Category Archives: Recommended Websites & Articles

PII 135: Neglecting Domestic Violence Victims Can Cause Serious Tragedies – True Stories [Highlights from my discussion of “The Culture of Silence as it negatively affects male Survivors.” at the 2018 SYMPOSIUM IN COMMEMORATION OF THE LAGOS STATE DOMESTIC AND SEXUAL VIOLENCE AWARENESS MONTH]

Last week, on Tuesday 18th September 2018, I spoke as a panellist, at the 2018 SYMPOSIUM IN COMMEMORATION OF THE LAGOS STATE DOMESTIC AND SEXUAL VIOLENCE AWARENESS MONTH, organized by the Lagos State Domestic and Sexual Violence Response Team (DSVRT).

The theme of the symposium was:


I participated as a member of a 4 person panel, guided by a moderator – ALL female. In other words, I was the only male person among them.

In this piece, I explain why THAT fact (that I was the only person belonging to the male gender) is significant.

To get my message across, I highlight letters written by 2 male DV victims to Gloria Ogunbadejo, who publishes the Mental Health Matters column in Nigeria’s Sunday Punch newspaper. And I also highlight the sad and shocking story, of a Nigerian man who killed his 4 kids and sister-in-law following series of altercations with his wife, in Nigeria’s Anambra state.


Tayo Solagbade's Performance Improvement IDEAS(PI Squared) Newsletter

Tayo Solagbade’s
Performance Improvement 
(PI Squared) Newsletter

Monday 24th September 2018

Logo - Tayo Solagbade's Self-Development Academy

NB: This PI Squared newsletter will be published weekly, on Mondays, in place of the Speaking/Web Marketing IDEAS newsletter, starting from today – 15th February 2016.
 I’m reinventing my Monday newsletter content and theme, to accommodate my vision of serving the growing audience of serious minded individuals and organizations reaching out to me, with information, education. news and research findings designed to help them do what they do better.


View Tayo Solagbade's video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsJoin the SD Nuggets community on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google PlusConnect with Tayo on

PII 135: Neglecting Domestic  Violence Victims Can Cause Serious Tragedies – True Stories [Highlights from my discussion of “The Culture of Silence as it negatively affects male Survivors.” at the 2018 SYMPOSIUM IN COMMEMORATION OF THE LAGOS STATE DOMESTIC AND SEXUAL VIOLENCE AWARENESS MONTH]

Last week, on Tuesday 18th September 2018, I spoke as a panellist, at the 2018 SYMPOSIUM IN COMMEMORATION OF THE LAGOS STATE DOMESTIC AND SEXUAL VIOLENCE AWARENESS MONTH, organized by the Lagos State Domestic and Sexual Violence Response Team (DSVRT).

The theme of the symposium was:


Venue was:


Below: The programme


Below: Panel 1 in session (I was seated in the audience)


Below: Notepad handed out to attendees


Below: Flyer in Yoruba language announcing the DSVRT’s support services 




Below: Photo of dignitaries/guests invited – extreme right is Prof. Badru, who have the lecture.


I participated as a member of the second (4 person) panel, guided by a moderator – ALL female. In other words, I was the only male person among them.

Now, here’s why THAT fact (that I was the only person belonging to the male gender) is significant

You see (according to information supplied to us by the organizers):

“…the essence of the panel was to enlighten members of the public on the travails of survivors of Domestic and Sexual Violence, the effect of the culture of silence on access to justice, and the role of all members of the society in curbing Domestic and Sexual Violence and providing succour to survivors.”

In case you missed it, what captured my interest was THE all inclusive theme, which implied that men, just like children and women, can be victims of Domestic Violence (DV)/abuse.

That theme, was – for me – a significant and noteworthy departure from past efforts to create awareness in which stakeholders and other key players routinely mentioned “women and children” as the victims, and men as the abusers or culprits.

If you have been following my “Domestic Violence Against Men – Ideas for Identifying and Stopping It” Facebook page, you most likely know, from numerous news reports, true stories, research papers etc I’ve featured there, that men – even right here in Africa/Nigeria are increasingly opening up about physical, emotional and psychological abuse they suffer at the hands of their intimate female partners.

The problem is, and has been for a long time, that most male victims get ignored and stigmatized for calling attention to themselves. And this makes them choose to stay silent, rather than speak out, or ask for help.

Unfortunately, given the potentially serious impact of continuous exposure to abuse (verbal and physical) on a person’s state of mind (aka Mental Heath), all sorts of bad things can happen when a sufferer is unable to find help, support, or guidance to deal with what s/he is going through.

For instance, the sad and shocking story I feature below, of the Nigerian man who killed his 4 kids and sister-in-law, could probably have been avoided, if awareness about and support systems to deal with Domestic Violence had been available, and accessible to him – or those around him and his family.

During my talk, I challenged the audience to realize that male sufferers of DV could be ANY of their loved ones belonging to the male gender.

I think a lot of people tend to forget this, when they voice opinions about DV based on stereotypes about men always being the abusers.

This is what makes it possible for abusive females, who know about this flawed perceptions held by those meant to tackle DV, to game the system, and abuse their male partners at will, while positioning themselves as victims, knowing they will be believed.

The above situation is what made the symposium’s theme resonate so greatly with me.

But I was even more interested in the request made that during the panel session, I discuss: “The Culture of Silence as it negatively affects male Survivors.”

I found that quite significant…and here’s why:

We already know and acknowledge the reality of what has been dubbed “Self-Defense Gone Bad” in the case of abused women who hurt or kill their abusive male partners while trying to defend themselves.

But very little is being said or admitted generally about what male sufferers go through.

That’s why I believe the topic, and the theme of the symposium were apt for the times we are in today. They are a welcome acknowledgement of the needs of persons belonging to the male gender as victims of DV too.

That symposium’s has helped us take a massive step forward in the fight against this increasingly pervasive problem of DV – especially on the home front, and in particular, between intimate partners.

When I gave my talk, I drew the attention of the audience to the cases of 2 different men, who within an interval a few months had written letters (the more recent of the two, being published on 2nd September 2018) to Gloria Ogunbadejo, publisher of the Mental Health Matters column in Nigeria’s Sunday Punch Newspaper.

Gloria had published those letters, in her column, to give voice to the male sufferers.

Both men, in their separate letters, had revealed that they were in marital relationships, in which they suffered severe Domestic Violence.

Now, here’s what I found most significant:

1. Both men expressed the view that they would get laughed at for claiming to be abused by their wives

2. Both men revealed that they had been pushed to their limits

a. The first said it got to a point that, unable to take anymore abuse from his wife, he gave her what he called the “beating of her life”. This caused her relatives to call a meeting etc. He noted that he would no longer take anymore abuse from her.

b. The second said he’d actually been contemplating suicide when he read Gloria’s article published the week before, titled “Battered Woman Syndrome”. He said the article resonated greatly with him, even though he was NOT a woman, because all that Gloria wrote in the piece was what he had suffered!


In case you miss the point I am trying to make, let me state it more directly.

You see, the admissions made by those 2 men are suggestive of what is happening to many other men who are choosing to stay silent and not reach out for help.

And the reason they act this way is not that they do not want to be helped, but they worry that they will not be taken seriously or worse that they will be mocked and ridiculed.

The reports of experiences by many male sufferers of domestic violence in Nigeria and other parts of the world confirm that these men’s fears are valid.

In most climes, men who complain about or report that they are being abused by women, tend not to be believed and quite often even get labelled, or punished (e.g. arrested) as the abusers!

It goes without saying that I cannot reproduce my talk here. However, there is one point I emphasized, that is captured in the following admonition to ALL members of the male gender:

“Ignore the Macho Myth™. Even the fictional superman gets helped every now and then – and by little kids too (because unlike him, they are immune to Kryptonite). Refuse societal pressures to endure abuse to prove you’re strong, or because it’s what a man does. Nothing could be further from the truth. The following quote, which I picked up from our panel’s moderator, should drive the point being made further home: “If boys were not meant to cry, they would not have tear glands.

Understand that YOU, being male, are a human being, with feelings and emotions – just like women and children. The longer you stay exposed to abuse, the more damage it does to you. It will take its toll, wearing you down, until you crack. So, if you’re experiencing abuse, be it physical, emotional or psychological, from someone who refuses to stop, GET AWAY NOW, and seek help FAST.

Your manhood is not proven by a refusal to protect yourself from harm. That’s not bravery, that’s foolhardiness. It’s not strength, it’s stupidity. Asking for help will NOT make you any less of a man. Get help NOW, before something happens that you, and/or your abuser may end up regretting.” – Tayo K. Solagbade

Now, it is possible that persons reading this may not fully appreciate what I mean by something regrettable happening.

So, I will end this piece, by referring you to the news report about a Nigerian man and his family, in Obosi, a town in Nigeria’s Anambra state, who stabbed his 4 kids and sister- in-law to death, after which he committed suicide by ingesting a poisonous substance.

Click the link below to learn more (includes a video clip):

On that report page you will learn that:

  1. He had returned from living abroad about a year before
  2. Following his return, there had been frequent altercations between him and his wife due to the fact that she supposedly disrespected him.
  3. The sister-in-law reportedly took sides with the wife (her sister) every time
  4. Neighbours interviewed suggested the wife had had lovers while he was away and probably had kids for them
  5. The man had been seeing a psychiatrist since his return from overseas

The above highlights from that story should give you a fair idea of the psychological environment this family had to interact with themselves in.

We may never know the truth. But what if the kids either stood aside or leaned toward their mother, during disputes? That could have further embittered the man against them.

My purpose here is NOT to paint this man as a victim or abuser.

No, that is NOT my intention.

Instead, what I’m saying is that being already in a mental health state that necessitating getting help from a mental health professional made this man already vulnerable either way!

 It was inevitable that the conflicts at home would push him to the edge…until he cracked.

The result was what made the news (A few similar sad stories appear on this Google results page – click)

Now, those are the ones that got reported. What we may never know is how many of such events have occurred that we never got to hear about.

My point here is that THAT such sad endings could have been prevented, if awareness about DV and what to do about it, had been high among the family’s neighbour’s friends, relatives and associates.

If people who watched them all that time had known where to go, who to call for help, and/or what to do or say to them, maybe those dead would still be alive today.

And THAT is why, we must as a society join forces with outfits like the Lagos State DSVRT to create massive awareness about this scourge, actively sharing information, and education to empower all who need it.

Click below to visit the DSVRT website and learn more about what they do, and how you can get involved.

Go to – click.

Below: Related Articles

1. [DVAM] How Women Destroy Love (Why Men Fall Out of Love) – by Kara Oh, US based National Relationship Expert | FREE VIDEO Based Transcript Slideshow created by Tayo K. Solagbade for

“Today I wanted to offer a lesson on how to castrate a man.

Em, you may wonder, why would you wanna do that?

Well, probably the primary reason would be to get him out of your life, because that is the best way to get rid of a man.” – Kara Oh

Click here to learn how you can view my Verbatim Performance Improvement Video Text Transcript Slideshow version of the wonderfully insightful video message by Kara Oh.

It’s aptly titled “How Women Destroy Love.”

Why Men Fall Out of Love

2, [DVAM] VIRAL VIDEO > 1m Views – What It Really Means to Be a ‘Strong Woman’: Nigerian Woman Delivers Hard Hitting Message to Peers About Relationships [FREE Verbatim Transcript PowerPoint Slideshow created by Tayo K. Solagbade for]

In this post I share a link to the transcript slideshow I’ve prepared of a VIRAL VIDEO that has been watched over 1million times!

It’s message is VERY relevant to the current times.


3. PII 134 – Ideas to Empower Women Without Emasculating Men [Five (5) Suggestions for women empowerment experts that may need to review domestic violence accusations while mediating between disputing couples]

We need to protect women from abuse and empower them to actualize their full potentials. However, we must not do this blindly. The needs and rights of men must also be protected. Reports indicate that some women do batter their male partners and know how to game the system to cover their tracks. This trend can – and should – be reversed, if worthwhile benefits are to be achieved.

In this report, I offer five (5) suggestions about what can be done, and how to stop wrong things happening to men, when we try to empower women.

Click here to download it now – no signup required.



Below: My description of what abusive women who inflict Domestic Violence (DV) on their male partners do, on my Facebook page…

A new generation of shrewdly manipulative and cunningly abusive women are using protective systems put in place by society to exploit males that are their intimate partners.

In other words, they are gaming the system and by so doing are making a mockery of the eFforts to stop domestic violence by exploiting stereotypes about males being the only perpetrators, to abuse their partners at will while readily adopting the accepted posture of “victim in self-defence” when their actions come under scrutiny.

What they do, they teach other women and their own daughters, who rarely know better. We need to fight and stop this trend. Our sons, brothers, fathers, uncles and other loved ones who belong to the male gender, remain at grave risk if we don’t.That’s why I’ve launched this page.

Hopefully, with time, others will acknowledge it happens, and begin to treat EACH case they handle on it’s own merit, rather than use harmful stereotypes and MALES being abusive while FEMALES are always the abused victim. The BAD women know this and use it to their advantage – making the men in their lives suffer needlessly. That must stop!



: Become a member of my Web Marketing for CEOs club

Click here to learn how you can join my Web Marketing for CEOs club, and get my 1 year Web Marketing Support Service

Excel-VB Driven Ration Formulator

Click to view larger screenshot

1. Click here to learn more about this app – watch demo videos etc

2.Click here to watch a 4 part video in which I demonstrate how to use this app to formulate rations using real life data sent to me by an Algerian PhD student.

Click here to contact me about purchasing this product.


Click here to download a detailed PDF user guide and watch 15 screen shot user guide tutorials of the Monthly Poultry Farm Manager that I now offer Farm CEOs.

Click here to watch a screenshot demonstration of the Excel-VB Driven Poultry Farm Manager I built for a client farm business in Ekiti state, South West Nigeria.

Click here to contact me about purchasing this product.

SDN Blog™

New posts from last week*













PII 133 – Commandment No. 7 of 10: You Shall Test Your WMS Relentlessly & Ignore Nay Sayers [Features True Stories About Answers Given by Henry Ford and Robert Kiyosaki About What They Would Do, If They Lost Everything/Went “Dead Broke”]

This week I publish commandment No. 7 of 10 from my 10 part/10 week educational audio series titled “Ten Commandments of Web Marketing for Business Success“.

Commandment No. 7 of 10: You Shall Test Your WMS Relentlessly & Ignore Nay Sayers


Preview: In this commandment, I mention answers provided by Henry Ford, and Robert Kiyosaki on separate occasions to questions about losing their fortunes.

Ford was asked:

“What would you do if you lost your entire fortune today?”

Kiyosaki was asked:

“If you lost everything, what’s the first thing you would do to come back?”

Both men, responding many decades apart, to these similarly themed questions, gave similar answers, which I’ve reproduced at in this commandment.  Kiyosaki’s response was much more detailed and provides truly powerful insights you will find useful.

At the end, I explain why/how the answers those two great men gave make it CRUCIAL you OBEY this commandment.


Tayo Solagbade's Performance Improvement IDEAS(PI Squared) Newsletter

Tayo Solagbade’s
Performance Improvement 
(PI Squared) Newsletter

Monday 11th September 2018

Logo - Tayo Solagbade's Self-Development Academy

NB: This PI Squared newsletter will be published weekly, on Mondays, in place of the Speaking/Web Marketing IDEAS newsletter, starting from today – 15th February 2016.
 I’m reinventing my Monday newsletter content and theme, to accommodate my vision of serving the growing audience of serious minded individuals and organizations reaching out to me, with information, education. news and research findings designed to help them do what they do better.


View Tayo Solagbade's video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsJoin the SD Nuggets community on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google PlusConnect with Tayo on

PII 133 – Commandment No. 7 of 10: You Shall Test Your WMS Relentlessly & Ignore Nay Sayers

[Ten Commandments of Web Marketing for Money Making Success]

This week I publish commandment No. 7 of 10 from my 10 part/10 week educational audio series titled “Ten Commandments of Web Marketing for Money Making Success“.

Preview: In this commandment, I mention answers provided by Henry Ford, and Robert Kiyosaki on separate occasions to questions about losing their fortunes.

Ford was asked:

“What would you do if you lost your entire fortune today?”

Kiyosaki was asked:

“If you lost everything, what’s the first thing you would do to come back?”

Both men, responding many decades apart, to these similarly themed questions, gave similar answers, which I’ve reproduced at in this commandment.  Kiyosaki’s response was much more detailed and provides truly powerful insights you will find useful.

At the end, I explain why/how the answers those two great men gave make it CRUCIAL you OBEY this commandment

Request the PDF &  MP3 Audio version of Commandment No. 7 using the links provided below…

1. Request the MP3 podcast here: Fill and submit a web request form (Click)

2. Request the PDF Transcript of the MP3 podcast Click here


Signup to join my Web Marketing for CEOs club and you’ll get ALL MP3 podcasts and PDF text transcript versions of Commandments No. 1 to 10 in this series, sent to you, with 4 additional gift resources you can study to learn how to achieve smart web marketing success.

Related Articles

[OFFER] Attract High Quality Buyers At Zero Cost: Become a member of my Web Marketing for CEOs club

Click here to learn how you can join my Web Marketing for CEOs club, and get my 1 year Web Marketing Support Service

Excel-VB Driven Ration Formulator

Click to view larger screenshot

1. Click here to learn more about this app – watch demo videos etc

2.Click here to watch a 4 part video in which I demonstrate how to use this app to formulate rations using real life data sent to me by an Algerian PhD student.

Click here to contact me about purchasing this product.


Click here to download a detailed PDF user guide and watch 15 screen shot user guide tutorials of the Monthly Poultry Farm Manager that I now offer Farm CEOs.

Click here to watch a screenshot demonstration of the Excel-VB Driven Poultry Farm Manager I built for a client farm business in Ekiti state, South West Nigeria.

Click here to contact me about purchasing this product.

SDN Blog™

New posts from last week*









PII 132 – NOT Being A Conventional Parent: A Proven Parenting Success Secret [True Stories + Ideas You Can Use] – Part 1 of 2

He lost his wealthy father at the tender age of 7, and along with 5 siblings had to be cared for by a struggling mother (who was deserted by family members and her husband’s friends)

But by the time he clocked 16, he was already earning $3,000 to 5,000 USD monthly, writing for international clients from his humble dwelling in Nigeria’s ancient city of Ibadan.

Today, he’s been featured as the “Ultimate Nigerian Business Success Story” on top platforms across the world, like and Business Insider.

And despite being just in his early 20s, he already owns a 50 acre (300 plots) parcel land with a thriving catfish farm business whch he runs on it, having invested some of his Internet earnings into the offline business.

How did he achieve all this, when he started out with next to nothing you wonder?


Tayo Solagbade's Performance Improvement IDEAS(PI Squared) Newsletter

Tayo Solagbade’s
Performance Improvement 
(PI Squared) Newsletter

Monday 3rd August 2018

Logo - Tayo Solagbade's Self-Development Academy

NB: This PI Squared newsletter will be published weekly, on Mondays, in place of the Speaking/Web Marketing IDEAS newsletter, starting from today – 15th February 2016.
 I’m reinventing my Monday newsletter content and theme, to accommodate my vision of serving the growing audience of serious minded individuals and organizations reaching out to me, with information, education. news and research findings designed to help them do what they do better.


View Tayo Solagbade's video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsJoin the SD Nuggets community on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google PlusConnect with Tayo on

PII 132 – NOT Being A Conventional Parent: A Proven Parenting Success Secret [True Stories + Ideas You Can Use] – Part 1 of 2

He lost his wealthy father at the tender age of 7, and along with 5 siblings had to be cared for by a struggling mother (who was deserted by family members and her husband’s friends)

But by the time he clocked 16, he was already earning $3,000 to 5,000 USD monthly, writing for international clients from his humble dwelling in Nigeria’s ancient city of Ibadan.

Today, he’s been featured as the “Ultimate Nigerian Business Success Story” on top platforms across the world, like and Business Insider.

And despite being just in his early 20s, he already owns a 50 acre (300 plots) parcel land with a thriving catfish farm business whch he runs on it, having invested some of his Internet earnings into the offline business.

How did he achieve all this, when he started out with next to nothing you wonder?

Especially doing what he does working in a very difficult socioeconomic environment like Nigeria (with erratic power supply and Internet connectivity), PLUS having to deal with the discrimination from some potential clients, due to the negative image of Nigerians created by 419ers?

Being the diligent student of success and human bevariour that I am, I have studied this chap for a while, since I first discovered him in 2014 or so. And here’s what my findings tell me:

1. He had exposure, very early in life to what is called TRIAL BY FIRE, and luckily for him, he USED it to build himself up for success.

Evidence that I’m right can be readily deduced from the following statement, he made in an interview published online:

“Losing my dad taught me a lot. It taught me tenacity: persistent determination. From the age of seven, other than God, I’ve had to do most things on my own; no fatherly support or resources to make things ‘manifest’ for me. As a result, I grew up being highly independent and persistent. A fighter of sorts, I grew up learning that if you want something, you demand and fight for it; and you don’t give up until you get it… because there is no dad who is going to give it to you. You either get it, or you don’t. For me, this lesson is more valuable than anything else a father could have given me. When I want something, I go for it… and I don’t give up until I get it. This tenacity is God’s gift to the fatherless, and I’m taking it with me all my life.” – Bamidele Onibalusi, Source: Losing my dad at 7 taught me how not to give up—Onibalusi, 24-year-old celebrated guest blogger/


Note to reader: I first wrote about this young man on my blog back in 2014, when an elderly Swedish lady who connected with me on Facebook told me that HE was HER idol. Since then I’ve written several pieces about him, a recent one being: Choosing The Right Role Models for Success Achievement – What to Look For [Case Study: 21 year old Ibadan-based Nigerian freelance writer/blogger, who earns thousands of dollars writing for international clients AND also makes money from a Catfish Farm Business he started 1 year ago!]


2. BUT  apart from exposure to trial by fire, he also did NOT have any OBLIGATIONS to fulfill that could have distracted him from maintaining his focus on doing what was required to achieve the success he needed.

This second factor is quire important – believe me. I know what it feels like to try pursuing success of this kind while having a family to support. It’s much more difficult!

This is why successful people strongly recommend starting as early as possible. And that’s why I’m supporting my kids to do just that.

Sadly, too many Nigerian parents do NOT understand the need for this.

They unwisely tell their kids to wait and finish school first!

Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Richard Branson, and many others including Robert Kiyosaki started long while they were STILL in school – and some even dropped out at some point to continue. Later, they came back and finished their schooling.

Now, it might interest you to know that the young man Onibalusi, is today sponsoring his own university studies using money he makes from his online and offline business.

Like I always say, if you lack money, there is a limit to how much formal schooling you can easily access in most societies.

So learning to make money as early as possible in life, can be to your advantage in so many ways. Smart parents will teach their kids to do it. There is just no better way to empower your child to excel in life as an adult.

It may NOT be conventional or popular to insist that your kids learn income earning vocational skills on a 50:50 basis alongside their academics, on a daily basis, for instance.

But the results you get, which will equip the child with useful real world relevant life skills that your child will OWN forever, will prove you right in the long run – and make your child grateful that you made him/her do it.

The true story linked below, provides a real life example of how I use the ideas I’ve shared above. Click the link or image to learn more.

PII 128 – Commandment No. 5 of 10 – You Shall Confidently Offer to Solve Real Life Problems For Your Target Audience [Features TRUE STORY of Teenager Who Started Making Custom Shoes for Himself Because Shoe Sellers Rarely Have Shoes Fitting His Size 46 Feet]


NB: The second and concluding part of this special report will be published on this blog tomorrow.


Get these 2 FREE PDF Downloads on Best Practice Parenting and Education from Me When You Join my Best Practice Parenting Group on Whatsapp

  1. Stop Letting Nigerian Schools Cheat You & Your Child! [How Nigeria’s Law About Children’s “Right to Basic Education” Is Made Impotent Via “Poor Quality Education” Children Get Served DAILY in MANY Nigerian Schools]
  2. Schooling Is a Means to an End, and NOT an End In Itself [Hard Truths Parents, Teachers & Policy Makers Need to Understand, to “Educate” Kids for “Authentic Non-Corner-Cutting Success” in the 21st Century!]


Text me your WhatsApp Number via +234-803-302-1263 (not my Whatsapp no!) and I’ll add you to my Best Practice Parenting™ group where download links to BOTH this report and the 62 page White Paper are accessible.

[OFFER] Attract High Quality Buyers At Zero Cost: Become a member of my Web Marketing for CEOs club

Click here to learn how you can join my Web Marketing for CEOs club, and get my 1 year Web Marketing Support Service

Excel-VB Driven Ration Formulator

Click to view larger screenshot

1. Click here to learn more about this app – watch demo videos etc

2.Click here to watch a 4 part video in which I demonstrate how to use this app to formulate rations using real life data sent to me by an Algerian PhD student.

Click here to contact me about purchasing this product.


Click here to download a detailed PDF user guide and watch 15 screen shot user guide tutorials of the Monthly Poultry Farm Manager that I now offer Farm CEOs.

Click here to watch a screenshot demonstration of the Excel-VB Driven Poultry Farm Manager I built for a client farm business in Ekiti state, South West Nigeria.

Click here to contact me about purchasing this product.

SDN Blog™

New posts from last week*









WebMD Dot Com Offers “Help for Battered Men” [Powerful Ideas for Identifying & Stopping Domestic Violence Against Men – DVAM]

I was excited to come across this wonderful professional article published on the respected WebMD Dot Com on Domestic Violence Against Men (DVAM). What I particularly liked was the author’s identification of a factor I have been screaming about for SO LONG about how abusive WOMEN (who inflict domestic violence on men in their lives) are skilled at GAMING the system society put in place to STOP domestic violence!

Read the preview below  and click the link at the end to view the full article.

Help for Battered Men [Excerpts]

Another distinguishing factor is that while women who are abused are more likely to be pushed or shoved, beat up, or threatened with a gun, the women who do the abusing are more likely to throw something, kick or bite, hit with an object, threaten with a knife, or actually use a knife, according to the National Violence Against Women Survey.

And perhaps the most important difference is that women who batter may have a greater ability to use the “system” to their advantage.

“Systemic abuse can occur when a woman who is abusing her husband or boyfriend threatens that he will never see his children again if he leaves or reports the abuse,” says Philip Cook, program director of Stop Abuse for Everyone. “A man caught in this situation believes that no matter what his wife or girlfriend does, the court is going to give her custody, and this greatly limits his ability to leave. While this can occur when a woman is being abused, it is more likely to happen when a woman is abusing.”

Women, explains Cook, who is author of Abused Men: The Hidden Side of Domestic Violence, may also be able to use the system to their advantage in that they are less likely to be arrested if police are called as a result of a domestic dispute.

“There is no national data on average arrest rates for women in domestic disputes,” says Cook. “My best guess is that it’s about 20%. But we do know anecdotally that there are many men who, when the police arrive, clearly have the most serious injury, clearly when interviewed separately indicate the female started it, and nonetheless, the man gets arrested. This does indeed happen.”


Read the full piece at


It’s great to see that competent others, even if not in Nigeria, SEE what I am saying: Here’s how I described what these women do, on my Facebook page…

A new generation of shrewdly manipulative and cunningly abusive women are using protective systems put in place by society to exploit males that are their intimate partners.

In other words, they are gaming the system and by so doing are making a mockery of the eFforts to stop domestic violence by exploiting stereotypes about males being the only perpetrators, to abuse their partners at will while readily adopting the accepted posture of “victim in self-defence” when their actions come under scrutiny.

What they do, they teach other women and their own daughters, who rarely know better. We need to fight and stop this trend. Our sons, brothers, fathers, uncles and other loved ones who belong to the male gender, remain at grave risk if we don’t.That’s why I’ve launched this page.

Hopefully, with time, others will acknowledge it happens, and begin to treat EACH case they handle on it’s own merit, rather than use harmful stereotypes and MALES being abusive while FEMALES are always the abused victim. The BAD women know this and use it to their advantage – making the men in their lives suffer needlessly. That must stop!



[DVAM] Man Writes Women Support Agency Saying His Estranged Wife is Teaching His Kids to Hate Him [Features Expert Articles/Research on the common problem of Parental Alienation]

Below is a paraphrased excerpt from a letter written by a Nigerian man to a women support agency, in which he complains that the mother of his kids, who he is no longer on good terms with, keeps trying to  ALIENATE him from the kids – by influencing them to hate him.

This article features previews/links to Authoritative Research Papers and News Reports on the – common – problem of PARENTAL ALIENATION of a parent by an embittered spouse. using the kids as a weapon. 

===Start of paraphrased excerpts===

I DO NOT DO IT TO HER. So she needs to stop teaching the kids to hate, disrespect, lie and bear false witness against ME – their father


1. I always ask each child to apologize to her when rude, but she does the opposite to me e.g sometimes even praising them – saying things to the child like  “I trust you. Well done!

2. She tells them I hate them when I discipline them – so that some actually say so to me.

I’ve made several complaints about this to older relatives and later various agencies, with no improvement. This was after efforts to reason with her one on one, repeatedly failed.

3. When I try to correct the kids for wrong doing, she often takes sides with each rebelling child, to not only defy, but also insult me, and even goad them to physically attack me – sometimes causing injury to me.

To make matters worse, she even coached the kids to claim they’d attacked me because I was beating HER – when that was NEVER the case!

4. But the truth is that whenever she is away, and the kids are ALONE with me, they readily relax/have fun with me. However, as soon as she comes around the kids become stiff and less responsive to me, because they know she could get angry seeing them bonding with me.

I want all this to stop. What she is doing is abusive to me and the kids.

===End of paraphrased excerpts===

What this man’s partner is doing to him is called PARENTAL ALIENATION – a very common occurrence between disputing couples, with kids


What follows below are reports and papers that discuss Parental Alienation in elaborate detail…

It is instructive to note that BOTH women and men can be guilty of doing this to their spouses – as shown in reports and records from various societies.

Nigeria however lacks accurate information about the nature of occurrence of this problem.

I believe it’s time responsible bodies, and stakeholders began formally recording data on Parental Alienation, especially in light of the potentially damaging effect it can have on the target parent and the kids involved.

A. Children’s Lie-Telling to Conceal a Parent’s Transgression: Legal Implications

“””…the present study examined the lie-telling behavior of children aged 3–11 years to conceal their parents’ transgressions. It revealed that the majority of children told the truth about their parents’ transgressions. However, children’s lie or truth-telling behavior was adaptive and situation-specific. When the possibility of the child being blamed for the transgression was reduced, a significantly greater number of children lied about their parents’ transgressions.



B. Divorcing parents who poison children against their former partner…

…The demonizing of a parent, usually by the one with whom the child lives, has long been recognized as damaging…’


“C. What Is ‘Malicious Mother Syndrome’? …Someone suffering from the syndrome:

1. Attempts to punish the divorcing parent though alienating their children from the other parent and involving others or the courts in actions to separate parent and child;

2. Seeks to deny children visitation and communication with the other parent and involvement in the child’s school or extra-curricular activities;

3. Lies to their children and others repeatedly and may engage in violations of law;

4. Doesn’t suffer any other mental disorder which would explain these actions.

NB: I’ve repeatedly stated EVERYWHERE I’ve gone to report these issues that Nkechi is mentally unstable – so item 4, to me, may not apply to her, and therefore she may not suffer from this syndrome.


“D. The Impact of Parental Alienation on Children [Undermining loving parent-child relationships as child maltreatment]

“Parental Alienation involves a set of strategies, including bad-mouthing the other parent, limiting contact with that parent, erasing the other parent from the life and mind of the child (forbidding discussion and pictures of the other parent), forcing the child to reject the other parent, creating the impression that the other parent is dangerous, forcing the child to choose between the parents by means of threats of withdrawal of affection, and belittling and limiting contact with the extended family of the targeted parent.

There is now scholarly consensus that severe alienation is abusive to children (Fidler and Bala, 2010), and is a largely overlooked form of child abuse (Bernet et al, 2010),as child welfare and divorce practitioners are often unaware of or minimize its extent.

Hatred is not an emotion that comes naturally to a child; it has to be taught. A parent who would teach a child to hate or fear the other parent represents a grave and persistent danger to the mental and emotional health of that child. ”


“A father who was the victim of (parental) alienation, speaking anonymously, told the Guardian:

“I’ve lived through and witnessed the inexorable alienation of my older daughter over the past five years, which has culminated in complete loss of contact. I will not have seen or heard from her for three years this coming January. We had a fantastic, loving relationship for the first 12 years of her life. This is a horrible form of child abuse that is struggling to get out from under the rock of prejudice and ignorance.””





[DVAM] Who will save men from domestic violence?

This report really resonates with me, because it speaks my mind with regard to the near total disregard of the plight of many men suffering domestic violence (both physical and emotional/psychological) at the hands of their intimate female partners in Nigeria – and elsewhere. The author of this piece really nails the ISSUE that’s been begging for attention for so long now. It’s time for the desired change to be effected by the authorities and stakeholders!


Who will save men from domestic violence?

Just as women keep complaining of being abused by their husbands, there are men who are also victims of domestic violence though can’t come out.





[DVAM] Group laments increase in violence against men

The founder of the NGO featured in the news report previewed/linked below, reveals an interesting trend in which (to use her own words) “scores of married men” have visited her office to complain about domestic violence inflicted on them by their wives – AFTER she led a placard carrying awareness campaign at “Federal High Court, Jabi, in Abuja” on the problem.

Group laments increase in violence against men

An NGO, Girls and Youth Re-integration Network (GYRIN), has expressed concern over rising cases of domestic violence against men in the country.

The founder of the NGO, Miss Kehinde Awojola, said that GYRIN has received alarming reports from men after it launched its campaign on “No To Violence Against Men”.

Continue reading…




[DVAM] EXTRA REPORT: Husband Battering, A New Face of Domestic Violence

Below, I share a linked preview to yet another publication from the Nigerian social space, that draws attention to the hidden scourge of Domestic Violence Against Men (DVAM) that continues to be generally ignored by key authorities and stakeholders.

As usual, a the bottom of the post, I append a link to my Facebook sdvocacy page titled “Domestic Violence Against Men (DVAM) – Ideas for Identifying and Stopping It”.

EXTRA REPORT: Husband Battering, A New Face of Domestic Violence

By The Nigerian Expression on May 14, 2018

By Supo Balogun, The Nigerian Expression

In contrast to the often stereotyped narrative which regularly painted women as the unhappy underdog in many homes, the Lagos State Domestic Violence and Sexual Violence Response Team (DVSRT) recently published a total of 138 men as suffering from domestic violence between May 2016 and April 2017.

Perhaps, one should yield to the women: If they have been subjected to domestic violence for so long, it may not be out of place if men too have a slight carriage of that burden women have carrying for many decades.

Such abuse includes slapping, hitting, kicking or forced sex as well as non-physical abuse like insults, threats, chronic disparaging remarks and controlling behaviours.

The latest figure, although relatively small when compared with the statistics of abuse against women and children, however, offers a new perspective to the growing incidence of domestic violence to which Kazeem had alluded in a 2017 report which indicated that 55 men were battered by their wives in 2016.

Continue reading…here


Why Nigeria BADLY Needs a Proliferation of AUTHENTIC Entrepreneurs [The Root Cause of (& The Surest Cure for) Unemployment in Africa’s Crawling Giant] – FREE PDF DOWNLOAD

This report begins with the following review of what I consider an uncannily accurate opinion submission – on Nigeria – by a foreigner, in a reputable international magazine – TIME – of August 23, 1999:                                                  

Nigeria suffers from a dearth of rapidly growing small private businesses. Such businesses create 80 percent of the new jobs in the United States. This must be disturbing for Nigeria that needs to modernize for the 21st century and bring down persistently high unemployment. But what really causes this entrepreneurship gap? And what can be done about it?

Click below to download the FREE PDF – no signup required.


PS: Invite me to speak on this theme to your team or group – Fill/submit the form at


PII 129: These Ideas Will Help You Defy Any Adversity to Succeed Anywhere, Doing Anything! [FREE PDF DOWNLOAD]

Even though I discuss this subject with specific reference to succeeding in business, the ideas I share in this 1,000 word (<5 min read) piece apply to achievement in ANY endeavour. I know that because I have used them successfully in paid as well as self-employment.

Indeed, for those who know me and have wondered how I have continually succeeded in achieving my goals, despite repeated visitations of adversity, what I share here provides the answers to your unasked questions!

First, let me begin with a quote I have always found powerfully insightful and inspiring:

“I have no special talents, and in high school I was far below average. I believe that the writings of (Napoleon) Hill sparked my rise, changing the way I thought about my inadequacies and removing many self-imposed limitations. I have no other explanations for the startling success of a person who had been so mediocre.” – James R. Cook, Millionaire Entrepreneur, in his New York Times Bestseller, The Startup Entrepreneur


Tayo Solagbade's Performance Improvement IDEAS(PI Squared) Newsletter

Tayo Solagbade’s
Performance Improvement 
(PI Squared) Newsletter

Monday 13th August 2018

Logo - Tayo Solagbade's Self-Development Academy

NB: This PI Squared newsletter will be published weekly, on Mondays, in place of the Speaking/Web Marketing IDEAS newsletter, starting from today – 15th February 2016.
 I’m reinventing my Monday newsletter content and theme, to accommodate my vision of serving the growing audience of serious minded individuals and organizations reaching out to me, with information, education. news and research findings designed to help them do what they do better.


View Tayo Solagbade's video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsJoin the SD Nuggets community on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google PlusConnect with Tayo on

PII 129: These Ideas Will Help You Defy Any Adversity to Succeed Anywhere, Doing Anything!

Even though I discuss this subject with specific reference to succeeding in business, the ideas I share in this 1,000 word (<5 min read) piece apply to achievement in ANY endeavour. I know that because I have used them successfully in paid as well as self-employment.

Indeed, for those who know me and have wondered how I have continually succeeded in achieving my goals, despite repeated visitations of adversity, what I share here provides the answers to your unasked questions!

First, let me begin with a quote I have always found powerfully insightful and inspiring:

“I have no special talents, and in high school I was far below average. I believe that the writings of (Napoleon) Hill sparked my rise, changing the way I thought about my inadequacies and removing many self-imposed limitations. I have no other explanations for the startling success of a person who had been so mediocre.” – James R. Cook, Millionaire Entrepreneur, in his New York Times Bestseller, The Startup Entrepreneur


You need to read Cook’s book (no pun intended) see it on sale here – to get a REAL feel for what he meant in the above quote.

But basically, the story in his book reveals how he went from neophyte entrepreneur, falling flat on his face many times for years, after quitting a salary job and starting a business without a business plan.

It provides elaborate details and eye opening insights what he went through and the lessons he learned about how to keep going, no matter what – until success is achieved.

Hear him…

“Like many others, I assumed that simply because I went into business, quick success would follow. I grievously under-estimated (and still do) the time necessary for a new project to get into the black (i.e. to make profit). Most of the difficulties I encountered couldn’t have been forecast; they always managed to catch me by surprise.” – James R. Cook

It is most often the repeated mistakes, setbacks and disappointments that many aspiring entrepreneurs in Nigeria experience that makes them abandon the idea of running their own businesses.

Many people in this country do not have the mental attitude needed to relentlessly pursue the achievement of sustained successes in their chosen endeavour.

During his active playing days, Michael Jordan was revered by his peers, coaches and fans for his “mental toughness”.

Fela Anikulapo Kuti was the same in his pursuit of musical excellence and human rights activism.

Time and time again he emerged from prison and/or nasty confrontations with agents of oppressive government regimes, especially during the military era, to continue preaching his message.
He had mental stamina, and this enabled him persist despite tremendous physical and psychological suffering he went through.

Gani Fawehinmi and Nelson Mandela also did the same in their respective lives.

It’s not enough to know how to do something; you must also have the mental stamina to deal with the attendant challenges/difficulties that will come up when you are engaged in your chosen endeavor.

Sadly, this requirement is not recognized in Nigeria. Yes, a sound understanding of the need for a success conscious mental attitude is missing in our society. It is neglected in all the various forms of formal/informal education provided in virtually every facet of our society.

This mental preparation is what is lacking when many people start up their businesses. They would often have consulted the right people, attended the right learning events, and mastered the technical aspects of running the business. But they often neglect…

====Excerpt Ends===

The above is an excerpt from a special FREE PDF DOWNLOAD edition of my weekly Performance Improvement Ideas (PII) newsletter. Any interested person can download the PDF version and share FREELY. See download link below.

Download THIS PDF using the link provided below…

Click HERE to download the full PDF version of this newsletter now (NO SIGNUP Needed)



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Excel-VB Driven Ration Formulator

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