Giving Bribes Can Make You Money, But Ultimately Sorry

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Do you give bribes – or are you considering giving to some persons(s) who asked?


If yes, I urge you to STOP right now and read this piece to understand why you’re better off NOT getting involved in doing it!


No one can make me give him/her a bribe to get ANYTHING I want – no matter how badly I need whatever that thing may be.


This has been my mental attitude and disposition all my adult life, from paid employment till date.


And it will NEVER change. Ever.


Even if you appeared to me with angelic-wings floating and glowing with a halo above your head, and assured me “God” would approve, I would still not be moved – because I have profited and progressed all my life by adhering with unflinching devotion to the universally applicable non-religious rules set by the Creator.


Giving bribes is one guaranteed way to run foul of those universal laws set by the creator, and it could lock you into a series of unpleasant consequences, which often – ironically – do not occur immediately.


I know that nothing good ever comes of breaking those rules.


Indeed, as I’ve hinted above, my experiences and achievements in life prove that the path I’ve chosen (not to ever give bribes) leads to multiple rewards.


Which is why I’m recommending it here.


Among other negatives, giving bribes, especially when it becomes a habit, destroys one’s sense of right and wrong.


It kills the conscience and makes one lose respect for law and order as well as the rights of others.


Simply put, you begin to feel, think and believe you can do – and get away with virtually anything by “buying your way through”.


You become a “monster” of sorts:




It takes being a monster to feel, think and act that way.


You do NOT need to look like one: that’s why we have some outwardly good looking people with terrible character.


The worst part is what giving bribes does to your self-confidence:


You lose the moral courage to speak with confidence in public to correct bad behaviour by others.


You live in fear that your indiscretions will be exposed.


In essence you lose your voice, and become a prisoner of your “secrets”.


You become prone to blackmail by those who know what you know about yourself.


What a terribly unfulfilling way to live!


That’s why I know I will never stoop so low as to give or accept a bribe of any amount to or from anybody!

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