Category Archives: My Ideas for Making Nigeria Better

Successful People or Great Achievers Are Not All-Knowing! [Hint: Why YOU Must Never Let Anyone, No Matter How Successful, Dismiss Your Authentic Passion Driven Ideas/Dreams]

In case you didn’t know it, YOU owe YOUR car ownership ability TODAY, to the vision, self-belief, determination and persistence of a man who lacked formal schooling.

Not many people know this, but Henry Ford started out working for THE great Thomas Edison as a stark iliterate.

A testimony to the inspirational power that comes from exposure to the right environment can be seen in the fact that one day Ford (as a so called “stark illiterate”) got the idea to build an affordable car for non-wealthy masses.

This development is easy to understand when one considers the fact that Ford’s employer himself had only few months of elementary schooling, having been homeschooled by his mother.

Ford would have accurately concluded, based on Edison’s exploits, that lack of formal schooling (though useful and easily remedied) was not a fatal handicap in pursuit of success.

Ironically however, when he told his famous inventor boss about his idea, the great Edison dismissed it and instead offered him promotion to the position of Supervisor adding that he would be involved in “more important work”.

That last sentence brings me to the core message I want to pass across in this short piece that ends, below, with a link to a full narration about Henry Ford’s life and achievements.

My message is this:

As long as you believe in your dream or idea or vision and you are prepared to diligently/intelligent pursue it with persistence and faith, nothing that any other person, no matter how successful, should make you quit.

I repeat:

Nothing that any other person tells you should make you give up on your dreams. My hard-won experience from 7 years in paid employment plus 14 years (and counting) in self-employment have taught me not all great minds will see what another great minds can see.

This is why, for instance, I personally do NOT like competitions that depend on celebrities to choose people with the best business ideas, musical talents etc.

Fela Anikulapo Kuti continues in death to grow in recognition across the world, as a musical genius.

The truth is however that the kind of music Fela invented is very unlikely to have won him first prize in a reality TV show style event where judges and coaches have the final say.

We all know how contrarian Fela was, even as a young man. Yet those attributes that would have rubbed opinionated celebrity judges and coaches the wrong way in such competitions were the keys to his success in the real world.

This is why I believe the “market” for which an idea, invention or innovation is meant, should have the final say via a system that is free from manipulation.

This message is not just for you/me, but also for your/my kids.

We need to help our kids develop healthy levels of self-esteem based on the experience of doing in key areas of life that relates to nurturing their talents/geniuses towards succeeding in life.

This is important because during that journey, they will periodically come across successful others from whom they may have to learn and also accept advice.

It’s however their ability to know what NOT to learn or accept, no matter how well intentioned it is, that will help them stay on track to success in any area of endeavour.

Successful People or Great Achievers Are Not All-Knowing!

Most of them are aware of this fact, but societal pressures sometimes force them to accept to play roles that suggest the contrary.

If Henry Ford had allowed his respect and admiration for Edison to cloud his reasoning about his “car for the masses” idea, he would never have had the courage to reject Edison”s offer, and instead quit his job to invest all he had in pursuit of his dream.

If he had not done that, the revolution that took place in the automobile industry would not have happened.

Simply put therefore, vision, self-belief, determination and persistence are constant keys to authentic success in life. All other factors are variables in the success equation.

The Henry Ford Story

“I will build a motor car for the great will be so low in price that no man will be unable to own one.”-Henry Ford

Henry Ford was nearly 40 when he founded Ford Motor Co. in 1903. At the time, “horseless carriages” were expensive toys available only to a wealthy few.

Yet in just four decades, Ford’s innovative vision of mass production would not only produce the first reliable, affordable “automobile for the masses,” but would also spark a modern industrial revolution.

Become my Farm Business Support Centre (FBSC)™ Partner & Get Zero Cost Feasibility Studies/Consulting, Software Development, Training & Marketing for Bulk Buyers for life!

Signup to be a partner of my Farm Support Centre. Through the FBSC, I offer Farm CEOs low to zero cost lifetime access to solutions like best practice extension advisory services, feasibility studies, consultation, custom software development, marketing, training etc.

NB: E-mail me via tayo at tksola dot com. to request a copy of the offer PDF with full details about what you need to do to signup as a partner.

I offer clients trusted experience based guidance to cost-effectively execute their plans.

Many have been asking me for support in various activities. Through the FBSC I provide a one-stop-shop front online, on-site/farm – and I’m working to have an offline location.

I always challenge clients to consider the big picture, and proceed in a way that enables them achieve that goal cost-effectively & efficiently for the long term.
I recommend you signup to be a partner of my Farm Support Centre.

The key point to note is that I offer Farm CEOs access to solutions they need, at low to zero cost, in addition to others that I already provide – ALL for life.

Why am I doing this?

Because I want to help farm businesses reduce overheads they expend on, to boost their bottom line.

My argument is that a good farm support expert must be willing to invest for the long term in helping the farm business client grow a sustainable model of profit making.

I have a vision to help farm CEOs achieve their vision. I want to be part of their success stories.

My passive income generation model makes it easy for me to work like this.

This offer is meant for ONLY existing clients who are members of my Farm Business ideas club and have therefore EXPERIENCED what it means to interact with me, enough to be SURE that I am not only competent, but that I always deliver on ANY promises I make.

E-mail me via tayo at tksola dot com. to request a copy of the offer PDF with full details about what you need to do to signup as a partner.

Food for Thought for Nigeria @56: “You Lazy African Intellectuals – by Field Ruwe” [Hint: How Lazy “Nigerian” Intellectuals Underdevelop “Nigeria”?]

Yesterday (Saturday 1st October 2016) Nigeria clocked 56 years as an independent nation. Celebrations were however understandably muted/low key. Tough times have been hitting hard.

Avoidable tough times or self-inflicted hardships due to mismanagement that is!

The above is why I believe the write-up linked/previewed below offers Nigerian intellectuals in particular, serious food for thought to address her many problems.

I first read this compelling piece in 2014, and most of its contents greatly resonated with me. It was reportedly written by a US-based Zambian media practitioner and author named Field Ruwe, who (at the time) was a PhD candidate with a B.A. in Mass Communication and Journalism, and an M.A. in History.


They call the Third World the lazy man’s purview; the sluggishly slothful and languorous prefecture. In this realm people are sleepy, dreamy, torpid, lethargic, and therefore indigent—totally penniless, needy, destitute, poverty-stricken, disfavored, and impoverished.

In this demesne, as they call it, there are hardly any discoveries, inventions, and innovations. Africa is the trailblazer. Some still call it “the dark continent” for the light that flickers under the tunnel is not that of hope, but an approaching train.

And because countless keep waiting in the way of the train, millions die and many more remain decapitated by the day.

“It’s amazing how you all sit there and watch yourselves die,” the man next to me said. “Get up and do something about it.”

Brawny, fully bald-headed, with intense, steely eyes, he was as cold as they come. When I first discovered I was going to spend my New Year’s Eve next to him on a non-stop JetBlue flight from Los Angeles to Boston I was angst-ridden. I associate marble-shaven Caucasians with iconoclastic skin-heads, most of who are racist.

“My name is Walter,” he extended his hand as soon as I settled in my seat.
I told him mine with a precautious smile.
“Where are you from?” he asked.

Click here to continue

This Strategy Eliminates the Need to Sell Physical Assets to Make Money [Audio Podcast]

Once payment is received and ownership has changed hands, the seller of a physical product can no longer – legally – seek to earn income from the sale of that particular “sold” item.

The media has been awash with news about Nigeria’s national assets, and plans by the government to sell them to raise badly needed funds.

But I ask: What happens after that?

Are we going to sell human beings (our human “assets”?) to get money to implement our budgets, since Oil sales have refused to improve?

Of course not.

The problem I see is that the assets being talked about are ONLY the physical ones – they are items that can only be sold once.

Sadly, the thinking prevalent in the Nigerian social space, is indicative of a severe lack of insights relevant to profitable money making using INTANGIBLE ASSETS in today’s Information Age.


I’m saying Nigeria (and her citizens) has (have) many intangible assets that, well leveraged, can – and should – be aggressively used to generate multiple streams of income in various areas.

What I refer to is being done by progressive nations in Africa, Asia, Europe and America!

In this audio I analyze the faulty – yet deeply ingrained – mental attitude (deriving mainly from the kind of schooling we undergo) that’s preventing Nigerians in and out of government from adopting a ready-to-use strategy (employed by developed nations) that can make generation of valuable foreign exchange earnings a regular, reliable reality.

The best part is we already have EVERYTHING we need to begin using it and profiting from doing so, from today.

However our success (or otherwise) will be greatly determined by how willing we are to CHANGE our faulty mental attitudes and socio-economic habits.

Email me via tayo at tksola dot com (with “Intangible Assets” in the subject line), to request the download link to this 20 minute audio podcast.

In it, I propose ready-to-use ideas for zero cost adoption by individuals or groups in government or society, that – properly used – eliminate the need to sell physical assets you own, to raise funds you need.

Nigeria @56: Claim Your N5,600-to-buy-ANY-Product-Awoof [Expires MNT Fri 30/9/16]

I love what I do :-)

It’s always so much fun to be able to think up new ways to communicate with my target audience!

I worked overnight writing new articles for a proJect, and managed to squeeze in a new audio podcast recording.

Then just as I was about to go to sleep at 6:30a.m, the idea occurred to me to use Nigeria’s new age to compose the following offer…

Lol: Notice how my promo fee EQUALS Nigeria’s age multiplied by 100? Like I said, I love having fun doing what I do :-)

Nigeria @56: Claim Your N5,600-to-buy-ANY-Product-Awoof [Expires MNT Fri 30/9/16]

If you pay N5,600.0 on or before MNT tomorrow 30/9/16, I’ll send you ANY product of your choice – no matter the price

[NB: Offer valid for first 5 persons to reply YES via email to tayo at tksola dot com to claim the offer].

So if there’s any product you’re interested in, or that you’ve contacted me about in the past, THIS is your chance to get it.

You’ll be saving N3k to over N65k.

But here’s the best part:

If you claim this offer, you ALSO get full membership of my Farm Business Ideas club, which includes 40% lifetime discount to buy any other products or services I offer in future.

TIP: Tell a friend about this opportunity, even if you don’t need it.

S/he may thank you for it!

Happy 1st October Independence Day celebration in advance!

Get Listed in’s Farm Products Bulk Buyers & Sellers Database [Hint: Get your Personalised Copy of my Excel-VB Driven Business Contacts Database Manager software]

Click here to fill/submit your details for possible inclusion in my Farm Products Bulk Buyers & Sellers Database.

I’ll be sending out the download link to an updated copy every month end.

If you get listed, you will get a copy.

Here’s a most recent email request I’ve gotten that proves this database will be highly valued by many stake holders:

Good afternoon sir,

I am just getting your mail now. But I don’t know if you have a famer that can supply 2000 crates of eggs to Apapa latest by tommorow evening @ 705 plus transport. A 30% down payment after delivery and 70% payment in two weeks… My uncle’s farm can’t carry that presently as we have customers plenty on our neck oo

I’d contacted the above quoted CEO on behalf of a client seeking bulk buyers.

This updatable Bulk Buyers & Sellers database I’m compiling will empower parties on both sides. The requests I get confirm this.

I’m using my Excel-VB Driven Business Contacts Manager software to compile the data

Watch the video demo below, for the app which I built in 2006.

Click here to fill a web form. Specify the details of your interest in the comments field to do 1 and/or 2 outlined below

1. Submit your entry into the Farm Products Bulk Buyers & Sellers Database.

2. Request a personalized copy of my Excel-VB Contacts Manager app for your own use at a special promo price offer.

PS: Here’s the original description of what the Contacts Manager app does, as I wrote it 10 years ago

Discard bulky cardholders & STILL have access to ALL your business/personal contacts data in ONE place.

You need to send out gifts, and greeting cards to your business contacts…BUT there’s A PROBLEM!

If only you had all the names, snail mail/email addresses, phone numbers etc in ONE place.

If only you could print out all the contact data for EACH person in a neat alphabetically arranged table format for you or your assistant to refer to in preparing mails or parcels to be delivered.

This app can help you do the above – and more.

PII 033: Five Ways to Make Money in Nigeria Without Spending Money [5 Week Email Course Based on True Stories]

Exactly ONE year ago, today, I launched my Spontaneous Coaching to become a Master of Adversity (MA) ™ program

In it, I offer my over 2 decades of hard won experience based insights on how to succeed – in spite of daunting adversity – by doing what MOST sane, logical minded, “commonsense” people would NOT do

My achievements are proof that this is true. I practice what I preach. As a result, I am able to thrive in the face of challenges.

Today, with the extreme visitations of hardship being experienced by most people, especially in Nigeria, insights like those that I offer can yield potentially valuable rewards.




Tayo Solagbade's Performance Improvement IDEAS(PI Squared) Newsletter

Tayo Solagbade’s
Performance Improvement
(PI Squared) Newsletter

Monday 26th September 2016

Logo - Tayo Solagbade's Self-Development Academy

NB: This PI Squared newsletter will be published weekly, on Mondays, in place of the Speaking/Web Marketing IDEAS newsletter, starting from today – 15th February 2016.
I’m reinventing my Monday newsletter content and theme, to accommodate my vision of serving the growing audience of serious minded individuals and organizations reaching out to me, with information, education. news and research findings designed to help them do what they do better.


View Tayo Solagbade's video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsJoin the SD Nuggets community on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google PlusConnect with Tayo on

PII 033: Five Ways to Make Money in Nigeria Without Spending Money [5 Week Email Course Based on True Stories]

Exactly ONE year ago, today, I launched my Spontaneous Coaching to become a Master of Adversity (MA) ™ program

In it, I offer my over 2 decades of hard won experience based insights on how to succeed – in spite of daunting adversity – by doing what MOST sane, logical minded, “commonsense” people would NOT do

My achievements are proof that this is true. I practice what I preach. As a result, I am able to thrive in the face of challenges.

Today, with the extreme visitations of hardship being experienced by most people, especially in Nigeria, insights like those that I offer can yield potentially valuable rewards.

Of all the challenges being faced by people, and businesses however, it is the financial one that is most painful, and limiting.

Sadly, most people are at a loss as to what they can do. In most cases what they have always done to make money, and which is more or less the only way they know, is NOW no longer working as well as it used to. Or in some cases it is simply NOT working any longer. In other words, their income has more or less dried up – and they are scared, terrified even – understandably too.

Indeed, when you listen to conversations amongst people in society as well on social, and mass media in general, one consistent refrain you hear is THERE IS NO MONEY.

The problem I however see is that most of those complaining fail to realize that the real problem with things as they are today, for them and others around, is NOT that there is NO MONEY.


Instead it is that there is a paucity or disappointing lack of CREATIVE and INNOVATIVE thinking on the part of most people, especially in the Nigerian social space.

Don’t get me wrong. People are being creative and innovative. The problem I see is that they are doing it in conventional ways.

Very few, if at all any are consciously choosing to step out of, or even destroy the figurative “box” completely in applying their creative and innovative abilities.

This is why most of the results they continue to get, remain for the most part far from being exceptional.

Unfortunately, the times we’re in require exceptional results, for useful advancement to be made. People need to do away with traditional ways of looking at problems in society, and begin to embrace new and different ways of approaching them.

One good example is how we continue to talk lack of money. We fail to see the point that geniuses like Robert Kiyosaki and Dan Kennedy have been making about money for years.

It was from reading the works of the former, that I learned to THINK up ways to PRINT my own money, and it’s being a valuable skill that has helped me grow as in my work, financially and professionally – regardless of the prevailing socio-economic circumstances.

And from the latter, that is Mr. Kennedy, I learned that I did NOT need to have (or spend) money in order to make money.

“I have long taught: if you can’t make money without money, you won’t make money with money either. And if you’re going to back somebody, pick an entrepreneur who has proven that he can survive without adequate capital” – Dan Kennedy (Millionaire Entrepreneur/Author of “How to succeed in Business by breaking all the rules”)


What I’m saying in essence is that too many people are focusing on the wrong thing i.e. the “lack of money”, when in fact what they need to do is focus on doing engaging in creative and innovative activities in NEW and UNPRECEDENTED ways (emphasis VERY deliberate) to create value that earns them money they need.

I practice, what I preach above. It is how I have worked and lived for years, right here in Africa, and I have a small but growing army of loyal clients who do business with me in the manner I describe above.

The interesting thing is that I continue to evolve new and better ways of doing what I do, and sometimes when I think of how simple and easy the methods I use are, I feel a bit guilty.

Especially when I hear or read others with what I consider greater talents, or abilities and resources that I have at my disposal moaning about hard times. They focus so narrowly on the one or few ways of doing what they do, missing the opportunities to be had from operating the way I do.

This is why I’ve resolved to launch

“Five Ways to Make Money in Nigeria Without Spending Money [Based on Verifiable Real Life Achievements]”

It’s a 5 Week Email course that I will deliver to subscribers with support to help them get STARTED making money BEFORE they finish the course.

For each of the 5 ways, I will supply real life case studies from start to end, with names, dates and locations, to back up all my claims.

Then I will explain the process by which the learner can REPLICATE and/or ADAPT what I did to succeed in his/her own unique area of interest or expertise.

In other words, I will deliver the training content to you, and then make practical suggestions about how you can make use of my ideas to achieve your own success.

You will then put what you’ve learned to use, with my support and guidance, until you get it right and begin selling.

This program is however NOT for all comers.

First you have to qualify. I must see potential for success in terms of who you are, what you do, which I will establish via a Needs Analysis Session. But that will only apply to people who are NOT already my clients.

Anyone on my clients list has already gone through that screening process.

To learn more about how to enroll for this course, click here to send me a message.

SDN Blog™

New posts from last week*










[Recommeded] Japanese water-fueled-cars: the beginning of a new generation of green vehicles – The American Bazaar

Tayo K. Solagbade*

Self-Development/Performance Improvement Specialist

*Best Practice Farm Business Support Specialist & Founder of the MS Excel Heaven Visual Basic Automation Club and Competition

Mobile: +234-803-302-1263 (in Nigeria) or +229-66-122-136 (in Benin Republic)

Tayo K. Solagbade is a Location Independent Performance Improvement

Specialist and Multipreneur (i.e. a highly versatile/multi-skilled entrepreneur), with a bias for delivering Best Practice solutions to Farm Businesses and others.

Since 2002, he has earned multiple streams of income providing individuals and organizations with personal development training and coaching, custom MS Excel-VB solutions, web marketing systems/web hosting, freelance writing services, and best practice extension support services (for farm business owners).

Tayo is the author of the Self-Development (SD) Bible™ and the popular Livestock Feed Formulation Handbook. He is also the developer of its accompanying Excel-VB driven Ration Formulator™ and the Poultry Farm Manager™ software.

He has delivered talks/papers to audiences in various groups and organizations, including the Centre for Management Development, University of Lagos, Christ Baptist Church, Volunteer Corps, Tantalisers Fast Foods and others.

In May 2012 he was the Guest Speaker at the Centre for Entrepreneurship Development’s Annual Semester Entrepreneurial Lecture at Yaba College of Technology in Lagos.

On 1st April 2013, Tayo (who reads, write and speaks the French language) relocated to Cotonou, Benin Republic to begin slowly traveling across the West African region.

His key purpose is to deliver talks, seminars and workshops on his key areas of focus and interest to interested audiences (Email tayo at tksola dot com for details).

In a previous life, before leaving to become self-employed, Tayo served for seven years (October 1994 to December 2001) as a high performing manager in Guinness Nigeria. He rose from Shift Brewer to Training & Technical Development Manager, and later acted in senior roles as Production Manager and Technical Manager.

In addition to constantly challenging the status quo and influencing positive work changes, he built a reputation for using self-taught spreadsheet programming skills (starting with Lotus 1-2-3, and later moving to Excel Visual Basic) – in his spare time – to develop Automated Spreadsheet Applications to computerize manual report generation processes in the departments he worked. Over four(4) of his applications were adopted for brewery level reporting.

Tayo holds a B.Sc degree in Agricultural Extension Services from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria, having graduated top of his class – with Second Class Upper Division honors – in 1992. He is an Associate Member of the UK Institute & Guild of Brewing, a 1997 National Finalist of the Nigerian Institute of Management’s(NIM) Young Managers’ competition, a Certified Psychometric Test Administrator for Psytech UK, innovator of Spontaneous Coaching for Self-Development™ (SCfS-D™), and Founder of the Self-Development Academy (SDAc).

When he’s not amazing clients with his superhuman skills (wink), Tayo works as the creative force behind his Daily Self-Development Nuggets blog – on which he also publishes The Farm CEO Weekly Newspaper (sent via email to paid subscribers) and his Weekly Performance Improvement IDEAS newsletter.

You can connect with him on Twitter and Facebook.

Visit Tayo Solagbade Dot Com, to download over over 10 performance improvement resources to boost your personal and work related productivity.


On 4th May 2014, Tayo’s 9 year old domain (Spontaneousdevelopment dot com), which hosted his website, was taken over by

Within a few days however, Tayo used his advanced self-taught web development skills to build a SUPERIOR “reincarnation” of it the website

But updates are still ongoing to URLs bearing the old domain name in most of the over 1,000 web pages, and blog posts

he’s published.

If you experience any difficulties finding a page or document, email Tayo at tksola dot com.

Click “Tayo, What Happened to

SpontaneousDevelopmentDotCom ?” to read a detailed narrative about how the above event occurred :-))

Here’s an article Tayo wrote, to inspire others to defy adversity, and bounce back to even greater reckoning at what they do EVERY time:

Succeed by Emerging from Adversity Like a Phoenix

( launches extra Hosting plan with FREE Web Marketing!)

And he wrote the one below, to explain why losing a domain name, no matter how old, NO LONGER determines your online success or otherwise:

A Proven Strategy to Find Profitable Buyers Regardless of Your Domain Name

View Tayo Solagbade's video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsJoin the SD Nuggets community on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google PlusConnect with Tayo on

Home |About | Contact | SD Nuggets™ | Speaking/Web Marketing IDEAS | Web Marketing Systems | Freelance Writing | MS Excel® Heaven™ | Cost-Saving Farm Biz Ideas

[FREE podcast] Create & Sell Zero Cost Products Using ONLY Your Smartphone Right from Your home!

Tough economic times often require us to reinvent ourselves to survive, and ultimately flourish.


This FREE podcast employs practical examples/true stories to describe a strategy for creating Zero Cost products (based on YOUR own unique knowledge and experiences) using ONLY your mobile phone, that you can sell to make money without leaving your home or office.


There’s a lot inside you that you take for granted – which others would gladly pay to hear you talk about, so they can help themselves.


Imagine having people send money to you, to access such products from you, which you create by speaking – and without writing a word?


No, don’t imagine it:


Listen to my FREE 30 minute podcast and learn how to get started making creating products you can sell REPEATEDLY to make extra money.


What I say in that presentation is based on use of this amazingly simple strategy, for years! to earn income even on weekends and public holidays.


So it’s based on “Street Wisdom” from application of my ideas in the real world, and NOT “Textbook Theory”.


I offer this audio FREE to any interested persons who send “YES” to me on Whatsapp via +229-66-122-136.


Once you do that, I’ll respond by sending you the FREE podcast.


If you need help getting started, send me a message via Whatsapp


<h3>Related Reading</h3>


1. <a href=”″ target=”blank”>What if you could print your own money – anytime you need it?</a>


2. <a href=”” target=”blank”>Spontaneous Coaching™ Program: Monetize Your Expertise to Make EXTRA Money With LESS Effort by Creating Cash Flow Generating Assets (CFGA)™ | SD Nuggets™</a>


3. <a href=”” target=”blank”>How to Publish Your Own Money Making International Quality PHYSICAL Book in Your Field of Expertise: at Zero Cost & Without YOUR Writing a Single Word! [DOWNLOAD FREE PDF REPORT &/OR ATTEND FREE 1 HOUR TALK] | SD Nuggets™</a>


[Podcast] Real Reason Why Well Schooled People Commit Fraud (Tayo Solagbade’s “Difference Between Schooling & Education” Series)

Why do people who have acquired decent levels of formal schooling, up to tertiary level (and even beyond) keep getting caught engaging in fraudulent acts in their personal/work lives?

What makes such otherwise intelligent people stoop so low as to engage, for instance, in (what Fela once called) “pen robbery”, tax evasion, taking/giving bribes and other forms of financial misconduct?

You could say GREED, but that would only be scratching the surface. It goes MUCH deeper than that!

This audio explains the root cause of this strange self-destructive behaviour exhibited by people who by their exposure to formal schooling would have been expected to know better.

If you have ever wondered why all those gurus in the banking industry indulged themselves in abuse of their positions to access customers’ funds for personal enrichment, then you want to listen to this charged half-hour presentation.

Disclaimer: Tayo Solagbade’s “Difference Between Schooling & Education” is a no-holds barred audio podcast series.

In each audio recording, I mince no words in speaking what I consider truths to make my points.

If you know you’re sensitive to hearing a person speak harsh truths with brutal frankness, on issues you feel strongly about, then do NOT request that I send you this FREE sample audio.

I’ll however say this:

Any person who listens to these recordings will come away with life transforming real world relevant insights that s/he can apply to advance financially in life – and also teach his/her kids.

Do you want that?

If YES, you’ll love THIS maiden podcast in my educational series titled “Real Reason Why Well Schooled People Commit Fraud“!

Format: AMR Audio = 2.2MB [MP3 = 6MB]

Duration: 0.5 hrs

Price: FREE [Let me know if you want MP3 or via Whatsapp]

To get it, send your full name, marital status, email and phone number to me via +229-66-122-136 on Whatsapp – and I’ll send you the 30 minute audio in return.

Alternatively, simply signup for the “Difference Between Schooling & Education” series (and others to come) by requesting access to Tayo’s School of Mental Emancipation and Personal Achievement on Facebook.

PII 031 [TRUE STORY!] Growing Weeds Can Help Farmers Lower Animal Feeding Costs

The phrase “Useful Weed” understandably sounds like a contradiction in terms, since a “weed” by definition is an unwanted plant.

However, that expression perfectly captures the revised status of a onetime notorious weed, which today has been established by farmers/agronomists and animal nutritionists as a reliable alternative source of plant protein for use in livestock feed formulation.

I mention several names of this “useful weed” (Scientific, common, and local i.e. Igbo, Yoruba etc) in the first bonus publication on my website, sent to buyers of my new AUDIO titled Useful Ideas for Low Cost Animal Feed Production Using Local Ingredients – based on Civil War Experimentation by Biafran Scientists




Tayo Solagbade's Performance Improvement IDEAS(PI Squared) Newsletter

Tayo Solagbade’s
Performance Improvement
(PI Squared) Newsletter

Monday 12th September 2016

Logo - Tayo Solagbade's Self-Development Academy

NB: This PI Squared newsletter will be published weekly, on Mondays, in place of the Speaking/Web Marketing IDEAS newsletter, starting from today – 15th February 2016.
I’m reinventing my Monday newsletter content and theme, to accommodate my vision of serving the growing audience of serious minded individuals and organizations reaching out to me, with information, education. news and research findings designed to help them do what they do better.


View Tayo Solagbade's video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsJoin the SD Nuggets community on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google PlusConnect with Tayo on

PII 031 [TRUE STORY!] Growing Weeds Can Help Farmers Lower Animal Feeding Costs

The phrase “Useful Weed” understandably sounds like a contradiction in terms, since a “weed” by definition is an unwanted plant.

However, that expression perfectly captures the revised status of a onetime notorious weed, which today has been established by farmers/agronomists and animal nutritionists as a reliable alternative source of plant protein for use in livestock feed formulation.

I mention several names of this “useful weed” (Scientific, common, and local i.e. Igbo, Yoruba etc) in the first bonus publication on my website, sent to buyers of my new AUDIO titled Useful Ideas for Low Cost Animal Feed Production Using Local Ingredients – based on Civil War Experimentation by Biafran Scientists

In that 1.5 audio narrative, I describe pioneering work done by a motivated team of Biafran scientists who narrowed down on the plant after many failed attempt with other potential sources, in their bid to find viable ways to produce animal feed locally, to grow livestock that would serve badly needed protein based meals to the Biafran masses and soldiers during the 1967 to 1970 Nigerian Civil War.

After the war ended, key figures involved in developing those innovations got absorbed into the larger Nigerian society, and their knowledge was shared with others.

But this did not happen in any systematically organized manner. Instead, most of it has be haphazard, leading to loss of what would have been invaluable Indigenous Knowledge Systems.

It is for this reason, especially given the severe feed formulation challenges facing Nigerian livestock farmers in today’s economy, that I have launched my audio product, along with the FREE bonus publications, the second of which is due to go LIVE in a few days.

But, as I explain in the bonus notes, I am not alone in talking about the massive potentials of this particular weed, which happens to grow LUXURIANTLY virtually everywhere in Nigeria, regardless of season or weather condition.

Indeed, as my extensive review of available literature/publications has revealed (and I share the URLs leading to example PDFs and WebPages in my bonus notes), modern day researchers in our own universities and outside Nigeria/Africa have also been excitedly exploring the obvious potentials of this weed – and others like it.

Beyond talking about it however, they need to challenge farmers to use the above mentioned research findings to begin making practical use of this weed, and other locally available viable alternative feed ingredients, to experiment on a new range of animal feeds – just like the Biafrans did.

Weeds are called by THAT name because they grow despite the fact that we do NOT want them and therefore refuse to NURTURE them like we do plants we consider useful.

I argue that given their ability to flourish when NOT cared for, farmers can deliberately begin to cultivate “useful weeds” they identify, on special plots of land, giving them nurturing to make them grow even better.


So as to be able to “harvest” them in the quantities required for the purposes that they have been found useful.

In other words, I believe this “useful weed” discovered by the Biafrans (and which I’ve seen university research publications confirming to be a proven alternative protein source for Poultry Layers feed preparation), can and should henceforth be deliberately cultivated for use in the various ways it has been found relevant.

Click here to read a testimonial by a buyer of my new 1.5 hour audio podcast in which I narrate the story about how Biafran scientists first discovered the animal feed making potential of this weed under war-induced pressures.

Related Articles

  1. [Get Audio FREE via Whatsapp] Useful Ideas for Low Cost Animal Feed Production Using Local Ingredients – based on Civil War Experimentation by Biafran Scientists
  2. THE FARM CEO (Issue 59): Useful Ideas for Low Cost Animal Feed Production Using Local Ingredients based on Creative Civil War Induced Experimentation by Biafran Scientists
  3. A Buyer’s Feedback About my Audio on Biafran Scientists’ Animal Feeding Innovations!
  4. Protected: Biafran Alternative Feed Formulation Ideas AUDIO Podcast: FREE Bonus Downloads for Buyers [Part 1]

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Tayo K. Solagbade*

Self-Development/Performance Improvement Specialist

*Best Practice Farm Business Support Specialist & Founder of the MS Excel Heaven Visual Basic Automation Club and Competition

Mobile: +234-803-302-1263 (in Nigeria) or +229-66-122-136 (in Benin Republic)

Tayo K. Solagbade is a Location Independent Performance Improvement

Specialist and Multipreneur (i.e. a highly versatile/multi-skilled entrepreneur), with a bias for delivering Best Practice solutions to Farm Businesses and others.

Since 2002, he has earned multiple streams of income providing individuals and organizations with personal development training and coaching, custom MS Excel-VB solutions, web marketing systems/web hosting, freelance writing services, and best practice extension support services (for farm business owners).

Tayo is the author of the Self-Development (SD) Bible™ and the popular Livestock Feed Formulation Handbook. He is also the developer of its accompanying Excel-VB driven Ration Formulator™ and the Poultry Farm Manager™ software.

He has delivered talks/papers to audiences in various groups and organizations, including the Centre for Management Development, University of Lagos, Christ Baptist Church, Volunteer Corps, Tantalisers Fast Foods and others.

In May 2012 he was the Guest Speaker at the Centre for Entrepreneurship Development’s Annual Semester Entrepreneurial Lecture at Yaba College of Technology in Lagos.

On 1st April 2013, Tayo (who reads, write and speaks the French language) relocated to Cotonou, Benin Republic to begin slowly traveling across the West African region.

His key purpose is to deliver talks, seminars and workshops on his key areas of focus and interest to interested audiences (Email tayo at tksola dot com for details).

In a previous life, before leaving to become self-employed, Tayo served for seven years (October 1994 to December 2001) as a high performing manager in Guinness Nigeria. He rose from Shift Brewer to Training & Technical Development Manager, and later acted in senior roles as Production Manager and Technical Manager.

In addition to constantly challenging the status quo and influencing positive work changes, he built a reputation for using self-taught spreadsheet programming skills (starting with Lotus 1-2-3, and later moving to Excel Visual Basic) – in his spare time – to develop Automated Spreadsheet Applications to computerize manual report generation processes in the departments he worked. Over four(4) of his applications were adopted for brewery level reporting.

Tayo holds a B.Sc degree in Agricultural Extension Services from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria, having graduated top of his class – with Second Class Upper Division honors – in 1992. He is an Associate Member of the UK Institute & Guild of Brewing, a 1997 National Finalist of the Nigerian Institute of Management’s(NIM) Young Managers’ competition, a Certified Psychometric Test Administrator for Psytech UK, innovator of Spontaneous Coaching for Self-Development™ (SCfS-D™), and Founder of the Self-Development Academy (SDAc).

When he’s not amazing clients with his superhuman skills (wink), Tayo works as the creative force behind his Daily Self-Development Nuggets blog – on which he also publishes The Farm CEO Weekly Newspaper (sent via email to paid subscribers) and his Weekly Performance Improvement IDEAS newsletter.

You can connect with him on Twitter and Facebook.

Visit Tayo Solagbade Dot Com, to download over over 10 performance improvement resources to boost your personal and work related productivity.


On 4th May 2014, Tayo’s 9 year old domain (Spontaneousdevelopment dot com), which hosted his website, was taken over by

Within a few days however, Tayo used his advanced self-taught web development skills to build a SUPERIOR “reincarnation” of it the website

But updates are still ongoing to URLs bearing the old domain name in most of the over 1,000 web pages, and blog posts

he’s published.

If you experience any difficulties finding a page or document, email Tayo at tksola dot com.

Click “Tayo, What Happened to

SpontaneousDevelopmentDotCom ?” to read a detailed narrative about how the above event occurred :-))

Here’s an article Tayo wrote, to inspire others to defy adversity, and bounce back to even greater reckoning at what they do EVERY time:

Succeed by Emerging from Adversity Like a Phoenix

( launches extra Hosting plan with FREE Web Marketing!)

And he wrote the one below, to explain why losing a domain name, no matter how old, NO LONGER determines your online success or otherwise:

A Proven Strategy to Find Profitable Buyers Regardless of Your Domain Name

View Tayo Solagbade's video tutorials and demonstrations on Facebook Productivity Tips, Web Marketing, and for his Custom MS Excel-VB driven software applicationsJoin the SD Nuggets community on Facebook.comConnect with Tayo on Twitter.comConnect with Tayo on Google PlusConnect with Tayo on

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