[DVAM] Woman As Aggressor: The Unspoken Truth Of Domestic Violence [There’s something very important that we’re not talking about when we talk about domestic violence. by Edward Rhymes]

I continue my STOP Domestic Violence Against Men (DVAM) Campaign by featuring this powerfully eye opening report about a serious aspect of the Domestic Violence epidemic that most of society is missing – but thankfully, MORE and MORE experts are beginning to identify and call attention to i.e. that women have been found, many times to BE the abuser in cases of DV, and we need to address SUCH situations!

Woman As Aggressor: The Unspoken Truth Of Domestic Violence [There’s something very important that we’re not talking about when we talk about domestic violence.  by Edward Rhymes]

Let’s put this into perspective: a significant amount of the findings regarding male-as-victim intimate partner violence came about as the result of studies and surveys that were aimed at understanding domestic violence against women. These are not studies conducted by rabid anti-women men’s groups or right-wing think tanks. They were conducted by organizations like the Centers for Disease Control, National Institutes of Health, the American Sociological Association, Psychology of Women Quarterly and the American Journal of Public Health, to name a few.

Read full report:


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