Category Archives: Writing/Blogging

Do Short Articles Always Perform Better? Really?

This post is probably going to be a bit controversial, because I actually end up advocating a line of action at variance with what many “recognised” blogging and article marketing experts appear to favour.

Well, I guess I just have to be true to my (contrarian) self :-)

Some Say 700 Words Maximum, Or Your Article Will Fail

Over the past six years or so, as I actively used article syndication (and more recently blogging) to promote my products and services, I have periodically come across articles and blog posts recommending that writers aim for 400 to 700 word length for their write-ups.

There are apparent benefits to be had from adhering to this rule.

For instance, the 400 to 700 word length is said to meet the needs of the typical impatient or click happy internet reader with an appetite for instant gratification.

(They say…) She does not want to read through volumes to get to the meat of your content.

(They say…) Quite often, she would have found your article via an online search. That would imply she would most likely be looking for answers to specific questions, and may have other search results to read through.

(They say…) Therefore, if your article is “too long” I.e over 700 words, she could regard the prospect of reading it as a waste of time.

Now, proponents of the above school of thought argue that following this rule will not only make readers fall in love with your writing, but that you’re also likely to have more publishers willing to syndicate your write-ups in their newsletters etc – because of the “brevity”.

I should add here, that many of those who advocate this view are regarded as experts, and recognised for their achievements as writers on the web.

But I Argue That Their Reasoning Is Not Generally Applicable

I have never questioned or quarrelled with the above mentioned line of thinking.

But I also have never accepted it, talk less of letting it influence my writing habit significantly.

And before now, I never really considered writing to share my contrarian perspective on the subject.

However, a few days ago, I came across a blog post by a highly recognised article marketing expert, and one additional reason he gave as providing justification for sticking to a maximum 700 word length article simply did not go down well with me.

He claimed anything longer would bore readers, and could over time make them lose interest in reading more writing by the guilty author.


Well, I beg to disagree.

I explain why I differ below, and propose the adoption of a more balanced perspective that will enable business writers get more beneficial rewards for the writing they do.

This Faulty Reasoning Is The Possible Result Of Tunnel Vision

We must be careful to avoid letting “expert status” make us develop tunnel vision, or “one-track” minds.

Those who insist on the 700 word limit are guilty of making the above error.

Here’s Why I Say So:

It is important to ALWAYS remember that there are different kinds of readers online.

The kind(s) that choose to read your writing may not ALL have the same needs.

And THAT (i.e their individual needs) is really what will determine how they react to the length of anything you write.

This is where, I believe, the experts I disagree with are getting it wrong.

They assume only one kind of reader exists and that her needs are unchanging.

Not so in the real online world.
I’ve given this matter a lot of thought, and I suspect that the experts who argue for the 700 word limit are viewing the issue mainly from the perspective of “readers” who are “web publishers” looking for content to republish or syndicate.

Now, if you as a business person, are writing with the primary motive of getting your stuff republished/syndicated, then of course the 700 word limit rule could hurt your prospects if you flout it.

However, many business people who write are often looking to kill as many birds with one “article writing” stone as possible.

Take me for example.

Since 2006 I’ve enjoyed the multiple benefits of having my writing republished (recently I began earning income for some of that), even as many of my articles directly led prospective clients and customers back to me, resulting in sales of my products and services.

Interestingly, less than ten of the over 200 articles I’ve written are less than 1,000 words in length.

Indeed, most of my best performing articles in terms of page views and also sales leads generation have been at least 1,500 words long!

However, if the criterion of having those articles picked up for syndication is considered, most of those same articles would be judged to have performed poorly.

But then the question I ask is:

If my article generates decent sales leads for me in line with my business goal, what do I care if more publishers fail to use it? It really does not bother me.

It could of course be argued that more syndication would translate to increased exposure, and ultimately more of the leads and sales I want.

And that would be true, to some extent.

However, I believe a business person’s primary obligation – when writing – is to her target audience of prospective clients and customers.

And not to the “middle man” content publisher whose drive to optimise space capital in his medium can result in your being unable to deliver impact-FULL content to your target reader, in a way that would make them contact you for business.


Let’s dispense with my use of a personal example.

Consider instead, the following real world relevant analogy of a childless couple desperately searching online for alternative medical solutions to their problem, after all doctors they’ve seen have told them there’s no hope.

If a Google search produced a link to a 2,000 word article about a number of new procedures touted to offer potential breakthroughs, do you think that couple would mind reading every single word in that article to learn more?

I’m sure you believe – like I do – that they would not mind at all!

And even if they were in a “hurry”, printing out the valuable article, or saving it to a flash drive (if no printer) are options the couple would readily consider – for obvious reasons.

But what if they stumbled upon a 700 word article that featured similar findings about the same new procedures described in the 2,000 word article?

Do you think they would drop the longer article in favour of the shorter one?

I doubt it.

And that’s because people looking for answers or solutions to real problems they (or those they love) are facing, are rarely fussy about learning as much as they can about what they can do to elimimate the problem!

Publishers who come across the 700 word version of the childless couple’s article are however more likely to prefer it to the 2,000 word version, because they have a different use in mind for it.

Now, consider the fact that many other couples and publishers are likely to see both article versions while searching online, and the point I’m making should become clearer to you.

In other words, individual readers will respond differently to your writing based on their “felt needs”.

Final Words: Make Your Articles As Long As They Need To Be

“Need” as used above being the operative word.

Business writers must strive to write as concisely as possible, without sacrificing completeness of their content.

The tendency to be “wordy” in my writing is one that I continually work hard to overcome.

However, the name recognition, leads generation and selling success that my writing has so far brought me, serves as a firm reminder that many (“non-publisher”) readers put QUALITY of content offered by a business writer well ahead of her ability to stay within a 700 maximum word limit.

As I have shown in this write-up, different kinds of readers, with different needs, will independently evaluate your individual articles in terms of their value adding potential.

And each reader will choose the version that she considers more useful in addressing her felt needs.

Word length is therefore unlikely to always be the over riding determinant of how readers respond to an article or how well it performs.

What’s your opinion on this?

PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT COACHING: Achieve Your Goals & Resolutions, Regardless of Adversity!

Do you want to learn how to finish anything you start, with worthwhile results to show for it?

Would you like to be able to set and achieve valued goals in your life regardless of delays, disappointments and setbacks you encounter?

If YES, then rest assured that you’re in the right place, and I CAN help you achieve the above – and a lot more.

Starting today (5th December 2012), I offer YOU access to my confidential paid coaching/consulting service.

When it comes to getting results no matter what goes wrong, under some of the most difficult and frustrating socioeconomic situations imaginable, my track record of achievements readily attest to my competence.

Reading through the experience based posts and articles on this blog for starters, will give you an idea of the depth of insight and know-how I can give you.

You need someone who knows what it takes to relentlessly climb back up after being knocked down countless times, until he reaches his goal.

That, IS me.

You need the help of a person whose unique versatility as a multipreneur equips him to appreciate issues you face from YOUR unique perspective.

Again, me.

You can make your dreams come true, if you choose the right coach to guide and support you.

I can help you, using my Spontaneous Coaching technique, developed and refined over the past fifteen years.

Your age, gender, education, country etc do NOT matter.

What matters is your interest, desire, passion, purpose and vision.

You most likely currently struggle to achieve your goals because you LACK access to information and guidance that can help you to:

(1). eliminate trial and error

(2). Identify potentially viable ways to get the results you want as quickly as possible.

With my help, you can quickly learn what to do, and how to do it.

I offer paid email and telephone based (as well as face to face) coaching/consulting that can help you take the guesswork out of what you’re trying to do.

Understand that I do NOT need to know the technicalities of your work or vocation.

My role will simply be to guide you to take needed steps as and when due, to achieve the outcomes you desire.

My past accomplishments from successfully delivering customised solutions to clients in widely differing industries (hotels, hospitals, consulting, health and fitness, manufacuring, real estate etc) prove that my multipreneurial aptitude equips me to understand, and adapt to different subject matter quite easily.

In other words, it is a valuable asset that benefits my clients.

And it will benefit you, if you choose to let me help you.

There is so much you need to know and do, in order to competently go after, and achieve, your challenging life goals.

I am a proven goal getter in my personal and work lives from my days as a student, through 7 years in paid employment and over the past 10 years as an entrepreneur.

In many cases my work speaks so well for me, that I do not need to say more. Learn more about me here.

I can show you how to achieve your own goals the way I do mine, even in the face of multiple daunting obstacles. You CAN become unstoppable!

Let me help you work out a real-world relevant ACTION plan, that provides ready-to-use remedies to setbacks and other forms of temporary defeat you are bound to encounter as you pursue your goals.

I can offer you experience based suggestions that can help you evolve smarter action plans, and ultimately make the most of the challenges you’ll have to face.

If you did not find this page yourself, it’s likely I sent you the link after you contacted me about my mentoring.

Here’s How You Get Started With Me…

In order to coach anyone, I must evaluate the quality of their drive, determination and CONVICTION by requiring them to take an initial leap of faith by sending me:

N20,000 (Twenty Thousand Naira) for an initial remote telephone consultation lasting 15 to 30 minutes.

If you’re not ready to do this, stop reading now. I cannot work with anyone unwilling to take the above first step.

If you’re ready to take that leap of faith, I offer you more details:

Note that the N20k you send is 100% refundable, IF you go ahead to signup for my full coaching program.

To help you maximise value from that initial consultation with me , I always recommend sending key questions or concerns in written form at least 5 days ahead of the session.

As a gesture of goodwill, I provide for every client, written responses where relevant and approriate, to each one, and send via email as PDF and MP3 audio to you before the session date.

This will enable you ask other questions or request more details/clarification by the time you call to speak with me.

At the end of the session, you’ll likely have greater clarity about what you should be doing specifically to achieve your purpose.

Only after that will coaching become relevant.

Let me repeat myself: The initial consultation session (which I call “Situation Analysis”) will help me evaluate your needs, and based on that, I’ll then propose a custom coaching program for you, with required investment (recall you’ll be able to deduct 100% of your initial N20k consultation payment if you choose to sign up for full coaching).

So, what will you do now? I recommend you ask yourself:

“Can I afford to proceed on this important journey without RELIABLE support and guidance?”

Think about that…

To get started with me, send a request for payment details using this contact form using “Re: Spontaneous Coaching Initial Consultation request” in the subject line.

They Falsely Accused & Physically Assaulted Me…But Ended Up In Police Custody! (True Story)

What you are about to read is an abridged version of a true story I originally published as a downloable PDF on my website back in January 2012. That PDF contains the detailed account of a nasty life threatening experience I suffered between 7.40p.m and 11.30 pm on Wednesday 18th January 2012. The event took place in a busy area on the outskirts of Lagos-Nigeria. Names have been changed, to protect the identities of those involved.

Some say publishing this story exposes me to ridicule, & could affect my reputation. I don’t care, as long as it can SAVE others from a similar nasty experience. Pass this report ON to as many others as possible. You could save someone’s life! – Tayo Solagbade

Why Did I Make It So Long?

My wife asked me why I made my narration this detailed (the full PDF is 14 pages long). I could not explain it then. I had  just kept on typing until I felt drained of anything else to say! On reflection, I realized that I just felt a need to get it all out.

Interestingly, I later discovered that the process of writing it down had a greatly therapeutic effect on me.

Many writers will confirm that writing provides a safe outlet for "venting". That’s why it’s been said that writers often tend to write for themselves, just as much as we write for our readers. Indeed most times we write FIRST for ourselves!

It is for the above reason that this post has been placed in the Writing/Blogging category – even as I’ve added it to the Self-Development category as well. You can download the FULL PDF version of this write-up from here.

It Happened To Me. It Could Happen To Anyone!

Now, let me point out that I’m no “Aje butter”  or what the Americans would call “Spring Chicken”. (I’m 5ft 11inches tall, and reasonably built up, and also physically fit). On the contrary, I’m the kind of guy some people have described as a tough b*****d or S.O.B. Those who know me will tell you that the last thing anyone can call me is squeamish.

That’s one reason why I managed to survive that experience, to the extent of ensuring the culprits were made to answer for their misdeeds. I dare say that the average person would have caved in within minutes of being subjected to the physical abuse and malicious mind games I was exposed to, during those four or so hours.

I have been in and out of many tough/dangerous situations in my life, since I was a teenager. Brushes with robbers, gangs, area boys/thugs and the likes are NOT strange to me. In other words, I am fairly street smart, even if I say so myself.

See the “I’m No Stranger To Conflict or Crisis: Some Past Encounters” section on page 14 of the FULL PDF version of this write-up, to understand what I mean. If it could happen to me, with all my "street-smartness", then what I describe in this report could happen to YOU. Indeed, I am convinced it has happened to others, but maybe not people you and I know. Only crimes that are reported in the news and documented by Police etc, usually get known by the general public.

Deep reflection on the way this group of conniving miscreants/thugs operated has convinced me of the importance of WARNING others to be aware of this potential threat to their well being.

A WORD OF CAUTION: Please do not dismiss this story. I strongly urge you to take a few moments to read it, and note the lessons to be had. If not for yourself, do it for your loved ones – children, friends, colleagues and relatives, who may NOT be as "worldly" or "savvy" as you feel you are.

Share THIS with as many others as you can – in your homes, offices, communities, schools, churches, mosques, clubs and every social group you have access to. Doing so may just save someone’s life. To be forewarned, as they say, is to be fore-armed!

Characters (Names changed to protect their identities):

Afeetal: 20 year old girl, who accused Me of stealing N3,000.00 worth of N100 MTN cards.

Baba: The owner of the house in which the shop is located, along the busy road where it all happened. He is also Afeetal’s father.

Mama: Baba’s wife, who was seated at the entrance to the shop when I arrived. It would later be revealed that Mama had a severe stroke a while back and was no longer aware of her surroundings. As a result, she could not be called as a witness.

Lagbaja: A young chap, under 20 years who was in the shop to buy a card, when the drama began.

Bibah: The first of the four (4) young men who assaulted Me.

Gink: Leader of the gang of 3 area boys who later arrived, and also assaulted Me.

Corporal Leinad and Sergeant Yeddog:  Both arrived the scene in patrol vehicle.

Inspector Ofisu: Handled the interrogation

Semif: Relative to Afeetal (arrived at the station, while statements were being taken down)

Semif’s wife:  Had been around before her husband arrived.

Me: Tayo K. Solagbade

How It All Began

Note: Our conversations took place in a mix of Yoruba, English as well as Pidgin English. What I’ve provided below is therefore NOT a verbatim reproduction of the exact words used.

At about 7.40 pm, I was driving in slow moving traffic in the direction of my home, when I recalled that I needed to renew my subscription to the Blackberry Internet Service, so as to send a response email to a client I was to meet the next day by 10a.m in Allen Avenue Ikeja. The client would be leaving to attend a course at the MIT in the USA the night of the next day, and we had agreed to meet, to finalise terms for a new project he had commissioned me to do.

I spotted a shop with "Buy Recharge Cards" sign written in chalk on the inner face of one of the open doors. I pulled over. Before getting out of the car, I called my wife and told her I was already on my way home, but that there was heavy traffic. Normally, it would take about 10 minutes to get home from my location, but we both knew that bad traffic on that road could make it last for hours.  

I got out and walked into the shop, where I saw Afeetal seated behind a small table in the right corner of the shop. On my way in, I’d greeted an old woman seated in a chair to the right of the doorway (i.e. Mama).

Me: Hello. I’d like to buy N1,500 worth of Etisalat cards please.

Afeetal(after checking): I only have N1,300 worth.

Me: That’s Ok. Let me have them. (I give her N2,000 – two N1,000 naira notes. She hands me about 7 different strips of recharge card paper, for different Naira amounts, totaling N1,300. I pick up the N700 change she places on the table for me, and I begin loading the PINs, standing next to her in the shop).

Halfway through the cards, Baba walks in and asks for the owner of the car parked outside. The girl tells him it’s for me. I greet him politely, and he leaves. About 3 minutes later he returns.

Baba: But why have you not moved the car like I requested? It’s partially blocking my house gate. I explained that I had not heard him properly when he came the first time, and had assumed he simply wanted to be sure the car owner was around. So Iapologised, and quickly moved the car. He thanked me, and went back inside.

Me(to Afeetal): Is there any other place where I can buy the remaining N200 recharge card? (I needed to do this, so as to complete the N1,500 needed to renew my subscription to the BIS.)

Afeetal: There’s a shop next door, and another across the road.

Me: Can you possibly ask your little brother to help me buy the remaining N200 recharge card from one of those shops, so I can finish loading everything before I leave?

Afeetal: Okay. (Gets up and leaves the shop, crossing the road).

I recall wondering briefly to myself why she had not asked the little boy who’d been running around the shop to help buy it from next door, but decided maybe she was just a naturally helpful person. While she was away, I discovered one particular N100 card failed to load despite repeat attempts. I kept getting a wrong PIN number error message. A closer inspection of the card revealed it was a GLO card. Just at the same time, (approx. 5 to 7 minutes after she’d left, Afeetal walked back in).

Me: Did you get the N200 card? (She replied NO).

Me: By the way, look (showing her the card), this one you gave me, along with the others, is a Glo card, and NOT Etisalat.

She took it from me, mumbled sorry, and sat down behind the desk to find a replacement (I assumed). At that moment, a young guy (Lagbaja) who appeared to be about her age (and who I’d seen standing outside the shop while she was away), walked in

Lagbaja: I want to buy N100 MTN.

Afeetal: Okay. (Checks in bag/purse. After a prolonged search, she looks up, moves the plate of food she’d just eaten aside, as if looking for something, then gets up, checks under the seat, before announcing: “Ah, I can’t find all my MTN recharge cards!”

Me: Don’t worry. So long as you put them there, you’ll find them. Just calm down and check again. I’ve been here since you left, with Mama also seated at the door. No one has come in here since. And I have not left. Just check. I’m sure you’ll find it.

Afeetal: (making an impatient gesture, takes out the cards in the bag, and hurriedly runs through them): No, they are not here. Ha, all the 30 MTN N100 cards I left here are gone! Lagbaja and I encourage her to think and try to remember where she may have left them. She insists she left it in her bag.

Me: Then it must be there. Just try and search a little more carefully. The cards will surely show up. In the meantime, let me have the replacement N100 Etisalat card for the GLO card you mistakenly gave me. I need to see if I can buy the N200 card to complete the subscription.

Afeetal: Where? Hmm. You are not going anywhere O! Are you not the one I left here, when I went to buy the card for you? No, you cannot leave!

I told her she her she had to be joking. But to my consternation, she went wild, grabbed the front of my shirt raising her voice saying "I will not let you leave. You have to give me my cards!". I tried to free my t-shirt from here grasp, but she kept held on tight, and all of a sudden, she pulled violently on the shirt, tearing it right down the middle. She then wrapped the extended pieces around her hand to tighten her grip.

It Was Like A Bad Dream

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw that people had begun to gather. I said "Are you crazy? Can you see what you’ve done. You’ve torn my shirt. Is something wrong with you?" She replied that nothing was wrong with her, and that I would produce her cards or she would not let me go. At this point I decided to forcefully remove her hands. She shouted to someone outside the shop "Call Baba! Call Baba!".  

We continued struggling. As I dragged her closer to the door, she left me, and rushed to the outside, and pushed me back inside. Lagbaja also put his hand on my shoulder to stop me from stepping out. I impatiently brushed his hand off.

At this point, Baba arrived, and asked me what the problem was. I told him I would only speak after I had stepped out of the shop, because I did not wish to get accused of stealing something else in addition to the imaginary cards Afeetal had accused me of stealing. He tried to pressure me to say more. I refused. I eventually forced my way out of the shop to the entrance, where my car was parked. Then I turned to speak to Baba. At this point, I noticed Afeetal making a phone call, but thought nothing of it.

A few minutes later, Bibah arrived, and menacingly walked up to me, asking "So you are the one who stole my sister’s recharge card?". Before I could respond, he moved swiftly and I felt a heavy punch land on the left side of my face. I responded with a right fist that hit him on the side of his  neck as he went into a crouch. He lunged forward and grabbed me round the waist. I immediately locked my arms around his head, and we wrestled for some seconds dragging ourselves into the middle of the road, where I eventually lost my footing and fall backwards on to the un-tarred road surface, with him on top of me, raining punches, most of which hit home, as I blocked the others.

It Got Worse As Someone Broke A Bottle And Came Towards Me…

As this struggle continued, I saw the feet of people who had gathered round, and were watching it all without making any effort to intervene. I recall wondering how it was possible that they could not find the courage to put a stop the obvious madness that was taking place right before their eyes. Suddenly I heard someone break a bottle, and a few seconds later saw him advance with the broken piece towards us. Bibah raised his hand towards the guy (whose face I could not see) and said “No. Don’t stab him!”.

Still lying on the dust covered road (cars had stopped), I told Bibah he had made a big mistake by engaging me the way he had, and that I would make sure he was taught a good lesson for jumping to conclusions before establishing what the problem was. I pushed him off, picked up my slippers (which I always wear while driving, leaving my shoes behind the driver’s seat), and walked back to the shop entrance.

By this time, my t-shirt and singlet were torn – and I was only left with my belted trousers. A guy came up to me and said in a heavy Igbo accent “Look why not just get into your car and leave.” I told him NO, saying I would make sure those involved did not get away without answering for their crime. He walked away, shaking his head.

I looked around, and pointed to the girl (Afeetal) who stood behind a row of observers, and was till ranting and raving about my being a thief. In a loud voice, I said she would get a re-education through her contact with me. I told her what she had done amounted to a criminal act of making a false, unsubstantiated accusation against an innocent person, promising her she would end up in a police cell for doing so.

She responded by shouting curses at me and calling me a thief. I looked round at all of them and announced that I was going to invite the police to find out the truth, adding that I was strongly convinced no cards had gone missing. I told them they were shameless thieves, and that they had picked the wrong person to hustle/shake down.

I Tried Calling A Police Officer On Phone – As Three Thugs Arrived

Picking up my phone, I called the number of a police officer I knew to be based at the police station close to where the drama was taking place, and told him what was happening. He told me he was now stationed on Victoria Island, but that Inspector Ofisu, who I also happened to know, was on duty at the station  close to us. I thanked him and turned to face Baba, but he was gone.

Just then a white car pulled up directly opposite mine, about 10 metres from where I stood. Three guys came out of it, and walked up to me. The one who was the leader – Gink – was in the middle, squat shaped and shorter than the others. He walked past me to the entrance of the shop and motioned with a finger saying "Come here and tell me what happened." I angrily retorted "If you want to talk to me, YOU come here and talk to me. Don’t ask me to come to you!" (I noticed Baba was back).

The manner in which this group had arrived made me uneasy. I sensed something sinister in the way they approached, eyeing me with undisguised malice. I proceeded to narrate what happened. But I had barely spoken for 20 seconds when the one to my left cut me off saying "This guy must have stolen those cards. I know his face. Last month, he was caught for stealing in Lambe”. This was a location in another state (i.e. Ogun). As he made this assertion, he walked slowly away from me, behind Gink, to stand next to the third guy.

I turned angrily to face him: You are crazy to tell such a vicious lie. There’s obviously some madness going on here tonight, and I’m glad I’m the one who’s being treated to it. I assure you that through me, this nonsense which is obviously something you guys have made a habit, will stop.”

Suddenly, Gink hit me on the side of the head with his fist, threatening that they would put a tyre round my neck and burn me to death if I did not stop talkingA voice in my head kept telling me not to get into a physical exchange with them, because they could use it to incite the crowd against me, with unpredictable consequences. So, I settled for mocking them. With a smile on my face, I dared him to carry out his threat adding that the only reason he had the guts to hit me was because he knew his guys were around. I told him his courage would fail him if we met in a dark alley, where he was not assured of support from others.

The Police Are Eventually Called In

As we continued our verbal exchange, someone pulled my arm. I turned to see a police sergeant carrying a rifle. He asked me what the problem was. For what must have been over 45 minutes, the officers would try to mediate in the matter, to get us to arrive to a mutually agreeable way to ascertain the truth. The crooks refused to agree to any of the suggestions the police made. When asked why they had not yet searched me, they could not answer. The sergeant questioned why they had settled for assaulting me, without trying to recover the missing cards from my person, first of all, especially since I had not left the shop.

That was when Gink and his 2 guys (who had been walking round my car, looking through the window) said that they were sure I had given the cards to an accomplice, because they could see another pair of shoes in my car. I told the sergeant that the shoes were mine. They shouted that I was lying, and that my partner must have run away with the cards as soon as I had stolen them.

Bibah, the 3 guys and some of their friends, including the girl, Afeetal, insisted that my car be opened and searched there.

At one point, Gink confronted the police officer accusing him of being needlessly indecisive. Among other things, he said it was the “hesitant” attitude of the police force that made him prefer O.P.C guys (the vigilante group based in the Southwest, known for members who readily employ crude weapons and "instant/jungle justice" in their dealings with opponents – perceived or real).

The Sergeant warned him to watch his words, repeating his offer to supervise a search of my person, and car, in full view of as many of them as were willing to go with us to the Police Station. None of them offered to do so, even though they had boldly claimed they knew I had the cards in my possession, and were pushing to have me beaten to pulp based on their unproven claims!

When the sergeant refused to let them have their way, Gink planted himself before me, and began making threats of all kinds. Among other things, he stated that they would still track me down to my home and deal with me. I responded by patting him repeatedly on his right shoulder, while telling him that I also intended to find them, and make them admit/pay for what they had done.

I mocked them by saying they were all acting like they were supermen, against someone they knew they had outnumbered, calling them cowards. I finished by saying "You think I’ll be afraid of cowards like you? **** you!"  As we stared at each other, I saw a fleeting sign of what appeared to be either doubt or fear in his eyes, for some seconds. It occurred to me that he was affected by the ferocity with which I still challenged him in spite of the fact that I was obviously outnumbered, and despite their violent efforts to physically intimidate me for well over an hour since they arrived.

My Out Of Body Experience

Funny thing was, I never even gave thought to the possibility that they could harm me, even with all they had done. I was so pumped up with rage. As the drama had unfolded, even as I fought and spoke, I kept thinking to myself, “Is this really happening to me, or am I in some crazy dream?”. Am I the one fighting with these thug-like boys in the middle of a major road, with my car parked along side, while a growing crowd of people watches?

There were many occasions during the most intense periods of that event, that I honestly felt I was having what Wole Soyinka described in one of his books as an “out of body experience”. I actually felt like I was outside my body watching myself engaging these crooks in a fight for my life. All kinds of thoughts flashed through my mind. I wondered if I would see my family again – my wife, kids, siblings, parents.

As these thoughts went through my mind, it struck me, that if I let them WIN, no one would know the truth. No one would be told what really happened. I would be branded a thief in death. That thought fueled my rage – which ensured that I never backed down right up till when the police got us to move over to the station. I believe that’s one reason, why I’m alive today, to tell this story.

We Move To The Police Station

At this point, the sergeant asked me to get into my car, and he joined me in the passenger’s side. He instructed Afeetal and Baba, as well as Lagbaja  to join the corporal in the patrol van. Then he told Bibah and the other area boys to join us, so we could go to the station and conduct the search, in a controlled and impartial environment, where the danger of anyone dropping incriminating items into the car would be minimal. As before NOT ONE OF THEM offered to do so.

Instead, the guy who’d claimed I’d once been caught for stealing in Lambe, walked up to my side of the car, and spat the fried fish he was chewing in his mouth, on my body, saying "You’re a thief”. The police sergeant told me to ignore him. With that, we drove off, and arrived the station 5 minutes later.

The sergeant briefed his boss, Inspector Uwodi, about the events that had transpired. After getting us to identify ourselves to him, the Inspector proceeded to grill Afeetal with a series of questions that eventually revealed what I already knew: the fact that she was lying.

It’s not often that one gets to witness the use of intelligent questioning to extract the truth from a respondent. That was a most revealing experience.

Inspector: (to Afeetal) Tell me what happened?

Afeetal: This man (pointing to me), entered my shop with a partner (this was a lie, but she had apparently decided to adopt the twist the area boys had introduced when they saw my shoes in the car, so as to make her story more convincing). “He said he wanted to buy N1, 500 Etisalat recharge card. I told him I only had N1,300 worth. He collected them and then told me to go and buy N200 Etisalat for him. So I went out to buy it for him.

When I returned, someone came to buy MTN card, and I checked my bag, and could not find all my MTN cards. When I told him, he said I should check again. I was still unable to find the card. Then he started hurrying me, telling me I should give him his change that he wanted to leave. And I told him he could not, since he was the one I left in my shop. He tried to leave, so I held his shirt. Then he started beating me (another lie – all I did was try to remove her hands, by applying force, after she’d torn the shirt and repeatedly refused to let go). So, I sent someone to call Baba.

Inspector: You say the man told you to go and buy N200 card for him in another shop?

Afeetal: Yes sir. (Another lie. As stated at the start of my narration, I’d asked her to send the little boy to buy it for me. She surprised me by choosing to go by herself. Looking back, in light of what subsequently happened, she apparently had other things in mind.)

Inspector: And you left your bag containing cards in open view ?

Afeetal: Yes sir.

Inspector: What? So you did not lock it up or take it with you?

Afeetal: No Sir.

Inspector: How long have you been selling recharge cards?

Afeetal: 6 months sir.

Inspector: And you want me to believe that in that time you have not learnt to carefully store away your cards, so that no one can steal them? You want me to believe you did not know it was dangerous to leave your bag of cards open with a stranger alone in your shop?

Afeetal: I don’t know what happened to me Sir. Maybe he used medicine on me. I was not thinking straight. I just went to do what he asked. This thing happened to a friend of mine before. Somebody came to buy a card from her, and all the other cards in her bag disappeared!

(As she spoke, Semif’s wife periodically interjected supporting comments like “Yes it’s true”….”they do it a lot…all these people with Juju powers”.)

Me: Come on, the fact that people have stolen your cards in the past, does not make every person who comes into your shop a thief! (The sergeant motions for me not to interrupt).

Inspector: Hmm (He silently appraises her for a few seconds, then he asks) How many cards were stolen?

Afeetal: All the 30 MTN N100 cards in my bag.

Inspector: Did you have any other cards in the bag?

Afeetal: Yes – Glo, Etisalat, which I sold to the man, and Zain.

Inspector: Were any of the other cards taken?

Afeetal: No. Only the MTN cards.

Inspector: Show me the bag they were in (She holds out the bag, which still has the other mentioned card brands in it). How is it possible that he was able to pick out only the MTN cards from amongst this mixed up collection of cards, without missing out one, or picking up another brand, while avoiding drawing attention to himself?

Afeetal: Ah, I don’t know. You know I said people used to do it. They use black magic. All I know is that when I came back, the MTN cards were gone.

Inspector: Did the man leave the shop while you were away?

Afeetal: Ah. I don’t know O. I was not around.

Sergeant: But the man said Mama was there, and can testify that he did not go out.

Afeetal: Ask Baba, Mama is not well. Ever since she had a stroke, she no longer is aware of her surroundings. (Baba confirms it’s true).

Lagbaga: I was outside the shop when she went to buy the card, and I saw this man (pointing to me) standing in the shop loading his phone with the card credits. I did not see him leave the shop until she came back.

Inspector: (to Afeetal) Did you hear that?

Afeetal: I don’t know if he left the shop. I was not there. All I know is when I came back my cards were gone.

Inspector: Okay. Tell me when did you last purchase MTN recharge cards. And who from?

Lagbaja: There is a woman who supplies me.

Inspector: So you’re sure that if we call your supplier, she will confirm you purchased 30 MTN 100 cards from her?

Afeetal: (looks down, and stammers/starts fidgeting) Ehn, I bought but, but usually I don’t pay for everything. I can pay half and they pay the balance when I finish selling.

Inspector: You know, I’m beginning to wonder if you actually lost any cards.

Afeetal: (Still looking down – makes no response)

Inspector(Turns to the sergeant): Have you searched the man yet ? (pointing to me)

Sergeant: No sir. I wanted us to come and do the searching at the station, because I suspected those area boys could disrupt the whole process, plant incriminating evidence on him or the car, and even steal the man’s things.

Inspector: Okay, take him to the car, and search him, and every part of the car, in the girl’s presence. Make sure she is able to observe the entire process.

Sergeant: (Gives a torch light to Afeetal) Oya, let’s go.

At the car, which is parked on the grounds of the police station.

Sergeant: (turning to me) Okay, please Mr. Tayo, let’s see what you have in your pockets. (To Afeetal), “My sister, please point your light so you can see what we are bringing out. If you see your cards, be sure to say so.”

The process continues for about 30 minutes, during which time my person and the entire car is searched. I make a point of even pointing out other hidden places in the car where I had folders containing documents in which cards could be kept.

Within 15 minutes, it was already obvious to everyone present that we were wasting our time – there was nothing to be found. Indeed, one of the police officers resuming night duty, and  who briefly stopped to see what was happening pointed out that 30 MTN cards would produce a revealing bulge wherever they were kept.

And seeing that most of the items in the car were slim/flat in nature, he opined that there was no need to go through them. The sergeant however insisted on doing it anyway, so as to ensure Afeetal was able to see that nothing was left unchecked. I agreed. When it was all done, Afeetal was asked if she was satisfied that nothing was found. She said YES. We returned to join the Inspector in the office.

Inspector: (to Afeetal) So you did not find the cards on the man, or in his car?

Afeetal: No sir.

The Inspector Decides To Detain Her For Accusing Me Falsely

Inspector: (shakes his head) Let me now tell you something. Going by the answers you have given me, and the fact that nothing was found on this man, I want you to know that you have made a false allegation against this man. That is a serious offence, and you will have to spend the night in cell.

Afeetal: (in a frightened voice) Can I say something?

Inspector: Yes?

Afeetal: This thing has happened before. That’s how one man stole our cards sometime ago, and we did not know until he had left.

My Wife Was Worried Sick

At about the time we arrived the station, my wife had been calling my phone. Not wanting to upset her, by telling her what was going on, I decided not to answer the call. Every 15 minutes or so, she would call back. Each time, I simply let it ring. I could not think of a convincing alternative explanation to give her.

At a point, the police Inspector asked why I did not want to answer the call. I told him. He said it would only make her get more worried. I realized he was right. Not long after, the phone rang again. I checked the time. It was about 9.45pm(over 2 hours since I’d told her I was almost home). I answered the call.

Where are you? I thought you said you were close – is the traffic that bad?” she asked in a worried voice. I told her it was, but that we were making slow progress, and I would soon join her. Hearing the back ground discussions between the police officer and the girl writing the statement, she asked me, who I was with. I told her they were people standing next to the car on the road.

Her answer indicated she did not believe me. She said “Hmm…okay O. You can do what you like.” and hung up. I looked at the police officer, and said “That’s another unpleasant situation this crazy experience has created for me. Now my wife is upset. I still cannot tell her anything, until I’m physically with her, so she does not get unduly worried about my presence in a police station.”

We Make Written Statements

The Inspector gets up. Turning to the Sergeant, he says (pointing to Afeetal) “Let her make a statement in writing. Same applies to the man and the young guy who said he was there” (pointing to me and Lagbaja, as he walked out).

The sergeant proceeded to sit with (the now nervous) Afeetal and helped her through the process of writing her statement. I and Lagbaja were given pen and paper to write our versions of what happened. It was quite amusing to over hear her exchange with the sergeant as she made the statement. When she stated that she was not the one who called Bibah and that she did not know the other 3 guys, the sergeant looked at her, with a smile on his face and said “Really?

She replied in the affirmative. He said “If that’s the truth, go ahead and write it down just as you’ve told me”.

That was such an amusing spectacle for me, because in the statement both myself, and Lagbaja had written, we had both mentioned that she called Bibah! It was obvious to everyone that she was grabbing at straws. And that was just one of many lies she told that night – all of which served to infuriate me so much!

The Relatives Start Pleading On Her Behalf

While we were writing our statement, Semif had arrived and seated himself next to me on the bench near the wall. He watched quietly as Afeetal was being questioned on the table before us. After she was done, he asked her what happened. Once again she told her dishonest version of what happened. Semif then proceeded to explain that Baba had called him on phone that  they had caught someone for stealing Afeetal’s card. He said it was he who had told them to call the police, and not beat or fight anyone, adding that he was surprised to learn on arrival, that his instructions had not been followed. I told him it did not matter, and that the police had played a good role so far.

I bluntly refused to listen to all entreaties by her aged father (Baba) and Semif for well over 30 minutes. The police had advised them that I was the only one who could make them release the girl, so she would not have to stay in detention overnight as required by the law.

Now, I would have had no difficulty agreeing to let her off, but seeing that she went further to tell blatant lies to further incriminate me, I realized she was not remorseful. When I mentioned this to the relatives, they tried to play the religious psychology card.

Baba told me to “consider God”. I asked him: “Did you all think of God when they were hitting me and insulting me back at the shop front, for over 2 hours? Did any of you intervene ? Now that your own relative is about to experience a little hardship, you’re asking me to consider God.”

Baba: Are you a Christian or Muslim?

Me: I have not attended church for over 15 years.

Baba: Really ? So, what do you believe?

Me: I worship the creator – but not the same way as others who call themselves Christians or Muslims. For instance I am sure that Afeetal who falsely accused me tonight, and the guys who assaulted me, if asked, will claim to attend Church or Mosque. Yet, look what they did to me today! I have a personal relationship with God. When this whole scam began, I told them they would be made to answer for their actions. As you can see, the process has already begun. It’s too late to start talking about God. Indeed God himself, in your religious book, says “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” God does not condone evil or dishonesty.

Baba: “But you said I once helped you in 2008…Why not help me today – don’t let her stay in detention overnight.” (I’d told him I recognized him from the night he had let me park my car overnight, outside his house, due to serious traffic jam that went past midnight).

Me: Yes, you helped me. And you’ll notice that I was the one who recognized you, and told you about it, when you came to speak with me, not the other way round. But your daughter’s unrepentant attitude after committing this terrible act against someone’s husband, father, son, and sibling, is not what can be overlooked.

Baba, the fact that a man is good will not be enough reason to let his child go unpunished for a criminal act of this nature, especially when she is not even repentant. Instead she’s told more lies against me in her statement. Is that not evil? Up till now, she has failed to admit she did wrong. If I let her go, does that not mean I am the one who’s guilty? Here’s what I want: Let her come out in the open, and say to everyone, that she lied in the statement she made, and I’ll record it on my phone as proof of my innocence.

Baba: Ah, but that will be very implicating.

Me: But that would be the TRUTH. Your daughter told blatant lies in her statement to the police. She needs to admit that fact. By failing to do that, I’m the one who remains implicated for something I did not do. And I’m determined to correct that injustice. I have a name and reputation to protect!

Baba pleaded, cajoled and employed all kinds of arguments and ploys to get me to tell the police to let her go. When I insisted I would not give in until she confessed and apologized, he made this statement that I will NEVER forget:What is it that has happened to you, that has not happened to anyone before? Don’t you realize it was because she lost money from her sales and was upset about, that she reacted the way she did? Why don’t you have a heart of forgiveness?

Me:  You say what is it that’s happened to me that has not happened to anyone before? You say that to me, even now? This confirms you and your daughter have a lot in common. You have no respect for other people’s feelings. And to cap it all, you are telling me she lost money. How does that justify subjecting an innocent man to the pain and humiliation that I have gone through this night at her hands, and those of her helpers. Baba, you have added insult to the injury. What’s more, only a person who is repentant deserves consideration of forgiveness which you request in a case like this. Your daughter is NOT repentant. Your utterances certainly do not help me to think differently.

I am doing this not just for myself, but for many others who may fall into the same kind of trap. It is my intention – as I told them back at the shop when this began – to use my case to give her and those who joined her in this criminal act, an education to last them a life time. Through me, they will learn to think before they act in future. They will avoid using such dishonest and wicked methods on people they encounter. I am convinced that this experience with me, will save other innocent persons in future from getting assaulted by them in the same manner.  

Turning to the corporal, I saidI have been told the police will release her if I say so. Well, after this extensive discussion with her people, I am convinced the right thing to do is to leave her in detention till tomorrow morning, when we will all re-convene”.

To Baba, I saidIf the police decide to let her go after I leave, I will not complain. However, I assure you, that I WILL take this matter to the next level, which will include notifying the media about my experience, and also sending a formal complaint to the Human Rights Protection Department of the Lagos State Attorney General’s office. The noise I will make about this incident will make many people look bad. I guarantee you! Now, please excuse me. I have to get home to see my wife and explain why it’s taken me an extra 4 hours – instead of 15 to 20 minutes to drive home tonight!

I Drive Home Shirt-Less At 11.30pm

With those words, I got into my car. If you recall, I did not have a shirt on. It was about 11.30pm. As I drove along the dark and deserted road away from the station, I wondered what the security guard at the gate of the residential estate I lived in would think on seeing me looking the way I was. Less than 10 minutes later, I passed through the gate(to his credit, the guard kept his face expressionless).

When my wife opened the door and saw my appearance she gasped in shock, asking what happened. I told her everything. She was incensed. I told her it would be alright, since the police were already taking satisfactory action. Then seeing the food she had prepared for me on the table, I sat down and proceeded to swallow a morsel of Semovita with stew. My mouth exploded with pain. Cuts and bruises on my tongue, and the insides of my mouth made their presence felt in a big way!

Being unsure how bad it was, I decided to take the car and go back on to the road to see if I could get to the hospital to have myself examined or treated. My wife insisted on going with me, and woke the kids, dressed them up, since there was no adult to stay with them.

Thirty minutes later we returned to the house having run into locked gates on the routes we were to follow. We encountered an O.P.C guard carrying a machete and a Dane gun on our way back. After I told him the problem he directed us to a clinic run by a catholic church in the area, but they were not open when we got there.

First Meeting With The D.P.O

By 8.30am the next morning, my wife and I arrived at the station. Semif was already there with the police officers. Afeetal was seated (without shoes), looking quite subdued. The Sergeant asked me what I wanted. I told him I wanted an apology from the girl for wrongly accusing me and telling lies against me even when writing her statement. In addition, I told him I wanted Bibah and the other 3 guys who had assaulted me, to be brought in, made to admit their roles and apologise.

On hearing this he said “Okay. Just wait a bit. We’ll be going to see the big man  soon.” An interesting thing then happened. When my wife saw Semif and his wife, she recognised them both from her visits to the market, where the wife owns a frozen fish shop, and proceeded to give details that confirmed she was right. A small world indeed! 

Baba’s “Suspicious” Role

I put his age between 60 and 65 years. His considerably greyed hair suggested he could be older, but he carried himself like he was younger. All through the drama that took place that night, up till when the police arrived, Baba acted in ways that made me suspect he was acting out a script of sorts. It’s difficult to explain, but on one occasion, when I was fighting back physically and verbally at those who hit and insulted me, he stepped in close to me, and whispered, "Look why don’t you pipe down. Your responding to them is not helping. If you don’t stop, I’ll leave you to your fate!".

To this I replied deliberately in the same loud voice I’d been using, "Baba, you are free to do whatever pleases you. I do not need your help. What I am certain about is that I am not alone in this. Let your conscience guide you. Don’t threaten me by saying you’ll leave me. Do I look like I’m scared of facing these idiots alone? I depend only on my creator in circumstances like this, and I have never lost out by doing so. Please do not bother me anymore!"

About 30 minutes later, we were taken to see the D.P.O. It was a short first visit. Within a few minutes of questioning the girl about how the cards got stolen, the D.P.O said (in Yoruba) “You’re a liar. Just from speaking with you now, it’s obvious to me that you’re not telling the truth…It’s obvious that you just thought you could scare the man into giving you money for the cards. You were trying to make some quick cash.” He then motioned to me.
After listening to my account of what happened, he told the Inspector – “I want you to bring that Bibah and those 3 other young men to me. Let them come and explain why they did this to him. This is Lagos. They cannot behave like that here. “ Semif volunteered to take responsibility for bringing Bibah in, saying “He is my cousin.” The D.P.O then asked the Inspector to agree a date/time we would return to see him, with the others. We left, and in the outer office the Inspector set 2pm the next day (Friday) for us to return.

After dropping my wife at home, I decided to visit my parents and inform them of what had happened. My main reason for doing this was that it occurred

to me, that being a small world, there was a possibility that if I waited too long, the news could get to them through some other channel, and the details might be inadvertently twisted. Knowing the psychological trauma that my father (78 years old) and my mother could suffer as a result, I felt it would be better to break the news to them myself, and assure them everything was under control. They put up brave faces, like I knew they would, as I told them the story. My father proposed joining us to see the D.P.O the next day, but I assured him there was no need. He agreed. We had a short prayer session, and I left.

Second Meeting With The D.P.O

The next day at some minutes after 2pm, we met in the D.P.O’s office. I was not surprised to see that Gink and his 2 friends were not brought in. Only Bibah was brought in by Semif. The D.P.O asked Bibah about the other 3 guys. He said he did not know them. I knew he was lying. We all knew. Like I mentioned earlier, the officers themselves knew Gink. I guess they did not want to rock the boat by hunting down Gink and his 2 partners, maybe to avoid offending the politician godfathers Gink and co. worked for. I silently resolved on an alternative way to get them to answer for what they did.


With my consent secured, the D.P.O instructed Afeetal and Bibah to apologise to me. They did. He then asked the I.P.O. to get their signed undertakings NEVER again to repeat their actions. To be honest, from their sober attitude in the D.P.O’s office, I was already satisfied. However, the police officer made them sign, and sternly informed each one of them, of the consequences they would face, if they got into trouble again.

We all parted amicably, under the circumstances. Handshakes and greetings were exchanged, and I drove, with my wife, to my parent’s to brief them.  When I told my Father that I had taken the pains to secretly use my Blackberry to get video recordings of the proceedings of that day in the D.P.O’s office, he expressed the desire to watch the clips.

So, using the Bluetooth connection setup between my smart phone and his Dell laptop, I transferred the 4 video clips I’d made to the latter. And then for about 30 minutes, we watched the clips. I could see the relief on my parents’ faces.

It was obvious they were glad to see that I’d obtained valuable audio visual proof (showing the faces of ALL the persons involved) of what had transpired . They made sure we had another prayer session before we left J

An Untouchable Gang Leader?

It is instructive to note here that right from the shop front where it all began, I noticed that Gink, who came in a car with his 2 partners, was well known to the police officers themselves. Back at the station, and up till when we were at the D.P.O’s office, he was referred to by name by the officers. They told me he and his partners were notorious in the area, for their bad deeds. I later learnt from asking around, that he enjoyed some protection from certain politicians he ran errands for, especially during the elections. It was then that I understood why even though he had hit me after the police arrived, and gone as far as saying he preferred the O.P.C to the police, neither of the 2 officers had done more than warn him to watch his tongue. They did not wish to cross swords with him. Pity.

I will say here that it’s NOT over. I have my plans to find them. When the time is right, I’ll work that plan. And you can be sure, I’ll announce the results in a similar way. Like I told them that night, nobody can make me afraid of walking the streets in MY country. For years people have told me this attitude could get me killed. I have always told them: I can only die ONCE. Until then, I WILL NEVER be afraid to stand up and fight for my right, no matter whose Ox is gored. I would rather die doing so, than accept to live my life at the mercy of others.

Like I mentioned before, I do this to discourage these kinds of people from repeating their bad habits. When no one challenges them today, it could be YOU or someone you love – your friend, relative or even spouse they attack tomorrow. If they realize NOT everyone will keep quiet out of fear. Or better still, when they discover it is possible for someone to bring them to book, in spite of their connections, they will be more wary of doing business as usual. When more of us learn to INTERVENE, each time we see something wrong happening, we will bring about massive social change.

Final Words

Some people have a habit of trying to be wise after the event. One elderly person told me I should not have stayed in the shop to load the cards. If I had been psychic, I might have known NOT to do so on that day. The fact is that since 2001, I’ve always loaded cards I purchase before leaving the shop/stand, to ensure the seller does NOT accuse me of switching them if one or more fails to work. No one could have foreseen this happening. In the near future, I intend to write a “play” based on THIS event, to be performed at social group gatherings, as part of a public enlightenment campaign/social service.

“If you are weak in crisis, you are weak indeed” – Anon
“It’s not what happens to you that’s important. It’s how you deal with it”

How to Write Even When You Don’t Feel Like It (3 Experience Based Tips)

It’s not always that one feels like writing. This is a painful fact known to many writers. Indeed, for many of us it can sometimes take major effort to get into the mood to write.

In this post I offer ideas based on my personal experiences and achievements, that you can reliably employ to get your writing juices flowing almost at will.

It should interest you to know that I just chose this title at 6.57a.m – today Saturday 24th November, 2012 – and I’m NOW writing on it, because I woke up NOT feeling like writing anything!

WARNING: To put the ideas in this piece to successful use, you must be prepared to apply yourself. The transformation is unlikely to take place overnight – especially if you are just starting, or you’ve not been writing with any degree of regularity for some time.

This is not some magic formula that will open you brain up and make it automatically channel a coherent stream of words through your fingers into the keyboard :-)

YOU have to drive the entire process, and keep at it until you achieve needed mastery.

1. Choose the Right Topic for YOU

Writing is a task that engages the intellect, requiring you to think…a lot. But thinking is an activity that can be “hard” for many people.

Writers who apply themselves diligently to their trade will however discover that their ability to think and write will improve over time. I say this from personal observation and experience. So that should provide adequate incentive to stick with this formula :-)

The challenge is however deciding what to focus on thinking and writing about. In other words, choosing the right topics or titles is an important step to take. Go for subjects that interest you, and which you know enough about – or can research competently.

Many experts advocate that writers choose to specialize in specific fields. That ensures they can focus on getting writing projects they are most equipped or pr
epared to tackle.

In my case, as a multi-disciplinary writer, I have an interrelated range of fields that I focus on – and which this blog’s publishing schedule is built around. My interest in these fields is however based on the fact that I have gained (and continue to acquire) valuable real world relevant experience in each of those fields or categories.
It’s certainly not that I’m spreading my net in the hope of appealing to as many readers as possible!

That’s why you’ll notice I often have many true stories and anecdotal accounts to share in most of my writing.

Not everyone will like my multi-subject approach. But it works for me. And contrary to potential speculation, I have been writing on these same categories since 2006 (as my over 170 published articles on prove).

So you see, this approach works for me. YOU will need to find what works for you.

Once you do, it will become easier to churn out the content you need. Take it from me: your work will be cut in half once you have this locked down.

Like I explained in my newly released e-book titled "WHY YOU KEEP FAILING TO ACHIEVE YOUR WRITING GOALS!",  you will find it much easier to write when your chosen topic or subject is one that naturally interests or appeals to you.

Read this: Do You Struggle To Get Your Writing Done? Finding Your Magnificent Obsession Can Save You!


New EBook for Writers Uncovers 10 Often Overlooked Habits Keeping Many from Achieving Their Writing Goals

 Click here to learn how to download a FREE 2 chapter PDF preview…



2. Think like a Journalist Needing To Meet a Deadline

I do this a lot. I’m not sure if I’m correct, but I imagine that when a journalist wants to write a piece, she typically does some reading up (i.e. research), and may sometimes contact competent experts she’ll interview based on an outline of questions.

By the time she’s done, there will usually be enough material to mould into a useful news report or editorial that can be published. She will then focus on getting the writing done.

For the purpose of finishing a writing task or project you’re struggling with, think of yourself as a journalist with a looming deadline you cannot afford to miss – and write with a resolve to achieve that goal.

Start by thinking up an outline of points (they could even be in question form). This will help you avoid straying when you begin writing, and you’ll get to the finish line faster.

The above implies you will actually set a specific date or time you want to have your write-up finished and ready to go out (as a blog post, a client’s completed request etc).

What happens when you do the above is that you will create a sense of urgency about completing the task. It’s easy to trick the brain into doing this, if you are willing to try.

Do it long enough and you’ll suddenly discover you’ve acquired an uncanny ability to generate ideas for writing, even when you start out feeling you are not ready!

3. Turn out Acceptable Writing by Focussing On Valued Outcome(s)

It’s tough enough already that you’re trying to write when you don’t feel like it. That state of mind can make you produce (what should be) uncharacteristic errors.

I refer here to the need to (a). eliminate typos and other errors that can sometimes plague a writer. (b). ensure your content is perceived as a useful (and possibly enjoyable) read. All of that makes up the “quality” of your finished work.

Be tough with yourself in setting standards your work has to meet, to merit publication.

This is an area I’ve found myself falling short very recently. That’s been especially due to a strange confluence of unfavourable happenings relating to connectivity and other issues.

But there’s no acceptable excuse for turning out work that fails to meet acceptable standards! No client wants to listen to lame excuses from her PAID writing professional. She wants results!!

Thankfully, I know what is needed to correct the unhealthy trend. In this regard, apart from obvious “proof reading, grammer checks etc, there’s one strategy I’ve found quite effective in producing reasonably well “polished” writing – on a regular basis.

Interestingly, this “solution” is not a writing technique. It is instead a mental attitude.

Basically, you link what you’re writing to the thought of achieving a valued outcome. For instance, if you’re looking to get hired by better paying clients, this should drive you to post well written content that can impress that kind of client.

Makes sense does it not?

Remember: It’s not just about typos, punctuation and grammar. The usefulness of what you write, to the reader, is of utmost importance in making the desired impact.

Final Words

The above rules guide me as I prepare content to add to this blog, and my other websites.

The truth is however that sometimes we fall below our own standards every now and then. But if those instances are kept few and far between, prospective clients will likely accept such slip ups as proof that we are human – and not that we are incompetent!

The “linking to a valued outcome” thinking strategy always helps me keep my work quality up IF I do not “forget” to use it e.g. I tend to be extra diligent when what I’m writing has something to do directlywith another person e.g. a client, or partner.

For instance my Weekly Public Speaking IDEAS newsletter (which appears as a post in the public speaking category on this blog), is published to PROMOTE Burt Dubin’s speaker mentoring products and services to experts working in Africa.

Whenever I’m writing a piece for that publication, all my editorial senses are often at their keenest. This is probably because I unconsciously feel a need to make the best possible impact to get the reader one step closer to considering Burt’s offerings.

This strategy can help any writer who chooses to make conscious use of it. The benefits to be had are obvious, yet some still write as if they are unaware of it – or do not care.

I recommend that you find a way to link the quality of what you write to achievement of an important goal you have your mind set on. This will make you more concerned about doing it well, because you would want to increase your chances of success.

It’s now 9.44a.m and I’ve just finished proof reading and editing this write-up of 1,500 words, even though about 2 and a half hours earlier I did not feel like writing anything.

This method has once again worked for me. Do you think it can work for you?

How I Discovered And Used Print-On-Demand (POD) Self-Publishing For The First Time


POD technology is today widely used worldwide by millions of people as a means to create a wide variety of printed products. Examples include branded gift items, like t-shirts, caps, stickers which have high quality graphic designs printed on them.

Then there are the written publications – books, technical manuals, special reports which have front and back cover designs that have to be printed and bound to meet professional publishing standards. With traditional techniques, getting all these done used to cost huge sums.

Today, POD technology makes it easy for virtually anyone to do a lot more. In this short piece I share with you the story of my search for and eventual discovery of this solution. (True Story by Tayo Solagbade, Founder – Self-Development Academy Limited)


In May 2002, as part of a business marketing strategy for my work on Self-Development Education, I began delivering – on formal invitation – a FREE one-hour talk titled “Ten Ways You Can Use Self-Development To Create The Future You Want”. The talk was based on my experiences in using practical self-development techniques to achieve consistent improvements in my ability to do anything I was engaged in.

What I wrote about in the talk were ten steps I always applied that enabled me excel as an Manager in Guinness Nigeria Plc over a 7 year period(up till the time I voluntarily resigned to start my own business), and which I was convinced would enable me succeed as an entrepreneur.

After delivering the talk to a variety of audiences, including employees in different branches of Corona Schools, students in the University of Lagos, members of a Church Youth Fellowship and others, I converted it to an automated ten week email auto responder course, which was eventually subscribed to by over 30 persons from within and outside Nigeria.

Some subscribers were from Exxon Mobil, Standard Chartered Bank, Nigerian Breweries, Guinness Nigeria Plc, and NTP UK. At a point, I got emails from subscribers who wanted copies of the entire ten week course, in book form that they could purchase.

But at the time, I only had it all in MS word, certainly not in ready-to-publish book format! I tried printing and binding at a business center – this turned out to be not only cumbersome, but also expensive, and led to variable print/binding etc quality. It just did not work.

So I Went Searching For A Printing/Publishing Establishment – And Almost Fainted In One!

I paid a visit to a publishing outfit in Ikeja, here in Lagos, and was fortunate enough to meet the Printing Press Supervisor, who kindly took out time from his work, to provide me with specific details of what it takes to publish a book – I mean the kind that small – 1 or 2 title – publishers (like you and me) would want to produce.

He explained that the larger the order, the cheaper each book unit becomes – which made sense!

Some finished book samples by known authors in the fields of education, tourism etc in Nigeria were shown to me.

One of the books (approx. 250 pages long) cost N104.30 per unit for a first printing of 5,000 copies i.e. costing N520,000.00! The other book was a bit bigger(and of higher quality) and cost N125.00 per unit for printing of 2000 units i.e. N250,000.00 cost!!

I almost fainted as it became painfully obvious that I could not afford this method of publishing.

NOTE that since the time the data used in the foregoing example was obtained in 2002, inflationary pressures in the Nigerian economy are very likely to have pushed the prices quoted further upwards – what with fuel prices increases and other policy changes.

Discovering the First FREE POD Company

Some weeks later while browsing on the net, I stumbled on a website that claimed anyone from any part of the world could FREELY use their resources to produce various physical products like books, branded T-shirts, mugs etc for sale to customers across the world.

They would only charge a little commission on EACH item purchased. If no sale is made, they charge nothing. I quickly signed up for this service.

By the time I checked the book publishing learning center on their website, I realized there were a lot of competencies I lacked which would be required for me to get my book ready for publishing with

It was not until May 2005, that I felt I had adequately understood how to typeset my document to meet the POD’s publishing requirements; use Adobe Photoshop to design my book covers, and also use the various tools provided on the POD’s website to upload my book/setup my online store.

By January 2004, I had acquired self-taught commercial web design skills, involving using applications like Adobe Photoshop and Macromedia Flash to create graphics for websites I went on to build for four(4) paying clients in 2004. The learning experiences I’ve had now enable me guide others who wish to do what I have done so it takes them less time and effort. And that is one of my reasons for writing this article.

Update (17th Nov. 2012): Many New POD Self-Publishing Options Available Today 

Since writing this article back in 2006, other self-publishing media like’s Kindle have emerged. However, it has been my experience for instance that limited access to these media exists for publishers from my part of the world.

This is why, which I have now used for over 6 years, remains my preferred Self-Publishing platform. Virtually all they offer is accessible by users from any part of the world.

What’s more, they’ve added useful improvements to automatically get your books distributed on as many viewing platforms as possible.

A notable introduction is the option to assign ISBN number to your book while using the wizard to publish your book.

I am well aware of Amazon’s and others which offer useful solutions to writers looking to self-publish.

However, I have chosen to use the one I have personal experience in, as a basis for explaining the POD Self-Publishing process.

It goes without saying that you, the reader, will choose the one(s) that appeal(s) to you the most.

What is important is that you explore intelligent strategies to promote the book(s) you publish using this system.

In my case, I have over the years developed unique promotional strategies based on my Web Marketing System. The experience I’ve gained has been especially useful in creating awareness about my newest ebook (see details at end of this post).

Final Words: A New Lagos Based Conventional Publisher With More Viable Offers For Writers

On a final note, I offer this tip for writers intent on working with a brick and mortar publishing house out here.

About 2 years ago, I attended an elaborate event organised by Chimamanda Adichie’s foundation at which individual participants in a creative writing course she’d conducted formally “graduated”.

That was where I first learnt about and the high profile local book publishing service they offer.

Compared to the “dinosaur-like” print house I mentioned visiting earlier in this piece, offers what appears to be a refreshingly viable alternative.

You cannot however take what I say here as an endorsement or recommendation.

Please do your own due diligence, and take your decision based on the conclusions you reach.



My latest ebook (WHY YOU KEEP FAILING TO ACHIEVE YOUR WRITING GOALS! (10 Habits That are Holding You Back and How to Change Them for Good!), is now on sale in my online store at


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Do you have any personal experience to share on this subject? Are there some other points you feel can be added, to help persons looking for answers?

Post your thoughts below.

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Earn EXTRA Income Using Your Writing Skills As A Contract Resource Person

There are times when I think some of us freelance writers suffer from a little bit of tunnel vision when it comes to exploring ways to make money using our writing skills. I get this impression most often from reading blog posts and website articles discussing the same income earning avenues/strategies over and over again.

Sometimes we need not just to think outside the box, but to get rid of the silly box completely!

Before I ever came up with a strategy that successfully got clients to pay me to write articles for them, I’d already earned reasonable income in certain unusual ways using my writing skills. One example: as a contract resource person.

Who (or What) Is A Contract Resource Person? (A True Story of How I Became One)

Think of her as one who offers ready-to-use services needed by busy, results-focused persons in specific fields. I’ve functioned as one few times.

Well …maybe I should rephrase that a bit…

Certain clients have hired me to be a contract resource person a few times in the past. But in each instance, I never saw it coming.

In fact I even told one person I did not offer such a service – until he pointed out to me the fact that I had the skills to give him what he wanted. And then he added that he was convinced I could do it satisfactorily!

Here’s how it happened: I had just handed over a new website I built for this environmental services consultant client. During the four week period we worked together, he’d commended me on my typing speed, as well as my ability to quickly grasp new concepts in previously unfamiliar fields like his.

A week afterwards, he visited me at home to request that I help him produce an electronic/digital searchable version of a massive paper-based three volume document used by an oil services client company of his (using my typing and custom MS Excel-VB development skills).

When I started to object, he explained that he’d already assured the company that he had a resource person who could deliver the solution to specification.

I argued that despite what he’d referred to as my quick learning ability, I was not competent to produce such a highly technical document for use at that high profile level. He countered that he would guiide me all the way, and that he was prepared to pay handsomely to secure my full committment (I had another web design project in hand that he was aware of – but which was not due for another forthnight).

At that point, I wisely chose to stop objecting and start negotiating :-)

The plan was to deliver the finished electronic version in 10 working days. Before he left, he wrote me a 100% advance payment cheque in six fugures to the tune of the exact amount I requested, so I could start work the next day.

Talk of a massive vote of confidence!

I made sure that job came out as promised, to the right standard. He was pleased, and I was happy with what I’d earned in 10 days of work. I also came away with knowledge of another way to use my skills that I had never thought of previously. See how we sometimes limit ourselves by the way we think?

Burt Dubin once said to me (in an email conversation) that "customers teach us the business". My experiences convince me he’s right. Like I said above, the opportunities I got came with no direct effort on my part. The client simply studied me based on my promotional materials and our interactions, and concluded I would be useful to him in that area.

Hopefully, now I’ve gotten your attention. It’s time to consider the fact that there are other areas you have not yet looked at, that could hold useful income earning promise for you as a freelance writing professional.

As Freelance Writers, Most People Traditionally Offer Services That Include The Following:

i. Books: You probably offer ghostwriting, editing, proofreading, electronic transfer of manuscripts, cover designs, as well as manuscript formatting etc.

ii. Websites: You may also specialize in writing/editing web content or, even critique evaluations of clients’ websites content.

iii. Articles: You likely also offer writing of articles for online (e-zine, websites, blogs) and offline (magazines, newspapers etc) publications owned by clients.

But You Can Also Deliberately Position Yourself To Get Hired As A Contract Resource Person

How? By announcing the fact that you are! Offer to work with clients or prospects to help them make their events or outings more successful for instance. Maybe she’s planning a learning programme on Achieving Continuous Interpersonal Effectiveness for new entrants (e.g. Graduate Management Trainees) into her corporation.

Let’s assume a domestic emergency occurs close to the planned event day, in a way that makes it difficult for her to prepare adequately.

As her Contract Resource Person, she could call you in at short notice, to prepare (and even deliver) a paper/talk with true stories or anecdotes that spice up the event, get participants more involved and most importantly equip them to do better on their jobs.

That’s just one way of going about it though. If you’re not the outgoing type, and want to stick with your work from home operational mode, ample opportunities exist for you to do that as a Contract Resource Person.

Note that the idea is that your existing clients, and their contacts, as well as prospects may periodically develop a sudden, unexpected and possibly urgent need for a one-off solution they’re not fully equipped or prepared to handle.

And they would welcome someone with a ready solution to that problem. If you hone your skills in the areas you are sure you can deliver, you’ll be able to make the most of opportunities like this when they show up.

To Attract Offers, Position Yourself As Competent And Credible

Presenting yourself as competent and credible applies not just to being a resource person. It’s a useful rule in every area of business…and life in general.

In my case, the clients simply came and offered me the work. Prior to that time, I had never thought of getting work from them in that manner, even though we had previously done (or met to discuss) business.

People tend to take decisions based on trust. When they trust you to be competent and reliable, they are often more willing to depend on you for solutions. And that includes those solutions you do not offer them directly – even when someone else they know does offer them!

The manner in which you position yourself can make people come up with ideas about how you can help them, that YOU have not even thought of. And that’s why it’s important to learn to take things in your stride an entrepreneur. Otherwise you’ll miss great chances to corner unexpected but decent – and legitimate – extra income!

Below, I’ve Outlined A Few Areas In Which You Could Offer Yourself As A Contract Resource Person (Based On My Experiences/Achievements):

1. Speech Writing For Busy Persons: I believe most writers can take their careers and income earning abilities to a whole new level by becoming speakers.

But if you prefer not to speak, consider helping those who do, to prepare their speeches, for a fee. You can quickly and easily write up content for a client’s impending speech. The client could be a business owner who received a request to speak at a social event or function, but is (like many people) unsure of what to say, and probably also terrified of speaking in public.

She would only need to give you details of the topic/theme and access to all the relevant information/materials. And you would come up with a ready-use-speech for the occasion. If she’s scared of speaking in public, and you’re competent in that area, offer to give a coaching session or crash course along with the writing service.

If she successfully gets through the event, you can be sure she won’t forget you in a hurry – paid service or not!

TIP: You could aim to become a go-to person for emergency speech writing services, you know :-)

2. Training Course Modules & Technical Documentation Preparation: This includes technical/training manuals preparation.For instance, a client may have a proprietary training programme she wishes to package formally as a branded learning system.

If you have the relevant skills, this can earn you substantial extra income. And if you do it well, there’s a good chance her network of associates could develop an interest in your services.

In addition, training and business schools may also find this kind of service time/cost-saving in the production of needed documentation for their numerous courses. 

You could also consider offering services that deliver prepared materials for any of the following:

a. factory machines operations and engineering maintenance training documentation/trouble shooting guides.

b. Management Training Courses

c. Computer Education courses e.g. written training or instructional guides for use of off-the-shelf software like MS Office products etc.

Final Words – This Could Be A Complementary Income Earner For You

For most of the above, only after I’d provided the requested service did I consider formally adding them to my portfolio. But I’ve since found that they are not necessarily often in demand.

Those who sometimes need them often have in-house resources who handle such jobs on a routine basis. But when they’re over stretched or not available, external providers (like you and I) are brought it to pick up the slack.

These kinds of solutions are needed by a select few, who happen to be prepared to pay well to get them. That’s why it’s important to position yourself right – and also be prepared. You could choose to see this contract resource service provision (like I do) as a side business that can bring in useful additional revenue every now and then. At least that’s my approach.

If you’d like to get more steady flow of such work however, it would be up to you to find a niche market that needs those kinds of solutions on a regular basis, and make them an attractive offer.

One good example: Seminar, workshop and conference meeting/event planners or organisers. Touch base with them and offer to prepare materials like the above. You never know, some useful recurring work opportunities could result from your efforts.

Good luck!

NIGERIA: New EBook for Writers Uncovers 10 Often Overlooked Habits Keeping Many from Achieving Their Writing Goals

For Immediate Release: November 10, 2012

View Tayos video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsConnect with Tayo on LinkedIn.comConnect with Tayo on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google Plus

IKEJA, Lagos — As natural writing becomes more important in online marketing, smart business owners are trying to get more writing done for their websites and blogs – but many are finding it harder to keep new content coming, and this worries them.

Like Tayo Solagbade – owner of Self-Development Academy’s SD Nuggets™ blog said, “Google’s recent algorithm changes now make it possible to use your writing to achieve great marketing reach and impact online. If you’re struggling to write however, you will not be able to maximize this excellent opportunity to achieve timeless marketing exposure at low to zero cost.

This problem can however be dispelled by “Why You Keep Failing To Achieve Your Writing Goals!” (Self-Development Academy –, a new ebook which identifies ten habits holding most writers back, and how to eliminate them.

Click here to get a FREE 2 Chapter Preview

Andrea Ayemoba (editor at said “(It is) a rare blend of great information and good humour, Tayo talks to his readers as opposed to instructing them.

Tayo Solagbade, the author, is a performance enhancement specialist and multipreneur ( whose ten years of multidisciplinary experience writing for clients – in real estate, audiology, interior design, entrepreneurship, farm business, web marketing, public speaking, and career development – enabled him identify the habits he describes.

Many usually assume writer’s block is responsible for their inability to write. The truth is that 99% of the time, the reasons you struggle to write have to do with something(s) YOU are doing wrong…or that YOU need to do differently. Once you get that right, you’ll be amazed at the output you’ll achieve” said Solagbade, who publishes a minimum of one blog post daily – on six different categories.

As Solagbade describes each habit, readers will:

  • Learn why having a Magnificent Obsession is crucial to writing success
  • Discover simple strategies for overcoming the so-called writer’s block
  • Understand how being “too organised” can make their writing less productive
  • Appreciate how a physical exercise regimen can double their writing output
  • Be given practical tips to stop procrastinating about their writing goals

As Solagbade said “The problem with ‘writing’ is that it can seem so easy to do – and only after getting into it, do most business owners discover a different reality. This ebook provides useful guidance to any writer faced with that challenge.

The ebook includes a download link to a detailed bonus report titled “6 Proven Techniques (and 9 Strategies) You Can Use To Start & Finish Writing ANYTHING!

While there are many books providing writing advice, Solagbade – who is also the author of the Self-Development (SD) Bible™ & Livestock Feed Formulation Handbook – uncovers simple but frequently overlooked causes of writing failure, and suggests practical strategies to overcome them.

This is a magnificent piece of writing” said Burt Dubin, Creator of the Speaking Success System (

free 2 chapter PDF preview can be downloaded from the SD Nuggets™ Blog at

Tayo Solagbade
7 Adesina Close, Ojodu,
Ikeja, Lagos – Nigeria
Tel: 234-803-302-1263

# # #


Open Letter To Intending SEO Service Providers – From Tayo Solagbade of the SD Nuggets Blog

The message below is the full text of a reply I have written to an offer from an SEO Service Provider. Once this post is published, I will send the email version to the intended recipient.

Have an enjoyable read!

Dear [Name deleted for privacy]

Thank you for your interesting SEO offer. I greatly appreciate it.

However I must tell you, that I do NOT really see myself as having “competitors” in the sense you mean.

Not going by the very unconventional way I’ve chosen to operate, anyway.

Few people in their right senses would decide to run a multidisciplinary blog like I’m doing…

Most people would rather NOT follow the path I’m treading…because it’s more work, than they might need to do, to get where they want to go.

But maybe I’ll let that become obvious, over time.

Where I come from, we have a saying, that many DIFFERENT routes can be followed to get to a market place…or destination.

You need to understand my long term purpose FIRST, before you can offer me a solution that’ll interest me.

Furthermore, to offer help to get clients top positions on SERPs…

I suggest you start by demonstrating what you can do using YOUR own website.

And be prepared to demonstate you can sustain the LONG TERM top rankings you promise potential clients, for YOUR own website.

Once that happens, you’d simply refer potential clients to your website’s glowing SERPs performance profile.

Choosing you over other SEO companies would instantly make sense for most people you approach!

Right now all you offer is a review of my website’s performance, and possibly what you say you do for others.

For me, that’s not enough.

By the way, please note here that I’m assuming ALL you’ll do will NOT break any rules set by Google and other search engines.

If that’s not the case, then we’d have nothing to even talk about :-) (Seriously)

But even if you had more “proof” to show me, I must be honest with you:

I’m not shopping for SEO services.

That is the truth. And some would think this suicidal, but I’m sure it will help me in the long term.

I have decided on a totally different approach to achieving the same goal.

It may take a while before the results show, but I am in NO hurry anyway :-)

This is not some Ninja SEO strategy. No.

I’ve simply committed myself to systematically testing (and documenting results I get from) ALL the SEO advice I keep seeing from experts online.

My aim is to identify those strategies that produce reasonably SUSTAINABLE results that will immunize my website against the “Yo-Yo” phenomenon that currently afflicts many websites’ rankings everytime Google coughs :-)

Another thing I want to do, is to find a reliable way to successfully counter Negative SEO tactics that I’ve discovered are being used against this website.

Right now, I feel like what Americans call a “Sitting Duck” because it appears some silly people with SEO know how are using massive low quality backlinks from inferior content websites to get this website penalized by Google. And I’m unable to stop them!

Such acts don’t require any special creativity. And that’s why they’re becoming quite common. The challenge for the innocent websites like mine is finding ways to prevent, detect, and remove such low quality links.

That’s a potentially full time job one should really not have to do…and a battle one may ultimately lose, if the bad guys responsible have the means and determination to keep up the attacks!

This is why I feel driven to find a more foolproof and cost-effective long term solution that gives me as much as possible, the results I want.

It is my considered opinion that my intended approach can help in establishing a strong Search Engine relevant foundation, that will protect 80% or more of any SERP visibility a website achieves.

Sounds academic?

Well, it has a potentially beneficial outcome I intend to make profitable use of over time.

So thank you for your offer, my good friend, but no thanks.

One more thing…

I don’t know about you, but I personally believe in projecting a professional image at all times. Most especially when I’m marketing to new prospects.

This is why, before now, I never took any offers sent by SEO providers via unbranded domain emails (e.g. seriously.

You did the same thing in sending this Xmas offer, but I have chosen to respond because I liked the articulate nature of your presentation.

May I however suggest, that you send out your offers henceforth, from YOUR own branded domain…Just a suggestion. It tends to inspire more trust :-)

Another reason I’m doing this reply to you, is that I intend to use it as a featured post on my blog for other intending SEO providers to (hopefully) read, BEFORE they contact me in future…just like killing more than one bird with a stone…he he..

Final Words

On a final note, I do hope nothing that I’ve said above makes me come across as being rude or arrogant.

If you have been offended in any way, be assured I never intended it…and I do sincerely apologise.

Thanks again for writing in, and I wish you continued success in your work.

With kindest regards,

Tayo K. Solagbade

End of letter


My latest ebook (WHY YOU KEEP FAILING TO ACHIEVE YOUR WRITING GOALS! (10 Habits That are Holding You Back and How to Change Them for Good!), is now on sale in my online store at

Click here to download a FREE PDF preview of this new ebook (NB: You also get the download link to a FREE copy of my “Proven Techniques (& Strategies) You Can Use To Start & Finish Writing ANYTHING” report!)


What do you think of this post? Do you have any personal experience to share on this subject? Are there some other points you feel can be added, to help persons looking for answers? Post your thoughts below.

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Do you know anyone who might benefit from reading this post? Why not share it via your social media channels. Thanks in advance.

Is Your Blog Productive, Or Just Plain Busy? (Interesting Arguments For & Against Blog Comments)

This post is a sequel to the 4 part post series I concluded last Saturday. In that series, I focused on presenting my preferred approach to evaluating a blog’s ability to help the owner make money – be it directly or indirectly.

In this post I provide a review of other blog owners’ posts that, in my opinion discuss the role played by “comments” from a reasonably articulate, and balanced perspective.

Like I mentioned in my 4 post series on comments, I’ve done a bit of research online to get a feel for the range of opinions on this theme. My research was of course not exhaustive. However, I did get a feel for what the major views seem to be.

The posts that really stand out for me argue from different sides of the divide. Below, I review arguments made by four of them, stating my opinion or perspective where relevant:

1. Title: How to Get More Blog Comments

Who: Matt Smith


When I first saw the above title, my stubborn brain instantly asked: “Should I want to get more blog comments, if I don’t NEED them to succeed?”

Matt accurately points out that not getting comments does not mean anything is wrong with your blog: certain blog types attract comments more readily than others. And he’s right.

In response to his own question about whether or not comments are important, he submits that:

a. they "aren’t particularly that important …though you can use them to build relationships" (I argue that for building relationships, email does a better job!)
b. they make no "specific impact on your SEO…"
c. and they do not affect your website traffic volume.

Then he sums the above up by saying comments have no direct impact on your site’s performance.

My naughty brain pipes in: If that is so, why on earth should I care about getting them at all? Sounds like a good question to me…what about YOU?

In the rest of his post, Matt however points out that some visitors use volume of comments a site gets as a measure of popularity. And if low, they could lose interest.

Well, if you’ve read my 4 post series, you know what to think about such views. In life losses will always happen. Readers and fans will come and they will go – no matter how hard you try.

The way I see it, if anyone chooses to pass up a useful read on my blog, because no one has commented on a particular post, that would be his loss!

As for me – and to paraphrase Matt – I will ALWAYS judge a website by the quality of its content. And it’s people who share a similar outlook that I’d like to welcome as visitors to my blog or website.

2. Title: 5 Reasons Why People Won’t Comment On Your Blog

Who: Adrienne Smith

(Psst: If you’re wondering if she’s related to Matt Smith, mentioned immediately above, I have not the slightest clue. In fact, it was only when I started to type out her name here that I discovered she shared the same last name with Matt…lol).

Adrienne starts by noting (as I did in my first post on comments) that it’s a sensitive subject. Then she asks if the reader has ever “wondered why” his/her blog was not getting more comments.

Once again, as it did when I read Matt’s post, my non-conforming mind asked: “Why would I want more comments, if I don’t NEED them to succeed?”

Interestingly she goes on to explain how she diagnosed the “problem” with some blogs she visited which she was surprised to see had few or no comments on their posts.

I argue – as does Matt above, and Amy in the post featured at no. 4 below – that the absence of comments does NOT imply anything is wrong with a blog. You’ve got to look deeper than that, and understand what kind of blog you’re dealing with in the first place!

Adrienne goes on to recommend five remedies in her post (click here to read them), and at the end says “”Make these few changes and additions and watch your comments pick up.”

Hmm…I can tell you – as will Amy in her post, that certain blogs serve audiences that will rarely relate with blogs via comments, even with such changes.

Other interesting perspectives supporting my position exist. And I’d like you to read them in Amy’s excellent post below, so you can be better informed.

Adrienne’s post was an entertaining read. However, I think she needed to have included a note that NOT all blogs can be correctly judged for performance using comments. By failing to do so, her post commits a serious error of blanket generalization. I guess you could say, we agree to disagree on that point :-)

3. Title: How to Get 80+ Comments on Your Next Blog Post

Who: Blog Tyrant


The Blog Tyrant is a savvy blogger. I’ve come across a number of his posts on some top blogs and can confirm that he knows how to use his posts to get results.

This post was no different. In explaining how readers could get more comments on their next post, he got even those who disagreed with his ideas to comment – thereby adding to the volume recorded for his guest post.

That’s exactly what happened to Andrew G. Rosen, who was brave enough to voice a divergent opinion from the majority who commented on this post. Virtually every other commenter before him had commended Blog Tyrant for his expressed views on the importance of comments.

Then came Rosen: He pointed out that certain blogs had quiet communities and that he he would keep reading a “comment-less” blog if he felt it offered good quality content. Very wise words indeed!

Screenshot from post on commenting by Andrew G. Rosen on

The fact that no one else towed Rosen’s line of thought (at least none that I read after his in the comments), says a lot about the potentially dangerous “herd mentality” that blog comments can create.

People wrongly assume that the idea favoured by the largest number of people is always superior. But that’s not always the case. Anatole France, the shipping magnate understood this truth, and was credited with voicing this quote:

“Even if 50 million people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing.” – Anatole France

The courage to follow our convictions when they differ from what majority hold to be true, can sometimes determine how successful we ultimately become. This truth applies to the pursuit of success in blogging, just as it does to virtually every area of life.

4. Title: Do You Really Need Comments On Your Blog?

Who: Amy


Amy and her impressive community of results-focussed experts certainly offer useful information and education. Through this post, they clearly demonstrate – with powerful data and facts – that comments based popularity is NOT a reliable measure of blog profitability!

In other words, you’re better off doing what works for you. This post  – and it’s high quality comments thread – provide valuable insight into practical ways to measure a blog’s productivity or success. There is also plenty of experience based wisdom about what importance to attach to comments under different situations.

I urge you to read, bookmark, and re-read Amy’s post. It’s an excellent resource put up by a lady who knows what she’s talking about!

Final Words

On a final note, let me assure you of one thing. By the time you’ve read the above posts – especially no. 4, you WILL know whether your blog is productive, or just plain busy…and which "mode" (i.e. productive or busy…with comments for instance) is better, for you, as a business minded and results focussed person.


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