Deriving Poultry Ration: Thinking Of Using Cotton Seed meal, Sunflower Cake and Blood Meal? What You Need to Check For [Part 2 of FGB Episode 53]

This video from the multi-part tutorial series for my new Farm CEO client is Part 2 of FGB Episode 53*

In this video I continue discussion of key considerations for choosing some alternative feed ingredients to use in ration formulation. This is especially with regard to the potential impact they can have on how well the derived ration is received by the target animal.

Click to play the video and learn more.

Feed formulation is not just about doing calculations. You need to understand the dynamics of interaction between nutrients contained in the different ingredients you choose to use. A good example is the challenge of minimizing potentially negative impact of anti-nutritional – and other – factors in some ingredients on the final ration that is delivered to your animals.

Without a sound understanding of the theory of the science of feed formulation, it can be difficult to strike the needed balance to derive a ration formula that works. This is why I ALWAYS recommend that clients LEARN Feed Formulation before attempting to do any serious feed formulation and compounding.

Play the video to listen and learn more.



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Profitable Buyers” and I’ll answer them in my Podcast that will be posted on Sundays and Wednesdays.

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