Tag Archives: PII 124: Proven Secret to Drum Up Attention for Your Business at Zero Cost

PII 124: Proven Secret to Drum Up Attention for Your Business at Zero Cost

It is my experience based opinion that the key to long term low/zero cost marketing success is being different – by setting yourself apart from the crowd of others who do what you do, in a way that gets you noticed, by those you want to buy from you.

“When you see most of your associates or most of your contemporaries or competitors in business or most of the people in the country, headed in one direction, go off by yourself in some quiet place, preferably the sort of place where you can commune with nature, and ask yourself this question : Why are they going in that direction?” – James S. Kemper

Below: Photo of my 4 Year Old Son, T-Boy, beating his talking drum

(See short video clip of him under the photo. He’s in love with drumming and has been watching Talking Drum tutorial videos on Youtube lol)


Tayo Solagbade's Performance Improvement IDEAS(PI Squared) Newsletter

Tayo Solagbade’s
Performance Improvement 
(PI Squared) Newsletter

Monday 2nd July 2018

Logo - Tayo Solagbade's Self-Development Academy

NB: This PI Squared newsletter will be published weekly, on Mondays, in place of the Speaking/Web Marketing IDEAS newsletter, starting from today – 15th February 2016.
 I’m reinventing my Monday newsletter content and theme, to accommodate my vision of serving the growing audience of serious minded individuals and organizations reaching out to me, with information, education. news and research findings designed to help them do what they do better.


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PII 124: Proven Secret to Drum Up Attention for Your Business at Zero Cost

It is my experience based opinion that the key to long term low/zero cost marketing success is being different – by setting yourself apart from the crowd of others who do what you do, in a way that gets you noticed, by those you want to buy from you.

“When you see most of your associates or most of your contemporaries or competitors in business or most of the people in the country, headed in one direction, go off by yourself in some quiet place, preferably the sort of place where you can commune with nature, and ask yourself this question : Why are they going in that direction?” – James S. Kemper

Below: Photo of my 4 Year Old Son, T-Boy, beating his talking drum

(See short video clip of him under the photo. He’s in love with drumming and has been watching Talking Drum tutorial videos on Youtube lol)


The talking drum is unique – it is like no other musical instrument, anywhere in the world!

Indeed, it is an iconic musical instrument famously used by people belonging to the Yoruba culture (to which I belong).

In traditional African society, this unique drum is widely recognized as being useful for communicating messages to discerning audiences, using an intricate combination of musical notes that skilled drummers are able to produce from it.

In other words, the talking drummer is successful in getting his/her message across when s/he has access to an audience that understands how to interpret the sounds s/he makes.

If you think about it, you’ll see that the same logic applies in the process of communication that happens in business marketing.

The marketer who succeeds is the one who is able to make those who hear his/her message correctly understand it, such that they go on to take the action s/he wants them to take e.g make enquiry, subscribe, and/or buy.

One instrument I have found enables cost effective and efficient marketing in terms of time, effort, money and resources used, is what I call a Web Marketing System (WMS).

As a web based sales leads generation tool, I have found that it works best when used to complement other marketing efforts the business owner may choose to make – on or off the web.

The process for developing and implementing a WMS is different from what other conventional methods typically entail.

For each client, the steps to be followed must be adapted to suit his/her peculiar circumstances.

For that to happen, I must understand what s/he and his/her brand are about. To gain those insights, I use a Content Generation Questionnaire, which the client fills and returns to me.

His/her responses then provide me a basis to intelligently create promotional marketing content for use in his/her WMS.

Many clients hire me when I explain the above process that I employ, to them, using the offer page (which features a mind map), and a video presentation I send via email.

Most clients often point out that what I offer is different from what they’ve been exposed to, and/or what other “experts” have told them.

Based on that, some challenge me, questioning the reliability of my approach.

And I welcome that – because it gives me a better opportunity to explain to them, in details how my approach offers them superior benefits – and for the long term too.

However, I do not accept to work for clients who refuse to objectively evaluate the potential value of adopting my method.

Except I fail to discover they have issues accepting to be guided by me, I would rather walk away from projects such prospective clients offer, regardless of how much it may be worth.

If a client is NOT willing to believe in your ability to help him/her, you may have major difficulties getting his/her cooperation to get your work done to the desired standard.

My strong belief in myself, and the methods I’ve developed via hard work and sweat have helped me defeat adversity countless times, to succeed in winning sales from buyers of all kinds.

Here’s a quote that reinforced my beliefs about sticking to and acting based on my intuition and convictions, regarding solutions I developed, like the WMS:

“…to become a successful entrepreneur, you must not be overly concerned about what others think of you or your ideas…A singular quality that all these entrepreneurs had was the ability to think a bit differently from those around them. ..Your fragile idea for a new entreprise will quickly become the subject of ridicule from those around you. It has always been so. No sane person thought Henry Ford’s invention could be anything more than a gimmick. You are in good company when your ideas draw doubt of scorn.” – James R. Cook, in his New York Times bestseller titled “The Startup Entrepreneur”

Quite often, people who balk at using a WMS the way I recommend tend to be people who lack enough confidence in themselves to deliberately stand out from the crowd in marketing their brands.

The need to be different if you want to achieve success beyond what you see others record, cannot be overemphasized.

My ability to succeed in using my WMS to sell my products and services to buyers in and out of Africa, GREW out of the unshakeable self-confidence I have ALWAYS had in myself/

That was what made it easy for me to embrace the idea of standing out from the crowd, to do my marketing.

For every client who engages me, I make it clear to them that their willingness to adopt a similar disposition to promoting their brands would determine how well we work together, and ultimately how successful the project is.

Sadly, every now and then I come across clients, who just do not get it.

And I feel so sorry for them.

The fear of doing things differently holds them captive. So they shy away from letting me help them develop the WMS in a way that helps to drum up awareness about their products and services.

They fear blowing their trumpets, which is what the WMS intelligently does for you – and that attitude holds them back.

My advice: Do NOT make the mistake these people described above make.

Avoid following the crowd. A herd mentality often hurts more than it helps – especially where business marketing is concerned, because it makes you do things others are doing.

That makes it hard to get results different from what they get!

Many times the result is that you end up looking like others, making it hard to get noticed by your desired target audience.

Marketing that works is marketing that gets you noticed and talked about!

Richard Branson has been showing the world how to do it for decades – using his David vs. Goliath philosophy, and extraordinarily creative publicity stunts, to out-market larger companies even when his business was much smaller.

I continue to study and learn from him.

That process has helped me think up smart ways to get more done, with less effort, in less time, and using less money/resources.

As a result I am able to offer premium solutions at competitive prices, with bonuses that potential competitors find hard to match e.g my FREE 1 Year Web Marketing Support Service.

“Talk good about me. Talk bad about me. Just talk about me!” – Author Unknown

A WMS will help you get talked about, and one way or another that will generate buzz in various ways, which you can exploit to generate sales leads, if you know how. Need help? Click here to ask me.

[OFFER] Attract High Quality Buyers At Zero Cost: Become a member of my Web Marketing for CEOs club

Click here to learn how you can join my Web Marketing for CEOs club, and get my 1 year Web Marketing Support Service

Excel-VB Driven Ration Formulator

Click to view larger screenshot

1. Click here to learn more about this app – watch demo videos etc

2.Click here to watch a 4 part video in which I demonstrate how to use this app to formulate rations using real life data sent to me by an Algerian PhD student.

Click here to contact me about purchasing this product.


Click here to download a detailed PDF user guide and watch 15 screen shot user guide tutorials of the Monthly Poultry Farm Manager that I now offer Farm CEOs.

Click here to watch a screenshot demonstration of the Excel-VB Driven Poultry Farm Manager I built for a client farm business in Ekiti state, South West Nigeria.

Click here to contact me about purchasing this product.

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