PII 186 – TRUE STORY: Real Life Sales Conversation – New Farm CEO Client Agrees to Support My Old Client to Startup Catfish Farm via Barter Exchange Arrangement [AUDIO PODCAST]

In the audio Podcast linked below, I share with members of my clients and subscriber groups, LIVE recordings from a sales conversation I had with a new Catfish Farm CEO client I signed up last week – specifically on the 16th January 2020.

NB: If you’re reading this on my blog, the link provided below leads to a web form you need to fill to request download access to the audio podcast file.



At the time when we had the conversation, this new client had yet to signup, of course. But some hours later, he did signup by making the agreed payment.

We however had a special arrangement – indeed some of you have done business with me in the manner in which he and I have just consummated a relationship.

And that has to do with doing business via a partial barter exchange.

Briefly, he agreed to provide FREE training and consultancy support for another client of mine – a Club ZERO member – who having unexpectedly lost his job over a year ago, had expressed – to me via WhatsApp – the desire to start a micro to small Home Based/Backyard Catfish Farm business venture, but lacked funds.

Along with the link to the audio podcast, I have provided screenshots – SEE BELOW  – from chats and emails we exchanged.

I share the audio recordings to give you deeper insights, into how I leverage my Digital Cash Flow Generating Assets (DCFGAs) to achieve multiple goals at the same time, often at low to zero cost.

And I point out the fact that I am by so doing achieving what I have (in a previous article from 2019) referred to as “Silent Success”.

Hopefully you will be inspired to explore using the same strategy to get more done, with less effort, in less time, using fewer resources and at lower – or even ZERO – cost.

Let me know if you have questions or require clarification.

Screenshot: WhatsApp message in which my old client asked for help with starting a Catfish Farm Business




Below: Screenshots from WhatsApp chat with the new Catfish Farm CEO client when he requested for a discount…until he paid the token we agreed to kick off the Barter Exchange arrangement








Below: Screenshots of Welcome Email I sent him…







Below: Screenshots of WhatsApp chat with the old client I arranged for the new client to help startup a Catfish Farm on Micro to Small scale










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