This podcast begins with my discussion of a message about Success Achievement (“Change Your Environment“) credited to Samuel Eto’o – the Cameroonian football legend.
I then narrate the Case Study TRUE STORY about How Relocating from Lagos in 2013 to Work from Cotonou helped me defeat adversity to achieve badly needed breakthrough with my brand!
You can be an expert at what you do. It does not mean that will know all the possible ways that business (i.e serious buyers willing to pay for what you offer) can come to you.
Don’t just go creating random content blindly. Let the market guide you to decide what marketing content to create and propagate to attract potential buyers.
Listen to the two true stories I share in this podcast (CLICK HERE), that illustrate why it is important (and how) to do so.
Harvard Biz Review Calls It the “The Exploding Business of Bartering” | True Stories & Research Proof. Marketing Tip 5 of 10: Avoid the mistake of being rigid about how you sell or even buy. You CAN sell your services and/or products via Barter Exchange.
Listen to True Stories & a Harvard Biz Review Report that bartering of products/services is done globally & works.
No matter how rural you think your environment might be…Every single person that desires to make sales of any sort to any group of individuals or communities will need a website.
If you run a farm business, no matter how small or big it might be, the ideas I’m going to share with you in this series are going to help you get a better understanding of how to attract the right kinds of buyers to do business with you.
This is Tayo Solagbade’s Domestic Violence Against Men (DVAM)™ Podcast of 2nd August 2021.
This episode is inspired by a Kevin Samuels Reaction video. The author of the Reaction Video – J.R. Wisdom – titled it, quite appropriately “Have We Become Desensitized to Black Women Verbally Abusing Black Men?”- and comments on it.
…a multi-disciplinary blog for people passionate about reaching their goals!
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