Category Archives: Recommended Websites & Articles

Secret Strategy for Handling Exploitative Clients/Prospects [True Stories]

This post linked below was shared by the author on Facebook. In it he narrates several examples of attempts that clients and prospects have repeatedly made to try taking advantage of him as a service provider working online/remotely.

Even though what I do as a Digital Nomad/Location Independent Multipreneur is different from what the author does, I can relate quite readily to his experiences. Click here to read the story.


Because I have undergone similar ones in the past.

I developed a system that solved this problem for me years ago, and it has helped me screen out “time wasters” like those the expert describes, while simultaneously attracting ready-to-buy prequalified prospects to me.

As a result I rarely ever find myself having such experiences today.

Smart and competent experts need to put in place a system that PROTECTS THEM FROM POSSIBLE EXPLOITATION.

Need help? Get in touch.



DEAR Governor Sanwo Olu.

Please watch this video urgently (click the link below)

Screenshot_20200416-054849Emotional intelligence needs to be applied in implementing the lockdown.

People who live from hand to mouth on daily basis cannot cope with this kind of prolonged isolation.

They and their families are suffering already and that spells danger for the entire state.

You need to meet their simple need for food, money etc.

Please watch this video urgently (click the link below)

One Strategy You Can Use to Succeed Despite COVID-19 [Download Audio Podcast and a FREE copy of my book titled “The World’s Future Prosperity Depends on Digital Multipreneurs”]

A Stay-At-Home order need NOT stop you from making money. This true story illustrates how a digital lifestyle – can minimize negative impact on your productivity and income when you’re forced to stay home – for any reason.

The screenshots below tell the true story of how yet another total stranger discovered my Excel-VB Ration Formulator software via the search engine, and within 24 hours had contacted me + gone ahead to make payment to purchase it, without needing to meet face to face with me.

The fact that this latest sale took place during the COVID-19 sit-at-home exercise is a key reason why I chose to share it.

Like I stated in my latest audio podcast recorded on the 25th of March 2020, the challenge posed by the need to stay home following government directives to minimize spread of the CORONA virus could be a blessing in disguise.

More people are realizing that adopting the use of PC/Internet technology to get their work or business done could be beneficial to them.

Indeed some have already launched complementary online platforms to keep their work going. I’ve see educators and knowledge providers promoting 25 day online home schooling offers via WhatsApp for parents to signup for,

In this latest podcast I argue that the rest of us can succeed more – and resist adversity better – by doing something similar (i.e working/selling online), if we are willing to adopt flexible mindsets with creative thinking.

The screenshots below show how despite the commencement of the stay-at-home order, my well established Web Marketing System still continues to bring prequalified prospects to me, who end up paying me good money to buy what I sell.

I have been living this 100% digital life since 2012 and have not looked back since. This strategy allows me to benefit from opportunities available to make money both on and off the web.

My vision is to inform, educate and empower as many people as are willing to succeed like I am doing.

If this interests you, click here to fill/submit a web contact form to get my new Audio Podcast and a FREE copy of my book titled “The World’s Future Prosperity Depends on Digital Multipreneurs” – which I actually sell in my online store.

1. The prospect sent an email to me via tayo at tksola dot com which I replied by asking him to call me.



2. Hours after sending him the email I called him up to confirm (and to hint him about the time limited promo it included). His reply led me to send a revised promo offer via SMS


3. After our phone conv, I asked him to send his email address (I later realized I already had it!).  Then I emailed him an offer + later sent SMS (see 2). He paid + I sent the app


PII 187: Permissive Parenting Prevents Kids from Building Character Needed to Achieve True Success

If I let a 14 year old child dictate to me about a potentially beneficial real-world relevant learning activity I’ve instructed her to engage in, which she has an OPINION on, but little knowledge about, or experience in, then I am practicing Permissive Parenting – which would be WRONG, and also IRRESPONSIBLE of me!

Sadly, that’s what (faulty) Permissive Parenting (promoted by some non-African societies) which is increasingly popular today, is making parents do.

In the name of adopting “civilization” from some parts of the developed world, we Africans have been making the mistake of discarding  most of our traditional African Parenting Methods in favour of mass media promoted non-African ones.

And that’s why our African social systems are collapsing.

As parents, we are to guide our kids even as we acknowledge the genius/talents they are blessed with.

In a past article titled “Parenting is NOT a Democracy” I explained that successful parenting will not happen if you make the mistake of letting your kids dictate terms to you.

Don’t get me wrong. You must listen to them and ensure they activities you require them to engage in are truly beneficial to them. For instance it is not wise to force them to learn a subject or skill they do not have a natural interest in or passion for. Indeed history has shown that kids do best as something that interests or excites them.

However LIFE is not always sweet and pleasant.

There are things each one of us needs to know, learn and be able to do that may sometimes not feel enjoyable or convenient for us!

Yet getting through them will be a requirement for us to achieve the progress, advancement or success we desire.

Unfortunately, when we are young and have little or no real life experience, it can be difficult to understand the above stated truth.

This is why teenagers in particular tend not to see eye to eye with their parents about certain issues in life till they leave home and have first hand experience of the real world (aka University of Hard Knocks – UHK). Unfortunately some of them may not recover from the shock of what they discover.

And that is why the parent who DOES have the experience and knowledge of the real world at that point in time MUST think and act in the BEST INTEREST of the child, even if the child does not agree or cannot see what lies ahead.

This is WHY the Creator made you the child’s parent. You know why that thing s/he finds uninteresting or unimportant is CRUCIAL for his/her success. So you need to assert yourself and insist the child does what you ask.

Letting the child vote on whether or not to obey you on such an issue (e.g. learning survival/income generating skills like sewing, cooking, hairstyling etc) amounts to ABDICATING your responsibility to give him/her the best possible preparation to succeed in the society you know s/he will enter.


In traditional African society, every adult was required to function in a parental role to every child – regardless of whether or not the child was biologically his/hers.

Any wayward child in traditional African society therefore often ended up getting corrected or disciplined by any adults who saw him/her doing wrong.

Then they would take him/her home and inform the child’s parents of what had been done.

The latter DID NOT contest what they were told about their kids, but instead accepted it and acted based on it to reinforce the lesson being communicated to the child.

This was how we grew up.

Society spoke to use about what was expected of us, without contradicting itself. You could be sure that if another adult heard what you did, s/he would readily echo what others had told you.

Today, lots of kids are being misled right from home, by their own parents, to behave badly. And when adults in society try to correct them some parents take sides with their kids!

The reverse also happens in which the child is misled to misbehave to their parents at home by adults s/he meets in society (sometimes even the teachers).

This is happening because we discarded our traditional parenting system.

Instead we have imported alien cultures and values systems. As a result, RESPECT is no longer cherished or taught to young people.

Parents now try to appease kids by indulging them, so the kids can say they (the parents) are “GOOD”.

Such weak parents believe that they should allow their kids to VOTE about whether or not they are good parents and about whether or not to obey them.

And when one parent is not on good terms with the other, sometimes s/he may deliberately bend the rules for the kids, or look the other way when they do wrong so the kids can reciprocate by supporting him/her against the other parent!

Children raised in such an environment often go on to become undisciplined, disrespectful adults unwilling to exert themselves to get anything they want.

A look at the quality of young and adult persons we have today in society shows that this borrowed approach to parenting DOES NOT WORK!

Those of us who grew up in the times when African parenting methods still prevailed know that it produced youths and adults with great strength of character, who could face life’s challenges without caving in to adversity or cutting corners to succeed.

It is my considered opinion that we NOW need to return to our original unadulterated African parenting methods, if we wish to avoid further decay in our society!



1. Why parenting is not a democracy

Parenting is not a democracy.  My husband James has joked it’s more like a benevolent dictatorship!

I’m not saying you shouldn’t consider your children’s opinions and preferences.

I’m not saying the family meeting doesn’t have a place.

What I am saying is you don’t have to put everything to a vote.  You don’t have to make your family decisions by majority rule.  The truth is God has put you as a parent ultimately in charge.

2. To Consult with Your Kids on Everything is Not Democracy, It’s Bad Parenting

Parenting has undergone a bad transformation during the last few decades. The structure of the family has also changed dramatically. It went from the pattern of considering children as chattel to children become the center of their parents universe.

3. This House is Not a Democracy: Parenting With Love and Ultimatums

For our kids, it’s about trusting us, the parents, to make the decision that is in their best interest, even when they can’t see it.

“No one bosses mommy around.” Ask any of my children, and they’ll quote you on this. They’re young yet…very much still feeling around in the sandbox for the untouchable acts that will get them in serious trouble.

Having twin three-year-olds is like going into the pet store to pick out a fish and finding yourself treading water in the tank. You’re just trying to keep your head above water, while they sucker themselves to your body. One misstep and the sheer mass of them will pull you under.

4. Parenting Isn’t a Democracy

I’m sure folks that read my “Chronicles” have concluded that “One-liners” drive a lot of my learning and belief system. Sayings such as: “You Can Only Expect What You Inspect.” When you begin to think about many of them, they truly speak volumes. That’s how the one-liner title I’ve used–referencing “Parenting”–hit me.

Of course we know that a newborn doesn’t come into this world with a neat computer chip that has pre-trained and pre-programmed that baby….They’re “wild little animals” and the training starts right after they’re born.

Looking back in time, the child rearing “Model” has changed so much. Fifty or more years ago, you heard expressions like: “Only speak when spoken to,” or “Always say, yes ma’am, yes sir” and discipline could get pretty rigid and often unforgiving.

5. PII 007: Parenting Is NOT A Democracy [Hint: The Need to Assert Yourself to Get Results That Matter – Lesson from True Story of a Girl Who Made Pizza Without An Oven]

Too many of us grow up being overly concerned about pleasing others, so they can like us, and/or have good things to say about us.

I used to be that way, and like I explained in the true stories narrated in my book – Kukuru Danger – it got me into LOADS of trouble!

Life has taught me that no matter how hard you try, people will still decide not to like you if they do NOT want to like you. Same applies to what they say about you.

In addition, I learnt – the hard way – that failing to say what needs to be said to others, would often lead me (and sometimes them!) to avoidable suffering and pain…

By “others” I also refer to kids – for those of us who are parents or have to function in that role to young people.

As a parent, I’ve used thes insight to decide when to put my foot down with my kids, and when to look the other way or let things pass.

What I’ve learnt to remember is that for young people who have yet to experience life, there will often be a need to be FIRM, and not let have their way at times!

This is because YOU the adult will often KNOW more about the benefits to be had, or consequences that will result from such situation(s) or circumstance(s).

In other words, with few exceptions, young people will usually not have the benefit of YOUR experience based insights as a COMPETENT adult, that comes from having done stuff they are contemplating BEFORE them.

In such situations therefore, you’ll simply have to act based on your superior knowledge and insights, and let them learn from the benefit of hindsight LATER.

TRUE STORY: Keep Your Promises and Achieve Greater Success – Past Buyer of my Poultry Farm Manager Needs Help 4 Years After

“Dear Tayo, I bought your farm support program about 4 years ago when I wanted to start a Poultry layer farm but never used it. I can’t even remember the password and the processes. Now can my farm Manager use it and send relevant reports to me.” – message I got yesterday (29th February 2020), from a Farm CEO who bought my Excel-VB Poultry Farm Manager software 4 years ago, in March 2016.
[SIDENOTE: This is the first time ever that I’m getting a message from ANYONE about what I sell. It has NEVER happened before]

Below: My Response to him on

Thanks for your message.
I recall reaching out to you in the past to ask if you needed any help making use of the app. Your reply at the time was that you had certain priorities you were focused on to grow your brand – that you’d let me know when you’re ready and need help using it.
I guess THAT’S now.
In response to your question: Yes. Your farm manager can use the app. Post your WhatsApp number below and I will check and send you the password for your copy of the app + links to the 16 user guide video tutorials and the annotated PDF user guide.

I added him on WhatsApp using the number he supplied in our and posted screenshots from the 2016 email I’d forwarded to him.

——— Forwarded message ———
From: Tayo Solagbade <tayo at tayosolagbade dot com>
Date: Sat, Feb 29, 2020 at 3:11 PM
Subject: Fwd: Download Your Poultry Farm Manager and a GIFT copy of my International Agribusiness paper on Feed Formulation Automation
To: xxxxxxxxxxxx Limited <>
It took some digging but I finally found this original email sent to you in March 2016.
It includes the URL to watch the tutorial videos at
Attached is the annotated PDF user guide.
Read the full email for more details and let me know if you have questions or require further clarification.
In your service .
———- Forwarded message ———
From: Tayo Solagbade
Date: Mon, Mar 21, 2016, 3:42 PM
Subject: Download Your Poultry Farm Manager and a GIFT copy of my International Agribusiness paper on Feed Formulation Automation
To: <>
Dear Pastor [Name Removed for privacy],
See attachments to this email…
a. Download your personalized copy of the Poultry Farm Manager software  [Filename = SDAc’ (Size = 4.19MB)]
NB: Your password to login to the app is: xxxxxx (type exactly as it appears – see detailed instructions below, and in the PDF guide)
b. Download Your personalized copy of the PDF userguide for the Poultry Farm Manager [pfmgr-screenshots-FINAL.pdf (Size = 3.12MB) ]
c. Download the PDF invoice that confirms payment received from you, and details the products you purchased at the flash promo price.
d. Download your personalized copy of the International Agribusiness paper I got paid to write in Dec. 2013 [Filename = AgriBizPaper-xxxxxxx.pdf = 1.83 MB)]
Warning: Make sure your check that the downloaded files you end up with, have the above indicated sizes at the minimum – otherwise you may get an error message due to incomplete download, when you try to open them!
…Text deleted….

 So, in just a few hours I’d once again fulfilled my promise to give 100% FREE support to buyers of my products for LIFE.

All they have to do is tell me what they need.

This is why I enjoy long lasting TRUSTING relationships with clients in and out of Africa.


How Many Farm Records Do You Need to Succeed?

As a Farm CEO, how do you decide what data to record and analyze, towards achieving cost-effective and proactive planning/decision making for profits?
And how many would be too many?
This article offers ideas that can help you.
This evening I sent an email response to a consultant representing a Farm Business Owner in Kenya, who wants me to develop a hatchery module addition to the monthly version of my Excel-VB driven Poultry Manager spreadsheet software application.
In his email, he asked how long it would take me to develop the hatchery module and integrate it into the main app.
I replied as follows: Click here to continue reading…


Not all women behave in the bad ways described in this video by Sydney (who is also a woman!). But some (like my Ex) do and they often get away with it. That’s the point being made.
Due to harmful stereotypes, male victims often get NO opportunity to be heard, talk less believed. This amounts to being abused both inside their home and outside whenever they try to ask for help!
That situation pushes some to give up and commit suicide.
For instance, I was told about a former schoolmate in his forties who – last year – left a suicide note saying anyone who found his body should ask his wife – adding her name. No one knows what transpired between them, but he certainly was devastated enough to feel ending his life was the best option…while she did not.
Of course, when asked it’s unlikely she will respond in anyway that will make her look bad – except some other person KNOWS the truth, she is likely to bury it!

Sydney’s message resonated greatly with me, because it accurately captured  my sentiments and frustrations as a Male Survivor of Domestic Violence.

Too many people do not connect with this topic because the male victims are not their relations. And that needs to change.
Men feel pain too. I do not need to be related to you, for you to feel my pain when YOU SEE CLEAR PROOF that I am being abused – because I refuse to be abusive in return.
As a male survivor of DV, my friends, relatives/siblings knew my pains and had repeatedly feared for my life. They knew firsthand what I had endured. That’s why they ALL told me to walk away.
We need to STOP these badly behaved women. They are few, but their numbers are growing – because they are raising daughters and mentoring others…to be like them.

They are giving GOOD, WELL BEHAVED WOMEN a bad name!


But some other men don’t choose suicide. Instead they “snap” and attack their abuser – injuring her in the home or elsewhere.

On April 30, 2017 Gloria Ogunbadejo shared a letter – in her SUNDAY PUNCH Newspapers “Mental Health Matters” column – from a man who said he’d lost control and severely beaten his wife of 10 years (for the first time ever) when he could no longer endure her relentless provocation and abuse.
Another time, she shared one from a husband who said he’d been contemplating suicide due to his wife’s abuse.
To ensure others can fully UNDERSTAND the points being made, so they can CHANGE their attitudes for the better, I’ve prepared a verbatim text transcription in PDF format for FREE download, and also inserted subtitle text into a review version of the video – a downloadable mobile friendly version is available HERE.

These 4 Highlight Text Transcript Excerpts from Sydney’s Video Drive The Point Home!

Highlight Excerpt No. 1:
Author Kimbrely Taylor interviewed women who were the sole abusers in their relationships. What she found was that this group was much more likely to use non-physical tactics, such as emotional, verbal and psychological abuse. A lot of the time it was about manipulation, control, using the children against the partner or threatening to take the children away.
Gee weez. That kinda sounds familiar. We actually see this play out all the time, not only in the justice system, but also in the family court.  We know that women will manipulate the system in order to get ahead, as well as use their children and other measures as a means of control when it comes to their ex-partners.
That, my friends, is SUPER TOXIC BEHAVIOUR!
Highlight Excerpt No. 2:
And while I can’t say that there is a ton of research out there about women being controlling (’cause like I said before, it predominantly doesn’t exist), I did find data from 2013 that says that women are more likely than men to be classed as intimate terrorists and displayed aggression at a much higher rate than their male counterparts.
 Highlight Excerpt No. 3:
So in the end, in my twenty something years as a female, something that I’ve come to really dislike is the victimhood mentality that so many women have adopted.
And this is just my opinion, my observation. It’s not backed up by science. so don’t yell at me. I see this kind of behavior in women all the time, where they blame sexism or the patriarchy and use it as an excuse to defend and excuse their terrible behavior.
They think being overly emotional and acting irrationally and erratically is somehow a sign of power, and the rest of society seems to think this behavior is absolutely perfectly fine and justifiable.
They think that being psychologically and emotionally abusive towards men in particular is perfectly fine because the man is bigger and stronger and can handle it. But when that same man falls apart, they take absolutely no responsibility for their part in it. I er I don’t get it.
Highlight Excerpt No. 4:
Personally, I don’t really believe that femininity or masculinity are inherently toxic in and of themselves. I do just believe that there are toxic people out there, who do toxic things.

Click here to download the PDF (and the subtitled review video) that you can read (and watch) offline.


To know when my next video on DVAM NEWS goes LIVE:

Follow me on Twitter @tksola  or LIKE my DVAM Advocacy Facebook page at
Visit to learn more about DVAM and/or Contact Me via dvam at tksola dot com/ Call +234-803-302-1263.

[DVAM] Woman Inflicts Vicious Verbal, Emotional & Psychological Abuse On Struggling Entrepreneur Boyfriend

This Short Film depicts Verbal, Emotional & Psychological Abuse viciously inflicted by a woman on her Intimate Male Partner, in a manner that resonated with me – because I have experienced such abuse as a man.


My name is TAYO SOLAGBADE and I created this review video trailer version by inserting slides based messages (like those below) to discourage the harmful habit of PSYCHOLOGICAL BULLYING.

Psychological Bullying is a form of Domestic Violence/Abuse which can kill just as easily as physical violence.e.g by making victims commit suicide.

There is nothing worse than having yourself told that you’re nothing.

I am speaking as a person that has experienced repeated, prolonged exposure to VERBAL, EMOTIONAL, PSYCHOLOGICAL and even PHYSICAL abuse at the hands of an Intimate Female Partner.

As you watch, try to imagine what it would feel like to have your partner speak to (and treat) you like that?

What would you do?

Tayo K. Solagbade
Founder: Domestic Violence Against Men (DVAM) – Ideas for Identifying and Stopping It | | tayo at tksola dot com | +234-803-302-1263


Click here to watch this review version of the short film with my messages.


Click here to watch this review version of the short film with my messages.


Click here to watch this review version of the short film with my messages.


Click here to watch this review version of the short film with my messages.


What should have been a straightforward process at the border crossing into the West African country, rapidly turned into a daytime-nightmare for famous Travel-Blogger-YouTuber Drew Binsky, and Alvaro, his colleague.


They were shouted at, pushed around, told they would be handcuffed/locked up for 6 days. (Alvaro was told he would be) sent back across the border etc…UNTIL they were forced to pay $150 USD for a phony Cholera vaccination.

Unhappy with the treatment they’d received, they recorded and posted a video telling their story – which quickly went viral.

**********Excerpts from Drew Binsky’s video **********


“…they’re bandits and they’re robbing us essentially.” – Drew Binsky

“The only reason we paid is because we’re already super behind in our schedule and we couldn’t afford another hour another 2 hours of just waiting it out cuz we would have stayed and slept in the border. Essentially that’s the only reason. We’re totally against bribery and contributing to this corruption. We were really pissed.” – Alvaro (Drew’s Travel Partner)
**********End of Excerpts**********

Anyone who has followed my writing since I began my travels will know that I have published some articles discussing this kind of problem.

One example: No. 145: A Few People Can Make Life NEEDLESSLY Miserable for Many, IF Not Called to Order (Case Study: My Experiences at the Nigeria-Benin Republic Seme Border)

The undocumented, illegal and arbitrary payments that immigration officials at some country borders I cross (especially Nigeria and Benin Republic) demand from travelers.

Most people told me I was wasting my time by writing about it. But I’ve never been one to let others give up on my behalf.

Also I just believe if I do it enough, some person(s) with the means could be influenced to do something about it. Or maybe like minded others might choose to contribute theirs.

Well, Drew Binsky (a traveler with a large global following – did even more than I could hope to do, about it, in October 2019, during his trip through West Africa by posting a video CALLING OUT the crooked officials.

Not only were they arrested, but his money was also refunded!


“But this bribery problem, specifically is in many African countries, specifically West Africa, and it is, in my opinion it’s one of the reasons why this part of the world is not progressing.” – Drew Binsky

db-we-got-scammed20 - Copy

Visit Drew’s website at

My video trailer embedded below  [watch it in my channel at] highlights excerpts from his story for others to learn from.

In it I note as follows:

“If those health officials knew how, they most likely would NEVER have settled for harassing travelers to make EXTRA money (in addition to their salaries).”

Then I recommend that our education system be modified to provide financial education that empowers citizens to learn how to make money even when they do not work – in line with what Robert Kiyosaki advocates.

It ends with an offer of FREE access to details about: 

How You Can Create Income Generating Assets Without Having a Job or ANY Money! (True Story)



Fill/submit the form at to request details and also get a FREE copy of my book titled “The World’s Future Prosperity Depends on Digital Multipreneurs” – on sale in my online store at

[FUN STUFF] These 10 Jokes Will Get You Laughing No Matter Your Mood!

Take a break and get a laugh.

I found these 10 jokes (and 2 bonus ones) hilarious. Click the link below to enjoy them in a special video slideshow presentation I created on my Youtube Channel.

[FUN STUFF] These 10 Jokes Will Get You Laughing No Matter Your Mood!

Watch at


######## UPDATE#######

The latest issue of my newsletter (PII 184) send out yesterday had repeated broken URLs in it, each time I used the service. So, I’ve setup alternative permanent URLs using the REDIRECT facility on to eliminate that problem.

Now, all you need to do to access the articles whose URLs appear on the photo slides in the article is to REPLACE “” with “” when typing out the URLs shown.

Alternatively simply click the link below to click directly on the updated versions of the slides on my blog: