Attract Success by Leaving Others Better Off Than When They Met You (2 Tips)

FACT: In business, and life in general, doing what this title proposes is sure to lead you to attract long term recognition and success to yourself. I employ it in dealing with every person I encounter – both online, and off the web. I strive to do it no matter how brief our interaction is. And I continually reap useful progress as a result.

This article offers 2 ways you can do the same thing and reap similar or better rewards.

1. In Business – Give Potential Clients Value Even When They Have NOT Hired YOU

This can be hard to remember, and do. I say this from experience. But I urge you to invest time and effort in doing it. Believe me, it works!

When searching for buyers for your products and services, do NOT focus on what you want (You’ve heard – or read – that before I’m sure!).

Instead, actively explore ways to immediately add value to prospective clients – using what you know, or can do.

Specific example: I always give practical ready-to-use ideas on web marketing to potential clients during discussions or meetings we have. I even create marketing resources (e.g. downloadable PDF they can give away to capture subscribers, or generate leads).

There is magic in this. Psychological magic.

It makes you look bigger in their eyes, because you come across as having so much that you confidently and readily give free samples without fear of loss.

They’ll often be impressed by your willingness to give of yourself in that manner. And that can actually attract or influence them to buy your products or services, or tell other about you.

But even if no apparent benefits seem forthcoming, do it anyway.

It will pay off eventually.

2. In General Life – Add Tangible Value to Others Even If You Have NOTHING to Gain

If you’re like me, with a passion for what you do, your personal and work life are probably difficult to separate :-)

But all the same, distinctions exist. Sometimes you’ll have to relate with people you do not consider potential buyers of whatever you sell.

Always realize that everything you do still links back to building credibility for yourself. So, explore non-manipulative strategies to turn others into your raving fans and advocates.

We all know that people generally prefer to buy from persons they know – and trust.

By aiming to leave everyone you meet better off than when you found them, you effectively build a reliable store of goodwill for yourself.

Sooner or later, you will harvest the rewards – sometimes including positive gains in your business.

One Specific Example (A True Story)

Years ago, while working in a large multinational, I used my spreadsheet programming skills to create an automated MS-Excel-VB driven application, for use by a senior colleague in the engineering function.

It enabled him produce his complex graph based engineering reports within minutes, instead of the hours it normally took him.

I did it without his asking, while off duty from shift brewing.

Some years later, I quit the company to become self-employed. Among other services, I offered spreadsheet programming services to potential company clients.

One day I got a lengthy email from this former colleague. He had moved to a well known multinational oil service company in a top position.

He wrote asking me how much it would cost to build, for him, a similar application to the one I’d built back when we worked together.

In that email, he wrote something as follows (not exact words):

“Tayo…I know you can help me with this because I’ve seen your Midas touches from when we were together in (company name)”.

NB: If I had not used my skills to add value to him years before, it’s unlikely he would have developed this deep level of trust and confidence in my capabilities.

We eventually had two meetings and followed up with emails and phone calls. Although he was eventually unable to get funding to pay the fee I quoted, it was still a useful experience for me.

This was because our discussions had given me an insider view, of areas in which I could add value to companies in the market place.

I went on to use that knowledge in winning projects from 2 medium sized hospitals later on.

Final Words (Watch Out for Wolves!)

What I’m recommending in this piece is simple.

Aim to get even people who DO NOT buy from you, to be grateful or glad that they met you. You can do this using abilities (or knowledge) you have, that can be of use to them.

Make doing this a habit, and many good people will love having you around. They will sometimes even go out of their way to help you, should the opportunity to do so arise.

Be careful however. Don’t let yourself get exploited while doing this. There are always wolves out there!

It may take some work, but for best results, you MUST learn to use your gut level instinct to identify WHO to offer yourself to in this way.

Not all those you meet will be sincere. Some insincere people will try to exploit your “generosity” to get you to work for them without (decent) pay.

The truth is however that such people will rarely be hard to detect – especially if YOU are sincere.

Just pay attention to your sixth sense. Listen carefully to YOUR FEELINGS, and you’ll know!

No. 94: Use Physical Fitness to Boost Your Productivity (4 Tips)

Professional public speaking can be hard work, being both physically and psychologically demanding. The financial rewards are however attractive enough to make many willing to do it.

But when we do it without ensuring we remain in the best state of health, BAD things can happen. And we may be forced to resolve those “bad things”, by spending, even when not earning. That’s in addition to the pain, and loss of other income earning opportunities, we may also suffer.

This truth applies in any vocation.


Click now to view the latest issue of Tayo Solagbade's Public Speaking IDEAS page

View Tayos video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsConnect with Tayo on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google Plus

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Publication: Tayo Solagbade’s Weekly Public Speaking IDEAS Page (PSIP) Newsletter

Date: Monday 17th June 2013


Title: Use Physical Fitness to Boost Your Productivity (4 Tips)

Author & Publisher: Tayo K. Solagbade [234-803-302-1263]

Blog URL:

Archive (For E-mail only version started 14th May 2012): Click here to view

Archive (For Blog version started 24th September 2011): Click here


Please find below the latest issue of my Speaking IDEAS newsletter.

10 Fruits You Eat That Leave Useful Peels/Skins Behind (FREE PDF DOWNLOAD)

E-mail your name, country, mobile number, occupation, & facebook/twitter URLs (if any) to tayo at tksola dot com, and I’ll send you a FREE copy of my detailed PDF report titled “10 Fruits You Eat That Leave Useful Peels/Skins Behind.

Screenshot of PDF report titled “10 Fruits You Eat That Leave Useful Peels/Skins Behind."


How to Make Drinks You CAN SELL, from Peels of Pineapples & Nine (9) Other Fruits!


No. 94: Use Physical Fitness to Boost Your Productivity (4 Tips)

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NB: If you ever find yourself wondering what else I’ve written, some days after you’ve read THIS Speaking Ideas newsletter I send out on a Monday, here’s what you can do to find out: Point your browser to to read at least ONE new post added to my SD Nuggets blog on a different category from Tuesday till Saturday (sometimes even Sundays) in line with this publishing schedule :-)


Professional public speaking can be hard work, being both physically and psychologically demanding. The financial rewards are however attractive enough to make many willing to do it.

But when we do it without ensuring we remain in the best state of health, BAD things can happen. And we may be forced to resolve those “bad things”, by spending, even when not earning. That’s in addition to the pain, and loss of other income earning opportunities, we may also suffer.

This truth applies in any vocation.

Let me illustrate by sharing a true story. Names have been changed for privacy reasons.

Ednut, a talented engineering project manager (in his mid-thirties), with a large multinational, was managing a team of engineers to implement a high capital project on a remote location.

Due to unexpected delays, they were behind schedule. So he worked longer hours to oversee the day and night shifts. This meant going home as late as 3.00a.m., and returning by 9.00a.m.

Each day, he had to work on the PC to collate figures of costs and materials used, for dispatch to his boss in the company headquarters. He was young, and used to pushing himself hard.

One day, he was driving home after midnight on the deserted road. At a point, he fell asleep behind the wheel, and ran his car right into a tree at over 100km per hour.

The car was a wreck. But in what many called a miracle, he survived with minor injuries.

Speaking to colleagues later in his home (where the doctor had identified he suffered from exhaustion), he said “You know, one minute I was awake, the next I simply knocked off!

But he was lucky. It had cost him little. The company paid his medical bill, and replaced his official car. Now imagine if he’d been self-employed? Hopefully, you see what I’m getting at.

Investing time and effort in being physically fit can do wonders for your health. It can also help you avoid costly accidents, or mistakes (e.g. typing in the wrong figures into an important financial analysis spreadsheet!)- by increasing your strength and endurance.

By implication, doing what you do as an expert in your field will become easier for you.

I offer 4 tips you can use.

1. You Need Good Health to Work Productively Physical Fitness Will Help You

Poor health can make progress more difficult than it should be. To do productive work, you need strength and stamina. Physical fitness gives you both.

For instance, your important organs (the heart, lungs etc) are kept in good shape when you engage in regular physical exercise. Your muscles gain strength, and you develop physical and mental stamina. You also burn off extra calories and avoid building up harmful fat deposits that could predispose you to heart related problems.

These and many other benefits mean you’ll have less need to see the doctor or take medication.

Most of us know the above benefits. But in chasing success, we can get really busy and forget. The irony is that poor fitness can prevent you from being your best – physically, mentally, even emotionally.

When that happens, we become less capable of competently implementing tasks that can help us achieve our goals. Ever tried making sense of spreadsheet data with a throbbing headache?

What about standing for many long hours over 3 or more days, speaking to audiences, and taking questions?

Would you be able to deliver the same level of “speaking performance” ALL day, and each day?

Or would your performance fall (e.g. due to “fatigue”) as the days, or hours go by?

The truth is people rarely talk about this aspect. And yet it can play a major role in how well you perform.

Hmm…I would say those questions make good food for thought :-)

If you lack them stamina to cope with the physical/intellectual demands of doing your work, your passion may NOT be enough to save you!

Keep in mind that attendees may have an opportunity to rate you alongside other presenters during a week long event, for instance. If you run out of steam before the end, they’ll notice it, and it would affect their rating of you.

With a good level of physical fitness, your chances of giving a good account of yourself in any area of endeavour greatly increase. That is the truth.

What You Can Do To Get Fit

Engage more actively in physical exercise – as often as possible.

By this I refer to nothing the average person cannot do. See examples below.


Almost anyone can do these, regardless of age.

I walk a lot when practical/possible. I’ve found it useful for getting to know more new people, and places, than if I drove around in a car.

If the work you do often makes you stay in one place for long periods, try going out without your car whenever possible.

Seize every opportunity you can find to take a stroll. Reports indicate that 30 minutes of walking everyday can give enough health boosting exercise to keep you going for life.

Consider adopting biking instead of driving. Swimming is also an excellent way to exercise the whole body and relax at the same time.


Adopt a workout routine that works. Since leaving competitive sports (over 18 years ago), I’ve used more or less the same 15 minute regimen.

It basically involves doing a series of pushups, sit-ups, and finishing with certain yoga based exercises. That simple regimen keeps me going for well over 24 hours (more on that later).

Among other benefits, you’ll bounce back faster after working long hours or late. When you tire less quickly, you’ll get more work done. That will boost efforts you make to improve your finances.

Find something that works for you. Talk to a fitness expert if you need help.


Interestingly, you don’t need to push yourself over the edge to get physically fit. So don’t go overboard. There’s no need to do much exercising at one go. Take it one step at a time, especially if you’ve not done this before – or for a while.

What the body really needs is for the exercise to be regular and consistent. It does not have to be exhausting. Like I said, talk to a fitness expert (or a friend who knows) for guidance.

2. When Fit, You’ll be Able to Work Late/Go the Extra Mile Without “Help”

Your body talks to you. And you’ll hear it if you listen carefully. When you choose to work longer hours to finish a project with a looming deadline, it may speak even louder.

You may feel sleepy, and decide to take coffee. That works for some people. But I have never liked the idea of using something outside of myself to stay awake :-)

Luckily, I discovered that staying fit gave me the needed endurance to go the extra mile(s).

I suggest you engage in regular exercise to build your energy reserve. You’ll develop both physical and mental stamina, which will help you go many extra miles literally at will.

Since my time in paid employment, I’ve worked between 10 to 20 hours almost every day. Some would say I’m a workaholic. But I say when you enjoy your work, it’s the same as having fun :-)

When necessary I work all night. I’ve never needed coffee to keep going. No exaggeration. I’ll be 43 this July (2013). And I still work that way.

It’s amazing how being fit can enable you stay wide eyed and alert to do serious work, when you really need to (adrenaline plays an important role of stimulation here).

The late great Zig Ziglar indulged in physical exercise a lot, and he said it helped him achieve improved productivity.

In fact, in his book “Over the Top”(1994), he revealed that at 67 he was in “marvelous physical condition” and that he believed his “best and most productive years” to be in front of him.

When you consider how well Zig finished his run on earth, you have to agree with him!

3. Invest In Periodic Medical Checkups

This goes without saying. But I’ll say it anyway.

Physical exercise is not a cure all. Certain health issues will not be addressed by the most intense of workouts. And very often, the earlier you detect them the better your chances of saving yourself money, time – and possibly pain – in resolving them.

So consider talking to your doctor about having routine checkups done, just to be sure everything is working right in there :-)

4. Poor Fitness Can Shut You Down, Making You Lose Your Good Health – and More!

It’s so easy to get carried away working to make the next million that you forget to take care of yourself. But your body does not forget. It adds it all up over time, till it’s forced to quit on you.

Don’t wait till that happens. Some who made the mistake never recovered fully from it.

Even if you don’t make any extra money, at least keep what you’ve made – and possibly grow it. One of the worst things that can happen to anyone is to spend the bulk of your finances managing a bad health problem(s)!

Getting – and staying – physically fit can help you maintain good health for the long term. That would boost your ability to achieve your goals in life – as an expert in your field and/or via public speaking as well..

Neglecting to do so could make you prone to developing expensive health problems. And that would negatively impact your finances: Expenses on medical consultation – and therapy – could grow, while income generation activities drop e.g. pursuing or taking up speaking opportunities gets difficult when you’re ill!

Incidentally – and on a final note – having investments in passive income generation channels could minimise your losses in the event of health problems.

But it would not eliminate potential health threats: For instance, when you make extra money without moving around physically, there’s a danger that you may overlook the need to pursue physical fitness.


Otherwise you set yourself up for health problems that could deplete (and/or exhaust) what you should pass on to your offspring.

Need More Details of How to Make The Above Ideas Work for YOU?

If you need more specific details of how to make use of the ideas I’ve shared in this newsletter, send me a message using this request form (with “Re: Use Physical Fitness to Boost Your Productivity (4 Tips)” in the subject line).

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Have a lovely week!

Tayo K. Solagbade*

Self-Development/Performance Improvement Specialist

*Sole Agent For Burt Dubin’s Speaker Mentoring Service In Africa

Mobile: 234-803-302-1263

Self-Development/Performance Enhancement SpecialistTayo Solagbade – works as a multipreneurial freelance writer providing  zero risk article and report writing support for website owners, while travelling slowly across West Africa as a Location Independent Entrepreneur.

He’s presently based in Benin Republic, where he’s preparing an English-French Language Guide, City Travel Guides, and a Commercial Rabbit Farming Guide.

In a previous life, before leaving to become self-employed, Tayo served for seven years as a high performing manager in Guinness Nigeria. He rose from Shift Brewer, to Training & Technical Development Manager, then later acted in senior management roles as Production Manager and Technical Manager.

When he’s not amazing clients with his superhuman skills (wink), Tayo works as the creative force behind his Self-Development Nuggets™ blog, and Public Speaking IDEAS newsletter (which he publishes to promote Burt Dubin’s Public Speaking Mentoring service to experts working across the African continent).

For a limited time, Tayo is available to speak to your group or organization for a moderate fee. Send e-mail to tayo at tksola dot com. You can also visit to learn more.

Connect with him on Twitter and Facebook.


Have you been undecided about whether or not to become a paid speaker? Or have you been trying to get your speaking career off the ground with little success?

Here’s a tip: Burt Dubin works with people who want to be speakers, and with speakers who want to be masters. Click here to visit his website NOW and submit a contact form message telling him what challenges you’re facing, and how you’d like him to help you. Tell him I sent you, and you’ll get a pleasant surprise offer from him.


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View Tayos video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsConnect with Tayo on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google Plus

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Burt’s three mentoring packages can be likened to the seating options offered by airlines: Budget Delight (Economy); Mid Range (Business); and Top Shelf (First Class).

At least that’s how I like to think of them!

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Write Faster – and Better – Using Regular Physical Exercise

NB: This article is based on excerpts from my ebook titledWHY YOU KEEP FAILING TO ACHIEVE  YOUR WRITING GOALS! (10 Habits That Are Holding You Back…And How To Change Them For Good!)

“The brain is exactly like any other part of the body: it can be strengthened by proper exercise, by proper use. Put your arm in a sling and keep it there for a considerable length of time, and when you take it out, you find that you can’t use it. In the same way, the brain that isn’t used suffers atrophy.” – Thomas Edison

In the above quote, Edison was referring to the need to make regular use of one’s brain for deep creative and analytical thinking. People who form the habit of thinking about things – especially if they also take the time to read as well – will find that over time they become more intellectually productive.

This is true for writers.

In order to write, you have to think about what you want to write e.g. the title to use, the opening, the core message and so on.

It’s this constant requirement for thought and reflection, that trains a writer’s brain to deliver at an increased level of productivity over time.

In other words, regular writing is actually an excellent form of exercise for your brain. And the more often you write, the easier it gets.

And by the way, don’t let anyone mislead you – there is NO best time to write. You can WILL yourself to do it anytime you want.

I am living proof of it.

How regularly do you write? If it’s not often, that could be a reason why you struggle to do it. In order to make progress, write as frequently as possible.

Physical Exercise Boosts Mental Stamina, for Intellectually Demanding Tasks – Like Writing!

But exercising your brain is just one half of the solution you may need. For a mentally tasking vocation like writing, regular physical exercise can boost your productivity many times over.

If you didn’t know, take it from me: Mental exercise can only get you so far. To achieve superior levels of writing productivity, you need physical exercise.

The human body is interesting. Without regular exercise, it tends to settle into a rut – even up “there”. Interestingly however, you may not need more than 10 minutes every day to wake the body up.

Doing more can of course get you greater returns, but 10 minutes of smart non-stressful (daily) exercising alone can do wonders for your brain – and ultimately, your writing.

Can you recall how you felt right after being exposed to some kind of tense encounter or danger e.g. escaping from a stalker, a burning building, or a dangerous dog?

Notice how alert your body, and brain “felt”? How your thoughts and reflexes miraculously became razor sharp?

I have seen a fat person, with seemingly no athletic ability – while under the influence of fear generated adrenaline – scale a height that he would never have consciously attempted, in order to escape from what he considered a dangerous situation.

I left competitive sports about 18 years ago (I played state level handball from the age of 12 till I graduated from the university at 22). Since then, I have tried to do at least 70 push-ups (sometimes adding 50 sit-ups) every day, and rounding up with “Yoga style” stretching exercises.

It usually takes me about 15 minutes. These days, I’m joined by my kids – including their 3 year old sister.

My exercise regimen always leaves me feeling alert and ready to tackle the day’s tasks. I’ve had colleagues and clients comment, many times, on my work related stamina.

And although I no longer work on site, there was a time when I would arrive a hotel client’s premises at 6a.m, to work on a custom MS Excel-VB software development project, and leave at 1.00a.m the next day. I now work mostly from home, but still do such marathon “runs” – when necessary – to meet deadlines.

Regular exercise primes your body with adrenaline and other hormones that enable you deliver optimal performance when necessary.

You develop physical/mental stamina. I’m not a doctor, but I’ve used the above experience based analogies to help you understand how regular exercise, even if done for only a few minutes, can boost your productivity.

I suggest you adopt an exercise regimen that suits you.

If you’re new to it, or it’s been a while since you last did it, start small…and slow.

You’re not competing with anyone. We just need to get more movement going on in your body. So, take it easy!

For those who never used to exercise, this may be a little hard to understand. But once you start doing it, you’ll wonder how you ever got along without it.


Click here to get the full ebook titled “WHY YOU KEEP FAILING TO ACHIEVE  YOUR WRITING GOALS! (10 Habits That Are Holding You Back…And How To Change Them For Good!)

A Proven Secret for Defeating Failure (Lessons from 3 Great Achievers)

Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, Abraham Lincoln. What do these three people have in common? The answer is that they achieved legendary success in spite of severely unfavourable circumstances e.g. crippling poverty, and lack of formal schooling.

Question: What ultimately separates those who succeed in life from those who do not?

Answer: It is the degree of persistence with which they pursue their goals.

Lack of access to f ormal schooling, or wealth, can never be a fatal handicap. It can slow you down, but it cannot stop you! History attests to this fact. That’s why we have so many stories of poor people, and school drop outs, who go on to excel at the highest levels in life.

The following are three well known examples:

1. Thomas Edison

Edison’s mother withdrew him from school, and began home schooling him, after teachers labelled him “addled” i.e. incapable of learning. You and I today have proof around us of the fact that Edison made the most of himself, despite having just a few months of schooling.

He was a hands-on person, and developed the expertise he became renowned for, by spending thousands of hours experimenting on his ideas. Lacking money, he started by siting his “lab” in a car! He never gave up, and reportedly failed about 10,000 times before discovering the tungsten filament for inventing the light bulb.

His experiences led him to make this famous – and insightful – statement:

“Success is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.”

2. Henry Ford

Compared to Edison, Ford could probably be said to have been even more disadvantaged. The history books describe him as having been a “stark illiterate”.

Yet he fathered the industry of automobile mass production: cars affordable by the non-rich.

It’s amazing that he achieved that feat without being a professor of automobile engineering!

That’s proof that lack of formal education cannot stop you from succeeding at anything you set your mind on.

3. Abraham Lincoln

Lincoln endured years of hardship, from his childhood, in the process of self-educating himself, to become a lawyer.

At one stage, he walked miles to and from the library, to borrow books which he read by candlelight.

Today, many readily surrender if they discover they lack money, or entry qualifications, to attend law school. Yet, Lincoln, despite challenges posed by his poverty, persisted and eventually became a lawyer – through self-study.

Then he went on to record a series of failures that would have daunted the average person, in business, and later in pursuit of elected office.

But he persisted, and kept aiming higher despite failure at lower levels. So much so that he eventually got elected into the highest office in the USA, as President!

Little wonder he was once quoted as saying:

“I may be a slow walker, but I never walk backwards.”

And it was also Lincoln who said:

“The world steps aside for the man who knows where he is going.”

He certainly knew what he was talking about!

This Blog (& Website) You’re Reading NOW, Is a Product of Fanatical Persistence

Yes it is. If you think the above subtitle is exaggerated, I assure you it is not. This is not an ego trip. I offer the details below, as evidence that I practice what I preach; I take my own medicine :-)

I’ve told all (mostly family) who have played a part in my entrepreneurial journey since January 2002, that I’ll be mentioning their names – and roles – in the book I’m writing on this.

I built this website in June 2005. And I’ve kept it online, and grown it tremendously, since then.

Not much money is required to run a website. However, when you lack money to meet your daily needs, even the little needed to keep your website up can be hard to find. I should know!

What’s more, it’s taken relentless investment of LOTS of effort, time, sleepless nights without rest (and sometimes DAYS without food!) – to keep this multi-disciplinary website going over the past 9 years.

During this period, I’ve consistently churned out content to serve my target audience.

Today what I offer has evolved to include special PDF reports (e.g. making drinks you can sell from fruit skin/peels), daily articles on 6 different topics, a weekly newsletter on speaking IDEAS, excel-visual basic software for payslips/feed formulation, and video tutorials on various useful subjects, among others.

Note that I’ve done all this alone, while sometimes still catering to the widely differing needs of clients in various industries.

Long ago, stories about Edison and others taught me that PERSISTING, no matter what, gets you to your goal. You’re reading this today, because I’ve always done that.

Diligent Persistence CAN Save You – and Your Child!

You – and your child – can apply persistence and end up telling even better stories.

I offer the following suggestions based on what I’m doing with my own kids:

Tell your children the stories of achievers like those mentioned above. There are many more of course – including the great Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Ghandi, and others Google can throw up.

Get your kids to go online (or do it with them), to read up even more details of how such people defeated extreme adversity, to achieve noteworthy success.

Point out the fact that it did NOT happen overnight. VERY important. They need to be ready for that.

Let them understand that they can also succeed with persistence – no matter how tough things get.

This message needs to be repeated to them as often as possible.

Challenge them, as the opportunity presents itself (and it will), to apply that understanding when they come up against even the most minor of challenges.

Final Words: Persistence Is a Habit You Can Learn – and Teach

This article used true stories to illustrate how ordinary people, starting wth nothing, achieved unlikely success using just ONE weapon: dogged persistence.

The following quote re-enforces the foregoing point:

“Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence; Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful individuals with talent. Genius will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent” – Ray Kroc (Founder of McDonalds)

Persistence can be taught. It’s a habit that can be developed.

YOU, as well as your kids, can use it to achieve your own goals. The earlier you start, the better.

At a point, you’ll begin to apply this ability to persist, more or less spontaneously – and seemingly without effort.

The uninitiated around you will consequently marvel at your seeming ability to defy failure.

And you will get to live your dreams.

How Conforming With Peers Can Kill Your Career

Imagine it’s break (or closing) time at work, and you’ve agreed to join some close co-workers for lunch (or drinks after work). But some task(s) remain(s) that you know would be better done now, not later. What would you do? Especially if you know ” friends” may mock you for being so “diligent” that you sacrifice your private time to put in unpaid hours? This article uses a true story to offer you insights.

It’s Great to Be Sociable, but Never Let It Blind You to Your Priorities

Do not sabotage your career by letting decision makers conclude you are not committed enough.

Ask yourself why you’re in the company. Is it to conform to some unwritten loyalty code from demanding colleagues or co-workers?

In truth, except when a friend is badly in need of your support to deal with some serious issue(s), your employer comes first.

Sadly, most people don’t want to be seen as wet blankets or spoil sports. So, sometimes they stop work they should finish, to go on break. Or if it’s at close of work, they agree to join others to go home. Their “friends” tell them, you can always do it tomorrow!

Maybe the question to ask yourself is this:

“What if leaving it till tomorrow could hurt YOUR employer?”

A True Story Offers Insight YOU Can Use

On Monday, Oyat and 11 other graduate trainees resumed work in a large corporate multinational. They were soon assigned to different departments to commence a company-wide induction.

Oyat started in the training section of the Sogal factory. Within weeks he formed a close relationship with Drahcir, the young Training Manager, who happened to be a skilled spreadsheet programmer, and an experienced line manager.

1. Oyat Chooses to Learn Rather Than “Belong”

Over time, Oyat (being a bit computer literate) began helping Drahcir in testing formulas in a macro-driven reporting application the latter built for top level reporting in the factories. Doing this required understanding of complex formulas for many factory performance indices. Eventually, Drahcir travelled to all the sites and they commenced using the application.

As time went on, Drahcir told Oyat:

“If you want to be a good line manager, follow me anytime I call you.”

That was easy, and Oyat had no problems doing it. Drahcir took him all over the factory, showing him various plants, how they worked, how to manage the operators etc.

But doing it meant Oyat had to miss going on daily meal breaks with other trainees. Drahcir and himself often arrived at the restaurant towards the end of break time. The other trainees would point and whisper. They eventually coined names for him, and also mocked him for “following Drahcir around like an errand boy”.

By the time he finished his training, Drahcir had gotten Oyat to produce detailed typewritten training notes covering all that he had learnt, with photos (taken by Drahcir).

Everything was then printed out (photos glued to relevant pages) and spiral bound into 4 different modules of over 250 combined pages. A set was given to Oyat, while Drahcir kept a set for the training centre.

He told Oyat:

You’ll find yourself referring to these notes, and you’ll be glad I got you to make them. What’s more, others will come to borrow them from you. Mark my words!

Oyat Gets Deployed & His Preparation Yields Almost Instant Rewards

One year later, all 12 trainees had been deployed to permanent stations. Oyat ended up in one of the company’s factories in another state.

At the start of his second week there, he was looking through some process records in his new department, when he got word that the site Training Manager (a colleague to Drahcir) wanted him. Arriving there, the gentleman asked him

“We’re getting some errors from this application. Our reports must get to headquarters today. Drahcir tells me you know this application as well as he does. Can you help us?”,

He turned the computer monitor towards Oyat, who found himself staring at the application he had spent hundreds of hours helping to test and check for errors.

Less than thirty minutes later, he’d corrected the problem. Everyone soon heard about it.

Some months later, while working as line manager, he found himself referring to one of his spiral bound reports to verify certain details.

A new manager in training asked to see the report, and took time to flip slowly through a few pages. Few minutes later, looking at Oyat with new found respect, he asked if he could borrow it!

As he replied in the affirmative, Oyat could almost hear Drahcir saying “I told you so!

Final Words: Those Who Mock You Will Eventually Admire You!

In the months and years that followed, repeat secondments – and eventually a promotion – came. He got to a management grade higher than his former trainee colleagues.

One day, he took a call from one of them, who at a point in their discussion said:

You know Oyat, you’re the first amongst us, to get promoted to this level in the company.

And when he said it, he was dead serious.

This was in contrast to those early years, when this same individual had led others to mock Oyat for “following Drahcir around like an errand boy.”

Oyat’s decision to NOT bow to peer pressure at work, had proven to be a wise one!

Appreciate Your “Good” Social Media “Friends” MORE! (2 Reasons)

In this piece, I pay tribute to my good “friends” on social media. I don’t care what critics say. For me, social media – when not abused – enriches lives. It certainly has mine. Through Facebook and Twitter in particular, I’ve discovered great PEOPLE, from whom I’ve accessed MORE amazing ideas, perspectives, knowledge and insights – than I could ever have outside of it.

Below, I discuss two specific life-changing benefits we often get from good “friends” on social media that we may sometimes (wrongly) take for granted.

1. Inspiration or Ideas When Most Needed

For me, it’s often been mainly on Facebook, and Twitter – in that order.

Sometimes I’ve come online wondering what topic to write on for my next article. Then I see a quote shared by a friend, and suddenly the light bulb comes on in my head.

I have a new topic – and I know exactly what to say in it!

Less than one hour later, my article is ready. Sometimes I put it online within a day or two.

Example: Yesterday, my facebook friend “Frank Emy Ejike” shared this wonderful quote about making excuses (see screenshot below) that instantly got my creative writing juices flowing:

Yesterday, my facebook friend “Frank Emy Ejike” shared this wonderful quote about making excuses

I’m already using that theme for a new piece I’m writing. And it’s likely to publish this week.

Like I said at the start of this piece, it’s not just Facebook. Many tweets by “friends” have also proved quite useful to me.

For instance, late last month I came across the following quote (tweeted by @KarenKeller, and re-tweeted by Lia Han @bemycareercoach):

Life has two rules: (1). Never Quit. (2). Always Remember rule No. 1.

And it fit perfectly into Issue 90 of my speaking IDEAS newsletter – under the sub-section titled “Scientists Perform Miracles Because They Refuse to Give Up On Us: But We Take Them for Granted!

I’ve also been blessed by “friends” who share, when I’m not feeling too happy (everybody has low moments).

A casual review of my news feeds has often led me to discover powerful words of inspiration.

Sometimes it’s not just me that benefits.

Other people in my life sometimes need a word or two to lift them up. But it can be difficult to come up with just the right things to say to achieve that effect with them.

That’s why being connected with the right people on social media can be a good thing. Quite often, someone will share something – a quote, or better still a story or lesson, that perfectly meets your need.

Here’s one example:

Ruth Ann Newton-Lightbourne shared a motivational picture on her Facebook wall yesterday (Saturday 8th June 2013) – about the value of a true friend who stands by you, even when many others do not.

The powerful message in it was what actually triggered my decision to write THIS article (see screenshot below):

Ruth Ann Newton-Lightbourne shared this motivational picture on her Facebook wall yesterday (Saturday 8th June 2013)

My experiences in the past one year – and especially these past 2 months settling down in a new country, made this message resonate so powerfully with me.

2. Thoughts/Insights/Interaction That Make Us Smarter & Wiser

There is one facebook friend I have who seems to have a gift for doing all I describe in this article – and without making a fuss too.

Michael Newman (a full blooded Nigerian, based in Lagos – last time I checked) periodically churns out an amazing series of powerful quotes, mixed with personal musings of his own.

Sometimes he also initiates discussions that generate healthy interaction amongst friends.

We all have our strengths. And Michael uses his to great effect.

In the process he often adds value to others when he’s online.

What a way to make an impact!

One example: I have no idea what got into him on 11th of April 2013, but whatever it was, I’m glad it did.

Michael wrote a post that was truly inspired. His words were so deeply perceptive, and they resonated so strongly with me – that I felt compelled to make a lengthy contribution. See screenshot below.

Michael Newman - wrote a post that was truly inspired. His words were so deeply perceptive, and they resonated so strongly with me – that I felt compelled to make a lengthy contribution.

Another person who offers thought provoking posts is Camillus Egeni (he’s based in the US). Just yesterday, he wrote one that stressed the need for us to act with consideration for other people’s feelings. In other words, the need to be emotionally intelligent in our interactions (see below):

Facebook Post by Camillus Egeni

Final Words

All those messages shared by my “friends” took only a few seconds to share. But they will have touched many lives in unique ways. Many times what good “friends” share is not even authored by them. So it’s rarely a case of them wanting to look good.

Quite often, they share insights from great people that others may not have ready access to. That’s why sharing is so great. And it’s what truly GOOD “friends” do!

Just in case you’re wondering…these guys have no idea I’ve written about them.

With the exception of Newman who I met just once, about 8 years ago, I’ve never met any of the other “friends” I’ve mentioned. I do no business with them, and seek no recognition from them in any way.

In fact, except YOU (yes, YOU reading this piece right now) tell them about it, they will probably never know I’ve written about them in this article (I won’t be telling them).

I’ve written this mainly because I’m truly grateful to have access to such good people via social media, and want others to appreciate their own “friendsmore, as well.

I ALREADY show my appreciation to mine, by clicking LIKE on their posts, and/or commenting where useful – even if just to say “I agree or thanks for sharing.”

Without the convenience of social media, the effort required to achieve and maintain similar depths of connection, would be too great for most of us to sustain.

That’s why I see social media, despite its shortcomings, as a great blessing.

You Can Get Paid MORE for Doing LESS Work, By Adopting This Simple Mindset

Are you good at what you do? Very good? If no, work hard on yourself, so you can use the ideas here. But if yes, this article explains how you can get paid more, for doing the same or even less work. It goes without saying that getting to the competence level that makes it possible, will rarely be an overnight journey.

More importantly however, you need to know HOW TO convince those you serve to pay you that way!

Many highly competent service providers struggle to get paid what their solutions are worth. Sometimes it’s because they lack the insights shared in this article. It could also be because they lack the confidence to act on those insights.

Two Stories You Can Learn From

I share below, two real-life narratives that illustrate the mindset a service provider who gets paid more for less work needs to have.

But that’s all I can do.

You alone will have to decide to go out and confidently apply what you learn from her, to get what you deserve for being so awesome at what you do :-)

1. A Legendary Artist

I read a story about the great Picasso. One day, he drew – on request – a beautiful portrait of a woman client who stood before him, within just a few minutes. When she asked how much she was to pay, he mentioned a large sum of money.

But you just drew it in a few minutes!” she exclaimed. Picasso replied that it took him years to learn to do it that quickly.

In essence, Picasso was crystal clear about the VALUE of the solution he provided: she was paying for access to his ability to deliver such top quality artwork, in a short time. Not for the time it took him.

2. A Computer Repairs Genius

Another story – this one more in our time. A company CEO was forced to call in a computer repairs expert, after the corporate network suddenly went berserk. The in-house IT team had worked for days to rectify the problem without success.

When the expert arrived, he resolved the problem in less than 30 minutes. One day later he sent in an invoice for 5,000 dollars.

The CEO called him to express surprise at the hefty sum for work done in such a short period of time. He told the expert to re-think it and send in another invoice.

The next day, a revised invoice arrived which read:

“$500 for correcting the problem. $4,500 for knowing how to identify the problem, and what to do to correct it.”

Stop Charging for Your Time – or You’ll Short-change Yourself

Both stories illustrate the importance of knowing your stuff so well, that doing it takes little effort or time.

But there is an even more important lesson to be learnt from those narratives:

It’s the need to avoid letting clients dictate the value or price you place on your provided solution. And you must also not accept to quantify your remuneration based on TIME taken to do the work.

This second point is so important. Yet, many entrepreneurs fail to grasp it – especially service providers.

In a sense, this inability to avoid charging based on time is the result of formal schooling we receive. Most of our schools still teach people to think like employees, and to go out looking for jobs.

Now, time spent at work has, for decades, been the basis of estimating work done – but we often forget that that model was meant to estimating remuneration for employees working in industries etc.

As self-employed or independent service providers/consultants, adopting a similar model when our “time spent at work” is not fixed per client, sets us up to lose in the long run.

What happens when – as occurred in the stories above – you are so good, you tend to deliver solutions quickly?

Will you then deliberately take longer, in order to earn something worthwhile. And will ethical and integrity issues not arise as a result of going that route?

The foregoing is why smart service providers are choosing to price solutions they deliver using other criteria.

One reliable strategy is to make your price a percentage of total benefits (in monetary terms) to be reaped by the client, from using your solution.

Important Note: You don’t necessarily have to reveal how you arrive at your fee in detail. Just get the information needed, work it out, then state it.

You will then simply have to convince the client that s/he can reasonably expect to reap such “total benefits” by investing in your service.

If s/he disagrees, and you’re sure your offer is the best you can do, your best bet would be to move on. Your time will be better spent finding willing clients.

On a final note, it does not matter what field you are in, or what kinds of clients you serve. Pricing your services based on how long it takes you, will drastically limit your ability to make money. And it will most likely prevent you from earning sustainable profits as well.

No. 93: Aim to Be Reliably Competent – Not Popular

Competence, when reliable – and especially when exceptional – can lead to popularity or fame. However, chasing popularity ahead of competence can make you prone to avoidable mistakes e.g. going inadequately prepared for a speaking gig, and goofing up.

Now that, could also make you popular – but it would be for the wrong reasons!

In this issue of my speaking IDEAS newsletter, I discuss 2 reasons why chasing popularity ahead of reliable (and preferably “exceptional”) competence, exposes you to the risk of looking bad as an expert-who-speaks.


Click now to view the latest issue of Tayo Solagbade's Public Speaking IDEAS page

View Tayos video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsConnect with Tayo on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google Plus

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Publication: Tayo Solagbade’s Weekly Public Speaking IDEAS Page (PSIP) Newsletter

Date: Monday 10th June 2013


Title: Aim to Be Reliably Competent – Not Popular.

Author & Publisher: Tayo K. Solagbade [234-803-302-1263]

Blog URL:

Archive (For E-mail only version started 14th May 2012): Click here to view

Archive (For Blog version started 24th September 2011): Click here


Please find below the latest issue of my Speaking IDEAS newsletter.

10 Fruits You Eat That Leave Useful Peels/Skins Behind (FREE PDF DOWNLOAD)

E-mail your name, country, mobile number, occupation, & facebook/twitter URLs (if any) to tayo at tksola dot com, and I’ll send you a FREE copy of my detailed PDF report titled “10 Fruits You Eat That Leave Useful Peels/Skins Behind.

Screenshot of PDF report titled “10 Fruits You Eat That Leave Useful Peels/Skins Behind."


How to Make Drinks You CAN SELL, from Peels of Pineapples & Nine (9) Other Fruits!


No. 93: Aim to Be Reliably Competent – Not Popular.

**** **********

NB: If you ever find yourself wondering what else I’ve written, some days after you’ve read THIS Speaking Ideas newsletter I send out on a Monday, here’s what you can do to find out: Point your browser to to read at least ONE new post added to my SD Nuggets blog on a different category from Tuesday till Saturday (sometimes even Sundays) in line with this publishing schedule :-)


Competence, when reliable – and especially when exceptional – can lead to popularity or fame. However, chasing popularity ahead of competence can make you prone to avoidable mistakes e.g. going inadequately prepared for a speaking gig, and goofing up.

Now that, could also make you popular – but it would be for the wrong reasons!

In this issue of my speaking IDEAS newsletter, I discuss 2 reasons why chasing popularity ahead of reliable (and preferably “exceptional”) competence, exposes you to the risk of looking bad as an expert-who-speaks.

1. Premature Popularity Can Cause Subtle – But Potentially Costly – Distractions

Celebrities in various areas of endeavor know fame can be a double edged sword. So they’ve learnt to take necessary precautions in their daily lives.

Some of us do not appreciate the value of having “unknown” faces. We can walk down the street anytime we like, to the bar, or to watch a local football team play in the neighborhood. Not many people – except friends, family or associates – would take any notice of us, talk less of calling out to others to say “look!”.

Michael Jackson was often referred to as a mega star. He could not dare go out in public that way. Just like many other famous people still with us today.

Thankfully, popularity comes in degrees. I doubt I could tolerate such loss of my personal freedom that Jackson had to endure. But we all have our passions. He achieved results in his chosen area of expertise, that made him that popular.

When what you do puts you in the public’s eye, popularity tends to be a natural outcome of demonstrating reliable competence – over a reasonable period of time.

For Jackson and other celebrities, their popularity, which came as a result of what they did(do) so well, also posed (poses) a serious source of distraction.

You cough, and it becomes news. You decide to change your attire, or car, and someone comes up with a creative interpretation in the media. Suddenly everyone has something new to say about you, or what you did – and sometimes it may not be so nice.

Okay, so that’s more common in the entertainment industry.

But famous people in more formal vocations (e.g. public speaking) also get plenty of attention from the public. This is why it pays to FIRST devote time and energy to honing your skills, until you’re able to flawlessly deliver solutions or results to those you serve.

If popularity subsequently results from that, you’ll be relatively safe, since doing more of what you do, AFTER it arrives, will be easy for you.

However if you go around drawing attention to yourself as a “superstar” of sorts in your field, without gaining reliable competence, you set yourself up to look bad – eventually (emphasis on reliable).

2. You Can Mistake Your Premature Popularity for Achievement

Secondly, chasing popularity can make you stop striving to improve – you start thinking you’ve arrived. Especially once your efforts to be popular make people start paying more attention to you.

I read a quote credited to a famous writer. It admonished aspiring or up and coming writers not to mistake recognition for achievement. In other words, don’t get carried away by the applause of your admirers. Focus on moving to the next level of accomplishment.

Look at great achievers in the world. Even when they have been acknowledged as being the best at what they do, they never really stop trying to do more.

No they don’t. Instead they strive to create new value to add to what exists. And sometimes they invest energy and time in helping others learn how to do what they have done.

Yet, some relative newcomers in different fields (including the speaking business) make one big splash in the pond, and suddenly think they’ve done it all.

There is a big difference between “having potential” and “actualizing” it.

For instance, a person can arrive with talent and abilities never before seen or heard of.

However, long term success achievement cannot be compared to one flash in the pan – no matter how big the flash is.

Reproducibility & repeatability are crucial for demonstrating reliable competence!

You have to be able to deliver to expectations over and over, to prove you’re reliably competent. And this applies in ANY area of endeavor.

So, even when people begin to announce that you’re the next big thing, it pays to focus on actually BECOMING that big thing, rather than playing to the gallery.

Final Words

You can’t just do one big thing, and then think you can ride on the back of that, (followed by other relatively mediocre showings), to achieve long term relevance.

People who try to do that rarely end up well – for obvious reasons!

The late Zig Ziglar gained worldwide fame by FIRST demonstrating reliable competence. Robert Kiyosaki also achieved global recognition the same way.

Both handle(d) their popularity well as a result.

Many other examples abound (including that of this renowned veteran in the speaking business), that confirm it pays to achieve (exceptional) competence first, rather than chase popularity.

Doing otherwise could lead to costly negative consequences.

Need More Details of How to Make The Above Ideas Work for YOU?

If you need more specific details of how to make use of the ideas I’ve shared in this newsletter, send me a message using this request form (with “Re: Aim to Be Reliably Competent, Not Popular.” in the subject line).

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Have a lovely week!

Tayo K. Solagbade*

Self-Development/Performance Improvement Specialist

*Sole Agent For Burt Dubin’s Speaker Mentoring Service In Africa

Mobile: 234-803-302-1263

Self-Development/Performance Enhancement SpecialistTayo Solagbade – works as a multipreneurial freelance writer providing  zero risk article and report writing support for website owners, while travelling slowly across West Africa as a Location Independent Entrepreneur.

He’s presently based in Benin Republic, where he’s preparing an English-French Language Guide, City Travel Guides, and a Commercial Rabbit Farming Guide.

In a previous life, before leaving to become self-employed, Tayo served for seven years as a high performing manager in Guinness Nigeria. He rose from Shift Brewer, to Training & Technical Development Manager, then later acted in senior management roles as Production Manager and Technical Manager.

When he’s not amazing clients with his superhuman skills (wink), Tayo works as the creative force behind his Self-Development Nuggets™ blog, and Public Speaking IDEAS newsletter (which he publishes to promote Burt Dubin’s Public Speaking Mentoring service to experts working across the African continent).

For a limited time, Tayo is available to speak to your group or organization for a moderate fee. Send e-mail to tayo at tksola dot com. You can also visit to learn more.

Connect with him on Twitter and Facebook.


Have you been undecided about whether or not to become a paid speaker? Or have you been trying to get your speaking career off the ground with little success?

Here’s a tip: Burt Dubin works with people who want to be speakers, and with speakers who want to be masters. Click here to visit his website NOW and submit a contact form message telling him what challenges you’re facing, and how you’d like him to help you. Tell him I sent you, and you’ll get a pleasant surprise offer from him.


What do you think of the above message? Do you have any personal experience to share on this subject? Are there some other points you feel can be added, to help persons looking for answers? Please share your thoughts!

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View Tayos video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsConnect with Tayo on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google Plus

What fears or doubts are keeping you from (a) taking up Burt Dubin’s monthly speaker mentoring, or (b) buying his products?

You can choose to purchase Burt’s mentoring at any of the three (3) levels listed below:

1. Top Shelf [Click here] | 2. Mid Range [Click here] | 3. Budget Delight [Click here]

Burt’s three mentoring packages can be likened to the seating options offered by airlines: Budget Delight (Economy); Mid Range (Business); and Top Shelf (First Class).

At least that’s how I like to think of them!

All three will get you to your desired destination of “speaking success-ville” – so long as you meet the requirements/play your part well (your fare, abide by the set guidelines etc). During the “flight”, the seat you have will determine how much personal service attention and preference the provider will accord you. It’s that simple :-)

So, make your choice:1. Top Shelf [Click here] | 2. Mid Range [Click here] | 3. Budget Delight [Click here]

Send me an e-mail with your questions via tayo at tksola dot com. In the meantime, why not get started by subscribing here to get his 7-Part Course (How To Succeed And Get Paid As A Professional Speaker) .  . . and receive his monthly newsletter (Speaking Biz Strategies Letter) at no cost.

Get mentored by Burt Dubin - coach of some of the world's highest paid public speakers

For over 25 years, Burt Dubin has provided a variety of speaker mentoring products and services to clients worldwide.

Download this flyer as PDF:

Burt Dubin now offers his speaker mentoring service to experts based in Africa. Click now to download this flyer as PDF

One GREAT Place Many Online Service Providers FORGET to Look for Clients Today!

If you use the web a lot to find clients, you may be ignoring this potentially great source of “buyers” for your writing (or other) services. This happens because the Internet tends to seduce people into thinking they will be seen by all those they need to reach, once they’re there.

The hard (or harsh?) truth is YOU won’t!

Why? Because some potentially profitable buyers of your services could be “searching” for what you offer, but they may be offline! Yes, even in this day and age – and not just in my part of the world too!

What’s more, sometimes these offline (or web-indifferent) potential buyers many not even realise they need your help.

In other words, their need for your writing (or virtually any other) service would still be un-felt or unconscious. It is therefore only if/when you show up, and point it out, that they might decide it’s worth doing something about. Since they’re offline, your best bet to get their attention would be to look for them there i.e. offline.

I suggest 2 specific examples of such potentially profitable clients – likely – to be found offline.

1. Wealthy, Retired/Aged – But Offline – Persons With a Story to Tell, or Something to Teach

They’re rich, and have been that way possibly for decades. They probably did most of their wealth building the old fashioned way. For those that own companies, they probably don’t directly run them, and instead have young and smart CEOs who report to them periodically on the state of affairs.

Most will often say they’re too old to be bothered about straining themselves to use make elaborate use of computers and the Internet.

These kinds of people often have stories buried in them. Some may even nurse the desire to not just write a book, but also to offer coaching ideas for others.

Put your expertise to use here. Identify people like this and “sell” the idea of ghost-writing for them to achieve such goals. It could take some doing, but some could welcome this as an opportunity to purse a new dream or challenge, that would not require exerting themselves much.

Money will rarely be an issue. Just make your offer in a way that demonstrates benefits they want.

2. Successful – But Internet “Unfriendly” – Persons with a Story to Tell, or Something to Teach

This group typically use the net “grudgingly”. Some successful business owners I know only use email, and argue that the rest of the web is a distraction. You won’t find them reading articles on websites – they have their copies of newspapers and magazines delivered to them!

I once read an article about the Mexican billionaire declared to be the world’s richest man. The article revealed that he travels by public transport, does not use a laptop and rarely uses the web.

Someone like this may be hard to reach or “sell to” – using his company’s e-mail for instance.

His attitude towards the web makes it likely that reaching out to him offline would be a smarter move.

People who fall into this group often express a preference for direct interaction via phone or in person.

Interestingly, if you win them over, they could later let you take work you do for them online. And if positive benefits accrue to them that could get you assigned additional paid projects!

Successful Online Service Providers Today Still Use Offline Marketing – That’s a Clue!

This strategy is not new. It’s just little used, because people let the lure of the web blind them to it.

Notably successful service providers, who market online, still market offline, and done so for years.

Burt Dubin and Jason Leisterin that order – are two examples I have carefully studied.

For over 25 years, Burt has delivered certain special reports to interested persons via post or snail mail. You have to give him a real address to send it to. No emails or PDF downloads. It comes to you in an envelope. If I recall correctly, Burt even pays the postage – including international destinations.

Update (11th June 2013): Oops. Got that last bit wrong. Burt requires you to send a self-addressed stamped envelope to him. And if you’re outside the USA, you have to include a dollar to cover the postage. Otherwise the report is still free.

Jason Leister sends his own special report (The Rainmaker letter) on paper to each subscriber. And he swears by the effectiveness of this strategy.

If this strategy did not work, Burt would not have continued doing it for over 2 decades either!

Final Words

So, now you know.

It of course goes without saying, that adopting this strategy will not dig a hole in your pocket.

Moving around to meet such potentially profitable buyers of your “service” will require expenses on just a few phone calls, and some transportation. The rewards to be had are certainly worth it.

You will have to decide how wide you spread your net. Burt and Jason decided on “how”, based on a good understanding of their target audience, and what reward ONE sale could bring to them.

Meet “high value” prospects using this method. Those you can propose big budget writing projects to.

Use the web to make initial contact with the rest. After initial contact, you may make offline contact.

You can establish valuable face-to-face contact with real people, who have money to spend this way.

All sorts of good things can come out of that, if you play your cards right.

10 Fruits You Eat That Leave Useful Peels/Skins Behind (FREE PDF DOWNLOAD)

E-mail your name, country, mobile number, occupation, & facebook/twitter URLs (if any) to tayo at tksola dot com, and I’ll send you a FREE copy of my detailed PDF report titled “10 Fruits You Eat That Leave Useful Peels/Skins Behind.”

E-mail your name, country, mobile number, occupation, & facebook/twitter URLs (if any) to tayo at tksola dot com, and I’ll send you a FREE copy of my detailed PDF report titled “10 Fruits You Eat That Leave Useful Peels/Skins Behind.”