Category Archives: Recommended Websites & Articles

[PDF] 25 Articles/True Stories On Self-Development, Entrepreneuring & Web Marketing To Help You Succeed More Often: Get this $25 USD ebook FREE!

Quick Take-Away: Click here to fill/submit a request form (scroll to the bottom of the page that opens) to request details of how you can get this $25 USD ebook FREE from me.

It’s always exciting to have people fitting my target audience profile sending me messages that confirm I’m adding tangible/useful value to them. Like this Namibian professional planning to start a 2,500 layer poultry – who found me via my $25 USD ebook (25 Articles/True Stories On Self-Development, Entrepreneuring & Web Marketing To Help You Succeed More Often) a gift copy from his boss:

name = rixxx dxxxx
submit_by = [email removed]
company = Production Metallurgist
address = berg str
city = 189
states = —
country = Namibia
phone = [phone removed]
how_found = I read about your ebook 25 articles on the internet…
interest = Poultry Farming
comments = My boss gave me your ebook on the 25 articles on self-development as a present. However, I am struggling to  contact you in order to get the links in the book to become functional. Can you possibly e-mail me the contact form so that I can send you a copy of the invoice. As it stands, I do not have access to all the articles in the ebook

Below: Screenshot of reply email I sent, with the updated ebook attached.

Click here to read the full email conversation we went on to have…


Below: Screenshot of the ebook on sale in my online store

Click here to view this ebook on sale in my online store

This ebook has been on sale for 10 years now. It was my first ever articles compilation ebook and it has been quite popular. People LOVE the contents and the fact that they have my permission to freely reproduce it for their use.

25 Articles/True Stories On Self-Development, Entrepreneuring & Web Marketing To Help You Succeed More Often

Click here to fill/submit a request form (scroll to the bottom of the page that opens) to request details of how you can get this $25 USD ebook FREE from me.


Smart Web Marketing Wins Profitable Farm Business Buyers [Hint: Poultry Farm Business Plan Preparation Service]



Get Free Support to Earn Residual Income You Need [Join me, Tayo Solagbade, and I’ll personally help you build a second income with top rated SFI—now in its 18th year! Click here to join my team and get started FREE today!]

I’ve built name/brand recognition for creatIng what I call Digital Cash Flow Generating Assets (software, ebooks, home study videos, audio podcasts) that I sell – 80% of the time online – to buyers in/out of Africa.

In this article, I invite you to join my team (at Zero Cost/Free) and get my support to start Earning Real Passive Income Online Minus Hype/Scam using a tried and tested model that works for anyone willing to do the hard work required.

Earning passive income is a priority for me and I continue to adapt ideas from thought-leaders to get better results.

Being a Performance Improvement Specialist I practice Continuous Improvement, and constantly explore new ways to build additional income streams that require little or no work.

That’s why last year (2015) I created and began selling my audio DVD on Proven Ways to Generate Useful Passive Income to share what I DO with my clients and subscribers.

But despite holding talks for small groups of the DVD’s buyers in Lagos. I noticed most of them were not convinced they could create products of their own that others would be willing to buy.

So I began thinking of an alternative way to help them – and finally settled on a tried and tested passive income generation model that I have carefully studied for the past 15 years.

From Tuesday 1st November 2016 (10 days from now), I will formally add this new model to my passive income generation arsenal – and build a team to grow it with me, in a win-win arrangement.

Yes – I’ve carefully evaluated this opportunity for 15 solid years. And I’m fully convinced it’s worth devoting my quality time, attention and effort to.

Why did I take this long?

I wanted to establish my own branded flagship passive income generating products that can be passed to my kids.

In addition, I realized it was important to choose a 3rd party passive income generating opportunity that would be sustainable and also complement my established model.

This model I’ve chosen does all that – and more, hence my decision to choose, and recommend it.

To maximize results, I need to build a team that I will train to use this model to build a never-ending stream of legitimate passive income for life.

The best part is that it costs nothing to use this model. All you have to do is signup and carryout tasks you will be assigned, under my guidance and support.

Click here to let me know you’d like to join my team and learn what to do to start Earning Real Passive Income Online Minus Any Hype or Scam.

This opportunity has many benefits most people love such as:

1. Work from the comfort of your home, or as you travel, on your computer, tablet, or smartphone

2. 80,000+ commissionable products, with new products added daily

3. Start FREE, no obligation, and you never have to purchase anything ever

4. Start earning money within hours

5. The company takes care of all orders, payments, shipping, and customer service for you

6. Thousands of affiliates around the world earn commissions every day

7. No experience is necessary; training and support is FREE

8. Excellent long-term residual (I.e passive) income potential

9. Earn money worldwide (in over 190 countries)

NB: You get a Payoneer card you will be able to use to withdraw your earnings from any local ATM in your nation’s currency – including Nigeria

Click here to let me know you’d like to join my team and learn what to do to start Earning Real Passive Income Online Minus Any Hype or Scam.


Join me, Tayo Solagbade, and I’ll personally help you build a second income with top rated SFI—now in its 18th year! Click here to join my team and get started FREE today!

Any Society Can Give Kids Quality Low to Zero Cost Schooling Using This Model [Recommended: Is this the world’s most oversubscribed school? – BBC News]

Jerry Rawlings once granted an interview in which he explained the motives he had for seizing power and introducing radical reforms in Ghana,.

He said one reason was that he saw massively gifted kids of the poor getting denied acCess to quality schooling exposure and opportunities simply because they lacked the financial/other means (e.g connections) of privileged counterparts from rich homes.

As a result, the country was NOT benefiting from development of its best talents. Rawlings resolved to create a level playing field for all kids regardless of their circumstances.

In Nigeria today we have adults/parents who enjoyed FREE education, but who are actively involved in promoting extreme commercialisation of quality formal schooling in the face of increasingly low quality public schooling systems.

I have long argued that developing nations in particular, that want real progress must remove the “money” factor that limits people’s access to learning.

The best way to achieve this is to explore models like the one described in the BBC report about this FREE world class school facility – setup by the Shiv Nadar Foundation – providing top quality schooling access to learners without discrimination.

Nigeria has a myriad of “wealth-displaying” individuals, groups and organisations with the resources/means to setup similar outfits. Lord knows there are millions of kids that need it.

However, to paraphrase a friend who shared this report on Facebook, one wonders what they do with the immense wealth they possess!


Is this the world’s most oversubscribed school? – BBC News

The school, set up by the Shiv Nadar Foundation, is completely free, and offers the type of education usually available only to the very wealthy.

Roshni Nadar Malhotra, a businesswoman and trustee of the foundation, says the school has been modelled on India’s private schools, which put students on the pathway to top universities and high-flying careers.

But the VidyaGyan school is open only to the very clever and very poor – which she describes as the “top of the bottom of the pyramid”.

Read the full article

Get Equity Funding for Your Biz Idea in Lagos [&/Or Sponsor a prospective buyer of my products!]

1. This outfit offers a useful funding alternative:

Entrepreneurs – Lagos Angel Network

Thank you for your interest in the Lagos Angel Network. We invite entrepreneurs to learn more about our investment screening process.

The Lagos Angel Network uses VC4A, the global platform for connecting high-growth entrepreneurs and active early-stage investors for managing our investment process. Please register your company with us here.

Visit the above site to learn more and/or click here to request the audio note I emailed to my subscribers.

2. The invitation below first went to my Club ZEROmembers.

Below is a modified version of the invitation for my Farm Ideas Club Members and other clients.

Consider making a N5K donation to sponsor 1 of the guys listed below.

They’ve expressed great interest in purchasing my products but lack funds. I want to help them by asking interested clients to sponsor them.

A. Name removed [Student]

B. Name removed [Student]

C. Name removed [Startup Farm CEO]

The person you choose will get my Feed Formulation Handbook & Excel-VB Ration Formulation Software for N5k instead of N20.5k.

If you’re interested, just make the payment then let me know who it’s for, and I’ll prepare/send the products, with your name as donor.

Any amount is acceptable, no matter how low – I’ll just add it up till N5k is reached for each person.

But I’ll send the products to all 3 of them for a donation of N10k.

For every person you sponsor with N5k, I’ll give you a discount of N10k on any of my products or services that you want.

You Need Education That Works and Not “Fancy Schooling” Ego Trips [True Story: Pretty Nigerian Lady Earns Living as Self-Taught Carpenter]

Schooling the industrial revolution way is NOT the only way to get an education: Myriad other ways abound – and they don’t take as long, or cost as much – especially in today’s rapidly evolving technology driven world!

The world has changed – and so has the way it learns. Those who want to stay relevant to its needs will need to change with it or go extinct.

The story (reported on the website linked at the end of this article) about a 100% self-taught Pretty Nigerian Lady Carpenter proves it.

The problem is that people who profit from the archaic teaching and learning models from the industrial age, and who are too lazy to THINK up modifications to accommodate this new need of the market they serve, refuse to admit the above stated truth.

Unfortunately, for them, this is a battle they cannot win.

The economics and logistics involved make this alternative way the most viable and appealing for what is increasing majority – especially given the harsh economic realities we all now face!

Little wonder that the young lady interviewed below spoke with such confidence and enthusiasm about how empowered she feels today!

Massive learning opportunities are offered at low to zero cost via the magical power of PC/Mobile and Internet technology today.

It pains me deeply to see people still torturing themselves to pay outrageous fees to get schooling for themselves or give schooling to their loved ones – all so as to “graduate” and wear gowns/collect certificates!

Note that I said “schooling” and NOT “education”.

Authentic education is what people should emerge with after exposure to schooling

But that happens only if the schooling delivers real world relevant content to learners – which does not always happen, especially when it’s done the Industrial revolution way.

The lady carpenter’s story linked below proves that some people are beginning to do what I’ve been doing for a decade for myself, and which I began doing with my kids in 2014.

World class real world relevant education from the best experts worldwide is available at your fingertips via your phone or PC at near zero cost.

Unless your ego needs you to show others that you/your child are learning, this model is perfect!

The lady interviewed below is living the life I and my kids have been living: we use technology as the combined foundation and springboard for learning and pursuit of personal achievement.

For instance, I used the web to learn the skills I use to earn 100% of my income today.

Yes. I am self-taught – and learned all I need for almost nothing from some of the world’s best experts in each area I make money today!

Guess what? I was a down-but-not-out seriously broke struggling startup entrepreneur trying to find a reliable market to serve for profitable pay.

Years of relentless study of the works of competent others, and diligent practice/application of all I learned in as many creative variants as possible in the face of repeated rejection, delays, disappointments and setbacks moulded me into the machine I’ve become today!

Nothing – whether you call it failure or rejection – can move me, or get me down. I’m immune to all that – courtesy of my extensive online studies. This is not bragging. It’s a statement of fact.

My vision is to coach my kids to function like me.

But teaching kids to do this is not easy, and can be quite messy.

However, the results we’re already getting assure me they are getting valuable life changing education already as I expected.

They are getting increasingly adept at using the web to pursue functional (as opposed to popular or fancy) learning in their schooling.

That’s in addition to knowing how toi scour the web to learn practical income generating vocations.

Today, they’ve established reflex proficiency in making trademark no-oven Charcoal Stove baked products and one of them.

This Pretty Nigerian Lady Is A Carpenter And She’s Very Proud Of It. See Photos

This is really encouraging. While the recession is biting Nigerians hard, this young lady is trying to make name and cash for herself by doing what many feel unfit for the womenfolk.

According to the lady simply identified as Olabisi, she learnt carpentry by herself by undergoing online training on Youtube and free online books…

After few months of training, the proud carpenter is now making some sales and pocketing some cool cash In her words;

The beautiful thing is, this journey is revealing to me much more than ever that God is a God of process. Therefore, no pressure!

Whether I succeed or fail is inconsequential, I am open enough to take the risk to fail. No pressure. No quest for instant gratification. No immediate result needed. For me, its all about enjoying the process.

Read her full inspiring story at:

Successful People or Great Achievers Are Not All-Knowing! [Hint: Why YOU Must Never Let Anyone, No Matter How Successful, Dismiss Your Authentic Passion Driven Ideas/Dreams]

In case you didn’t know it, YOU owe YOUR car ownership ability TODAY, to the vision, self-belief, determination and persistence of a man who lacked formal schooling.

Not many people know this, but Henry Ford started out working for THE great Thomas Edison as a stark iliterate.

A testimony to the inspirational power that comes from exposure to the right environment can be seen in the fact that one day Ford (as a so called “stark illiterate”) got the idea to build an affordable car for non-wealthy masses.

This development is easy to understand when one considers the fact that Ford’s employer himself had only few months of elementary schooling, having been homeschooled by his mother.

Ford would have accurately concluded, based on Edison’s exploits, that lack of formal schooling (though useful and easily remedied) was not a fatal handicap in pursuit of success.

Ironically however, when he told his famous inventor boss about his idea, the great Edison dismissed it and instead offered him promotion to the position of Supervisor adding that he would be involved in “more important work”.

That last sentence brings me to the core message I want to pass across in this short piece that ends, below, with a link to a full narration about Henry Ford’s life and achievements.

My message is this:

As long as you believe in your dream or idea or vision and you are prepared to diligently/intelligent pursue it with persistence and faith, nothing that any other person, no matter how successful, should make you quit.

I repeat:

Nothing that any other person tells you should make you give up on your dreams. My hard-won experience from 7 years in paid employment plus 14 years (and counting) in self-employment have taught me not all great minds will see what another great minds can see.

This is why, for instance, I personally do NOT like competitions that depend on celebrities to choose people with the best business ideas, musical talents etc.

Fela Anikulapo Kuti continues in death to grow in recognition across the world, as a musical genius.

The truth is however that the kind of music Fela invented is very unlikely to have won him first prize in a reality TV show style event where judges and coaches have the final say.

We all know how contrarian Fela was, even as a young man. Yet those attributes that would have rubbed opinionated celebrity judges and coaches the wrong way in such competitions were the keys to his success in the real world.

This is why I believe the “market” for which an idea, invention or innovation is meant, should have the final say via a system that is free from manipulation.

This message is not just for you/me, but also for your/my kids.

We need to help our kids develop healthy levels of self-esteem based on the experience of doing in key areas of life that relates to nurturing their talents/geniuses towards succeeding in life.

This is important because during that journey, they will periodically come across successful others from whom they may have to learn and also accept advice.

It’s however their ability to know what NOT to learn or accept, no matter how well intentioned it is, that will help them stay on track to success in any area of endeavour.

Successful People or Great Achievers Are Not All-Knowing!

Most of them are aware of this fact, but societal pressures sometimes force them to accept to play roles that suggest the contrary.

If Henry Ford had allowed his respect and admiration for Edison to cloud his reasoning about his “car for the masses” idea, he would never have had the courage to reject Edison”s offer, and instead quit his job to invest all he had in pursuit of his dream.

If he had not done that, the revolution that took place in the automobile industry would not have happened.

Simply put therefore, vision, self-belief, determination and persistence are constant keys to authentic success in life. All other factors are variables in the success equation.

The Henry Ford Story

“I will build a motor car for the great will be so low in price that no man will be unable to own one.”-Henry Ford

Henry Ford was nearly 40 when he founded Ford Motor Co. in 1903. At the time, “horseless carriages” were expensive toys available only to a wealthy few.

Yet in just four decades, Ford’s innovative vision of mass production would not only produce the first reliable, affordable “automobile for the masses,” but would also spark a modern industrial revolution.

PII 035:[Recommended] Why I Fear Nigeria Is Sitting On A Ticking Time Bomb By Ijabla Raymond | Sahara Reporters

After watching Olaleye Samson’s video interview with Sahara Reporters, I knew I’d finally found an authentic fellow Nigerian willing to tell the truth about the reality of living and working in Nigeria.

Olaleye Samson, a well spoken degree holder presented compelling points to back up his argument on the theme of “What is Lagos doing for me?”

Watch the video here

This is what makes Nigeria an extremely difficult place to achieve authentic non-corner cutting success.

Little wonder that Ijabla Raymond made the following positive comments about Olaleye’s presentation in the article linked below:

“I do not need to go over the well-articulated points that Olaleye Samson, an unemployed university graduate, makes in this heart-wrenching interview because, quite frankly, his argument cannot be bettered. He describes how rich Nigerians have stolen the commonwealth and built themselves far too many houses and homes (which all lie unoccupied) than they need whilst thousands of youths sleep under our bridges.”

Click here to read the full article

Become my Farm Business Support Centre (FBSC)™ Partner & Get Zero Cost Feasibility Studies/Consulting, Software Development, Training & Marketing for Bulk Buyers for life!

Signup to be a partner of my Farm Support Centre. Through the FBSC, I offer Farm CEOs low to zero cost lifetime access to solutions like best practice extension advisory services, feasibility studies, consultation, custom software development, marketing, training etc.

NB: E-mail me via tayo at tksola dot com. to request a copy of the offer PDF with full details about what you need to do to signup as a partner.

I offer clients trusted experience based guidance to cost-effectively execute their plans.

Many have been asking me for support in various activities. Through the FBSC I provide a one-stop-shop front online, on-site/farm – and I’m working to have an offline location.

I always challenge clients to consider the big picture, and proceed in a way that enables them achieve that goal cost-effectively & efficiently for the long term.
I recommend you signup to be a partner of my Farm Support Centre.

The key point to note is that I offer Farm CEOs access to solutions they need, at low to zero cost, in addition to others that I already provide – ALL for life.

Why am I doing this?

Because I want to help farm businesses reduce overheads they expend on, to boost their bottom line.

My argument is that a good farm support expert must be willing to invest for the long term in helping the farm business client grow a sustainable model of profit making.

I have a vision to help farm CEOs achieve their vision. I want to be part of their success stories.

My passive income generation model makes it easy for me to work like this.

This offer is meant for ONLY existing clients who are members of my Farm Business ideas club and have therefore EXPERIENCED what it means to interact with me, enough to be SURE that I am not only competent, but that I always deliver on ANY promises I make.

E-mail me via tayo at tksola dot com. to request a copy of the offer PDF with full details about what you need to do to signup as a partner.

Food for Thought for Nigeria @56: “You Lazy African Intellectuals – by Field Ruwe” [Hint: How Lazy “Nigerian” Intellectuals Underdevelop “Nigeria”?]

Yesterday (Saturday 1st October 2016) Nigeria clocked 56 years as an independent nation. Celebrations were however understandably muted/low key. Tough times have been hitting hard.

Avoidable tough times or self-inflicted hardships due to mismanagement that is!

The above is why I believe the write-up linked/previewed below offers Nigerian intellectuals in particular, serious food for thought to address her many problems.

I first read this compelling piece in 2014, and most of its contents greatly resonated with me. It was reportedly written by a US-based Zambian media practitioner and author named Field Ruwe, who (at the time) was a PhD candidate with a B.A. in Mass Communication and Journalism, and an M.A. in History.


They call the Third World the lazy man’s purview; the sluggishly slothful and languorous prefecture. In this realm people are sleepy, dreamy, torpid, lethargic, and therefore indigent—totally penniless, needy, destitute, poverty-stricken, disfavored, and impoverished.

In this demesne, as they call it, there are hardly any discoveries, inventions, and innovations. Africa is the trailblazer. Some still call it “the dark continent” for the light that flickers under the tunnel is not that of hope, but an approaching train.

And because countless keep waiting in the way of the train, millions die and many more remain decapitated by the day.

“It’s amazing how you all sit there and watch yourselves die,” the man next to me said. “Get up and do something about it.”

Brawny, fully bald-headed, with intense, steely eyes, he was as cold as they come. When I first discovered I was going to spend my New Year’s Eve next to him on a non-stop JetBlue flight from Los Angeles to Boston I was angst-ridden. I associate marble-shaven Caucasians with iconoclastic skin-heads, most of who are racist.

“My name is Walter,” he extended his hand as soon as I settled in my seat.
I told him mine with a precautious smile.
“Where are you from?” he asked.

Click here to continue