Download 37 Archived Editions of The Farm CEO Newspaper (8thJune2015 -15thFeb2016)

Like I said earlier this year, all my Farm CEO clients (i.e farm business owners who make purchases from me – from a certain lower limit upwards) will get instant lifetime subscription to The Farm CEO Newspaper.

The screenshot below shows ALL 37 issues published in PDF format since I launched it mid 2015, about 8 months ago.


As I continued publishing it, I discovered that new clients who joined my network often added new perspective to ideas I had about editorial content to publish next.

Indeed, at a point, some clients made requests for certain kinds of information, that I had to search for on their behalf, which convinced me to adopt this strategy of giving non-expiring subscriptions to all clients.

Since it came into effect, I’ve gotten more responses to the content published – for obvious reasons.

Since my goal is to use this newspaper to HELP Farm CEOs grow their businesses, it only makes sense to continue with a strategy that’s eliciting useful feed back from them.

Now, if you’re a client and are NOT aware of it, let me inform you that as a member of my Cost-Saving Farm Business Ideas Club, you are entitled to contact me to help you research a subject or topic related to your business.

Just call me to let me know what you have in mind. It’s even possible I’ve already compiled such material for a previous client and will simply need to send them across to you.

For those interested in getting access to the archived PDF versions of The Farm CEO, click here to send me a request.

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