[PDF Agribusiness Research Paper] Adoption of PC-Based Feed Formulation Methods by Farmers, Feed Manufacturers and Extension Professionals, in South West Nigeria – Complete my Questionnaire Survey & Download FREE PDF Copy

Image: [Annotated] Cover of Agribusiness Research Paper I got paid to write in December 2013 by a European Union funded NGO based in Holland. It’s titled “Adoption of PC-Based Feed Formulation Methods by Farmers, Feed Manufacturers and Extension Professionals, in South West Nigeria.”

Image: [Annotated] Cover of Agribusiness Research Paper I got paid to write in December 2013 by a European Union funded NGO based in Holland. It's titled 'Adoption of PC-Based Feed Formulation Methods by Farmers, Feed Manufacturers and Extension Professionals, in South West Nigeria.'

In this article, I explain how you can get a FREE personalized copy emailed to you.

Since sending the promised copies to subscribers/clients who helped complete my questionnaire survey for the 2013 paper, I have periodically given out personalized copies of the FREE (PC screen viewing ONLY) version of it to Farm CEOs who contact me.

I do this to share my findings with them – and also to BUILD relationships that enable me stay connected with real practicing farm CEOs.

I began doing the above, following the experience had in the course of preparing the paper…

I recall being asked to supply detailed information about the farm owner data I used (including their contact details).

Luckily for me, I had elaborate details on EACH of my Farm CEO clients because they had all used my website contact form to reach out to me before buying…and I had downloaded their submitted data for preparing their PDF invoices.

But the fact that those details were requested, woke me up to the realization that the credibility of my paper depended on how REAL those I claimed to have sold my app to turned out to be.

As you may have guessed, since I got paid, that did NOT turn out to be a problem.

However, that experience made me setup a system to verify the status of every enquirer or buyer I take on…

It is for this reason that today, when a new prospect reaches out to me online, asking about buying any of my solutions, the first thing I do is request that s/he give me a date and time I (and mobile phone number if s/he sends a direct email, and does NOT use the contact form).

This is so that I can call him/her to ask a few questions. I make it clear that ONLY after I have asked my questions, and gotten the answers I need, will I be willing to respond to his/her enquiries about my product price, payment options etc.

I do this even with international enquirers.

As you can imagine, this approach is rather counter intuitive, since my business purpose is to make sales…!

However, the experience I had with above mentioned NGO made me realize it was important to establish the identity, and other key details about each person that reaches out to me.

That way, I will be able to speak more intelligently, and accurately, about the results I am getting.

Interestingly, I estimated that 7 times out of 10, the enquiries have gone on to buy from me, AFTER we’re done talking – and I’ve emailed them my responses to their enquiries.

In fact, what I have noticed is that my insistence on calling them, even when I know it will cost me, and I’m not sure they will buy,. actually inspires more confidence about doing business with me in their minds.

One of the things I make clear to them is that my calling at my own expense is NOT designed to put them under pressure to buy.

Instead I tell them I do it to be sure who I’m talking to, what s/he does by way of farming (or what s/he plans to do etc), how long s/he has been doing it, what size of operation etc.

Apart from getting those details, the way s/he responds to those questions also gives me a good idea of how familiar s/he is with the business. And that helps me in responding to the enquiry, especially in giving suggestions and advice on what to buy etc.

For instance, when I ask if s/he asked for the price for my Ration Formulator software, I would ask during my call, if s/he has a sound understanding of the science of feed formulation and practical compounding.

If s/he says NO, or does not come across as sure, I go on to recommend that s/he consider buying the Feed Formulation Handbook to go with the software – so that s/he can LEARN the needed theoretical principles that guide formulation of performance boosting rations for his/her animals.

Today, I have Farm CEO buyers of my apps who I called at my own expense in places like the Philippines, Tanzania, Uganda, Mexico, London and many MANY states across Nigeria.

It is for this reason that I have now decided to routinely request ANY willing Farm CEOs (whether or not you are a buyer), to help complete the same questionnaire survey I used for the research study.

This is so I can continue reviewing the data, to gain deeper and more potentially useful insights into the trends.

For every Farm CEO who is able to send me a completed questionnaire, I will send him/her a personalized copy of the Agribusiness paper as a thank you gift.

If the above offer interests you, click here to let me know, and I will send you the questionnaire.

PS: Click the links below, to read articles I wrote in which I mentioned commencing and progressing work on this research paper assignment – including announcing when I finished it and got paid.

1. http://tayosolagbade.com/sdnuggets/no-119-how-to-achieve-success-in-any-field-true-story/ [Written after I completed the project and just got paid]

2. http://tayosolagbade.com/sdnuggets/dont-just-tell-kids-to-do-be-an-exemplary-role-model/ [Written after the article above]

3. http://tayosolagbade.com/sdnuggets/no-111-farm-business-owners-can-speak-to-influence-research/ [Written when I was still working on the project]


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