Tag Archives: How to Use Best Practice Design to Track Expense Totals

[EXCEL HEAVEN VIDEO] Part 7 – Using In-Cell Drop Down Menus to Offer Users Access to Name Lists etc | How to Use Best Practice Design to Track Expense Totals

NB: See email (sent to club members) to download and watch the 2 part video tutorial for this week, which continues from that for last week.

In Part 1 demonstrate how in-cell drop down menus, like those created last week, for safely choosing dates from a list, can be used to offer users access to other list types e.g list of names etc.
In part 2 I demonstrate how to apply best practice worksheet design considerations in adding TOTALS  to columns in the expense section of the Imprest cashbook. This is done in a way that enables the user quickly, easily and conveniently reconcile the changing totals for each columnwith those in the paper source (e.g ledger) as s/he posts the data into the cells.
The example workbook used to create this week’s video tutorial was also emailed to Excel Heaven Club members.
