Tag Archives: 27 Ways to Make Money From Your Small Farm

[RECOMMENDED] 27 Ways to Make Money From Your Small Farm

Over the past decade, working as a Digital Multipreneur (click to see my book), one message I’ve hammered on to clients in various industries, is the need to make generation of MULTIPLE STREAMS OF INCOME a habit they adopt and NEVER grow out of.

The World's Future Prosperity Depends On Digital Multipreneurs™
An objective look at those who achieve income earning longevity in any area of endeavour in today’s world makes it crystal clear that THAT is the secret to ensuring you achieve and maintain long term financial success and independence.

Even footballers and other sports persons understand the need to live a life based on multiple income streams generation.

That’s why we hear of many famous athletes who own businesses they run in their spare time (or that they hire trusted others to run for them). Many go on to retire into those established businesses thereby ensuring the income earning capacity needed to maintain their preferred lifestyle long after they stop competing.

Farm CEOs need to understand that many valuable opportunities exist for them to add to the base income they earn from selling their main farm products.

Too often I have found many of them excessively focussed on making money from their main farm ventures, so that they completely miss the glaring opportunities to reap potentially lucrative financial and other useful benefits from exploring alternative ways to generate income from the SAME farm business.

And that’s why I find this article, that I recommend via a linked preview below, quite instructive.

The money making ideas suggested are readily adaptable for use in farm businesses in more or less any socioeconomic environment – be it in a developed or developing society.

I therefore urge you to read it with an open mind, and let your creative mind kick in to think up ways you can apply them to meet your unique farm business needs.

You have NOTHING to lose, and so much to gain by doing so!


27 Ways to Make Money From Your Small Farm

You are no longer just a farmer, you are an entrepreneur.

Mary is an organic coconut farmer. In her articles, she shares ideas on land management and how to increase the profit from a small farm.

Read full article at https://toughnickel.com/self-employment/small-farms
