Tag Archives: T-Boy Plays FIFA Pt1 @IkejaBRT Jara Mall on 6th April | Happy 10th B-day Anniversary: 8th April 2024

T-Boy Plays FIFA Pt1 @IkejaBRT Jara Mall on 6th April | Happy 10th B-day Anniversary: 8th April 2024

On Saturday 6th April, we had to shelve the beach outing he made me promise him, due to the rains that fell before we could leave the house. So we convinced him to visit the Jara Mall venue. After learning that the next movie would not start for 4 hours, he chose to go into the games arcade…and discovered the FIFA game he loved was available.

By the time we left, he’d played 5 games. 2 against the machine, another 2 against a friendly female attendant who playfully challenged him to a match, and a male attendant who later replaced the girl. T-Boy drew one match (Against the girl) and won the remaining 4! I was shocked. The sisters explained to me that his older brothers often play the game and he watches + joins them.

We recorded 3 or 4 of the games he played and he excitedly watched the videos when we got home. I’ll post.the full recording when I find the free time to edit the clips.

Click https://www.tinyurl.com/tboy-plays-fifa to watch this preview