Category Archives: Recommended Websites & Articles

Landlord slaps tenant during argument, lands in Court – via | DVAM NEWS

A 40-year-old landlord, Leke Adebola, who allegedly slapped his tenant, was on Wednesday brought before an Epe Magistrates’ Court in Lagos State.

Read full story…


[@KevinSamuels Says On YTube to Modern Women]: “Y’all Scared of Each Other! You Need to Call Unruly Abusive Women to Order and Hold Them Accountable”

This is Tayo Solagbade’s Domestic Violence Against Men (DVAM)™ Podcast of 2nd August 2021.

This episode is inspired by a Kevin Samuels Reaction video. The author of the Reaction Video – J.R. Wisdom – titled it, quite appropriately “Have We Become Desensitized to Black Women Verbally Abusing Black Men?”- and comments on it.


You Need to Lower Costs & Boost Livestock Performance to Make Extra Money Using Black Soldier Fly | THE FARM CEO

Listen to my response to a Client Farm CEO’s Question sent in via one of my WhatsApp groups to which he belongs.

He asked: ”What can I use instead of Full Fat (Soya)”?

My response was in 2 parts:

Click HERE to continue…

[FGB] New or Unusual Ideas Writers Need to Make Money: EDENTU OROSO INTERVIEW GOES LIVE ON SATURDAY 24TH JULY 2021

THIS VIDEO TRAILER (Click here to open in new window) ANNOUNCES MY FORTHCOMING IG LIVE INTERVIEW WITH EDENTU OROSO to be held at 8p.m Saturday 24th July 2021.

Edentu is a 3-Time #1 Bestselling Nigerian Author, Public Speaker, Seasoned Biographer, Ghostwriter, Poet, Publisher, and Columnist of many years.


[FREE PDF] A Permanent Solution to Africa’s Low Per Capita Protein Consumption!

This write-up will interest farm business owners and policy makers in the Agricultural industry/sector. Keep an open mind as you read.

I argue that African countries are currently NOT rearing the right mix of livestock types that can help them produce enough animal sources to boost protein consumption per capita.


[FGB] Catfish Farm CEO Starts Black Soldier Fly Farming After Contacting a BSF Breeder I Recommended

“I wanted to be an editor or a journalist, I wasn’t really interested in being an entrepreneur, but I soon found I had to become an entrepreneur in order to keep my magazine going” – Richard Branson.

First I explain how he became my client by joining my BSF Breeding Network, which gave him access to my growing library of BSF Farming learning resources – including contact details of BSF breeders I’d carefully screened from a list I’d compiled.

In other words, he did NOT buy any of my software or information products. What I sold to him instead was ACCESS to a compilation of useful resources I’d been preparing for over 7 months.

This is one of many examples of how I make extra sales without selling my own products or services.

TIP: Jump to 13:00 mark to listen to my actua; phone conversation with him.



1st IG LIVE Interview TRAILER (CEO Phone Call): One Smart Way You Need to Use Social Media to Achieve Long Term Selling Success

Listen to my phone conversation (starts from 6:57 – very useful information) with a Farm CEO who has sent in a question he wants me to answer. You will hear us discuss and agree on the terms of the relationship.


[FREE PDF] Little Known Strategies to Get Paid to Write LOCALLY & internationally (Even If You Don’t Write Your Own Book!) – My True Story

Few writers are likely to ever publish bestselling books that yield royalties leading to real wealth and financial independence. This is true for writers in literally any country in the world. But it is especially true for those based in Nigeria and Africa.


[FGB] To Find Good Buyers You Need to Detect & Repel Bad Prospects Aka Time Wasters | My True Story

What can you do to attract profitable buyers for your products and/or services – when you have NO MONEY, and NO CONNECTIONS?

In this episode No. 11 of my Finding Good Buyers series, I answer this question by describing a system ANYONE can use to save time, effort and money to narrow down to the ideal client/buyer.


[FREE PDF] Compete ONLY Against Yourself – And Enjoy The Rewards Of Being A Truly Liberated Mind!

“I believe anyone who wants to get great fulfillment in life, must live without carrying the burden of anxiety caused by a need to keep up with, or outdo another person, in order to look good/appear successful. This article explains why competing ONLY against yourself (like I do!) will help you live a more productive, fulfilling and LONGER life.” – Tayo K Solagbade
