it as I’ve seen it over the course of many yearss!

To Succeed, One Needs a Good Team

Having said the above, individuals of exceptional character, who will deliver great performances as employees, do exist (in all societies).

I was that kind of employee, and have worked with like minded others, in paid employment.

I’ve also periodically come across them in client companies, over the years.

Such employees are however hard to find, and often need to be given worthwhile rewards (not necessarily money) for their fidelity to make them stay long.

When starting up however, that can be a bit hard to achieve, since many start-ups tend to have limited resources and means.

And that’s why the idea of bringing one’s immediate “family” members into a business project can be useful.

At least to get it off the ground. And if done right, a fully fledged family business may emerge, that will be passed down through multiple generations.

I’ve Decided to Build a Family Based Brew Pub Business for the Long Term

I’ve explained in past articles that my brew pub will offer my pineapple peels based drinks and cakes as the main products. But it will also offer creative practical language learning opportunities based on use of my Quick and Dirty Guide to French and English.

Basically, I will facilitate speech and conversation making sessions in the pub for ANY interest patrons, as a group. Contests will be held among participants, and prizes will be awarded based on voting by the audience.

This latter activity will serve to attract MORE of my target audience to the pub, since it will be free, and yet of useful interest to them.

That’s why I’ve been carefully coaching my kids to develop a variety of potentially useful competencies.

Whenever I’m home I continue from where I stopped last time I visited.

And when I’m away, I deliberately make calls to follow up with them on tasks I give them, which are often meant to help them develop a new knowledge or skill.

From writing assignments, to physical exercise regimens, cooking, drinks making, baking (without an oven), among others, the kids are being gradually trained to be creatively versatile i.e. multipreneurial…like I AM!

But I do not bother telling them, or their mother, that THAT (i.e. multidisciplinary training) is my purpose.

Doing so would only have created a psychological resistance, since I get told ever so often that not everyone can be like me. Whatever that means …since history attests to the fact that ANYONE can become whatever s/he believes!

Today, each of my three oldest kids is comfortable doing domestic chores, including cooking in the kitchen. Their peers are mostly not allowed by the parents to do such things.

In the case of my wife and I, what we’ve done makes it possible for us to ask one of them to prepare meal for everyone to eat.

Apart From Doing Chores, They Are Also Learning to Think and Act Entrepreneurially

Being told what to do around the house is one thing. Knowing how to come up with creative solutions to get things done is another. The latter is an ability that can be cultivated from an early age. Just encourage your kids to try THINKING more for themselves, and depend LESS on you for answers.

You’ll be amazed by how far – and fast – they’ll quickly make progress!

In past articles, I’ve shared stories about how they collect metals from around the neighborhood, and sell to itinerant waste collectors who salvage such items. I just challenged them to stop asking me for “sweets money” and think of what they can do to earn money.

And I pointed to examples of their peers who daily hawk items for sale, to add to income earned by their parents. Next thing I knew, they’d found out that some mallams would pay them to find certain metal types. And they were soon making money from doing that.

More relevant to my plans for the brew pub, is the need for them to develop smart sales and marketing skills.

Since they already know how to find and/or create products, being able to find buyers is imperative, otherwise no rewards will accrue to them for their efforts.

And I’ve been teaching them to do most of the things I do. Especially those they can do to make money. For instance, they make and sell my pineapple peel drinks and cakes in the school. But it’s the latter they seem to have really taken a major interest in.

I say this because each time I come home, they show me a new modification they’ve made to the process I taught them. The process involves using a charcoal stove and heavy metal pot to bake cakes. No oven needed.

Another thing: They looked at a recipe I got from a You tube video, and concluded the “1 cup” of groundnut oil added, if replaced with butter, would give a better finish.

The pictures of the resulting cakes below(though without pineapple peels added), prove they were right.

This picture of the resulting cakes (though without pineapple peels added), prove they were right.

Another picture of the resulting cakes (though without pineapple peels added)

Picture of my 10 and 12 year olds holding a box containing the packed and ready for sale cakes

Click here to see what the cakes from MY past efforts looked like in comparison(NB: Mine had pineapple peel added)…...

This week, I wanted us to celebrate the anniversary of my one year stay in Benin Republic by making cakes for sale. So I gave them a thousand naira, to buy the needed ingredients and left for town.

When I returned, they met me with a very pleasant sight. Well baked and neatly packed cakes they’d made while I was away (see photos below).

No supervision from any adult whatsoever. That was yesterday evening.

This afternoon, I returned home to find them back from school, and they showed me the N400 they’d made from sales of 7 of the cakes, to their classmates. But they’d eaten up the remaining 12!

So I gave them yet another lecture on the need to turn around money they spend, to ensure they make a profit.

I think the message will sink in this time around, because I’ve made it clear they’ll need to present a report showing expenses and sales recorded. And they’ll have to use whatever money they make to buy a new round of materials to continue baking cakes for sale. No new funds will come from me.

As I type these words, the eldest of them is doing his turn of baking the cakes – without using an oven – outside in the open, next to where I’m seated.

His brothers are in the house, assembling the pieces of a new fan we just bought.

And that’s the other thing.

The kids – the boys especially – do virtually all the coupling and fixing in the house.

I rarely have to get involved.

And so when I bring a device home, I know I can depend on them to read the manual, and get it up and running in no time.

That’s why even when I’m away, their mother rarely has problems in that department!

All of the above convince me we are well on our way, as a family, to having a well rounded team to run the family business.

(NB: In the case of the fan, we’ll still call in the electrian to fix it to the wall, and connect to power – for safety considerations).

Final Words

You may find the above ideas useful, if you’re concerned about ensuring the survival of a business you start, and/or are struggling to find good employees you can depend on.

In that case, building your team from within your immediate family, could be a useful strategy to adopt, for the medium or indeed long term!

Why Marketing to Strangers Yields More Success

Rekiya, a chartered accountant had a great career, for 15 years, in a leading financial services firm. Since launching her own consulting outfit 6 months ago however, finding client business has been tough.

She’s been offered advice by well meaning friends, relatives, former colleagues and associates. Many recommended calling old school mates, past acquaintances, with whom she’d lost touch etc.

However, as always happens, people may know and like you, but if they do not have a “felt-need” for what you offer, they are unlikely to buy from you!

But they’ll often be polite when you call, and even promise to get back to you. People are like that. Especially when they know you. They wish you well and so will try to be nice.

But rarely will they respond with the urgency – and interest – that a total stranger in need of your solution will!

And that’s what happened to Rekiya, 6 months after starting up…

Many who’d promised to link her up, or invite her to deliver services/products to them, had not called.

Yet they’d made her send them thickly bound hard copy proposals, explaining her offer. Putting that together had not been cheap!

A few who had called back, and asked her to carry out projects for them, were yet to honour invoices she’d sent in, weeks after she’d handed over.

If Rekiya was a friend, and she asked my advice on what to do, the following is what I would tell her:

The situation was already telling on her cash flow, which still came mainly from her savings.

And her morale was dropping at approximately the same rate as her bank balance. Plus, she wondered what alternatives she could pursue.

I would waste not time in saying…

1. Forget About Marketing to Those You Know…!


That’s because I believe every start-up needs to spend less time trying to win over established contacts as clients.

Don’t get me wrong. I do not mean don’t go there.

Instead, I suggest spending less time looking that way, and invest more time, effort and energy setting up systems to attract NEW people with potential interest in what you offer.

People who never knew you before, but who are looking for your product or service.

How do you do this? Here’s an example of a simple zero cost strategy you can use:

When one is on a tight budget, creativity in getting things done without spending becomes a priority. I learnt that the hard way during 10 hard years of struggling as an entrepreneur in Nigeria.

So I began to call people’s bluff.

If someone demanded a proposal, I asked him/her for an email address I could send a PDF document to, that I called a “Generic Proposal”.

Basically, it was a document I’d prepared with my desired target audience in mind, based on many past conversations with prospects.

It often contained the information and details that addressed most of the key questions and issues a serious prospect would raise.

If the person demanding the proposal insists I sent it on paper, I often take it as a good sign that s/he is not really interested or ready.


Because the kinds of solutions I offer mostly require use of PC and Internet technology.

Any prospect averse to reviewing my offer using that platform is not likely to make a good client. 10 years out here have shown me the foregoing is often right.

2. Aim for Those Who Do NOT Know You…!

If you belong to the old school, you’d probably imagine the above stunt got me in trouble.

But guess what?

All serious prospects I’ve related with NEVER raised any issues!

They readily supplied their email addresses, and I sent them my PDF “Generic Proposal”. A few then went on to hire me (to develop a Web Marketing System for them or build a custom Excel-VB app).

In this way, I virtually eliminated the expense I used to incur on printing paper based flyers and other promotional material for my work.

That left me with more money in my pockets to fuel my car, pay for my Internet connections etc.

Using my Internet connection, I diligently churned out educational articles targeted at potential buyers, which got republished to various platforms e.g. Facebook and Twitter.

Most times, those write ups are discovered by people who have NEVER heard of, or read about me before. Total strangers. Quite often they’re searching via Google or other engine.

Then I turn up, and they read my piece, and decide to make contact, to ask me questions about what I wrote, and how I can help them.

Typically, they would have clicked a promotional link or two that I subtly inserted to one or more of my products or services sales page. And that would have gotten them hooked.

Next thing I know, the person calls my mobile, and asks “How much for…?” After I reply, s/he says “Please send me your account details so I can make the payment.”

Then I do that via email or phone text message. Suddenly, the email alert arrives on my Blackberry. Sometimes ALL of this can – and does – happen in a space of 4 to 6 hours from first contact, to payment.

Actually, as I write THIS article, it just happened AGAIN, this time with a Farm CEO from Jos, in Nigeria’s Plateau State.

He just paid for the Mini Monthly version of my Poultry Farm Manager software, less than 4 hours AFTER first contacting me on phone.

A total stranger!

Question: How come he was so quickly convinced to buy?

Answer: The mass of useful educational information I’d made available online, alongside my sales information made all the difference. I’ll explain more about this in a future article.

For now, it’s worthy of note that selling to friends/relatives can often take MORE effort and time…and will usually be LESS profitable!

The above approach works quite well, and will save you lots of stress, while putting PHYSICAL cash, with fat profit margins from happy buyers, in YOUR pockets!

Final Words: Even if your solutions are not IT related like mine, you CAN still employ this approach successfully.


Because in today’s world, most of your likely clients will be people who use email and have Internet connections, computers and smart phones with powerful features and functions.

If they really want your solution, and you offer to send them a link to a relevant page on your site, they will NOT insist you print out and sent them a paper based version.

If they do, it could signify a potential waste of time.

You have been warned!

Earning Income Working From Anywhere (True Story)

Yesterday, I was in a Cotonou taxi headed for the Benin Republic-Nigeria border, when Alhaji Usman S., CEO of a pelleted livestock feed manufacturing company in Nigeria’s Kano State, called, and we spoke like old friends…even though we have NEVER met.

I’ve been having such conversations weekly, with increasing frequency since last year…

If truth be told however, I could not have taken my work to the level it is today, if I’d stayed in Nigeria.

Erratic power supply, and other annoyances would have drastically held me back.

So, the insight that led me to relocate to Benin Republic, from Nigeria, now looks great (on hindsight). I’ve been able to work often uninterrupted for 20 hours daily for most of the past year.

And that’s now yielding fruits that I describe in the rest of this article.

NB: Interestingly, some misinformed persons who write me, assume I either buy articles – or have a team of writers working for me. Nothing could be further from the truth. I ALONE create ALL the content on this site. I’ll address this fully in my next article.

But back to Alhaji…

He first called my MTN Nigeria mobile, last September (2013) after coming across my Ration Formulator video on Youtube. Only 6 months ago.

That day, I was in Lagos, conducting questionnaire surveys for my agribusiness case study research paper. He spoke with me for almost 30 minutes, expressing his appreciation for, and interest in my work. We ended that conversation, with him insisting I send him payment details so he could send funds for the handbook and software.

A day later, I did that, but never heard from him.

But a Farm CEO based in Uyo, who recently purchased my Ration Formulator and Feed Formulation Handbook, told me he needed information about manufacturers of feed packaging bags. It occurred to me that Alhaji might have useful contacts that could help my client. So, I reached out to him.

He confirmed that he had such contacts, and readily offered to help my client.

But before we ended the call, he brought up the issue of the products he wanted to buy, explaining that he’d traveled right after asking me to send payment details.

By the time I hung up, he’d reconfirmed the payment details. This afternoon the payment came through. Tomorrow, I’ll send his pack, containing the Ration Formulator CD and Handbook, via ABC Transport courier service.

Once again, another total stranger has taken a leap of faith to buy from me – even though I have no office, and shuttle between 2 countries!

Exactly ONE year ago today, I left my family in Lagos-Nigeria and relocated to Cotonou in Benin Republic, to work as a Location Independent Multipreneur.

It was the first lap of a journey I’d resolved would take me across the entire West African region. Indeed, I’m now preparing to MOVE ON to another Francophone African nation, though Cotonou may remain my base.

I’d planned to celebrate this maiden anniversary by opening my small brew pub in a larger rented Cotonou property, which my wife and kids would eventually join me to run.

So far however, it’s been hard to find a property owner willing to let me use the rented residence the way I plan. At least that’s what those I’ve met have said. I’m thinking they have some fears as well. So I’m thinking I’ll just get a larger place, bring my family down, and simply start by offering home delivery and pick up service.

I’m writing this from my home in Lagos, today 1st April 2014.

Apart from coming down for a meeting with a new Web Marketing client (who used to be the accountant of a company that has been using my Payslip Generator since 2007 – but has now launched his own consultancy since  January), TODAY – like I said earlier – makes it EXACTLY ONE YEAR since I relocated to live and work from Cotonou, Benin Republic.

So, I wanted to spend the day and the rest of the week with my loved ones. I wrote THIS article for my blog as part of the “celebration”.

The benefit of hindsight shows clearly that my decision to relocate was a good one.

For instance….

1. Yesterday, a Farm CEO from Tanzania, who bought my Ration Formulator software last year, wrote me an email that he wanted to buy my new Feed Formulation (and Compounding) Home Study Video Package.

This is my latest product, and it includes the popular feed formulation handbook and a 4 hour video tutorial in which I explain the theory and practice of feed formulation using my handbook’s pages as a reference on the screen.

I’ve since replied him to confirm that the price of the Home Study Package is N25, 000. And it includes the software, a physical copy of the handbook, and the DVD containing the 4 hour video series, PLUS the PDF user guide for the software etc

As a member of my Farm Biz Ideas club, however, he will only pay N15k, since each member get a 40% lifetime discount on ALL my other products and services .

See the link below for details:


2. Last Friday, a consultant in Kenya (who had been corresponding with me for over 3 weeks), emailed me confirmatory details of payment sent by his Farm CEO client, to purchase the lower priced, monthly/mini version of the more pricey full fledged Poultry Farm Manager software.

See the preview PDF of the monthly/mini version here:

However, my online account failed to reflect the payment, right up till today, even though they’d sent me the automatic transcript generated from the bank transfer process in Kenya.

Luckily, I was in Lagos, when he wrote in this morning to say the bank in Kenya had told his client that the account information I’d supplied was not complete/accurate.

So I replied that I would visit the bank in the morning, and have them sort it out for me.

By 4p.m today, I was able to send him detailed feedback supplied by the bank. Basically, they found out that I’d sent the wrong account details to Kenya. All things being equal, the Farm CEO will be able to make payment when he tries again.

Having said above, it’s the fact that they stuck with this effort to send payment that I want to highlight…

Neither the consultant, nor his client has ever met me in person.

We only spoke for the first time last Friday.

I called the consultant to discuss specifications of features for a hatchery module they are looking to have me develop, and integrate with the existing app, if they are satisfied with the latter, post usage.

Final Words: A Great Way to Celebrate!

In other words, I’m saying all these farm owners and stakeholders reaching out to me only have my Web Marketing System to work with.

But when they make contact, I show up as represented, and that convinces them to go ahead and send payment – and some return again!

There’s no better way, than THAT, to celebrate one’s first anniversary as a Location Independent Multipreneur!