Category Archives: Self-Development

Video: Spreadsheet Automation Can Boost Your Success [What MANY African Professionals Are Missing]

The Justification for Adopting Custom ExcelVB Spreadsheet Automation – Many Africans still don’t get it. Sometimes Off-The-Shelf Applications will NOT meet your needs well enough! There is an industry that is MISSING on the continent, that can help reduce unemployment: It’s the Excel-VB Solutions Development Industry!

Watch the videos below, to hear me explain in detail…



Click here to download the 9 page slideshow about the MS Excel Heaven™ Visual Basic Club.

It explains how you can participate in the competition…or how you can become a sponsor.

Learn more about my home study Excel-VB workbook (here) and video tutorials, my 4 day practical workshop as well as my custom Excel-VB software development service.



Is YOUR Employee Screaming For Help Without Being Heard?

This is not a lengthy piece (at 470 words) but I think the message it carries is quite weighty.

Many times in large (and even small) organisations, “office politics” if allowed to get out of hand can lead to some VERY talented and creative members of the team getting frustrated to the point that they LEAVE the organisations or become subdued and fall into a “depression” of sorts.

I have always been a believer in the philosophy of MAINTAINING and building up employee/workforce morale without necessarily having to resort to MONETARY incentives.

Some business owners and managers however think they can DEMAND commitment and compliance from their workers without making the latter FEEL their is a good reason to act accordingly.

It is my considered opinion that EVERY manager or business has the RESPONSIBILTY to check and ensure the right atmosphere and environment exists for EACH member of the organisation, regardless of rank or position to perform to the best of his/her ability – and ENJOY doing so.

Sadly, in many companies today, we have many unhappy and de motivated employees working for insensitive managers and business owners. The letter I reproduce below is a perfect example of what can result if a situation like that is allowed to persist.

As you read this ALARMING letter from an employee who cried out form “help”, the question I want you to ask yourself is what can YOU do to ensure NO ONE in your company or under your supervision EVER feels a need to write such a letter to ANYONE – your boss or yourself!

==================Start of letter======================

From: Name Deleted

Re: Oppression And Destruction

In recent weeks, my boss…..(name deleted)…has unleashed several sudden unprovoked attacks (both verbal and written) on my person, and under the guise of “job demands”.

After much self restraint to keep relationships unstrained in the interest of the job, I have now been compelled to cry out because the way and manner these attacks are coming clearly reveal some ulterior motive behind his actions.

While I would like to believe and be assured that this is not a deliberate attempt calculated at damaging my reputation, and to destroy my career prospects in the company after over eleven (11) good years or hard work, dedication, and devotion to duty, in view of the recent bias, I would be most grateful, if in the interest of peace, justice and fair play, a quick and detailed investigation is allowed into this matter in order to avert any unpleasant circumstance in the near future, for God’s sake.

Thanks, in anticipation of a timely intervention.

Yours faithfully,

Signed (Name Deleted)

==================End of letter======================

A Pastor Says…Don’t Let Others Spell Your “Meekness” As “Weakness”

Those who have read my writings and/or heard me speak know that I am not someone you would call “religious” by any standards. Yet those who are objective acknowledge that I LOVE quoting religious leaders who impress me: like Pastor Tunde Bakare and others.

Why do I love listening to – and quoting – this gentleman, and others like him, so much (despite my attendance in church being close to zero)? Well, it’s because I have found that he is passionately driven to speak truth objectively in doing his work.

He recognizes no sacred cows (and will therefore say what he is “led” by the spirit to say WITHOUT FEAR.

He also does not tolerate mediocrity, will refuse to be intimidated by any person and basically seeks to – in my opinion – be CONTINUALLY sincere in his service to God and humanity.

The above qualities are rare in these parts these days. And it gives people like me great inspiration to know that some Men of God can still REFUSE to be “corrupted” especially in their “character”.

Another reason I so love to hear this man speak is that he challenges his audience to strive to EXCEL as individuals in a manner that glorifies the God they claim they serve. This makes them avoid the more common path followed by many, to become “parasites” who latch on to pathetic excuses to attach themselves to the church in order to “qualify” to get freebies without having to sweat.

For instance, below is an excerpt from a past issue of my newsletter in which I described how he rebuked some of those who called themselves “Prayer Warriors”:

————-Start of Excerpt

I recall hearing Pastor Tunde Bakare preaching a sermon on TV once in which he talked about laziness in the church. He mentioned that some groups such as those called “Prayer Warriors” would claim their prayers were responsible for the achievements being recorded by other members they prayed for. Yet the lives of the individual members of the prayer warrior groups often times showed little to suggest they themselves recorded any worthwhile achievements of their own.

Pastor Bakare asked why they could not do for themselves what they claimed to be doing for others?! I have the answer to that question: They do NOT know how, because they do not have life survival skills, having only acquired learning for school (i.e. academic education), which they do not KNOW how to apply usefully in the real world!

————-End of Excerpt

I Discover Another Preacher With A Message Worth Passing On

So, that’s Tunde Bakare – as I see him.

And I know there are not many as tough as he is. But apparently there are some who also recognise other “weaknesses” in the church body that need to be “talked about” and corrected.

The foregoing is why this (article) got its curious title. You see, I know a lot of people in my part of the world are highly religious, and will often be more willing to consider a line of action favourably if the person who proposes it mentions something relating to “pleasing God” or “making heaven”.

My purpose (as a Self-Development/Performance Enhancement Specialist) is to help all people – religious or otherwise – learn how to achieve their valued goals by being able to continually function at their optimal best.

I therefore consider it important to HIGHLIGHT and bring to the attention of my target audience ANY and EVERY bit of new or information that can help them.

And that is why I am ALWAYS open-minded enough to read publications and watch programmes on various subjects – including those that are religious. As an Extension Service professional I am very aware of the need to fully understand the “psychology” of the people I aim to influence (i.e. their peculiar culture, beliefs, biases etc, and how it influences their actions).

All that I have so far said will (I hope) explain why I chose to feature the message by this other pastor (below):

How It Happened – And What He Said

In February 2009, I was given a publication (The Joseph Company Quarterly Magazine) by someone, in which I scanned an interesting paragraph of a re-published message that made me decide to take out a few minutes to read more.

The message was “preached” by one Pastor Dapo Adeniyi at the Lagos Hilton Hotel, Ikeja on October 14th 2007. And it was titled “Positioning Yourself For Increase”.

Below I have re-produced excerpts for your THOUGHFUL CONTEMPLATION.

(I am hopeful that the obvious meaning in that message will challenge any person who reads it – especially those determined to act very “religious” outwardly – to understand that doing so NEED NOT require them to become weaklings to be pushed around in society):

————-Start of Excerpt

“Unfortunately, we in the church have allowed people on the outside to spell our “meekness” as “weakness”. I consider meekness as we know it to be a great asset in the church. Someone who appears morose and sheepish can get by in church without much problems, but not in the world outside….

…We completely make ourselves difficult to buy if we put forth this kind of appearance. The world is simply impatient with weakness and incompetence, and let me tell you any slightest hint of that. A meek person will therefore need to show forth him/herself as intelligent without being brash.

We must learn to be confident, strong and highly personable or friendly. We need to present ourselves as capable and confident, not arrogant. That is strength. That is beauty. And that is what the world around us will buy”.

————-End of Excerpt

Need I say more…?

Well, maybe that you can click the link below to read my article titled “To Perpetually Achieve Noteworthy Success, You May Need To Be Moderate In Your Humility“.Click

NB: This article was first published online in 2009.

SDAc’s Microsoft Excel Heaven™ Visual Basic Club & COMPETITION [For Business Users & School Kids] – Download 9 Page Offer Slideshow

(a). The Microsoft Excel Heaven™ Visual Basic club offers serious minded business users a platform to learn useful spreadsheet automation skills using MS Excel-Visual Basic.

(b). The competition provides such business users with a REAL WORLD relevant challenge that they can use to test their new skills, thereby building the confidence to deliver greater value to their employers or clients – leading to increased productivity and income.

(c). The Kiddie’s arm of the club aims to promote zero cost spreadsheet programming skills development in kids, to solve everyday problems.

Cover for the 9 page PowerPoint slideshow - click to submit a web form request to get the download link

Who is this club/competition for?

a. Paid club membership is open to all business users in all fields e.g accountants/financial/tax consultants, sales/marketing professionals, corporate executives, Quantity Surveyors/engineers etc.

b. FREE membership open to persons preparing for professional examinations at accredited tuition centres. No payment is required from the students. However, the tuition centre is required to pay the $65 USD MS Excel Heaven Visual Basic Club annual membership fee . That single payment covers ALL student in that centre.

NB: Professionals (who have passed exams and already practicing) can also compete – but must join the club independently, by paying the annual fee of $65 USD per annum.

Sponsor the competition or the MS Excel-VB Club for Kids…

There are various ways you can come on board as a partner or sponsor (financial and non-financial) for the club and the competition. A special dimension is the MS Excel Heaven™ VB Club for Kids. Aimed at build income earning coding skills in school kids. Contact me for details of the foregoing and more.

The MS Excel Heaven™ VB Club for Kids:

No payment required from kids. Instead each school (or parent) pays ONE TIME membership fee.

That makes the school (or family) instant members – with FULL benefits.

Call Tayo Solagbade on +229-66-122-136 (Benin) or +234=803-302-1263 (Nigeria).

To learn more about how to join the club or compete, OR to be a SPONSOR, send a message/request the 9 page slideshow from

No. 193: (a) Beautiful Genius Is Often Created from Crude Beginnings (b) To Achieve Sustainable Success, Closely Monitor News About Current Affairs and Politics! – [MP3]!

 Abraham Lincoln was renowned for his public speaking prowess. But how many of us know that as a child, lacking access to formal schooling, Lincoln walked miles to borrow books he read, from the library? That disciplined self-studying habit was the key to his eventual success!

It’s the same way few people know that JAY JAY Okocha, Nigeria’s football legend, as a child, practised the dribbling skills that earned him worldwide fame, using mere “sucked oranges”!!

Think about that for a moment…

The little JAY JAY, lacking a proper soccer ball to indulge in his passion, improvised with sucked oranges (left behind by buyers of oranges he hawked!) to practice his football tricks!!!


Click now to view the latest issue of Tayo Solagbade's Public Speaking IDEAS page

Tayo K. Solagade‘s


Weekly Public Speaking/Web Marketing IDEAS Newsletter

Date: Monday 18th May 2015


Title: (a) Beautiful Genius Is Often Created from Crude Beginnings (b) To Achieve Sustainable Success, Closely Monitor News About Current Affairs and Politics! – [MP3]!

Author & Publisher: Tayo K. Solagbade [Tel: +234-803-302-1263 (in Nigeria) or +229-66-122-136 (in Benin Republic) ]

Blog URL:

Last Week: Read articles published on my blog here

Newsletter Archive (E-mail version started 14th May 2012): Click here to view

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View it in your browser.[Click to view Archives]

Logo - Tayo Solagbade's Self-Development Academy

**** **********

NB: This newsletter is published every Monday. Point your browser to to read at least ONE new post added to my SD Nuggets blog on a different category from Tuesday till Saturday (sometimes even Sundays) in line with this publishing schedule :-)



View Tayo Solagbade's video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsJoin the SD Nuggets community on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google Plus

1 of 2: PUBLIC SPEAKING – Beautiful Genius Is Often Created from Crude Beginnings

Abraham Lincoln was renowned for his public speaking prowess. But how many of us know that as a child, lacking access to formal schooling, Lincoln walked miles to borrow books he read, from the library? That disciplined self-studying habit was the key to his eventual success!

It’s the same way few people know that JAY JAY Okocha, Nigeria’s football legend, as a child, practised the dribbling skills that earned him worldwide fame, using mere “sucked oranges”!!

Think about that for a moment…

The little JAY JAY, lacking a proper soccer ball to indulge in his passion, improvised with sucked oranges (left behind by buyers of oranges he hawked!) to practice his football tricks!!!

That crude beginning was what equipped him to etch his name in the history books as one of the greatest professional footballers ever to come out of Africa.

Now, some may doubt the accuracy of the news reports . I don’t, because I also heard JAY JAY say it himself…on radio, that he hawked oranges as a child…

Back then, he was still playing Pro in the English Premier League.

The duty presenter on Larry Izamoje’s Sports Radio 88.9 Brilar FM asked JAY JAY how he felt being so popular with fans in and out of Nigeria, some of who considered him an idol of sorts.

JAY JAY replied (in part) as follows: “Well, JAY JAY Okocha or no JAY JAY Okocha…all I know is JAY JAY Okocha sold oranges on the streets of Lagos“.

This was a superstar who had remained GROUNDED. He knew what had gotten him where he was and he used that SUSTAINED awareness of his humble beginning to STAY FOCUSED and avoid getting carried away with his success, to the point of messing up as a player or in life.

But how many of JAY JAY’s fans know this fact about his pre-stardom years?

How many would have been willing to put in the effort he did to FIGHT his way out of poverty if they had been in a similar situation to his?

Especially if it meant engaging in the HUMBLING vocation of hawking oranges – till they found success in their chosen vocations?

Everyone loves a winner as they say.

But we forget that winners were NOT born winning. If truth be told, there was a time when all they were doing was failing and falling, then getting up to start all over again. Indeed, even now, they still fall and fail, every now and then. The difference is that the occurrences are fewer and their established success makes it easy to get back up and continue.

Most people like the fame and fortune they see a successful person “enjoying”, and want same – but they do NOT want to suffer the same pain or hardships s/he underwent to get it.

Unfortunately, for them, nature abhors imbalance: For every positive, there will be a negative. The Chinese talk about the Ying and the Yang.

It is the way the Creator made the world. Therefore, if you want to win in it, you must be ready to work according to the unbreakable laws he has set to guide success achievement!

Without the experience of failure, or what Napoleon Hill called Bitter Defeat, it is unlikely that a person can achieve what can be called EXCEPTIONAL SUCCESS.

That kind of success is the one that puts you heads and shoulders above most others who do what you do, in a way that makes you get singled out for admiration.

Otherwise, you would simply belong to the “middle class” of successful people!

 I liken them to people called “superior inferiors” in Sociology. They are neither failures nor significant successes at what they do. They just generally do enough to get by.

Final Words: Understand that you may have to DELAY GRATIFICATION (i.e. comforts, conveniences and pleasures you would love to have) in favour of your goal driven priorities.

So, stop focussing on the good stuff you see successful people with. Learn to do what they did.

For instance, instead of buying  a new laptop with latest “everything”, you may be better off investing in a device (e.g mobile hard drive) to make your ageing, but fully functional laptop more productive. That way you could save funds for other more pressing needs.

The result may be that your peers brandish better looking “laptops” when you meet, and you may find yourself being teased about your “old” laptop, by them.

That should not bug you, however, because if you DELIVER results they need, your clients would NOT care how old or ugly your laptop looks.

Since they are the ones who matter most to your success, you have nothing to worry about. As they reward you, you WILL become better off!


This newsletter (which I use to promote Burt Dubin’s Speaker Mentoring Products/Services) serves experts-who-speak. Starting – Monday 13th April 2015 – it has MORPHED in name and content served, to a 2 part Speaking/Web Marketing IDEAS newsletter, to better serve them. You just read the “Public Speaking IDEAS” part above. What follows below is the “Web Marketing IDEAS” part.


Burt Dubin works with people who want to be speakers, and with speakers who want to be masters. Click here to visit his website NOW and submit a contact form message telling him what challenges you’re facing, and how you’d like him to help you. Tell him I sent you, and you’ll get a pleasant surprise offer from him.

Burt Dubin’s monthly Speaking Biz Strategies Letter [Signup & get a 7-Part Email Course on “How To Succeed And Get Paid As A Professional Speaker“]

Get Burt’s mentoring at any of the 3 levels below:

1. Top Shelf [Click here]

2. Mid Range [Click here]

3. Budget Delight [Click here]

2 of 2: WEB MARKETING: To Achieve Sustainable Success, Closely Monitor News About Current Affairs and Politics! [FREE MP3 DOWNLOAD]

“If you want to achieve sustainable success in business (especially in a volatile market place like Nigeria), it’s in your best interest to develop interest in current affairs and politics, because those are the two key ingredients that really keep this country from having a stable sociopolitical climate.
And for as long as that stable sociopolitical climate does not exist, every person running a business will probably have to sleep with one eye open.” – Tayo K. Solagbade

It’s FREE for all my Web Marketing/farm business clients, and ALL members of my Inner Circle as well as for ALL subscribers to THIS newsletter.

If you are not yet ANY of the above, just send me a message here to let me know.

If you want me to send you the full MP3 recording, just say so in your message.

NB: If you’re already a client or subscriber, email me via tayo at tksola dot com and let me know you want it

Alternatively, click here to request the FREE MP3 DOWNLOAD.



Did you know that as an expert in your field you can make more money by speaking professionally? Or do you already speak-for-money, but want to know how to do it better AND/OR how to make more money even when you do not speak?

If you said YES to any of the above, THIS offer is for you.

Burt Dubin can teach you to do ALL the above and more. You can learn from him via direct mentoring (regardless of distance) or using the many home study packages he offers.

Get FREE Lifetime Membership of My Inner Circle (OVER $250 USD) when you do 1 or more of the following:

1. Signup for Burt’s Speaker Mentoring Service (click here for details)…

2. Purchase Burt’s Speaker Mentoring Products up to $500 USD or more (click here to see a popular one)…

NB: Membership of my Inner Circle comes with a FREE product of your choice e.g. my custom Excel-VB software, Information Products etc. (click here for full details of what my Inner Circle members get)…PLUS you get a LIFETIME 65% discount on ALL my other existing/future products and services.


If, upon commencing or completing Burt’s mentoring you choose to launch your speaking business formally, I WILL (at no cost to you) develop and implement for YOU, in line with guidance from Burt, a Web Marketing System to cost-effectively promote your brand.

Click here to tell me which of Burt’s speaker mentoring products or services you are interested in.


Buying up to $500 USD or more from Burt will also qualify you to receive my personalized MS Excel VB home study tutorial workbooks/videos – over N100k value.

Learn more on my Excel Heaven solutions website at

Click to visit my Facebook page (opens in new browser window)

Click here to tell me which of Burt’s speaker mentoring products or services you are interested in.

Question: But who is Burt Dubin, and why do I (Tayo K. Solagbade) think you should you learn from him?

Answer: Burt is a 3 decade veteran in the professional speaking business. After achieving top level cross continental success as an expert-speaker, he has established a reputation for mentoring some of the highest paid speakers in the world. He owns, and

Burt helps those he mentors (experts-who-speak) to Position, Package, Promote, and Present* themselves successfully to clients (*He calls them the 4Ps). That’s why it’s no surprise that on Burt’s website, considerable space capital is devoted to useful business marketing articles as well as products.

It might also interest you to know that MANY years back, Burt established himself as one of the best marketing minds in the world. To really put this FACT in proper perspective, I’ll provide more specific details in form of an example.

A few years ago, Burt contributed an article to a powerful publication titled “The Most Effective Articles Ever – By The World’s Top Marketers“. That 574 page ebook features timeless marketing advice from 71 of the world’s top marketers – including Jack Trout, Joe Vitale, Yanik Silver…and Burt Dubin.

That’s ample proof that (in addition to Public Speaking), Burt would be a great resource to learn business marketing from!

Full Disclosure: I represent Burt as Sole Agent for his products/services, which means if YOU buy from him, I get paid.

But that’s NOT the main reason I represent and recommend him. I have benefited in many ways by learning from Burt. Through his writing, his audio recordings, and from directly relating with him.

Before we teamed up in 2011, I’d been studying his work and adapting it to succeed in my work from way back in 2002. It does not matter what part of the world you’re in. If you know how to adapt them to suit your peculiar local needs, Burt’s ideas and strategies WILL work for you. I am living proof of it!

That’s why I never tire of CONFIDENTLY recommending him to others.

If you need help putting the ideas shared above to use, let me know HERE.

Click here to tell me which of Burt’s speaker mentoring products or services you are interested in.


Learn about Burt Dubin’s speaker mentoring products (books, audios etc) below…

If you need help purchasing ANY of Burt’s products (like “Presentation Magic”), call me on +229-66-122-136 (in Benin Republic, my base) or +234-803-302-1263 (in Nigeria)  or email

Have a great week :-))



“Inside Speaking Business Success Secrets”

In this offer, Burt Dubin promises to show you how to generate PASSIVE incomes streams WHETHER YOU SPEAK OR NOT.

Plus, you learn a proven shortcut to top level speaking business success across corporate markets.

CLICK HERE to get full details of what it takes to make yourself a true speaking business champion in Burt's Boot Camp V: Inside Speaking Business Success Secrets

So, with diligent persistent application of what you learn you’ll start (as Burt says)…”bringing home high speaking fees”…whether you speak or not…in a matter of weeks….

Sooner than later you’ll find you’re ready to go for Burt’s mentoring at Diamond or higher Inner Circle membership level.

The best part is: every cent of your fee to purchase this product counts toward your membership in Burt’s Inner Circle.

In other words, you effectively get to eat your cake and still have it!

CLICK HERE to get full details of what it takes to make yourself a true speaking business champion in Burt’s Boot Camp V: Inside Speaking Business Success Secrets


Get Burt Dubin’s Public Speaking Mentoring
for Africa Based Experts

Useful Resources for Speakers

Burt Dubin works with people who want to be speakers, and with speakers who want to be masters.

Showmanship Strategems

177 Wow! Wow!

Showmanship Stratagems

Discover these secrets of making your programs more interesting and valuable to your clients and audiences now.

more information

Burt Dubin live

Burt’s Flagship Album

This is the product to own if you can own only one. Why? Because in it you discover principles of platform mastership available to you nowhere else at any price.

You hear performance strategies you can emulate. You shorten your learning curve. You see ways to engage and delight audiences with both content and stories . . . plus you experience a bit of fun.

With its Money back if not delighted Guarantee hardly any are returned.

Find out why

Presentation Magic - Speaking Business Success

Presentation Magic

A live example, including a complete audio recording of a program Burt created from scratch–on a topic he knew nothing about and never, ever presented before! See how you, guided by your personal Learning Guide, (Presentation Magic), can do this too and thrill audiences as often as you want.

Presentation Magic Manual with new pages added plus 3 audio CDs.

more information


How To Create a Great Program Manual

Discover how you can produce a precious memento of you and your program. Capture over 44 model pages you can easily adapt for your use. Engage proven principles that add value to the experience of sitting at your feet and learning from you.

This is a reprise of the historic presentation that launched the Speaking Success System.

No copy of this 2 CD program and 50 page Learning Guide has ever been returned.

more information

Smart Exercising Will Keep You Fit, Healthy and Alive - Click to read


NEW: Speaking Ideas: 25 Articles and True Stories for Experts Who Speak and Those Aspiring (Volume 1)


Download above PDF


NEW: KUKURU DANGER™: 5 True Stories About the Adventures – & Misadventures! – of a School Age Child Trying to Find Purpose in Life

lick here to download your FREE 20 Page PDF Chapter preview of my latest Book" titled "KUKURU DANGER™: 5 True Stories About the Adventures - & Misadventures! - of a School Age Child Trying to Find Purpose in Life

Download above PDF


“(Tayo Solagbade) is amazing and I think he is going to produce some impressive results online…” – click here to read full comment by Patrick Meninga (US based 6 figure income blogger who gained fame for building a $2,000 per month adsense website and selling it for $200,000).


“Tayo, I honestly believe you are one of those who will succeed at anything he does. Your commitment and effort has been outstanding….Thanks for all your hard work since I’ve been here – you will be sorely missed. I don’t need to wish you good luck, you have the ability to make your own luck. – Andy”(R. Jones)*

*Operations Manager, Guinness Nigeria Plc Benin Brewery, December 2001 (Handwritten comments in farewell/xmas cards sent to Tayo Solagbade following his resignation to start his own business).


Click here to contact Tayo… 

SD Nuggets Blog

New posts from last week that may interest you! *
Public Speaking[Monday]:




Want me to write for you? Click here to send me a message - Invite me to here!

Tayo K. Solagbade*

Self-Development/Performance Improvement Specialist

*Sole Agent For Burt Dubin’s Speaker Mentoring Service In Africa

Mobile: +234-803-302-1263 (in Nigeria) or +229-66-122-136 (in Benin Republic)

Tayo K. Solagbade is a Location Independent Performance Improvement Specialist and Multipreneur (i.e. a highly versatile/multi-skilled entrepreneur), with a bias for delivering Best Practice solutions to

Farm Businesses and others.

Since 2002, he has earned multiple streams of income providing individuals and organizations with personal development training and coaching, custom MS Excel-VB solutions, web marketing systems/web hosting,

freelance writing services, and best practice extension support services (for farm business owners).

Tayo is the author of the Self-Development (SD) Bible™ and the popular Livestock Feed Formulation Handbook. He is also the developer of its accompanying Excel-VB driven Ration Formulator™ and the Poultry Farm Manager™ software.

He has delivered talks/papers to audiences in various groups and organizations, including the Centre for Management Development, University of Lagos, Christ Baptist Church, Volunteer Corps, Tantalisers Fast Foods

and others.

In May 2012 he was the Guest Speaker at the Centre for Entrepreneurship Development’s Annual Semester Entrepreneurial Lecture at Yaba College of Technology in Lagos.

On 1st April 2013, Tayo (who reads, write and speaks the French language) relocated to Cotonou, Benin Republic to begin slowly traveling across the West African region.

His key purpose is to deliver talks, seminars

and workshops on his key areas of focus and interest to interested audiences (Email tayo at tksola dot com for details).

In a previous life, before leaving to become self-employed, Tayo served for seven years as a high performing manager in Guinness Nigeria. He rose from Shift Brewer, to Training & Technical Development Manager, and then later acted in senior management roles as Production Manager and Technical Manager.

He is an Associate Member of the UK Institute & Guild of Brewing, a 1997 National Finalist of the Nigerian Institute of Management’s(NIM) Young Managers’ competition, a Certified Psychometric Test Administrator for Psytech UK, innovator of Spontaneous Coaching for Self-Development™ (SCfS-D™), and Founder of the Self-Development Academy Limited.

When he’s not amazing clients with his superhuman skills (wink), Tayo works as the creative force behind his Daily Self-Development Nuggets blog – on which he also publishes his Weekly Public Speaking IDEAS

newsletter(which he uses to promote Burt Dubin’s Public Speaking Mentoring service to experts working across the African continent).

You can connect with him on Twitter and Facebook.

Visit Tayo Solagbade Dot Com, to download over over 10 performance improvement resources to boost your personal and work related productivity.


On 4th May 2014, Tayo’s 9 year old domain (Spontaneousdevelopment dot com), which hosted his website, was taken over by

Within a few days however, Tayo used his advanced self-taught web development skills to build a SUPERIOR “reincarnation” of it the website

But updates are still ongoing to URLs bearing the old domain name in most of the over 1,000 web pages, and blog posts

he’s published.

If you experience any difficulties finding a page or document, email Tayo at tksola dot com.

Click “Tayo, What Happened to SpontaneousDevelopmentDotCom ?” to read a detailed narrative about how the above event occurred :-))

Here’s an article Tayo wrote, to inspire others to defy adversity, and bounce back to even greater reckoning at what they do EVERY time:

And he wrote the one below, to explain why losing a domain name, no matter how old NO LONGER determines your online success or otherwise:

A Proven Strategy to Find Profitable Buyers Regardless of Your Domain Name


View Tayo Solagbade's video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsJoin the SD Nuggets community on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google Plus



What You Need is NOT Size, But “Fight” to Outsmart Bigger Competition!

“What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight; it’s the size of the fight in the dog.”Dwight Eisenhower

The Yoruba’s have a proverb that expresses a similar sentiment. It goes thus:

Kekere ni abere nkere. Ki nse gbi gbe mi fun adiye.

Translation: Don’t be fooled by the smallness of the needle. It cannot be swallowed by a chicken!

That’s why I LOVE the David-vs-Goliath philosophy advocated by Virgin founder, Richard Branson. It’s also why I LOVE Strive Masiyawa’s true life story of winning an unlikely battle against his country’s government, when they tried to stop him from launching his telecom company.

Aaaand…it’s ALSO WHY I never fear going in a direction that my HEART leads me, even when I’m told I will have to confront “bigger” or “more powerful” or “more popular” or “more successful” people.

Several years ago, I paid about 3 targeted visits to the Lagos, Ikeja office of fairly well known real estate company (with branches in major cities across Nigeria).

NB: This was when I still used to do lots of pavement pounding.

I was offering to develop a Web Marketing System for them. Each time I went there however, I never got to see the CEO. Instead it was the secretary/PA, who gently hinted me that some IT companies had sent “teams” with bulky proposals, to do presentations to the MD and key officers.

She wondered how I, coming as an individual (not even wearing a tie) thought I stood a chance.

Don’t get me wrong. She did not exactly say it…but she insinuated it as we chatted. I always confidently smiled and told her I was sure if I got a few minutes with someone in a decision making position, even if s/he was NOT the MD, that they would want to hear more from me.

Note that all this while they already have a website, but it was not doing them any real service, and had not been updated for over 3 years.

The problem was the guy who built it for them was no longer on good terms with the MD, and had reportedly even stopped taking their calls.

As we talked on my 3rd visit, I challenged the lady to get anyone she knew was most senior amongst the staff present, to speak with me. I said to her: “Tell him I said I DO NOT build websites. Instead I make websites do the work they are meant for, which is to generate sales leads and enquiries.”

She stopped when I said that. I think it was also the way I said it, while looking directly as her, smiling all the while, that got her.

She told me to give her a minute and walked into the large hall to the other end, where a bespectacled gentleman in tie was seated in a corner (In this company, they had spaces with desks. No closed doors, except for the MD’s).

As they spoke, she pointed in my direction and they spoke a little more. Then she walked back to me and said (not her exact words):

Please go and speak with that man. He is the closest to the MD and is actually the one that liaises with all those companies that have been coming to offer us this solution. If he sees value in what you say, I can assure you the MD will want to meet you.

Less than 30 minutes later, I and the gentleman were chatting like old friends…

Among other things he told me what struck him as soon as I started speaking was the fact that he could UNDERSTAND what I was saying, without being an IT person. According to him, all the other people – the teams – who had visited had come with beautifully packaged presentation folders, in colour, filled with detailed notes, and lots of technical terminologies.

Since he and the MD were not very IT savvy, they often hoped the in-person meetings would give them an opportunity to better understand what the offers really meant. What the solution offered entailed. The tangible value it would add either by helping them sell more, or saving them money, or both.

Unfortunately, most times those IT experts came down and still used a lot of the IT jargon without really breaking it down in lay man’s terms.

They failed to realize they were not communicating what they could do well enough for their prospective client to confidently decide to choose them!

He said that was what made me different:

“You apparently know the IT jargon too, but you take the pains to speak about what you do in simple language that a non-technical person can understand!” he added.

I got an appointment to come in an meet the MD the very next day.

And that meeting went so well, that less than 48 hours later I’d cashed a cheque for 100% advance payment to reinvent their online presence based on my proposal to develop for them a Web Marketing System.

It might interest you to know that my fee was actually higher than that offered by most of the others being considered by the estate agency. Indeed, the MD would later ask me – after we’d agreed on working together – if I knew how many “big” companies has made them offers.

I told him I’d been informed, and that my experiences and achievements had proven over the years that SIZE does not equate to COMPETENCE. I went on to give him a practical analogy (that I have used with success for years) to show him that NOT choosing me would be a mistake.

After hearing me say what I said, I could see from his body language that he was ready…

The rest as they say is history.

As you can see from this story, it’s YOU who can really determine how others see you. Even when they have preconceived ideas or biases against choosing you, it is up to YOU – it will ALWAYS be up to YOU – to influence how they see you to what YOU WANT. Doing that however starts with first believing unflinchingly in yourself and your ability to deliver what you promise.

Then you have to LEARN how to communicate the value you offer in a manner that will make most who need what you offer find it hard to resist you. That’s what I did with that MD and his team.

It’s what I do with most people who buy from me today, and that even though I no longer do door to door marketing or sales of ANY of my products or services.

Today, people come to me via my Web Marketing System, and after a few interactions they make payment and I deliver the promised solution.. That’s how well this works. You can adopt a similar approach. If you need help, let me know.

In case you wonder what exactly I said to the real estate company’s MD to make him choose me over the bigger providers who had previously approached him, click here to contact me.

You see, what to say, and how to say it, in order to CONVINCE people to PAY YOU MONEY for what you offer, is a crucial skill every business owner who wishes to market, negotiate and sell successfully needs to LEARN.

I can show you how to do same. Get in touch and I’ll respond by telling you exactly what I said to the MD of that company to win him over the way I did.

Final Words: NEVER discount yourself on account of what you think you lack, be it in size, possession etc

Not even if you lack money, connections or power…

Never ever think you do NOT have what it takes to get what you want – in business or life – from ANYONE.

I say this because so MANY MANY people with (seemingly NOTHING of advantage) have achieved greatness despite going up against others who had so much more than them.

How do I know? I’ve read about them!

Several years back, one would have needed to buy books to reach such true stories about such great achievers.

However, today, the web makes it possible to read all you want about such people for next to nothing. I therefore urge you NOT to waste that opportunity: Go online and use Google to find those stories start reading today, to get the INSPIRATION you need to go out there and succeed!


How Not To Get To The Top – Advice From The World’s Greatest Salesperson

Preview: I once read a piece Joe Girard wrote about the importance of following the right route to achieve success. In my language (Yoruba), we have a saying that “Ona kan o gba oja”. Literal translation: “There are different routes that can be taken to get to the market”. For people going to the market, the route they choose to follow is unlikely to really matter. BUT…and this is a BIG BUT, for someone trying to achieve authentic, lasting success, there are routes should NEVER be taken.

Read full article below…

One of the things I love about reading is that it helps learn so many things from highly successful people, that I would otherwise NEVER have access to.

But what gives me the greatest satisfaction, is that when I apply the ideas I get from reading stuff written by such people, I frequently earn the rewards they assured would come. And that makes it all worthwhile.

Sometimes it takes a while. Often times it takes a “loooong” while…as well as plenty of faith, perseverance and re-invention of myself. But as many who have passed the same road before will tell you, as long as one does not quit, success eventually shows up.

I’ll also say this: Every single time I have successfully done the above, I have found – without fail – that my self-confidence and competence have always increased tremendously. In other words, when you diligently pursue your goals in this manner(with honesty and integrity), you always come away better than when you started out.

Joe Girard (listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the World’s Greatest Salesperson) is one of those whose ideas have helped me greatly.

Another is Burt Dubin (whose mentoring service I now promote as Sole Agent, to Africa based experts, who want to get paid to speak internationally). Others include Philip Emeagwali, Robert Kiyosaki, Michael Angier, Philip Humbert, Mary Kay Ash, Robert Schuller, Zig Ziglar, Ben Murray Bruce, Sunny Obazu Ojeagbase, Abiodun Toki, Jeffery Meyer, Dan Kennedy, James R. Cook, Michael Masterson, David Riklan, Napoleon Hill, Norman Vincent Peale, and so on. I owe these guys a debt of gratitude.

I believe strongly, that it is important to follow the right route to achieve success. And this belief always guides me in my daily interactions and endeavours. Up till this moment, I have never had cause to regret living this way.

In my language (Yoruba), we have a saying that “Ona kan o gba oja”.

Literal translation: “There are different routes that can be taken to get to the market”. For people going to the market, the route they choose to follow is unlikely to really matter. BUT…and this is a BIG BUT, for someone trying to achieve authentic, lasting success, there are routes should NEVER be taken.

In sports, regulatory bodies communicate this message by imposing sanctions (fines, bans etc) on sports persons found wanting e.g. for using performance enhancing drugs. Same applies in schools, where students who cheat in exams are punished etc.

Unfortunately, some people believe the end ALWAYS justifies the means. And they act in line with that belief. So, when they want to get to the top, they find it easy to compromise. In essence, they settle for any way out – regardless of whether or not there are anti-ethical or other negative implications.

Joe Girard cited striking certain examples in one of his books, in a section titled “How Not To Get To The Top”.

Basically, he pointed out that some people scheme their way to the top, by cleverly positioning themselves to get rewards that they do not qualify for, or have not earned.

In this regard, Joe referred to the person who gets to the top “because he’s the boss’ nephew or she’s the boss’ daughter.” Then there are those who get pushed to the top, by their lodge or fraternity “brethren”, even though they are not competent to be there.

At a point, he offered what he called “the Girard” advice, which is that “God and networking do a better job of helping those who help themselves…” and that “…Nothing beats the success achieved on your own.”

And that’s so true. Nothing is better than success achieved on merit. But some people keep looking for short cuts to the top. They refuse to accept that taking short cuts rarely yields lasting positive benefits. And it NEVER makes the person guilty of it capable of demonstrating competence once s/he gets there!

The inevitable outcome of taking short cuts to the top, is often failure due to ineptitude…

Except, if by some miracle, s/he can be so well “propped up” by “aides and assistants” that his/her goof ups are not exposed. Apart from being difficult to achieve, that would be a very expensive arrangement to sustain. Sooner than later, it will fail. So, better not start it in the first place!

As we say in Yoruba land…

“Abo oro ni a ma nso fun omoluwabi. Ti o ba de inu re, a di odindi”. Literal translation: “A word is enough for the wise”.

PS: This article was first published online on Submitted On August 24, 2011

To Succeed, Treat People Right!

The magic formula that successful businesses have discovered is to treat customers like guests and employees like people” – Thomas J. Peters

I have major difficulty doing the OGA or BIG MAN thing. In paid employment it was so. As an entrepreneur, this “affliction” of mine has gotten worse. Owning things (which some use to SHOW they are OGA), also bores me. I guess I’m some kind of incurable minimalist!

But I LIKE being the way I am – because I find it helps me to stay grounded. To keep my head from getting swollen, so I can stay focussed on what really matters.

That’s why I WALK so often, and LOVE travelling by road….LOL!

And no where will you see me refer to myself as MD or CEO of anything. Plus, I plan to NEVER EVER have employees (cause I don’t want the hassle), but I WILL continue to encourage and empower people to start their own businesses (In fact, I’m working with my own kids towards launching a home based farm based business in Benin Republic).

It’s also why I dress simply and informally, often African style outfits sometimes mixed with Western elements.

No suits, blazers, ties etc for me. I did “them” a lot, back in those days in Guinness Nigeria: but not anymore. If you’re planning to invite me to give a talk, please keep this in mind :-)

As Ben Bruce said, “I want to be free.”

So I adhere to no one’s rules, and I do not try to force others to fit any particular mould.

And I absolutely refuse to go on EGO trips of any sort: No airs of superiority for me in relating with others.

Make no mistake however, that’s not to say that I suffer from an inferiority complex either. Indeed, I do NOT suffer fools gladly!

But I love to be myself, and to relate in a manner that does NOT depend on weighing people’s importance according to their status or wealth.

Example 1: Even while functioning as a Senior Manager during my time in Guinness Nigeria, Benin Brewery, Nigeria, and I NEVER owned a car and often took a N10 bus or walked to work, from my Ikpoba Hill home to the brewery.

It was only after I got attacked and robbed at 11p.m one night I was returning home on foot while acting as Production Manager that I agreed to let the driver take me home.

That night I got about 6 stitches (at Edi Ale hospital) on my wrist, where I’d been stabbed with a broken Malta Guinness bottle by 3 young men who wanted the laptop bag I was carrying.

I tried to explain that there was no laptop in it, and only company papers, but they would not listen and got impatient, when I kept trying to convince them. One then cut me with the bottle and I dropped the bag, which they then ran off with.

It might interest you to know I still did not buy a car despite that nasty experience in 2001!

I recall one colleague pestered me so much saying I was miserly, since I could afford it. For him, the car was a status statement of what one was: a GUINESS manager. For me, it was an encumbrance. If I had it, I had to worry about where to park it, and what would happen to it etc.

It was only few months to my leaving the company, just before I put in my resignation (in line with an exit plan I’d been working for 2 years), that I applied for a car loan – the bulk of which was then deducted from the money I was paid by the company when I left.

Back then I was simply too driven, too focused to readily allow anything to get in the way of the attention I wanted to give the work I was doing in the brewery.

As I have said in past articles, I often spent as much as 14 to 18 hours in the brewery most days.

Indeed, while still a shift brewer, I would stay back after closing morning or afternoon shifts to work on a PC in the laboratory department, building custom apps to solve data handling and reporting problems I identified.

Yes, I did it all in my free time!

No one asked me to do it, and I never got paid for it. But eventually, with the adoption of several solutions I developed, the recognition and rewards later came.

Example 2: Another thing I did a lot was to spend quality time getting to know my subordinates…

You see, I was a VERY high flyer in Guinness Nigeria (click here to read my resume). At a point, due to my exploits developing custom spreadsheet software adopted for formal reporting by the company, I heard through the grapevine that I was being called “Super Brewer”.

Apart from developing apps in my spare time, I also came up with creative solutions for improving operations e.g. an Operator Training Assessment module I developed as a Best Practice Facilitator, which got adopted by the Training Department for use in Operator Competency Assessment towards formal Certification.

My reputation got me noticed and I eventually got rapid career advancement opportunities – secondments, followed by promotion and then more secondments.

But despite rubbing shoulders, attending meetings with the brewery top brass, and even HQ big boys and girls, I never failed to find time to stop over at the process areas to chat and crack jokes with the junior staff/operatives.

Some were twice my age and had introduced me to their own kids who were as old as I was!

Yet these men had humbly trained me, when I was a newly recruited management trainee, sharing with me the wisdom from their MANY years of hard won experience, doing the toughest most physically demanding jobs in the brewery.

They did this knowing that I would eventually move on to assume my position as Brewer, when they would report to me as their boss.

For me, that was something that triggered a deep sense of reflection that I refused to ignore. I realized that the advantage I had of a higher education was what had given me the edge over most of them. Otherwise, their years on the job would NEVER have put them where they were.

So I resolved to ALWAYS treat them with the utmost respect and consideration and to find ways to make the feel good about working with me, my colleagues and for the company.

That led me to begin spending a lot of my time with process hands across the company.

Wherever I met them on site or off the premises, I made a point of relating with them as equals. Never did I talk down to them, and rarely did I find need to scold them.

Not because they did not make mistakes or were not sometimes rude, but because I discovered most readily acknowledged when they were wrong and they valued their relationship with me.

When I was wrong, I never hesitated to apologize and that endeared me to them even more.

As a result, when – during my shift – problems or breakdowns occurred, these men would come to reassure me that they would do everything possible to get the plant up and running. I mean both the production and engineering hands. They were my pals, but they also never failed to acknowledge my authority.

In the end my shift duty performance frequently reflected the fact that I had a good rapport with the men.

No matter which group of staff I worked with while on duty, I often got the best out of them without having to shout or exchange harsh words with them.

My expatriate boss, during one of my acting assignments, noted as much in a form he filled for me, when I was considering pursuing a Masters Degree in USA’s Pepperdine University (I later changed my mind and never submitted the forms).

But my habit of being “friendly” with the junior staff did not go down well with a few of my colleagues.

Some accused me of “reducing myself to the level of junior staff”. Others went further to say I was embarrassing other managers by being so close and chummy with shop floor operatives.

I never let what they said bother me however…

Since leaving paid employment, I have continued with the same attitude.

And it has earned me ready acceptance in the various communities I have lived in Nigeria’s Lagos, as well as in Benin Republic’s Cotonou and Calavi (so far).

In Ben Murray Bruce’s wonderful speech about change needed in Nigeria, which seems to be trending at the moment, he said we MUST pay attention to the needs of those not as fortunate as we are.

That we must look out for their interests.

I believe the first step towards doing that is to befriend them. That will help us get familiar enough with them to know what their true situation is.

We cannot stand aloof or adopt snobbish superior postures towards them. If we do, we will ignite their resentment not just against ourselves, but also against those who are ours (our families) and all that which is ours (our businesses, properties etc).

One day, when the opportunity presents itself, those of them who are most bitter about the way we treat them will act it out either by attacking what belongs to us, or REFUSING to help us protect what is ours, when others attack us.

Think about it. People you snub or mistreat can simply choose to stand by, instead of helping to call the police if they see you getting robbed after you had a flat tyre in the middle of the night, at the Estate gate!!!

That’s why I recommend that you slow down, and learn to treat others right, from today, so they can also treat you right, now or anytime in the future.

“Treat people as what they were what they ought to be, and you help them become what they’re capable of being” – Johann Von Goethe


Microsoft Excel-VB Programming Coaching for Business Users (On Demand 4-Day Practical Workshop)

In this 4 day coaching workshop, I share practical tips on boosting your productivity using MS ExcelVB programming. If you use MS Excel for your work, what you learn will help you get MORE done, FASTER and with LESS effort. I use my commercial apps (e.g Ration Formulator, Poultry Farm Manager, Payslip Generator, Automated Cash Book), and the new Election Results Compiler to show how it’s done!
Click to download flyer - In this 4 day coaching workshop, I share practical tips on boosting your productivity using MS ExcelVB programming. If you are an expert and use MS Excel, what you learn will help you get MORE done, FASTER and with LESS effort. I use my commercial apps (e.g Ration Formulator, Poultry Farm Manager, Payslip Generator, Automated Cash Book), and the new Election Results Compiler to show how it's done!

During this 4 day coaching you will learn to:

> Design your worksheets using best practice techniques (This is a crucially fundamental requirement for ensuring optimal producivity using MS Excel)

> Use range names to make your formulas more powerful – and also save you time in building them

> Use Index/Match Formulas and Sum Product Formuas to extract, organize and analyze data

> Record and Run Macros to automate spreadsheets

> View, edit (and ultimately WRITE your own) VBA code

> Create and work with Pivot Tables

> Design intuitive graphics enhanced with smart VBA automation to make life easy for users

> Work with multiple workbook using links

> Use comments/custom views and protect workbooks

> Save Excel worksheets as web documents

> Use Excel as a simple database to create reports and analyses

BONUS: FREE CD containing workbook tutorials covering major topics/exercises

During the 4 day coaching, you will perform extensive hands-on exercises to reinforce the knowledge presented in class.

Exercises include:

> Building an automated cash book for daily, weekly, monthly and annual business report generation. Attendees will leave with applications they create – as well as one of my Real Life Automated Cash Books

> Building a Membership Records Manager that can be used for ANY organization e.g schools, churchels, clubs, alumni associations etc (you get the Real Life app FREE)

Visit to watch different videos of my home study tutorials and bullet proof Excel-VB driven apps


Step-by-Step demonstration of how I created an interactive map of Nigeria in my Excel-VB Election Results Compiler app, enabling a user generate instant summaries by clicking individual states. See I explain how businesses can use it to generate national sales reports etc

NB: Join my SDAc’s Microsoft Excel Heaven™ Visual Basic Club and you will be able to invite me to conduct this event for 5 or more persons at 50% discount. Click here to contact me.

Learn more at or

Join My Spreadsheet Solutions Development Club and Boost Your Productivity

Join My Excel Heaven Visual Basic Membership Club: MS Excel is available on most PCs anywhere, and it has it’s own development platform. ANYONE competent in Excel VB programming can therefore earning income developing low cost custom applications at zero cost!

Click to download flyer - Join My Spreadsheet Solutions Development Club and Boost Your Productivity

There is a HUGE Excel-VB industry across the world that most people are not aware of.

Many professionals in various fields provide custom ExcelVB solutions to clients they support e.g. Accounts/financial consultants, engineers etc. I want to help such experts become more productive and profitable.

Whether you are in paid employment or run your own business, joining this club can help you.

Required Investment: $65 USD per annum

NB: Join my Inner Circle (Fee = $500 USD) & get LIFETIME Membership(no renewals) – See

Membership Benefits

a. You’ll be able to invite me to give a FREE talk on Potential Applications of Excel & you get FREE access to a Home Study ExcelVB workbook & video tutorial you want from my library (See some of my apps at

b. You get a full personalized home study tutorial, created by me at 50% discount, based on details you provide about a specific task you do routinely in MS Excel, which you want automated.

c. You get access to my custom Excel-VB software development service (& ANY of my products) at 50% discount.

d. You get FREE access to my online one-on-one coaching (via email) on MS Excel VB Solutions Development. Any day/anytime. Simply tell me what you do in MS Excel that you wish you could do faster/more accurately. I give you tips on what to do/how.

e. You will be able to invite me to conduct my 4 Day flagship Practical MS Excel-VB Programming Workshop to ANY small groups (5 persons minimum) at a location of your choice at 50% discount.

See the seminar PDF flyer (here), and the video demos/tutorial trailers at or

How to Join the Club…*

Pay $65 USD or buy products/services worth $65 USD from me: You get ONE YEAR membership. Special Offer: Pay N5, 000.00 (Five Thousand Naira) before midnight Wednesday May 12, 2015, and get LIFETIME membership.

*MS Excel Heaven™ VB Club for Kids:

No payment required from kids. Instead each school (or parent) pays ONE TIME membership fee.

That makes the school (or family) instant members – with FULL benefits. Click here for details.

I have a special interest in developing Excel-VB coding skills amongst young people from an early age.

A child who leaves school with Excel-VB coding skills will be able to easily make him/herself useful to others engaged in serious vocations. Even starting from his/her school or instritution!

Tha above is why I’m launching the “kids” version of my club.

My custom Excel-VB apps have been purchased by buyers across Nigeria, and in Canada, Tanzania, UAE, UK etc.

Click here to contact me

Learn more at