To find profitable buyers you will need to diligently nurture and apply YOUR creative thinking.
Learn more as I use the video of a man ploughing his farmland using an unconventional yet highly efficient and cost-effective method (that ANYONE can adopt) as a basis for my explanation.
TIP: Watch till the end of this video to read/hear a SHOCKINGLY EYE-OPENING quote about the ROOT CAUSE of violence by men against women, credited to a female Professor of Psychology teaching a Masters program titled “Family Intervention Therapy” at a UK University.
I watched this drama play out about 2p.m Friday 11th June 2021 & could not believe my eyes! Listen to my narration of how it happened and what I made a point of saying to her.
This is a 3:06 minute VIDEO TRAILER version of my latest Best Practice Parenting & Schooling (BPPS) video.
This version you’re looking at has been sped up about 3 times to show more footage so you can just get to see some of the slides/frames.
Now, my daughter was given an assignment from school for math. They were supposed to cut out the shape of a Kite on a piece of plywood, and they were actually told to contribute money to go and get it done with a Carpenter.
As I said in the first installment of this series, I’m not a fan of the philosophy of going through friends and relatives (to find buyers), especially here in Nigeria/Africa.
Reason: Too often such clients tend to expect and/or demand what I call “Profits-Killing” and “Growth Stifling” concessions from you, because of the relationship they have with you.
What is the quality of interpersonal experience that you offer to the Man of your dreams?
Which man will be willing to stay with you by the time you get to that point in age where you no longer can really boast of being physically attractive anymore?
Below: Excerpts from the Promotional Audio Conversation Based Video for my FREE YouTube/Instagram Question and Answer Service (click here to request it via email).
“You are a marketer first, and an expert second” – Burt Dubin
“Once you have passion, and you have verifiable competence in whatever it is that you aim to sell, then you can do what I’m talking about.
The ideas offered in this write-up can help ANY business.
Since I posted it online in November 2009, apart from being widely read and syndicated, it has even been translated into different languages in some countries.
And I’m not at all surprised because I know that “Finding Profitable Buyers” on a repeatable basis in a reliable manner, is something DESIRED by every business owner but understood by relatively few.
This article was first published online on March 08, 2007 – on (now defunct) and Since then it has been republished across several websites and also cited – and excerpts quoted from it – in published papers reviewed online.
Don’t look sad and forsaken. When one door is closed. don’t you know another is open?” – Bob Marley, COMING IN FROM THE CLOUD
Bob (Robert Nesta) Marley’s life story is an excellent example of a real grass to grace journey to success.
UPDATE: Click here to download the PDF version published on 21st May 2021.
…a multi-disciplinary blog for people passionate about reaching their goals!
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