Is this email not displaying correctly? Publication: Tayo Solagbade’s Weekly Public Speaking IDEAS Page (PSIP) Newsletter Date: Monday 1st October 2012 No: 57 Title: This Marketing Mistake Will Cost You Very Badly! Author & Publisher: Tayo K. Solagbade [234-803-302-1263] Blog URL: Archive (For E-mail only version started 14th May 2012): Click here to view Archive (For Blog version started 24th September 2011): Click here Hi, Please find below the latest issue of my weekly Public Speaking Ideas page for 2012. ===== No. 57: This Marketing Mistake Will Cost You Very Badly!Yep, I share the above “wise old goat’s” sentiment! If that sounds harsh, it’s nothing compared to the rejection such a speaker will suffer in a market where pure merit determines who gets gigs! We now live in a fast paced, technology driven 21st century world. Today, even farmers in African villages use mobile phones to monitor prices so as to sell smarter. Read: F-a-r-m-e-r-s in Africa! That’s why I consider it a serious crime for any business service provider to lack a website. In today’s world, an expert-speaker lacking a website is more or less doomed to marketing irrelevance compared to his/her contemporaries. But, probably worse off than the one who has none, is the speaker who maintains a website that features obsolete content! Why Does It Matter So Much?“Many people make the mistake of thinking marketing is about selling. The truth is that it is NOT. Marketing is about getting noticed and building credibility in the minds of potential buyers, until they are convinced enough to take buying action – which then leads to the sale.” – Tayo K. Solagbade Results focused prospects won’t be happy to discover they cannot independently evaluate what you offer via a website. Neither will they be ecstatic to find obsolete information on your website. Both are sure ways to “de-market” yourself…for want of a better word One Example: I recently saw a professional speaker’s LATEST ARTICLES website page with publish date for its most recent article displayed as 21st January 2009! And the NEWSLETTER ARCHIVE page only had “Coming Soon” written on it…in 2012…three years after…Wow! A results-focussed meeting planner who encounters such a website would probably think this to herself: “What? You’ve had no new article to add to your website for 3 years? And YOU want ME to hire YOU? Huh, you’ve got to be the biggest joker (recall the wise old goat?) on Earth! How do I justify choosing you to prospective attendees who are bound to Google your name to check your website? And what do I tell other decision makers when they take me up? I’m looking to hire a speaker who will make ME look GOOD…not one who’ll get me into trouble! Special offer for Africa-based experts who want to speak internationally:Enroll now for 18 months of one-on-one telephone mentoring by Burt Dubin…internationally acclaimed mentor of some of the highest paid professional speakers in the world. Call: 234-803-302-1263 or E-mail:
But “I’m A Veteran!” You Say…Well I’m sorry Akpos, but so are many others out there Please note that this talk about a website is not about web design sophistication. It’s about having one that equips you to deliver content considered highly valuable by your target audience. Incidentally, many veteran experts-who-speak, understand. That much is obvious from the way they actively use high profile websites to boost their marketing appeal. For instance, check out websites used by these 3 veterans (click each name): Zig Ziglar, Brian Tracy and Burt Dubin. Okay, So What Do I Need To Do?What you want is for MORE potential clients to come to you by themselves. For that you need what I call a Web Marketing System (WMS) i.e. a self-sustaining mix of time, effort and cost-saving web based marketing tools and resources. It will give you timeless marketing exposure with minimal effort on your part. If you use it for long enough, it will generate valuable sales leads of pre-qualified prospects, even while you sleep! 1. First Get A CMS Based Website Central to the successful operation of a WMS is your website. So, start by purchasing a domain name and hosting account. Choose your web host wisely. Trust me, you don’t want web hosting headaches. You have more important things like writing useful content to worry about I suggest you adopt a Content Management System (CMS) like Word press (or Joomla!) to build your website. For most people, WordPress is a better fit (Joomla! has a fairly steep learning curve). Within seconds, you can install WordPress and in a few hours get up and running. As an expert-who-speaks, you need to propagate your “content” as widely and frequently as possible, with minimal expense of time, effort or money. A website based on a CMS gives you the instant convenience of a dynamic, database driven online presence that YOU can easily update by yourself ANYTIME. 2. Then Integrate Other WMS Elements Other possible components of a WMS include (but are not limited to):
It goes without saying that your content has to be compelling in its originality and relevance. Otherwise, this entire process could end up hurting your brand, if anything at all. To learn more about using a WMS, read my article titled Potential Benefits of Promoting Your Business Online Via Articles, Newsletter & Facebook Marketing SummaryIt does not matter how old (or young) you are. To effectively market yourself as an expert-who-speaks in today’s world, you need a website. However, it’s not just any website. You need one built into a 24/7 sales leads generating WMS. Define and differentiate yourself: Aim to use your inexpensive and high impact WMS to “sell” unique and exciting value adding programs to your market. Prospects will come to see you as a preferred speaker in your niche, ahead of competitors. This cannot happen overnight, but it WILL happen – if you diligently promote an actively updated online presence using your well conceived WMS. Sooner than later, they’ll get in touch. You only need tenacity and patience. But most importantly, be prepared! “Unless the person running your marketing is patient, it will be difficult to practice commitment. View marketing as an investment, be consistent, and make prospects confident. Patience is a guerrilla virtue.” – Jay Conrad Levinson in “The 15 Secrets of Guerrilla Marketing” – “Success is what happens when preparation meets opportunity” – Anon Need help?Are you thinking of setting up a website using Joomla! or WordPress? Or would like a WMS developed for you? Click here to send me a message stating what you need help with. Have a lovely Independence Day holiday! Comments?What do you think of the above message? Do you have any personal experience to share on this subject? Are there some other points you feel can be added, to help persons looking for answers? Please share your thoughts – click here to post a comment on the blog! Share this issue!Do you know anyone who might benefit from reading this newsletter issue? Why not hit the forward button now, and send it to him/her with a short recommendation. You can also use share it via your social media channels. Thanks in advance.
What fears or doubts are keeping you from (a) taking up Burt Dubin’s $177 monthy speaker mentoring here, or (b) buying his products here?Send me an e-mail with your questions via In the meantime, why not get started by subscribing here to get his 7-Part Course (How To Succeed And Get Paid As A Professional Speaker) . . . and receive his monthly newsletter (Speaking Biz Strategies Letter) at no cost. Have a lovely week! Tayo K. Solagbade* Self-Development/Performance Improvement Specialist *Sole Agent For Burt Dubin’s Speaker Mentoring Service In Africa Mobile: 234-803-302-1263 Platinum Quality Author at the Ezine Articles Directory: Self-Development/Performance Enhancement Specialist – Tayo Solagbade– works as a Multipreneur, helping individuals/businesses develop and implement strategies to achieve their goals, faster and more profitably. Visit Tayo’s Self-Development Nuggets™ blog to find out how you can get your FREE copy of his new Practical Guide to Important Feed Ingredients (with high resolution pictures, prices, nutrients, uses etc). When he’s not amazing clients with his superhuman skills (wink), Tayo works as the creative force behind his Cost-Saving Farm Business Ideas website, and the Public Speaking IDEAS newsletter (which he publishes to promote Burt Dubin’s Public Speaking Mentoring service to experts working across the African continent). Depending on his availability, Tayo accepts invitations to deliver customisable talks and keynote speeches on topics relating to his areas of experience based expertise and interest. Visit to learn how you can invite Tayo, to speak at your next meeting/event.
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