What Would YOU Do If You Knew Nobody Was Watching? (Watch Greedy People Getting Electric Shocks!)

Watch Greedy People Getting Electric Shocks for Taking A Man’s Phone!

Okay, so I’m going to react to this video. I’m just going to do a little commentary. But I feel there’s a message that’s worth passing on, based on what transpires in this video.

Here you see a number of people – I didn’t count. But this person has this 220 megavolts – according to them, the owner of the video says it’s a 220 megavolts electric cellphone.

Anyway, what it does is it delivers a very strong electrical shock to whoever picks it up. And this gentleman then proceeds to walk up and down, all over the place, deliberately dropping off the phone and making it look like it was accidental and that he didn’t know.


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