Category Archives: Recommended Websites & Articles

[NEW LAW!] Vocational Subjects to Mainstream…into Nigeria’s Core Educational System from JSS1 to SSS3, Transforming Secondary Schools into ‘Skill Acquisition Centres’ | Best Practice Parenting & Schooling Newsletter/Mini-Magazine – BPPS NO. 004 OF 15TH MAY 2021 [PDF]

ease find attached a copy of the latest issue of my FREE Best Practice Parenting & Schooling Newsletter/Mini-Magazine for your perusal.

As usual, a digital (PDF) version will be posted at for FREE download by interested persons.

I continue to distribute both print and digital versions to selected target individuals, groups and organizations.


Farm CEO Client Requests “SOP” [Part of my BOPMS™] For Farm Performance Improvement

Do you run a farm business, or plan to start one? If yes, adopting what I call a BOPMS™ can save you time, effort, and lots of money – in the short, and/or long run.


Cynthia Kersey says “Negativity is Like Poison in the Bloodstream – AVOID NEGATIVE PEOPLE!” | Quote-Story™ [A Success Quote That Worked For ME!]


Quote-Story™ [A Success Quote That Worked For ME!] | Cynthia Kersey says “Negativity is Like Poison in the Bloodstream – AVOID NEGATIVE PEOPLE!”

No. 3 – Lagos, 10th May 2021

This 3rd issue of Quote-Story™ addresses the often difficult, yet very necessary task of preventing people with Negative Mental Attitudes from distrupting your efforts to YOUR uncommon success.

Here’s the quote:


6 Year Old Mechanic [BBC VIDEO] – His Parents Tried to Stop Him But His Passion Made Them Give In: LESSON FOR PARENTS!

Click HERE to watch this BBC Interview of an amazing 6 year old Nigerian Automobile Mechanic in Training.

Like I’ve been screaming for years…PARENTS must take ownership of the process of educating their kids for success in life post-schooling. Continue…

[BPPS] Reps approve compulsory vocational studies in secondary school – PUNCH NEWSPAPER REPORT

This PUNCH Newspaper headline [Reps approve compulsory vocational studies in secondary school] is proof that we’re winning – at least on THIS front, and at long last too.

Only a few weeks ago, I attended a follow up meeting with senior officials at the Ministry of Education, who had invited the Chairman of the State Parents Forum to discuss with me.


Why You Need to Avoid “ENERGY SUCKERS” By Oprah Winfrey [Verbatim text transcript of 1:00 video clip found on Facebook]

Below is a Verbatim text transcript of the 1:43 video clip 

****Start of Video to Text Transcript [211 Words]****

“I had to do a clearing, in my life of some people whose energy I realized was not supportive of who I wanted to be in the world.”

Video Transcription by:  Oluomachukwu SOLAGBADE

Click here to continue

The Difference between Spirituality & Religion – By Prof. Bayyinah Bello [Verbatim text transcript of 1:43 video clip found on Facebook]

Below is a Verbatim text transcript of the 1:43 video clip 

****Start of Video to Text Transcript [243 Words]****

“Spirituality, nobody can teach it to you. You need to get the fundamentals of any book any spiritual system. You can get the fundamentals, and then look at inside of you and…”

Video Transcription by:  Temilolowa SOLAGBADE

Click here to continue

[PDF – TRUE STORY] Custom Manufacturing Business Manager App Built for a Lagos-Nigeria based SME | Excel-VB Automation Can Boost Employee Productivity in Your Company

NB: This PDF report is based on a blog post with over 6.4k views as at 23rd April 2021. It features the true story (with screenshots from the real life app) of how – in 2009 – I built a Custom Manufacturing Business Manager
Software Built for a Lagos-Nigeria based SME.

It was an elaborate project that involved creating interfaces to handle both OPERATIONAL as well as FINANCIAL REPORTING performance data recording and analysis/trending.


Grand-Kids Visit Grandma On Her 73rd Birthday Anniversary: 18/4/2021 [10 Inspiring Grandma Quotes]

My mother – Mrs. Abiola A. Solagbade – clocked 73 years yesterday (Sunday 18th April 2021).

I got my kids (‘Temi, Oluoma and T-Boy: 15, 12, and 7 respectively) to bring her some fruit gifts and spend some quiet time with her and Grandpa.


VIDEO: 5 Reasons You Need to BOND CLOSELY With Your Daughter: Best Practice Parenting Ideas for Strong Men (aka Alpha Males) Who Want to Be Great FATHERS

Mothers and Fathers are important in a child’s life.

Whether or not you are still with your daughter’s mother, YOU MUST ALWAYS take the time to be physically and emotionally available to her, if you want her to grow into the best possible version of herself.

Click here to continue…