Category Archives: What Happened to SpontaneousDevelopmentDotCom ?

Succeed by Emerging from Adversity Like a Phoenix ( launches extra Hosting plan with FREE Web Marketing!)

The Phoenix is a mythical bird. Click here to learn more about it, to understand why I’ve referred to it here, with regard to my re-incarnated website presence :-))

I’m gradually putting finishing touches to the new look website and content at It’s now leaner, and smarter!

Many thanks again to those who “forced” my hand by taking over (click to read the full story about how I lost that 9 year old domain)!

Click now to view the lastest updates to

Below is a photo I took yesterday (Thursday, 22nd May 2014) in a Cotonou restaurant, with a Cameroonian client (Arnaud Franklin Nana), who – like me – is based in Benin Republic.

I developed an elaborate Web Marketing System for him in June/July 2013. 

Photo I took yesterday with a client that I developed an elaborate Web Marketing System for in June/July 2013. He took me out to lunch yesterday (22nd May 2014) in a Cotonou restaurant here in Benin Republic.

Here’s another one we took just before leaving. We wanted to capture the moment in multiple ways…heehee

Another photo I took yesterday with the client.

We discussed business and also shared updates about our work etc – including stuff like this drama with my website…

I should point out that most of my authentic clients have similar relationships with me. We relate more like FRIENDS, than business associates. And that includes those I have NEVER met in the flesh!

By the time we parted ways he’d told me about 3 projects he wanted me to handle. Two for him. One for a private university he runs with Victor Ogar, his Nigerian partner of many years. All three relate to the Web Marketing based Hosting Service I provide.

He has since paid for 2 of the 3 projects. So, it was not all talk :-))

It’s so great to be able to attract patronage for my products/services on and off the web, ANYWHERE I go, simply by being CONSISTENT!

Think about it. One day my website was gone, some days later, I put a better one up.

All the while, some of my clients would have been watching (including prospective ones!) to see how I would deal with the challenge.

What I’ve now successfully done with, can only make me look more convincing than ever, with regard to my competence as a Web Marketing Specialist who offers website hosting services!

And it’s likely to make it easier any serious minded person, to choose me over any other provider s/he is considering.

Wow, I AM living my dream: So, here’s my prayer for YOU:

“May you also get to live your dream too!

And while you’re working at it, remember that no matter how bad it looks or feels, there will always be something better that turns up…IF you do NOT give up.

PS: Get Free Web Marketing Support, when you signup for my Creative Business Solutions Special Website Hosting Offer

Having said all the above about my hosting service, it only makes sense that I provide some details for anyone who may be interested.

First, let me state this: My hosting service is VERY targeted.

In reality, I mainly offer it to clients who hire me to develop Web Marketing Systems for them.

The number of plans I offer, and their pricing reflect that. And so it may be difficult to compare the “prices” with what some other web host may offer you!

A visit to my hosting services website displays a “Budget Base” plan – the lowest available, along with ONLY 2 others, which are premium hosting plans.

My hosting services website displays a

However, there is a special hosting plan that is NOT listed. I call it “WebMarketingforCEOs.”

This screenshot shows key features of my special hosting plan that is NOT listed. I call it

Below is the link to my Hosting Service website:

Click here now to go there…

You’ll notice that the “WebMarketingforCEOs” plan is NOT listed.

That’s because I reserve it for clients who engage my services in Web Marketing Systems development.

Instead, you’ll see the Business and the Pro hosting plans alongside the “Budget Base” plan.

If you wish to host with me, without taking up my FREE Web Marketing Support offer, I recommend you pick either the Business or the Pro hosting plan.

Otherwise, consider purchasing the WebMarketingforCEOs” 2 year plan, which earns you FREE Monthly Web Marketing Support for 24 Full Months.

If you pay for TWO years you get FREE Monthly Web Marketing support from me (details when you contact me). And you’ll also be FREE from worrying about renewing your domain name/hosting for 2 years.

Why this WebMarketingforCEOs 2 Year Offer?

Simple. I’ve seen that my clients’ busy schedules makes web marketing hard for them.

This promo enables me help you, since YOUR website’s success is MY success. By helping your website succeed, I make it easier for you to continue making renewal payments.

Interested in any of my hosting plans? Click here to contact me. Or email tayo at tksola dot com.