Category Archives: Writing/Blogging

A Society That Does Not Reward Competence Will Develop Poorly

Chimamanda Adichie left Nigeria for the USA at the age of 19. Today, she’s in the news again for winning yet another award as a writer. Isn’t it wonderful that a person from just about anywhere in the world, can go to the USA, and succeed on merit?

Adichie and Lupita Nyong’o are two great examples.

They came in as outsiders, and they’re getting objective appraisals based on merit.

In Nigeria, Is Finding Authentic Success on Merit – Especially as an Outsider – Possible?

Let me share a true story that offers some useful insight…

Back in 1997, the Cameroonian owner of a small French language coaching centre I attended in Benin City, became good friends with me, during the 3 months he tutored me. I attended when off duty from work as a young shift brewer in Guinness.

One day he told me he was attending the election of new executives for the Edo State branch of NAFTA – National French Teachers Association. I think that was the name.

If I recall correctly, the venue was an auditorium in Edo state’s University of Benin, or maybe it was Igbinedion Education Centre. It’s been a while now, so I’m not sure.

Anyway my teacher had a fellow Cameroonian male friend, who I will call “Oyam”, who’d worked some years as a teacher in a secondary school in Benin City.

Oyam had published 2 books (to help French learners) with a local printer. And he also had audio tapes that taught proper pronunciation.

As an adult learner aiming to consolidate my fluency in the language, I had bought one of the school teacher’s books, and found it very practically helpful. This was after attending a 3 month intensive training course in my teacher’s language school (for which I paid N35,000 in total).

Oyam had been very active in the association, and made his ambition to be elected president known to all.

By the end of that day, he lost that election with the lowest number of votes. And the winner was a Nigerian who struggled to speak French and had not produced any works of his own.

My friends were however not surprised.

They had always told me how those of them who chose to work in Nigerian schools often had to change their names and claim to hail from areas like Calabar, and border towns like Ikom (which I passed through on my 1st visit to Cameroon).

In fact, a year before, my teacher had taken me to visit some of his countrymen he’d found working as French teachers, under adopted names, in some schools.

When I asked why they did so, one such Cameroonian teacher explained that he had learned the hard way.

And what he learned was that if he wanted promotion on merit, consistent with his demonstrated competence as a French teacher, he had to hide the fact that he was NOT a Nigerian!

He then explained how he’d been forced to keep moving from school to school, wondering why Nigerian French teachers who often were not half as competent as he was often got put ahead of him. This happened, no matter how long he stayed there, and despite the fact that he often did most of the work.

Simply put, as a foreigner, he found he rarely stood a chance against a Nigeran. In some cases, a fair minded school owner/proprietor would ignore complaints and appoint him. But the others would generally make things difficult by refusing to cooperate with him!

He said he sometimes overheard them saying: “How can someone come from another country, to lead us, while we’re here?”

And that was when he decided to change his name, and claim to be from close to the border area, but that he’d spent some growing up years in Cameroon.

The next job he got with a big school afterwards saw him get appointed Head of department within a few months!

That was where my teacher and I visited him.

How Many Foreign African Nationals Who’ve Lived for Decades In Nigeria Stand Any Chance of Getting Elected Ahead of a Nigerian?

Today we know about Nigerians in the UK and USA who occupy public office.

But have you ever wondered if foreign African nationals who have lived here for decades, can get elected into public office, or positions in private organisations (e.g. clubs, associations, universities etc) on merit?

Do we even have one example in the Nigerian senate today for instance?

Are we to assume that we do not have Africans from other countries,who have made this place home for them and their families, who can be useful in service?

What signals do such people get in relating with us?

Some may have ideas that they believe can benefit us. But our attitudes could make them keep away from offering themselves for service.

I say this above because I’ve met many such people living quietly in Nigeria!

But look at Botswana, South Africa, USA and you’ll see Nigerians who arrive and get appointed right to the top of the hierarchy, based on their demonstrated competence in the universities there.

I know a number of persons who have experienced this.

These countries, especially the USA, had to evolve to become this way, by moving away from extreme racism.

The successes since recorded over there, by Achebe, Soyinka, Adichie, and many other excellent Nigerians prove those countries have done it progressively for decades.

My Question is: Can the Same Be Said For the Nigerian Society?

Does a nobody from another country stand a chance of achieving – based entirely on merit – the highest levels of success and recognition, IN NIGERIA, if s/he is starting from zero?

Indeed, can a complete nobody who is a full blooded Nigerian, born and raised in Nigeria, reasonably aspire to authentic success, based entirely on merit IN NIGERIA, if s/he is starting from ground zero?

Just like we see happening in the USA for our people in Diaspora?

My personal experiences and observations, over the past 12 years, make me fear the answer to all those questions is NO.

That’s Why Nigerians who Win Visa Lotteries to USA Often Rejoice, and Party, and Even Give “Testimony” in Church!

They do that because they are so sure they will get a better chance of being rewarded on merit for their efforts over there!

The truth is that a society that rejects the culture of rewarding merit and competence, will suffer poor socio economic development.

And that is why Nigeria suffers lack of progress today, even compared to many smaller and less endowed nations.

It affects virtually every area of our lives – including the schools our kids attend.

One example: Parents pay teachers to ensure their kids score ahead of all others. It’s so rampant today.

This ensures the best students who study hard, and whose parents do not try to influence the process, end up losing out!

And we see the results in school leavers who demonstrate poor evidence to back up the credentials they carry around!

And that’s why many gifted and highly competent Nigerians rarely stay in the country. Most find ways to go where they will be allowed to flourish.

If things are to change, we have to start from the basics…from the home, beginning with ourselves, our family members, and then from there into larger society.

Unless we do that, mediocres will continue to dominate in the Nigerian society!

Final Words: We Have to Make The Right Choices In the Best Interests of Our Country!

One night in late 2012, I attended an event organized by Adichie’s NGO (through which she provides writing training courses to young writers from across Africa), in conjunction with Farafina, an indigenous publishing house (see

One night in late 2002, I attended an event organized by Adichie's NGO (through which she provides writing training courses to young writers from across Africa), in conjunction with Farafina, an indigenous publishing house (see - Picture of the cover of a brochure I picked up at the event

The event was held at Lagoon Restaurant, on Victoria Island in Lagos, Nigeria. And it had many notable writers and poets in attendance, including Adichie herself, of course.

It was sponsored by Nigerian Breweries, and I recall Timaya was the artiste invited to perform.

There were books by many up and coming as well as established writers on display, for sale. What I learned that day, from observing proceedings (including presentations to writers who’d completed their training), told me Adichie is keen to help us rise to the international standards that will benefit us a people, by re-discovering our passion for African story telling.

But I cannot help wondering whether the larger Nigerian society will embrace this obvious need to change…

Yet, we need to, so that our new generation of writers, for instance, can get due reward and recognition right from their own society.

If we do not, they will be forced to seek what is due to them abroad, like so many others have done in the past.

And our nation will continue to suffer the negative effects of that trend.

The choice is ours to make!

Coming Soon: Practical Livestock Feed Formulation (and Compounding) Home Study Video Series

Update: The Home Study Video Package is now available – click HERE.
I share below, my personal story as a practical example of how you can monetize what you know in different ways, You will learn how a combination of requests from buyers, and difficulties meeting unique challenges they faced with what I had, helped me conceive an idea for a new product to fully meet their needs!

I’ve been responding to enquiries from prospective attendees of the Feed Formulation Workshop scheduled for Saturday 15th March 2014.

And I’ve also been following up with subscribers to my mailing list, who I recently sent an email invitation to, for the event.

My attention has been mainly focused on those who are past buyers and already members of my Farm Business Ideas club.

You see, it’s always best to target people who have a potentially long term interest in what you offer.

People who are serious minded about achieving their goals in the area you offer solutions.

Such people will rarely take anything you do, or say, lightly.

This is why I get between 12 to 23% open rates in the email broadcasts I send to my Farm Business Ideas mailing list.

I love Their automated email newsletter manager helps me see exactly what’s going on with my subscribers.

As a result, I know which of my broadcast messages they respond most to, and that guides me to send more of such kinds of messages.

For instance, I have three main groups of mailing lists I write to.

But the farm owners group has been by far the most responsive. Following them is the Public Speaking Ideas newsletter subscribers group. And bringing up the rear are those who subscribed to get my SD Nuggets blog updates.

Now, I recognize there will be overlapping areas of interests.

Indeed, I’ve found that some subscribers from other groups, have also consistently shown good responses to broadcasts I’ve sent to the farmers group.

What I’ve been able to deduce over time is that such persons often aspire to start their own farm businesses in the future.

Many are actually still in paid employment, but thinking of starting on the side.

So in subscribing to my blog updates, they wanted to access my career development and self-development articles as well as the Farm Business and Entrepreneurship articles.

And This Probably Explains Why They Order my Farm Workshop Products (Even Paying N10,000.00 for DHL to send it to Them!), Instead of Coming for In Person Training

One example. Today alone, I have spoken with three different persons, two of whom are still in paid employment. The third is self-employed but quite busy.

They all expressed interest in attending the event, but the date was just not right for them.

I had however been expecting that to happen…

You see, I’d heard about the fuel scarcity crisis that had gone on for 2 weeks (but is now clearing up I’ve been told) in Nigeria.

That had made me worry about how easy attendees from outside Lagos would find it to attend.

And that group (i.e. Farm CEOs based outside Lagos) happen to make up over 90% of those on my mailing lists!

This made me decide to create a special video series to ADD to the home-study pack I sell normally.

That way, interested persons would have a viable alternative to traveling down for the event.

And it would mean savings in traveling costs, hotel costs, and energy!

When I mentioned this option, every one of them told me to let them know when the videos are ready!

No surprises there ;-))

Indeed, I wonder why I did not think of it earlier.

Based on the above, I’ve now decided that…

For those who will physically attend the event, a recording of the LIVE proceedings will be done and put on one CDROM.

And a copy will be handed to each person before s/he leaves.

Subsequently, I’ll pack that along with the video series created, and offer it as a Complete Home-Study Package on Practical Livestock Feed Formulation and Compounding.

This will make it unnecessary to organize LIVE workshops in future, except for people who request it.

I believe this is the way to go, because today, more people use a similar strategy to enable learners cost-effectively and conveniently.

Below Is a Template of the Message I Normally Send to Buyers of my Products

===Start of message template===

Hi <name of buyer>

Find attached the following:

A. A physical copy of your personalized version of the Feed Formulation Handbook

B. A CD ROM containing the following:

1. Your personalized copy of the 70 page PDF Feed Formulation Handbook

2. Your personalized copy of the Excel-VB driven Ration Formulator software which auto computes ration formulas using the Pearson Square technique described in my Feed Formulation Handbook.

3. Your personalized copy of the detailed PDF user guide for the Ration Formulator

4. Your personalized copy of my 30 page PDF annotated pictorial introduction to livestock feed formulation ingredients.

5. A copy of my PDF report titled “10 Most Frequently Asked Questions About Feed Formulation

6. Lastly, a PDF invoice covering the payment you made.

C. A printed copy of the invoice covering the payment you made and listing the items delivered to you via email, and physically.

See the email I’ve sent to you for FULL instructions and other details you need to make use of the Ration Formulator™ software.

Note that this extended version of the software stores 3 FORMULAS for easy retrieval (*Space for 7 EXTRA feed ingredients is also now provided in the table).

And it allows you to export them into a separate worksheet outside of the application. I’ve sent it FREE to every past buyer who requested it.

As a FULLY paid buyer, you will also get ALL future upgrades FREE.

Note also that your payment makes you a member of my Farm Biz Ideas club – meaning you get 40% discount on ALL my other products and services.

Read full details of what you get as a member of the club at :

With kindest regards

Tayo K. Solagbade, <location, date, time> (NB: I may be in Lagos or Cotonou, or elsewhere, when responding to the order)

===End of message template===

Once the Video Series Is Added, Buyers Will Be Able to Learn Practical Feed Formulation In Their Homes!

Once the complete self-study video series is ready, I will add an extra line in the above message stating that the CDROMs containing the videos are also enclosed.

Are you interested in learning the theory and practice of feed formulation at your own pace? If yes, you’ll want to pick up my home study package!

Interested persons would simply place their orders, and I’d send the package down via courier.

Just like I’m currently in the process of doing for a Farm CEO who sent in payment from Uyo.

The video series will be ready from the date of the forthcoming workshop i.e. Saturday 15th March 2014.

For details of how you can order them, click here to send me a message.

Final Words: You Can Also Monetize What You Know Like I’m Doing!

All you need to do is think creatively.

If there’s something people currently pay to learn from you…or something you know well, that people would be willing to pay for, you can write a manual and/or create a home study video series “teaching” it.

That way, people can buy those “learning resources”, instead of having to meet you physically, or online, for a LIVE session.

[NB: In this part of the world, poor connectivity, and high costs make online learning a bit unattractive for now e.g. webinars, even when free! This is why offering videos they can watch on their own PCs makes sense for me and my buyers, for instance.]

We see successful experts offering “home study” packages like those described above, but it never occurs to us that we can also offer it.

To protect yourself however, you may want to tie sales of this offer to some others.

In my case, as shown above, the video series is bundled with my handbook and software. That makes it more valuable to the prospective buyer.

And by implication, your offer becomes open to a larger number of potential buyers, including persons limited by distance, free time, money etc.

The best part is you do the work once, and reap passive income repeatedly into the future!

Invitation to Practical Livestock Feed Formulation (& Compounding) Workshop – By Tayo K. Solagbade

This workshop reveals ALL The Secrets needed for ANYONE to become Proficient in Poultry (Even Livestock) Feed Formulation AND Compounding! Two farm business owners (from Warri, and Umuahia), have confirmed their interest. Both are past buyers of my Feed Formulation Handbook and Ration Formulator™ software.

DATE: Saturday 15th March 2014

Time: 11a.m to 5 p.m

Venue: Premises of a Feed Milling company in Oko Oba, Agege, Lagos, Nigeria.

Fee: N35,000 (Thirty Five Thousand Naira)…see item 1., under section B., below for discount option.

FLYER - Invitation to Practical Livestock Feed Formulation (& Compounding) Workshop - By Tayo K. Solagbade

A. Seven (7) Practical Benefits to Attendees

1. Manual demonstration of worked examples, practical tips, and illuminating insights into the science of feed formulation using an improved (weighted average based) version of the Pearson Square computation technique.

2. Demonstration of ration formulation using my Excel-VB driven Ration Formulator™ software.

3. Demonstration of practical feed compounding using the ration formulated above.

4.  In-depth exposition on critical considerations in selection and use of feedstuffs – including discussion of nutrients/energy values of local feedstuffs, anti-nutritional factors etc

5. Special focus on exploration of low cost alternative feed ingredients to cut feed compounding costs

6. Discussion of nutrient requirements of different poultry and other livestock types (pigs, rabbits etc)

7. Essential features of rations for different groups of livestock and review of Sample/Pre-formulated rations used for production in real-life settings

B. Six (6) Bonuses for Attendees

1. Past buyers of at least N8,000.00 worth of my products get a 40% discount to attend.

2. A CDROM containing a full video of workshop proceedings – you’ll be able to watch and re-watch to reinforce your learning..

3. A printed and bound physical copy of the feed formulation handbook.

4. A CDROM containing the new EXE version of my Ration Formulator™.

5. SPECIAL BONUS: Free Copy of my New Monthly Poultry Farm Manager Software (a N25,000 value)

The CDROM mentioned in 4 above will also contain a fully functional copy of my monthly Poultry Farm Manager.

See full details of the new Poultry Farm Manager’s features in this PDF preview/offer document (click now).

Here’s an article in which I explained why I chose to create the above mini version of the original Poultry Farm Manager app which handles ONE year of farm data (Price = N250K) and is described in THIS Youtube video.

I want to help farm business owners visualize how an Enterprise Information System like the Poultry Farm Manager, can increase their chances of farm business success.

That’s why I’m offering this new app free to attendees who run poultry farms.

To give you further insight of how this app can help you, I’ve published a short story article on my blog about an entrepreneurial couple.

It describes how they used their EIS software, in conjunction with best practice strategies to solve challenging problems in their layer farm.

Click here to read it or go to

For Further Details About the Workshop…

Email your name, mobile phone number and address to to tayo at tksola dot com

I look forward to meeting you!

Tayo K. Solagbade

Mobile: +229-66-122-136 (in Benin Republic) and +234-803-302-1263 (in Nigeria)


PS: Unable to make it for the workshop holding on Saturday the 15th March 2014?

If you’d like to know when next another run of the workshop will hold, get in touch using the contact information supplied above.

For Writing to be Successful, It Needs to be Inspired!

Sometimes you just don’t feel like writing. It happens to the best of us. You make (what you consider) the best efforts, and no words come. Your fingers just hang over the keyboard. That is if you even get as far as seating yourself in front of the computer in the first place!

Writer’s Block They Call It

Yes. It’s the word so often used to describe that experience.

But I ask: What exactly is being “blocked”?

The words you want to write? Or the inspiration to write?

“What difference does it make?” you ask.

A considerable difference, I argue…

I happen to believe it’s the inspiration to write that’s being blocked…or to put it more accurately: the inspiration to write IS NOT THERE!

You see, in my (now decade long ) experience of writing as an entrepreneur, I have come to one conclusion.

And it’s this:

The best kind of writing happens most often when it is not forced.

In other words, great writing is frequently inspired writing!

That’s writing that happens, without the writer needing to make conscious effort to think of what to “say”, or indeed how to “say” it.

At least not for the first draft…

At that stage, you simply need the words to come!

And the key to making the words come, is to be inspired. You must be able to connect with whatever inspires you to write.

Now, that could be anything. From your past or present experiences, to something you read, or heard.

Whatever, it must be something that drives you to want to express your feelings in words.

This is why we are encouraged to focus on writing about subjects we are passionate about.

It is also why proven writing experts strongly advise, that one learn how to deliberately make the conscious connection with our passions.

Another way I believe that can be described is with the phrase “Getting into Flow” or “Getting into The Zone”.

When you’re in the zone, you effectively become one with your subconscious.

And once you attain that elevated state of mind, the uppermost thoughts you nurse will trigger a release of relevant feedback to your mind.

This is what results in the FLOW of words that comes in response to your subconscious desire to write.

A good indication that a writer is in the above state of mind is that s/he will write MUCH faster!

The quote below, credited to a successful writer, confirms the accuracy of the above statements:

“The faster I write, the better my output. If I’m going slow, I’m in trouble. It means I’m pushing the words instead of being pulled by them.” – Raymond Chandler

Now, my point here (with respect to the so-called writer’s block) is that you can actually train yourself to get into the writing mood, more or less any time you want.

That ability will effectively make you immune to writer’s block.

Here’s a point to remember…

Your passion feeds off what you have deep interest in, and love for.

Any subject – be it a person or thing – that dominates your thoughts and emotions will fuel your passions.

What I’m saying here, in effect, is that you can train yourself to deliberately channel your passions, to achieve your writing goals, whenever you want.

Once the draft is out, “cleaning up your prose” (i.e. editing and proof-reading) will often be a more conscious exercise.

And very often, you’ll find that you can still tap from your subconscious to improve on the quality of what you’ve written.

Even as you do the more clinical editing for spelling, and grammar.

Now, I make no claims to having attained perfection in the writing I do.

However, what I have shared above is the MAIN strategy I have successfully used, over the past 20 years, to successfully start and finish ANY kind of writing I have had to do.

Judging by the great results I’ve been getting (and THIS BLOG is one good example), there must be some truth in what I’ve said in this article.

This is why I suggest that you may find the ideas offered above useful too :-))

To Succeed, Stop Waiting For a Perfect Moment or Idea

“No enterprise worthy of accomplishment would ever begin, if all obstacles were first to be overcome” – Napoleon Hill.

This article narrates a true story about how the foregoing words of wisdom helped me get my books published – and sold – in print as well as digitally, even when I had NO MONEY!

It All Began in Late 2002, My Start-up Year

I’d been delivering my 1 hour flagship talk in different organisations and their branches. And it was very well received everywhere I went. I got back lots of filled feed back forms with rave testimonials.

One day it occurred to me that I needed to find a way to use the web to promote my speaking service and message to more people.

I did not however have the funds I could commit, to paying for web design and hosting (at this time I’d not learnt web design).

Yet I Knew the Web Could Enable Me Get Word Out About My Talks at LOW to Zero Cost

So I began searching online in a café. A few later I discovered “scheduled auto responders” – and stood out with a FREE version packed with great features for beginners.

That was when the idea struck me: I could offer a weekly auto responder course without a website!

And it was perfect for my talk which was titled “Ten Ways You Can Use Self-Development to Create the Future You Want”.

Since it had 10 parts, I could make each part go out on a particular week. In effect, I ended up conceiving a 10 week auto responder email course!

Excited, I Quickly Sat Down and Wrote Out The Text of the Talk

I’d up till then delivered it using ONLY a 5 page (2 parts to a page) outline.

So, to write it out, I basically thought back to my outings and recalled the key points I discussed and wrote them down. Within 2 weeks I had written over 100 pages, comprising an introduction, all 10 chapters (or parts) and a conclusion/summary.

Next, I created a FREE account on (not sure if they still offer it today though) and setup the course using the content I’d written up.

Each “part” was to be delivered to a subscriber’s inbox weekly. After the 10th week, each person would get a final message thanking him/her. There was a short “blurb” announcing that I was available to speak etc. My phone number, email etc were appended.

I Had Something to Say, & Was Determined to Be Heard!

Looking back I believe I was able to succeed like I did because I focussed on using my experiences.

I drew inspiration by reflecting on the successes I’d achieved both in formal schooling (where I almost got a first class degree despite heavy extracurricular activities), and in paid employment (where rapid career success came via multiple self-taught skills I had).

I wanted my listeners/readers to know they could do what I’d done.

And I also intended to prove my ideas worked, by applying them in my new career as an entrepreneur (my successes since then confirm they do!)

Not surprisingly, my message resonated greatly with the audiences.

But I did not expect it would catch on as quickly as it when I put it online…

Within a week, over 20 people had signed up for the 10 week auto-responder e-course!

And I noticed about 40% of them were non-Nigerian, from the UK and one from the US. All of those “foreigners” indicated they were “referred by a friend”.

As you can imagine, by this time I’d tasted blood.

I began testing offers of different kinds, including training courses, talks, e-book writing services etc.

Guess what?

Some subscribers to the e-course wrote back asking if I could help them create digital versions of books they wanted to write, or already had on paper.

One such person travelled all the way down from Makurdi, Benue State, in the north of Nigeria, to meet with me in Lagos.

He brought with him a beautiful book manuscript which he wanted made into an e-book.

We’ve been friends on Facebook for years now.

But it all clicked for me when three different subscribers, at different times, after reading the latest “part” delivered to them, wrote to me asking:

“Is it possible to get the complete book, instead of having to wait a full week to read the next part?”

I was stunned.

Not once had the thought of writing a book occurred to me!

Then as I read those requests, it occurred to me that I’d ALREADY written THE complete book!

Parts 1 to 10 made up the different chapters.

All I needed was introduction/forewords and possibly a “summary” to end with.

So, once again, I settled down and did just that.

Like I always did when speaking, I made sure I wrote from my heart.

When it came to getting my “book” in print however, I soon discovered traditional publishing could cost an arm and a leg!

As usual, my stubborn attitude made me think there had to be another way.

Persistent searching eventually led me to discover Zero Cost Print On Demand publishing.

To cut the long story short, that book has been selling as a 113 page physical manual that I call the “Self-Development Bible” online since 2005.

And I’ve since added other books, in digital form – including my popular Livestock Feed Formulation Handbook – which just 2 days ago, recorded yet another sale from my online store.

Final Words: My Advice to You

Stop waiting for a perfect moment, or for everything to fall in place, or for your manuscript or idea to be perfect.

Start with what you have, where you are.

You’ll be surprised that whatever you need to dot your I’s and cross your T’s will spontaneously appear as, and when, you need it.

The key is to GET STARTED first!

PS: In 2004 I taught myself to build websites using Macromedia Dreamweaver, Flash and Photoshop (with the aid of some international professional web design magazines – and CDROM tutorials that came with them).

Apart from building websites for clients, I’ve since built and maintained this multi-disciplinary website – – which I launched in June 2005.

Today, I focus my efforts on using Content Management Systems like Joomla! and WordPress, to build and maintain websites, while employing intelligent Web Marketing Systems to create and propagate their content for business promotion.

All of that continues to boost my search engine visibility – leading to more sales of my books and other products (like my Ration Formulator Software)!

Success Depends on Your Extracurricular Activities, and Not Just Studying!

Would you focus 100% on your studies, to seal a 1st class degree? Or would you ADD extracurricular activities, and risk missing a sure 1st class? I did the latter and narrowly missed 1st class. But my achievements since then prove I did the right thing. Here’s my story…

Meeting An Old School Mate Who Felt I Did It Wrong

We both graduated from University of Ibadan, in 1992. We had not seen each other since 2005.

During our discussion he recalled that I’d maintained a 1st class Cumulative Grade Point Average (C.G.P.A) right from our first to 3rd year. But he felt my extracurricular activities made me narrowly miss graduating with a 1st class in Agricultural Extension (which would have been a first for the department).

I recalled that I finished with a C.G.P.A of 5.9. First class was 6.0. It was indeed a narrow miss.

He referred to a club I’d joined – the Student’s Farm Research Foundation (SFRF) – in annoyance

To him, that club prevented me from clinching a first class degree. Apparently, from what he said, some of my classmates with whom he’d spoken also felt so.

On my part, I simply smiled and changed the subject.

I doubted I could change his mind. And I was also amused by his inability to see the bigger picture.

But that was understandable. He had become an academic. He naturally still thought in such terms.

I had chosen not to take up the offer of graduate assistantship sent to me by the university, as the best graduating student. (Instead, I accepted Guinness Nigeria’s invitation to become a Graduate Management Trainee/Brewer.)

My experiences have shown me many great benefits of engaging in such extracurricular activities!

I explain below…using 3 main activities I engaged in while on campus

Extracurricular No. 1: Playing Competitive University Handball

The first day I joined the university team in training as a freshman, I won a shirt on the team (NB: I began playing state level competitive handball in my teens, while in secondary school in Kwara state).

NB: In a future article, I’ll elaborate on many benefits university sports persons enjoy (e.g FREE accommodation EVERY year), which make engaging in sports worthwhile. But you must have the discipline to combine it with your studies.

In my final year (1992) I captained both the Independence Hall and University teams. The former I led to win the Inter-Halls Handball competition, while the latter I led, in a severe bashing at the West African Universities Games preliminaries. A bitter-sweet ending for me!

However, despite my heavy involvement in sports, I still graduated top of my class.

Interestingly, I would get an award from the University Sports Council, and my hall of residence in 1992.

Now, my course of study was for for 5 years. I played Handball right from my first year (1987) to my final year (1992) year. Yet, all through to 1989 (my 3rd year), I kept my C.G.P.A in first class range.

So I think it’s safe to say sports did not really prevent me from doing well with my studies.

Extracurricular No, 2: As a Member of Students Farm Research Foundation(SFRF)

In my 3rd year (1989), I joined the Student’s Farm Research Foundation (SFRF) – an innovative, self-funding farm research oriented student group in the University of Ibadan.

Most members were Veterinary Medicine majors. Only about 3 of us were studying Agriculture. Every day, we did practical livestock (poultry, rabbits etc) management – including feeding, feed formulation/ compounding, disease prevention and control.

In my 4th year (1990), I was elected “Sales Coordinator”. I was 20. My job involved purchasing feed ingredients and compounding formulated rations for pullets, layers, broilers, cockerels, and rabbits produced (for sales income) on the SFRF farm. I still remember getting my uncle to teach me how to keep track of money I spent using a simple book keeping notebook.

Here’s why I remain grateful till today, that I got that involved in SFRF:

My successes today derive from that exposure – none of which I could have gotten in class, or by studying alone. It was practical and very relevant for me as an Agricultural professional!

One Example:

In 2002, while speaking with some farm owners in Lagos, I discovered they lacked proper feed formulation knowledge and know-how. This made their feeding costs high.

So I decided to write my now popular Practical Feed Formulation Handbook and offer it for sale with practical training to farmers. (See a one chapter PDF preview:

2 years later, in 2004, I developed my Excel-VB driven Ration Formulator™ software to accompany the handbook following requests by buyers of the handbook, for a faster and less tasking means of doing the Pearson Computation described in it

Recall my friend said SFRF was responsible for my failure to get 1st class?

Well, maybe. Or maybe not.

The above example however shows that the name recognition and sales I’m getting for my expertise in feed formulation has more than made up for those lost C.G.P.A points!

Extracurricular No. 3: As President of Readers’ Club

Looking back, I think this 3rd extracurricular was the one that really led me to “choke” on my work load.

I quickly earned a number of nicknames from my freshman days.

When results of first year exams came out, colleagues noticed that Matriculation Number 52xx3, repeatedly came out tops in key subjects, with scores often in the 70s to late 80s.

They got curious, and soon found it was mine. From then on, many good naturedly began calling me “Iwe” (Yoruba for “book”) and “Material” (short for “First Class Material).

They did not stop there.

Right through our second year, they would check the results once they were pasted on notice boards, and come to inform me of my scores. Indeed at a point, I did not have to bother going to check when results came out. Someone would just say “Hey material…you scored …%!

It was great to be on campus in those days. There was so much goodwill amongst the students.

My”book worm”  reputation was to later get me into “trouble” of sorts…

In my fourth or final year, I got nominated by classmates to be the pioneer president of a “Readers’ Club launched in the department.

But I knew I already had my hands full with sports, and SFRF.

Try as I could, no one was prepared to pass me over. It seemed they felt my nicknames of “Iwe” and “Material” made me perfect for the job.

So I found myself having to arrange meetings, excursions, and do a variety of other tasks.

That Was When I Began to Feel the Pressure…

My study routine, developed from my first year, began to suffer e.g. I began getting to my room too tired to wake up and study from midnight till 4.00a.m, before hitting the tracks by 5.00a.m.

When the final C.G.P.A was announced, I had no regrets. Instead I let others lament on my behalf :-)

I felt I’d gotten the best of all the worlds I’d been in while on campus.

The merit award from the sports council, and my hall of residence, made me feel I’d achieved a decent balance in my university education.

My Extracurricular Experiences Have REPEATEDLY Helped Me Succeed in Various Ways in Life!

I’ve since discovered over more than 2 decades, that I was right!

My sporting background has continued to help me deliver seemingly superhuman work related performances to the amazement of many older/younger persons.

To succeed in competitive sports mental and physical stamina are things you MUST develop. Add to that a rock hard never-say-die mentality, in the face of pain, difficulty, or any other form of adversity.

I’ve explained in several articles on fitness (like this one) that stamina will help one excel in life.

Stamina – both physical and mental – enables me – seemingly effortlessly – churn out articles/reports, create Excel software, and complete web marketing projects, to meet deadlines.

I’ve also given examples above, of how my SFRF experience provided the basis for developing what is today my most popular, and profitable range of farm business products and services.

If you’ve been reading this blog, you should by now have deduced that my SFRF exposure equipped me to write the 4,000 word agribusiness paper I got paid for in December 2013.

And if all goes well, there’s yet another potential benefit of my SFRF exposure headed my way!

Just today, I emailed the final version of a proposal about entering my Ration Formulator™ for an international competition.

When I clicked “send”, my head felt HOT from over 2 weeks of carefully crafting answers to the questions in the “brief” document provided!

It required most responses pegged to 150/200 words. They wanted no long stories…like this article…LOL! But I got it done :-))

In giving my answers, I made a point of stating that my SFRF experience helped me create the handbook and software innovation.

The proposals will be reviewed and selected by an “expert jury”, and contracts will be awarded to the 20 highest-scoring applicants, who will also be invited to a cross-learning workshop etc.

I gave it my best shot. Who knows…my proposal could just get chosen!

Final Words: The Right Extracurricular Activities Can Make Giving Up a Few C.G.P.A Points Worthwhile

The truth – no matter what anyone chooses to believe – is that over 80% of my increasingly popular software and handbook feed formulation solutions did NOT come from my classroom exposure.

Instead, they came directly from the 3 years I spent as a VERY active member of SFRF.

Indeed, no one has ever asked me about my C.G.P.A score since I graduated!

And that’s why I’d advise my child, ANY DAY, to give up a few C.G.P.A points, if it’s unavoidable, to acquire such life changing extracurricular experiences!

Do You Want a Comprehensive Guide to Private Universities in Benin Republic?

A recent email from one of my newsletter subscribers read (in part) as follows: “Tayo, pls can u guide me on university education in Benin Republic? Ranging from the standard ones to qualifications and range of tuition fee as well as accommodation.”

Sadly, I was only able to send her links to a list of approved universities published on the Nigerian Embassy website, and to the website of a client who is a top decision maker in one of the leading universities here.

In truth, what she wanted was a WHOLE lot of information that cannot be found in one place!

Here’s the detailed response I sent to her…

“I’m not sure what your understanding of my work is, and especially how I operate here in Benin Republic.

The truth is I do not have access to that kind – and volume(!) – of information on private universities here.

Even people who OWN or work in them would struggle to give you all you’ve asked for!

My Suggestions:

1. I have a client: who is a top decision maker in one of such private universities.

You may contact him via his site to see if he can help you.

Note that you take full responsibility for your subsequent actions in this regard.

2. Check with the Nigerian embassy.

The ambassador once published a list of accredited institutions and their approved courses at

You may wish to contact them for additional guidance.

3. I’m an entrepreneur based here.

My work in the area of web marketing/freelance writing brings me in periodic contact with stakeholders in the industry.

I can do a detailed survey of the accredited schools along the lines of your enquiry, and prepare a comprehensive table on which the different institutions can be compared, to aid your decision making.

But that would be a lot of work, and it would be for a professional fee.

Hope this helps :-)

===End of email reply===

After sending the above email, I realized I could have added a 4th suggestion:

4. Consider taking a trip down to Benin Republic for a few days to see things for yourself.

Plan to come in early in the week – say from Tuesday.

You would have possibly printed out the list of approved institutions and courses from the Embassy website. If possible you could visit the Ministry of Education in Nigeria to get the list.

Indeed it is likely they would also be able to give you a more comprehensive list that includes all approved courses offered by EACH institution.

Armed with that, you would then visit Benin Republic, and go to the equivalent ministry of education office here, to obtain get the full contact details of the institutions on your list.

Once you get that, the next step will be to call and/or visit each one to find out the details you want.

If any have website addresses, you could start by checking them out online.

But only START by doing that…do NOT stop there!

My experience however strongly indicates you would be VERY wise to STILL plan a physical visit to each school to establish what they really have to offer.

Or what would be the point of traveling ALL the way down to Benin in the first place, if you then did NOT visit their premises in what is such a small country?

What’s more moving around in Benin is generally not a problem. So you will rarely have to worry about traffic or any other annoyances.

Final Words: “My Comprehensive Guide to Private Universities in Benin Republic” – Coming Soon

I did not like the fact that I was unable to help that email enquirer on such an important matter. Considering that I’m based here, and engaged primarily in freelance writing online and off the web (of articles, reports and guides on different subjects), I believe I should help out in this area.

So, that email has now made me resolve to do the necessary detailed research and investigation to come up with a comprehensive guide to “Private Universities in Benin Republic”.

I’ll offer it as a new information product from my website.

This is because it’s obvious – from what I’ve seen over the past 10 months – that many people (parents and students) looking for reliable and unbiased resources to help them make their choices.

Hopefully, what I come up with will fill that need, to some extent.

If you’d like to be notified when the “Comprehensive Guide to Private Universities in Benin Republic” becomes available, fill and submit this form, to join my mailing list.

No. 128: Using Location Independent Multipreneuring to Achieve Public Speaking Success

I began my “Location Independent Multiprenuring Travels” across West Africa, on 1st April 2013 – about 10 months ago. The amazing successes I’m achieving (some described below) convince me one MUST be willing to take greater risks, to move to higher levels of achievement.

If I’d remained in Nigeria, I doubt I’d have achieved this much by now! (Want to know why I chose to relocate to Benin Republic? Click here).

This is why I share my experiences on my website. I want people to learn (from reading about how I use myself as a “guinea pig” of sorts) what they can do to advance towards their goals in life.


Click now to view the latest issue of Tayo Solagbade's Public Speaking IDEAS page

Publication: Weekly Public Speaking IDEAS Newsletter

Date: Monday 10th February 2014


Title: Using Location Independent Multipreneuring to Achieve Public Speaking Success

Author & Publisher: Tayo K. Solagbade [Tel: +234-803-302-1263 (in Nigeria) or +229-66-122-136 (in Benin Republic) ]

Blog URL:

Archive (E-mail version started 14th May 2012): Click here to view

Archive (Blog version started 24th September 2011): Click here

Have You Downloaded Your Gifts?

Ten Ways Self-Development Bible

As a subscriber to my mailing list, you get to access over 10 potentially useful books and reports.

Click here to view the download page:

Login using the username and password sent to you during signup.

Can’t find it? No problem. E-mail me via tayo at tksola dot com and I’ll send you another. Not yet a subscriber? Click here to signup.

**** **********

NB: This newsletter is published every Monday. Point your browser to to read at least ONE new post added to my SD Nuggets blog on a different category from Tuesday till Saturday (sometimes even Sundays) in line with this publishing schedule :-)


View Tayo Solagbade's video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsJoin the SD Nuggets community on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google Plus

No. 128: Using Location Independent Multipreneuring to Achieve Public Speaking Success

I began my “Location Independent Multiprenuring Travels” across West Africa, on 1st April 2013 – about 10 months ago. The amazing successes I’m achieving (some described below) convince me one MUST be willing to take greater risks, to move to higher levels of achievement.

If I’d remained in Nigeria, I doubt I’d have achieved this much by now! (Want to know why I chose to relocate to Benin Republic? Click here).

This is why I share my experiences on my website. I want people to learn (from reading about how I use myself as a “guinea pig” of sorts) what they can do to advance towards their goals in life.

Thanks to a New Facebook Friend for Asking Me a Question

This issue of my newsletter is an update of sorts about my Location Independent Multipreneuring, which is taking me “slowly” across West Africa.

If not for a new Facebook friend that I’ll simply call D.M, I’ll probably not have gotten round to writing it. She sent me a Facebook message asking:

“So, are you still travelling across Africa?? What are you up to?”

Her enquiry, as I told her, came in as I was contemplating writing an update on my blog about my travels. So I decided to kill 2 birds with one stone…by writing to answer her, and at the same time end up with a new article update to publish under the “My DN Travels” category on my blog.

Yes I Am Still Travelling…Across West Africa…But Slowly…

I’m working to deliberately achieve name recognition and promote my products/services to more members of my target audience, in West Africa, who may not yet be so web friendly.

And they are many – especially business owners (for some strange reason) – who are like that.

My strategy is to use what I call my Public Speaking for Business Marketing System (PSBM)™ – which I conceived/began using in Nigeria back in 2002 – to get their attention and interest at zero cost.

I’m actively creating awareness about what I can do to help groups and organisations. And I’m doing it in a way that, over time, MOVES them to invite me to contact me.

From there, as has happened in the past, some may engage me to do deliver my products and services.

Here are some of the activities I’m focussed on…

1. Zero Cost Book Publishing Information & Education for Writers

For instance, I’m trying to get the Pan African Writers Association (PAWA) in Ghana, to bring me in to speak to/coach their members.

This is with respect to using web based Print On Demand Publishing to get their physical books published and delivered to a global paying audience at zero cost.

I’ve been selling physical copies of my own flagship Self-Development manual, using web based zero cost Print On Demand publishing, since 2005 – when I met with the PAWA president during a 2 week stay in Accra.

He’d been quite excited by the idea of not needing to pay hefty fees to traditional publishers to get books in print, for sale locally or abroad.

But he wanted me to send a physical copy of my book which I’d shown him online. A few months later, I sent a copy through a friend that I stayed with in Accra, who worked with a bank.

I never heard back from him, but I mentally resolved that I’d follow up at the right time. I believe that time is now here.

See my self development bible which is physically shipped worldwide on sale

2 months ago (December 2013), I also got paid for writing a 4,000 word agribusiness research paper for an international organisation. Apart from visiting Nigeria to conduct a questionnaire survey, I only had to sit down and write based on what I knew!

A few days ago, I got email notification that my 500 word short story titled “The Deadly High School Students Street Fight” did NOT get selected for phase 2 of an international competition I entered it for.

I sent in my submission from the competition website on the night of the very last day for entries – 31st December 2013 (while others were watching movies).

Many such online (free-to-enter) writing contests exist. A Google search will yield useful links to follow.

I argue that any writer, who feels s/he is good, and lacks “funds”, can start by entering for such contests.

There are cash prizes (up to $3,000 USD) to be won by finalists. If/when you win, you can channel such earnings to boost your writing career.

Why not? It’s better than sitting at home moaning about how no publisher will give you a chance!!

Many writers across Africa don’t know it’s possible. Even today. Yet most complain of “lack of money” to get their book ideas published/sold, or to support their writing dreams.

I aim to help them out through their organisations.

2. Farm CEOs Benefit From Connecting With Me Too!

I also use variants of the above approach to promote other solutions I offer to farm business owners (e.g. my popular Feed Formulation Handbook and Ration Formulator Software).

To get my foot in the door, I aim to visit and become familiar with the different cultures in each country. [NB: I’ve visited some in the past (e.g. Ghana and Cameroon), and I’ll be exploiting contacts made back then to achieve my goals.]

Then based on unique insights I gain from my interactions and observations, I use my writing to offer them new ideas, information and education.

Lots of real life story telling about experiences I had in places like Ghana, Cameroon, Nigeria, and here in Benin Republic, is done, to “sell myself” as credible and authentic, AND therefore worthy of trust.

Over time, this and other approaches, make business owners and organisational decision makers discover me, and they often go on to connect with me.

It IS a slow process. But it works. And it Has a Very Long Lasting Marketing Reach and Impact

For instance since starting my travels on 1st April 2013, by coming to Benin Republic, I’ve had many more prospects readily make enquiries (and sometimes purchases) of my Ration Formulator software from in and out of Africa. E.g. Tanzania, Cameroon, S/Africa, Kenya, Iran, India, Bangladesh, Canada, USA.

It’s been amazing to see how writing about what I do DAILY, on my blog, with periodic reference to my travel experiences is making more people connect with me.

I’ve had buyers from all over Nigeria (east, west, north and south).

Just yesterday I fulfilled another N12,500 order for my feed formulation software.

The buyer called my Nigeria mobile line just as I boarded a bus headed to the Benin Republic border, from Lagos (where I’d gone to attend my Dad’s 80th birthday anniversary celebration).

The best part is however that I now get email and phone requests from Nigerians in Diaspora

They often request my advice (often making it clear they’re ready to pay or offer “ownership”) on market opportunities in Nigeria/West Africa, for business ideas they’re considering investing in e.g. fish farming, milk importation etc.

A few days ago, I made a recommendation to one such group that contacted me via Facebook. If they adopt it, and choose to have me implement it, I may be going across W/African markets to conduct a survey of imported milk products, towards writing a feasibility study for the decision makers to consider.

3. Farm Products Based Micro Scale Business Development Coaching

Then locally here in Benin, I’ve developed a pineapple peel based drink and cakes range, which has gotten me noticed at the Nigerian embassy here in Cotonou.

For instance, see – where my on-demand talk about using peels from pineapples (and 9 other fruits) to make drinks that can be sold.

Click to learn more about the Home Based Farm Business Products Brew Pub I Plan to Open In Cotonou

The subject interests people here, because pineapple is a national product, sold and consumed everywhere – daily. The tonnes of peels/rinds get thrown away.

What I have done proves it can be recycled. That has significant income generation and job creation potentials/implications.

I aim to get support to travel the region giving my flagship talk and training to interested groups.

A Beninese professor was at the Nigerian embassy, when I showed the bottled drinks to a top officer back in September.

He insisted on driving me to his home (hours away) in Kasato, outside Cotonou, to meet his entire family.

After I gave a brief overview of how I began making drinks using the peels, he scolded the kids who were students in the university saying: “This man only got here a few months ago, and look what he’s already doing in our country! Why can’t you do the same?

Later I was treated to a sumptuous meal. And when he dropped me off that night, he told me he would want me to come give talks to his students at the national language centre.

This year, I believe we’ll be able to make something happen in that regard.

The Chamber of Commerce Administrator for a certain Francophone nation here in Cotonou, has been one of my most fervent advocates.

After eating the 50% pineapple peel cakes I took to his office in December (he’d tasted the drinks 2 months before) he told me to send him all my promotional materials in French.

I’ll get around to that soon. I’d proposed going to their country to give talks on the subject.

4. Public Speaking for Business Marketing (PSBM) & Web Marketing Coaching

I’m using 1 to 3 described above, to build up to THIS number activity…

Back in June 2013, I developed (and have since begun selling on CDROM) Part 1 of a Quick & Dirty Guide to English Language for French Speakers…and to French Language for English Speakers. There are 9 other chapters planned.

Screenshot of autorun CD ROM for Part 1 of the Quick and Dirty Guide for French and English Learners

I’m now convinced that I can offer live “English public/speaking conversation practise sessions” for people at the brew pub I plan to open. Sales of my language guide, and the practice sessions would attract patrons to events I organise in my pub.

Like I said, things (including ideas) just seem to fall in place over time…:-))

My various activities have led a Cameroonian (web marketing) client, who is part-owner of a Private University here, to request that I deliver talks to students in the institution.

Hopefully we’ll be able to agree terms etc.

My key offering, as a I travel, is however a “Talk on How to Use Public Speaking – & Web Marketing Systems – for Zero Cost Business Marketing”.

Click to download Full PDF flyer with details of the Web Marketing and Public Speaking for Business Marketing Systems

Click to view larger screenshot - How African Experts and CEOs Can Use Public Speaking To Win Buyers and Save Money!

With the successes I now have under my belt, I’m certain this aspect of my plans will take off in 2014.

Final Words: What You Can Take Away…

That sums up the latest update on where I am in my work/travels, and what the near future looks like ;-))

But here’s something I’d like you to take away from all this…

You see, I did not start out knowing what the future held for me.

Yet I took the step to begin the journey, after realizing I needed to change my “environment” to succeed better.

Then I made sure that I never let a single day pass, without taking firm action to progress my plans.

What I found, over time, was that other things I needed began falling in place. I just had to proceed with faith and persistence.

Some Would Say I lead a Charmed Life. That I was/am lucky.

The truth is however that I have paid (and continue to PAY) my dues!

If you think doing any of the above the way I do them is easy, think again.

But I LOVE what I do, so it comes easy to me.

Find what YOU love to do, and apply a similar approach to the above – with faith/persistence. You’ll eventually find yourself succeeding, seemingly effortlessly, no matter what anyone says or does!

Further Reading:

Why I Do What I Do, The Way I Do It (My Personal Philosophy paper – written on 2nd March 2003)

Have a great week :-))

Get Burt Dubin’s Public Speaking Mentoring
for Africa Based Experts

Tayo K. Solagbade*

Self-Development/Performance Improvement Specialist

*Sole Agent For Burt Dubin’s Speaker Mentoring Service In Africa

Mobile: +234-803-302-1263 (in Nigeria) or +229-66-122-136 (in Benin Republic)

Self-Development/Performance Enhancement SpecialistTayo Solagbade – works as a multipreneurial freelance writer providing zero risk article and report writing support for website owners, while travelling slowly across West Africa as a Location Independent Multipreneur.

He’s presently based in Benin Republic, where he’s preparing an English-French Language Guide, City Travel Guides, and a Commercial Rabbit Farming Guide.

He earns multiple streams of income providing clients with performance improvement training/coaching, custom MS Excel-VB solutions, web marketing systems, freelance writing services, and best practice extension support services (for farm business owners).

In a previous life, before leaving to become self-employed, Tayo served for seven years as a high performing manager in Guinness Nigeria. He rose from Shift Brewer, to Training & Technical Development Manager, then later acted in senior management roles as Production Manager and Technical Manager.

When he’s not amazing clients with his superhuman skills (wink), Tayo works as the creative force behind his Self-Development Nuggets™ blog, and Public Speaking IDEAS newsletter (which he publishes to promote Burt Dubin’s Public Speaking Mentoring service to experts working across the African continent).

For a limited time, Tayo is available to speak to your group or organization for a moderate fee. Send e-mail to tayo at tksola dot com. You can also visit to learn more.

Connect with him on Twitter and Facebook.


View Tayo Solagbade's video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsJoin the SD Nuggets community on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google Plus

Useful Resources for Speakers

Burt Dubin works with people who want to be speakers, and with speakers who want to be masters.

Burt Dubin works with people who want to be speakers, and with speakers who want to be masters. Click here to visit his website NOW and submit a contact form message telling him what challenges you’re facing, and how you’d like him to help you. Tell him I sent you, and you’ll get a pleasant surprise offer from him.

Burt Dubin’s monthly Speaking Biz Strategies Letter [Signup & get a 7-Part Email Course on “How To Succeed And Get Paid As A Professional Speaker“]

Get Burt’s mentoring at any of the 3 levels below:

1. Top Shelf [Click here]

2. Mid Range [Click here]

3. Budget Delight [Click here]


On Being a Master (PDF)...A Gift from Burt Dubin - Click now!

Burt Dubin’s latest book: “On Being a Master

Download Chapter 1 Preview as PDF

Showmanship Strategems

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Showmanship Stratagems

Discover these secrets of making your programs more interesting and valuable to your clients and audiences now.

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Burt Dubin live

Burt’s Flagship Album

This is the product to own if you can own only one. Why? Because in it you discover principles of platform mastership available to you nowhere else at any price.

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With its Money back if not delighted Guarantee hardly any are returned.

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Presentation Magic - Speaking Business Success

Presentation Magic

A live example, including a complete audio recording of a program Burt created from scratch–on a topic he knew nothing about and never, ever presented before! See how you, guided by your personal Learning Guide, (Presentation Magic), can do this too and thrill audiences as often as you want.

Presentation Magic Manual with new pages added plus 3 audio CDs.

more information


How To Create a Great Program Manual

Discover how you can produce a precious memento of you and your program. Capture over 44 model pages you can easily adapt for your use. Engage proven principles that add value to the experience of sitting at your feet and learning from you.

This is a reprise of the historic presentation that launched the Speaking Success System.

No copy of this 2 CD program and 50 page Learning Guide has ever been returned.

more information


Smart Exercising Will Keep You Fit, Healthy and Alive - Click to read
Click to read article titled: 'Smart Exercising Will Keep You Fit, Healthy and Alive'...and ONE other. Self-Development/Performance Enhancement Specialist - Tayo Solagbade - works as a multipreneurial freelance writer providing zero risk article and report writing support for website owners, while travelling slowly across West Africa as a Location Independent Multipreneur.


Using MS Excel® Solver for Least Cost Feed Formulation Can Be Easy - But Also Dangerous (How to Protect Yourself) - Click to downloadDownload above PDF

NEW PDF - 10 Frequently Asked Questions About Feed FormulationDownload above PDF


“(Tayo Solagbade) is amazing and I think he is going to produce some impressive results online…” – click here to read full comment by Patrick Meninga (US based 6 figure income blogger who gained fame for building a $2,000 per month adsense website and selling it for $200,000).


“Tayo, I honestly believe you are one of those who will succeed at anything he does. Your commitment and effort has been outstanding….Thanks for all your hard work since I’ve been here – you will be sorely missed. I don’t need to wish you good luck, you have the ability to make your own luck. – Andy”(R. Jones)*

*Operations Manager, Guinness Nigeria Plc Benin Brewery, December 2001 (Handwritten comments in farewell/xmas cards sent to Tayo Solagbade following his resignation to start his own business).


Click here to contact Tayo…

SD Nuggets Blog

New posts from last week that may interest you! *
Public Speaking[Monday]:


Self-Development [Wednesday]:

Career Development [Thursday]:

Parenting [Friday]:


Writing/Blogging [Sunday]:

Want me to write for you? Click here…


Achieve Writing Success by Reading More Frequently and Deliberately

Late last year, I decided to begin writing short story pieces. Click here to read my first ever (500 word) attempt titled “The High School Students Street Fight”, which I entered for the GKBCinc Short Story Competition on 31st December 2013.

I intend to write many more short stories. Most will be based on real life experiences I’ve had, but written in a language that will appeal to kids as well as adults.

My plan is to challenge myself by deliberately entering each piece for ANY available online competitions. Or offline ones that do not require much registration hassle.

Why This Interest in Writing Short Stories?

You see, I’ve noticed that people love to read stories…often fiction or part fiction. They love to read novels – be it fiction or those based on real life events.

I happen to have lots of stories from real life experiences to share.

Over the years, I’ve noticed formal non-fiction writing does not appeal to all those who stand to benefit from the lessons offered in my writing.

But I’ve observed that most people react positively to true story pieces I write.

So, I’m deliberately adopting the use of short stories, to reach out to more members of my target audience.By infusing more entertainment – and less formality – into my writing, I aim to succeed more often in getting my message across to people who need to “hear” it.

I’ll be doing it based on the categories I focus on (e.g. career development, self-development, parenting, entrepreneurship, writing/blogging etc).

To this end, I have now created a Short Stories category to aid people who may wish to search for my write-ups that fall into this new area.

I’m Also Doing It to Help My Kids Become More Competent Writers and Readers

You see, I pay a lot of attention to what my kids tell me about school. I ask them questions about what they learn, their teachers etc.

What I learn convinces me I need to help my kids learn to use self-study techniques to complement whatever they get in school.

My passion for self-education drives me to challenge them to work hard at developing self-tutoring skills.

Succeeding with self-tutoring requires forming a healthy reading habit.

The problem is traditional schools, the way they operate, often make learners develop an aversion for reading.

When reading is not felt to be pleasurable, by the learner, s/he will avoid it wherever/whenever possible. And that will happen a lot when s/he is outside school …where it is unlikely to be “formally required”.

I noticed this was affecting my kids. They did not like being told to read – except it was a comic or magazine with fun content.

So I began encouraging them to think up and write short stories of their own.

To give them ideas, I suggested they read short story books by other authors, and to refer to narratives of traditional African folk tales.

The process has been slow, but so far I’ve gotten the 14 year old to complete one short story, while the 10 and 12 year olds are working to finish their first pieces.

Starting a Parent and Children “Self-Publishing Venture”

I have decided we’ll publish – both online and off the web – a collection of our short stories as a family, in one book, that will be offered for sale.

Years of experience working with kids and young people tells me this strategy can help me boost their natural interest in reading and writing.

I believe when my kids see their names and stories in print, they’ll get excited. Then even if only ONE sale happens, it will inspire them to think of writing more!

And that desire to write more, with coaching I provide, will make them want to read more as well.

Why will this happen?

It’s because the writing process often benefits greatly from reading that is done by a person. And they will discover that, as they participate in this exercise.

Many Great Writers Are Reputed to Have Started Out as Great – Often Voracious(!) – Readers

This is true. And it makes a lot of sense does it not? Very common sense I might add!

But one thing to note is that the quality of what is read is crucially important.

When you read “junk”, your development as a writer is likely to suffer. That’s why great writers recommend reading books by great authors…and nothing else.

Again, it’s just simple common sense.

I’m going to apply that common sense in coaching my kids to develop sound reading/writing skills.

And I aim to help them acquire the ability to earn tangible income using those skills.

Publishing My First Ever Short Story Is the First Step

As I’ve mentioned earlier in this piece, I intend get “The High School Students Street Fight” published as one of a collection of short stories to appear in a book by me and my kids.

Read my 14 year old son’s article titled “The Fool Who Thought He Was Wise (A 14 Year old’s Useful Story About HIV Aids Prevention)”. It will also be included…possibly with changes to make it a more compelling read.

For now, I’ve published my first ever short story (500 words) on this blog – click here.

I’ll try and make our collection of stories have illustrations to make each one interesting, especially to kids.

Today’s advanced PC and Internet technologies make doing the above relatively easy, convenient and affordable.

In fact it can even be done very cheap or at zero cost – if you choose to use Print On Demand Publishing – like I do, and which I strongly recommend.

NB: Read my 2005 article titled “How I Discovered Zero Cost Print On Demand publishing.” AND another titled “Do You Really Have To Find A Conventional Publisher? (A Case for Print On Demand Publishing)

That’s why I believe more parents may find it useful to adopt a similar approach, to help their kids develop more real world relevant reading and writing skills.