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Why You Should Write To Share Your Knowledge

For centuries, ideas that influenced societal happenings have been communicated in written form for others to read and reflect upon. Religious and political bodies use the written word to propagate their messages. You may not believe it. But there is something you know which some others NEED – if you would only write about it. In this article, I explain how – by writing to share what you know – you can make the lives of others better. And by so doing, you’ll contribute to the development of people in your society – and even beyond! .

(Published online: Aug 18, 2006)

What If Napoleon Hill Had Not Written Think And Grow Rich?

What would this world have been like if Hill had not written that wonderful book? Think back to all the successful people you know who have mentioned that reading THAT book transformed their lives. Imagine if they had never read the book i.e. it had not been written. The implications would be multiple fold. Let’s consider a few examples.

Maybe today, Dr. Walter Doyles Staples would not be the accomplished person whose works have been a source of education and inspiration for thousands of people worldwide. Robert Kiyosaki would probably not be the person we know today, whose personal childhood stories and reflections have influence a thousands to rethink their approach to the education of their kids. And the need for a reform of our traditional educational system, to help their kids succeed in life.

You Can Change Lives Through Your Writings

By writing, we give others the opportunity to embark, more intelligently, and therefore with greater chances of success, on a journey that we have made. Anyone who has applied honest and diligent effort to a particular cause, can write competently about what s/he has done. And it would benefit others who desire to pursue a similar goal.

Now here’s an interesting poser about Robert Kiyosaki. Millions of adults worldwide have bought his books and followed his advice about how to educate kids to achieve financial independence. And they did this even though they knew Robert and his wife(Kim) had kids of their own. Have you ever wondered about that?

Well, I have. And the ONLY logical explanation for what should have been an unreasonable action on that part of the parents is this: They (wisely) chose to look beyond Robert NOT being a parent. Instead, they focussed on the intuitive common sense logic of the ideas he presented. As many stated in their written testimonials about Roberts books, those ideas resonated with those they had themselves battled with, during their own childhood years!

When I read those commentaries/testimonials by people (including kids), I could not help wondering: Would they have ever taken any corrective action for their own kids’ sake, IF someone like Robert had not written about his experience? So again, we’re back to the questions with which I started this article: What if Robert had never written his books? One thing at least is certain: our thinking about how children should be educated to achieve financial success in life, would be worse han it is now. That is the value that Robert’s writing has added to millions of lives the world over – mine inclusive (the distance between our continents of residence notwithstanding).

Many People Who Should Write Are NOT Writing

In many societies, people undergo unique experiences of all kinds on a daily basis. For each person, the learning acquired through those experiences literally shapes who they become over time, and ultimately determines whether or not – or better still how well – they succeed.

Each one of us can draw upon such experiences, to teach others how to deal with them successfully, should they encounter similar challenges in their lives.

Each one of us has a distinguishing trait or quality that sets him apart from others who do what s/he does. Therefore if you were to write a (non-fiction) book or article based on your area of competence or experience, there’s a good chance that someone will find it useful.

It might help to inform (or remind) you, that even Napoleon Hill was initially plagued with self-doubt, when Andrew Carnegie first asked him to write "Think And Grow Rich". Hill worried – among other things – that he was not "qualified" or "competent" enough – at the time – to write it. But thankfully, he eventually brushed those fears aside, and did us all a favour by writing the book that today has changed millions of lives for the better.

You Don’t Need A Teaching Qualification To Share What You Know With People Who Need It!

Let’s say a person who survived years of isolation as a prisoner of war, decides to write a book about what he went through. Do you think he would need to get a writing degree to do that? Or indeed to speak to audiences in seminars about (a) what it feels like and (b) how to survive under such situations? Of course not. We’re talking about personal experience here. Nothing beats that. Not even the biggest academic qualifications in the world!

Now, even if you feel you cannot write the story by yourself, you can engage the services of a freelance writing professional. It is worthwhile to note however, that developing your writing skills would ultimately enable you do more spontaneous writing than you could if someone was doing the writing on your behalf.

You Can Write While Still In The Process Of Acquiring The Experience(s)

Incidentally we need not wait until we have achieved the goal we pursue, before we can write for others to learn from us. A person who never won the gold as an athlete at the olympics, could draw from his/her "failures" to coach a younger athlete with potential to win the gold.

Taking this further, a person who has "failed" in a bid to achieve a goal could, with a positive mental attitude, articulate a set of learning points about what caused him/her to fail. S/he would then use them to teach others (one-on-one or through a book or article) about what to do to increase their chances of success.

You do not need to wait till you become the Managing Director of the company you work for, before you begin to share the useful learnings about achieving career advancement, that you pick up along the way. This is because while you are busy "climbing", others coming after you will be in the process of taking the decision to start "climbing". And compared to you, they will be less experienced or knowledgeable about what to expect.

Many of them are likely to appreciate hearing from you, up front, some hints about what they will face during their journey. And how you dealt with the challenges that cropped up – including what you think they can do to make good progress.

In my case, I am sharing insights gained from my experiences as an entrepreneur, through writing articles and books, and in daily interactions. Begin documenting as much of your own experiences as possible. This will equip you over time, to share useful learning with others, and make their journey less difficult.

No one person has the duty of teaching others about how to succeed in life. Every one of us can teach what s/he knows to those who need to know. And one effective way to do it is by writing. And unlike speaking, it is also more enduring: once you’ve written it, you will not need to write it again. And all who want to read it, will always be able to do so, when they go to the library, bookstore or website where it is available to get their copy.

I Found Supporting Evidence That "You Need To Write", In Dr. Spencer Johnson’s Book: "Who Moved My Cheese"!

Who better to tell you what it feels like(or takes) to survive as a start-up entrepreneur, if not someone currently in the struggle – or recently out of it?

If you wanted to get an authentic update on the socioeconomic situation in Nigeria, would you ask your “Professor Uncle” who travels once-a-year to Lagos on official visits? Or would you ask your Aunt who lives in Lagos, and visits New York on business every other month? The latter of course.

The above is why I chose to start writing about my experiences early in my entrepreneurial career, rather than wait till I get “up to the very top” before doing so. But I got even more convinced that this was the right thing to do, when I read the little book titled “Who moved my cheese?” written by Dr. Spencer Johnson.

The Book’s Parable About Hem & Haw(2 little people) As Well As Sniff & Scurry(2 Mice)

The book narrates an engaging parable about 4 characters – Sniff and Scurry (2 Mice) and also Hem and Haw (2 little people). The parable illustrates the various ways different people react to unexpected changes/setbacks that occur in their lives on a daily basis.

It admonishing us to learn to laugh at ourselves, and the mistakes we make in life – so as to be able to learn from them and “move on” with our lives. Dr. Johnson uses the analogy of “moving cheese” to illustrate how our circumstances/situations in life will inevitably change. He argues that we all need to be prepared for those changes when (not “if”) eventually they occur. If we’re prepared, and we respond quickly and intelligently to them (instead of protesting and complaining), we will often find that we end up being better off in the long run.

Dr. Johnson takes the reader through a series of scenarios in which the 4 characters employ various methods to deal with the unexpected changes. The 2 little people – Hem and Haw – unlike the mice, had major problems getting over the setback (not surprising is it? A typical human reaction!) and moving on with their lives. Hem in particular remained adamant that it was “unfair” for the cheese to have been moved. And he prevailed on Haw (who over time became more disposed to trying to find a way out of the fix they were in), to stay with him till things “returned to normal” – or until “someone gave them an explanation” for moving their cheese.

Remember! It’s a parable. If you think about it, sometime in the past(or possibly even now) some of us may have been just like Hem. Never seeing any good in a change that affected us (in our opinion) “negatively”. An example: a lateral movement from your job to another seemingly less glamorous one in your company.

"Haw" Starts Writing To Share What He Learns BEFORE He achieves Success

And here’s the lesson I picked up from the book: At a point, Haw decided that since the mice had taken off in search of another cheese almost immediately the initial cheese had moved, he would do the same. So, he left Hem, (after trying without success to get him to go along), sitting and complaining, and began his search.

As he journeyed, he made a lot of new discoveries, gaining new and fresh insights that excited him a great deal. In fact, he found the learnings he picked up while trying to find new cheese so profound, that he decided to write each learning on the wall (in form of a short phrase). This was so that anyone who was coming along after him, would benefit from the knowledge he had discovered.

Examples of the phrases he wrote are: “If you do not change, you can become extinct”; “When you move beyond your fear, you feel free”; and “Imagining myself enjoying new cheese even before I find it, leads me to it”.

I have chosen to adopt the method used by Haw, by writing to share my experiences even before I get to the "top" as an entrepreneur.

Even before he found new cheese, Haw began to share the little knowledge he was picking up along the way/during the journey.

He felt (quite rightly too) that there was no point waiting till he got to the “end” of his journey, and found new cheese, before he shared the little he already knew.

This was because he recognised that he was experiencing useful – though sometimes painful – lessons that could benefit others tremendously, if they knew them before facing similar challenges.


I personally believe that it takes strength of character and tremendous self belief, to repeatedly share painful lessons learnt in the pursuit of a challenging goal(s), especially while still working to achieve it(them).

Another lesson we can take away from Dr. Johnson’s book, is that we can each move our own cheese (become “masters of our fate”), instead of waiting for others to do it for us.

Years ago, I chose to move mine by leaving the comfort of what should have been a comfortable job in a corporate organisation, to follow my longstanding vision of running my own businesses. I also decided that I wanted to spend much of my time, sharing with others my achievements in various areas of my past, present and future endeavours.

We need to share information/knowledge and discoveries about life, and how to live it better, with each other. We need to do so regularly, and with passion. Our actions in this regard must be borne out of a genuine desire to enrich the lives of others, and help them get ahead like we are doing.

A society where this happens continually, and spontaneously, would be a very successful one. Many developed countries are already on the path toward attaining this state.

Developing countries which desire to achieve similar progress, will need to challenge many more of their members to share more often – and selflessly.

Writing is a powerful and cost-effective way to do this. Any society that wishes to develop fully, MUST encourage her members to write – and read – as frequently as possible (especially non-fiction). You can play a role today in the development of your own society. Do this by acquiring qualitative experiences in the pursuit of worthwhile goals, and writing to share what you learn to help others do the same .


What do you think of the above post? Share your thoughts in the comments – or send me an email via tayo at tksola dot com.

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7 Deadly Myths That Can Stop You From Succeeding

In many societies, it is normal for people to cultivate myths about different things. Successful persons sometimes discover – to their alarm and distaste – that untrue or imaginary stories have been told in social circles about their personal lives, and/or the source of their wealth or success. This human tendency to exaggerate, prevaricate or mythify is unlikely to abate – and so, for those who wish to avoid being misled, it is important to actively "test" what one "hears" before acting based on it. For instance, on the subject of pursuing and achieving success, various myths are propagated in different cultures about how to go about it. This article was written to debunk some of them.


(First Published Online: 6th August 2007 on static html page)


Few people alive or dead have enjoyed the height of success that Nelson Mandela has attained. In my opinion, (and going by the definition provided in the quote below credited to Emerson) Mandela’s type of success is one that everyone should aspire towards – because it is arguably the most balanced and complete.

That probably explains why this great man is admired the world over by some of the greatest people from all walks of life. When I talk about success therefore (be it in business or life) I want the reader to know that I refer mainly to the Nelson Mandela type of success i.e. the one which leads to IMPROVEMENT in the lives of others.

"To laugh often and much, to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children,to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends, to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others, to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded!" – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Just in case you wonder how the above can be applied to business considerations, I’ll elaborate – briefly: An entrepreneur can use his/her business activities to make the lives of others better even as s/he makes profit in the process. Here are two additional quotes, this time from an entrepreneur of proven competence and repute, to support what I have just said:

"Ridiculous yachts and private planes and big limousines won’t make people enjoy life more, and it sends out terrible messages to the people who work for them. It would be so much better if that money was spent in Africa – and it’s about getting a balance." – Richard Branson

"I never get the accountants in before I start up a business. It’s done on gut feeling, especially if I can see that they are taking the mickey out of the consumer." – Richard Branson

Anti-Success Myth No. 1: If You Don’t Get Along With Everyone, You Cannot Succeed

Very untrue. First of all, as Dan Kennedy once wrote, you don’t need anyone’s permission to succeed. You must remember that sometimes what you hope to succeed at, might imply some people with (possibly selfish) vested interests will lose out or earn less than they currently do. Keep in mind the fact that sometimes you may need to change the status quo in order to succeed.

It does not matter how skilled you are in interpersonal relations. It does not matter how likeable you are or can be as a person. Unless you are not fully committed to achieving your purpose, you may HAVE TO step on toes and hurt some people’s feelings in order to SUCCEED in bringing about what could be badly needed change/improvement.

Read through the above quotes credited to Branson again. Then think about people like Nelson Mandela and Mahatma Ghandi who endured protracted antagonism and punishment for years because of the causes they took up. Accept this reality today: In trying to achieve your set goal, you may not be able to get along with everyone. But even if you are willing to try, those who do not like what you want to do, and who despite being in the minority, may be "powerful", could actually REFUSE to get along with you!

You will at some point have to make up your mind just how badly you NEED to succeed in the face of their antagonism. Your decision is very likely to determine whether or not you succeed.

Anti-Success Myth No. 2: Without Connections & Influence, You Don’t Stand A Chance

Another lie. How many times have we read about the underdog who overturned the tables on the big players? In sports, business, politics etc, history has repeatedly shown that nothing can be taken for granted. If you learn continually and work intelligently/diligently, you will become MORE COMPETENT, and eventually your work/efforts will speak for you.

Consequently, your reputation will precede you wherever you go, opening doors of access to opportunities that you need to achieve your purpose. I believe it was Henry Kaiser who once said "When your work speaks for itself, don’t interrupt." You might want to keep that little tip in mind when you pass through this phase.

Nelson Mandela had little (if any) political affiliations or connections that could have made him get what he wanted when he began his campaign for freedom of his people. As a matter of fact, Mandela’s activities antagonised powerful, highly connected and influential people who did not like his "message". Yet he chose to proceed all the same.

That got him into trouble. For 27 years he was punished for making such an "impossible" demand of the government. But throughout the duration of his incarceration, he refused to compromise. The people he fought for SAW his unflinching commitment to (and great personal sacrifice for) THEIR cause. They drew courage from his actions to continue fighting for his release – and their freedom.

When eventually he was set free, his people rewarded him with votes that made him president. He needed no political connections or influential allies to get to the highest office in his country. He simply did what was needed, with honesty and integrity. You do the same thing, and it will only be a matter of time before you achieve YOUR own phenomenal success.

Anti-Success Myth No. 3: If A Successful Person/Authority Says You Can’t, S/he Would Be Right

Not necessarily. Again history offers us wisdom based on hindsight. From Ted Turner’s idea for CNN to Fred Smith’s outrageous term paper concept for an overnight delivery service in an industry dominated by large/experience players who considered it unfeasible. One trend is common: we discover/learn that the word "impossible" ONLY truly represents what people think cannot be done UNTIL someone does it!

This myth is especially relevant when one realises that some successful persons/authorities put on record for having dismissed an idea that went on to succeed, had in the past while pursuing their own maiden successes, ALSO been rejected in the same manner.

As I explained in another article titled "Do You Need A Business Plan – If Your IDEA Is Ahead Of Its Time, Or Unproven?", Henry Ford had an experience which provides a useful example. Having worked as an employee of the great inventor, Thomas Edison, for some years (starting as a stark illiterate – according to Napoleon Hill in the book titled "Think & Grow Rich"), Ford one day came up with the idea for a "horseless carriage" that everyone could afford – known today as the car.

He approached Edison, but the latter told him to forget it, offering him instead the incentive of a promotion so they could focus/work on "more important things". It should be noted that Ford, going by "rational reasoning" should not normally have had the courage to even THINK he knew something the great Thomas Edison did not – especially about what was worth inventing.

This foregoing point is especially noteworthy when one considers how Ford started. But (urged on by his wife) he knew enough to NOT accept Edison’s judgment. He quit the inventor’s employ, and using savings he and his wife had left, vigorously pursued his dream. You and I drive cars today – which in the pre-Ford invention days were the exclusive preserve of the wealthy – because Henry Ford REFUSED to let others impose their limitations on him.

Anti-Success Myth No. 4: Your Family Has No History Of Successful Business People

Neither did Walt Disney or Robert Kiyosaki (just to name two examples that readily come to mind). Yet, today the names of these two individuals are easily associated with success, wealth, and fame.

Potentially useful, I believe, are Kiyosaki’s writings – especially the Rich Dad series, which do an excellent job of painting a CLEAR, unambiguous picture of the discouraging and psychologically challenging environment that Robert had to grow up in, and fight hard to come out of.

Robert’s books/board games and his achievements prove that a lack of family pedigree, cannot condemn ANYONE to a life devoid of business or financial success. If you want it badly enough, and are willing to LEARN – and DO – whatever it takes (legally of course) to get it, then you WILL get it. It would just be a matter of time.

Anti-Success Myth No. 5: Don’t Aim Too High Or You’ll End Up Failing Badly

Still another UNTRUTH. The fact is you need to set what I like to call BIG, FAT goals that will make you STRETCH to achieve them. You will be propelled by the size of your goals. The bigger they are, the harder you will feel compelled to push for them – IF you are sincere with yourself that is.

In James R. Cook’s book titled "The Startup Entrepreneur", we are told that the greater the entrepreneurial ambition one has, the greater will be the amount of "suffering" s/he will have to endure before arriving at success. Cook in fact states based on his study of the lives of many successful entrepreneurs, that there is a positive correlation between the degree of suffering you experience, and the eventual height of success you achieve as an entrepreneur.

Outside the business world, this positive correlation generally appears to hold true in larger society as well. Again I use the example of Nelson Mandela. He set (what was then) an "unrealistic" goal of getting equal rights recognised for his people, by a government run by a minority who benefitted from having it that way. He set, relentlessly pursued and eventually achieved an ambitious goal (that probably sounded crazy at the time), and became a living legend as a result.

Just as setting ambitious goals yields generous success, setting mediocre ones, will yield equally mediocre success levels. You have the right to choose which one you want.

By the way, you might want to note that you cannot fail except you STOP trying to succeed. So don’t be afraid to aim high – repeatedly – and NO matter how many times you "miss". If/when you do "miss", "just check what you did the last time, make needed adjustments, and try again, and again, UNTIL you get it right. Because I know from experience how difficult it can be to remember the foregoing when repeated unsuccessful attempts stare one in the face, I now ask you to please memorise (if possible) the following phrase: I CANNOT fail if I DO NOT stop trying to succeed!

"Aim for the sky, so you can at least land on the roof" – Tayo K. Solagbade

"Judge your success by what you have to give up in order to get it" – Dalai Lama, Exiled Spiritual Leader of Tibet

Anti-Success Myth No. 6: You Cannot Achieve Notable Business Success If You Lack Money Or Access To Persons Who Have It.

I will not say much here. Let me instead quote Dan Kennedy from his book titled "How To Succeed In Business By Breaking All The Rules":

"I have long taught: If you can’t make money without money, you won’t make money with money either. And if you are going to back somebody, pick an entrepreneur who has proven that he can survive without adequate capital". – Dan Kennedy

What you need is really the financial intelligence to manage the money that enters your business (either as investor’s capital or earned income). That is a skill not readily acquired via formal schooling. And that’s why many who venture into business run into problems. I say this as someone who has had to learn the hard way (VERY slowly and painfully) to overcome this shortcoming.

For as long as you believe in your business idea, you will not tire of creating/exploring opportunities to secure money towards developing it. And as I have emphasised from the start of this article – so long as you persist, it’s only a matter of time before you find a way.

Anti-Success Myth No. 7: You Must Profess A Particular Religious Belief In Order To Succeed

This topic can be sensitive, but my intention here is to clarify. Success has different meanings to different people. For certain religious groups, true success has little to do with a person’s material accomplishments while alive, and MORE to do with how his/her activities while on earth impact on his/her "soul" after death.

The point to note is that each person has the right to decide what s/he considers success to be – or mean. As far as this article goes, Emerson’s definition of success reproduced at the start implies that a person can achieve balanced success in life (irrespective of his/her religious preferences) by doing things that IMPROVE the lives of him/herself and others.

Taking it further, when we consider the fact that many modern societies today enjoy a mix of highly successful multi-racial inhabitants with widely differing religious beliefs, it becomes obvious that bias for a particular religion would be an inadequate explanation for success achievement. In fact, available evidence shows that people who qualify to be called successful by our definition in this article, do not ALL practice the same religion.

Indeed Fred Smith, one of those we have mentioned, who boasts astounding accomplishments, had the word "UNKNOWN" entered for him under the heading "Religion:" in a bio/profile published about him by Gene N. Landrum! In other words, (as at that time of publication) Smith presumably had no known religious affiliation – making it difficult, if not outright impossible, to explain his amazing success with his Federal Express(FedEx) company, along those lines.

If the truth were to be told, your religious beliefs are personal to you. And except something is badly wrong, they will likely be in tune with your desires (or vice versa). Which means you might for instance want to pray for "spiritual" help towards success in your chosen business venture, so that your physical efforts will not be "wasted".

Mutual respect for civil liberties is a requirement during interpersonal relations in most societies. The fact that you do not share the same religious beliefs as another person, say in a business relationship, or the workplace, CANNOT be enough reason for him/her to use his/her position, power or influence to deny you fair and impartial access to opportunities available for the pursuit of YOUR goals. If that happens, then serious issues regarding RELIGIOUS DISCRIMINATION can arise, which you might be VERY justified to take up formally if necessary.


You have a right to set and achieve goals that are important to you. Don’t let people tell you what you can or cannot do. Don’t let these seven (7) deadly myths – or ANY others – stop you from achieving the success you desire. Determine for yourself where you wish to go, and what you aim to achieve – then DO IT.

Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade wind in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. – Mark Twain.

Understanding Feed Ingredients Used For Livestock Feed Formulation 

Feeding is one critical element that determines how well poultry or any other farm animals perform. It impacts not only on growth rates, but also on the disease resistance of the birds(though protection is also afforded the birds through vaccination/medication regimes). To put it another way, it has been acknowledged that ‘Diet is an important component of the environment under all climatic conditions. The potential of the bird cannot be attained if the environment, and notably the diet, is substandard.

This article is based on excerpts from Tayo’s Practical Livestock Feed Formulation Handbook which is available as an ebook athttp://www.lulu.com/sdaproducts.

It was orginally published as a static HTML page on 29th October 2009

Poultry farming, though potentially lucrative, can be fairly risky if a farmer is not diligent.

Some farmers have recorded severe losses by way of disease outbreaks or dismal productivity resulting from poor feeding among other things.

Apart from the hygiene condition of the environment where poultry are kept, the types of feeds – and manner of feeding – that the birds are subjected to can prove quite critical in determining the ultimate output achieved by a farmer whether in terms of eggs laid, or bird sizes/weight at point of sale. Someone once made an interesting observation to me about practicing poultry producers here in Nigeria. 

He pointed out many of these farmers lack formal training in poultry management. However, despite this seemingly serious inadequacy, they successfully feed/manage their birds for profit – which is why they remain in business even today!

Now if that is possible, imagine how much better off they would be in terms of farm productivity (and profits) if they developed a better knowledge/understanding of poultry feedstuffs and ration formulation/compounding!! 

Feeding is one critical element that determines how well poultry or any other farm animals perform

It impacts not only on growth rates, but also on the disease resistance of the birds (though protection is also afforded the birds through vaccination/medication regimes).

To put it another way, it has been acknowledged that ‘Diet is an important component of the environment under all climatic conditions. The potential of the bird cannot be attained if the environment, and notably the diet, is substandard

This is why an understanding of feed ingredients, their composition, and use in ration formulation is CRUCIAL

Estimates have shown that feeds represent 70 – 75% of the total cost of livestock production – especially poultry and piggery production. Ration formulation is a technique that enhances adaptation of local feed stuffs in compounding rations. It takes into consideration 2 basic concepts:

a. The specific nutrient requirement of different animals.
b. The ingredients of the feed itself.

There is also some specific requirement dependent on the type of animal in question: whether it is monogastric or ruminant. A ruminant animal is one that brings back food from its stomach and chews it again, and which is able to digest cellulose (a complex carbohydrate) with the aid of microorganisms, which live in its intestines e.g. Cow and sheep. A monogastric is one that can is incapable of digesting complex carbohydrates e.g. poultry etc.

Nutrients are chemical substances found in food materials (feeds), which are required for the growth, maintenance, production and health of animals. A balanced ration is one that supplies these nutrients in the right amounts and proportions relative to each other. When rations are well balanced, a smaller quantity is required for most economic efficiency, while greater amounts of a poorly balanced ration will be required to meet the specific production purposes in livestock. These greater amounts constitute expensive wastes, which could have been saved if the rations had been well balanced in the first place.

Poorly balanced rations depress appetite in animals leading to poor performance, and high susceptibility to infection and disease. In carrying out ration formulation, we study the daily nutrient requirements of different animals, and compare with the composition of available feed ingredients. We then manipulate the latter to meet the needs for satisfactory productivity either in terms of meat, milk or egg production.

Four (4) Major Groups of Feed Ingredients For Ration Formulation


Feed ingredients are basically grouped as follows:


The energy in poultry diets is derived mainly from cereals. Typically, maize, millet, sorghum, rice and wheat are locally available/used in compounding poultry rations. Others include Guinea Corn as well as non-cereals like Cassava and Sweet Potatoes. Incidentally, it has been reported that non-cereal carbohydrates like Cassava can be used for up to 5- – 60% of growers’ and layers’ diets without detrimental effects on the performance of the birds. 

Studies have also shown that sweet potatoes and cassava have better metabolisable energy values than coco yam, and yam, when they are included in chick diets. The downside to their use is however the need for some processing as well as their relatively lower protein content.

Different types of oils usable in supplying energy in poultry rations include palm oil, melon-seed oil, groundnut oil, and palm-kernel oil. Others sources are Lard (a firm white substance made from the melted fat of pigs and used in cooking) and Molasses (a thick, dark sweet liquid obtained from sugar while it is being refined – though this has been found to be a poor substitute for maize in chick diets). 

There are also other by-products like biscuit crumbs, broken wheat (wheat offal), broken rice (rice bran) etc. Apart from supplying energy, they are also required for body heat maintenance. Carbohydrate deficiency in the diet will cause poor growth rates in chicks. 

Some industrial by-products that are locally utilized for supplying energy in feed formulation in Nigeria include wheat offal, rice husk, dried brewer’s grain and cocoa husk. Other by products include yam peels and cassava peels.


a.Plant origin: GroundNut Cake(GNC), Soya Bean Meal(SBM), Cotton Seed Cake, Whole Soya Beans, Palm Kernel Cake (PKC), Rubber Seed Meal (RSM), Sunflower Seed Cake.

b.Animal origin: Blood Meal; Meat Meal, Fish Meal (FM), Brewer’s Dried Grain (BDG) i.e. Spent Grains, yeast, hydrolysed feather meal, chicken offal etc

It is note worthy that proteins of animal origin have higher protein content between 80 – 85% and a higher quantity of the most limiting amino acids (AA) i.e. have higher Methionine and Lysine content than those of plant origin. Protein is used for synthesis of body tissues making it useful in growth, body repairs and egg formation processes. Its deficiency can lead to poor growth/feathering and development of vice habits among the birds.

It is pertinent to note here that the component parts of proteins i.e. Amino Acids (AAs) – rather than protein itself – are of greatest nutritional importance to poultry feeding. About 20 AAs exist – some can be synthesized readily and sufficiently in the fowl’s body (Non-Essential AAs) and some cannot (Essential AAs). 

Table 3.1.2 below gives a summary of all the Amino Acids:





Balancing Amino-Acids in Rations

It has been said that in order to achieve reasonable amino acid balance, the amino acid content of a ration should be calculated or analysed. Based on the analysis, Fish Meal for instance, has been found (like other intact proteins) to be rich in all amino acids, and as such can be used to rectify amino acid deficiency. Also, it offers the additional benefit of furnishing minerals, vitamins, and possibly essential fatty acids.

Synthetic amino acids make it possible to achieve good amino acid balance in compounded feeds, without resorting to the use of animal proteins. However it is fairly common practice for synthetic amino acids (e.g. feed grade methionine) to be used in combination with intact proteins – especially since the former tend to be expensive. 


Minerals enable skeletal tissue development and maintenance in poultry. They also make up a good proportion of the egg and help physiological functions. Mineral sources that are available locally are oyster shell, seashells and limestone as sources of Calcium (Ca) while bone meal or defluorinated rock phosphate serve as sources of Phosphorous (P).

A gradual rise over the years in the price of bone meal has resulted from the reduction in the number of cattle slaughtered, and a consequent increase in bone consumption by humans – due to prices of meat rapidly becoming unaffordable to the majority of the population.

The foregoing situation resulted in attempts to explore the use of other sources such as Rock phosphate. Available results caution that in using this source, the attention should be paid to dangers posed by its fluoride content. Other sources of minerals include fertilizers e.g. single phosphate and super phosphate. Deficiency of mineral salts in diets can reduce egg production, and has been suspected to predispose birds to cannibalism.


The discovery of vitamins made intensive poultry farming possible. This is a situation where birds are successfully kept for long periods without access to pasture or direct sunlight. Vitamins are organic compounds not synthesized in the body, but required in small amounts. They function mostly as co-enzymes or regulators of metabolism.

The sources of vitamins available locally include some plant sources e.g. Alfalfa, Luru (dried leaves of Adansonia digitata) and Eupatorium, which are sources of carotene and palm oil. Vitamins are given in synthetic form, which is often preferred to the natural sources, due to the former’s standard quality, and proven effectiveness.

This article is based on excerpts from Tayo’s Practical Livestock Feed Formulation Handbook which is available as an ebook athttp://www.lulu.com/sdaproducts. Visit Tayo’s Self-Development Nuggets™ blog to find out how you can get your FREE copy of his new Practical Guide to Important Feed Ingredients (with high resolution pictures, prices, nutrients, uses etc).

The Customer Will NOT Always Be Right: Don’t Be A Victim Of Entrepreneur Abuse™!

(This article was originally published on a static HTML page on my (spontaneousdevelopment.com) website in March 2006 – from where I’ve now moved it to THIS blog platform)

I do not know what your experiences so far in business have been, but mine and those of a surprising number of others I have read – this year alone – tell me that the market in which we look for clients and prospects is awash with all kinds of characters. I have as a result adopted a philosophy that contradicts what the popular saying “The customer is always right” suggests. My purpose for writing this article is to: a). Help entrepreneurs who read my writing learn how to protect themselves from exploitation while trying to meet clients’ needs (b). Help those who patronise entrepreneurs learn how NOT to behave if they are to avoid being guilty of Entrepreneur Abuse™. Read this article to learn more about Entrepreneur Abuse™, and why you may need to distance yourself from a client/customer who practices it. Continue reading

Should You Worry If A client Says You’re Too Expensive?

(This article was originally published on a static HTML page on my website on 7th March 2009 – and at Ezinearticles.com on Dec 14, 2010 )

For more than six years now, I have had the opportunity to work with – and closely study – individuals in various industries, in relation to how they request their service providers or vendors to serve them. Many times I have been shocked by the “predatory” disposition some of them adopted in negotiating with others. It is for this reason that I encourage YOU as a service provider to arm yourself with the ideas offered in this article, to avoid having to accept to work for less than is worth your while.

Continue reading

PII 059: Read This And Understand Why Your Internet Access Is Sometimes Slow

Do you know what happens when you type a web address or URL (like www.tayosolagbade.com) into your Internet Explorer browser’s URL entry bar, and click “GO” or press “Enter”? Read this article to learn what happens, and how/why this process sometimes can become slow to the point that it frustrates users like yourself!

(TIP: This article is 10 years old this month. It was first published online via spontaneousdevelopment.com – now defunct – on 1st March 2007 | I republished it via tayosolagbade.com on Jun 29, 2012 – and I’m re-purposing it here, as a public service via tayosolagbade.com/sdnuggets – my blog – today, 27th March 2017)


Tayo Solagbade's Performance Improvement IDEAS(PI Squared) Newsletter

Tayo Solagbade’s
Performance Improvement
(PI Squared) Newsletter

Monday 27th March 2017

Logo - Tayo Solagbade's Self-Development Academy

NB: This PI Squared newsletter will be published weekly, on Mondays, in place of the Speaking/Web Marketing IDEAS newsletter, starting from today – 15th February 2016.
I’m reinventing my Monday newsletter content and theme, to accommodate my vision of serving the growing audience of serious minded individuals and organizations reaching out to me, with information, education. news and research findings designed to help them do what they do better.


View Tayo Solagbade's video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsJoin the SD Nuggets community on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google PlusConnect with Tayo on LinkedIn.com

PII 059: Read This And Understand Why Your Internet Access Is Sometimes Slow

Do you know what happens when you type a web address or URL (like www.tayosolagbade.com) into your Internet Explorer browser’s URL entry bar, and click “GO” or press “Enter”? Read this article to learn what happens, and how/why this process sometimes can become slow to the point that it frustrates users like yourself!

(TIP: This article is 10 years old this month. It was first published online via spontaneousdevelopment.com – now defunct – on 1st March 2007 | I republished it via tayosolagbade.com on Jun 29, 2012 – and I’m re-purposing it here, as a public service via tayosolagbade.com/sdnuggets – my blog – today, 27th March 2017)

Do you know what happens when you type a web address or URL (like www.tayosolagbade.com) into your Internet Explorer browser’s URL entry bar, and click “GO” or press “Enter”?


Note: URL means “Uniform Resource Locator” and is the address for a resource(e.g. website) on the internet. It actually represents a unique string of numbers called an Internet Protocol(IP) address e.g. Since words/names are easier for people to remember than numbers, URLs are used to specify website addresses – while the internet server “interpretes” it to mean the “number String” address equivalent.


The following describe the sequence of events that occurs:

1. Internet Explorer sends the web address(www.tayosolagbade.com) to your ISP(Internet Service Provider).

2. The ISP sends “www.tayosolagbade.com” to the nearest node of the Domain Name Server(i.e. DNS, which is actually a set of databases shared amongst servers that stores the numeric addresses of Web sites. A new domain name e.g. tksola.com is added “or propagated” to these databases during the first few weeks after the domain name is registered. Only after this has been done, will it be possible to type the domain name into a browser and not get a “Page not found” error message).

3. The DNS returns the site’s numeric(IP) address to your Internet Explorer(watch the status bar of your browser when next you’re doing this online).

4. Your Internet Explorer sends the IP address to a router, which checks the traffic on the Internet, and finds the least busy path to the server containing the website(www.tayosolagbade.com) that you’ve requested.

5. The server receives the IP address, acknowledges receiving it(your status bar may momentarily read “website found”), then places the request in a queue to wait until earlier requests(by you or others e.g. when many people are trying to go to yahoo.com) have been fulfilled by the server.

6. The server then sends the website’s default page(index.htm for example) back over the Internet to your ISP, which then sends it to your computer.

The process described in 1 to 6 above normally happens within seconds, even with a slow internet connection.

When you browse using a fast connection(e.g. broadband/ satellite), the entire process can occur in an instant.

However, sometimes when the ISP has a problem and/or its resources are overloaded say due to many users online at the same time, prolonged access times can result.

That’s when at steps 5 to 6 you find yourself waiting for what seem like prolonged periods for the webpages you requested to appear.

So, how does the above information help you?

Well, for one thing, you are now equipped to understand why this happens, when it does, so you should feel less frustrated, if at all.

Secondly, this knowledge puts you in a position to communicate more intelligently with the administrator/ support staff for your Internet connection about the problem.

Thirdly, this useful knowledge puts you in a unique position to educate other internet users who experience similar problems.

Share this with someone you know would benefit from it.

Excel-VB Driven Ration Formulator

Click to view larger screenshot

1. Click here to learn more about this app – watch demo videos etc

2. Click here to watch a 4 part video in which I demonstrate how to use this app to formulate rations using real life data sent to me by an Algerian PhD student.

Click here to contact me about purchasing this product.


Click here to download a detailed PDF user guide and watch 15 screen shot user guide tutorials of the Monthly Poultry Farm Manager that I now offer Farm CEOs.

Click here to watch a screenshot demonstration of the Excel-VB Driven Poultry Farm Manager I built for a client farm business in Ekiti state, South West Nigeria.

Click here to contact me about purchasing this product.

SDN Blog™

New posts from last week*




Empower Your Child to Develop Market Relevant Income Generating Competencies [True Story]






[VIDEO] Excel Heaven Tutorial  09: Using Relative & Absolute Cell Addressing To Save Your Time and Effort In MS Excel

Tayo K. Solagbade*

Self-Development/Performance Improvement Specialist

*Best Practice Farm Business Support Specialist & Founder of the MS Excel Heaven Visual Basic Automation Club and Competition

Mobile: +234-803-302-1263 (in Nigeria) or +229-66-122-136 (in Benin Republic)


Tayo K. Solagbade is a Location Independent Performance Improvement

Specialist and Multipreneur (i.e. a highly versatile/multi-skilled entrepreneur), with a bias for delivering Best Practice solutions to Farm Businesses and others.

Since 2002, he has earned multiple streams of income providing individuals and organizations with personal development training and coaching, custom MS Excel-VB solutions, web marketing systems/web hosting, freelance writing services, and best practice extension support services (for farm business owners).

Tayo is the author of the Self-Development (SD) Bible™ and the popular Livestock Feed Formulation Handbook. He is also the developer of its accompanying Excel-VB driven Ration Formulator™ and the Poultry Farm Manager™ software.

He has delivered talks/papers to audiences in various groups and organizations, including the Centre for Management Development, University of Lagos, Christ Baptist Church, Volunteer Corps, Tantalisers Fast Foods and others.

In May 2012 he was the Guest Speaker at the Centre for Entrepreneurship Development’s Annual Semester Entrepreneurial Lecture at Yaba College of Technology in Lagos.

On 1st April 2013, Tayo (who reads, write and speaks the French language) relocated to Cotonou, Benin Republic to begin slowly traveling across the West African region.

His key purpose is to deliver talks, seminars and workshops on his key areas of focus and interest to interested audiences (Email tayo at tksola dot com for details).

In a previous life, before leaving to become self-employed, Tayo served for seven years (October 1994 to December 2001) as a high performing manager in Guinness Nigeria. He rose from Shift Brewer to Training & Technical Development Manager, and later acted in senior roles as Production Manager and Technical Manager.

In addition to constantly challenging the status quo and influencing positive work changes, he built a reputation for using self-taught spreadsheet programming skills (starting with Lotus 1-2-3, and later moving to Excel Visual Basic) – in his spare time – to develop Automated Spreadsheet Applications to computerize manual report generation processes in the departments he worked. Over four(4) of his applications were adopted for brewery level reporting.

Tayo holds a B.Sc degree in Agricultural Extension Services from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria, having graduated top of his class – with Second Class Upper Division honors – in 1992. He is an Associate Member of the UK Institute & Guild of Brewing, a 1997 National Finalist of the Nigerian Institute of Management’s(NIM) Young Managers’ competition, a Certified Psychometric Test Administrator for Psytech UK, innovator of Spontaneous Coaching for Self-Development™ (SCfS-D™), and Founder of the Self-Development Academy (SDAc).

When he’s not amazing clients with his superhuman skills (wink), Tayo works as the creative force behind his Daily Self-Development Nuggets blog – on which he also publishes The Farm CEO Weekly Newspaper (sent via email to paid subscribers) and his Weekly Performance Improvement IDEAS newsletter.

You can connect with him on Twitter @tksola.com and Facebook.

Visit Tayo Solagbade Dot Com, to download over over 10 performance improvement resources to boost your personal and work related productivity.


On 4th May 2014, Tayo’s 9 year old domain (Spontaneousdevelopment dot com), which hosted his website, was taken over by Aplus.net.

Within a few days however, Tayo used his advanced self-taught web development skills to build a SUPERIOR “reincarnation” of it the website http://www.tayosolagbade.com.

But updates are still ongoing to URLs bearing the old domain name in most of the over 1,000 web pages, and blog posts he’s published.

If you experience any difficulties finding a page or document, email Tayo at tksola dot com.

Click “Tayo, What Happened to SpontaneousDevelopmentDotCom ?” to read a detailed narrative about how the above event occurred :-))

Here’s an article Tayo wrote, to inspire others to defy adversity, and bounce back to even greater reckoning at what they do EVERY time:

Succeed by Emerging from Adversity Like a Phoenix

(TayoSolagbade.com launches extra Hosting plan with FREE Web Marketing!)

And he wrote the one below, to explain why losing a domain name, no matter how old, NO LONGER determines your online success or otherwise:

A Proven Strategy to Find Profitable Buyers Regardless of Your Domain Name

View Tayo Solagbade's video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsJoin the SD Nuggets community on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google PlusConnect with Tayo on LinkedIn.com

Home |About | Contact | SD Nuggets™ | Speaking/Web Marketing IDEAS | Web Marketing Systems | Freelance Writing | MS Excel® Heaven™ | Cost-Saving Farm Biz Ideas

How To Be A Jack Of Many Trades™, And Why It Can Make You Succeed More Often (Based On Real-Life Practice)

Not many people have the ability to competently carry out multiple tasks simultaneously, and deliver satisfactory results on each task – consistently. Fewer still are comfortable with continually learning to do many things at the same time. Yet, in every society we find there are always a select few who seem to thrive doing just that. Expressions in daily conversation coined to describe such persons include “man-of-many-parts”, “one-who-wears-many-hats”, “multi-talented”, “multi-skilled”, “versatile” etc. This article describes an unusual – but well established – practice in which certain individuals intelligently combine their(sometimes self-taught) skills in a variety of related fields to successfully – and repeatedly – deliver desired results( to employers), or products and services(to clients/ customers).

First published online: 2006

(This article is one of twenty-five(25) contained in Tayo Solagbade’s Ebook titled “25 Articles/True Stories On Self-Development, Entrepeneuring & Web Marketing To Help You Succeed More Often) Continue reading

Do You Need A Business Plan, If Your Biz Idea Is New, Untested Or Unproven?

Business plans can be very useful instruments for raising capital from prospective investors and also for managing daily operations of the business post-take off. However, preparation of business plans is normally based on review/analysis of historical data from similar businesses operating in the market place. The situation however becomes different, when someone comes up with an idea for a product or service that is totally new i.e. unheard of, untried or unproven in the market place. There would be no reliable pre-existing data with which to do say a SWOT analysis. Any attempts would for the most part be based on weak assumptions and mostly conjecture. This article offers any start-up nursing such unproven business idea(s) a proven path to follow based on the real-life experiences of others who were faced with a similar dilemma at some time in their entrepreneurial careers.

First published online: 2005

This article is one of twenty-five(25) contained in Tayo Solagbade’s Ebook titled “25 Articles/True Stories On Self-Development, Entrepeneuring & Web Marketing To Help You Succeed More Often) Continue reading

Become UNSTOPPABLE By Having “Blind Faith” And “Refusing To Recognise Failure”

One truth I have come to realise is that when it comes to our WILLINGNESS to pursue and achieve challenging life goals, people are NOT equal. Some people seem to be unable to sustain their efforts to achieve the most basic of needs, even when not doing so causes them to suffer needless discomfort and lack.

Yet there is another group who seem to know just when and how to turn themselves on to match any form of difficulty that may come their way, such that they always come out on top. These people maintain a tough mental attitude seemingly impervious to the discouraging reality of their environment, and so carry on till they achieve their goals.

Very often the difference between these two groups is that individuals belonging to the latter group(like Nelson Mandela, and Abraham Lincoln) use “Blind Faith” and “A Refusal To Recognise Failure” to successfully pursue their goal(s). Read this article to learn more – you get to download a FREE inspirational MS Excel mindmap based on Abraham Lincoln’s Life.

First published online: 2006

To Be Unstoppable, You Must Want Something BADLY Enough!

Les Brown in one of his books challenges the reader not to be put off by initial setbacks – asking him/her to be “unstoppable” instead. Sometime in 2002, while delivering my flagship business marketing talk titled “Ten Ways You Can Use Self-Development To Create The Future You Want” to students in the main auditorium of the University of Lagos, I recall responding to a question by saying: “How badly you want something, will determine how far you will be willing to go to get it”.

The above mentioned philosophy is one that has guided me in my self-development efforts for most of my adult life. It is what has made me extremely effective and efficient in making myself acquire ANY new knowledge, skills/competencies that I identify as essential for achievement of any goals I set for myself. Many people who know me have continued to be amazed by my ability to do this. In fact it once made a senior colleague in my last workplace ask me: “Tayo, what is the secret?”.

My response was something like this: “There is no secret. I just convince myself of what I need to know/do in order to achieve a particular objective and then DO IT repeatedly, with a single minded commitment that recognises NO obstacles or limitations until I am done“.

I think this attitude, is what the overall head of my last workplace – Andy R. Jones(Operations Manager, Guinness Nigeria Plc, Benin Brewery in 2001) – must have seen in just 11 months of my reporting to him, that made him say during the departmental send-forth ceremony organised for me(after I resigned to start my business in 2001 December) that “Tayo simply refuses to fail!”. (See my article titled “Should You Quit Your Job Or Start Your Business Part Time?” to read the comments Andy went on to “hand-write” in two – farewell/xmas – greeting cards he sent to me, few days before I finally left).

It is also the above mentioned philosophy(i.e. How badly you want something, will determine how far you will be willing to go to get it) that has enabled me consistently overcome (and make progress – sometimes by taking “baby steps” – in spite of) EVERY single setback, or obstacle that I have encountered over the past five years, to be where I am today as an entrepreneur. My message to you through this article therefore is that if you want to be unstoppable, i.e. to be able to make progress towards ANY goal you set for yourself in life, in ANY environment(and no matter the limitations), you MUST ensure your goal is something you want BADLY enough to be willing to go as far as necessary and keep going for as long as necessary, UNTIL you achieve it.

Doing the foregoing will require that you:

a. have BLIND FAITH(which will make you believe you will get there even if everything around you suggests otherwise) and

b. REFUSE to recognise failure(which will make you continue even when it looks like you have been defeated e.g. people are telling you to give it up or saying “Don’t you know when you’re beaten?”).

A Word Of Caution – Don’t Beat Your Head Against The Wall!

Please ensure you apply what I said above with the understanding that your set goal and adopted strategy will have been chosen/thought out in a manner that ensures you are not going to be beating your head against the wall. As Burt Dubin noted in one of his articles, you might have to follow a different route to achieve your goal, because you may encounter obstacles that cannot be surmounted, and which would be better dealt with by finding a way AROUND them instead of THROUGH them!

James Cook also suggests keeping an open mind about WHAT you want to do(Or WHERE you want to go), and HOW you will go about doing it(or getting there). According to him, your original plan may not work exactly as you intended, so that you may have to create a new one, which could see you ending up succeeding in a vocation far away from that which you originally started out to do – as was his experience(and that of Henry Ford, PLUS Thomas Edison).

To Be Unstoppable You Must Be Willing To Get Up EVERY TIME You Fall

Fran Tarkenton once wrote that true/successful entrepreneurs are often people who have failed in a number of past business ventures – BUT refused to stay down after they had fallen.

One truth I have come to realise is that when it comes to our WILLINGNESS to pursue and achieve challenging life goals, people are NOT equal. Some people seem to be unable to sustain their efforts to achieve the most basic of needs, even when not doing so causes them to suffer needless discomfort and lack. They are unable to endure the sometimes prolonged pain and suffering that can be initially part of such struggles. If you are like this, it will be difficult for you to develop and maintain “Blind Faith” and/or “Refuse To Recognise Failure”.

Yet there is another group who seem to know just when and how to turn on themselves to match any form of difficulty that may come their way, such that they always come out on top. These people maintain a tough mental attitude seemingly impervious to the discouraging reality of their environment, and so carry on till they achieve their goals. I provide – further down – evidence confirming that Abraham Lincoln and Nelson Mandela successfully used “Blind Faith” and “A Refusal To Recognise Failure” to achieve the great feats for which they are today acknowledged.

How To Develop “Blind Faith” And “A Refusal To Recognise Failure”

1. Choose A Goal You Have Passion For/Conviction About:

As I have said elsewhere, without passion for a cause, you cannot have conviction to pursue it. Without conviction, you cannot stay committed to it over the long term. Without commitment that is based on a conviction about your cause or desired objective, you will not be able to sustain the positive upbeat mental state needed to persevere UNTIL the set goal is reached.

In other words, mental toughness or the right mental attitude cannot be developed based on nothing, You must first of all have a purpose set in your mind that you wish to achieve, because it is very important to you. That desire is what will fuel your other emotions and ultimately manifest in a “hunger” that feeds your mind – making you unwilling to stop UNTIL your aim is achieved.

2. Read About(And Study/Listen To) Others Who Have Done It:

When you read/hear about how a real-life person endured similar or possibly greater suffering to record a noteworthy achievement, that knowledge is likely to inspire you to persevere if/when during the pursuit of your own goals you encounter similar difficulty. Books have been said to “strengthen the mind” – I mean non-fiction books about real people, who recorded inspiring achievements. That’s why many successful people openly acknowledge one or more books as influential to their development and success.

Numerous great achievers, with little or no special abilities, and who in their early years even struggled with some of the more basic activities in life, credited their reading habits, and studies of the lives of those who had already done what they wished to do, as the reasons why they eventually achieved notable success.

The steps I have just described above result in the condition described by Napoleon Hill as “Blind Faith” and a “Refusal To Recognise Failure”. These two states of mind produce in an individual so driven, a level of mental toughness that very often helps him/her achieve what would otherwise be an impossible goal.

It does NOT matter if the person is 3 feet tall, a stammerer, blind, lame or hunch-backed. As long as s/he has blind faith and refuses to recognise failure, it will only be a matter of time before s/he records significant success(es) that the world will have no choice but to acknowledge.

The following individuals achieved fame/fortune despite the initial limitations imposed on them by fate or their circumstances/environment:

1. Julius Ceaser was an epileptic.

2. Chief MKO Abiola(Late Billionaire International Business man/President Elect for Nigeria’s cancelled 1992 elections) once sold newspapers.

3. Collin Powell’s first job was as a floor mopper.

4. Charles Dickens was lame.

5. Plato was a hunchback.

6. Albert Einstein’s teachers said he was “dull-witted” and “would never amount to anything”.

7. Thomas Edison’s teachers concluded he was “addled”(his mother disagreed/decided to teach him at home. We all owe her a debt of gratitude for doing what she did).

8. Abraham Lincoln had few months of schooling, then spent almost 30 years( from the age of 22) failing in the pursuit of virtually every major goal he set for himself, UNTIL he tried to become President – and succeeded!

How Long Should It Take You To Succeed?

Click here to view a mind map that answers this question

by using Abraham Lincoln’s life as a case study

I believe the ONLY correct answer to this question is: As long as necessary. You can set a desired target date to achieve your goals, but you CANNOT force yourself to succeed on that exact date, if it happens that your plans do not make it possible for you to do so(Recall Napoleon Hill’s advice that whenever you experience failure, you must take it as a sign that your plan needs more work).

That’s why it’s not enough to know how to do something. You must also develop the mental stamina to cope with the attendant challenges/difficulties that will come up when you are engaged in your chosen endeavour. Sadly, this requirement is not recognised by a lot of people. As a result, when the delay in appearance of the desired end result is prolonged, they soon become willing to compromise by giving up their set goal and accepting to do something else – or simply going back to what they were comfortably doing prior to taking up the new challenge.

Yes, this aspect of a success conscious mental attitude is what a lot of people do not realise they lack, especially when they start preparing to pursue a goal like starting a business. They would often have consulted the right people; attended the seminars; mastered the technical aspects of running the business. BUT they often neglect to develop the mind set/mental attitude needed to keep going when their plans fail to work as expected.

As a result, they are unable to internalize the following dictum: “When the going gets tough, the tough get going”(Which is actually much easier said than done!). This prevents them from digging in to discover the “wisdom” necessary for survival/success in the real business world. They take these aspects for granted and many, very many, find this to be their undoing in the end.

Abraham Lincoln – A Man Who Knew Where He Was Going, And Was Prepared To Keep Going UNTIL He Got There

In the case of Lincoln, every time I read through the various accounts of his many failures, I cannot help thinking “What audacity: For a guy who had failed in so many lower pursuits, to STILL have the guts to aim for a goal as high as THE Presidency!!“.

That’s probably the best example of BLIND FAITH and A REFUSAL TO RECOGNISE FAILURE at work! Incidentally, I find it a bit intriguing that Lincoln got elected president in 1860, and died five years later, having served out his term, in 1865. Almost like he “felt” he had achieved his purpose on earth – what a way to go! Some people would have “died”(figuratively speaking) much earlier, if they were confronted with repeated failure like Lincoln was from the age of 22(when he first failed in business) till he clocked 51 years, and became P-R-E-S-I-D-E-N-T!

The world steps aside for the man who knows where he is going” – Abraham Lincoln

Download YOUR Copy Of A Mind-Map On Blind Faith, Based On Lincoln’s Life

I have created a special mind map chronicling the notable failure events in Abraham Lincoln’s life, including the time intervals that passed between EACH failure. The objective is to help the reader put into perspective the tremendous amount of self-belief, and indomitable spirit of this great man that made him carry on, even when countless failed attempts suggested he could not achieve the different goals he set for himself at different times. Hopefully, you will be able to draw inspiration from that mind map’s contents to keep going UNTIL you succeed in achieving your own set goals. Click here to view the mind map now.

Enter The Mind Of Another Great Achiever Who Succeeded By Having “Blind Faith” And “Refusing To Recognise Failure”

Nelson Mandela! He spent 27 long years in prison, during which time he repeatedly REFUSED to give in to pressure to change his position on apartheid. His mental toughness derived from a conviction that was based on the vision he had for his people.

Personally, I think it is important for every human being to always reflect on the words s/he utters from his/her mouth to ensure what s/he truly means or believes is what s/he says. When people talk about Mandela and refer to his 27 year stay in prison, very few think of the real-life implications in terms of the prolonged period of delayed gratification he had to endure. Mandela obviously believed what he said about stopping racial discrimination in his country, which explains why he was willing to give up almost three decades of his life to achieve it.

Come with me on what I will call a “layman’s psychoanalysis” of Nelson Mandela’s prison experience, and gain some insight into what he had to endure during that period.

Forget the historical background details. Start from the prison entrance. Suddenly he could no longer simply get up and walk out through any doors he wished, at will. He had to ask for permission or wait till the specified times when others like himself in prison would get a chance to go out on walks etc. He no longer could see his wife or family/friends at will. He could no longer simply get up and make phone calls to anyone he wished. He could not observe public holidays and go on picnics with family/friends. When famous musicians performed he could not be there…etc

Now to the time dimension. One year passed. That was still ok. Then three passed. Later seven. Then TEN years passed! How many people who used to visit him do you think still continued visiting him in prison at this time? And how many of those who were still visiting him do you think were still as convinced as they were in the beginning, that he should not compromise his stand in exchange for freedom. And what was he thinking himself at this time?

I do not have the answer to the above questions. However I am sure it would have helped for him to hear of the many events(musical concerts etc), annually organised to campaign for his freedom.

BUT that knowledge, though morale boosting, could not possibly have reduced the difficulty of being in isolation for so long. I mean, even if people on the outside say they are fighting for you, you ALONE know what it feels like to be IN THERE, continually denying yourself so much!

Let’s finish the time “thing”: At a point, twenty years had passed and he was still in prison. Then as it almost became thirty years, he was released! Think about it this way: A person who was born in the year Mandela went into jail, would have become a mature adult of at least 26 years of age by the time Mandela was released!(As a child, I grew up hearing “FREE Mandela songs” played by musicians in my country, so in many ways I can relate to this).

Before Mandela’s release, there were probably some people who wondered to themselves – and probably to his hearing – why he did not just give in and accept the apartheid government’s proposal/conditions.

But he did not. What could have made a rational man, a lawyer by training, continue in what at the time must have seemed a hopeless crusade that threatened to make him “waste” the rest of his useful life in prison? It could ONLY have been blind faith, and a refusal to recognise failure.

An Exercise For You To Do: Try staying in ONE little room without making contact with people or having access to basic conveniences you’re used to for just ONE day, and see how you feel AFTERWARDS.

Then imagine having to endure that and more for 27 long years!! Actually, your imagination would fall short(as this is best appreciated through direct experience) – but you’ll hopefully get some idea of what it feels like.

Summary: That It “Looks” Like You’ve Failed Will NOT Mean You Have!

To succeed, one must keep one’s eyes focused on one’s destination, not where one has stumbled” – Nigerian proverb seen on a billboard along the third mainland bridge leading to Victoria Island in Lagos.

When you fearlessly pursue excellence by repeatedly failing and learning from those failures in order to succeed at newer and higher levels in life, you ALWAYS gain an edge over those who choose to play safe.” – Tayo K. Solagbade

Many successful persons interviewed by Napoleon Hill confirmed that their eventual breakthroughs came at a time when it appeared they had been overtaken by defeat. Hill consequently went on to describe failure as being “tricky”, with a penchant for “tripping” a person when s/he is close to success.

And THAT is why you need to have blind faith and refuse to recognise failure – IF you want to be UNSTOPPABLE!

If You Lack Capital, Intelligent Multipreneuring Can Help You Succeed!

Much of this article probably goes against ideas held by majority of people, but the truth is that when a person is willing, that which the majority regards as impossible, can become that which can be done with adequate intelligent effort.

In our daily conversations certain expressions we use(such as “man-of-many parts”, “multi-talented” “utility player”, “multi-skilled”, “wears many hats” etc) indicate that we acknowledge that some of us have such abilities – and are therefore potential Multipreneurs. However, sometimes human beings tend to question and/or resist attempts by such individuals to make use of their skills in a formal manner e.g. in business.

This article offers suggestions based on real-life experiences about how a person can increase chances of securing needed financing, by intelligently applying his/her multipreneurial abilities.

WARNING! In order to get maximum value from this article, the reader must keep an OPEN mind free from the influence of whatever societal myths s/he is familiar with about doing more than one thing at a time.

If you cannot do that, then you are NOT ready to use the information provided here.

You may find it useful to read my detailed article titledHow To Be A Jack Of Many Trades™ And Why It Can Make You Succeed More Often before you read this one.

“The mind is like a parachute. It only works best when it is open” – Anonymous

Keep This In Mind For When You Meet A (Potential) Multipreneur!

The fact that YOU find it difficult to switch from doing one thing to another, at will or within a short space of time DOES NOT mean every other person will experience similar difficulty. You simply cannot impose your limitations on others in that manner. If you think it’s not possible, no matter who you are or what you think you’ve achieved, that does NOT mean it’s not possible.

Someone else, a child even, with the appropriate skills set, desire and self-belief(as Napoleon Hill would say) would bring that same thing to reality. Examples abound as to how this has happened in the past. So, when a person chooses to market not one but a number of potentially income generating skills to different markets, do not be quick to cast aspersion on the person. He might be just as good as he says he is in all of them to justify wanting to earn a living by offering service or products using those skills.

“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable man persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man.” — George Bernard Shaw

Essential Qualities A Startup Entrepreneur Needs

1. Mental Stamina.

If you have been doing any reading about what it takes to startup a business as an entrepreneur, you will have read that you need to be able to deal with (and recover quickly) from setbacks; work long hours etc. You need to have mental stamina or the ability to persevere. I mention this particular attribute because I believe it is the most crucial for ANY entrepreneur to have. Without it, no matter how gifted, talented, or skillful a person is, s/he may just not be able to carry on long enough to achieve the success s/he desires.

2. Other Attributes.

Various authors, and books have described the many qualities that make a good or successful entrepreneur. There are even quizzes designed to help the aspiring entrepreneur discover how suited s/he is to successfully functioning as an entrepreneur. “Googling” the search string “What attributes does a person need to succeed as an entrepreneur”, should turn up a few useful links that you can follow to learn more about this subject.

3. Ability To Juggle Many Tasks Or “Multipreneur”.

You may find you need to be able to do many different things at the same time. As some experienced writers on this subject have admitted, you will during this period have to do most of the work by yourself.

That includes preparing the business plan, keeping your business data/records(especially to enable you cater for the legal tax obligations etc), planning for marketing/advertising, sales and so on. Many of these activities you will probably be able to leave to employees in the future(if you business is the type that requires such), but at the beginning, you will need to demonstrate reasonable mastery of these tasks to move your business forward.

Robert Kiyosaki recommends to persons in paid employment planning for a future in business or self-employment, that they plan to work in as many different departments of their companies as possible with the main intention of learning how those they are not familiar with function. That way, when they eventually startup their learning curves would be shorter or less steep.

Do You Really Lack Capital? Really??

Sometimes individuals who wish to startup their own business ventures complain of lack of capital. But history is replete with examples of people who had little or no capital and still managed to get their businesses off the ground and up to a point here they found willing investors.

Dan Kennedy once wrote that he had become convinced that all the noise being made about lack of capital was nonsense. I particularly found quite instructive Dan’s advice to prospective investors in this regard. He told them their money would be likely well spent if they sought out and invested in the business run by a startup who had demonstrated that she could survive on her own without capital. Very good thinking!

How Do You Survive Without Capital?

1. Develop ways to keep more of your revenue in your pockets or coffers as tangible profits – negotiate better; get concessions when you make purchases, maintain low overheads/running expenses.

2. Find a way to get the things you want done, without having to spend money e.g. product or service barter exchange.

But how do you do all this?

Using Multipreneuring To Get Around The Problem Of INADEQUATE Capital

Let’s face it, if you are anything close to a true entrepreneur, you never really lack capital at startup. This is because you will have one or more assets that your belief in your business ideas will convince you to sell to raise needed capital. What you will encounter is INADEQUATE capital. The money you raise may not be enough to meet your needs.

It is my strong conviction that if more people can learn to acquire multiple self-taught competencies(relevant to their chosen business interests), they will not only increase their chances of succeeding in business, but also “immunise” themselves against potentially devastating setbacks, since they would be able to fall back on their skills set to either prevent, avoid or recover from such setbacks.

You will only save significant amounts of money when your skills are self-taught.

Therefore learning HOW TO LEARN should be the first priority you have. Buy a book, tape, CD tutorial etc that teaches how to do something you need to learn. Diligently apply yourself for as long as necessary, and until you have the desired proficiency. Then put your new skill to use in a way that benefits your business.

As I said elsewhere, sometimes having multiple marketable skills can help you attract “bread and butter” jobs to tide you over the periods of slow patronage you may encounter in starting or running your business. Being able to earn income through a variety of channels, based on multiple skills, certainly increases your chances of sourcing needed capital to push your business forward and/or win the confidence of prospective investors.

Anything Wrong With A Humbling HUMBLE Beginning?

Even if you have what you consider adequate capital, that should not be reason to spend carelessly. You can still adopt the prudent approach.

And if you do NOT have enough capital, you need to ask yourself some questions:

1. Can I get this done myself?

2. If I can’t, can I learn how to do so in enough time to get the business off the ground on schedule?

3. Or can I get someone to do it for me without my paying cash(maybe you offer a service using a special skill you offer, equivalent in value. As a multipreneur, the chances of one or more of your marketable skills coming in useful as a negotiating tool are high).

If a startup entrepreneur can acquire the skills to function intelligently as a multipreneur, her chances of success will increase, because she would accumulate less avoidable overheads/operating expenses, and therefore retain more of her earnings as profits.

In addition she would be able to turn potential setbacks into profitable outcomes.

Quick example. As a multipreneur, apart from speaking and training on Self-Development, I offer custom excel VB spreadsheet automation, web design, and freelance writing services. While working on two different projects in 2004 (a webdesign job, and an excel workbook automation job), I lost access to the laptop I was using due to a fall out with my partner.

In order for me to complete the projects for my clients, I negotiated with one of them, who runs an IT/Telecom company, to have a computer system built for me as part payment for the web design job I was doing for him.

He agreed – for the obvious reason that it meant he got to pay me less cash. In addition, he had many of the needed components for building the computer system left over from previous projects. So, just over a week later I had a brand new computer system, AND I was able to finish off both projects!

While starting up, I chose to function as a multipreneur in order to make myself more capable of giving value to my identified target audience who have varying needs due to the different areas of endeavour they are in.

This ability later became even more valuable when I discovered I could get many other resources I needed, but lacked cash to purchase, by simply offering to use one of my many skills in exchange for the item(s).

As a multipreneur, I have had many instances in which I got things done without spending half as much as my fellow entrepreneurs simply because I took out time to learn how to do it myself.

No matter how you look at it, an entrepreneur who can function as a multipreneur, is likely to have more choices open to him/her when it concerns raising capital or securing alternative means of getting access to needed resources.

By putting yourself in a position where you have more options to choose from, you increase your chances of succeeding. When one door closes, your other skill(s) might just open your eyes to another possible route to achieving your intended purpose!

Still not convinced? Or worried about what others will say? Read my detailed article titled How To Be A Jack Of Many Trades™ And Why It Can Make You Succeed More Often.

PS: This article was first published 6nline in 2006.