Category Archives: Writing/Blogging

[Audio Podcast Training] Tested Strategies to Save Money (& Grow Profits) Running YOUR Farm Business

[NB: A special promo of this new product was sent to all members of the Farm Business Ideas Club last night]

[Audio Podcast Training]

Tested Strategies to Save Money (& Grow Profits) Running YOUR Farm Business

Delivery Mode:

Five 30 Minute AMR audio files emailed to you for playback on phone or PC.


Farm CEOs who correctly apply these secrets will experience increased success with fewer reasons to fret or stress daily.

There are several strategies, but the most powerful of them all yields multidimensional rewards at low to zero cost:

That strategy is: “Reduce Variable Cost Inputs You Have to Spend Cash On!”

How do you do that?

Simply carry out the 5 steps outlined below, and watch your profits grow!

A. Find ways to make/grow variable cost inputs yourself at low to zero cost.

B. If you have to buy them, find ways to pay without cash: Barter Is Smarter.

C. Or find ways to get them without paying upfront I.e so you can later pay the supplier from your inevitable farm sales.

TIP: Cash flow is critical to profitable operation…AND Everything is negotiable!

D. Setup a reliable Variable Costs data recording, analysis and report generation system to facilitate timely and accurate monitoring of your item’s usages – to minimize avoidable losses like wastage or outright theft.

E. Use the historical records from your system to establish best practice control limits that will guide purchase/usage of each item by farm operatives. That way, budgetting/planning for Variable Cost inputs will become more predictable.

Option A: Do IT Yourself:

You can think up ways to implement the above by yourself – Or…

Option B: Signup to Get The Training & Support

In this case, I’ll give detailed explanations of exactly what to do, and how to do it via the 5 part audio series.

Signup Requirements

Text “YES VCR-APTraining”, with your full name and email address to +234 803 302 1263 to request details.

Get Your Anti Recession Insulator™ Product FREE [Details Inside]

I don’t bother myself with hype in my messages – because it NEVER attracts people with the right mindset to fit into my target audience profile.

That’s why I share experience based true stories, mixed with a sprinkling of verifiable results, that combine to attest to the veracity of my claims.

Such messages have continued to attract authentic serious minded results-focused DOERS and ACTION TAKERS to me!


People like the above indicated have often made the best clients for me :-)

For instance, in less than 18 hours of sending yesterday’s email on the above theme to my list (click here to read), I’ve gotten over 15% web form replies to my offer of details about “What You Need to Do, to Get My Recession-Proof Income Generating FREE Product Creation Service.

15% is a hefty response rate.

17% is industry standard for email open alone – so to have 15% taking the step to submit form requests is proof that this message resonates with my audience.

Chances are good that you also want details of how you can get my FREE service.

If YES, read on…

One of the form requests came from a Poultry Layer Farm CEO client based in Kaduna, who wrote as follows in the comments field:

comments = It’s always a good idea to diversify ones so source of income

And that’s the point I’m making with this initiative: The need to generate Multiple Streams of Income – regardless of what you do as your main vocation or profession!

Below is an excerpt from the full email details message I’ve sent to each web form requester so far:


Fill and submit the web form linked at the bottom of the excerpt, to request that I send you the full offer message, complete with JPEG mindmap, PDF report and AMR audio primer you can listen to on your phone or PC.

***Email excerpt starts***

[Title]: Re: Re(Your Web Form Submission): What You Need to Do, to Get my FREE Product-Creation-Service

[Body]: Below I describe 5 forms of Recession-Proof Income Generating Product I can Create at Zero Cost for YOU [In 30 Working Days]

I end by specifying what you need to do, to get this FREE product-creation-service.

[TIP: Before you start reading I need to impress a very important point on you – that products you create and sell using this strategy/approach I recommend, need NOT even have anything to do with the business you run, the day job you do – or indeed what you majored in at school!

Listen to the attached audio clip in which I give a brief explanation using my own real life products as examples]

…Listen to the attached 15 minute audio primer…

Now, with the understanding you’ve gained from listening to my clarification in the audio, reading what follows below should open your inner eyes to a wider range of product creation possibilities for now and into the far future…!

***Email excerpt ends***

Fill and submit the web form linked below to request the full message, complete with the JPEG mindmap, PDF report and AMR audio primer you will begin with.

Recession-Proof Income Generating Product at Zero Cost for YOU [In 30 Working Days] !

Note: This Service is FREE for Club Zero™ members and FBSC™ partners
If you are a member of Club Zero™ or a Partner in my Farm Business Support Centre(FBSC)™, you pay NO MONEY for this service. Simply tell me you’re interested and we’ll get started. TIP: Read full article for details of how to get it FREE even if you’re NOT a Club Zero™ or FBSC™ partner.

Quick Take-Away: Are you looking for new ideas to grow your income and cushion it against the negative recession pressures?

The product-creation-offer I describe below can help you. I call it the Ultimate Anti-Recession-Insulator(ARI)™.

What if I could create for you something that you could go on to repeatedly sell, to make money, without have to buy anything or incur any costs whatsoever?

Sounds unbelievable?

Well it’s true.

If you sign up for this product-creation-offer, at the end of the 30 working days delivery period, I will hand over your own Cash Flow Generating Product to you, and commence the process of helping you with Marketing Support ON and OFF the web to attract buyers.

This product is one that you will be able to continue selling to earn useful income 24/7, including after work hours, as well as during weekends and on public holidays.

This is an opportunity for you to OWN an income generating product that you can sell even when you have no client projects in hand, or no farm products to offer customers.

It is the ultimate Anti-Recession-Insulator™ – the perfect answer to your search for new ideas to grow your income and cushion your earnings against negative recession pressures!

Virtually everyone needs a product of this kind.

The Best Part Is That Your Kids Can “Inherit” It!

I OWN such products, and I’m especially excited that I will soon be able to pass them ON to my kids.

The 2 eldest already help me out in sending marketing broadcast messages, and also in following up with prospects who make email and phone inquiries.

It’s only a matter of time before they learn to sell it to make money on their own – and they will also learn to create other products of their own for sale.

Can you see why this is the ultimate solution for today, and indeed the future?

It gives YOU an opportunity to not only secure your financial future, by growing the library of such useful resources you can offer a target market or markets.

But it also provides you the best possible form of inheritance you can will to your offspring: evergreen products/solutions that they can learn how to sell from you, and then use to build their financial security early in life.

In other words, they can start with you, long before they arrive adulthood, earning income on the side, while they still have no dependants to spend on. So they’ll grow up building their bank accounts and learning to make smart use of their money to grow it.

That will prepare them to function as financially independent, competent adults later on in life.

Would You Like to get Details of How I Can Create Such a Product for You FREE In 30 Working Days, even if you are NOT a Club Zero™ member or a FBSC partner?

I’ve written about it before, and I’ve created it for other clients in the past. No two people can ever create the same of this product type.

It is based on each individual’s uniqueness – and I help you narrow down to what you confirm people who fit your target audience profile are willing to pay money for, in building the product.

Once that happens, it will only be a matter of time before quality marketing and sales efforts, applied with diligence and persistence, triggers a sustainable stream of sales for you.

To get this solution FREE, click here to send me a message (or Send your full name and email address to tayo at tksola dot com – with ARI in the subject line) and I’ll get back to you with specific details.

THE FARM CEO (Issue 61): The seeds of success: 4 start ups leading the field in agriculture, 12 top ways Israel feeds the world, Growing a business that helps small farmers in Africa

In this week’s issue of The Farm CEO, I feature 3 reports about latest discoveries in Farm Business across Africa.

1. The seeds of success: 4 start ups leading the field in agriculture

This Strategy Eliminates the Need to Sell Physical Assets to Make Money [Audio Podcast]

Once payment is received and ownership has changed hands, the seller of a physical product can no longer – legally – seek to earn income from the sale of that particular “sold” item.

The media has been awash with news about Nigeria’s national assets, and plans by the government to sell them to raise badly needed funds.

But I ask: What happens after that?

Are we going to sell human beings (our human “assets”?) to get money to implement our budgets, since Oil sales have refused to improve?

Of course not.

The problem I see is that the assets being talked about are ONLY the physical ones – they are items that can only be sold once.

Sadly, the thinking prevalent in the Nigerian social space, is indicative of a severe lack of insights relevant to profitable money making using INTANGIBLE ASSETS in today’s Information Age.


I’m saying Nigeria (and her citizens) has (have) many intangible assets that, well leveraged, can – and should – be aggressively used to generate multiple streams of income in various areas.

What I refer to is being done by progressive nations in Africa, Asia, Europe and America!

In this audio I analyze the faulty – yet deeply ingrained – mental attitude (deriving mainly from the kind of schooling we undergo) that’s preventing Nigerians in and out of government from adopting a ready-to-use strategy (employed by developed nations) that can make generation of valuable foreign exchange earnings a regular, reliable reality.

The best part is we already have EVERYTHING we need to begin using it and profiting from doing so, from today.

However our success (or otherwise) will be greatly determined by how willing we are to CHANGE our faulty mental attitudes and socio-economic habits.

Email me via tayo at tksola dot com (with “Intangible Assets” in the subject line), to request the download link to this 20 minute audio podcast.

In it, I propose ready-to-use ideas for zero cost adoption by individuals or groups in government or society, that – properly used – eliminate the need to sell physical assets you own, to raise funds you need.

Nigeria @56: Claim Your N5,600-to-buy-ANY-Product-Awoof [Expires MNT Fri 30/9/16]

I love what I do :-)

It’s always so much fun to be able to think up new ways to communicate with my target audience!

I worked overnight writing new articles for a proJect, and managed to squeeze in a new audio podcast recording.

Then just as I was about to go to sleep at 6:30a.m, the idea occurred to me to use Nigeria’s new age to compose the following offer…

Lol: Notice how my promo fee EQUALS Nigeria’s age multiplied by 100? Like I said, I love having fun doing what I do :-)

Nigeria @56: Claim Your N5,600-to-buy-ANY-Product-Awoof [Expires MNT Fri 30/9/16]

If you pay N5,600.0 on or before MNT tomorrow 30/9/16, I’ll send you ANY product of your choice – no matter the price

[NB: Offer valid for first 5 persons to reply YES via email to tayo at tksola dot com to claim the offer].

So if there’s any product you’re interested in, or that you’ve contacted me about in the past, THIS is your chance to get it.

You’ll be saving N3k to over N65k.

But here’s the best part:

If you claim this offer, you ALSO get full membership of my Farm Business Ideas club, which includes 40% lifetime discount to buy any other products or services I offer in future.

TIP: Tell a friend about this opportunity, even if you don’t need it.

S/he may thank you for it!

Happy 1st October Independence Day celebration in advance!

[With Video URL] ‘Why I Hate School But Love Education’ Viral Video Points To Stupid In America And All The Wrong Questions | Huffington Post

Due to the fact that it perfectly captures the experience-based reservations I’ve expressed in my Best Practice Parenting articles over the years, I’ve been sharing the powerful video reviewed in this Huffington Post report for weeks via email and Whatsapp: Contact me if you want me to send it to you.

I’ve appended a preview ending with URL to the full article below.

It is instructive to note that the writer of the review picks holes in the argument made in the video (incl wrong spellings/facts).

That’s why I prefer to post the article’s URL below, along with the video’s URL:

That way YOU can make up YOUR mind.

My advice: Be honest with yourself.

Why I Hate School But Love Education’ Viral Video Points To Stupid In America And All The Wrong Questions | Huffington Post

English rapper-poet Suli Breaks is out with a video that’s taking the Internet by storm, and young people are loving it.

“Why I Hate School But Love Education“ has received nearly half a million views since it was posted to YouTube on Sunday. The young, educated artist takes a strong stance on schooling, urging the world’s youth to “understand your motives and reassess your aims.”

Continue reading:

Knowing How to Code Is NOT Enough for Spreadsheet Programming Success [MUST READ: FREE PDF Introduction to Excel-VB Programming by J.Latham]

[NB: This is a non-password protected educational piece for members of my Excel Heaven Visual Basic Automation Club]

In 2007, it cost my brother-in-law (Segun Ogunlana) about $34 USD to buy me a copy of the 1st edition of Professional Excel Development: The Definitive Guide to Developing Applications Using Microsoft Excel, VBA, and .NET

Today, given the crazy Nigerian Naira Exchange rate of N430 to $1 USD, that US dollar sum comes to approximately N15,000 (Fifteen Thousand Naira).

Now, even though this Excel Bible offers a lot more than the FREE Excel-VB PDF learning resource I will talk about further down, added to the fact that it is not really for beginners, I believe (and I explain why, below) getting the PDF ebook I recommend here for FREE is really a bargain!

Below are screenshots from selected pages of this PDF

I should add here that the author got my attention the most when I saw the effort he made to provide examples of how to use FORMS(intelligently enhanced with ActiveX controls) as data sources in automating MS Excel – (as can be seen from the interfaces in my apps – click here) for the ease of use it affords users, especially those who are novices or not Excel savvy.




I’ve never believed in reinventing the wheel:
Just knowing how to code, no matter how good you are, is not enough.

It’s important to establish a guiding philosophy to steer you right in doing what you do, if you want to succeed for the long term.

My background in Best Practice and Continuous Improvement based Performance Improvement has always helped me stay focused on what matters, which is GETTING NEEDED RESULTS and SOLVING PROBLEMS in a way that meets felt needs, resulting in progress for my clients – and, by implication, me.

Being skilled is only one dimension of the requirements for succeeding in any field.

Excel-VB Programming is no exception.

I say all this to impress upon you the importance of having the right mindset and orientation to deliver Excel-VB solutions that work for others.

A sound understanding of the experience based insights I share here can make a less skilled Excel-VB expert achieve greater success in terms of solving client problems as well as making money, compared to a rival who is more gifted at coding, but lacks these insights.

To put it simply, you will be all about using your know-how to solve user’s problem and NOT to impress or intimidate them. In otherwords, no attitude issues – which is a challenge some gifted programmers tend to have!

My understanding of the above, is why – In coaching others to program MS Excel using VBA – I regularly point them towards resources, on and off the web, that they can take advantage of, beyond whatever I may offer them, to become more proficient in VBA Solutions Development.

As I explained above, I belong to the school of thought that one must avoid falling into the mental trap of placing too much emphasis on programming or coding for the sake of it.

Instead, especially for those of us engaged in use of MS Excel to develop custom apps for busy users with unique needs, we MUST NEVER lose sight of the fact that solving the problem of our “user” is why we exist as providers.

So, we simply cannot afford to fall into the mindset of (some) conventional programmers who tend to be rigid in the way they go about doing what they do, and who typically refuse to try interacting with prospective end users in a manner that makes it easy for the latter to influence the development process.

It is my considered opinion, that to succeed in using MS Excel programming, one must think and act like a SOLUTIONS DEVELOPER and not just as a PROGRAMMER.

To do that, you will need to remember at all times that showing off your coding skills is not needed. Instead, learning how to optimally utilize your knowledge of MS Excel-VB Programming, to produce results specified by your client or employer will be the key to your long term success.

Without the above understanding, anyone who ventures into programming, especially using MS Excel-VB is likely to encounter considerable difficulty giving clients what they want, in a manner that satisfies them.

The above mentioned philosophy has over the years guided me to make efficient and effective use of my time and effort in serving clients.

So, rather than obsess excessively over coding to impress clients, I have learned to identify smart and time/effort saving ways to deliver results my clients want.

Sometimes doing that actually requires doing LESS or NO coding, and instead exploring smart techniques for using the MS Excel engine itself to deliver the desired automation.

A good example is the powerful dynamic report generation template shown below, that I created for the National Distribution Manager of a Telecoms Multinational during a private coaching session I had with him.

Click below or here to visit the page where I use two videos to show this powerful report in use (scroll half-way down the page)

Screenshot of a tutorial workbook I created several years ago, for the National Distribution Manager of a large multinational telecoms company (The Logistics Department hired me) - Click to view larger image in new window


Without using a single line of code, and depending ONLY on spreadsheet based features and functions in Excel, I setup the above shown interface that enabled him generate ANY scenarios he wanted at the click of a mouse on a menu item or button.

This is what I mean when I tell those I coach that the right mindset/mental attitude or THINKING is crucial to succeeding in Excel-VB Solutions Development.

[RECOMMENDED] Programming In Excel VBA – An Introduction (.pdf File) – By J.Latham

The above explained mental attitude is what makes me keen to expose those who learn from me, to resources that I have found helpful in developing myself to function competently as required.

This week, I refer you to a useful PDF resource, which – though a bit dated – having been prepared based on an old version of MS Excel, still offers considerably useful information and education for Successful VBA Programming in MS Excel.

Not only does it feature useful techniques and concepts, it also provides real world relevant examples and illustrations of virtually every aspect of VBA coding you will need to know to function competently as a developer.

Most importantly, it offers references to other expert resources, in form of highly competent/recognized MS Excel -VB professionals whose works you can study.

Now, here’s the best part: Despite offering such a comprehensive body of ready-to-use practical tips and wisdom on Excel-VB Solutions Development, this PDF does NOT cost anything i.e it is 100% FREE!

And that’s why I recommend that you download and read this PDF. Click here to visit the author’s site, where the PDF and several useful Projects Workbooks (with project code visible in the Visual Basic Editor) are available for download and study.

Like I said, it is a bit dated, but I believe it still offers useful foundation that you can build on.

Indeed it is instructive to note that there are still MANY business users who still work in older versions of MS Excel, due to the fact that they feel their needs continue to be well catered for by those versions (say from 2003 upwards).

As a developer, you need to take pains to make your solutions reasonably backward compatible, to ensure you don’t alienate a section of your target users who may be using relatively older Excel versions.

Only people who use pirated versions of the latest MS Excel will find it hard to understand why someone would choose not to install the so called latest version of Excel on his/her PC.

In developed societies for example, where piracy is not widespread, most business users do a cost-benefit analysis in order to decide whether or not to pay what is often NOT a light fee to upgrade to the new or latest version.

So, any developer looking to build and sell apps to such users would need to make his/her apps adaptable to running trouble-free on old as well as new versions.

In the course of future tutorials, I will periodically refer you to the contents of this PDF, to facilitate your comprehension of project based exercises you will be doing.

Download and read the PDF here

Click here to visit the author’s site