[FREE PDF DOWNLOAD] Screenshot PDF Userguide for Excel-VB Driven Monthly Poultry Farm Manager™ – Created by Tayo K. Solagbade

SDAc’s Excel-VB Driven Monthly Poultry Farm Manager™: Created by Tayo K. Solagbade

The Poultry Farm Manager app works with MS Excel 2007 & above. But it can be modified to work with lower Excel versions

This PDF guide is for the mini “Monthly” version of my Poultry Farm Manager app which has been built as a more pocket-friendly alternative to the original, more advanced version which is a bit pricey.

I’m keen to get smallholder farmers familiar with using smart applications like my Enterprise Information Systems (EIS), to handle their daily farm business data recording, and report generations.

NB: Tayo is the author of the popular Feed Formulation Handbook and developer of the Excel-VB Ration Formulator at www.iff.tayosolagbade.com/wp or www.thefarmceo.net

Below: Screenshots of the first 4 pages of the PDF userguide for the app. Click here to request a copy.







Watch 16 Screenshot User guide Video Tutorials for this app here (click now)


This Custom Automated Excel VB Entreprise Information System (EIS) was developed by Tayo Solagbade for SDA’s Creative Business Solutions arm (CB Studio) using MS Excel® & Visual Basic for Applications.

CB Studio help clients harness Technology & the Internet to do what they do with less effort, time and MONEY thereby increasing their profits.

Our Excel Visual Basic applications are FULLY customisable and applicable to a wide variety of uses – this package being just one of many examples.

What do you do with MS Excel that you wish you could do quicker and moreaccurately? Email/tell us via info@thefarmceo.net

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