Custom Spreadsheet Applications Are NOT Only for Accounting or Financial Reporting [Hint: Case Study of Tayo Solagbade’s Excel-VB Poultry Farm Manager – an Entreprise Information System]

The video screenshot below (click here to watch it) is of an Excel-VB spreadsheet software (called Poultry Farm Manager™) that I built – in 2014 – for a large poultry layer farm in Ekiti state, Southwest Nigeria, owned by a Nigerian diplomat, who was then based in a Francophone West African nation.


In 2009, I built the very first version of that app, for a 12,000 layer farm in Ogun State, also in South West Nigeria – owned by an entrepreneurial client couple.

Over they years, I’ve gotten lots of attention for this singular app, confirming my gut level instinct that smallholder Farm CEOs across the world are generally neglected in terms of their data handling and report generation for timely/accurate decision making needs.

But – contrary to assumptions made by some of the farm business owners who come to me, this Poultry Farm Manager app is NOT an accounting application.

Yes, it does income and expense recording and reports weekly, monthly and annually as indicated in the video.

However its main purpose is to record daily operations data so as to auto-generate Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for determining how well the animals are doing on a DAILY basis.

As data is punched in, the automated charts are instantly plotted for KPIs like feeding rates, Hen Day Percentage, Mortality Rate; Feed to Egg Conversion Ratio.

The trend of the charted data quickly tells you if there’s anything to worry about. And you can then take corrective action.

I call my applications of this kind “Enterprise Information Systems” (EIS).

This Poultry Farm Manager spreadsheet application originally catered for poultry layers farm operations…

But following inquiries/requests from Farm CEOs reaching out to me from within and outside Africa; I have since included an interface that handles data entry and report generation for a broiler operation.

This includes auto-generation of feeding rate, feed to flesh conversion ratio, mortality rate, growth rate etc, on a daily, weekly, monthly and annual basis.

Those are the KPIs it measures.

What custom spreadsheet software solution or “Enterprise Information Systems” (EIS) do YOU need?

I have a vision to help small holder farmers (and  other businesses) adopt intelligent and cost-effective custom software solutions to manage their farm business more profitably for the long term.

This is why I’m being deliberate in finding the RIGHT clients to work with. It’s NOT a matter of how much money you’re willing to pay, but how committed you will be to making  use of the solution developed to solve a real life problem you have, in a way that it can be used to help others.

If the above describes YOU, fill and submit the form on the page linked here (click).

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