No. 122: You Need Mastery, Innovation and a Problem Solving Focus

Modiu confidently assured me he could do it. He said “Just let me have each child’s age. That’s all I need to sew the outfits for them”.And he was going to sew six full outfits in about 4 days (with piles of other people’s fabrics awaiting his attention)! I still struggled to believe it.

Modiu is my Tailor Friend in Cotonou…


Click now to view the latest issue of Tayo Solagbade's Public Speaking IDEAS page

Publication: Weekly Public Speaking IDEAS Newsletter

Date: Monday 30th December 2013


Title: You Need Mastery, Innovation and a Problem Solving Focus

Author & Publisher: Tayo K. Solagbade [Tel: +234-803-302-1263 (in Nigeria) or +229-66-122-136 (in Benin Republic) ]

Blog URL:

Archive (E-mail version started 14th May 2012): Click here to view

Archive (Blog version started 24th September 2011): Click here

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**** **********

NB: This newsletter is published every Monday. Point your browser to to read at least ONE new post added to my SD Nuggets blog on a different category from Tuesday till Saturday (sometimes even Sundays) in line with this publishing schedule :-)


View Tayo Solagbade's video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsJoin the SD Nuggets community on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google Plus

No. 122: You Need Mastery, Innovation and a Problem Solving Focus

Modiu confidently assured me he could do it. He said “Just let me have each child’s age. That’s all I need to sew the outfits for them”.And he was going to sew six full outfits in about 4 days (with piles of other people’s fabrics awaiting his attention)! I still struggled to believe it.

Modiu is my Tailor Friend in Cotonou…

This happened last week. It was the first job I was giving him. Being the doubting Thomas that I was, I went the extra mile to get my laptop and deliberately show him pictures of ALL the kids in a group photograph, noting which child was what age.

He smiled indulgently at me and said “Don’t worry. I do this all the time. I have a chart here with standard measurements I’ve worked for different ages and sexes. I’m sure I’ll get it right.

Then he added:You see Tayo, this is what I do!

And when he said it, he looked me directly in the eyes. Little wonder that I counted the full fee and gave to him 100% in advance!

But apart from his convincing manner, I also wanted to be sure thoughts of getting his balance did not distract him from giving his very possible best.

Time was short. It was a Tuesday. I had to arrive Lagos Saturday.

As the week progressed, I went around town doing my last minute buying and then retired to the cafe to work into the night. On my way home each night, I’d see Modiu’s lights on, and him bent over working. He had loads of client’s fabrics at different stages of progress. I kept wondering how he’d get around to my “pile”.

Each morning, by 9a.m at the latest, this young, hardworking tailor and his assistant would have arrived. They knew they had lots of work to do.

And they also knew when to say NO, to new work, if/when necessary.

Indeed his assistant told me that Modiu had been turning away new jobs at the start of the week, saying he’d taken on enough and wanted to have some free time into the New Year!

“Now this is a guy who knows his business.” I told myself.

He’d planned his work so he could actually say NO to “excess” clients, to avoid failing to meet agreed deadlines or standards!

All of what I saw made me feel more convinced that I’d made the right decision to have him sew the special year end outfits for my people.

I recall stopping over the second morning at his shop to say “You never asked me for any details about their mother!”

He calmly replied that he would have called me later on, since the first thing he had to do that day was to go and get the fabrics from the market.

But since you’re here already, please come with me.” he said.

Gently pulling me by the arm, he took me just outside his shop, and pointed to a woman seated on a commercial motor bike, waiting for the rider to move.

Is she anything in stature like that lady over there?” he pointed at the woman. I looked and found, to my surprise, that my wife actually had a similar build to her!

I said “Yes, I must admit, she would wear just about the same size of clothes as that lady you’re pointing at. How did you know?

A Sure Sign of Mastery…

I could not help myself. I had to ask.

Modiu smiled knowingly when he heard my question, and said “Ise mi ni” (That’s Yoruba for “It’s what I do”). “I know how to get what I need to do my work properly” he added.

[NB: Modiu speaks French and Yoruba languages fluently. We tend to speak the latter more often. ]

To me (I don’t know about you), it was like magic.

But he acted as if there was nothing to it.

He said he did not really know my wife’s size of course, but since I’d said she was as tall as I was and not slim, he’d gotten a fair idea.

Then he added that if the woman he’d pointed out had not fit, he would have taken me around till we found someone else who did. That way, he got a real-life idea, as close as possible to my wife’s measurement, to work with.

From what he told me, he’d been doing it successfully for years, such that today, old clients who relocated to Europe and America simply send funds down, along with names and ages or pictures of those they want outfits sewn for!

…and they are never disappointed. So he told me.

I wondered what my story would be…

Trying on The Outfits In Nigeria

By 2p.m Saturday afternoon, Modiu handed me a neatly wrapped package containing all the outfits, sewn and ironed.

They looked beautiful, but I still wondered – quietly to myself – if they would fit.

It was such a strange experience for me.

So, I thanked him for finishing the job on time, and promised to call to tell him how they fit.

I arrived my home in Lagos, exhausted, on Saturday night at past 10p.m. The traffic from right after the main border town had been hectic. I knew I was indeed back in Lagos!

When I walked into the estate, the kids were all over me within seconds(I’d called their mother to ask them to help with the bags).

They grabbed my bags and hurried into the compound. The little 4 year old “lady” who was already asleep eventually woke up due to the noise, and soon joined in.

Despite being dead tired, I just had to know how well Modiu had done his job.

So, as they tore at the masks with blinking lights and the other gifts, I told them to pick up the outfits and try them on.

Each child did as s/he was told, and I found myself staring in amazement at them.

The clothes fit them perfectly!

Even their mother who often accused me of exaggerating about good things in Cotonou, agreed Modiu had done a great job despite not having any actual measurements (She later tried on hers, and it also fit well!)

One thing is certain: I’m going to be calling Modiu to say a very big thank you!

Modiu’s Combination of Mastery, Innovation and Problem-Solving Focus Is Worthy of Emulation

I’ve tried to analyze what Modiu does. And this is my experience based conclusion.

Note however, that achieving mastery comes first. Without it, innovation and problem-solving become hard to apply.

Modiu developed a chart of people’s sizes according to age ranges they belonged over the years of doing his work.

Using that chart, he found a way to successfully improvise for customer unable to supply measurements for people they wished to have outfits sewn.

It must have taken time and effort – and probably a few errors (and angry/disappointed clients!).

But over time, with persistence, he appears to have achieved mastery. Then his amiable, positive, problem-solving disposition makes him willing to entertain fears a client may express and to find ways to address them satisfactorily.

[NB: I still feel it’s a risky approach given that growth rates for people vary across societies, with diets etc. For instance a 14 year old in the US is most likely to have very different measurement. Knowing Modiu, when that issue comes up, he’s likely to find a way around it.]

Final Words: Are you a speaker who wants to be a master?

It is my considered opinion, that Modiu’s mastery of what he does, and his attitude to getting around challenges to deliver requested “tailoring” solutions are worth emulating by every expert – including you (i.e. if you do not already do it).

Doing so will make buyers/customers choose you over others.

Many will not even mind waiting in line, just to have you handle their job – like they do at Modiu’s!

In 2014, as an expert-who-speaks, I suggest you make doing the above an objective.

You may wish to start by checking out Burt Dubin’s On Being a Master website. It could be the key to Stellar Speaking Success (like that enjoyed by many coached by Burt over the past 3 decades) for you.

PS: Happy New Year In Advance

Thanks for reading my newsletter all through 2013, and I wish you an exciting and prosperous 2014!

Not sure what your plans are, but I’m here in Lagos, to spend quality time with my familly, into the new year.

My father will be 80 years old on the 4th of February 2014, so there are BIG plans being made to celebrate that.

I’m going to be teaching my kids to make my Pineapple peel cakes – without using an oven – just like I did it some weeks back. You should have seen them get the charcoal stove I brought with me started by themselves – WOW!

They already make and sell the pineapple peel drink by themselves.

If all goes well, we should have a special “batch production” of the cakes and drinks, for “‘Grandpa’s” birthday bash ;-))

Tayo K. Solagbade*

Self-Development/Performance Improvement Specialist

*Sole Agent For Burt Dubin’s Speaker Mentoring Service In Africa

Mobile: +234-803-302-1263 (in Nigeria) or +229-66-122-136 (in Benin Republic)

Self-Development/Performance Enhancement SpecialistTayo Solagbade – works as a multipreneurial freelance writer providing  zero risk article and report writing support for website owners, while travelling slowly across West Africa as a Location Independent Multipreneur.

He’s presently based in Benin Republic, where he’s preparing an English-French Language Guide, City Travel Guides, and a Commercial Rabbit Farming Guide.

In a previous life, before leaving to become self-employed, Tayo served for seven years as a high performing manager in Guinness Nigeria. He rose from Shift Brewer, to Training & Technical Development Manager, then later acted in senior management roles as Production Manager and Technical Manager.

When he’s not amazing clients with his superhuman skills (wink), Tayo works as the creative force behind his Self-Development Nuggets™ blog, and Public Speaking IDEAS newsletter (which he publishes to promote Burt Dubin’s Public Speaking Mentoring service to experts working across the African continent).

For a limited time, Tayo is available to speak to your group or organization for a moderate fee. Send e-mail to tayo at tksola dot com. You can also visit to learn more.

Connect with him on Twitter and Facebook.


View Tayo Solagbade's video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsJoin the SD Nuggets community on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google Plus


Useful Resources for Speakers

Burt Dubin works with people who want to be speakers, and with speakers who want to be masters.

Burt Dubin works with people who want to be speakers, and with speakers who want to be masters. Click here to visit his website NOW and submit a contact form message telling him what challenges you’re facing, and how you’d like him to help you. Tell him I sent you, and you’ll get a pleasant surprise offer from him.

Burt Dubin’s monthly Speaking Biz Strategies Letter [Signup & get a 7-Part Email Course on “How To Succeed And Get Paid As A Professional Speaker“]

Get Burt’s mentoring at any of the 3 levels below:

1. Top Shelf [Click here]

2. Mid Range [Click here]

3. Budget Delight [Click here]


On Being a Master (PDF)...A Gift from Burt Dubin - Click now!

Burt Dubin’s latest book: “On Being a Master

Download Chapter 1 Preview as PDF

Showmanship Strategems

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Showmanship Stratagems

Discover these secrets of making your programs more interesting and valuable to your clients and audiences now.

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Burt Dubin live

Burt’s Flagship Album

This is the product to own if you can own only one. Why? Because in it you discover principles of platform mastership available to you nowhere else at any price.

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With its Money back if not delighted Guarantee hardly any are returned.

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Presentation Magic - Speaking Business Success

Presentation Magic

A live example, including a complete audio recording of a program Burt created from scratch–on a topic he knew nothing about and never, ever presented before! See how you, guided by your personal Learning Guide, (Presentation Magic), can do this too and thrill audiences as often as you want.

Presentation Magic Manual with new pages added plus 3 audio CDs.

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How To Create a Great Program Manual

Discover how you can produce a precious memento of you and your program. Capture over 44 model pages you can easily adapt for your use. Engage proven principles that add value to the experience of sitting at your feet and learning from you.

This is a reprise of the historic presentation that launched the Speaking Success System.

No copy of this 2 CD program and 50 page Learning Guide has ever been returned.

more information


Smart Exercising Will Keep You Fit, Healthy and Alive - Click to read
Click to read article titled: 'Smart Exercising Will Keep You Fit, Healthy and Alive'...and ONE other. Self-Development/Performance Enhancement Specialist - Tayo Solagbade - works as a multipreneurial freelance writer providing zero risk article and report writing support for website owners, while travelling slowly across West Africa as a Location Independent Multipreneur. 


Using MS Excel® Solver for Least Cost Feed Formulation Can Be Easy - But Also Dangerous (How to Protect Yourself) - Click to downloadDownload above PDF

NEW PDF - 10 Frequently Asked Questions About Feed FormulationDownload above PDF


“(Tayo Solagbade) is amazing and I think he is going to produce some impressive results online…” – click here to read full comment by Patrick Meninga (US based 6 figure income blogger who gained fame for building a $2,000 per month adsense website and selling it for $200,000).


“Tayo, I honestly believe you are one of those who will succeed at anything he does. Your commitment and effort has been outstanding….Thanks for all your hard work since I’ve been here – you will be sorely missed. I don’t need to wish you good luck, you have the ability to make your own luck. – Andy”(R. Jones)*

*Operations Manager, Guinness Nigeria Plc Benin Brewery, December 2001 (Handwritten comments in farewell/xmas cards sent to Tayo Solagbade following his resignation to start his own business).


Click here to contact Tayo… 

SD Nuggets Blog

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Must You Quit Paid Employment to Influence Change in Nigeria? (If YES, will you get a FAIR & IMPARTIAL chance to do it?)

I tried posting a contribution to a friend’s recent post, in which one person asked him to quit his job to do something about the problems he was complaining about regarding Nigeria. It’s however morphed from a comment into this 5th issue of “My Ideas for Making Nigeria Better” PDF series :-)) Click here to download and read the PDF “Must One Quit Paid Employment to Influence Positive Change in Nigeria? (If YES, will he get a FAIR & IMPARTIAL Chance to Do It? – By Tayo K. Solagbade

Show Others How to Succeed!

In 2002, I worked as a volunteer maths tutor in an NGO’s weekend(secondary school students) tutoring project.. Having overcome a severe math-phobia (with the help of a private tutor) to get a distinction on my second exam attempt, I had a passion for demystifying maths for students.

I Dreaded Maths in Secondary School…

You see in my family, everybody knew I always struggled with Mathematics. When the results of my first school leaving certificate exams came, I scored a P8 (pass) in maths, but got decent grades in the remaining subjects. It was not much of a surprise to me or others…

That P8 was naturally not up to the required credit, for entry into university. So, I had to prepare for the November/December 1986 General Certificate of Education (G.C.E) exams.

My parents Registered me in Mr. Tony’s Translat Training Centre

Mr. Tony, the maths tutor, was an extremely gifted, and mild mannered Igbo gentleman (who ran Translat Training Centre, a Lagos-Akoka based remedial studies outfit for pre-university students, with his partner. It was quite close to University of Lagos.).

Mr. Tony helped me discover the secret for beating Maths hands down – anytime.

I did not have to learn new skills or read new textbooks. What he taught me was the “strategy” for answering questions. He also outlined guiding principles for coming up with comprehensive “study plans” based on the current West African Examinations Council (WAEC) syllabus.

Anyone who abided by what Mr. Tony said passed. Indeed, most of us scored distinctions!

By the time I took the G.C.E exams, I knew I was going to do quite well in all 5 subjects I’d sat. But I was especially sure of my performance in Maths.

Mr Tony has so drilled me on the preparation strategies that when I took the exam, I actually felt like I’d seen all the questions before!

I recall how my mother smiled indulgently, when I told her I would get the highest grade possible (A1) in maths. She said, “Hmm…just get a credit. That’ll be enough.” I said “Oh you don’t believe me? Well, you wait and see then!” When the results came out I scored A1 in maths, C4 ion English and A3s in Physics, Chemistry and Biology.

None of the other subjects mattered though. I’d already gotten passing grades in the May/June exam.

My mother was pleasantly surprised!

In my case, I gained a whole new level of self-confidence. You see, I realised Mr. Tony had been right. He had told me to “forget my fears”, and stay focussed on doing what he taught me. I would go through the rest of my formal schooling life applying this same strategy, with repeated success. And each time I cannot help being grateful for having met Mr. Tony’ who shared his know-how in Mathematics with me.

I can still hear him saying “Tayo, maths is a simple subject.”

When I coached the students at the NGO tutoring project, I told them the same thing!


To Mr. Tayo Solagbade.

I appreciate all your effort. It is through you I knew the difference between Schooling and Education and its also through you that I knew that mathematics as a subject can be answered in many ways. I am very grateful.” – Ifeanyi Okeke, SS3 Student, Volunteer Corps (VC) Tutoring Project: Handwritten Comment in memoirs section of VC Year Book published in 2003.


My experience with Mr. Tony, is why I have a passion for demystifying my successes in any field. It is why I write articles – daily – on this blog on my different areas of interest and expertise.

I want others to learn how I do what I do!

We All Need to Strive to Demystify Success

“The world would be a better place to live in if each person would leave, as an inheritance to posterity, the philosophy, and know-how that brought him happiness, physical, mental and spiritual health and wealth, as did Andrew Carnegie” – Napoleon Hill, in “Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude”

This above quote communicates such a potent truth.

Robert Kiyosaki had already made his millions before deciding to write his best sellers. Today, he makes more money from his investments than he does from selling his books…and with less effort too.

So why does he STILL write and teach? Indeed, why do so many AUTHENTICALLY SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE (emphasis deliberate!) keep sharing what they know with us?

It’s because they know the above truth. Carnegie’s example is worth emulating. Those who “hide” their know-how and philosophies do themselves a disservice.

People Who Mystify Success Often Have Something to Hide…

Here’s one thing I’ve noticed: Some celebrities in my part of the world, when asked how they made it. One answer they give REALLY annoys me:

They say “Na God O!” (i.e. “it’s God’s work etc”)

For me, that makes no sense whatsoever. Is that supposed to imply God loves only them, and so rewards them with unexplainable success?

Why do they mystify success in that manner?

To me, ANY person who answers the question about his/her success philosophy that way is either hiding something naughty s/he did to succeed, or is a flash in the pan who just stumbled into success.

Such people when posed the same question asked of Henry Ford would most likely NOT have an answer.

Ford was asked what he would do if he lost his entire financial empire…

He replied without hesitating: “I’d have it all back in 5 years!

How could be so sure?

Because he had achieved authentic success. He knew what he did to get where he was. There was nothing crooked in there!

His was the kind that is repeatable, and reproducible. It’s the kind that you can teach others and if they follow it exactly, they are bound to succeed the way you did if not better.

Another Person Who Demystifies Success Is Burt Dubin

His Speaking Success System in recognised worldwide for helping aspiring speakers go on to become some of the world highest paid/most recognised international speakers.

This is not a sales pitch.

That’s why there’s no URL to click.

But I felt it would help if I added that contemporary example.

Final Words

However, if you have even the slightest interest in improving your speaking expertise in 2014, I strongly suggest you Google Burt Dubin’s name – now, while you’re still thinking about it. Click the Google results page link that appears to visit his website ( and/or and send him a message.

Tell him I sent you, and you’ll get a surprise FREE gift offer from him 😉

You’ll probably thank me for suggesting you do this!

What Should You Really Give to People at Christmas?

“What! Giving again?” I ask in dismay.

‘And must I keep giving away?”

‘Oh no’ said the angel looking me through.

‘Just keep giving till the Master stops giving to you!”

Source: “Success through a Positive Mental Attitude”, by Napoleon Hill

NB: This article should have published yesterday 25th December 2013…but I was back in “school learning how people spend Xmas in Benin Republic…and forgot to schedule it” :-)))

Don’t think of ONLY “money” and “things” when “giving” is mentioned.

Many times, the best form of giving is when you GIVE OF YOURSELF…!

If you don’t know how, here are some examples:

1. “…stand up for the rights of others against the undersirable influence and coaxing of friends and threats of enemies…”

(this example also from “Success through a Positive Mental Attitude”)

Have you ever seen or heard someone get accused of doing or saying something which YOU knew s/he did not?

Did you speak up or at least send some anonymous tip to warn those involved using information you had. Did you make reasonable effort to spare that person avoidable pain and suffering due to a false accusation. Or did you conveniently look away because it was “not your business” or “you did not want trouble”?

If you did your best, then the creator knows and will reward you accordingly. If you failed to do so, be sure that he has laws set down in nature that will be applied to you at the appropriate time.

2. Be nice. Be compassionate. Be considerate.

BUT…not just to people you expect can do something for you (e.g. the relatives/friends of some money bag you hope to get close to…LOL)!!!

Be the same way even to the (seemingly) inconsequential doorman at the fast food restaurant…the floor mopper in your office…the office boy….the refuse disposal chap…you know, all those people secretly look down on.

3. Be Fair, Impartial, and truthful in all your dealings

For instance, do not bear false witness. I know some people will quickly say they’d never do that.

But here’s a quick reality check. Any time you keep quiet when a lie is told, you bear false witness!

For instance, if you did not see something happen, don’t stay silent when your friend says “Tayo was there, he saw it happen!”. If you did not see it happen, don’t let him use you as a false witness against another person.

If you do, you set yourself up to be so treated by that person in future. And when you complain s/he is likely to shut you up by saying you once joined to do the same thing to another person.

So, even if it means losing a friend, stand on the side of truth at all times. Be fair and impartial even with a person you don’t like. That’s what the creator expects of you.

Final Words: But It’s Not Just on Xmas Day!

This is probably the most important point to keep in mind. Do all the above every day – not just one day. Make every day special!

In other words, act with Emotional Intelligence. Anyone who does will understand why this should be done daily. Read my article to learn more about Emotional Intelligence – which unlike IQ is not fixed from birth and can actually be IMPROVED with deliberate effort, over time.

Remember that your creator, the master, watches you, and knows your thoughts. And what he KNOWS about you is what really matters…not what people around you think about you.

You see, there’s NO special season for doing the above. Forget the adverts and special church services, TV programmes etc.

Doing stuff like this should be a DAILY habit for every decent human being!

So, give of yourself in as many ways as you possibly can. As you can see from the above, even when you (think you) don’t have, there’s a LOT you can still give – by giving of yourself. Most times, that will be a better gift than anthing money can buy.

Forget about making somebody happy, or saying something nice at Christmas. Do it EVERYDAY!!!!

Sometimes Going On Alone Will Be Futile (Hint: I Wrote “Begging Letters” to Keep Going)

I first encountered the term “begging letters”, from reading a biography of Karl Marx. Many books have been written about Marx, and NONE fail to mention that he wrote “begging letters” (read this one).
That’s why I know that the SMSes/emails I’ve sent to ONE friend (few times in 2002), and many relatives (over the years) as I pursued success, were mostly “begging letters”!

But I often wrote such “letters” ONLY when I’d pushed myself to the limit and could find no other way to progress.

For instance, on more than 2 occasions, I ran out of fuel on Lagos’ 3rd Mainland Bridge, due to lack of cash to by fuel even as I was trying to squeeze in one extra client visit!

Many times the inability to provide for my family made it imperative I ask for help in this manner, even when my pride and fierce sense of independence would be wounded. I had to learn to think of those who depended on me.

I’ll never forget one day few years after I started out.

My second son was down with severe malaria attack. I had no paid projects in hand, and no money. With my wife and kids in the car, I visited Ikeja computer village, and after going from shop to shop for hours, begged a PC dealer who showed interest, to buy my new CD writer (bought for N35,000 some months earlier), for  N10k.

Just so I could get money to take my son to hospital.

Believe it or not, he COLDLY offered me N5k, and I gladly took it!

If your business is not doing well, get help to fulfil your obligations. Don’t punish your loved ones because of “foolish pride”!

Oh…how I’ve learnt so much from prolonged exposure to hardship…!

It is for the above reason that I LOVE the quote below – by Emerson – so much:

“When man…is pushed, tormented, defeated, he has a chance to learn something; he has been put on his wits, on his manhood, he has gained facts, learns from his ignorance, is cured of the insanity of conceit; has got moderation and real skill.” – Emerson

Here’s something important to take note of:

Not once did I ask for help to fulfil pleasures or pursue trivialities. I literally punished myself to maximize any money I had. Sometimes I’ve eaten ONCE a day. I’ve even gone without food over an entire weekend, just to have money to continue my work at a cyber cafe. That’s why I often produce results with little money!

The above explains why I LOVE this quote by Dan Kennedy…

“I have long taught:: if you can’t make money without money, you won’t make money with money either. And if you’re going to back somebody, pick an entrepreneur who has proven that he can survive without adequate capital” – Dan Kennedy

My experiences informed my decision to write my article advocating – as Kennedy did – giving support to people “worthy”of it – instead of giving it to people who routinely (due to sloth and indifference), rarely have tangible results to show.

Here’s something I read by James R. Cook that further explains how this kind of suffering makes a person GROW (Get his New York Times Bestselling “Startup Entrepreneur” here).

Here's something I read by James R. Cook that further explains how this kind of suffering makes a person GROW(Click now to get his New York Times Bestselling "Startup Entrepreneur" ).

And that’s what I did: I stuck with it long enough – drawing inspiration from quotes like the above, when things got “unbearable”.

Believe me: It is true that BOOKS STRENGTHEN THE MIND!

And that’s why I write so much. I want others to find useful ideas and inspiration from reading my stories, the way I did from reading those of other! It is also why I’m writing a novel, about my journey so far. Names etc will be changed to protect privacies.

Here’s a fact: I have no secrets. I always tell my “whole story” even when doing so does not make me look “cool, calm and collected”.

In my Forthcoming Novel, there will be a chapter titled “The Begging Letters I wrote…”

I’ll publish many of the email and (sometimes bulk) SMS “begging letters” I sent with my LAST kobo when I was hard up.

It is noteworthy that not all those letters “worked”.

Therefore I’ll be adding narratives how I survived those periods. Some people already know parts of this story. But there’s a LOT more!

One thing I can assure you is that those “letters” will make for entertaining reading…:-)))

No. 121: If Others Doubt Your Ideas, You’ve Probably Struck Gold!

Fran Tarkenton (Former American Football Star turned Millionaire Entrepreneur) once said:  

“I have never started a company that, at some point, didn’t cause me to have doubts. ‘This must be a stupid idea because no one else is doing it. Why don’t people get it? Maybe there is nothing there’. We all have self doubts, but as entrepreneurs we don’t let these thoughts stop us. It is only a sanity check and is a normal thing.” – Fran Tarkenton

How People React to an Idea Often Depends on How They Feel About the Owner!


Click now to view the latest issue of Tayo Solagbade's Public Speaking IDEAS page

Publication: Weekly Public Speaking IDEAS Newsletter

Date: Monday 23rd December 2013


Title: If Others Doubt Your Ideas, You’ve Probably Struck Gold!

Author & Publisher: Tayo K. Solagbade [Tel: +234-803-302-1263 (in Nigeria) or +229-66-122-136 (in Benin Republic) ]

Blog URL:

Archive (E-mail version started 14th May 2012): Click here to view

Archive (Blog version started 24th September 2011): Click here

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Ten Ways Self-Development Bible

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**** **********

NB: This newsletter is published every Monday. Point your browser to to read at least ONE new post added to my SD Nuggets blog on a different category from Tuesday till Saturday (sometimes even Sundays) in line with this publishing schedule :-)


View Tayo Solagbade's video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsJoin the SD Nuggets community on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google Plus

No. 121:If Others Doubt Your Ideas, You’ve Probably Struck Gold!

Fran Tarkenton (Former American Football Star turned Millionaire Entrepreneur) once said:  

“I have never started a company that, at some point, didn’t cause me to have doubts. ‘This must be a stupid idea because no one else is doing it. Why don’t people get it? Maybe there is nothing there’. We all have self doubts, but as entrepreneurs we don’t let these thoughts stop us. It is only a sanity check and is a normal thing.” Fran Tarkenton

How People React to an Idea Often Depends on How They Feel About the Owner!

If it’s someone they like or admire, even the worst idea will be great – as long as it comes from him/her.

Think celebrities for instance :-)

If truth be told, ground breaking, earth-shaking or life changing ideas rarely sound “Ground breaking, earth-shaking or life changing” to most people, when they are first muted!!!

Ever noticed that? It’s an irony of life well documented in history.

My experiences suggest that if you go with what majority think of your “new idea”, you’re likely to go wrong.

And that includes highly intelligent and successful members of the majority: believe me!

Consider my passion, for solving data handling/report generation problems for business owners using low cost Custom Excel-VB Software.

It’s all so easy for people to buy into mine now, BECAUSE I have many success stories to share that make it believable!

 But back when I was doing the hard thinking to develop my ideas, I had no one around saying “Yes. This is going to work.” Finding willing clients was a struggle. And many close friends and relatives often adopted “Told you so!” as I limped along.

So, you can imagine how much Fran Tarkenton’s words flashed through my mind all those years.

I knew from what I’d done in Guinness, and what I was creating anew that I could help business owners. But they just did not “get it”!

One of the very first business owners I told I built “Custom Excel software” said:

What? Who’s going to pay you money to do that?”

Interestingly, he was also a close family friend!

Another business owner (and his friends) laughed me out of his Ikeja office, saying:

I can teach YOU Excel. Imagine him wanting to build software for me in Excel!

This happened mostly between 2002 and 2004. But I kept going – and eventually got my first client in late 2004, who paid N100K for an app he gave to an Oil Service client.

Today, my custom Excel apps have been built for hospitals, clinics, speech improvement centers, health and fitness clubs etc.

Many farm business owners use my popular Excel-VB driven Ration Formulator (which they often buy along with my Feed Formulation Handbook). A few have bought my Poultry Layer Farm Manager, as I continue to improve on it.

Elite Farm Industry Support Providers Are Also Showing Interest

1. Earlier this month, my agribusiness research paper recommending that Extension specialists worldwide be trained to use Excel-VB to serve farmers the way I do, was accepted for publishing by an international organization. (Read details here).

The paper is a case study, in which I featured my popular Excel-VB driven Ration Formulator, which has been bought by farm business owners within and outside Nigeria/Africa, since 2004.

[NB: In the first quarter of 2014, using payment received for the above paper, I’ll launch my Home based Farm Products Brew-Pub here in Cotonou, selling my drinks and cakes made from pineapple peel].

The glass-bottled drink you see in this photo, has been pasteurized using a home-based method I learnt online. The cake is made using pineapple peel.

2. Just last week, I received email notice of a call for entries to a related contest by the same international organization that accepted my above paper.

It’s for a “Top 20 Innovations for smallholder farmers” awards contest, which comes with a grant of 5,000 Euros to each innovation that gets voted. My Excel-VB driven Ration Formulator software is going to be entered for that.

3. The same day I got the notice about the above “Top-20” contest notice, I got another email informing me of a request from the Country Project Manager of a well known agriculture focussed international organisation.

On learning about my Ration Formulator, he’d asked that I send a quote, towards travelling to his East African country, to teach farmer groups how to use my software for feed formulation!

But It’s Not Just My Knowledge of Feed Formulation That’s Attracting These Opportunities …

No. Instead, it’s my idea of using MS Excel Visual Basic to cost-effectively automate the process, that’s opening the above doors for me.

Then again, it’s not just the idea. It’s actually more due to my SUCCESSFUL IMPLEMENTATION of the idea i.e. I made it work!

Remove the low cost, customizable Excel-VB solutions, and I become just like any other farm support Extension Specialst. Possibly with lesser credibility!


You can now see, I’m sure, that Fran Tarkenton was DEAD right: “We all have self doubts, but as entrepreneurs we don’t let these thoughts stop us. It is only a sanity check and is a normal thing.

As the new year approaches, I urge you to do just as Mr. Tarkenton said.

Don’t worry when you have doubts or others question your ideas. It’s supposed to happen that way. That it’s happening is proof that you’re sane.

Keep working on (and improving) your idea, and you’ll eventually succeed with it – like many others have done before!

Have a lovely week!

Tayo K. Solagbade*

Self-Development/Performance Improvement Specialist

*Sole Agent For Burt Dubin’s Speaker Mentoring Service In Africa

Mobile: +234-803-302-1263 (in Nigeria) or +229-66-122-136 (in Benin Republic)

Self-Development/Performance Enhancement SpecialistTayo Solagbade – works as a multipreneurial freelance writer providing  zero risk article and report writing support for website owners, while travelling slowly across West Africa as a Location Independent Multipreneur.

He’s presently based in Benin Republic, where he’s preparing an English-French Language Guide, City Travel Guides, and a Commercial Rabbit Farming Guide.

In a previous life, before leaving to become self-employed, Tayo served for seven years as a high performing manager in Guinness Nigeria. He rose from Shift Brewer, to Training & Technical Development Manager, then later acted in senior management roles as Production Manager and Technical Manager.

When he’s not amazing clients with his superhuman skills (wink), Tayo works as the creative force behind his Self-Development Nuggets™ blog, and Public Speaking IDEAS newsletter (which he publishes to promote Burt Dubin’s Public Speaking Mentoring service to experts working across the African continent).

For a limited time, Tayo is available to speak to your group or organization for a moderate fee. Send e-mail to tayo at tksola dot com. You can also visit to learn more.

Connect with him on Twitter and Facebook.


View Tayo Solagbade's video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsJoin the SD Nuggets community on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google Plus

Burt Dubin’s Public Speaking Mentoring

for Africa Based Experts(PDF…Click!)

SD Nuggets Blog

New posts from last week that may interest you! *
Public Speaking


Entrepreneurship [Tuesday]:

Self-Development [Wednesday]:

Career Development [Thursday]:

Entrepreneurship [Friday]:


Want me to write for you? Click here…


To Mr Tayo Solagbade…you made me understand what the world speaks.” – Adepoju Samson, SS3 Student, Volunteer Corps (VC) Tutoring Project: Handwritten Comment in memoirs section of VC Year Book published in 2003.


Mr Tayo Solagbade…he has educated me so that he had touched that thing in me that motivates me.” – , SS3 Student, Volunteer Corps (VC) Tutoring Project: Handwritten Comment in memoirs section of VC Year Book published in 2003.

The speaker, Mr Solagbade, is an authority in his field. (He is) an achiever who is able to carry his audience along with him in his message/speech” – Baker A.T, Confidential Secretary, Centre for Management Development(CMD), Management Village,Shangisha, Lagos.


There’s a lot more to learn (experience wise) from the speaker(Tayo Solagbade)…Honestly, he gave so much within a short time. I learnt a lot without writing much. It’s amazing!” – Management Trainee, Tantalisers (Fast Foods Restaurant), Festac Headquarters, Lagos.


Your (talk) encourages people not to depend on sycophancy to achieve their aims. People are also encouraged to leave the level of mediocrity. One needs to look inwards and make use of one’s potentials to reach the greatest heights. I hope this
is not the last session we will be having with you
” – Ezemba C.I (Miss), Teacher, Corona Schools


The (talk) is very (useful for) those who want to up-grade themselves. The older generation who think they have come to the end of their career would find it very very useful to rejuvenate their attitude, interest and empower themselves to greater goals.” – E.C. Sarsal, Corona Schools


The Ten Ways for Self-Development would go a long way (in) improving teaching/learning situation(s).” – Cynthia Nwosu (Mrs.), Corona Schools


It was an interesting (talk), and the speaker spoke well, with a lot of experiences that (were) so educative.” – Emmanuel (Mrs.), Corona Primary School Victoria Island


Mr Tayo Solagbade is a very good motivator. I really appreciated him but the time was short.” – S.E. Atkins, Corona Schools


(The talk was) ‘very useful’ (and the speaker was) ‘excellent’…Good insight for the much needed Human Revolution to drive creativity in this nation.” – Oma Williams, Director, Centre for Management Development(CMD), Management Village,Shangisha, Lagos.


A very worthwhile exercise. The package can however be improved by making it organisation specific.” – C. I. Okeke, AD/Research Consulting, Centre for Management Development(CMD), Management Village,Shangisha, Lagos.


The speaker, to me, is quite an inspiration to the young generation” – Nwaokokoh Eddy Azuka, Confidential Secretary, Centre for Management Development(CMD), Management Village,Shangisha, Lagos.


This is a celebration of Change Management, quite an appropriate and timely presentation at CMD to Stimulate Change.” – Binuyo, Francis A. (Mr.), MDO I, Centre for Management Development(CMD), Management Village, Shangisha, Lagos.


Well this is my first seminar and I think I have gained a lot…I am on NAPEP attachment to the centre for a while, but generally speaking I think you are good and can go even above the sky. I wish I could get in touch with you for more lectures (on) Self-Development, as regards Career Development or probably Personal Development.” – Sanwo Pamela A., Unemployed Graduate, Centre for Management Development(CMD), Management Village,Shangisha, Lagos.


The presentation content and style was nice.” – Adjekophori Peter, Management Trainee, Tantalisers (Fast Foods Restaurant), Festac Headquarters, Lagos.


The training course and approach used was a good and kind of unique one, – talking about the mind map.” – Odunlami Olaitan. O. Management Trainee, Tantalisers (Fast Foods Restaurant), Festac Headquarters, Lagos.


The practical real life experiences (made) the seminar more realistic…The seminar fuels my heart to develop myself the more.” – Kemi, Management Trainee, Tantalisers (Fast Foods Restaurant), Festac Headquarters, Lagos.


The training was a new dimension to the act of personal effectiveness, was less of theory but of tested and proven principles. Keep it up!“- Oluwakemi, Management Trainee, Tantalisers (Fast Foods Restaurant), Festac Headquarters, Lagos.


This is an academy that will go a long way in helping to develop the youths of this country. Keep up the good work.” – Alake Oluwayemisi, Management Trainee, Tantalisers (Fast Foods Restaurant), Festac Headquarters, Lagos.


(Tayo Solagbade) is a very good speaker who was able to communicate his (ideas) effectively without boring me and wasting no time. Within the short time he spent, he gave loaded and relevant information/(ideas) which were superb.” – Management Trainee, Tantalisers (Fast Foods Restaurant), Festac Headquarters, Lagos.


The presenter was superb. He dealt with the topic extensively, citing real life experiences that (were) personal to him.” – Management Trainee, Tantalisers (Fast Foods Restaurant), Festac Headquarters, Lagos.


The facilitator (Tayo Solagbade) has done so well, and he has made me to feel that the sky is not my limit but the start, if I can apply all the personal effectiveness principles appropriately.” – Onifade Olajide, – Management Trainee, Tantalisers (Fast Foods Restaurant), Festac Headquarters, Lagos.


I was very impressed with the speaker (Tayo Solagbade), his integrity, method of delivery and what he had to say. This should not stop here. I personally need access to those books and if pointed in that direction will be happy. Also, I will be happy if (I can be shown) ways to apply oneself to the concept of Self Development as regards my job as a teacher, that will help me to be a better time manager.” – Teacher, Corona Primary School, Ikoyi, Lagos.


I am really impressed and I think I have to wake up.” – Teacher, Corona School Branch


It has been a very useful session which can make people or employees wake up from lethargy. It is a wake-up call for continual hope and rejuvenation for speed to higher ground to life aspiration.” – Teacher, Corona School Branch


I observed that you are a real model of a saying that when a child washes his/her hands well he/she will eat on the same table with a king.” – School Nurse, Corona School Branch


I have observed that you are sacrificing your time to help mankind explore new grounds and live a happier life. More grease to your elbows.” – Eke N. (Mrs), Corona School Branch


This talk/seminar is very good and realistic. Someone who wants to be an achiever should adopt and practice these ten ways.” – M. O. Ihonor – Head Teacher, Corona School Branch


“…The Ten Ways on Self-Development inspire me to the marrow, and henceforth are going to be (the) guiding ideologies, principles and work concepts in my life.” – Oduye Olumuyiwa, Corona School


(The talk) is an eye opener and very important tool that can be used to become great. I think I buy your ideas too. Thanks a lot.” – Mrs. Atere F.O. – Secretary, Corona School


The general comment I will like to make is that I can call this seminar a vision seminar. So my comment is that you can make this vision a wider vision by having a complete textbook on it.” – Assistant Teacher, Corona School

Click here to contact Tayo… 


Useful Resources for Speakers

Burt Dubin works with people who want to be speakers, and with speakers who want to be masters.

Burt Dubin works with people who want to be speakers, and with speakers who want to be masters. Click here to visit his website NOW and submit a contact form message telling him what challenges you’re facing, and how you’d like him to help you. Tell him I sent you, and you’ll get a pleasant surprise offer from him.

Burt Dubin’s monthly Speaking Biz Strategies Letter [Signup & get a 7-Part Email Course on “How To Succeed And Get Paid As A Professional Speaker“]

Get Burt’s mentoring at any of the 3 levels below:

1. Top Shelf [Click here]

2. Mid Range [Click here]

3. Budget Delight [Click here]


On Being a Master (PDF)...A Gift from Burt Dubin - Click now!

Burt Dubin’s latest book: “On Being a Master

Download Chapter 1 Preview as PDF

Showmanship Strategems

177 Wow! Wow!

Showmanship Stratagems

Discover these secrets of making your programs more interesting and valuable to your clients and audiences now.

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Burt’s Flagship Album

This is the product to own if you can own only one. Why? Because in it you discover principles of platform mastership available to you nowhere else at any price.

You hear performance strategies you can emulate. You shorten your learning curve. You see ways to engage and delight audiences with both content and stories . . . plus you experience a bit of fun.

With its Money back if not delighted Guarantee hardly any are returned.

Find out why

Presentation Magic - Speaking Business Success

Presentation Magic

A live example, including a complete audio recording of a program Burt created from scratch–on a topic he knew nothing about and never, ever presented before! See how you, guided by your personal Learning Guide, (Presentation Magic), can do this too and thrill audiences as often as you want.

Presentation Magic Manual with new pages added plus 3 audio CDs.

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How To Create a Great Program Manual

Discover how you can produce a precious memento of you and your program. Capture over 44 model pages you can easily adapt for your use. Engage proven principles that add value to the experience of sitting at your feet and learning from you.

This is a reprise of the historic presentation that launched the Speaking Success System.

No copy of this 2 CD program and 50 page Learning Guide has ever been returned.

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Smart Exercising Will Keep You Fit, Healthy and Alive - Click to read
Click to read article titled: 'Smart Exercising Will Keep You Fit, Healthy and Alive'...and ONE other. Self-Development/Performance Enhancement Specialist - Tayo Solagbade - works as a multipreneurial freelance writer providing zero risk article and report writing support for website owners, while travelling slowly across West Africa as a Location Independent Multipreneur. 


Using MS Excel® Solver for Least Cost Feed Formulation Can Be Easy - But Also Dangerous (How to Protect Yourself) - Click to downloadDownload above PDF

NEW PDF - 10 Frequently Asked Questions About Feed FormulationDownload above PDF


“(Tayo Solagbade) is amazing and I think he is going to produce some impressive results online…” – click here to read full comment by Patrick Meninga (US based 6 figure income blogger who gained fame for building a $2,000 per month adsense website and selling it for $200,000).


“Tayo, I honestly believe you are one of those who will succeed at anything he does. Your commitment and effort has been outstanding….Thanks for all your hard work since I’ve been here – you will be sorely missed. I don’t need to wish you good luck, you have the ability to make your own luck. – Andy”(R. Jones)*

*Operations Manager, Guinness Nigeria Plc Benin Brewery, December 2001 (Handwritten comments in farewell/xmas cards sent to Tayo Solagbade following his resignation to start his own business).


“From:”Obadiaru, Osawemwenze” <email address deleted >

To:”Tayo Solagbade” <email address deleted >

Subject: Greetings from Benin!!!!

Date: Mon, 8 Apr 2002 14:27:30 +0100

Uncle (Tayo),

Greetings to you from your boy. How are you doing?…All
is well here in Benin and everybody is really been bugged again by this ISO audit thing.

All the same you have set a standard, that nobody will dare to go below. I really miss
you sir, your words of encouragement, your pressures, your drive, your humor and
every thing about you. But in consolation, I try so hard to follow your footsteps, which
I have been doing little by little, and I am sometimes amazed at the things I do.

…I look
up to you, and really desire to someday dedicate a major success in my life to you, for
the little while I spent with you has been a turning point in my life. I will always be

grateful to you.

Keep the flag flying sir. Regards



To Mr. Tayo Solagbade.

I appreciate all your effort. It is through you I knew the difference between Schooling and Education and its also through you that I knew that mathematics as a subject can be answered in many ways. I am very grateful.” – Ifeanyi Okeke, SS3 Student, Volunteer Corps (VC) Tutoring Project: Handwritten Comment in memoirs section of VC Year Book published in 2003.


Click here to contact Tayo… 




Even When Too Busy, Don’t Stop Marketing!

[UPDATE: 15 February 2025] NEVER STOP MARKETING! Why The Time To Do More Serious Marketing Is When “The Going Is Good”.

This piece was originally published as a blog post (see below) . It’s now republished HERE – today (15 February 2025) – as a PDF.


Click HERE (or the above COVER) to download the PDF version



A badly managed company (or indeed country!) that still makes regular sales will stay “afloat”. Peter Drucker’s famous quote explains why:

“Because its purpose is to create a customer, the business enterprise has two – and only these two – basic functions: marketing and innovation. Marketing and innovation produce results; all the rest are “costs”.

Serving Clients/Customers is Serious Work, but Marketing & Innovation are More Important

Why? Because anyone who’s been in business a while knows that there will be peaks and troughs now and then. Today, potential buyers may be chasing you around, but tomorrow you may be wondering where all the enquirers went!

The most seasoned business owners make continuous generation of good quality sales leads their number one preoccupation.

Ask a hotel owner. His/her focus is on percentage room occupancy, day in, day out. All other considerations are important, but that one stays right at number one!

That’s Why Marketing (Backed by Innovation) MUST Never Stop!

And you should do it through as many channels as possible too. Nothing is too much/little to consider. Sales people talk about keeping the sales funnel filled. At all times, take innovative marketing action to get more potential buyers clamouring to get your attention.

That’s the “funnel” concept. The more they are, the greater the chances that when you attend to one, another will simply pop right in as s/he leaves. Your sales people would be able to maximize time closing sales!

So, even if you’re overbooked now, the last thing you want to do is stop marketing! Instead THINK of ways to close more of those begging sales opportunities, now that they are within reach.

For instance, you could get one of the smart chaps working in another section to undergo crash training in taking orders. S/he could be added to as an extra hand to cope with the additional surge in demand, until it subsides.

If it does not subside, you’ll be making MORE money, and may be able to hire a new (or temporary/contract) employee to play that role.

If that’s still not enough, consider tactfully negotiating a longer response time with those yet to be attended to. Depending on what you sell, this may be a good way to avoid having people get upset.

Of course if it’s an online sales model with a shopping cart, and credit card payment processing, none of this would be relevant.

However, I remain very conscious of the fact that my favourite people (Farm Business Owners) read my articles on Entrepreneurship.

So, the examples provided are sometimes given with them in mind. And for those who do not yet “get it”, I’m on a mission to make farm business owners in developing countries make more creative use of web marketing to promote themselves and their products/services locally and even internationally – for PROFIT :-)

Interestingly, if/when you have to tell intending buyers to give you time due to lots of orders you’re getting, that  can actually boost your image and credibility in their eyes.

They’re likely to think “Hmm. S/he must be good to have so much demand and be unable to fit me in!” Some could actually decide  to wait till you’re available – just because of that.

So you see, filling the funnel via regular creative marketing can end up helping you achieve a “celebrity” status of sorts. What is called “Authority” status…and why not :-)

Final Words: The Time to Do More Serious Marketing, Is When The “Going Is Good”!

Here’s an instructive historical anecdote…

An entrepreneur who achieved great success over many decades, reportedly often got worried if things were going too well for (what he considered) too long in his business.

Hmm? He got worried whenever everything was going right? Why?

Well, to him, it was a signal that some things were (probably) not working which he was missing.

So during such (seemingly) “good times”, he paid greater attention to every aspect of his operations.

It was through that habit of his, that the company achieved long term success!

It goes without saying that what he did included ensuring marketing and sales did NOT slow down – because only a company that made sales could last that long!

Sometime ago, I read a quote that said:

“A little dose of paranoia is healthy”.

I’ve made a little change to it for any business owners enjoying “good times” to consider:

A little dose of marketing paranoia is healthy…especially when you’re making lots of sales!”

NB: All I’ve said above applies to every kind of business – including that of the writer/blogger!

Sell Successfully Using a Mailing List

[Quick tip: If you own – or run – an agro-based/allied business, the ideas in this article can REALLY help you. Trust me. I LOVE farmers – and would NEVER steer you wrong :-))]

Are you responsible for creating marketing awareness, and generating sales leads for your company? If yes, then building a mailing list needs to be your number one priority.


Because most times only people interested in buying will take pains to join such a list. Success in therefore likely to boost sales dramatically (and possibly take your career to the next level)!

However, You Must Do It Right, To Ensure The Right People Sign Up

You want to sell your products and services don’t you? Well then you must do something to make them give up at least their email address – so you can contact them again after their first contact with you.

Note here this “contact” may not only happen online. It can – and does often – happen offline as well. So do not close your eyes to the opportunities to “direct” such contacts to marketing material that’ll make them join your list!

But You Must Be Careful to Attract The Right People

Make sure you only use bait that attracts people likely to be willing to pay for what you sell!

It sounds obvious, but the truth is not everyone gets this part quite well. You see, you must develop a marketing instrument that touches on something that interests them, which is related to what you sell. Then somewhere in there, you offer access to even more – maybe some special ground breaking report or white paper. That what will make them feel a need to come over and signup to get it.

Now, one of the most effective “marketing instruments” with which to propagate the above kind of offer is a website.

On the website, you could have a blog and/or a web based newsletter. Through one or a combination of the foregoing (which are components of what I call a Web Marketing System), you can easily publish and distribute useful and interesting content for your target audience to read.

The key will however be to remember that what you’re doing is just a means to an end – AND NOT AN END in itself!

The profitable end you seek will always be to make as many of those who stop long enough to read your stuff, decide to join your mailing list – swelling it’s membership. To make that happen, you will regularly have new bodies of useful information and education packaged in different forms. Some will be directly access free articles. Others will be members-only articles or PDF reports/other documents that a prospective reader has to signup to get. Some could be available for a fee.

Ultimately, you want to have a situation where over time you are able to build your own community of potential buyers for your products and services. And you’d be able to periodically make them sales offers, while still serving them useful, free information via a your broadcasts.

One kind of downloadable document that can be used – in an article – to get people to join your list is called an “Educational Commercial” or “Edumercial”.

A good example of an Edumercial is my new report on “Using MS Excel® Solver for Least Cost Feed Formulation“.

The following are key objectives you will aim to achieve using an Edumercial:

1. Establish you/your company as an authority on the subject e.g. Shea Butter (if that’s what you sell)

2. Generate enquiries from potential buyers of your Shea Butter range of products

3. Stimulate interest in reader’s minds to tell their networks and contacts about you.

4. Generate visits from people fitting your target audience profile to your website to get more useful information

5. Make your website, and brand/name get picked up – MORE OFTEN – by Google and other search engines when people do searches related to Shea Butter.

6. Save you money, time and effort in promoting your products and services BEYOND the limits of your current marketing reach/influence and impact.

7. Gradually help you collect contact details into a MAILING LIST of potential buyers/sales leads, so you can send notices of new useful stuff you publish and/or announce sales offers of your products.

A mailing list of trusting buyers will not only come ready to pay, but will also tell others about anything you tell them in your email broadcasts.

Hopefully you see what is possible here.

Try to offer marketing content mainly from your blog – NOT just your website

Be sure however, to channel blog RSS feeds to the site. That way people who land on the website will still see the useful titles and click to the blog.

Except your website is already blog based, you may need to do this – especially you use a static html website. The reason is that a blog comes ready-to-use with the instruments for content syndication and archiving that Google/readers want.

And it also makes the process of updating content online quicker, and easier. You can install your blog within minutes, from your website’s CPANEL at NO COST. Just tell your website manager – or if you want, I can help (email tayo at tksola dot com).

You need not spend money on blog design – in my experience based opinion.

Thousands of professional templates are available for FREE, which can be perfectly customized to suit your needs. Later on you can get a paid one, if you wish. Just don’t let that stop you from getting started.

What is crucial is that you aim to generate content to publish regularly on it that will help you build a community of followers, many of who are likely to be in buy-mode by the time they read your stuff and see your good quality products.

Take a look at the number of sales enquiries still being generated from a single interview a Shea Butter expert from Abuja did on this post at

And the orders were coming in from all over the world – because most people had been unable to find a RELIABLE source of 100% PURE Shea Butter.

See how this approach of giving useful information away free in the right place, to the right people can generate massive rewards?

As long as you also offer reliable quality of products and services, you can get similar attention from potential buyers. And it will make your company get more “name recognition” both online and off, locally and internationally.

Tips for Generating Your Content

Even if you’re writing from experience, read up on the subject periodically.

This will enable you enrich your articles with additionally interesting information. Where appropriate put in all the references you consulted. No matter how minor. It’s important to acknowledge the sources one reads. Make sure you do NO copying or plagiarizing.

Sometimes I simply write by drawing from past or present experience/observation.

But normally, the standard way I generate content is that I first read lots of material on the subject. Then I sit down and think of a useful angle to write from, that has not been covered by any of the sources I read.

And I try to make sure what I end up with adds useful value to the existing body of information. All of that is done using my own words. That way, my final write-up is free from any duplicate content.

Note that it’s always best not to create the impression you’re trying to “sell” in an edumercial! (Read through my Educational Commercial on Feed Formulation)

That tends to turn readers off. They must believe you’re offering the useful information to help them as a real public service.

That gesture, on its own, will make you appear as a more credible provider to go to as a result!

It’s a bit counter intuitive, but IT WORKS quite well for generating quality sales leads!

Try it. You will not be disappointed. And neither will your bosses/employer!

Quitting My Job Earned Me Names (e.g “mad”), But Today…

“Many people still think you must have been mad to do what you did“. Those were the words uttered to me by a former senior colleague that I held in considerably high esteem. My response to that “verdict” about my mental state of health, ostensibly passed by some of my former colleagues was along the lines of “My only regret is that I did not do it sooner!” – and I meant it.

In this article, I reveal the true fear-fueled motives that some salary earners(and their employers) have for readily casting aspersion on a member who chooses to switch from paid to self-employment despite offers of career advancement. Some of the assertions I make in this article WILL upset persons in paid employment, but that will not change the fact that they are accurate representations of what happens in our society today!

I of course am first to admit that NOT all salary earners are guilty of the practices I refer to. My purpose here is to help the interested reader understand that – notwithstanding startup pains – self-employment can be a prestigious and fulfilling alternative to the daily rat race in paid employment. I hope you enjoy your read – and tell others!!

(NB: This article -written in my 4th year as a Lagos-Nigeria based entrepreneur, was first published online in 2006 on this static hmtl page. It is one of twenty-five(25) contained in Tayo Solagbade’s Ebook titled “25 Articles/True Stories On Self-Development, Entrepeneuring & Web Marketing To Help You Succeed More Often). I believe the time is right for it to move to this Self-Development (SD) Nuggets blog. Tayo K. Solagbade, 19th Dec. 2013, Cotonou, Benin Republic.

Some Background Details

Even though I have focussed on salary earners, some of the “habits” I describe in this article are also favored by certain persons in business who have vested interests. Maybe I’ll find the patience to elaborate on their “contributions” in a separate article sometime in the future. For the purpose of this article however, please indulge me by keeping in mind the fact that I am referring mainly to persons in paid employment.

As I explained in another article, while later reflecting on what some of my wonderful colleagues were supposed to have said about me, I could not help feeling sorry for them. It was sad confirmation that they were still oblivious to the fact, that I had only done earlier, with my youth still on my side, what they would have NO choice but to do in the future.

There is a saying that madness is continuing to do something the same way every time, even when you know the results will still be the same unsatisfactory ones you have always gotten! For seven years I did the 9 to 5 job routine that made feel unfulfilled, saying yes-sir, getting periodically caught in corporate politics, till I could take no more. I wanted out – and I eventually quit.

They said I was mad to do this. But I KNEW I was curing myself of madness by doing it. Today, I know I am very sane. For those who think I should have started my business on the side, instead of quitting outright, read my article titled Should You Quit Your Job or Start Your Business Part-time? and understand that our purposes will differ, and therefore we cannot all successfully follow the same path.

Below, I explain how some people in paid employment think

That manner of thinking makes them regard a person who takes the kind of decision that I took as “mad”. And italso prevents them from taking ACTION to live their lives doing what they truly desire – until it becomes too late.

A. (Some) Salary Earners Keep Trying To Wish Away The Inevitable

By this I mean that they will one day have to seek income outside paid employment, and therefore need to LEARN HOW to do so – especially since no textbook or educational certification will prepare them better than EXPERIENCE.

Failing to see their self-employed former colleague as one through whom they can learn how to survive in the real world, they deprive themselves of cost-saving and pain-relieving access to experience based wisdom, that could increase their chances of succeeding when the inevitable becomes their reality.

You cannot acquire experience by making experiments. You cannot create experience. You must undergo it – Albert Camus.

Know this: No matter how long you hang on to that job, you WILL one day have to let go.

Some who NEVER thought they could lose their jobs because they knew they were “good”, did so, due to the mistakes of others! And guess what? Their companies did not fold up after they left. In most cases, the companies did not even pause briefly as a result of their being let go. I think the following quote says it best:

The graveyards are full of indispensable men. — Charles de Gaulle

Please get over your “It can’t happen to me mentality”, and begin to actively think of ways you can prepare for the inevitable. If it’s not already too late, find a way to contact a former colleague who is in business(or any other competent person) to help you with your “re-education”.

If s/he happens to be like me i.e. one who knows the true worth of his/her hard earned knowledge, experience and billable time, then you can be sure you will NOT be getting that education FREE.

As a young manager in the company I quit from, I could not help noticing how defeated some retired ex-managers looked after some years.

In many cases, some of these individuals had spent 2 or more decades of their lives working for the company they eventually left as Directors, Senior Managers etc. That was not bad in itself. The problem was they knew NO other life, and had acquired little or no other socially relevant and marketable skills to guarantee their successful re-entry into the real -world.

Many would have gone through all those years telling everyone “Look, I’m busy”, “I don’t have time for that now!” etc. Then suddenly, they find they have more time than they can use – and very little energy(or ideas) – to utilise it in the way they need to!!

Pre-Retirement Programs Seldom Help!

Most pre-retirement programs seldom provide any significant/useful preparation, that a prospective retiree can successfully apply in the real world. Apart from the fact that they are hurriedly put together and last only short periods, little real-world education can be imparted in the classroom environments often used by organisers. The real learning and re-education will have to be done via contact with the real world  And so, the inevitable becomes unavoidable!

Amazingly…Fela Anikulapo Kuti Actually Sang About The Above Problem!

Fela once sang in his Perambulator album the lyrics :

Excerpts From Fela’s PERAMBULATOR Album Lyrics

From his single-track album titled “Perambulator”, released back in the ’80’s, I excerpted the following lines delivered in his usual pidgin English(The song centered on the lack of direction or purpose in the way African societies were run/organised) :

“Perambuuuulator”(chorus = Perambulator!). “Perambuuuulator”(chorus = Perambulator!).

Perambulator dey go. “Perambuuuulator”(chorus = Perambulator!).

Perambulator dey come. “Perambuuuulator”(chorus = Perambulator!)

.He must to turn, turn right, aha, turn right for nothing(Chorus = Turn, Turn, Right!)

He must to turn, turn left, aha, turn left for nothing(Chorus = Turn, Turn, Left!)

He must to start to go, aha, start to go for nothing(Chorus = Start To Go!)

He must to come, come back, aha, come back for nothing(Chorus = Come, Come Back!)

He must to turn right (chorus = Perambulator!), and then turn left (chorus = Perambulator!)

He must start go (chorus = Perambulator!) and then come back (chorus = Perambulator!)

He must turn round (chorus = Perambulator!), all for nothing, all no progress, all no profit….all no profit !

If you look the man well, na the same place him dey(Chorus = Same, Same Place!)…ame place him dey(Chorus = Same, Same Place!)…He no go anywhere. Perambulator.

“As him go to school before” (Chorus = No solution)

“Dem go teach am plenty english” (Chorus = No solution)

“Dem go teach am nothing for himself” (Chorus = No solution)

“Dem go give am certificate, to go carry file for office” (Chorus = No solution)

“Dem go give am certificate, to make am civil servant” (Chorus = No solution)

“Dem go give am certificate, to make am certified slave” (Chorus = No solution)

dem go teach am for dem school, that Mungo Park discovered river Niger! (Chorus = No solution)

I say when Mungo Park reach river Niger, na African people, na dem show am the way

You see! Him for dey Perambulate and for still dey(Chorus = Same, Same Place!)

Him no discover. Na him write am. He write am for dem. He no write am for us.

For the benefit of the reader who is not (yet) initiated into reading “our” pidgin English, the above excerpts translate – in part – thus:

Fela: “He would have gone to school earlier on in life” (Chorus = “No solution”: meaning BUT IT will do him little or no good).

Fela: “They will teach him how to speak good English” (Chorus = “No solution”: meaning BUT IT will do him little or no good).

Fela: “He will be taught nothing that will benefit him personally” (Chorus = No solution = meaning BUT IT will do him little or no good).

Fela: “They will give him a certificate, to work as an employee” (Chorus = “No solution”: meaning BUT IT will do him little or no good).

Fela: “They will give him a certificate, to make him a civil servant” (Chorus = “No solution”: meaning BUT IT will do him little or no good).

Fela: “They will give him a certificate, to make him a certified slave” (Chorus = “No solution”: meaning BUT IT will do him little or no good).

From reading through the late Afro Beat musician’s lyrics, especially “Dem go give am certificate, to make am certified slave” and “Demo go teach am nothing for himself“, the reader will – I hope – have seen the point I am making here.

It is that blindly pursuing a career without consciously planning for life after that career, can be likened to moving round in circles and achieving NO PERSONAL progress (Fela called it Perambulating).

The choice is yours to make! The morale drawn from Fela’s lyrics is even more relevant to the my next point (see B. below).

Important: Before you ask for my head, here’s what I am NOT Saying!

I am not saying it is bad to be an employee, or to pursue a long and fruitful career in a good company (though this can be hard to find these days!).

What I am saying however, is that while doing that, one should also prepare for the inevitable return to life out of paid employment. Where, very often, the skills successfully used for survival in a salaried job can be found totally obsolete in the real-world!

B. Some(Salary Earners) Acquire Qualifications That Make Them Too Specialised To Do Anything Else

Some corporate multinationals require employees in various cadres of management to take, and pass, certain certification examinations in highly specialised fields.

They are told those exams will increase their career advancement potentials within THAT company. The sometimes un-stated fact however is that most of these exams and qualifications do not, in any way, make the holder more usefully skilled and therefore employable elsewhere.

In a way that’s good for the employer – BUT certainly not for the employee with lofty career ambitions!

The shocking reality of how limiting a specialist qualification can be, hit me in a bad way when I got a refusal letter regarding my application (in mid 2005). The application was made to enter the UK as a self-employed person to explore opportunities under the Highly Skilled Migrant Programme(HSMP).

Let me state here that the overall score awarded me, or the fact that I was judged to be inadequately qualified are not the issue.

Instead, I wish to point out how holding what was supposed to be an internationally recognised professional brewing qualification (i.e Associate Membership Certification) DID NOT help my case in any way.

Not even the fact that it was awarded – following success in the qualifying examinations – by the UK based Institute & Guild Of Brewing which has membership spanning organisations across many continents!

As a young brewer in Guinness Nigeria back in 1997, I will never forget getting a calculator folder gift, accompanied by a signed congratulatory note on letter headed paper – from the Technical Director of the Guinness Africa region: Doug Nicholls.

This was for passing my Associate Membership Examinations. Since joining the company, we had been told how essential it was to our careers, to pass this examination (and the one that followed it – kind of a Master’s qualification). I was therefore naturally very proud of passing this international exam conducted by the UK Institute – which had been existing for over a century.

A year before I left the company, I was even nominated, along with a colleague, to attend a 6 week International Brewing Course – organised by this same institute. It was attended by over 20 delegates from Argentina, Holland, Hungary, Japan, Croatia, USA, Nigeria etc.

Interestingly, many of those who attended the course, were yet to even take the exam I and my colleague had passed over three years before!

It was with all this in mind that I felt convinced having this qualification would have commanded some degree of attention in my HSMP application. But alas, the country from which the Institute has run its affairs and awarded all its certifications – for over a CENTURY – stated in their refusal letter as follows:

…the National Academic Recognition Information Centre for the United Kingdom (UK NARIC). NARIC do not currently maintain a comprehensive record of vocational or professional qualifications and consequently were unable to verify the UK academic equivalent of the qualifications of Associate Membership and Certified test Administrator supplied. In the absence of independent evidence to demonstrate that this requirement had been met, we were unable to award points for these qualifications..

My Question: 

Considering that the whole essence of paying the steep 315 British Pounds application fee was to facilitate needed investigation of details concerning each application, AND considering the fact that the information to be verified was obtainable within the UK: how difficult could it have been to liaise with the guys at UK NARIC so as to verify the academic equivalent of what could definitely not be an obsolete qualification, since it was routinely awarded by an organisation registered in the same country???

More Curious: Comments Regarding My Years Of Graduate Level Experience

I had submitted ALL the requested information about my employment with my former company, including one which stated names of referees who could be contacted to verify any claims I made in my application.

My understanding of this request for referee information was to enable the “cool guys” at the Home Office contact appropriate personnel at my former company’s HR department, for necessary details. Whether the UK guys ever contacted “my HR” former colleagues, I may never know.

Whether “my HR” former colleagues had a different employee handbook definition of the status I had in the company from the time I was confirmed a Manager (Shift Brewer, on Grade M3) 18 months after coming in as a graduate trainee in October 1994, till I left in December 2001 as Technical Training and Development Manager(TTDM), I may also never know.

Suffice to say that the UK Home Office wrote in their refusal letter as follows:

The evidence provided only demonstrated that you have 1 year and 8 months graduate level experience for the experience from your own company Self-Development Academy. This was insufficient evidence to award senior level as no evidence was provided as to the size of your company.

… the reference provided for your experience at (XYZ) Nigeria only demonstrated that you have 1 year and 4 months graduate level experience for the position of Technical Training and Development Manager. Based on the evidence supplied, we were not satisfied that your other employment was at a graduate level. As you only hold 3 years graduate level experience, we were unable to award points for this section.

A Few Points To Note

I was employed as a Graduate Management Trainee(GMT) into the company – in October 1994 – following a battery of tests, and selection board exercise/interview.

The letter of employment I received, and the entire 7 years stay I had in that company never left me in any doubt that I was employed at “graduate level”. When my entitlements were computed following my voluntary resignation from the company, I do not recall being told at any time that a different “formula” was used for the 1 year and four months I was TTDM (Training and Technical Development Manager).

I had in fact worked closely with a knowledgeable colleague to calculate what was due to me, and our estimation agreed quite closely with what the HR department eventually handed me a cheque for! The foregoing therefore gave me ample cause to question the procedure followed in verifying the years of graduate level of experience I acquired in the company before leaving.

As I already said, it appeared the UK Home Office felt no need to ask the referees whose names I provided – or to at least contact the Employee Relations Manager who signed the company’s reference letter about me..Or, could it be that what they wrote in their refusal letter was actually based on what they were told when they contacted the said person at my former company(?).

As Olu Jacobs was wont to say when puzzled about an inconsistency in details of a criminal investigation case in his – now defunct – Detective TV series (“The Third Eye”), I can only say …”Hmm, I wonder ….I Just wonder :-))

I Provide These Elaborate Details Here To :

1. Alert any persons in paid employment who may wrongly assume they know all they think they know about their job status, entitlements etc. I urge you to find out and be sure what you find out is correct, so your future personal/career advancement plans don’t blow up in your face.

2. Show that taking examinations which make you more equipped to do specialised jobs, potentially limiting choices you may have in future when the need for a career change arises (and it often will!) is not in your best interest.

You would be VERY wise to begin learning to be a generalist FIRST (as advised by Robert Kiyosaki) before becoming a specialist.

a. Request to work in other departments/functions of your company, so as to increase your skills and knowledge.

b. Attend seminars that will make you proficient in areas you think may in future hold opportunities for personal advancement for you. THIS MAY NOT EVEN be in your present company or on your current job!

c. Look out for opportunities for different job openings that will allow you acquire new, different and more varied knowledge and experiences which will come in useful later in your personal/work life.


I have not provided these details about my failed HSMP application to claim that I was cheated (I do not think I was!). I only take exception to the seeming indifference of the UK Home Office team to carrying out thorough verifications. This was done to the extent that they badly understated my qualifications and experience in areas they could have, with more diligence, done a better job.

Also, the fact that they sent back some of my certificates VERY badly mutilated (in stark contrast to the good condition in which I had sent them in to the UK via UPS) was another very sad testimony to the apathy of those responsible in the UK Home Office. But THAT is for a letter to come another day!

One more thing: My desire was simply to have access (enter/leave at will) as an entrepreneur to the UK market. I did not wish to relocate there. I have a personal vision to use my multipreneurial skills set to serve African target audiences primarily – and most other developing societies. To to that effectively, I know it’s essential I remain based in Africa, and in touch with the daily realities in that environment. If people outside developing economies indicate interest in my services, or products, those will be dealt with by exception.

C. (Some) Salary Earners Deliberately Publicise The Self-Employed Person’s Setbacks

In order to dissuade others still in the company’s employ from following his/her footsteps, some individuals or decision makers in a company, and/or sole proprietorship employers, make a point of publicising setbacks a member who resigned to venture into self-employment suffers to those left behind.

However, when s/he records a significant advancement, they conveniently fail to “take note” or play it down. :-)

BUT as soon as news of another setback comes their way, they tell others – especially the impressionable young ones: “See, why it never pays to think you know…see how he is suffering now..? And s/he was warned, but just would not listen. You better think well before you do anything stupid and start regretting it!

Those who speak/act this way do so out of a need to eliminate their feeling of inadequacy.

A feeling arising from seeing the former member demonstrate great courage(probably applauded by others at the time), to do something they had been unable to find the guts to do for years – despite being unhappy with their own jobs too!

I say to you who read this article at this moment. Do not let anyone deceive you into thinking the prolonged bouts of suffering a self-employed person may have to endure during his/her business startup is bad.

Those experiences are meant to build up the willing person to become ultimately capable of running his/her venture profitably – for the long term.

Take the wisdom offered by your advisers in paid employment (who very often have little or no experience in self-employment). Compare with what you see when you closely study an authentic entrepreneur whose actions/activities catch your attention and interest.

Then pick up books written by those who have succeeded the honorable way and read (and I do mean READ). You will eventually find the TRUE answer.

For now, take this from me:

Without the suffering, rejection, bitter disappointments, setbacks etc, a person is unlikely to fully mature into a competent entrepreneur, capable of achieving the tall ambitions s/he has.

The following are two most recent examples of how I am achieving my own tall ambitions:

1. I recently wrote a 4,000 word international agribusiness paper, for which I’ve now earned handsome payment from an organisation funded by the European Union.

2. In the first quarter of 2014, I’ll launch my very own Home based Farm Products Brew-Pub here in Cotonou, where I’ll be selling my drinks and cakes made from pineapple peel. Click here to learn how I spent days testing my pineapple peel based cake recipees by baking them…but without using an oven! It might interest you to know, that the money I’ll be using to setup the pub is that which I made for writing the research paper mentioned above.

The glass-bottled drink you see in this photo, has been pasteurized using a home-based method I learnt online. The cake is made using pineapple peel.

Read what an authentically successful Nigerian entrepreneur of repute once said about succeeding as an entrepreneur:

In identifying and exploiting usual openings in business, one has to be a visionary capable of catching and retaining glimpses of the future. In addition to this, one needs the zeal and courage of a pioneering missionary, the faith of a martyr, a stubborn persistence and perseverance and strong will to succeed if the vision or the dream is to be translated into reality……one needs a lot of hard work, perseverance, doggedness, determination, encouragement from friends and a certain amount of luck to succeed.

– Michael O. Ibru (describing the qualities of successful entrepreneurs)

D. (Some) Salary Earners Act This Way Because They Are Terrified

If there is one group of people who seem to be obsessed with self-delusion when it comes to serious matters like achieving one’s life purpose, I have to say it’s salary earners – AGAIN.

Not all of them of course – but a considerable majority.

If they made reasonable effort to keep their unfounded fears to themselves, it probably would not have been worth talking about. Sadly, they hide behind the false sense of security provided by their jobs(and attendant benefits) to propagate all kinds of unfounded myths about the wisdom of venturing into self-employment.

But Why Are These Salary Earners Always So Terrified?

I offer three possible reasons:

i]. They Are Terrified Of Giving Up A Steady Income Source.

They simply cannot bear the thought of not being able to say, “I’m off to work this morning”, knowing they might not have access to steady inflow of cash to carry on with their established lifestyles .

It gets even worse.

When confronted with the reality of no pay (or if self-employed and unable to get clients to pay up), they will readily drop all pretences at being “honest” and accept to do illegal and/immoral things to avoid being seen “to be incapable of meeting their obligations”.

In a particular case, the person concerned argued that if one was to be a “man”, and support his family, one could not afford to insist on doing things right every time.

What warped logic! 

The lack of social security/welfare systems in some underdeveloped countries like mine, make this problem even more relevant.

ii]. They Are Terrified Because They ALWAYS Put Money First.

Many salary earners simply cannot imagine life without money to spend. They absolutely dread the thought of going through any period of time without the assurance of an inflow of steady income.

Since going into self-employment carries with it the heavy risk of enduring often prolonged periods of cash shortages, they therefore fail to see why anyone in his right mind would decide to take a decision to do such a thing.

My argument is that it would however be wrong for anyone who feels that way, to justify his/her position by deliberately publicising – or even seeking ways to ensure – the failures of another who goes ahead to be self-employed.

And this happens quite a bit. Maybe that’s why the Chinese have this entertaining proverb:

“Man who says it cannot be done, should not get in the way of man who wants to do it” – Chinese Proverb

What this group of fickle-minded individuals fail to understand is this:

The creatures called “entrepreneurs” – the authentic ones – many times do not put the desire for money ahead of their desire to create, and pioneer new ways of doing things, so as to improve the lives of others.

The authentic entrepreneur enjoys the thrill, the excitement and the challenge of doing something new, probably not done before or not done THAT way before.

Indeed many entrepreneurs (including this writer!) confirm they enjoy the journey more than they do, the actual attainment of their valued goal. That probably explains why they keep setting new heights to conquer, by launching other projects.

This love for what they do, is also why most authentic entrepreneurs will readily continue their work, even when monetary rewards are yet to materialise.

But in addition to the “enjoyment” of their work, entrepreneurs also eventually “see” the money.

As I said in my article titled Should You Quit Your Job or Start Your Business Part-time?, doing what you love WILL also eventually bring the ONE benefit(money!) that many people always seem to want to get first. That’s why Marsha Sinetar said:

Do what you love, and the money will follow” – Marsha Sinetar

iii]. They Are Terrified Because They Lack Vision/The Capacity To Visualise.

Most ideas true entrepreneurs come up with tend to be what larger society (which includes the terrified salary earners) cannot even comprehend, have never thought of, and do not even consider attainable. It is therefore quite understandable that they get called “crazy”, “mad”, “unreasonable”, “dreamers” etc.

Here’s a short story about one “dreamer” who made all our lives better.

Today, we all take for granted the “reality” of being able to receive messages/transmissions through thin air, without physical wire connections from broadcast stations to TV and Radio sets in our homes.

But it was Marconi, who came up with a principle which he claimed could be used to make this possible, at a time when nothing of the sort had ever been seen or done.

Guess what Marconi’s “friends” did to him after he made this claim?

They so “loved” him, and worried for his “sanity” that they forcefully took him to a mental hospital for examination! I am sure they must have been convinced he had gone off the deep end!

Today, it would be ridiculous for anyone to even question the principles on which the TV and Radio work in our various homes and offices.

We really should thank entrepreneurs for refusing to be “reasonable”, and instead being “dreamers” or simply “mad”!

“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable man persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man.” — George Bernard Shaw

You Would Be Wise to Take My Warning In This Article Seriously

I urge you to give serious thought to all that I have said here.

Endeavour to serve your employer well. But always remember that her obligation to you ends the day you are officially listed as retired, retrenched, redundant, rationalised – or if you’re lucky to find the courage…”voluntarily resigned”.

Begin today to think what you will do after you leave that nice comfy job with the free medical benefits, pretty cars, free accommodation, scholarship for your kids, free meals at work, sponsored holidays etc.

Don’t let those numerous nice things of life turn you into an invalid who does not know left from right by the time you get back into the UHK – University of Hard Knocks(aka the real-world). And YOU WILL one day have to return to the real-world!

Here’s another reason to take me seriously.

For two years(prior to quitting my job) I tried very hard to highlight in my resume the wonderful specialised international qualification I had, in many applications for different jobs in other companies.

Not one company was interested in it.

When I spoke with others at courses I attended, a blank look always came into their eyes whenever I told them I possessed that qualification.

Then it hit me!

What useful value could I really offer any employer – especially in my country, where the brewing profession is not as established as in the UK?

The answer was little or nothing. Only the one I currently worked for with that specialised qualification recognised it!

The only other employer that could have been interested was in the same industry, and a direct competitor. But during my UK course, I met 2 brewers empoyed there, and they pointedly told me their company did not require any of them to take the exams or get the qualification!

It was then that I realised what it felt like to be “trapped”.

And I became even more determined to do something about my situation. This led me eventually to quit my job, and start my own business in order to fulfill my own long standing personal ambitions. You are reading all this now, because I found my true purpose – and followed it.

If doing so is what it means to be “MAD” as some of my former colleagues are supposed to have said, then I hope to be diagnosed with the most extreme form of MADNESS possible by the time I breathe my last breath! 

Related Articles by Tayo K. Solagbade:

1. Should You Quit Your Job or Start Your Business Part-time?

2. Why I Do What I Do The Way I Do It

3. Avoid Taking Lessons On Entrepreneuring From The Wrong Person(s) 

4. Practical Guiding Philosophies For Entrepreneurial Success

The Right Mental Attitude Keeps Dreams Alive

“The majority of people are ready to throw their aims and purposes overboard, and give up at the first sign of opposition or misfortune.” – Napoleon Hill

In truth, how long a person can keep going in pursuit of a valued goal, will often be a function of his/her mental attitude, based on available reserve of mental stamina s/he has built up.

I’ve written severally about the importance of mental attitude/stamina in the past. For a person seeking noteworthy success, it needs to be maintained in readiness to cope with inevitable bouts of adversity.

Here’s why:

It’s often the mistakes, setbacks and disappointments that many people experience, that cause them to abandon the idea of running their own businesses. Or any other goals for that matter.

So, Knowing “How” Does Not Say If You’ll Last Long Enough to Finish Doing It!

It’s not enough to know how to do something; you must also have the mental stamina to cope with the attendant challenges/difficulties that will come up when you are engaged in your chosen endeavour.

Sadly, this requirement is not recognised by many who seek success today.

Yes, this aspect of a success conscious mental attitude is what is missing in our society.

It is neglected in all the various forms of formal/informal education provided in every facet of our society. This mental preparation is what is lacking when many people start-up their businesses.

They would often have consulted the right people; attended the seminars; mastered the technical aspects of running the business, BUT they often neglect to develop the mindset/mental attitude needed to keep going when their plans fail to work as expected.

This prevents them from digging in to discover the “wisdom” necessary for survival/success in the real business world. They take these aspects for granted and many, very many, find this to be their undoing in the end.

People Who Succeed Despite Prolonged Adversity Often Credit Their Mental Attitude/Stamina

Today, few have (or seem willing to adopt) the mental attitude needed to achieve sustained successes. Most do not realise they need to develop considerable reserve of mental stamina, to cope with periods of potentially traumatizing difficulties.

People who succeed do not leave such important things to chance! Consider the following examples about well known personalties…

Years after retiring, Michael Jordan is still revered by his peers, coaches and fans – worldwide – for his mental toughness. So is Mohammed Ali.

Fela Anikulapo Kuti was the same.

Time and time again, he emerged from prison/nasty confrontations with government agents, to continue preaching his message. He had mental stamina, and this enabled him persist despite tremendous physical and psychological pain and suffering he went through.

In business, the nearly 10,000 failed attempts recorded by Thomas Edison (in inventing the light bulb) remain in the record books as evidence of superhuman achievement in mental ruggedness!

Your (Psychological) State of Mind Determines Your Mental Attitude

Historical evidence abounds to confirm sports psychologists help individuals and teams turn their fortunes around by guiding them re-gain the mental attitude needed to achieve success.

These guys study how their clients think under different situations. So they know what to say to them to get them to think or act in a particular manner. Many get paid handsomely because they do a good job!

But not all people need (or can afford) to hire psychologists to help them achieve their goals.

There are individuals who develop this ability to maintain the mental attitude required to achieve repeated success, by learning actively from others directly or through books, seminars etc.

Quite often, each one of us will have no difficulty deciding what option (getting help or doing it ourselves) suits us best. What is important is recognising the need to be able to MAINTAIN the right mental attitude for success at all times.

In my opinion, if you can’t teach yourself to do it, save yourself the time and pain, and get a coach or mentor to walk you through the process until you’ve mastered it.

Your success depends on your ability to maintain the right mental attitude, especially in the face of prolonged adversity!

 “You must strike again, and again, and again. And never give up! Never! Never! Never! Until you reach your destination. …– you’ve got to be unstoppable. That’s right. If somebody tells you no, o what? If a door is closed in your face, so what? If things don’t work the first time around or the second time around, so what? I wanted to be in a magazine. I called the publisher of that magazine for tow years. Every week I called him. Why? I’m unstoppable.” – Les Brown