Category Archives: Recommended Websites & Articles

[RECOMMENDED] 4 Things Every Woman Should Know About Starting A Business – by Kim Kiyosaki | Thursday, July 20, 2017 | Read Time = 3 minutes

[Estimated reading time for this article is 3 minutes. I’m a male business owner, and I found it most enlightening. If you’re a woman and think you lack the time to read it, THAT is a sign that you’re probably too busy for your own good, and actually NEED to consider the ideas offered in it by Kim Kiysaki]

4 Things Every Woman Should Know About Starting A Business

Now is the perfect time to take the leap to entrepreneurship.

Whether you’re sick of the soul-sucking rat race that is Corporate America, you have an exciting product or service to offer that could disrupt the marketplace, you’re re-entering the workforce after raising a family, or you’ve been told a hundred times that you would make a great entrepreneur, there’s just no reason to settle for a job you hate and an uncertain financial future in this day and age.



[RECOMMENDED] Why You Should Encourage Kids to be Rule Breakers – by Robert Kiyosaki

[TIP: If you truly LOVE your child, and want him/her to make it in life – especially FINANCIALLY – you WILL stop and read THIS…right to the end]

Once again I find myself MOVED to share another powerfully insightful best practice parenting ideas article from Robert Kiysaki’s Rich Dad blog.

The following excerpt is just one of many parts of this piece that resonates so much with me:

“So, there are two problems. Our kids want to create jobs, which is a vital need for our country, and instead of teaching our kids how to create jobs, our schools teach them how to get jobs.

In the process, they build into them an employee mindset, which is one that is inclined to follow the rules instead of break them. This breaks their spirit, and it squashes their entrepreneurial dreams.” – Robert Kiyosaki, in “Why You Should Encourage Kids to be Rule Breakers” [Read the full article by clicking the link or image below]

It just amazes me how despite all the practical real world relevant, and life changing sense this many has continued to make with his writing, MANY MANY parents in this part of the world, who cannot claim NOT to have encountered his work, continue to put their kids, blindly through conventional schooling, with all it’s harmful aspects INTACT!!!

Suffice to say that MY kids will continue to spared THAT kind of damage…and you can be sure they ARE being TAUGHT to be unapologetic rule breakers…like I AM :-)

Why You Should Encourage Kids to be Rule Breakers



Join Prof. Adesope’s Making Services Work Club™ [*You Get 95% Off Expertly Written Feasibility Reports for Real Life Business Startup of Snail Farming, Cassava Farming, Plantain Farming, Oil Palm Farming, Fish Farming, & also Cassava Processing Factory for Chips and Pellets Exports] – Discount Drops to 50% Off AFTER 31st July 2017

Join Prof. Adesope’s Making Services Work Club™ [*You Get 95% Off Expertly Written Feasibility Reports for Real Life Business Startup of Snail Farming, Cassava Farming, Plantain Farming, Oil Palm Farming, Fish Farming, & also Cassava Processing Factory for Chips and Pellets Exports] – Discount Drops to 50% Off AFTER 31st July 2017

Download expertly written feasibility reports for real life business startup of snail farming, cassava farming, plantain farming, oil palm farming, fish farming, & also Cassava processing factory for chips and pellets for exports

NB: This “95% Off” Offer remains valid till 31st July 2017 (After which the discount offer will drop to 50% off)


Read (and click) the flyer below to visit the page and learn more…

[RECOMMENDED] Purchase my Farm Business Support Software & Information Products FOR LESS from these Affiliate Partners of my Best Practice Farm Biz Support Centre (FBSC)™

On the page linked below, I provide names and preliminary contact details of Affiliate Partners, from whom you CAN purchase ANY of my underlisted products at LOWER rates than their standard prices/fees.

Affiliate Partners

You will fill and submit a form linked on the page to contact the Affiliate Partner of your choice.

NB: The special discount concessions enjoyed by my partners  makes it possible for YOU to get more pocket friendly prices – from them – than you would get from me.

PPS: To learn how you can become an Affiliate Partner, fill the form linked on the Affiliate Partner page to request details

The FARM CEO (Issue 88): Making Africans Believe “We” Can Also Do Artificial Intelligence and Deep Technology in Africa [Moroccan tech entrepreneur/Former Microsoft Employee (Badr Idrissi) Reveals Greatest Obstacle to Selling Drones He Builds to Combat Illegal Fishing & Poaching Is Getting Fellow Africans to BELIEVE He Can Do It Like It’s Done in the USA!]

Last week, crazily erratic connectivity stopped me from sending out the Farm CEO issue’s interesting feature titled “Moroccan tech entrepreneur (Badr Idrissi) has a solution to combat illegal fishing

Here is it now…

Beyond the impressive feat Idrissi (who once worked with Microsoft) achieved by developing drones to track illigal fishing and poaching, the highlight of that news report, for me, is the paragraph reproduced below:

“The toughest situation we find ourselves in today is making Africans believe that we can do artificial intelligence and deep technology in Africa – and that we can do what is done in the US. Many people had doubts about whether we could do it or not… We face those questions. So yes, the toughest situation we face is when talking with public figures and they say something along the lines of this not being something that people like us can do in Morocco or Africa.” – Badr Idrissi, the Morrocan tech entrepreneur interviewed in the news report.

The issue he raised in the above statement reflect the predominantly NEGATIVE mental attitude that many creatives in this part of the world (Africa) have to deal with from most of their fellow Africans – not just the public figures.

I say this as one who has been at the receiving end of it countless times from various quarters – and that regardless of the supposed level of education or exposure of the person(s) I had to relate with!
Africans generally (even some of those in Diaspora who’ve seen enough to know/act better!) often find it so hard to BELIEVE that a fellow African can be so good as to INNOVATE and CREATE at the same, talk less higher level to that done by people in non-African advanced societies.
Only when the particular gifted individual is “lucky” to get his/her work “endorsed” as good by non-African, often white skinned others recognised as expert authorities, do our people generally accord that individual any significant respect or recognition!

That negative mental attitude is what holds us back – since it prevents our GENIUSES from getting the support they need from us to create solutions that can DEVELOP us!.

This needs to change – especially in our agriculture industry, where we have so much we need to improve and our problems are so unique that foreigners cannot evolve solutions suited to our needs as well as WE CAN do by ourselves.
This is why we struggle to find software from “abroad” that fully meet the unique needs of our local agribusinesses!
I say this as one who had my work put down for YEARS mainly/firstly by those who knew me, and were closest to me, and then later in larger society – BEFORE I used my stubbon persistence and blind faith to literally create a lucrative marketing for my Excel-VB software Development and Web Marketing Systems Development support service.
If we change our attitudes to the efforts by gifted people among us to introduce groundbreaking innovations, our continent will develop to match others in no time at all!

Moroccan tech entrepreneur has a solution to combat illegal fishing by on’10 July 2017′

Badr Idrissi

As a young child growing up in Morocco, Badr Idrissi would regularly take apart his household’s television or VCR in an effort to understand how it worked – often to the frustration of his family.

His love for technology later drove him to complete a telecommunications engineering degree, and work at global giants such as Microsoft, Nokia and Siemens.

Idrissi is a 2017 Innovation Prize for Africa finalist for developing pioneering artificial intelligence software to manage the operations of environment-defending drones. The venture was inspired by his concern about the environmental and ecological threats (such as illegal fishing, poaching and deforestation) facing many African countries. For instance, a large percentage of fishing activities off the West African coast are illegal, resulting in huge economic losses.

Continue reading…

[RECOMMENDED] Must read article on how our lives will change dramatically in 20 years by CEO of Mercedes

Comment by Tayo K. Solagbade: I prepared this print-ready 2 page PDF version (click here to download it now) of the message previewed below (reportedly given by the CEO of Mercedes), for my kids, who I’ve been coaching along the same lines, based on my observations/experience based intuition. It is my considered opinion, that every parent needs to read it with his/her kids!


And truly WISE parents will enroll with their kids at Khan Academy (mentioned in the message)– it’s the future of LEARNING here today! See


Must read article on how our lives will change dramatically in 20 years by CEO of Mercedes

​In a recent interview the MD of Daimler Benz (Mercedes Benz) said their competitors are no longer other car companies but Tesla (obvious), Google, Apple, Amazon

Software will disrupt most traditional industries in the next 5-10 years. Uber is just a software tool, they don’t own any cars, and are now the biggest taxi company in the world

Airbnb is now the biggest hotel company in the world, although they don’t own any properties.

Artificial Intelligence: Computers become exponentially better in understanding the world. This year, a computer beat the best Go player in the world,  10 years earlier than expected.

Click here to download the 2 page PDF I prepared in a ready to print format, for my kids.


[RECOMMENDED] New York Times: A New Kind of Tech Job Emphasizes Skills, Not a College Degree

The New York Times article linked at the bottom of this post reflects new ideas confirming the need for more emphasis on market relevant skills development, to make kids more “employable” when they leave school.

Most developed societies are increasingly accepting that TODAY, real world relevant SKILLS acquisition can help to eliminate youth unemployment – better than the “college-degree-acquisition-only” approach.

Sadly, in Nigeria/Africa, majority with ego investment in traditional education systems remain in denial!

Thankfully, a few thought leading experts – like University of Port Harcourt (UNIPORT)’s Prof. Olufemi Martins Adesope – have been demonstrating how tertiary education can be made more entrepreneurial/industry relevant, through practical vocational skills training events they periodically organize for their students.

An example is his workshop on Cassava Enterprise Development – watch video trailer below:

[Intro] How to Make Snacks (Doughnuts, Pies and Chin-Chin) From High Quality Cassava Flour (HQCF)

Click here to watch it on Prof. Adesope’s website:


Hopefully more parents and educators in Nigeria/Africa will pay attention and begin to provide the badly needed balanced mix of education for kIds!

Get latest updates about Prof. Adesope’s Making Extension Services Work™ projects online at www.omadesope,com

Read the full New York Times Article

Title: A New Kind of Tech Job Emphasizes Skills, Not a College Degree By STEVE LOHR JUNE 28, 2017 | The New York Times



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The FARM CEO (Issue 87): New Ideas for Feed Formulation in Africa [How to make your own pig feed on the farm, The A-Z of making your own quality chicken feed at home to cut costs

As at this moment of typing THIS message, when you Google the above phrase (ie. “new ideas for feed formulation in africa”) the results page that is returned features a set of images at the top, with links to the respective pages on which they are located.

One of those images is a screenshot of the Automatic Ration Formulation interface in my popular Excel-VB driven Ration Formulation software.- and the image links directly to the Youtube demonstration video I created to show what the app can do, to prospective buyers.

I mentioned the above fact to point our how regular publishing of real world relevant information and education can dramatically boost your search engine visibility – at zero cost.
But let me NOT digress.
My purpose here is to highlight other websites that showed up on that search results page – especially those that offer potentially useful information and education about the serious subject of Feed Formulation.
Here they are…

A report prepared for the Hatchery Production and Research Centre Project

The Hatchery Production and Research Centre at Bangui-Landjia Project was established in 1980 under the FAO/Government Cooperative Programme (GCP/CAF/007/NET) with funds provided by the Government of the Netherlands.

The project is engaged primarily in work on the African catfish (Clarias lazera), although activities outside the hatchery building itself include pond experiments and small-scale commercial production of Clarias and tilapia in polyculture.

2. ORGANIC FARMER: How to make your own pig feed on the farm

A bag of pig feed costs more than KSh 3,000 in the market. Feeds take up to 80 per cent of pig production costs. Farmers can make their own feeds and sell surplus feed to other farmers. What they need is to know the rations of mixing the different ingredients.

3. The A-Z of making your own quality chicken feed at home to cut costs

Except for a few feed manufacturers who keep to the standards in poultry feed formulations, many feed companies in the country make very poor quality feeds, a situation which has led huge losses.

Poor quality feeds lead to a slow growth in chickens, low egg production, diseases or even death. Making poultry feeds on the farm is one of the best ways to maintain quality and cut the cost of production.



I wrote this article in 2002, my startup year and used it as a marketing tool to promote the speaking service on Self-Development and Performance Improvement I offered at the time. 3 years later, I published it online as an article on my (now defunct) spontaneousdevelopment dot com domain. That same year, I included it as one of the 25 entries in my ebook titled Twenty-Five(25) Articles/True Stories On Self-Development And Entrepeneuring To Help You Succeed FASTER selling in my online store at
Considering how hard it is to find a job these days, especially a good one, knowing how to KEEP whatever job one finds is something any person in paid employment will be interested in.This article offers experience based ideas that WORK – which is why it has been widely syndicated on the web.
Download it in PDF format using the link provided below.


We Badly Need An Unconventional More Real World Relevant Education System [Hint: The Key to Eliminating Youth Unemployment]

“Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.” – Rob Siltanen


In my best practice parenting articles at ( over the past decade, I’ve advocated a total and radical overhaul of the conventional Education System the children, especially in my part of the world (in Nigeria/Africa) are exposed to.

Understandably, not many parents and educators are happy with the ideas I propose.

But that does not matter.

This is a change that can cause youth unemployment to be drastically reduced – and we all want THAT!

I know their “majority” disagreement does not matter because I’ve been down the road of believing “alone” in an unpolpular but viable idea before – and have been proved right many times!

Indeed, reactions in some quarters, to my contrarian Ideas as a Best Practice Parenting Advocate, remind me of how my now widely accepted idea of selling custom Excel-VB Solutions (see ( got me roundly mocked, ridiculed and criticised everywhere I offered them less than a decade ago!

And that’s why I rarely bother about those who disagree with me on ideas my experiences already convince me about.

The quote I began with – above – captures my sentiments perfectly in this regard.

Rob Siltanen’s quoted words resonate with me in terms of the success I enjoy today selling “ordinary” Excel files and my writing skills internationally, 100% via the web – despite being told “Who’s going to pay you to do that here? This is NOT America” when I started out over 10 years ago!

I chose to think and act different from what I saw others doing. Irefused to let the crowd force me to change. Today people relate with/buy from me as if what I do and how I do it is normal and common place.

But in reality, even now, I remain more the exception than the norm!

This is why I remain resolute in my conviction about the need to give my kids real world relevant education that empowers them to be financially independent much earlier in life.

I’ve evolved a model that contradicts conventional wisdom about educating young people.

It is based on eye opening and often painful experiences I’ve had in my adult life, AFTER undergolng conventional education in my society and excelling at it – only to discover it was far from adequate to prepare me for success in tje real world of my society!

The modified approach I advocate, puts Income Earning Vocational Skills Based Training at the foundation of every child’s exposure to formal education. My kids are being taken through this system already and the positive and lasting benefits are apparent despite inevitable teething problems.

I predict that a few years from now, parents and their kids WILL be asking me and miy kids for ideas about how to achieve the results we will be putting on record. Mark my words!

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