Tag Archives: software development

6 Proven Strategies To Prevent Scope Creep

Author note: My original intention was to get this piece published as a guest post elsewhere. And I did send it out to three different blogs (from 4th August 2012). The first replied that it was not a good fit for his blog audience. The second replied they were no longer accepting “writers”. I was still waiting to hear from the third, when I decided it would be better to host it on my own blog. I hope you find it useful, and look forward to any comments you might have. – Tayo K. Solagbade – 12th August 2012


Has this ever happened to you as a service provider? That dreadful situation in which you find yourself having to continue working on a project – without getting paid – long after you should have been done with it…because you want to “satisfy” your client?

A Sitepoint.com Buildmobile article I recently read titled 4 Ways To Avoid Scope Creep And Still Please Your Clients, discussed aspects of this thorny issue of scope creep quite well. It also reminded me of a number of similarly themed articles I’ve written in the past, such as: Continue reading